Do-it-yourself automatic incubator drawings with dimensions. We make an incubator for eggs with our own hands

The buildings 26.06.2020
The buildings

On farms or individual farms, it often becomes necessary to breed chickens at home. Of course, laying hens can be used for these purposes, but it will take a long time to grow chickens naturally at home, and the offspring will be small.

Therefore, for breeding chickens at home, many use an incubator. Of course, there are industrial devices used for large-scale industrial production, but for small farms, simple incubators are also perfect, which you can easily do with your own hands.

Today we will tell you how to make an incubator with your own hands, from the simplest to the more complex.

How to make an incubator out of a cardboard box with your own hands?

The easiest do-it-yourself incubator for breeding chickens at home is a cardboard box design. It is done like this:

  • cut a small window in the side of the cardboard box;
  • inside the box, pass three cartridges designed for incandescent lamps. For this purpose, it is necessary at an equal and small distance make three holes at the top of the box;
  • lamps for the incubator should have a power of 25 W and be at a distance of about 15 centimeters from the eggs;
  • in front of the structure, you should make a door with your own hands, and they must correspond to the parameters of 40 by 40 centimeters. Door should be as close to the body as possible. an incubator so that the design does not release heat to the outside;
  • take boards of small thickness and make a special tray out of them in the form of a wooden frame;
  • put a thermometer on board such a tray, and place a container of water measuring 12 by 22 centimeters under the tray itself;
  • up to 60 chicken eggs should be placed in such a tray, and from the first day of using the incubator for its intended purpose, do not forget to turn them.

So, we have considered the simplest version of the incubator with our own hands. If it is necessary to grow chickens in a minimum number at home, this design will be quite enough.

High Complexity Incubator

Now let's look at how to make a more complex incubator with your own hands. But for this you need to follow the following formalities:

  • if the openings of the chamber for ventilation are closed, then the chamber must be completely sealed;
  • when opening the ventilation holes, the air should be mixed evenly, otherwise the temperature inside the chamber will not be uniform and this is very bad for the chickens;
  • it is desirable to equip the incubator with forced ventilation.

You can also equip your home incubator with a special device that can automatically turn the tray over with eggs and save you from this work. So, turn eggs once an hour with your own hands. In the absence of a special device, the eggs are turned over at least every three hours. Such devices should not come into contact with eggs.

The first half day, the temperature in the incubator should be up to 41 degrees, then it is gradually reduced to 37.5, respectively. The required level of relative humidity is about 53 percent. Before the chicks hatch, the temperature will need to be lowered further and the importance should be increased to 80 percent.

How to make an electronically controlled incubator with your own hands?

A more advanced model is an electronically controlled incubator. It can be done like this:

  • the frame for the incubator is made on the basis of wooden beams, then it is sheathed with plywood on all sides;
  • the axis is attached to the upper part of the chamber, then a tray is attached to it at the rate of 50 eggs maximum;
  • the dimensions of the tray are 250 by 400 mm, its height is 50 mm;
  • the tray is made on the basis of a 2 mm metal mesh;
  • from the inside, the tray is covered with a nylon mesh. Eggs are laid out so that their sharp end is at the bottom;
  • for heating, take incandescent lamps (4 pieces) with a power of 25 W;
  • to create the required level of humidity in the chamber you need a white tin bath 100 x 200 and 50 mm in size, filled with water. Three copper arcs of wire in the form of the letter P are soldered to the bath, 80 mm high;
  • you need to attach a fabric to the wire, which can increase the surface of water evaporation;
  • to get air inside the chamber in the ceiling, you need to make 8 holes with a diameter of about 20 mm each. 10 holes of the same size should be made in the bottom panel. Thus, air will enter the chamber from below, be heated by incandescent lamps, and when it exits through the upper holes, it will heat the eggs;
  • install in the incubation chamber special temperature sensor, which will regulate the temperature level.

In the first six days of operation, the temperature inside the incubator should be kept at 38 degrees. BUT then it can be gradually reduced half a degree a day. In addition, you will need to turn the tray with eggs.

Once every three days, you will need to pour water into a special bath and wash the fabric in soapy water in order to remove salt deposits.

Self-assembly of a multi-tiered incubator

An incubator of this type is automatically heated by electricity, it must operate from a conventional 220 V network. To heat the air, six spirals are required, which taken from the tile insulation of the iron and connected in series with each other.

To maintain a comfortable temperature in this type of chamber, you need to take a relay equipped with an automatic contact measuring device.

This incubator has the following parameters:

  • height 80 centimeters;
  • depth 52 centimeters;
  • width 83 centimeters respectively.

The build looks like this:

  • the frame is made on the basis of pine bars 40 mm long;
  • on all sides, the bars are upholstered with plywood with a thickness of 3 mm;
  • free space between the bar and plywood filled with dry shavings or sawdust, you can take foam plastic in order to insulate the structure;
  • the door in the form of a separate panel is attached to the rear wall of the incubator frame;
  • hinged type canopies are used as fasteners.

Inside the incubator is divided into three compartments by installing three partitions. The side compartments should be wider than the middle compartment. Their width should be 2700 mm, and the width of the middle compartment - 190 mm, respectively. Partitions are made of plywood 4 mm thick. Between them and the ceiling of the structure there should be a gap of about 60 mm. Then, corners measuring 35 by 35 mm made of duralumin should be attached to the ceiling parallel to the partitions.

Slots are made in the lower and upper parts of the chamber, which will serve as ventilation, thanks to which the temperature will be the same in all parts of the incubator.

Three trays are placed in the side parts for the incubation period, and one will be needed for output. To the rear wall of the central part of the incubator a contact type thermometer is installed, which is attached with a psychrometer to the front.

In the middle compartment, a heating device is installed at a distance of about 30 centimeters up from the bottom. A separate door must lead to each compartment.

For better tightness of the structure, a three-layer flannel seal is covered under the cover.

Each compartment should have a separate handle, thanks to which each tray can be rotated from side to side. To maintain the required temperature in the incubator, you need a relay powered by a 220 V network or a TPK thermometer.

Now you are convinced that you can make an incubator for breeding chickens at home with your own hands. Of course, different designs have different complexity of implementation. The complexity depends on the number of eggs and on the degree of automation of the incubator. If you do not make high demands, then a simple cardboard box will be enough for you as an incubator for growing chickens.

In the presence of certain materials, the incubator can be made independently. However, the successful incubation of eggs depends on a number of factors, and in order not to spoil them in the first laying, it is important to anticipate all possible issues in the work of the manufactured structure. Consider one of the popular options for creating such a device.

Characteristics of incubators with automatic egg turning

In addition to incubators with "manual" or semi-automatic egg turning, there are automatic incubators that minimize human intervention in the hatching process. According to the time set by the owner, the automation itself performs the required coup, and the eggs do not lie in one place.

Such machines can be built at home, but first of all, it is important to take into account all its possible pros and cons.


  • The undeniable advantages of a home-made apparatus can be considered the following features:
  • low cost compared to ready-made purchased models;
  • economy in terms of energy consumption;
  • independent selection of the required internal volume, depending on the personal needs of each farmer;
  • high maintainability (if any part fails, the master will always be able to replace it without outside help);
  • versatility (with the correct assembly of the structure, a home-made incubator can be used not only for breeding chickens, but also for breeding chicks of other domestic or even exotic birds).

In addition, if the components for the future device can be found at home, then you will get the finished incubator for free.


This group of characteristics for the most part includes disadvantages associated with inaccurate calculations and the use of old materials.

  • Therefore, the possible disadvantages of homemade devices are as follows:
  • the possibility of breakage of some part of the device (especially if the incubator is made from old technology);
  • an independent increase in temperature or power outages, which leads to the death of the embryos;
  • unattractive appearance;
  • lack of a manufacturer's warranty that allows you to replace the device if it breaks down.

Requirements for homemade automatic incubators

Without knowledge of the technical conditions of incubation, not a single assembled incubator will be able to provide good work productivity, therefore, before starting work, it is worth considering some requirements for automatic structures:

  • egg incubation takes at least 21 days, which means that the incubator should work exactly as long (without a break);
  • eggs should be placed inside the device at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other, which is important to consider when choosing a specific pallet;
  • along with the change in the stage of development of the embryo, the temperature inside the incubator should also change;
  • automatic egg turning should be performed slowly, at intervals of 2 times a day;
  • to maintain the optimal level of humidity and ventilation, a home-made mechanism must be provided with a regulator of the necessary parameters (a thermostat, as well as sensors that scan the temperature level and humidity level).

Important!To use a homemade incubator for breeding different types of birds, it is useful to purchase a ready-made universal tray that ensures the timely turning of their eggs.

How to make an automatic egg incubator with your own hands

If you are going to create an incubator yourself, then one of the good solutions is to use an old refrigerator. Of course, it will have to be understaffed and correctly selected consumables.
To do this, you need to make sure that the finished design:

  • had holes for ventilation and maintaining humidity at a level of 40–60% (drilled in the case, after which tubes are placed in them to protect against the interaction of air with glass wool);
  • provided for the regulation and maintenance of temperature indicators;
  • ensured the airing speed of the eggs at the level of 5 m/s;
  • guaranteed a timely turn of the eggs.

However, all this will be calculated during direct collection, and first you should correctly calculate the size of the device and select all consumables.

How to calculate the size?

The dimensions of the finished home-made incubator will directly affect the number of eggs for one bookmark, so if it is important for you to get as many chicks as possible at a time, then we suggest focusing on the following approximate values:

As for the external dimensions of the device, they depend on the selected material, because, for example, the foam will be more voluminous than cardboard. In addition, in the manufacture of structures with several floors, completely different technologies will be used, which means that calculations will be made taking into account the parameters of each tier.

The size of the incubator will also be affected by:

  • type of heating system;
  • placement of lamps;
  • placement of trays.

In order not to make mistakes in the calculations when designing an incubator, it is important to adhere to a pre-compiled scheme, which for a small device for 45 eggs can look like this:

Consumables and tools for work

The device of the incubator has much in common with the device of the refrigerator, which will make a good case: the walls of the refrigeration equipment perfectly retain heat, and existing shelves can be used as shelving.

Did you know? On the territory of Russia, the first mass production of incubators dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, and the volumes of such machines were very impressive: 16–24 thousand eggs could be placed in them at a time.

The main list of necessary tools and materials will look like this:

  • an old refrigerator (it can be the oldest model, but it’s whole and working);
  • bulbs for 25 W (4 pcs.);
  • fan;
  • metal rod or chain with an asterisk;
  • a drive for turning eggs (for example, a gearmotor from a car windshield wiper);
  • drill;
  • thermostat;
  • thermometer;
  • screwdriver and screws.

How to make an incubator with an automatic flip of trays with your own hands: video

Approximate scheme of the finished product:

Step by step manufacturing instructions

The whole process of making a home incubator from an old refrigerator will take only a few hours, as it consists of a small number of basic steps:

  1. Development of drawings showing a clear location of each part of the future incubator.
  2. Dismantling the refrigerator and removing all unnecessary details: the freezer, trays on the doors and other elements of secondary importance.
  3. Organization of the ventilation system (one hole must be drilled in the ceiling of the refrigerator, and three more holes must be drilled in the lower part, closer to the bottom, inserting plastic tubes into them).
  4. Fastening sheets of expanded polystyrene to the inner walls of the case (you can use double-sided mounting tape or small self-tapping screws).
  5. Heating system installation. Prepared 4 incandescent lamps must be fixed at the bottom and at the top of the refrigerator body (two each), and the lower lamps should not interfere with the placement of a water tank (small self-tapping screws can be used for fastening).
  6. Installation of a purchased thermostat on the outer part of the door and its connection to the heating elements.
  7. Creation of a turning mechanism using a car gearbox. To begin with, using metal strips and self-tapping screws, fix this element to the bottom of the refrigerator. Then, inside the unit, install a wooden frame and attach the trays to it, just so that they can tilt 60° first towards the door and then in the opposite direction. Attach a rod connected to the tray on the opposite side of the refrigerator to the gear motor (the motor will act on the rod, which, in turn, will begin to tilt the tray and provide rotation).
  8. Installation of a viewing window. Cut a small hole on the outside of the refrigerator door and fill it with glass or clear plastic. Reinforce all joints with adhesive tape or sealant.
  9. Installing a tray with water and attaching a thermometer inside the refrigerator, only so that it can be seen through the viewing window.

In conclusion, you should check the performance of all mechanisms by turning on the device for several hours.

Laying eggs in an incubator

Before being placed in the incubator, all eggs must lie in the room for at least 8 hours, because if before that they were in cool conditions, then when placed in a warm incubator, condensation is not excluded.
An equally important stage of preparation is the culling of unsuitable eggs.

So, specimens are not suitable for further incubation:

  • small size;
  • with cracks, growths or any other uncharacteristic features on the shell;
  • with freely moving yolk;
  • with a displaced air chamber (more than two millimeters).

The next stage is the direct laying in the incubator, which also has its own characteristics:

  • on one tray it is desirable to lay eggs close to each other in size, and preferably from the same species of birds;
  • first of all, the largest eggs should be laid on the trays, and after them, taking into account the incubation period, medium and small ones (on average, at least 4 hours should pass between the laying of each next group);
  • if possible, it is worth moving the laying time to the evening hours, so that the chicks should appear in the morning;
  • it is desirable to place the incubator in a room with stable temperatures, so that it is easier for the device to maintain indicators inside;
  • for complete control over the incubation process, get yourself a calendar in which you need to note the date of the bookmark, the numbers and time of the coup, as well as the date of the control candling of the eggs.

The duration of incubation of different types of birds has significant differences, which means that the eggs should be turned over in different ways.
In addition, the conditions for the development of embryos will also differ:

  • for chicken eggs, the temperature inside the device must be monitored every hour, in the first 11 days maintaining it at +37.9 ° C, with a humidity of not more than 66%;
  • for duck eggs, the optimal indicators are + 38 ... + 38.2 ° C, at a humidity of 70%.

Did you know?Chickens perfectly remember faces and are able to retain in memory up to hundreds of images, not only human, but also animals.

Temperature regime for different types of poultry

A suitable temperature is one of the most important conditions for incubation, without which the hatching of chicks is simply impossible.

For each type of bird, these indicators are purely individual, so when laying eggs for chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys, you should focus on the following values:

In general, a home-made incubator is a good solution for both those who are just trying their hand at poultry farming, and for experienced farmers who do not want to spend extra money on the purchase of ready-made equipment. By equipping the structure with automatic egg turning, 80–90% hatchability of chicks can be achieved.

Do-it-yourself incubator at home with drawings.

You can make a homemade incubator with your own hands, even from an ordinary cardboard box, and there is nothing complicated about it.

In this article, we will look at some of the simplest options for home-made incubators with drawings, photos and videos, which describe in detail how to make an incubator.

When the temperature rises above the set value, the relay is activated and turns off the heating elements. When the temperature drops below the set value, the relay turns them on again. It is quite difficult to make a thermostat on your own, it is easier to buy it in a hardware store.

Egg trays.

To place the eggs, trays are used in the incubator, since the incubation process requires periodically (2-3 times a day) to turn the eggs, then this has to be done manually, or using an automatic rotary mechanism.

Air circulation.

The air temperature near the heating elements will be slightly higher than in the far corners of the incubator chamber, in order to ensure uniform heating of the eggs, you need to install a small low-power fan that will circulate warm air inside the incubator.

humidity in the incubator.

The incubation process requires maintaining humidity in the incubator chamber; for this, it is enough to place water containers on the bottom of the incubator.

This is the simplest version of a homemade incubator; any box made of thick cardboard, for example, from household appliances, will do. The walls of the box must be insulated with any available heat-insulating material.

For convenient control over the incubation process, a small Plexiglas window can be made in the wall of the case.

For heating, you can use 2 - 3 electric lamps of 25 W each, the lamps must be connected to a 220 V network through a thermostat.

Egg trays can be made from welded metal mesh, plastic, wooden slats; to install trays on the walls of the case, you need to install side rails. To evenly distribute warm air in the incubator, it is advisable to install a small low-power fan, you can adapt a 12 V cooler from a computer power supply.

To maintain humidity in the incubator, it is necessary to put a small wide container of water at the bottom of the box.

How to make an incubator from an old refrigerator.

An old refrigerator can also be converted into an incubator, the refrigerator body is ideal for this, it already has thermal insulation and a convenient sealed door. It remains only to remove the freezer, and install heating lamps with a thermostat, a fan, a container of water, a control thermometer and egg trays from above and below.

In order not to turn the eggs manually, you can make an egg turner.

The operation of the incubator needs to be tested; it must accurately maintain the set temperature on the thermostat, after which eggs can be laid and incubated.

For the successful incubation of eggs, it is very important to constantly maintain the desired temperature, if the lights suddenly turn off at home, you need to put a pot of hot water in the incubator, and cover the incubator case with a blanket. This will allow you to maintain an acceptable temperature for some time until the houses turn on the lights.

Drawings and description of manufacturing in the article.

How to make an incubator with your own hands from the refrigerator video.

How to make a quail incubator.

For incubation of quail eggs, you can use the same incubator as for chicken eggs, it has the same design and works on the same principle.

Quail eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs, and they require less space in the incubator, so you can make an incubator for small quails, the scheme and principle of its operation are the same.

How to make a quail incubator video.

Intending to make an incubator with their own hands, the owners are often interested in what materials and type of construction to choose for the manufacture of the device and what conditions need to be created for the successful incubation of healthy chicks. Different types of incubators differ in their operational characteristics and the specifics of handling eggs. The article shows these differences and describes the process of creating an incubator with your own hands at home.

Where to start creating an incubator?

Before starting work on creating a system for hatching chicks at home, you need to:

  • Select camera material. The most significant criterion is the ability to retain heat. Large pieces of styrofoam are the preferred choice, and a cardboard box is the worst choice (it is easiest to make an incubator with your own hands). Refrigerators are also used.
  • Decide on the size of the structure - it depends on the number of eggs placed at a time and the type of bird.
  • Choose devices to maintain the required air temperature. A thermometer is used to measure indicators, and lamps are used for heating. Sometimes they get a thermostat.
  • Decide if the structure will be equipped with an automatic egg turning mechanism. It will require investments, but will save time resources. More often, the mechanism is used for large systems where two hundred eggs are placed.

What you need to create a homemade incubator

To design a home-made incubator with your own hands, you will need to purchase or make its elements:

  • Egg trays - made of wood and plastic. The bottom is slatted or made of mesh. An automated turning option is available (eggs turn after a user-defined time interval). Install a water tray.
  • A housing with good thermal insulation properties, ensuring a constant temperature inside the structure without sudden jumps. It is made from foam or plywood sheet.
  • Incandescent lamps installed in the corners (a 25 W element is suitable for a small device, a 100 W model is used for a large one). The distance from the lamp to the tray must be at least 15 centimeters.
  • Thermometer.
  • Fans - will be required if the structure is made from the refrigerator body. Then they will need to be installed at the top and bottom. In other cases, to ensure ventilation, it is enough to make holes with a diameter of 1-2 centimeters in the lid and on the wall near the bottom.

What conditions must be maintained in a homemade incubator

Of great importance for the normal formation of chickens is the observance of the temperature regime. The first two days for chicken and goose eggs, you need to keep the temperature at 38-38.5 degrees Celsius, gradually lowering it to 37.5 by 19-21 days. For ducks and turkeys, these parameters are 37.8 at the beginning and 37 at the end. Quail eggs are kept at a temperature of 37.5 for the entire incubation period (16-18 days). Humidity is also important - at the beginning it should be in the range of 45-60%, by the last days it is increased to a value of 75-80%.

How to make your own chicken egg incubator: step by step instructions

The manufacturing methods of the unit differ depending on the source material for the body. Below are the most available options.

How to make a do-it-yourself foam incubator

The advantages of polystyrene as a material for a bird hatcher are excellent thermal insulation properties, low cost and lightness. To make a foam incubator with your own hands, you will need tools and accessories:

  • two sheets of material 5 cm thick;
  • four incandescent lamps - for the small design under consideration, 25 W lamps are enough;
  • scotch;
  • soldering iron for cutting holes (material crumbles easily when cutting with a knife);
  • a set of trays;
  • thermometer;
  • liquid glue;
  • fan.

Sequence of work:

  1. Side walls are made from the first sheet by cutting it into 4 equal parts.
  2. The walls are glued.
  3. From the second sheet, a base is made 40 cm wide and a lid 60 cm wide (the length of both parts is 50 cm).
  4. The sides of the base are smeared with glue and inserted into the blank from the walls.
  5. Paste the resulting box with adhesive tape for greater structural rigidity (starting from the bottom).
  6. Foam bars 6 cm high are installed at the bottom, on which the trays will be placed.
  7. Drill 2 holes for ventilation with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm at a centimeter height from the bottom.
  8. Install lamps.
  9. They put the thermostat on the outside of the lid, while the sensor is placed on the inside, making a small hole under it.
  10. They put the tray - it should be at a distance of at least 4 cm from the walls.

Do-it-yourself incubator with automatic and manual flip

To make a homemade incubator with automatic egg flipping, you will need to purchase a turning device. Types of mechanisms for turning eggs are used:

  • Moving grid - suitable for small incubators. With its slow movement (automatic or manual), the position of the eggs changes.
  • The roller mechanism is used less frequently: its independent production requires many small parts.
  • An automatic mechanism that rotates the trays after a predetermined time is used in large units.

How to make a device for hatching chicks from a refrigerator or plywood

The design of the refrigerator is prepared as follows:

  1. Shelves and containers for food storage are removed from the chamber.
  2. 3-4 bottom ventilation holes are drilled.
  3. Installed fans and lamps. Depending on the size of the chamber, you will need 2-4 fans placed next to the lamps.
  4. A viewing window is mounted in the lid or wall.

You can construct a model from plywood sheets. Its dimensions and arrangement differ little from those for foam plastic. The walls of the case should consist of two layers of material, between which a heater is mounted. A viewing window with shifting glass is installed in the roof, allowing ventilation of the incubator.

How to make an incubator out of the box - the easiest way

The simplest do-it-yourself incubator is constructed from cardboard. This material has the least strength and does not retain heat well. The process is different from working with foam:

  • Holes for blowing are made at a height of 3-4 cm from the bottom.
  • Tray slats are attached 6-7 cm above the bottom level; a store egg box is used as a tray.
  • Holes are made in the roof for a lamp (in the center) and a thermometer (at the edge), as well as a viewing window.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade incubators

Making your own is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Save money compared to the factory version by 2-3 times.
  • The ability to breed several types of birds in one incubator, subject to the similarity of the recommended temperature regimes.
  • High survival rate of chicks - up to 90%.
  • Small power consumption.
  • Ease of manufacture.

As a minus, you can indicate the need to take care of turning the eggs - do it regularly (recommended frequency - once every 8 hours) manually or purchase a special mechanism.

If you want to buy an egg incubator for yourself, but you do not have money for this device, since this equipment is professional. There are many homemade incubators on the Internet, but they are difficult to make and require a lot of materials. I will show you one good idea on how to make an incubator with your own hands and not spend a lot of money on its materials. In such an incubator, your chicks will hatch within 21 days.

Required materials and tools:
- foam boxes
- bulb socket
- 4 wooden blocks
- highly breathable fabric
- heat and humidity sensor
- hacksaw for metal
- screws
- knife
- a regular frame with glass from under the photo
- duct tape or tape
- construction stapler
- water tank

Step 1: First we need to measure the dimensions of our box. Each size may be different, it depends on what kind of box you have.

Step 2: From wooden blocks, you need to make such a frame. The height of the frame should be a little more than the height of the container you have chosen under the water.

Step 3: Now take a fabric that is breathable. We lay the fabric on the work surface and cut it off a little with the rest to stretch it.

Step 4: Next, we stretch the fabric and fasten it to paper clips using a stapler, or whoever does not have it, into small carnations.

Step 5: Drill a small hole in one side of the box for the cartridge. It should be above the screen so that the light bulb does not come into contact with it. The power of the light bulb depends on the size of the box. For example, the size of the box is 30 * 25 cm, a 10-40 W light bulb is enough.

Step 6: Next, you need to insert the cartridge into the hole and screw in the light bulb. The light bulb must not come into contact with the foam box.

Step 7: Now you need to cut 2 holes in the wall of the box and 4 more in the lid.

Step 8: To observe what happens in the incubator you need to make glass. On the lid we cut a window under the glass.

Step 9: Take the frame apart and secure the glass with duct tape.

Step 10: Now let's start assembling. Place a container of water at the bottom of the box. Set up a screen. Install the air humidity sensor and place the eggs on the cloth. Close the lid.

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