Calculate the length of the hip roof. Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Walm Roof

The buildings 26.06.2020
The buildings

The program will make it easy to get all the necessary calculated parameters for this type of roof. You do not need deep knowledge of how to calculate the Walm roof, this will make an algorithm for you developed by our designers. It takes into account all the nuances that may arise when designing and erecting the roof.

The calculator for calculating a holm roof will allow you to competently plan the process of purchasing and consumption of building materials, allow all issues related to the reliability of the rafter system and the roof design as a whole.

Specificity of the program

In our online calculator there is a calculator calculating a rafting bucket system, having equal angles between the roof base and side and end skates. It is proposed to fill in certain fields with initial dimensions:

  • Linear characteristics of the house - length, width, walls;
  • Roof parameters - the width and length of the base, the desired height, the length of the soles;
  • The data for calculating the rafted hip roof and the crate - width, thickness, and a step;
  • OSB sheet parameters - only for soft roof type;
  • Roofing sheets and vapor barrier information - the amount of the allen, etc.

Explaining the results of calculations of a hip roof

  1. Calculation of the rafter system of the holm roof with a detailed drawing of the entire design in general (with designations) and the final data:
    • The dimensions of all rafters of the hip roof separately (invoice, diagonal, etc.);
    • Calculation of crates and counterclaims;
    • Calculation of Mauerlat with a detailed final drawing;
    • Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe holmic roof.

    The final volume of wood on rafters and a crate (volume of sawn timber);

    Drawings of all types of rafter feet separately;

    Laying rafted on the future roof with a mark of each type;

    Drawings of the finished rafting roof system from different sides;

    Of course, the interactive 3D model of a hip roof for clarity.

The lengths of the side and hollow rafters in the results and in the drawings are indicated with the backs of the scenes.

Now you do not need to think how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba hip roof for the purchase of necessary building materials, all the necessary information is available in our site calculator. Keep bookmarks, share with friends so that the useful tool is always at hand.

The calculation of the holm roof will save time and means for the purchase of necessary building materials, and get a detailed list of the size of the main nodes and elements for arranging the roof of your home.

The first thing to be done before the construction of the roof is accurate calculations. A detailed description of all connections and nodes is needed, the exact drawing of the entire rafter system and the approval of this entirely an experienced person.

It sounds difficult, although in fact everything is easier - not more difficult than the children's designer, it is only important to do everything right. And, if you look for how to make the calculation of the rafter system of the hip roof, you will find here all the necessary information!

So, so what is the lines of the hip roof? This is a four-piece design, i.e. This, which has four planes. Such a roof is much more complicated than a bounce, but strong and more reliable in operation. Yes, and the view of her all over the world is recognized as one of the most successful and aesthetic.

Here are the main advantages of this design:

  • Due to the presence of triangular end skates in a holm roof, you can install conventional attic windows.
  • Due to the lack of acute protrusion at the holm roof, a higher resistance to different atmospheric phenomena.
  • The hollow roof is considered economical - due to the fact that she has no frontal.
  • Temporary deformations of such a roof are reduced to zero - all due to its special design.
  • The insulation of such a roof is much easier than the duplex (no of the same problem frontones).
  • Large resistance to wind loads - due to low tilt corners.
  • The possibility is easier and easier to re-equip the attic room in a comfortable attic. And this is already a valuable increase in the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

From the disadvantages, select the main one: the rafting system of the holm roof is more complicated than the usual, and therefore the installation will cost you more, although you will save on a brickwork.

Types of Walm Roof Design

So let's deal with what types and subtypes today are building hip roofs:

  • Walm. This is a traditional four-tight roof with triangular rods from all end sides.
  • The roof, which does not reach the cornice, is called a half-haired.
  • The tent is called a walm roof, which has the same triangles together with one top point. To the word, once such roofs were built in Russia.
  • The cruciform hip roof is a more rare species in view of the high-cost performance and high laboriousness of work. Usually it is built on houses with a complex layout or separately only over the entrance doors.

Our scheme will help you easily understand.

As we said, if the Walma does not reach the cornice, the roof is called a half-haired. Just in these places are hearing windows than the problem of necessity in inclined attic windows is solved. But the complexity and at the cost of the construction of the semi-haul roof above others.

The easiest example of a hip roof (quite aesthetic, notice), this is a roof of a triangular form. All the skates here have the same size, and all the corners are equivalent. If it is suitable for such a height and design, then prefer exactly this option - you will avoid sets of pitfalls and nuances!

The only moment: the hollow roof in its classic version is bad in that it does not have vertical planes and attic or attic windows have to be placed on the inclined walls. As a result, such elements become the most unprotected in terms of leakage during the rain.

Walm roof architecture in detail

For a device, a particular holm roof, experienced builders recommend to take rectangular bars from coniferous rocks, and the sustainability of the entire system to reinforce additional steel elements. After all, except for the rafters themselves, you will need such building elements in any case:

  • Maurylalat is the bottom support for rafters.
  • The run is the beam that you need to position parallel to Mauerlat as another extra support.
  • Racks and saws are supporting elements for design with the so-called multipleness.
  • Rigels are special items that help to cope with spaces (frequent phenomenon with incorrect installation).
  • Shprengel is another additional element of the rafter support.
  • Lena is a special support for racks and subposses.

So, building material purchased? Now fold all the details into the stack or additionally dried. The main thing - think over the protection against rain.

How to avoid mistakes when calculating?

And now let's avoid the very first and the most annoying error of the design of the holm roof - the lack of measurements at home itself. The problem is that even trained masters manage to start working with the preparation of the plan and drawing of the roof, but do not work with the basis - walls. But only at first glance it seems that the walls are perfectly smooth, all in parallel to each other and the like, but in fact, from the ideal, even a completely new home. And then, already in the process of construction, certain errors are detected, which prevent the first supports properly.

Therefore, first of all, before carrying out any calculations on a holm roof, armed with a ruler and level. We check the high-speed marks, parallelism of the walls, the diagonal (correctness of rectangular walls) and make a measurement plan of the house. Let's say you will be surprised by some inaccuracies. And now we decide how we will correct:

  • Minor error in parallelism correct Mauerlat.
  • Minor difference of heights of different walls correct gaskets.
  • Significant differences correct the additional elements of the rafter system, which necessarily make calculations.

In addition, we recommend that you do not do a simple two-dimensional roof drawing, but create a bulk model that will give you a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour hip roof. At first glance, you can understand, like you what happens, or not. Redo something is quite difficult. And you will help you with modern computer programs, which are quite a lot.

If you are looking for a ready-made roof drawing that suits the necessary parameters, do not take too detailed drawings with the Latin abbreviation and formulas: they are needed only to the master who can read them. And so that you have an idea that specifically awaits you, we offer you a simple master class on the construction of a holmic roof, where all items are clearly visible:

What data are required for construction?

Here are what parameters of the future roof you need to know before starting it to build it:

  1. The angle of inclination of the roof, on each side of the hollow rods.
  2. The angle of inclination of the roof from the side.
  3. The exact area of \u200b\u200bthe entire roof surface
  4. The weight of the future roof and the accurate load of the roofing material on the rafting roof system.
  5. The length of the diagonal rafters.
  6. The cross section of the rafter, taking into account the district wind and snow loads, the step of rafted and the weight of the roofing material.
  7. The required volume of all rafters in cubic meters.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe entire surface you will need to know to purchase the required amount of roofing material and calculate its future weight in advance:

Next - rafters. On the hollow roofs of the raftee, they put the walls directed to the corners - to the inner and to the external, and are called the savory or diagonal. The second longer than the usual rafters, and they are based on the shortened - these are natured. As a result, such rafters carry the load already 1.5 times more than ordinary.

The length of the diagonal rafters is greater than the standard length, so they are made paired. Their advantage is that a double cross section is designed for an increased load and in the end is a solid, not cutboard. As a result, constructive solutions of such a roof are pretty simple. And in order to ensure the multiproception of a hip roof, under the silent leg it will be necessary to put one or two supports.

If you have already purchased forests for the construction of the roof, then count the step of the rafter on the basis of the section of the finished boards. If you have not yet purchased, look now, before drawing up the project. After all, the situation is often ready, when the project is ready, and good wood turns out to get at all the parameters that were planned.

We bring to your attention special free.

What should be considered when calculating?

The project of the four-page roof is one of the most difficult. It is extremely important not to be mistaken in the calculations, because the hollow roof is a large number of various elements, and each of them is an important function.

So, the slope of the hip roof usually varies from 5 to 60 °. Based on this and choose the roofing material: roll coatings for small slopes and tiles for steep planes. But count rightly that the more the angle of the inclination of such a roof will be, the more it will take roofing material. And the less the angle - the stronger the framework will have to build, because there will now be a lot of load on it.

For the final decision you will have to take into account all these factors:

  • The total weight of the planned roofing material.
  • Additional weight of waterproofing and insulation.
  • Local climate features (find out from the neighbors).
  • Type of rafters and the presence of additional elements to maintain the strength of the roof.
  • All devices and equipment you are going to hoist on the roof.

Take into account the wind and snow load is important in order for your roof to be broken by tons of snow and did not break the dying wind, and the weather conditions will indicate that the strain system is possible over the years (for example, dampness, sea air, etc. .).

Note that with wind load at the holm roof there are usually no problems, but with snow - almost always. The reason is that the Walm roof has inclined planes. Bad for wind, but good for snow.

Decided with the project? Did you do all the necessary calculations? Then proceed!

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Walp roofs refer to the category of complex structures. Like any architectural element, they have their strengths and weaknesses. In some regions of our country, such species traditionally give up the advantage, they are most often found.

It is impossible to make the right calculation without understanding the item itself. Each element plays a very important role, any errors have an extremely negative impact on the overall indicators of the strength and stability of the system. Even small miscalculations may cause emergencies. What parts is the hip roof?

Table. Components of a holm roof

Roof element
Short description and appointment
The largest lengths and most loaded elements of the rafter system. They are installed in the corners of the skates, these are based on these fourths. As a rule, they are made of paired rafallets, bearing capacity increases.
They do not differ from the rafting legs of ordinary shelling roofs, most often it is 50 × 150 mm boards.
Form the hips, the top is based on the covered rafylics, the heel on Mauerlat. In order to reduce the load on the diagonal rafters, additional backups are installed. Depending on the specific features of the roof, these people can rely on Shprengel, angular pods, etc.

When choosing a holm roof, you need to know about its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the design:

  • during construction, there is no need to take into account the direction of the prevailing winds, the roof has a fully identical parameters of sailing on all sides;
  • the roof is rigid, can withstand significant snow and wind load. The use of special elements makes it possible to overlap at home with a large area;
  • it does not have frontones, which makes it easier and reduces the volume of masonry work.


  • requires a lot of sawn timber, it increases the estimated cost of the structure;
  • technological complexity. The process of building a hip roof has many individual nuances, such work can only be performed by very qualified builders;
  • a large number of unproductive waste of roofing materials. This is especially true of metal roofs - sliced \u200b\u200bsliced \u200b\u200bslices have to throw out.

The total algorithm for the functioning of the calculator

There are many different calculators in the network, but they all act at the same diagram and use the same formulas. None of them can change the mathematical principles of calculations, the program includes generally accepted norms and formulas. At the output, users receive parameters and the number of rafters, including disposed of diagonals. The length of the skate is calculated, the volume of sawn timber for. If you wish, you can calculate the number of roofing materials depending on their type, the method of waterproofing materials, etc. The user must be in turn to enter the source data, and the recommended dimensions should be used.

What formulas is applied by a calculator? We give only some of them.

The most popular and most common roof design of the house, without a doubt, is two-tight. But recently, a hip roof also received a significant distribution. It is characterized by the fact that it is a four-tie, the two skates of which (called the hips - from here and the name), replace the frontones of the traditional two-sheet roof. It has a number of undoubted advantages and has several varieties. In addition, the hip roof has a relatively complex design and manufacturing technology, which makes preliminary calculations of the main parameters of the roof and the need for materials of an important step of preparation for direct construction.

Types of holm roofs

Before performing the calculation, it is necessary to clearly represent that in the end it should turn out. There are the following varieties of the constructions of the roofs in question.

Classic hip roof

The classic hollow roof of the house has 4 skate, two of which are trapezoidal, and two other - triangular shapes. As already mentioned above, triangular rocks, and otherwise called Valves caused the origin of the name of the species under consideration. The main advantages of this design is its high reliability, functionality, as well as the original and attractive appearance. The disadvantages include relative constructive and technological complexity, as well as high cost in construction.

Semi-Walled Roof

It differs from the classic variety by the fact that the hips, that is, triangular rocks are have a truncated form. For the semi-haul roof, excellent performance and attractive and very interesting appearance are characteristic. However, this type of roof is one of the most constructive and technologically complex, and expensive.

Tent roof

A fairly popular variety of traditional holm roof, differing from it that all four or more triangular rods converging at one point. The design is crowning is not a horizontal horse, but the ski knot, located at the top point of the pyramid, which form the rods. As a rule, it is used in the case of a square building, or structures in the form of an equilateral polygon.

Loaven roof

Another extremely attractive appearance of the roof of the house. It is characterized by the fact that all the skates have different sizes and shapes. The disadvantage is similar to the half-range construction - the complexity of the design and technology of manufacturing, as well as high cost, even against the background of other nothesive varieties of the type of roof under consideration.

Walm roofing design

Another important question that needs to be clarified before starting the calculation of the area and the need for materials, these are the features of the roof design, that is, the composition of the elements that will need to be calculated. Basic design elements:

  • horse (skating timber). It is located on top of the structure in the center of the roof. It is one of the main carrier elements, which is based on and to which most of the rafter system is adjacent;
  • corner (invoice) rafters. They are located in such a way that one end is attached to the edge of the building (or comes out for it), and the second is to the skate. Perceived most of the load of the roof, being, together with the skate, the main view of the bearing roofing structures;
  • central rafters. Form a rafter system stretching along the entire length and height of the skates from the skate;
  • walm (short) rafters. Form the rafter system of Valm. In the case, only one rafter foot is resting, the rest are attached to the angular rafters.

Basic rules for calculating the holmic roof

As already noted above, the design of the holmic roof is quite complex. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the project and attracting specialists to fulfill the necessary settlements. The many years of experience of various builders has repeatedly proved that the desire to save insignificant funds for design and preliminary calculations leads, as a rule, significantly greater losses at the construction stage.

But in the most extreme case, if the savings are essential, some of the drawings and items can be performed and calculated on their own. In particular, with their own hands it is possible to calculate the place of subsequent installation of the skate and other elements of the roofing line system.

Determination of the location of the skate and rafters

To do this, it is necessary to produce the following operations:

  • place the center of the central axis from the ends of the house at the top of the cornice. Thus, the location of the skate is determined;
  • with the help of a measuring line, located one end on the lined line of the skate bar, and the other - the installation site of ordinary rafters is determined by the side of the side wall;
  • then it is also determined using the measuring line of the outlet length, only a ruler in one end comes abroad of the outer wall;
  • a similar procedure is performed by the length of the wall under consideration, and then for the three remaining walls.

Thus, the place of subsequent mounting of the skate and all rafters will be obtained.

Significantly simplify the calculations of the length of the elements of the rafter system can the table of the coefficients in which the ratios of the following indicators are indicated: the bias of the roof / length of the intermediate rafter / length of the corner rafter.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Walm Roof

After the location and dimensions of the rafter system are determined, it does not represent a special difficulty calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating of the hip roof. For this, it is divided into the components of its elements - skates, for each of which its area is calculated taking into account the soles. The formulas used at the same time are known from school bench and simple enough.

Then the obtained data is summed up. The result of addition and will be the total area of \u200b\u200bthe holmic roof with one substantial refinement. From the figures obtained, it is necessary to subtract the area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney pipes and windows located on the roof.

Calculation of the angle of inclination of a hip roof

When calculating the angle of inclination of the hip roof, a sufficiently large number of indicators, in particular, the amount of precipitation, the level of wind and snow load, the purpose of the attic room, the material of the roofing coating, etc. Therefore, such calculations are better to perform with specialized programs with the involvement of professional designers.

It should be noted that the magnitude of the angle ranges from 5 to 60 degrees.

All of the above refers to the most simple type of holmic roof. The task to calculate the elements and requirements in the materials is seriously complicated when additional architectural elements appear, for example, if a desire to decorate the house with the Erker. An example of calculating a roof with an erker is given on the video:

By analogy of calculating the roof with the Erker, calculations and other architectural elements are performed. It must be remembered that an example with the Erker is one of the easiest.

You must add the following. To simplify calculations, it is often resorted to the use of online calculators that help perform part of the calculations. For example, as in this case:


Walm roof has a rather complicated design. Therefore, the optimal option is to invite professional designers in order to prepare a full-fledged project containing all the necessary sizes, the specification of the need for materials, etc. In case of desire to save, part of the calculations can be performed independently.

The complex design of the holm roof requires accurate calculations in the process of its design. The correct calculations will ensure reliability, strength and long service life of the roofing structure. Quickly and competently perform the calculation of the hip roof using the calculator. Such an online program will help reliably make a complete circuit of the roofing device, taking into account all the necessary parameters.

The hollow roof is a four-piece design. The side of her parties are performed in the form of a trapezium, and the end rods have a triangular structure. All parts of the device are located to the base at the same angle.

To implement the correct calculations of the design of the holmic roof, all its main components should be taken into account:

  1. Top - horse. The device is a bar, which is fixed at the highest point of the horizontal plane of the roof. It is slightly smaller on the total length of the building and serves to connect the elements of the rafter system.
  2. Stroils are central. Such bearing elements of roofing design are placed in height and length of the rods, as well as the skate.
  3. Corner rafters. There are such bars under the tilt. Installing them starts from the skate and ends on the edge of the building.
  4. Walves. Such inclined elements are connected to one side with a skate, and the second - with angular rafyles.
  5. Maurylalat. This element allows you to connect the solo system with the walls of the building. Such a binding is performed throughout the perimeter of the building.
  6. Swees. Typically, this protective design is an elongated part of the rafter feet. For holm roofs are characterized by carness skes that allow you to protect the walls of the house from the effects of moisture.
  7. Obsek. Such a device is necessary to fix the roofing material, as well as the waterproofing layer and insulation. The shap can be sparse and solid. Its type depends on the type of roofing.

With online calculations, the roof takes into account its coverage. The material can be in the form of rolls, individual modules or sheets.

Walp roofs do not have frontones. Their main advantage is the rigidity of the entire design and good coating. But to design this type of reliable roof is quite difficult without a large amount of material waste. Therefore, the best assistant in the preparation of the roof construction plan is a calculator, which, when making all the data, will provide reliable calculations of the holmic roof with the drawing.

Calculator online

To perform the calculation using the calculated calculator, it is only necessary to accurately make the parameters of the holm roof. Online program quickly and accurately calculates the amount of all the necessary elements of the rafter system, their length, as well as the size of the skate.

The main determining indicators of the calculations of the roof of the Walm type are: width and length of the building, its height and bias of the roof. Also taken into account the sizes of the sweep. When choosing the width of the rafter, the loading material of the roof is taken into account, as well as the pressure of wind air flow and snow masses.


The correct selection of the material of the crate affects the strength properties of the hip roof. The optimal option for the roof of this type is the board with a thickness of 3 centimeters and 10 centimeters width. Parameters may vary in a major direction depending on the characteristics of the design coating materials.

The shadow step is performed from 20 to 70 centimeters. For metal tile, the distance between boards 35 centimeters is observed, slate requires a greater distance - from 50 to 70 centimeters. The length of the sawn timber is 6 meters.

When laying a soft roof, a solid doomle is used. Its design consists of plywood or OSP sheets. Laying the material in such a design is performed with a gap of no more than one centimeter.

More reliable parameters of the crate can be clarified in the material producers selected for the roof covering. Using a calculator for calculating a holm roof, you can determine the required volume of wood for the entire rafter system.

Warm roof material

Insulated roof is a fairly simple way to keep warm in the house. This option of roofing structures allows the use of attic as a residential premises. For the laying of the cake, various materials are used in this order:

  • parosolation coating - metallized three-layer film;
  • insulation - Minvat from basalt fiber with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters;
  • waterproofing - film material protecting the insulation from moisture;
  • controlling - a construction of a thickness of at least 3 centimeters from wooden bars, providing ventilation gap.

If polystyrene foam plates are used as thermal insulation, then the laying of the barrier for water vapor can not be carried out. The waterproofing material and the insulation laid on the roof only with a solid layer. All joints should be sealed with a special tape.

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