The business plan for the paint and body shop: the necessary equipment and calculation of costs for the start. How do I open a body shop? Own business: powder coating

Decor elements 12.10.2019
Decor elements

Auto business - how to open a car painting service?

Recently celebrated increased demand for cars, as a result, the demand for car repairs, for recovery after minor damage or serious accidents, increases. Therefore, opening a car painting service is an up-to-date and cost-effective idea. At the same time, the car painting service is popular not only in large cities, but also in small regional settlements.

Business organization

In order to open a car painting service, it is necessary to register an LLC and coordinate the opening with the central city administration. The service premises have special requirements for space and ventilation. License for given view no activity required.

Premise requirement

To open a car painting business, you need a space of at least 25 sq. m. You can use the garage space, purchased or leased. The room should be good ventilation or extractor hood. It's great if your service is located near a car repair shop or a spare parts store.

If the service will be located in a garage cooperative, then you should coordinate some issues with its chairman. Including the issue of switching to a more powerful power supply or assistance in attracting customers. In addition, it is necessary to provide good lighting, install a sufficient number of lamps, it is better if these are lamps daylight... It should be noted that you do not need to save on lighting, since comfortable conditions work has a positive effect on the final result of the work.

In the upper part of the room, it is necessary to install heat gun with heating elements and air duct. You should also make changes to the floor of the room, it should be raised by 10-15 centimeters. This is necessary to install a fan that draws in air from the chamber. In order for the drying process to accelerate several times, infrared lamps can be installed, but it should be borne in mind that their use will change the drying technology.

Features of car painting

The process of painting cars includes the following operations:
- surface preparation for painting;
- applying paint to the surface;

The prepared surface should be as smooth as possible so that the paint layer does not crack or swell. It is worth noting that the client sees the quality of painting immediately, so it is necessary to use only high-quality equipment and consumables, as well as to hire only experienced and qualified craftsmen. In addition to professional skills, service personnel must be able to communicate with customers, show their interest in the quality of work and a friendly attitude.

Equipment for the paint shop

To organize a car painting service, you need to purchase special equipment:

  1. Painting- drying chamber.
  2. Infrared emitter for drying parts and small surfaces.
  3. Paint sprayers.
  4. Painting hydrant.
  5. Surface grinding tools.
  6. Dust removal equipment.
  7. Racks for fixing parts during painting.
  8. Compressor.

As practice shows, it is impossible to save on the quality of equipment for painting cars, since it is difficult to perform high-quality painting on cheap equipment, or rather almost impossible. Namely, the success of your business depends on the quality of painting.

When choosing a painting and drying booth, you need to consider the following parameters:
- inner size cameras;
-pulling and pulling characteristics;
- thermal insulation of the chamber;
- camera lighting;

Most popular camera manufacturers:ColorTech, Termomeccanica and Saico. On average, the cost of a camera is about 700 thousand rubles.

The main equipment in the paint shop is a paint gun. The cost of a painting hydrant ranges from 600 rubles of Chinese production to several thousand. The most popular brands are Sata, Dewillbis and Iwata.

The compressor can be purchased for 8-10 thousand rubles. But, in addition to it, you need to purchase a filter to remove oil and moisture from the air.

Expendable materials

Before opening a car painting service, you should purchase a batch of various paints. There should be no problems with the choice of manufacturers, since there are a lot of them, including those that produce quality products.

The desired shade is usually selected using a mix system. For the preparation of paints, it is better to allocate a special room.

To realize the business idea of ​​creating a paint shop, you will need capital in the amount of at least one million rubles. In addition, you should consider the current costs:
- purchase Supplies(sanding skins, drill bits, etc.);
- purchase chemicals(varnishes, paints and others);
- the cost of paying for electricity;
- buying new pistols;
- rent for the premises;
- salary to employees;
- buying workwear and so on.

Painting cost

To set the cost for painting cars in your own service, you need to focus on the cost of services in specialized car dealerships.

Your cell can handle two to four vehicles in one day. The exact amount depends on the way the air is heated and the skill of the personnel.

If drying is carried out using ventilation at a temperature of 60-80 degrees, then only two cars can be painted. Using infrared drying you can paint three to four cars. Do not forget that the camera must always look clean and tidy, so you need to keep the equipment clean and clean the camera after each painting.

Car painting technology

The technology of painting cars in a spray booth consists of the following operations:

1. Operation of spraying paint. During this operation, two main fans draw fresh air into the chamber from a special intake and filter it to remove dust. Then the cleaned air enters the top of the spray booth. Then the air enters downward, flowing around the car and passing through the floor filters, out through the air duct.

It should be noted that during the spraying process, the paint must be maintained in the chamber high blood pressure air so that dust does not enter the room. At the same time, the air temperature should not be lower than 30 degrees. This is necessary for the paint to adhere well to the surface and maintain the required properties and qualities.

2. Purging the chamber. In this mode, fans for 10-15 minutes clean the chamber from paint particles and solvent vapors.

3. Drying of the painted car. The fans draw air out of the chamber through filters in the ceiling. The air, passing through the heat exchangers, heats up to a high temperature and enters the spray booth and again flows through the grilles in the floor to the hot air generator.

At the same time, suction fans regularly take air and supply it to the spray booth through heat exchangers. The process continues continuously until the temperature reaches the level required for drying - at least 60 degrees. In the future, this temperature is maintained automatically.

Attraction of clients

Your friends and acquaintances may become your first clients who need to update the color of the car or change it. Then friends of your acquaintances will come to you and so on. You can also rent a camera to single masters, they can make up about 60-70% of your clientele. Among those wishing to use the services of a spray booth may be car service workers who want to earn extra money "on the side".

You can negotiate with the foremen - repairers, so that they refer customers to you, they can also provide you with a stable cash flow... You should not give up advertising services, especially at first, when few people know about your service. But, remember car painting - this is the type of service where the most effective advertising is the quality of the work performed. If your customers are satisfied with your service, then the success of your business is guaranteed.

According to national statistics, at the beginning of 2017 in Russian Federation there were more than 45 million passenger cars... In turn, car enthusiasts often face the need to paint a car: partial painting is required in case of damage, corrosion of individual elements of the car or when purchasing individual parts that differ in color, and complete painting during prolonged use and color fading, color change or after a serious accident.

How to paint a car with your own hands

This process is complex and involves going through the following steps:

  • Removal of dirt, rust.
  • Padding.
  • Surface preparation for paint application.
  • The choice of paint and its application.
  • Coating the dried surface with varnish.
  • Polishing.

Compliance with the painting conditions is a critical parameter for a successful result: the process must be carried out in a room with good ventilation, lighting - otherwise it will not be possible to avoid dust build-up and a difference in the color of the coating. Also, painting depends on the quality of the raw materials and the skill of the person.

Starting a car painting business: the pros

  • The advantages of the painting business is that there is a demand for the service - the painting process is difficult for "beginners" to reproduce, therefore motorists turn to masters for high-quality painting. Difficulty in painting on their own lies in the difficulty of compliance technical conditions process: it is necessary to remove dust from the room and remove the previous layer of paint without damaging the surface and bringing it to the smooth appearance required for coating.
  • Also, one of the advantages is the relatively high cost of the service: in metropolitan service stations, local painting of car scratches - from 5 hundred to 2 thousand rubles or more, full painting - from 52 thousand rubles.
  • Entering the market does not have high barriers: the success of a business despite the competition, as a rule, depends on the quality of services and reputation.

Opening a vehicle painting case: cons

  • The disadvantages of the business is competition: in the segment there are network services that provide a wide range of services, including painting, official dealers and services specializing in servicing a particular car brand, single car services and customized services for painting.
  • An entrepreneur needs to have knowledge in this niche and carefully approach the selection of masters - competence determines the quality of services, and quality is what can transfer a new visitor to the center into the category of permanent ones.
  • The car painting point requires high-quality equipment and materials, therefore the costs are from 1.4 million.

How to start a car painting business

The business is registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC under the OKVED code 45.20 " Maintenance and auto repair Vehicle". Next, you need to register with tax authority: car services of the specified profile can operate according to the STS, UTII or on a general basis (the extreme scheme is used rather by large networks). It is recommended to use the simplified tax system to reduce tax payments and the accounting and reporting process. Car painting activities are not subject to licensing, but you need to obtain permits from local regulatory authorities.

To open a car painting business, you must comply with the basic norms of SES and have:

  • production process control algorithm,
  • conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the point with the norms and on the implementation of activities,
  • agreements for the removal of waste, hazardous substances, disinfection and washing of uniforms.

The necessary requirements for opening a painting point for a car cover the installation of an exhaust hood or high-quality ventilation, lighting, including fluorescent lamps, plumbing, a bathroom and a shower for employees. Top part the premises should be equipped with an air duct, a heat cushion with heating elements. To equip a room for a drying chamber, you need to raise it by 10 or more centimeters and place a fan that draws air from the chamber. Floors and walls must be finished with moisture-proof and explosion-proof materials.

Requirements for the premises of a car service for painting cars

An enterprise needs a room with an area of ​​25 square meters... For example, you can pay attention to the premises in a garage cooperative when discussing this option and other conditions of activity with the chairman of the association. Such a scheme will ensure the flow of customers from the first months of the outlet's development. If there is no suitable garage, you can turn to the pre-fabricated modular room.

In general, it is recommended to locate a business near car washes and auto parts sales outlets. Neighborhood with auto repair shops is not desirable, because they provide a wide range of services, including over time they can introduce a car painting service. Accommodation should be located at a busy traffic intersection with a convenient exit.

Car service equipment for car painting

The key equipment for business is the dyeing and spray booth, the costs of which vary from 770 thousand (1 post) to 4.5 million (8 posts) rubles, depending on the number of posts. It is recommended not to save money on the camera, because the quality of services also depends on its level - a key element of retaining customers in this business... When choosing a camera, you need to pay attention to the parameters:

  • internal area,
  • thermal insulation,
  • injection and extraction parameters,
  • lighting.

The purchase of this camera is offered by some companies under a lease agreement, which is good help to start a business.

Marketing in promoting the auto paint service business

In general, for specialized services key tool promotion is word of mouth, and, accordingly, high quality services. To promote a car service, especially in the early stages, you can use both electronic and outdoor advertising. The basic tool in Internet promotion is the creation of a website, posting a description and price list of basic services on it. It is also important to place directional banners near the enterprise and leaflets from partners (car washes, auto parts stores).

Costs of starting a car paint service business: business plan

The expected payback of the enterprise is from two to three years with an increase in cars up to 40-50 and net income up to 800-900 thousand rubles per month.

Car service franchise, service center

Investments in opening a large brand outlet under the franchising scheme range from 600 thousand to 8 million rubles. The lump-sum contribution is from 100 thousand rubles, and royalties are assigned both in the form of an interest payment, ranging from 2.5 to 5%, and a fixed contribution - from 10 to 75 thousand rubles. Contributions depend on the number of inhabitants settlement and the format of the chosen concept. The payback period ranges from 6 to 22 months or more.

Advantages of a car painting and maintenance franchise

A franchise allows an entrepreneur to obtain the secrets of the successful location of the premises for the enterprise and the competent placement of equipment at the outlet, a list of equipment and raw materials from recommended suppliers. A franchisee who buys a franchise partner gets the opportunity to work under the company's brand, attract customers based on the established reputation of the network, as well as use the company's successful marketing tools and turn to it for help. In general, thanks to the transfer of standards, an entrepreneur reduces the risk of operating his outlet and increases the chances of getting high stable earnings.

How to start a car service business: reviews

At the initial stage, the enterprise requires one or more professional workers with rich experience in car painting. Further strength of the team depends on the loading of the point. Also, at subsequent stages of development, the list of services can be increased: minor repair work, tuning, sale of auto parts and accessories, and other services.

The quality of services is a key product in this business, therefore it is not recommended to save on the equipment of the painting and spraying booth, other equipment and materials.

In life modern man the car plays a significant role. Nobody is insured against accidents, road accidents and other breakdowns. This makes vehicle repair a popular and demanded service. A large number of enterprising people strive to open their own auto repair shops for painting and bodywork. Where to start, what to look for and what points to consider when developing a business plan, we will tell you in this article.

general information

A distinctive feature of the body shop organization is the fact that repair and painting works are directly related to each other, these are links of the same technological chain, which does not make sense to separate. After all, car painting takes place at the body repair site.

The car body is painted after all the elements that hinder the work have been removed from it. Then the master corrects all damage and prepares the body itself. When all painting work is completed, the removed parts are reinstalled in their places.

Before organizing a paint and body shop, you should think carefully about the layout of the room, because the car during the repair process will have to be constantly moved between the repair and paint areas.

Minimal movement of equipment, personnel and vehicles will result in labor resources will be used more efficiently, and therefore, there will be an increase in profits.

Activity planning

At the beginning of their business, many owners do not pay enough attention to the issue of planning. With a small workload of the workshop, there is no need to do this. But with an increase in the flow of customers, the situation may change. Often this happens unexpectedly, the company turns out to be completely unprepared for a large volume of work and loses some of its clients who want to receive quality services on time.

The essence of planning is optimal use labor and production resources. It should be carried out at the beginning of the activity, even if you do not see the real effect of such a plan. In this case, the enterprise will be ready to accept maximum amount customers, ensuring the loading of all production facilities.

To successfully develop your own business, you need to develop a business plan for a paint and body shop. It will serve as the basis for further growth prospects. According to him, the company will implement specific measures in certain time based on specific numbers.

Body repair equipment

Carrying out body repair requires special equipment: welding machine, a grinder, a set of keys, a grinder, a lift for a car, a body slip and others. The repair itself consists in stretching and leveling the damaged body on the slipway, in removing cracks, chips, scratches and dents.

Box equipment

As experts advise, the workshop must have a camera for painting cars. It accounts for four boxes for body repair. In one of them, you need to place a hydraulic electric lift for installing and removing car parts. In the second, install the body slip. It is necessary to restore the body after major accidents.

A few years ago, this type of work was carried out manually, which complicated the process of restoring the exact geometry of the body. This led to the fact that the car moved as if sideways. The use of a slipway avoids these problems. In the third box, you need to install equipment for putty, straightening of the body and car parts. It may include a staple, mallet and others necessary tools... The fourth box is designed for body polishing.

This is the last step before the vehicle is sent to the spray booth. The process is carried out using a polishing machine or by hand. As dust levels increase as a result of polishing, all personnel should be provided with respirators or special masks. Try not to place this box next to another (especially adjacent), it may interfere with the work of other employees.

Equipment for painting works

The car paint booth is the backbone of the entire paint shop. It is an isolated room equipped with an air outlet, temperature control mode, good lighting... Any painting booth operates in painting and drying mode. When paint is applied, warm (about 25 degrees) air is automatically blown into the chamber from the ceiling.

It promotes the sedimentation of suspended matter. After painting is done, the painting booth is ventilated. Then comes the drying period. The temperature in the chamber is raised to 70 degrees for 1-2 hours. At this point, the system begins to operate in recirculation mode. Air intake from the street is reduced, thereby significantly saving energy. Natural gas is often used as a fuel.

To avoid the ingress of dirt, oil or moisture on the painted part from the compressor, use a painting air preparation unit. They are different types... The most powerful of them purify the air up to 99%.

Features of spray booths

Today manufacturers offer various spray booths, the choice of which directly depends on the purpose of their purchase, climatic conditions installation site and technical characteristics... The main role is played by equipment that provides air supply, heating and exhaust. In this case, in the box is formed overpressure... It is achieved by the imbalance between air extraction and delivery. Cheap cameras, when working in a harsh climate, degrade the quality of the services provided. Such conditions require a chamber with good thermal insulation and a powerful burner.

Only a small percentage (about 15%) of painting and bodywork is associated with a complete painting of the car. In most cases, medium or minor repairs specific parts. In order not to waste energy resources, special boxes for painting of a truncated type are used.

Powder coating is becoming more and more popular today. What is it? it modern technology, intended for obtaining decorative and protective coatings High Quality. The work uses polymer powders (hence the name - "powder"). They turn into a coating due to the effect of high temperatures. Due to this feature of the procedure, powder coating of metal and glass is most common.


This process has a number of positive aspects. These include:

Profitability. The fact is that such paint can be reused if it does not settle when spraying.
on the treated surface. Thus, the loss of material is no more than 5%. By the way, this figure for ordinary paints will be 8 times higher - about 40%. also in in this case no need for solvents.

Ease of use. Materials for this type of work are produced completely ready-made. This guarantees a consistently high quality of coatings. In addition, it is very easy to clean the equipment after work, because the powder is easily removed from the parts.

Speed. Powder coating does not require drying products before placing them in the oven. If the surfaces covered ordinary paint, it is necessary to dry for a rather long time, then in this case the process is reduced significantly.

Durability. The technology of these works involves the polymerization of a layer of elastic plastic, which has a fairly high adhesion, directly on the surface that is painted. The result is durable coating, which boasts excellent electrical insulating and anti-corrosion properties, as well as resistance to various substances.

Environmental friendliness. As already mentioned, solvents are not used in this case, which has a beneficial effect on the environment. Waste-free production also plays a role.

Decorativeness. Powder paints make it possible to obtain a surface of any shade. The palette of the presented materials today has more than 5 thousand colors and shades with various textures. If desired, you can get a glossy or matte surface, as well as granite, moire, etc.

Powder coating as a business idea

Considering all the advantages of this type of work, it becomes obvious that such a business will be quite profitable. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately invest a large amount in your business, it is advisable to at least just find out how do-it-yourself powder painting is done.

But it is worth considering that you still have to spend money. First of all, you will need to take care of the availability of special equipment and a separate room... As the latter, a simple garage is quite suitable, but provided that there is enough space in it to accommodate all the tools and directly carry out the work. What equipment is needed for powder coating?


The work will be impossible without a special camera. It is in it that most of the whole process. A powder coating chamber is needed to clean the air (recuperation process), in addition, it is precisely due to it that it remains possible to reuse the material. Here, the paint that does not get on the surface to be treated is sent to the filters and then discarded.

Such equipment may have different sizes... Which one to choose - you need to decide in each case individually, having previously determined which products you plan to work with.

Stove and pistol

You will also need a reflow oven. This is a prefabricated structure consisting of panels (their thickness is 100 mm). Heat insulating material- basalt fiber. If you are just trying yourself in this type of work, it is not necessary to immediately buy a special oven. For this purpose, it is quite possible to use a conventional oven. However, to build a business, it is still recommended to purchase professional equipment.

Powder coating technology also requires a spray gun that allows the use of compressed air. You can also use a compressor as it. If you have made a choice in favor of the latter, then please note that a high pressure filter must be installed on it.

Recuperator and transport system

Powder paint residues are collected using a recuperator. Instead, at first, you can use cyclonic type vacuum cleaner. In this case, you must first check the power supply in the room and make sure that grounding is present.

If you plan to work with large-sized items, then you should also consider purchasing transport system... In it, the workpieces are moved on special carts that move along the rails. Thus, a powder coating line is built. Such equipment improves the productivity of the process, ensuring its continuity.

Powder coating technology

The process of performing the work itself is divided, as it was already possible to understand, into several stages:

  1. We will tell you about each stage separately. Preparation of a product, or rather its surface, for processing.
  2. Powder paint application.
  3. Polymerization, i.e. heating the product in an oven.

Preparatory stage: cleaning, degreasing

We can say that this stage is the most time consuming. And it depends on him how high-quality and durable the coating will turn out to be. In the process of surface preparation, it is necessary to remove all contaminants from it, degrease it.

Cleaning is carried out by means of mechanical or chemical method... The first option involves the use of steel brushes or a grinding disc. Alternatively, lapping can be done with a clean cloth soaked in solvent.

The second cleaning option involves the use of an alkaline, neutral or acidic composition, as well as solvents. Their choice depends on how dirty the surface is, what material the product is made of, what type it is and what dimensions it has.

Phosphating and chromating

Further, a conversion underlayer can be applied to the product, which will prevent moisture and dirt from getting under the coating. Phosphating and chromating procedures ensure better adhesion and protect the surface from rust. For this purpose, iron phosphate (for steel), zinc (when working with galvanic cells), chromium (for aluminum) or manganese phosphate and chromic anhydride are most often used.

Then it will be necessary to remove oxides, which is carried out using an abrasive and dry cleaning... The first is produced by means of abrasive particles (shot, sand), walnut shells. These substances are fed compressed air at a fairly high speed. As a result, the particles "bump" into the surface of the product and bounce off it along with the dirt.

Etching (chemical cleaning) is the removal of various contaminants using special etching solutions, the main components of which are sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric acid or caustic soda. This method is considered more productive, however, after such processing, the product must be rinsed from solutions.


This is the final step in the surface preparation phase. It is necessary to process the part with sodium and chromium nitrate compounds. This is done to prevent secondary corrosion.

After all have been produced preparatory work, the product is rinsed and dried in an oven. Now the surface can be directly powder coated.

Paint application

What is the powder coating technology itself? The prepared product must be placed in the chamber. Here powder (paint) will be applied to it. If you have a dead-end box, then only small parts can be painted in it. Large products can only be processed in long chambers.

The most common method for applying paint is electrostatic spraying. In this case, powder paint guns are used. Such instruments are also called spray guns or applicators. This device is a pneumatic spray gun, with the help of which an electrostatically charged substance is applied to a pre-grounded part.

Coating formation

We pass to the next stage of work. The paint has been applied, now you need to form the coating. First of all, the product is sent to the oven for polymerization. Such cameras can be different: vertical, horizontal, again, dead-end or walk-through, single and multi-way.

The aforementioned equipment for powder coating provides heating of the surface to a certain temperature - 150-220 o C. The treatment lasts about half an hour, as a result of which a film is formed. At this stage, it is important that the part warms up evenly, which is possible only if the temperature in the chamber is stable.

Which mode to choose for processing a particular part depends on it itself, on the type of paint and equipment. After the polymerization is completed, the product must be air-cooled. That's it, the job is done.


As you can see, powder coating is a rather laborious job that requires some investment. What products are exposed to it? The painting method in question is ideal for processing aluminum or forged products as well as galvanized surfaces.

Powder paints nowadays find more and more "fans". Now they are used in instrument making, in construction, and in the automotive industry, as well as in other areas. With their help, they paint medical equipment, roofing materials, household appliances, items made of ceramics, plaster and glass, furniture. Powder-coated discs are becoming increasingly popular among motorists.

Business organization

These works in specialized centers are quite expensive today. If you want to try yourself in this business, then if you have financial resources you may well start. Of course, not everyone can afford a powder coating line (automated system), but thanks to our recommendations, you can replace some elements with other tools at first.

Start with small items. It can be plaster figurines, ceramic tableware And much more. Try to paint something in your house first (start by saying that you don't mind ruining it). Gradually, you will acquire the necessary skills and dexterity, then you will be able to take orders from friends. However, you should not expect a lot of income if you only interrupt with one-time orders from individuals.

The best scenario assumes a large start-up capital... In this case, you can immediately purchase necessary equipment and hire workers. Clients should be looked for among enterprises engaged in the production of metal products. Only the presence of such customers will allow your business to exist and develop.

Nowadays, there are more and more cars, which means that the demand for the services of auto-painters will constantly increase! But before you start organizing your auto-paint brushes, you need to learn a lot about this difficult business.

Now the car is no longer a luxury item, as it once was. Now the car is a reliable means of transportation that helps to save expensive time. However, sooner or later there is a need to change exterior view auto (the most common reason for such changes is all sorts of damage to the surface of the car).

Car painting is time consuming and difficult process... See for yourself. Car painting is carried out in several stages.

First you need to remove the rust, then priming, then, if required, apply fillers, sand and prepare the entire surface, and only then paint is applied, drying is carried out, then transparent varnish is applied, and again - drying, and, finally, polishing.
All these works must be performed efficiently, quickly and using modern high-tech equipment. In this way, you can get a perfect result - no traces renovation works by car.

Completion of the painting area:
painting and drying chamber;
preparation area for painting;
painting and drying booth for parts;
infrared emitter for local drying;
paint preparation room with a mixer;
air preparation unit for painting;
paint sprayers;
grinding pneumatic tool;
paint sprayer washer;
parts stand;
a stand for painting elements;
bumper rack;
dust extractor;
accessories (spatulas, special
bars with replaceable abrasives, etc.).

The most important thing in the paint shop is the paint-drying booth. It is a closed box with special lighting, air exchange and temperature conditions.
All cameras have a common principle of operation. There are two modes - painting and drying. In the painting mode, air from the street is sucked into the chamber, cleaned by filters, heated to about 20-25 degrees, cleaned again and fed into the box.
Air is supplied from the ceiling so that any dust and suspension from the paint settles faster. After finishing the painting, the chamber is purged, during which the paint products are finally removed from it. After that, drying begins.

The temperature rises to 60-70 degrees, and the paint polymerizes within 1-2 hours. In the drying mode, air from the outside is needed much less, and air is recirculated in the chamber. About five to six times less is sucked from the street fresh air than in paint mode.
The energy consumption for heating is correspondingly halved. Diesel fuel or gas is burned to heat the air. Electric heating is practically not used because it is very expensive.
Everyone understands that an industrial spray booth will be very expensive, the cheapest will cost at least ten thousand conventional units. If you have the appropriate room, you can make it yourself.

Most the best option- single-engine camera, because it is quite problematic to make a twin-engine one, it is fraught with many difficulties.
The walls of the corresponding room are sheathed plastic clapboard or professional sheets.
In a box made of galvanized sheet, air can be supplied using a volute. The box is installed above the ceiling; a fine air filter is fixed to its open part. Filtered air enters the chamber. It leaves through a hole that can be made under the foundation of the structure. Grates should be installed on dug and concreted trenches.
The light is located around the entire perimeter of the room, as well as under right hand(you can see how the paint lays down). It is better to use fluorescent lamps. Air drying can be avoided. This requires the establishment infrared lamps... This makes it possible to speed up the drying of the car several times. Air flows will also disappear, which will also greatly facilitate the painting process.

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