How to remove tiles in the bathroom from the wall? How to remove old ceramic tiles without too much dust and noise How to beat tiles off the wall in the kitchen.

Landscaping and planning 25.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

For a good host, cleanliness and neat repair in his apartment are important. And the economical man will prefer to improve his living conditions independently, without resorting to the help of masters. You can remove the tiles from the wall by reading the advice of professionals. Such work will help save on repairs and give the material a second life. Old tiles can be reused in the apartment (if it is in good condition) or in the country.

There are several reasons why you have to dismantle the old tile. Such dismantling may be partial or complete. It is proposed to consider some of the most compelling arguments in favor of replacing tiles:

  • The owners of an apartment or a private house decided to make repairs. The old tile or the way it was laid no longer satisfies, because it has long gone out of fashion, and it became possible to lay out a tile or choose another finish to give the room more stylish look. For this effect, complete dismantling and subsequent alignment of the walls or floor will be required.
  • Partially removed tiles on the wall in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Sometimes a situation occurs in which one or more plates peel off from the surface. It looks very messy complete replacement tiles will cost a lot, and this work is troublesome and long. V this case the most reasonable decision would be to carefully remove the old one and glue it again, or replace it with a similar new plate.
  • Plumbing problem. In a bathroom where the walls are tiled, pipes may be damaged. When troubleshooting, sometimes you have to remove the old tile and then glue it again. Such troubles are overhaul with unscrupulous craftsmen who connected the pipes poorly.

Removal Tools

To carry out work on self-removal of tiles, you need to stock up on the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • putty knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • chisel;
  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian.

For execution necessary requirements safety precautions, it is recommended to use the following materials:

  • protective glasses;
  • gloves;
  • respirator;
  • clothes with long sleeves;
  • oilcloth for lining.

Independent removal of tiles from different surfaces

In order to take off ceramic tiles from the wall, it is recommended to use a puncher. Before starting work, it is necessary to cover the floor near the desired area with oilcloth, put on goggles, a respirator and gloves.

This process is very dirty and dusty, and the tile fragments can be quite sharp. That is why you should not neglect safety measures so as not to get hurt during work.

Brick or concrete wall

The removal process itself must begin with drilling the upper rows with a puncher or knocking out with a powerful chisel with a heavy hammer. Blows are applied in random order, allowing you to systematically beat the tile without fear of damaging it. This is the easiest way to free the wall, but only fragments that are unsuitable for reuse will remain from the materials.

To remove the tile carefully, without damaging its shape, you must use a hammer and chisel, as well as a thin spatula. If you plan to completely clean the wall of tiles, it is recommended to tap each plate from the top row, thus determining which one holds the worst. Then take a chisel and a hammer and try to remove the plate by beating it off the wall at the junction with glue. If all the fragments are held very tightly, it is necessary to sacrifice one plate in order to remove the rest without damage. It should be taken into account that when removing the tile, it will not be possible to save its full amount, you need to calculate at best by 90%.

After the first plate completely falls off the wall, you can remove all the others. This should be done around the perimeter in the most convenient way for this situation. You can beat it off from the side with a hammer and a chisel, and then carefully insert a spatula into the gap between the wall and remove the tile with your other hand. It is practiced to remove the seams along the perimeter with a screwdriver or chisel until it is possible to pry the tile and tear it off the surface. It is necessary to act according to the situation, tapping and picking in all sorts of ways, trying to keep the plates as intact as possible.

Drywall wall

Drywall is the material on which ceramic tiles hold especially firmly. The only exception is cladding made by unscrupulous craftsmen using low-quality glue or a wall that has been repeatedly flooded by neighbors or is in a humid environment. That is why there are no special rules for removing tiles from drywall. The principle of operation is the same as when peeling plates from any other wall by all available methods. The difference can only be that sometimes it is almost impossible to peel off the tile.

If after beating with a hammer and a chisel, using a chisel and a screwdriver, the plates are held very firmly, it is recommended to cut them with a grinder or a puncher with a thin drill. Drywall in this case cannot be saved, and ceramic tiles, if removed correctly, will remain intact. When re-tiling, it will be necessary to sew up the hole with new drywall and glue the tiles on top again.

To optimize your work and maximize the amount of tiles removed from the wall, you need to use the advice of builders:

  • Ceramic cladding, which has been in operation for a long time, sometimes peels off in several plates. If emptiness is felt during tapping, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that after the fall of one plate, others will follow. It might be pretty large plots. Therefore, a reasonable solution would be to lay a material instead of a simple oilcloth, which, when dropped and hit, will not break the tile.
  • The tile is removed by penetrating a spatula driven with a hammer from the side between the wall and the plate. The spatula should be relatively wide, its immersion in the slot should be no less than half the width of the plate. You should not try to forcefully tear off the lining from the wall if the spatula has penetrated into the gap by less than a quarter and is no longer advancing. In this case, you should try to approach the tools from the other side, or, having broken the tile, proceed to a new one.
  • In order to or cement mortar, it is necessary to immerse it in water for a while. The minimum interval is 30 minutes, but for optimal removal of the layer, a night or even a day is necessary. After such a procedure, the glue can either be simply washed off, or carefully cut off with a grinder or a perforator. Part of the drywall will also fall off without problems if the lining was made on it.
  • Ceramic tiles become especially fragile during removal. The process itself involves the use of force and metal objects, which, with awkward or increased movement, can form cracks or chips. Therefore, you should try not to touch its surface, and wrap metal tools with electrical tape.

In what cases it may be necessary to remove the old tile from the wall and how to do it? Answers to questions will be given in the article. Ceramic tiles - popular facing material, which has wide application.

Ceramics has the following advantages:

But there are times when ceramic coating need to be partially or completely replaced.

  1. Cracks or chips appeared on a separate fragment of the cladding, the enamel was damaged.
  2. Needed a little renovation, you decided to refresh the interior and make beauty treatments for the walls or floor.
  3. The work on the cladding is poor quality, everything will need to be redone. One of the options is that the tile taps and a dull sound is heard, which means that there are voids inside. This will affect the durability of the coating, so it is better to replace it immediately.
  4. Over time, the facing coating has become obsolete, so a complete replacement is required.
  5. The base, such as a plastered wall, has become fragile and unreliable, so that it can crumble along with the masonry.
  6. Depending on the reasons and goals to be achieved, apply different methods and ways to remove tiles.

We carry out partial dismantling

How to remove the tiles from the wall if you need to replace only one or two tiles? If you need to remove only one or a few tiles from a wall or floor, you will need more patience and accuracy.

How to carefully remove the tile without damaging it, tips and problem solving - video

The main requirement for the performance of such work will be the integrity of the rest of the cladding. When dismantling one damaged tile, one should not forget about the integrity of the neighboring ones.

You will need the following tools:

  • scraper;
  • putty knife;
  • bit;
  • perforator or drill;
  • drill 6 mm;
  • hammer.

First you need to remove the grout that binds adjacent tiles together. Wet the seam with water, then wait until the grout swells a little and softens. Remove the grout carefully, use a scraper or spatula for this.

If the grout cannot be dismantled, you can use a grinder with a diamond wheel. You need to be careful not to spoil the "neighbors". Operate the tool at low speeds.

After that, drill a few holes to loosen its fixation on the surface. This can be done with a drill and a 6 mm drill. Take a hammer and break the tile, then pick up the fragments with a thin chisel or spatula and knock it down. Make sure that chips do not form and do not touch the lining.

The layer of tile adhesive must be removed so that it does not interfere with the installation new tiles to this place.

The surface must be clean, after removal, check whether the replacement will fit here. Are there any burrs, remnants of the grout mixture that will prevent the new tile from getting up.

It is necessary to start dismantling provided that there is already a replacement material that will not differ in color, shade and size from the one that is. Otherwise, the appearance of the updated coating will be clearly different from the old one, and this, in turn, will spoil the appearance.

Replacing tiles - real video tips from the current master

It is always wise to take 10% more tiles than necessary. The reserve is taken with the expectation of trimming, combat and replacement if necessary, as in our case. We considered the option of partial dismantling with the condition that the tile does not need to be kept intact. Next, we will reveal how to remove the tile without damaging it.

All safe and sound

How to carefully remove the tiles from the wall: such a question is of interest to those who are going to use it again in the future. Somewhere in the country, in utility rooms, recyclables will also be required, so savings are never superfluous.

Consider a difficult case, if the tile in the bathroom has come off a solid wall, what should I do?

In some cases, this option is simply not possible: if the tile was laid on cement mortar, then it can only be knocked down in parts. If the installation was carried out poorly, for example, there are voids, then it will be easier to remove the whole tile. It is easier to dismantle, laid on special tile adhesives.

  • Clean the grout from the seams, this can be done by pre-wetting the seam with water. It will become more pliable and easier to remove.
  • Carefully pry with a spatula.

It is always necessary to knock down tiles from the wall from top to bottom.

  • Avoid sudden and strong movements. Using a hammer, carefully knock out the tiles.
  • The most difficult stage of work: the tile is already under, it has moved away from the surface by two-thirds. Work carefully so as not to break the ceramic at the last moment and break off the far corners.

Cracked tiles can no longer be re-installed. No grout will help.

We carry out a complete dismantling

In many cases, complete dismantling of the cladding and preparation of a new base is required.

Rules for dismantling tiles from the wall and something about safety measures

If your repair is still worth Soviet period, then, most likely, the geometry of the walls leaves much to be desired, and the tiles are laid according to old and original methods. Here you can not do without understanding how to remove the tiles from the wall.

It will require complete dismantling of the coating. In this case, the most important thing is to observe safety precautions and take care of own health. Dismantling is carried out manually using a hammer and chisel, but this is a laborious and lengthy option. Use a professional construction hammer.

Wear gloves and goggles, and wear ear protection to protect your ears from excessive noise. respiratory system protect with gauze bandage or respirators. Complete dismantling is noisy and dusty work.
Removing a tile includes the following points:

  1. The edge is hooked with a perforator with a chisel attachment. After that under acute angle ceramics and plaster are knocked down.
  2. You need to remove all the tiles and knock down the plaster to the brick, if possible. Otherwise, it will be possible to go through deep penetration primers, and then begin the installation of a new facing coating.
  3. Periodically, the puncher must be allowed to rest to avoid overheating of the device. And for the employee, a little smoke break will not hurt.

Using a puncher is a smart decision that will help save time and effort. You can manually shoot down small area or in hard to reach places. If we are talking about dismantling old ceramics in the bathroom, then you should take care of the safety of the rest of the interior.

Cover washbasins, bathroom plastic wrap to protect from dust. If you leave the bathroom, make sure that large pieces of tile and plaster chip and fall off without damaging the finish.

With the complete dismantling of ceramic tiles, it is important to choose the right pace. In a hurry, you can injure yourself and damage water pipes and other important elements.

How to remove tiles from the floor?

We will separately consider how to remove the old tile from the floor. Technological process dismantling will not be very different from removing the tiles from the wall. The causes may be various defects in the flooring, such as chips, cracks and recesses.

Impacts, accidental falling of heavy objects can split the tiles, and scratches appear in high traffic areas, an attractive appearance is lost.

Inspect first flooring and determine exactly how many tiles will need to be dismantled. Tap gently with a hammer to see if there are any gaps. If the sound is muffled, then there are voids.

This will facilitate the removal process, this is where you need to direct the hammer blows. The split tile is pryed off with a spatula or chisel and removed. The work can be done manually.

Our article was devoted to the question of how to remove the old tiles from the wall and floor. The process is simple but laborious. It requires slow work, especially if you need to remove one or two tiles.

But every man and not only can do it himself. Calling a master for such trifles will cost a penny, which can be saved.

Floor tiling - the most optimal solution for kitchens, corridors, bathrooms, pools, gazebos and other areas that require a strong and easy-to-use surface. However, very often, due to damage or wear, it becomes necessary to replace part of the trim. Before starting work, you should learn how to remove the tile from the floor without damaging it, because it will be needed when re-laying it in its original place.

Causes of Defects

Lagging of tiles from the floor surface is a fairly common occurrence, which usually occurs as a result of the work of inexperienced craftsmen and a violation of masonry technology. In rare cases, only one tile peels off, usually in violation of technology, peeling occurs in places of greatest impact on the material. So, what to do if the tiles on the floor have come off? First of all, you need to determine the cause of the detachment. There may be several main reasons:

  • The presence of voids. The voids under the tiles are the reason for the weak fastening and as a result of constant impact when walking, the tiles peel off completely. If, when laying the material, the adhesive composition was applied only at the corners of the tile in order to save money and the area without glue is more than 15%, then such a tile will soon fall behind. The presence of voids can be determined immediately. If, when walking on the floor, you hear how the tile is baying, making a dull sound, then there is not enough glue under it and the coating will need to be shifted again.
  • Poor quality glue. If the tile staggers when walking, but the glue was laid over the entire plane, then the reason may be an expired glue or composition that is not suitable for given species tiles. For example, if glue mastic was used to glue tiles near the fireplace, then when heated, it begins to harden and lose its holding properties. Also, mastic is not used in rooms with high humidity. In such places, only tile adhesive is used on cement base or special liquid nails.
  • Quick dry floor. If the tile is peeled off along with adhesive composition, then most likely quick-drying mixtures were used to level the floor, in order to accelerate the speed of repair. Quick-drying floors contain polymer and other components that prevent the cement adhesive from sticking. In such cases, it is necessary to use other types of adhesive without cement components for laying the tiles.
  • Poorly prepared surface. If the tiles on the floor have fallen behind along with the adhesive, then the cause may be poor preparation of the base, which did not provide the necessary adhesion of the adhesive to the surface.

For your information. Often when laying tiles on wooden base without properly fixing the sheets of wood, when walking, you can hear the creaking of tiles on the floor. The creak is obtained as a result of the friction of the tile modules against each other, which leads to the destruction of the grout and further delamination.

  • Moisture getting under the tiles. Moisture can get under the tiles as a result of poor-quality grouting or poor drying of the base before laying. Moisture that has fallen under the tile does not evaporate anywhere and causes the destruction of the adhesive structure, and also contributes to the formation of mold. If the tile has lagged behind from exposure to moisture, then it will also lag behind along with the glue and the floor must be dried well before laying. Therefore, before gluing tiles to the floor, make sure that the surface of the base is dry.

Important. It is very important to choose the right grout for the tiles. Regular grout has a porous structure and absorbs moisture well. It can also dry out and crack under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to select a grout with the necessary technical specifications depending on the type of room and the operating conditions of the tile.

Methods for removing damaged tiles

Damage to one or more tiles due to the above reasons is not a reason for grief, but a reason to wonder how to repair a chipped tile on the floor or how to glue a fallen tile on the floor. After all, the problem can be solved independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, it is enough to have a minimum of tools and basic knowledge.

To replace one fallen off tile you will need:

  • tools;
  • repair mixture and glue;
  • grout to match the old;
  • accuracy and slowness during dismantling.

Required Tools

Depending on the base on which the tile is attached, and on which mortar it was laid, the choice of tool for dismantling it depends.

  1. Concrete or brick base, tile adhesive, grouted joints:
    • middle hammer;
    • spatula, flat-end screwdriver;
    • scraper for cleaning seams;
    • warm water and dish sponge;
    • electric drill.
  1. Cement screed, cement mortar, cement mortar joints:
    • turbine with stone disc for cleaning seams;
    • warm water and rags - for wetting the grout;
    • chisel or impact screwdriver - for dismantling small fragments;
    • medium weight hammer.

Removal Technology

Removing one or more damaged tiles in order to replace them will require the use of technology that will keep the adjacent masonry intact.

If tile adhesive was used to install the tiles:

  • Work should begin by removing the grout from the joints around the damaged tile. Using warm water and a sponge, loosen the seams and remove the grout with a scraper.
  • The edges of adjacent tiles are pasted over with a protective adhesive tape. This helps to protect them from damage during dismantling.
  • With a pencil or chisel, the diagonals of the damaged tile are drawn under the ruler, the rows of holes are carefully marked along the diagonals with a core.
  • The marked holes are drilled with an electric drill.
  • With a chisel and a hammer, connect the holes in a line.
  • Starting from the center, the tile is chipped off in small pieces. As you approach the edges, the chisel is kept parallel to the plane of the tile.
  • For final cleaning, use a spatula or chisel.
  • Finally, the protective tape is removed, as it has served its purpose.

In the case where the damaged tiles have been laid on the cement mortar, it is recommended to use a turbine with a stone disc for cleaning the joints, or, for thin joints, a multi-tool with a thin disc.

Work is performed in protective glasses and gloves. When working with a turbine, use a respirator. Otherwise, the process is no different from the one described above. Now the question of how to remove old tiles from the floor in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway will not be tormented by its uncertainty.

How to remove tiles without damage

When, during the repair, it is planned to completely replace the tiles on the floor, and the old tile still has a completely “marketable” appearance, you can resort to a complicated option - this is dismantling while preserving old tiles.

It is not always possible to successfully complete the task, since it is very difficult to change the tiles on the floor. A satisfactory result is only achieved if a special tile adhesive was used to lay the old tiles. When high-quality cement mortar and skillful hands masters, the chances of removing the tile and not damaging it are almost unreal.

Tools and materials:

  • hammer;
  • scraper;
  • putty knife;
  • flat screwdriver or knife;
  • chisel with a wide blade;
  • water and sponge;
  • perforator with a shovel;
  • chisel.

Step-by-step instruction

Preparatory work:

  • Loosening grout in tile joints. Use warm water and a sponge.
  • Removing grout with a scraper, screwdriver or knife.
  • In the case of cement filling, the use of a turbine. Cutting seams to the base.
  • Mandatory rinsing of the workplace with water after cleaning.

Tile removal work:

  • The most crucial step is the removal of the first tile.
  • With a chisel with a wide blade and a hammer, slowly carefully tap the first tile along the contour, trying to pry and lift it. The appearance of a dull sound upon impact indicates the readiness of the tile to separate from the base. You can use a spatula - wetting and scratching the glue under the tile along the contour.
  • After removing the first tile, you can continue the same way remove the remaining tiles.
  • You can also switch to using a puncher. Gently putting the end of the spatula to the edge of the next tile, and not reaching it, deepening to the base.
  • 3-4 recesses are made - along the edges and closer to the middle, each time slightly lifting the tile.
  • As a result, the tile should easily separate from the base.

Removal of glue and cement residues from the tile surface

Thoroughly hardened traces of glue, cement and other construction dirt present a certain complexity and require application. various means for their elimination, including chemical ones.

Acid-based products (Atlas, Keranet) effectively help to solve the problem of cleaning:

  • dust and simple dirt are removed with a wet cloth;
  • a remover is applied to the surface of stains and pieces of hardened glue with a sponge;
  • following the instructions, wait for the glue to soften;
  • the remains of glue and chemicals are cleaned with a sponge with a sufficient amount of water.

For achievement best effect use a cleaner of the same trademark, which is the glue used in masonry.

It is possible to clean the old tiles removed from the floor from the remnants of glue or cement mortar using a nozzle on a drill or grinder in the form of a round brush made of steel wire. You need to work with care so as not to leave marks on the front side of the tile.

If it was still not possible to remove the cement mortar, the tile is soaked for a couple of hours in warm water, after which it is cleaned with a sharp chisel or spatula.

V severe cases you can resort to chemicals, which are capable of destroying and removing the structure of cement. They can be purchased at hardware stores.

Repair of chips and cracks without removing tiles

During operation, minor damage to the surface of the tile inevitably occurs. It can be an accidental scratch, chip, crack. Before taking drastic measures to replace the tiles, it makes sense to try to eliminate or mask the defect.

For thin small cracks, a method based on the use of a mixture of cement and very fine sand in a ratio of 1: 1 diluted with water is used. Ready solution Cracks are rubbed in a circular motion until it penetrates deep enough. Good results are obtained by using a soft spatula for grouting.

The problem with chipping is solved differently. All sorts of materials help with this. From silicone to hard waxes and colored thermal seals for repairing cracks, cavities and chips. Separately, it should be noted the use of epoxy and polyester adhesives.

To seal chips and cracks in tiles with a matte surface, polyester adhesive with the addition of special dyes is used. If the tile is glazed and has a glossy texture, an epoxy adhesive with dyes is used.


Required Tools and materials

BulgarianChiselPerforator bladeHammerGogglesPerforatorGlovesRespiratorLadderPutty knife



A tile is a durable material, but it wears out over time or simply gets bored. And then the question arises: how to remove the tiles from the wall?

There are two dismantling options ceramic finish. The first is when you need to completely clean the surface of the old coating. And the second is fragmentary removal of the coating without damaging neighboring areas.

How to clean a wall with a perforator

Before proceeding with the separation of tiles from the wall, it is necessary to prepare workplace. The floor is covered with cardboard and oilcloth so as not to damage its coating and make it easier to clean up garbage. Cover the toilet and tub with something soft, such as an old blanket.

Be sure to take care of your own safety. Sharp fragments of tiles can easily get into the eye and leave you blind. I also don’t want to injure an arm or a leg during work, if a collapse of the layers of finishing material suddenly occurs. In order not to suffocate from dust, purchase a respirator, or use homemade bandages moistened with water.

Required tools:

  1. Perforator with a pike, or a chisel and a hammer.
  2. Protective equipment: goggles, gloves, shoes, mask or respirator.
  3. Sprayer or sponge and scraper for cleaning grout from joints.

Most fast way get rid of the old tile - remove it with a puncher with a special nozzle. It is resorted to in cases where there is no task to save finishing material. If the tile is too old and brittle, or is set with cement instead of glue, don't waste time trying to save it. In both cases, only a small part of the material will survive, not worth wasting your time.

Begin to remove the tiles from the top row. If you start from the bottom rows, the tile can collapse in a whole layer on your feet.

In cases where the tile coating is held too tightly, it is necessary to clean the seams. To do this, moisten the grout and clean the space between the tiles with a special scraper. If the tile was planted on cement, it can firmly "eat" into the wall. In such cases, it is advisable to break the stubborn material with a hammer so that cracks form. Then things will go faster.

How to keep tiles intact?

With a perforator, the situation is more or less clear. But how to remove the tiles from the wall in order to keep the material intact if possible? Here you need to be patient and accept the inevitable losses.

Saving the entire tile is simply not realistic. You can try to save most of the tile, but for this you will have to painstakingly and carefully remove tile by tile, using only a hammer and chisel. Instead of the latter, you can use a chisel or a screwdriver. However, the wider your tool, the less likely it is to split the tile.

To make it easier to pry the tiles, it is necessary to clean the seams from the grout and the solution that has got into them. Then it is worth tapping the entire surface of the wall to find voids and "breathing" places. This will help to identify in advance areas where the tile has already moved away from the wall and is ready to collapse. This way you can prevent collapse and keep the tile intact.

You should start removing the tiles again from the top tier. Try to find a tile that is easiest to pick up and separate. If there is none, break the corner tile and remove it piece by piece. Now you can easily pry the neighboring ones. Drive a chisel under the tile, gently tapping it with a hammer. Do not overdo it with blows, so as not to split the material or knock it off too quickly and unexpectedly. Otherwise, you will not have time to catch, and the tile will break.

When most of tool went under the tile, stop tapping. Using a chisel instead of a lever, carefully pry the tile off the wall while holding it with your other hand. If it does not give in, try to drive the tool from the other side. Walk along its perimeter, look for empty spaces or areas where the mortar has weakly adhered to the tile or wall. Do not hurry. You can try to loosen a “stubborn” tile by prying it here and there. Place a chisel on the surface of the tile and lightly tap it, you may be able to stir the tile. Do not pull it around the corner, otherwise it will break off.

If the tile is “tightly eaten”, you will have to sacrifice it and smash it with a hammer, and then remove the fragments from the wall. You may have better luck with the adjacent tile.

When all the finishing material is removed, the walls are cleaned of glue with a perforator. To remove the old mortar from the surface of the tile, soak it in water. Then use a chisel and a hammer to remove the glue.

How to replace tiles in a small area?

It happens that you need to remove not all tiles from the wall, but only one or several damaged ones and replace them with new ones. How to do this so as not to damage the neighboring ones?

Required tools:

  • sponge,
  • spatula or scraper,
  • bit,
  • hammer,
  • glass cutter or grinder and diamond-coated disc,
  • drill and drill.

Wipe the seams around the damaged tile with a sponge dipped in warm water. Use a spatula or scraper to remove grout and cement from them. Tap the tile for voids. If there are any, put a chisel there and beat off the tile. If the tile is holding tight, you will have to split it. To do this, run the glass cutter diagonally crosswise (you can use a grinder with a "diamond" disk). Drill a hole in the center of the intersection. Now try to break off the fragments with a chisel and a hammer.

In particular difficult cases you need to drill a lot of holes along the diagonal lines and try again. If she was unsuccessful, drill holes over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "rebellious" area. After that, chip the tile from the wall in small pieces.

Dismantling the old tile is simple and straightforward. With patience, you can save the old material and reuse it, for example, in the country. If time is more expensive, modern power tools allow you to do it quickly, even with a complete lack of experience.

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