How to separate a tile from a wall. How to remove tiles in the bathroom from the wall without damaging it? What if I put a new tile on top of the old one?

reservoirs 03.03.2020

In what cases it may be necessary to remove the old tile from the wall and how to do it? Answers to questions will be given in the article. Ceramic tile is a popular facing material that has a wide range of applications.

Ceramics has the following advantages:

  • beautiful appearance, a large assortment of goods allows you to create a unique and inimitable interior;
  • durability of the coating, subject to proper installation and operation;
  • not exposed to moisture or sunlight, resistant to mechanical stress, such as light impacts.

But there are times when the ceramic coating needs to be partially or completely replaced.

  1. Cracks or chips appeared on a separate fragment of the cladding, the enamel was damaged.
  2. Needed a little renovation, you decided to refresh the interior and make beauty treatments for the walls or floor.
  3. The work on the cladding is poor quality, everything will need to be redone. One of the options is that the tile taps and a dull sound is heard, which means that there are voids inside. This will affect the durability of the coating, so it is better to replace it immediately.
  4. Over time, the facing coating has become obsolete, so a complete replacement is required.
  5. The base, such as a plastered wall, has become fragile and unreliable, so that it can crumble along with the masonry.
  6. Depending on the reasons and goals to be achieved, different methods and methods are used to remove the tiles.

We carry out partial dismantling

How to remove the tiles from the wall if you need to replace only one or two tiles? If you need to remove only one or a few tiles from a wall or floor, you will need more patience and accuracy.

How to carefully remove the tile without damaging it, tips and problem solving - video

The main requirement for the performance of such work will be the integrity of the rest of the cladding. When dismantling one damaged tile, one should not forget about the integrity of the neighboring ones.

You will need the following tools:

  • scraper;
  • putty knife;
  • bit;
  • perforator or drill;
  • drill 6 mm;
  • hammer.

First you need to remove the grout that binds adjacent tiles together. Wet the seam with water, then wait until the grout swells a little and softens. Remove the grout carefully, use a scraper or spatula for this.

If the grout cannot be dismantled, you can use a grinder with a diamond wheel. You need to be careful not to spoil the "neighbors". Operate the tool at low speeds.

After that, drill a few holes to loosen its fixation on the surface. This can be done with a drill and a 6 mm drill. Take a hammer and break the tile, then pick up the fragments with a thin chisel or spatula and knock it down. Make sure that chips do not form and do not touch the lining.

The layer of tile adhesive must be removed so that it does not interfere with the installation of new tiles in place.

The surface must be clean, after removal, check whether the replacement will fit here. Are there any burrs, remnants of the grout mixture that will prevent the new tile from getting up.

It is necessary to start dismantling provided that there is already a replacement material that will not differ in color, shade and size from the one that is. Otherwise, the appearance of the updated coating will be clearly different from the old one, and this, in turn, will spoil the appearance.

Replacing tiles - real video tips from the current master

It is always wise to take 10% more tiles than necessary. The reserve is taken with the expectation of trimming, combat and replacement if necessary, as in our case. We considered the option of partial dismantling with the condition that the tile does not need to be kept intact. Next, we will reveal how to remove the tile without damaging it.

All safe and sound

How to carefully remove the tiles from the wall: such a question is of interest to those who are going to use it again in the future. Somewhere in the country, in utility rooms, recyclables will also be required, so savings are never superfluous.

Consider a difficult case, if the tile in the bathroom has come off a solid wall, what should I do?

In some cases, this option is simply impossible: if the tile was laid on the cement mortar, then it can only be knocked down in parts. If the installation was carried out poorly, for example, there are voids, then it will be easier to remove the whole tile. It is easier to dismantle, laid on special tile adhesives.

  • Clean the grout from the seams, this can be done by pre-wetting the seam with water. It will become more pliable and easier to remove.
  • Carefully pry with a spatula.

It is always necessary to knock down tiles from the wall from top to bottom.

  • Avoid sudden and strong movements. Using a hammer, carefully knock out the tiles.
  • The most difficult stage of work: the tile is already under, it has moved away from the surface by two-thirds. Work carefully so as not to break the ceramic at the last moment and break off the far corners.

Cracked tiles can no longer be re-installed. No grout will help.

We carry out a complete dismantling

In many cases, complete dismantling of the cladding and preparation of a new base is required.

Rules for dismantling tiles from the wall and something about safety measures

If your renovation has been going on since the Soviet period, then, most likely, the geometry of the walls leaves much to be desired, and the tiles are laid according to old and original methods. Here you can not do without understanding how to remove the tiles from the wall.

It will require complete dismantling of the coating. In this case, the most important thing is to observe safety precautions and take care of your own health. Dismantling is carried out manually using a hammer and chisel, but this is a laborious and lengthy option. Use a professional construction hammer.

Wear gloves and goggles, and wear ear protection to protect your ears from excessive noise. Protect the respiratory system with a gauze bandage or respirators. Complete dismantling is noisy and dusty work.
Removing a tile includes the following points:

  1. The edge is hooked with a perforator with a chisel attachment. After that, ceramics and plaster are knocked down at an acute angle.
  2. You need to remove all the tiles and knock down the plaster to the brick, if possible. Otherwise, it will be possible to go through deep penetration primers, and then begin the installation of a new facing coating.
  3. Periodically, the puncher must be allowed to rest to avoid overheating of the device. And for the employee, a little smoke break will not hurt.

Using a puncher is a smart decision that will help save time and effort. You can manually knock down a small area or in hard-to-reach places. If we are talking about dismantling old ceramics in the bathroom, then you should take care of the safety of the rest of the interior.

Cover washbasins and bathrooms with plastic wrap to keep dust out. If you leave the bathroom, make sure that large pieces of tile and plaster chip and fall off without damaging the finish.

With the complete dismantling of ceramic tiles, it is important to choose the right pace. In a hurry, you can injure yourself and damage water pipes and other important elements.

How to remove tiles from the floor?

We will separately consider how to remove the old tile from the floor. The technological process of dismantling will not be strikingly different from removing tiles from the wall. The causes may be various defects in the flooring, such as chips, cracks and recesses.

Impacts, accidental falling of heavy objects can split the tiles, and scratches appear in high traffic areas, an attractive appearance is lost.

First, inspect the flooring and determine exactly how many tiles will need to be dismantled. Tap gently with a hammer to see if there are any gaps. If the sound is muffled, then there are voids.

This will facilitate the removal process, this is where you need to direct the hammer blows. The split tile is pryed off with a spatula or chisel and removed. The work can be done manually.

Our article was devoted to the question of how to remove the old tiles from the wall and floor. The process is simple but laborious. It requires slow work, especially if you need to remove one or two tiles.

But every man and not only can do it himself. Calling a master for such trifles will cost a penny, which can be saved.

There are situations when it is necessary to remove only part of the tile from the wall or floor. People in this case just pick up a puncher and crush it.

He what to do if you need to remove it carefully? Let's consider the whole process step by step.

Tools Used

Success will depend entirely on the adhesive used and its age. The tile that has been laid is qualitatively paid quite difficult. If it is also old, then cracks can hardly be avoided.

Remove it with a chisel and hammer. The perforator is used afterwards to remove the old mortar.

Removing old tiles

The whole process should start from the top. This will help to avoid the collapse of the tile on the hands or feet. It is not known how it holds up, so it can fall in a whole layer.

Using a hammer and chisel, the top tile is removed. If it is not possible to remove it carefully, then they simply break it. After the chisel, they continue to move down, driving it between the tile and the glue.

During the process, watch the tiles. He was tampered with from above, but he does not move, it is better to approach him from the other side. If you are too zealous, it will lead to cracks.

Important! Since the tile gives a lot of small fragments when beating, put on goggles and canvas gloves.

To remove one piece in the middle of a wall or floor, first clean the seams. To do this, use a screwdriver or a special knife with removable diamond blades.

After that, with the help of a chisel or chisel, the tile is carefully pry off. The tool must first be wrapped with electrical tape, this will prevent the adjacent tile from scratching.

Quickly and without chips, you can remove tiles that have been laid out recently, no more than a week. In other cases, it or the adjacent one will crack.

How to remove tiles from drywall

This question is almost impossible to solve. The adhesive adheres so tightly to the drywall that it spoils it.

If it is necessary to remove one or more tiles, the drywall is then simply cut out, and a new one is installed in its place.

In the case when you need to remove the entire tile, the above method is used. Often the tile leaves with plaster. You will also have to replace the drywall completely.

If you managed to remove the tile carefully, then after, with the help of special nozzles for the grinder, the remaining glue is removed.

If on drywall after a new tile will fit under the comb, then the glue can not be peeled off. In this case, the walls are primed and covered with a thin layer of mortar, this will hide all the irregularities left by the chisel.

How to remove adhesive from tiles

When the tiles are small, the adhesive is removed with a hammer and chisel. It is pre-soaked in water for 20 minutes. If you have time, you can leave it overnight. This will remove the adhesive faster.

If there is a lot of it, then use a special nozzle for the grinder. It is better to carry out the glue removal procedure on the street, since the process is rather dusty.

How did you remove the old tiles? Did you manage to remove it undamaged?

The question of removing tiles from the wall with your own hands is relevant not only during repairs. Replacing the tiles in the bathroom will be needed due to damage or poor-quality installation. Therefore, knowledge about the various ways of carrying out this work on different surfaces will certainly not be superfluous. Consider the tools and methods for dismantling the old tile.

Most often, it is required to remove the tile in order to replace it with a new fragment.

Prepare yourself before removing the tiles from the wall. When carrying out work, depending on the final goals, you will need:

  • chisel;
  • bit;
  • hammer;
  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill with drills;
  • scraper;
  • personal protective equipment (construction glasses, respirator, gloves, etc.).

In order to dismantle a large surface, it is best to use a hammer drill

In the process of carrying out the work, you will also need a spray bottle with clean water and a solvent to remove the glue. Cement from the tile is ground with sandpaper.

Removing tiles from the wall

The fastest way is to use a hammer drill with a chisel attachment. Of course, after such a dismantling, the tile will become completely unusable, but if you do not plan to use it anymore, this is exactly what you need.

To quickly cope with the work will help a special nozzle on the drill - scraper

The chisel is directed at an angle to the wall, prying the lining. At the same time, the layer of mortar on which the tile was held is also cleaned. Since breaking tiles off the wall with a hand chisel is a long and boring task, a puncher will greatly speed up the repair process.

Replacing Multiple Items

Sometimes major dismantling is not required. Then the question arises of removing the tiles in the bathroom without damaging adjacent elements. Both hand and power tools are used.

How to remove multiple tiles from a wall:

  1. Remove the grout with a scraper and clean the seams as much as possible. You can carefully cut out the contours with a grinder or drill a few holes with a drill.
  2. They pry the tile with a chisel or chisel and tap it around the perimeter with a hammer.
  3. If the dismantled fragments do not need to be kept intact, they are chipped off a little so as not to accidentally touch the finish lining.

To remove individual elements, electrical equipment is used first, and then hand tools

If the tile is needed whole

How to carefully dismantle the tiles in the bathroom so that it remains intact? Old material may still come in handy, so it is advisable to work with extreme caution. This is especially true in cases where they simply correct the position of the elements after unsuccessful masonry.

Since it is quite difficult to carefully remove the tile without damaging it, concentrate fully on the work being done. First, the seams are cleaned with a scraper. Start at the edge of the wall. They pry the tile with a chisel and lightly tap with a hammer so that the tool gradually deepens under the cladding. Make sure that the tile does not fall, otherwise it will simply break and all efforts will be in vain. Just like with a chisel, try to remove the old tile with a chisel.

If the walls are drywall

Removing the coating from the GKL is not as easy as removing unnecessary tiles from an ordinary wall. This material adheres tightly to the lining, so the violation of the integrity of one layer leads to damage to the other. Even masters are not always able to perform high-quality dismantling in such conditions.

How to remove tiles from drywall:

  1. Use a chisel, do not exert strong pressure on the base.
  2. Try to soften the adhesive with a solvent.
  3. Simply replace a piece of wall if only a few tiles need to be removed.

Quite often, after removing the cladding, it becomes problematic to clean the remaining plaster. Then the best option is to replace the drywall.

How to remove floor tiles

The principle of operation is similar to the dismantling of wall tiles. Difficulties lie in the inconvenient arrangement of tools.

Floor tiles are harder to remove

How to remove floor covering:

  • using a perforator with a chisel;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • hand chisel.

Please note that if there is a floor heating system, dismantling is carried out very carefully so that the heating elements are not accidentally damaged in the process.

Since it is not enough to remove the tile, before updating the cladding, take care to clean the surface of the adhesive solution and eliminate all irregularities. For this purpose, use a grinder with a special nozzle. The work is quite dusty. To soften the plaster, it is sprinkled with water and left to soak for several hours.

Now you know about removing tiles from walls and floors in the bathroom. Do not forget about safety measures and use personal protective equipment, as dust particles and fragments of tiles will cause serious harm to your health.

What is the best way to remove tiles from a wall?

Ceramics is considered a popular decorative material used for wall and floor decoration in the repair of sanitary facilities, kitchens, swimming pools and other premises. When carrying out major repairs, old coatings must be dismantled, having previously learned from experienced builders how to remove the tiles from the wall in the best way. The implementation of the dismantling will depend on whether you want to save the old tile for recycling or intend to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Of course, fewer problems arise in the second case, but there will be a lot of noise and dust during the work. After all, dismantling is carried out with the help of a jackhammer and a perforator.

How to remove tiles: video guide

Tile on cement mortar

Ceramics laid on cement mortar by specialists who know their business cannot be removed without damage. The fact is that when laying, real masters achieve reliable and durable fastening of the coating to the base. Therefore, in this case, it is not necessary to waste time trying to carefully dismantle each individual tile, but to walk ruthlessly with a hammer or a perforator over the entire surface.

With such a rough work, the wall or floor will receive a lot of irregularities that will need to be carefully smoothed out when preparing the surface for finishing with new materials.

Tiles with special adhesive

If a special adhesive was used when laying ceramics, then a more gentle dismantling of the coating is possible. In order not to break the tile, perform the following operations, tuning in for a long and painstaking work:

  • free tile joints from decorative grout moistened with water, using a spatula, knife or other sharp object for this;

  • further, a spatula or a chisel is brought into the resulting space and they begin to gently tap on them with a hammer until the fragment of the cladding separates from the wall;
  • clean the old tile from the layer of glue, moistening it with water, and remove it for reuse in utility or utility rooms.

Advice! You can use two pieces of thick steel wire, previously bent in the form of hooks, which are wound on both sides under the tile and pulled towards you.

Remove the tile with two steel wire hooks

Dismantling the damaged fragment

During the operation of a tiled room, there may be cases of damage to individual elements of the cladding. These can be cracks or chips that have appeared as a result of mechanical action, as well as the loss of individual tiles with a partial capture of adjacent broken fragments. The latter situation is possible if violations were made in preparing the surface for laying tiles. For example, the paint has not been removed or the wall has not been corrugated, which contributes to better adhesion of the tile adhesive to the main surface.

The work of removing individual damaged tiles should be carried out in a jewelry manner, since it is impossible to spoil the whole cladding located nearby. At the same time, they try to avoid strong impacts on the wall, as this can cause other elements to lag behind. What is the sequence of operations?

  • First, the joints around the defective tile are cleaned of grout.
  • Next, the cutter along the ruler is drawn diagonally on the tile, connecting opposite corners for this.
  • With the help of a thin drill, several holes are made, while starting the drilling process from the center (at the point of intersection of the diagonals). This allows you to loosen the fastening of the ceramic.

Damaged tiles for dismantling
  • Then they are armed with a chisel and a hammer, carefully beating off individual pieces.
  • The surface of the wall is cleaned from the remnants of tile adhesive and primed, after drying, a new tile is installed.

Important! It is necessary to buy ceramic tiles with a small margin in case of repair of the facing surface during the operation of the premises. Otherwise, it may turn out that the store at the time of repair will not have a suitable product.

The methods for dismantling tiles described above are also suitable for those people who are looking for information on how to remove tiles from the floor. As you can see, for this you need to have patience and the right tool. If desired, all work is easily carried out on their own.

How to remove tiles from a wall

The question of how to remove the tiles from the wall is on the agenda for many who are engaged in repairs. At the same time, the need to remove the tiles from the wall is relevant not only during major repairs. Tiles may need to be replaced if they are damaged or poorly installed. In this regard, information about the various methods of performing such an event will not be useless in any case. Proper implementation of the work, as well as the availability of appropriate tools, will allow you to do everything quickly and without unnecessary dust.

Knowing how to carefully remove the tiles from the wall, you can not only save effort and money for a complete renovation of the coating, but also repair only certain sections of the tiled masonry. When performing such work, one should not forget about the mandatory use of protective equipment, including goggles, gloves and a respirator. The use of protective equipment will protect you from dust and fragments of tiles that can seriously harm your health.

  • How to prepare for work
  • Operating procedure
  • What to Consider

How to prepare for work

A set of suitable tools should be prepared in advance. Based on the end goal, different tools may be required to perform such a job. During tile removal, in addition to tools, you may need a water sprayer and a solvent to remove the adhesive. If it is necessary to re-glue the tile that has just been removed, the cement that has hardened on it can be ground off with sandpaper.

If the place of work is located in close proximity to plumbing or above a sink, bathtub or toilet bowl, then it is best to either completely dismantle them or cover them with protective material. This will avoid damage to them if the tile or its fragments are accidentally dropped. It should also be remembered that the removal of tiles is associated with loud sounds, and any types of noisy repairs are allowed to be carried out only within the allowable period of time.

Operating procedure

Since it is quite difficult to carefully remove the tile without damaging it, the work performed must be carried out with concentration, trying to do everything slowly. This is important in the case when, for one reason or another, the tile leaves, and the tile must be re-pasted. First of all, you should go through the seams with a scraper without touching the tiled floor.

Work is better to start from the edge of the wall. After that, the tile is hooked with a chisel and carefully tapped with a hammer. This should be done in such a way that the chisel gradually begins to go under the tile. But at the same time, the tile should not fall so as not to break, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. A chisel may be used instead of a chisel.

It is possible to remove one of the tiles without damaging the neighboring ones only in those cases when the tiles were laid not so long ago - a maximum of a week ago. To do this, you first need to clean the seams, using either a screwdriver or a special knife with replaceable diamond blades. After cleaning the seams, the tile is carefully pry off with a chisel or chisel.

When performing this work, it is advisable to wrap the tool with electrical tape so that the metal does not damage adjacent tiles. When the frozen mortar in the seams does not lend itself, it is necessary to use a grinder. So it will be easier to tear off the tile. In this case, the seams are first sawn with a grinder. After that, the tile clings to the edge with a chisel and, with gentle tapping with a hammer, is removed from the surface.

What to Consider

Removing tiles from the surface of drywall is much easier than from the surface of an ordinary wall. When the tile is laid on an ordinary wall, it adheres very tightly to the base. Removing tiles in such conditions almost always leads to damage to the integrity of the base. Sometimes even experienced craftsmen fail to dismantle well in these situations. Very often, after the removal of the tile, a problem arises related to how to remove the remnants of tile adhesive from the wall surface. In this case, the best solution is to replace the layer of plaster under the removed tiles.

Since removing the old tile is only half the battle, before gluing the new tile coating, it is necessary to clean the base from the remnants of the previous mortar and eliminate all irregularities. For this purpose, you can use a grinder with a special nozzle. This job is very dusty. To soften the plaster, it must be moistened with water and left for several hours to soak it. After removing the old layer of plaster with tile adhesive frozen on it, you can start restoring the wall for subsequent finishing.

Despite the fact that the tile is high-strength, it can be damaged if not very careful work. And then the question becomes relevant: how to replace one tile on the wall? If such an unpleasant situation arose, it is required to glue another, the same one, instead of the damaged tile. This will make the traces of the repair invisible. As a rule, when buying absolutely any building material, some of its stock is provided. It is in such cases that such a supply of tiles will come in handy. If there is no replacement, then you will need to find one, and then for symmetry, you will need to replace a few more tiles using the above methods.

How to carefully remove tiles from the wall and field

Repairs are not cheap. Everyone tries to minimize its cost without loss of quality. Having mastered the technology of how to remove the tiles from the wall without damaging it, you will significantly reduce the cost of repairs. In addition to saving on payment, such an operation will significantly reduce the time of repair work.

One of the most popular and affordable operations is the dismantling of tiles. It requires a minimum of skills and a small number of tools that can be found in every home. Having learned how to carefully remove the tiles, you will later be able to carry out minor repairs on your own without resorting to the services of workers.

Tools for work

If you are going to remove tiles in an apartment or house yourself, take care of preparing the appropriate tools. These include:

  1. Hammer;
  2. Drill;
  3. Putty knife;
  4. Bit;
  5. Bulgarian;
  6. Perforator;
  7. Scraper;
  8. Spray.

Since dismantling tiles without experience can lead to minor injury, it is wise to acquire protective equipment, which include:

  1. Gauze bandage or mask;
  2. Protective glasses.

Techniques for self-dismantling of tiles

When dismantling an old tile, it is necessary to initially decide whether it is planned to reuse the material or whether its condition is such that further operation is impossible.

In the first case, the removal of the tile will be faster and will not cause serious difficulties. The second option involves the extremely careful dismantling of tiles with the ability to maintain its integrity for normal use in the future. It will take longer to tear off the coating from the wall.

Easy tile removal

The main tool that helps to tear off old damaged tiles is a perforator. Having equipped it with a chisel, we proceed to the operation, starting from the top of the wall. If we are talking about flooring, the place to start work is chosen arbitrarily, for reasons of convenience.

Before removing the old tile without preserving its suitability, be sure to put on previously prepared protective equipment. There will be a lot of dust and debris. Holding the puncher at a 45° angle, begin to dismantle the coating. You need to remove it in small parts, trying to grab the bonding solution as well. You can quickly set the step, pressure and angle of impact experimentally. No advice on how to beat off the tile sooner will not help. It all depends on its condition and the quality of the solution used. In some cases, the puncher will go along the wall like a knife through butter, in others, patience and strength will be required.

In the absence of a puncher, you will have to work with a chisel or chisel. It is more difficult, but quite doable if there is a desire and enough time.

Clean tile removal

Before you remove the tile from the wall, preserving its performance as much as possible for future use, be patient. In this case, the dismantling of the tiles will take longer and more difficult. You may need the presence of an assistant who can prevent the fall of the tile.

They startle a little at the thought that they will again need to remove the old tile. Even repair specialists do not like this process and often refuse customers, or they charge very, very expensive for their services. It would seem that to break is not to build. What can be difficult in picking out an old tile? If you also think so, then there are many discoveries ahead of you! Even with a perforator, the tile is not always easy to remove, and when it is necessary to keep the tile intact, the task becomes several times more complicated. There are several basic ways to remove tiles from walls and floors. Consider everything, and you choose the one that is more suitable in a particular situation.

Tools and preparation

When going to dismantle the tile, each of us wants to cause minimal damage to the wall. Someone calls it a prerequisite and minimal damage to the tile itself so that it can be reused. The choice of installation method largely depends on the purpose: either you are trying to save , or you don't care what happens to it.

Moreover, the way to remove the tile also depends on how and on what surface it was attached:

Specialists have one simple a way to determine if there is a chance to remove the old tile without damage. It is necessary to walk over the entire surface of the tile to tap it with a spatula with a rubber mallet. The movements should be light so that you can detect the presence or absence of voids under the tile. If they are, and in large quantities, then you can try to remove the tiles in more gentle ways to save the tile and its further use, for example, in the country.

Of the tools you may need:

  • with a chisel nozzle, some use nozzles in the form of a drill, bits, chisels;
  • chisel or chisel;
  • spatula, maybe a few. Preference is given to more durable products;
  • hammer;
  • chisel and scraper for grout removal;
  • may be needed with a handle, which is convenient to strike;
  • not necessary, but may come in handy with a nozzle for cleaning joints between tiles;
  • container with warm water, sponges;
  • with drill 6 mm;
  • hardened wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm.

Of course, Not all of these tools may come in handy at once.- it all depends on the chosen method.

Don't forget to take care of personal safety. Use goggles, a mask or gauze bandage, thick gloves, and even better, work in a protective suit.

No. 1. How to remove tiles without damaging them

Before you try to pull off this experiment on the scale of your apartment, I would like to remind you once again - remove the entire tile intact and unharmed will not work. There will be losses anyway.. The result depends not only on the composition on which the tiles were attached, but also on the quality of the preparatory work. The preparation is as follows:

You won't need a puncher - you will have to act with a hammer and chisel. It's slow, complicated and painstaking, but if it's important to keep the old finish, it's the only way. The procedure is as follows:

In a similar way, it will turn out to remove the tile laid on the glue, or the one that was mounted on the mortar in violation.

No. 2. How to remove tiles without damaging adjacent tiles

Imagine that only one or two tiles on the wall are cracked. Or you need to get access to, or other communications. It would be foolish to dismantle the entire tile. But how to remove several elements without damaging adjacent tiles? The task is further complicated by the fact that in the process of dismantling it will be necessary to try to preserve the elements that you are removing. If the tile is old and you don’t have spare samples, it will be difficult to find a suitable replacement in the store. Even if the collection is still in production, there is no guarantee that the color matches. In general, this is, without exaggeration, a piece of jewelry.


Whatever the dismantling of the tiles turns out to be, remember that even experienced craftsmen do not give any guarantee whether it will be possible to save it or not.

No. 3. The easiest way to remove old tiles

If you do not care about the integrity of the tile, then you can greatly simplify and speed up the whole process. However, even if you initially planned to save at least part of the tile, but in the process it turned out that this was impossible, then this method will also come in handy for you. Arm yourself with a puncher and follow this order of work:

No. 4. How to remove tiles from drywall?

Many experts do not like to bother with dismantling the tiles, and as soon as they hear that the tiles are glued on, they often refuse at all. The fact is that the glue literally eats into the drywall, so that it can be removed along with the tile. However, it is real to separate the tile from the wall. Only now, no one can give an accurate forecast of how drywall will look like after such an execution. No one undertakes to guarantee the integrity of at least some part of the tile.

If the tile was laid a few days ago, then it is still possible to remove it without much damage to the surface and the tile itself. In other cases, you will have to suffer. The procedure is similar to the classic way:

No. 5. How to remove tiles from the floor?

The process of dismantling floor tiles is not much different from a similar process for wall decoration. It all depends on the need to maintain coverage:

Removing tiles is a long and laborious process. The most annoying thing is that no one can guarantee the safety of the tile. So be prepared for anything, but hope for the best.

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Before starting repairs to restore the surface of walls and floors, it is imperative to remove the old tile. However, it is often necessary to leave the tile for re-installation. Many take a puncher in their hands and crush everything that falls under the shock wave of the device, and many believe that the tile must be removed carefully and try not to damage it during dismantling, especially if the tile is of high quality. So let's look at a few answers to the question: "How to carefully remove the tile without breaking it?" and see photos and videos.


First, you need to equip yourself with the following tools:
  • Protective goggles against dust in the eyes;
  • Mask or bandage to avoid contamination of the respiratory tract;
  • Putty knife;
  • Chisel;
  • Hammer;
  • Mittens;
  • Grout scraper;
  • Drill 6 mm;
  • Drill.
However, there is no puncher on this list, because when working with it, the chance of breaking tiles increases. And if you manage to separate it from the wall, then it will definitely break on the floor when it falls.

Advice. Even if something doesn’t work out for you, there’s nothing wrong with that. Remember that not all tiles will remain intact, and yet 5-10% of the tiles will be damaged.

Tile removal tools

Agree, everyone can break the tiles and collect crumbs on the floor. It is also easy to damage the very structure of the tile, in which case it will no longer look like it should. So, we set ourselves the task of leaving as much material as possible safe and sound.

Tile analysis

The quality of our work will depend on four main factors:
  • Quality of laying tiles;
  • The composition of the grout;
  • The composition of the adhesive composition;
  • Age of ceramics.
When dismantling, two main problems can arise - tightly laid tiles and old tiles. In both cases, even if the dismantling work is carried out correctly, the probability of failure is high.

Stages of work on the removal of tiles

  • The first thing to do is to put on a bandage, mask and gloves to protect against sharp pieces of tiles, dust and crumbs that pollute the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory tract;
  • Then it is necessary to clean the inter-tile seams. Each seam should be practically free of grout;

Advice. In order to loosen the tile, you can drill a small hole in it. Most likely, it will not work to save the first tile, but on the other hand, you will completely protect yourself from breaking the entire structure at once.

  • Proceed to remove the tiles and be sure to start from the top row. Tiles can sometimes be removed in layers, and you cannot predict exactly how many pieces may suddenly fall. You should also think about the fact that sharp fragments do not harm the health of the master.
  • It is necessary to smash the first tile to smithereens and drive the tool with light and accurate blows under the one next to it on the side.

Advice. As soon as you notice that the tile does not respond to hammer blows on the chisel and does not move away from the adhesive or cement base, then it is worth trying to detach the tile with a tool on the other side. You should not apply strong blows to the chisel, because there is a chance that you will not only complete your task, but also damage the wall.

What should be done to preserve the original appearance of the tile?

Damage to the tile is a simple matter, and we will present you with a sequence of actions for carefully removing the tile:
  • Clean up grout. If not, then use water. We spray it, wait a little - 5-10 minutes and spray it again. After that, the grout will clean up a little better;
  • Replace the chisel with a chisel or spatula. When using such materials, the tile will not be able to crack, but you should be extremely careful;
  • As soon as two-thirds of the work is completed, the most difficult stage begins - previously the wall was a solid structure, and now the remaining elements weakly hold each other.

How to remove tiles from the floor so as not to break it?

Of course, it is much easier to remove tiles from the floor, because you do not need to hold it - it will not fall. However, dismantling floor tiles is not an easy task, in which a perforator should not be used, because it will split each piece of tile into several pieces.
Technique for carefully removing tiles from the floor:

Advice. Grout is cleaned on floor tiles several times worse than on wall tiles, so carrying out a tricky action with water will already be mandatory here.

In order to clean the grout, you need to use a scraper and carefully hold it until the cement base is visible. Then you need to take a chisel and start tapping on the perimeter of each tile. As soon as the sound becomes muffled, find the point where the property is most pronounced.

Advice. Turn off all appliances and listen carefully to the tiles. Be sure to correctly determine from which part of the tile the sound comes from - from the left or from the right in relation to the instrument.

When the tile from the place you found starts to move away, you should lightly hit the chisel here with a hammer and carefully remove the tile - it will come off easily. It remains only to clean the mortar on which the tile lay, and the floor will again be ready for a new coating.
In fact, removing tiles from walls and floors carefully, so that they can be used later, is not so difficult. You just need to follow the recommendations and act with extreme caution.

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