How to update a parquet floor varnished. How to update parquet: ways to update parquet boards, practical advice from experts

Engineering systems 03.03.2020
Engineering systems

Today, parquet flooring has become popular, which steadily occupies a leading position among other floor coverings. It is reliable, practical and has a long service life. Previously, such floors were considered a luxury, indicating the wealth of the owners. Now they are found both in ordinary city apartments and in prestigious country houses.

Over time, parquet loses its charm. Scratches appear on it, cracks may form, it begins to creak, some plank may swell or detach. Replacing the flooring completely is expensive.

Parquet restoration options

There are two ways to incompletely repair such a flooring:

  • surface;
  • updating some plates.

The first type includes the elimination of cracks, chips, potholes, work with the color of the planks.
You should not delay the restoration of parquet if it has begun to lose its appearance, creaks or defects have appeared on it. Then the repair will be cheaper, and it will take less time.

Necessary materials for work

You will need special equipment and tools to carry out the planned damage repair. They can be purchased or rented to save money.
You will need the following: a scraping and grinding electric machine or a manual scraper, a vacuum cleaner, a puncher or a drill with different drills, a hacksaw, a hammer, a chisel and be sure to goggles and a respirator. In order not to spoil the fresh varnish coating, shoes should be on soft flexible soles. Of the materials you will need: new boards in place of damaged ones, glue and wood putty, stain, varnish, paint and oil.

Restoration of parquet flooring without sanding

These are surface restoration works carried out in stages:

  1. Remove skirting boards and sills.
  2. Remove the old varnish with a grinder. In places difficult to access, clean manually with scrapers. If you don't have one, use a hair dryer. After warming up hard-to-reach areas, remove the varnish with a spatula.
  3. Carefully remove all debris and vacuum.
  4. Examine the parquet. If necessary, putty some of its sections.
  5. Sand again the entire surface with a machine with a coarse nozzle to remove roughness, and vacuum again without leaving dust.
  6. First primer with varnish using a roller or a wide brush.
  7. After the varnish has dried, sand the floor with fine emery attached to the nozzle of the grinder.
  8. Remove the dust and varnish the parquet again.

The last two steps can be performed up to 9 times until the surface is completely smooth. The main thing is to prime and varnish along the wood fibers. The last layer dries for at least 3 days. It is necessary that windows and doors are closed to prevent drafts and dust on the lacquered parquet.

Scratches and cracks

From pets, there will always be traces of their claws on the floor. If there is little damage, then scratches and small cracks can be retouched with a wax pencil. If deep wounds are observed, for example, they moved heavy furniture, then here one cannot do without cleaning the varnish. Follow the procedure as described above, and then, using an automatic or manual cycle, remove the top layer of wood.
It will be difficult for a beginner to do this so that everything works out in perfect form. Therefore, get ready that you will have to repeat the actions more than once, but on all sections in turn, which are subject to restoration. Then carefully again remove the dust, primer, putty, apply varnish. Repeat the process until these areas are absolutely smooth.

Chips and potholes

Here are the same steps as described above. Putty is mixed with cycling dust so that the damaged areas treated with it are not conspicuous. The mixture is filled into the recesses along the direction of the wood fibers, using a wide spatula. Now, prime these areas and varnish. Further, the restoration of the parquet takes place according to the scheme: grinding, cleaning, a layer of varnish. Repeat everything in several passes.


Cracks in wood are formed due to its qualities such as moisture absorption and the ability to dry out in a dry atmosphere. It is not difficult to get rid of these defects. It is necessary, in the same way as in previous cases, to remove the top layer, vacuum all the cracks properly and remove debris with a knife. Now defects can be covered with putty mixed with dust after cycling and the varnish coating can be restored.

Creak, local restoration

Unpleasant creaking of the floor under your feet occurs for the following reasons:

  • loose bars;
  • sagging wedges between flooring and wall;
  • voids formed under the parquet.

To begin with, it is worth checking the wedges under the baseboards. They may be dried out and therefore do not hold the parquet. Take out each element and replace it with a new one. Rotate the baseboard into place and observe the flooring throughout the week. If the floor continues to creak, the origin of the sound is elsewhere. Parquet is mounted on plywood or screed. Over time, the foundation is destroyed and failures form. This is where the creaking starts. We need to find parquet flooring, from under which the sound is heard. Drill a hole and use a syringe to inject special glue or cement. When working with the latter, remember that it quickly hardens, and therefore do everything quickly and very carefully so as not to stain neighboring boards. The operation ends when the mixture stops flowing in and goes out, after which a press must be placed in this place. After 48 hours, remove it and putty the filled hole. If the creaking sounds spread over a large area, the entire flooring will need to be redone.


This nuisance occurs due to a violation of the rules for mounting the parquet or moisture seeped under it, which led to swelling. If you have panel parquet, then you will have to redo it all.
If small areas are swollen, it is necessary to warm their surface. After a characteristic smell from chemicals has appeared, a load weighing at least 12 kg per 1 dm² is placed on the heated area. After a day, we look, if the tubercle has decreased, the procedure must be carried out again. If the rules are violated during installation, it is necessary to disassemble the entire floor covering. Then dry the boards at room temperature and fold again.

Plank repair

It often happens that individual parquets do not hold and jump out of their place. Then they need to be changed to new boards and restoration operations must be done on the entire surface.
Action plan:

  1. Remove varnish to reveal boards in need of repair;
  2. If the gap between one of them and the rest is more than 0.5 cm, then it should be changed;
  3. Pour glue into small cracks and place the load for several hours;
  4. Carefully pull out the bars to be replaced, splitting them in the center;
  5. Clean the freed space from the glue;
  6. Bring the dimensions of the new bar under the worn one, clean the base and grease it with glue;
  7. Lay the bar so that its grooves coincide with the grooves of the nearby bar and press firmly with a load, leaving for a week;
  8. Putty, sand and varnish the floor in the same way as in the previous cases.

Sticky chewing gum and plasticine

The solvent, of course, will help here, but the stains will remain. Take an ordinary piece of ice, hold it on the "decoration" until it freezes. Now you can easily remove it from the surface of the floor covering without causing any harm to it.

Parquet care

In order for the parquet to retain its original state for longer, it is enough to adhere to the rules for its operation. There are three factors that adversely affect wood flooring. These are: ultraviolet, high humidity or lack of it, sand. If the room is very humid or you often use wet cleaning, the boards will gradually swell, and in addition to this, mold can develop under them, which is a danger to people's health. A dry atmosphere dries out parquet flooring, which leads to their loosening. From ultraviolet light, the wooden flooring changes its color. It becomes unevenly dark, which is ugly. The sand ruthlessly scratches the floor.

You can't walk on the parquet in street shoes. Before entering the room, it is advisable to put a rug in order to wipe the sole on it before entering the house. Blinds on the windows will save from direct sunlight. Wet cleaning of parquet is allowed to be done only once a week, and not more often than that.

Any parquet sooner or later undergoes restoration, since it is this flooring that is laid for many years. Parquet has many positive qualities: a beautiful and rich appearance, naturalness, etc. Therefore, everyone wants to keep such material as long as possible, eliminating various kinds of damage. Moreover, a complete replacement of the parquet will require significant costs, and the restoration of the parquet is the best way out. Some people prefer the restoration of parquet with their own hands, while others believe that the restoration of parquet should be carried out exclusively by specialists.

If we talk about the types of restoration of the parquet floor, then we can name two main categories - this is the restoration of the floor surface and the replacement of individual sections. The process of replacing dies is much more complicated and therefore requires more time and effort. So, if you do not have full confidence in your abilities, it is better to use the services of professionals. If, nevertheless, the restoration of the parquet will be done by hand, then you should be patient and study all the necessary information to carry out this process.

It is better to rent a scraping machine if the restoration of the parquet will be carried out on its own one-time

Parquet restoration will require the use of certain materials and tools. Usually, floor renovation tools are very expensive and unlikely to be useful in the future, so it would be wiser to rent them. To understand the full picture of how to restore parquet, you should familiarize yourself with the list of tools:

  1. Cycle machine. You can use the usual cycles;
  2. Sanding machine. A set of emery nozzles that have different grain sizes;
  3. A vacuum cleaner;
  4. Hammer and chisel;
  5. Hacksaw and drill;
  6. Spatulas of various widths;
  7. Brushes and rollers;
  8. Special clothing, soft shoes, goggles and a respirator.

More about the restoration process in the video:

Of the necessary materials, the following can be distinguished:

  • Parquet boards. They will be required if the floor is badly damaged, and the only option for restoration is the replacement of individual parts of the parquet;
  • putty;
  • Parquet glue;
  • Mastic or varnish;
  • Oil or stain.

Parquet surface restoration

The wood looks great, gives the floor a wonderful look, makes the atmosphere softer, and the room itself cozy. But unfortunately, over time, the tree darkens and loses its attractive appearance. The process of restoring the top layer of parquet is quite simple, it does not require special efforts, knowledge and skills. To update the color of the floor with your own hands, you will need the following:

Most often, the owners of the parquet floor meet such a problem as scratches. They appear when moving furniture and in other similar situations. There are several ways to fix scratches:

  • Using a wax pencil. This method is very economical, fast and simple. But it is only suitable for small, shallow injuries;
  • For deep scratches, you will have to clean a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor from the varnish. Then the layer of the parquet itself is removed until the scratch becomes almost imperceptible. After vacuuming, the damaged area is primed, puttied and varnished.

The use of a wax pencil and special putties to eliminate scratches

Even hardwood flooring is prone to gouges and chips after hard impacts. In such cases, the restoration of the parquet implies the following work order:

  1. A layer of old varnish is removed, an operation is performed to identify all damage.
  2. surface, a thin layer of wood is removed. If after the first scraping the problem is not resolved, you will have to repeat it again.
  3. Chips are removed with a simple putty. Sanding dust is added to the putty mixture so that the restoration site does not look much different from wood and does not catch the eye. Putties are smeared over the surface with a wide spatula.
  4. After the putty has completely dried, the surface is sanded and thoroughly varnished.

Restoration of individual planks of parquet

Replacing individual planks occurs in the event of the appearance of cracks, creaks, swelling, etc. This process is more laborious, and many resort to the help of experienced craftsmen.

Cracks are formed as a result of the fact that the tree tends to absorb and release moisture. Together with the wrong one, this leads to the appearance of cracks. This problem is eliminated as standard: skirting boards are removed, the surface is cleaned of varnish and various contaminants. The floor is then cycled and vacuumed. Be sure to remove all debris inside the slots. After that, the cracks are puttied, dried and varnished.

To eliminate the squeak, remove the plinth and check the wedges between the parquet and the walls. Sometimes they dry out, which leads to the appearance of a creak.

We eliminate the creaking of the parquet in two steps: 1 - Drill a hole in the place of the creaking of the plate, 2 - Using a syringe, fill in the two-component adhesive for the parquet

If the creaking creates wear irregularities in the base of the floor that appear over time, then a small hole is made in these places and glue or concrete mortar is poured to level the base of the floor. If this does not help, and the creak remains, then you will have to re-lay the entire parquet.

In the case of swelling of the parquet floor, proceed as follows: a specific area is heated with a hairdryer, something heavy is placed on it, if the swelling has become smaller, the procedure is repeated.

If the slats begin to move away from the base of the floor, it is best to replace them. They are removed with a chisel and a hammer. With a narrow spatula, you can remove the remnants of the material, old glue and clean the resulting recess. The new bar is adjusted to size, cut and glued. Glue is applied to the subfloor. After gluing, the bar must be under pressure for at least a day. And then the floor area is puttied, sanded and varnished.

Restoring a parquet floor is not such an impossible task. Of course, this process is very responsible and time-consuming, but quite feasible, especially if you use the tools correctly and have certain knowledge. And yet, many experts recommend that before you start working with parquet on your own, practice doing repairs with professionals in order to master the technique and already know exactly how to renew parquet without errors. Leave your comments on the article in the form below!

Renovation of parquet boards is the main working moment in the repair. Parquet boards have always been considered an amazing material that gave the interior a natural beauty and an attractive look. Children take their first steps on this coating, and pets bask in the sun. Yes, and the household themselves like to walk barefoot on such pleasant material in the morning. Here we can conclude that the parquet is subjected to various loads every day, respectively, and care for it should be regular. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to show a modicum of care.

Vacuum cleaner for parquet board: the main component of cleaning

Paying attention to the main functions of modern vacuum cleaners, you can see that they also include the ability to clean parquets. Their peculiarity lies in the presence of certain nozzles and swivel elements that do not interfere, but rather simplify the movement of the vacuum cleaner on parquet boards.

If you have already purchased, or are only going to buy a standard device and special nozzles already separately. Then start from what characteristics the manufacturer provides.

If you are not going to use the vacuum cleaner often, its characteristics are not a key point, the most important thing is to choose nozzles suitable for parquet.

A parquet vacuum cleaner has certain nozzles

Nozzles that are used for parquet or laminate must necessarily be covered with a soft material that, when passed over the surface, will not leave scratches or small cracks. Experts recommend paying special attention to brushes with felt, pile, camel hair or special fabric. Also, you can purchase nozzles with rubber or silicone coatings, which, in addition to cleaning the parquet, can polish it.

If you still get a special vacuum cleaner, pay attention to its shape. Parquet boards are susceptible to any mechanical impact, so it is highly undesirable to move any object over them. Therefore, the vacuum cleaner must be of such a shape that allows you to have access to any place, even to the most remote corners. If it does not meet these requirements, it is better to purchase an additional flat nozzle.

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Those who love perfect cleanliness will surely like nozzles with a rotating mechanism, which, during the cleaning process, can change their shape and penetrate into any hard-to-reach place. Most often, such nozzles are equipped with certain modes, thanks to which they can be used on any surface.

Parquet board care

Do you have beautiful parquet flooring at home? Get ready to take full care of him. If you ignore this question and think that nothing will happen to the parquet, then soon you will notice how it will lose its attractiveness, and dry, cracked, scratched boards will replace the magnificent tree. You do not want to see such a picture? Moreover, the organization of such flooring is unlikely to have gone to you for free. Then you need to familiarize yourself with the main aspects of caring for a parquet floor, so that later you do not shed tears over the lost time and material.

The parquet floor must be protected from scratches by all possible means.

In order for the care of this flooring to be as close as possible to the correct one, you need to do the following:

  1. Protect the floor from scratches in every possible way. For example, remove all heavy objects or cover their legs with special nozzles.
  2. If there is a dog in the house, then after each walk, she needs to wash her paws. Do not forget about the constant trimming of claws to prevent damage to the parquet. This protection needs constant monitoring.
  3. On the legs of the furniture, it is necessary to put on felt nozzles. This is especially true for furniture that is subject to frequent rearrangement, such as chairs.
  4. At the moment, in stores you can buy a variety of laminate care products that include a protective property. For example, polish, mastic, polish varnish or anti-slip agent. Using these tools, you can achieve the shine of the parquet. In addition, a special protective film is formed on it, which will prevent scratches. Therefore, cleaning the surface with water is a thing of the past, replaced by a special treatment.
  5. If we talk about shoes, it is better to use soft slippers. Walking in shoes with heels is categorically unacceptable, as this will lead to chips and scratches on the material.

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And lastly, if you decide to freshen up the look of the parquet, and covered your parquet with lacquer oil, wait until it dries, you should not immediately install furniture, because this will create new dents that will have to be covered in the future. Better wait a few weeks. Well, if you can’t wait, the installation must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to scratch or wrinkle the fresh coating. It is better to temporarily put fiberboard or corrugated cardboard. This will help reduce the risk of damage.

Wet cleaning rules: how to wash a parquet board

Wash the parquet, have you wondered if it can be done? Before you start cleaning, be sure to inspect your parquet for deep scratches or cracks. If they are, then the first thing to do is to deal with their elimination, because otherwise you will start the process of decay, and the parquet will become unusable.

In this situation, the cracks are cleaned with a thin wire, and then smeared with wood glue from sawdust of oak or birch.

The parquet board can be washed with a special cleaning agent

If your parquet is not treated with varnish, then it must be wiped with a cloth soaked in water with glycerin.

If we talk about mopping, then experts are categorically against the use of hot water. It is better if it is a special cleaning agent. But the most ideal method of cleaning is still a vacuum cleaner. This is not dangerous and cleaning can be done much more often, especially if there are pets in the house. In addition, this method will extend the life of the floor. In any case, you need to take care of detergents. Using special solutions after laying, you will not only make your parquet shine, but also get rid of streaks, as well as activate all its protective properties.

How to update parquet at home

There is no doubt that scratches are the most common damage that requires good camouflage.

In order to upgrade and mask these shortcomings, there are several options:

  1. The first option is to select a special pencil with a wax base that matches the color of your parquet. The pencil is melted and wax is rubbed over the scratch. The next thing to do is to level the surface and remove any excess wax using a rubber spatula. At the end of the process, the surface is wiped with a soft cloth.
  2. The second option involves using a walnut. This option is not suitable for deep damage. The nut splits, and the damaged area must be treated with a core. After the application begins to dry, it will become dark in color.
  3. The first two options are only suitable for small scratches. If it is deep, then the defect can only be corrected using a repair varnish. Before work, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned, and the varnish applied clearly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Large damage can also be eliminated using putty and a rubber spatula.

The variety of floor coverings is amazing. Now many of the most unusual and interesting options are being produced, which are distinguished by remarkable strength qualities, as well as a favorable price. However, the parquet board is a priority when buying from many people. One of the important advantages of parquet is that it can be completely restored and updated. More about this in our article.

Parquet renovation - situation analysis

For a very long time, parquet has been considered the most durable, high-quality and reliable coating. Among its main positive qualities, one can single out the highest level of environmental safety, as well as an aesthetic appearance that creates an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and coziness in the room. But even the most durable and wear-resistant parquet loses its gloss over time, scratches, chips, cracks are visible on it with the naked eye. Lacquer may not shine as brightly, even in the sun.

These are all the consequences of natural wear and tear, so you need to be prepared for this in advance. But do not make hasty decisions about installing a new parquet. This threatens with huge financial costs, because it requires the dismantling of old boards, the purchase of new ones, the preparation of the foundation for work, and, of course, laying. It will also take a lot of time to complete all these operations. Restoration of parquet allows you not only to repair the flooring with your own hands, but also save a decent amount of money. In addition, the result of the work done will please you for a very, very long time.

However, not in all cases, the floor covering can be restored. It is necessary to carefully check the floor, inspect it and analyze it. If the boards as a whole are quite well preserved, then you can try to update the appearance of the floor. Parquet can be attributed to the number of such boards, the coating of which is already quite frayed and worn out, but the base is still strong and durable. Even if some planks come off the base, this will not be a big problem, since it will not be difficult to attach them back even for a beginner, not to mention experienced craftsmen. By the way, if you are tired of the old floor pattern, again, you will need a complete update of the board. There is nothing difficult in dismantling the floor and swapping the planks. The new drawing will give freshness and originality to the room.

If the base of the parquet is in a terrible state, then it will not work to restore the floor. The same applies to those cases when it was carried out. It happens that the boards are assembled and glued to special boards to speed up the installation process. This really speeds up the process significantly, but it is not possible to repair such a coating. So, if the floor has been preserved quite well, except, of course, for the appearance, then you can try to update the parquet yourself. This is a relatively simple operation that does not require much experience. You may need the following accessories and tools:

  • varnish or oil - for finishing the coating;
  • self-tapping screws - for attaching detached planks;
  • parquet glue;
  • sandpaper of medium and coarse grit;
  • putty knife;
  • putty for wood;
  • scraper machine;
  • Sander.

The last two tools are quite expensive, but the need to use them rarely arises. In order for the restoration of the old parquet to have at least some economic effect, you should not buy the above devices exclusively for these purposes, because they can be borrowed from friends or simply rented for a few days.

When restoring the floor covering, a huge amount of dust, small chips and chips are released, so the process cannot be classified as clean. Even the presence of special containers for dust on grinding devices will not save. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare - wear goggles, gloves and a respirator. The room itself should be freed from furniture. If it is not possible to take out the furniture, protect it from contamination by covering it with film or newspapers.

Let's start restoration - scraping the floor

To begin with, thoroughly rinse the floor covering by treating it with special detergents for parquet. You can also use ordinary washing powder, which will also cope well with a layer of pollution and various deposits on the slats. After complete drying, get to work - removing the old varnish coating. This process is carried out using a special apparatus - a scraping machine.

You should know that the thickness of a conventional die is from 10 to 20 mm. During sanding, about 3 mm of wood layer is removed. Take this fact into account, especially if the cycle is not the first time. The thickness of the board directly affects the strength and durability of the parquet; it is strongly not recommended to renew the floor covering with a thickness of 10 mm several times. One of the main rules for handling the device is to remove the layer exclusively along the fibers, that is, it is impossible to make movements across the fibers.

Some craftsmen even try to use grinders for scraping. Indeed, there are some advantages to this method, including the ability to work across the fibers, as well as the removal of a slightly smaller layer of wood. However, to ensure maximum quality, it is still necessary to process the parquet with a sander.

We also note that to remove the old layer of varnish, you can try to use a special solvent if you could not find the above tools. After wetting the varnish thoroughly, give it some time to soak to the base of the board. After that, using a conventional spatula, remove the varnish, which will swell and move away from the surface of the parquet much easier.

Puttying and sanding - the next stages of processing

Updating a parquet board without fail involves puttying the surface in order to give it durability and strength. To begin with, we carefully examine each bar for the presence of small cracks and crevices. It is these mechanical defects that require special attention. After carefully removing the debris from them, we apply the solution and cover it with a spatula so that the entire space of the crack is filled with the mixture. To get the debris out of the slots as efficiently as possible, use a conventional vacuum cleaner, since screwdrivers and other tools will not only help to pick out the debris, but, on the contrary, will push it even deeper.

Sanding can be done with a low speed grinder or with regular sandpaper.

After giving the putty some time to dry, sand the surface of the parquet. To do this, you can use either a grinder, walking at low speeds over the entire surface, or ordinary sandpaper. In the latter case, you will first need coarse sandpaper, after which you can take medium-grained paper. Now we move on to repairing bad boards, as well as boards that have moved away from the base of the floor. They need to be removed from their grooves, cleaned of debris, varnish, oil and glue residues. Next, we wet the board with water and try to install it in its original place.

If necessary, we process with a grinder to fit a new bar. We recommend fixing such boards with nails or self-tapping screws, driving them at a certain angle. Naturally, even self-tapping screws are not always able to attach boards to a base, for example, concrete. In this case, it is better to use parquet glue or liquid nails. Any of these options provides a strong and thorough setting of parquet with concrete.

Oil and varnish - how to apply them?

To completely restore the parquet and update its appearance, it is necessary to perform its finishing. It involves the application of varnish or oil. And there are some nuances here. For example, if the boards were previously varnished, then after removing the old varnish, both varnish and oil can be applied. But the reverse situation is impossible, since the oil penetrates deep into the pores of the parquet, so the varnish can no longer be used.

To apply varnish, take a regular roller with a short nap. We recommend applying varnish in several layers, but experienced craftsmen do it in one even layer. If you have chosen oil, dilute a small part of it with a solvent and apply it to the parquet, this is necessary for high-quality impregnation of all pores with a solution.

Using a brush or brush, apply the remaining part after some time after drying. Residues of impregnation can be easily removed with an ordinary dry cloth or rags. And in a day the oil is completely absorbed and dried.

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