House for a hamster with your own hands. House for a hamster - what should he be? House for a hamster from ceramic dishes

Gardening 30.08.2019

All rodents just adore cozy housesin which they can sleep, have nests and hide food reserves. Hamsters are no exception. In cells with them, it is necessary to set a small asylum, where animals will be able to spend time. Sketch the old rags, scraps of napkins or chips, and your pet necessarily advises the beautiful nest. About what kind of hamster house is better to choose, let's talk in this article.

Modern pet stores offer big choice Goods for hamsters. Most often, the following types of houses are on sale:

  • From plastic;
  • From wood;
  • From fabric;
  • From ceramics;
  • From plant materials;
  • From the vine.

Any of these models can be performed in unusual design And it will be not only a place to sleep, but also the decoration of the cell. In addition, a small hamster house will help an animal to feel safe, comfortable and warm (after all, all rodents need small "minks" to maintain the optimal level of thermoregulation).

When choosing a size, it is necessary to navigate the view of your favorite. For example, a house for must be at all no longer, but a representative of the Syrian breed will be required that is more referring. And, of course, if you contain several rodents at once, they need more space.

A big plus of modern "mink" is simplicity in care. Usually the design does not have a bottom, therefore the likelihood of a situation where the hamster combines the bedroom with a toilet and, thus, spoils the wool, is almost equal to zero.

Plastic houses

The most common I. a budget option. He has both pros and cons. Such models are strong enough, long retain the form and easily wash. But at the same time it is worth carefully checking all the little things before buying.

Because hamsters seek everything to try tooth, they can choose if toxic plastic is spoiled. You should alert a sharp smell emanating from the product or it is too bright, unnatural color. There are no less danger and poorly fastened small details, because of which the animal may simply suffocate.

Otherwise, plastic "nests" are not inferior to others. They are best suited to the breeders who are used as a sawdust filler. From the finely chopped rustles hamster simply can't reject the nest, so it will be happy to settle in the proposed house. The bedroom model has become especially popular recently. They are made by single or two-storey, connect with labyrinths, stairs, etc. A bright stylized design with doors, windows and even balconies will help combine the function of the socket and a fun toy.

The special advantage of plastic products is their low pricewhich can start from 50 rubles.

Wooden houses

The tree is the most favorable material for rodents. It is rough, so it's easier to scramble through such a surface. Also wooden house For a hamster, environmentally friendly and it can always be tasteless without compromising health.

The models of their this material are also a lot. The house for a Syrian hanging from a tree will be the most optimal optionsince the dwelling can be enough large sizesTo accommodate the Syrian. They are made like both rustic huts, and on dog booths, can have one or more rooms and even various devices for entertaining your pet (stairs, ropes, mirrors, etc.). Multicolored parts are usually created using special paintsAlso safe for animals.

The answer to the question is how much a wooden house for a hamster, will depend on the type of "nest", its size and manufacturer. In general, the price is not too high and starts approximately from 80-150 rubles.

Ceramic houses

It looks very bright and stylish. They appeared on sale quite recently, but have already deserved positive reviews from breeders. Such a house is precisely safe for a pet and allows him to always be warm, because the clay keeps the temperature very well. However, it is necessary to handle it very carefully, because any fall can lead to the fact that the product will break.

In models from ceramics, the hamster will be convenient not only to live, but also to play. For example, an option in the form of a bright piece of cheese will be for your pet a real labyrinth and a staircase immediately. The animal will gladly wipe through the walls and roof or simply relax on the top of the house.

Other options

Fabric hammocks for rodents are most importantly acquired. They can be used as a space for sleep and swing at the same time, they do not occupy a lot of space in the cage and retain warmth well.

Models from the vine and other plant raw materials look very beautiful. They are well ventilated and allow the animal to feel in their native environment. Additional advantage is complete environmental Safety. However, in an unheated apartment, such a house is hardly useful, since the heat in it does not keep in the best way and your pet can freeze and spoil your health.

Among the craftsmen applies to fashion to make the bedroom hamsters from cardboard, but it is impractical. The animal quickly resells in the walls of the hole and, thus spoils the whole design and remains without "housing." You can, with certain skills, make a house for a hamster from the bottle (a plastic container is best for 1.5 or 5 liters). However, closely make sure that the moves in it are not too narrow and the animal would not be stuck and did not damage anything ..

The choice of a house for a hamster depends on your budget and pet needs. The main thing, do not forget about security, and then the hamster will accurately like his new "bedroom", where it is always comfortable and warm.

In the article, I will tell you how to make a simple house for a hamster from the girlfriend with your own hands at home. I will describe the rodent houses: what should be in them, which should not be made from what materials are made.

How to make a house for hamster with your own hands

Hamster will be required in the cell (aquarium) own small house.

In the shelter, rodent hides from danger and cold, sleeps, creates a nest, stores supplies.

The following items will rise as a house: small box, plastic food container, chips tubes, coconut Without pulp with holes for entry and ventilation.

In the absence of such a place in the cell, it will try to escape and hide under the objects of furniture in the room.

Wicker design is easy to make it yourself.

So that the hamster had a place where he could hide, you need to give him a house

Necessary materials and tools

  • rattan casket with a suitable size;
  • circle of plywood diameter slightly larger cap;
  • 2 flat sticks;
  • unnecessary fabric;
  • glue for wood (can PVA);
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • electric drill.

Instructions for manufacturing at home

  1. Glue the cover top to plywood circle. Wait until glue dries.
  2. Denote the place of entry into the box. Drill the holes of the drill along the designation, leaving the low threshold. To open the opening, the gaps between the holes cut through scissors and the dropped material removed.
  3. Sticks for a long time to soak in the water, then wipe. Insert in the input opening, bent over its line. Gang dried sticks - thus, sharp edges of the entrance will be covered.
  4. Cover the cap cooked with a cloth and omitted on it the box, inverted upside down.

For cleaning in a wicker, the dwelling rises top part Caskets, fabric from the lid can be removed and washed.

Domica scheme

Types of hamster houses

Designs for rodents almost always do not have the bottom, so that it was easier to escape by raising them. It is necessary to periodically remove the products of the petition of the pet, and the other of his property should be moved and not worth it.

Strong shelter should be replaced with a new one.

For internal filling The house should be in the cage to put the nest material - pieces of napkins, paper, sawdust. The housing of the animal will postpone them by placing their taste. No need to put wool or wool. They understand the fibers in which the hamster can get confused, and they are harmful to the stomach.

Domes from various materials

In pet stores, the choice of shelters for pets is rich enough.

If I didn't like anything there, you can, showing fantasy, make it yourself or order a manufacturer.

For the manufacture of a house often use such materials:


Plastic cheap, beautiful, easy to clean, but allowing him to gnaw undesirable. Does not provide a sufficient air flow;

Of plastic bottles


Cardboard will last long (soon it burned to the base, softens from moisture);

From cardboard


Tree (in the form of dugs, rounded and flat sticks) or Paneur - strong, harmless, conduct air, maintain heat. But it is necessary to check that the walls of the favorite do not plan the opposition to the inside of the nails inside inside;

Tree Arm Ponds
Flat roof drawing


Vine is well ventilated, environmentally friendly;

From the vine
Woven of grass and hay


Ceramics bright, durable, retains heat, easy to clean, does not succumb to rodent teeth. But does not let the air, and it must be protected from falling. Figures and dishes are suitable;

Ceramic houses

the cloth

Fabric Some rodents love to relax in a hammock or sit in a mater tent.

Plastic bottles and tetrapk boxes are not suitable as shelters, since they do not let the air inside and moisture out.

The form of structure can be rectangular, oval, round, angular. The color is important for the owners.

A solid house can be supplemented with the second floor, a ladder, a tunnel.

Inside different planning: Hamster needs a separate pantry and sleeping place.

If the rodent decided to arrange a toilet in the house, it is advisable to put the second design in another corner, as it usually does not live and does not store food near the toilet.

Requirements for houses

Choosing a refuge for a pet, you need to focus on:

  • sizes - excessive close inside, like a large empty space, undesirable. A large hamster is enough space 16 * 8 * 7 cm. Also, the construction should not take a lot of space in the cage. Necessarily suitable for the output hole;
  • the harmlessness of the material, passing the air and moisture to them - the absence of harmful and toxic impurities for animal, since the pet is likely to try the material of the walls to the tooth. Inside should circulate air, stuffing and cluster of fluid are not allowed;
  • design safety - lack acute corners and small details, stability.

It is necessary that the animal in the house can be calm and cozy. Not worth it once again It is disturbed there, moving or raising asylum.

Otherwise, the hamster will ignore the mink.

Cardboard Labyrinth

In the place of residence of Rodent, there must be a house in which he hides, folds the supply of feed and rests, feeling comfortable. Shelter for a pet just buy or make your taste. The main thing is that it is safe.

The house for hamster is a mandatory subject of cell interior. But how to make it with your own hands? Since in the wild, these fluffy are digging holes in which they are hiding, in captivity of them we need places where no one will disturb them, and they will peacefully rest.

It is extremely simple to build the shelter sulfate themselves, and it is suitable for this role a variety of infidelny materials.

From Coconut

Such a cozy hut, undoubtedly, like a fluffy tenant, besides, it is pleasant to nice, because it is made of natural substance. It will take: coconut, spoon, engraver, hacksaw for wood, marker. First of all, you need to choose a coconut, suitable for a hamster size.

Cracked and spoiled material to use prohibited. Taking advantage of the hacksaw, gently scolding the top of the nut. We empty the container from the liquid and the spoon we remove the white flesh. Carefully promo future house And dryly asked. The marker is scheduled to enter the round in shape. With the help of an engraver, cut out the opening and do all the cut edges. Optionally, it is not forbidden to do the windows.

Watch the video how to do it.

From plastic container

Now we learn how to make for a hamster from a plastic container with your own hands. This material is perfect for such a goal. You can buy a new or use old, most importantly - without damage. Weiginate the soldering iron and cut out entrance door. It is desirable to do several holes in the circumference of the container, so the air will not hurt the air into the fascism to penetrate the air. We put the obtained billet open side On the bottom of the cell, and inward the filler.

From wood

For a wooden house, you will need a lot of sticks from ice cream, stationery, glue. Initially, prepare workpieces: 3 walls and gender. We glue sticks with each other so that flat rectangles or squares are fine at will. Taking advantage of glue, connect the floor with three walls. Fix the building with a rubber band until the adhesive will find it.

The fourth wall is needed not completely, but only her half. It will make it in the same way as the previous ones. We glue to the workpiece so that the hole is left to the entrance. It came a turn of the roof. Taking advantage of glue, connect sticks as support rafters. The remaining details are glued crosswise. We collect the design together, covering the adhesive substance.

From plywood

If you have done a birdhouse, then with the construction of such asylum problems is not foreseen. From plywood we drink 4 blanks: 2 for 13 cm long, the remaining - 15 cm. The height of the parts is 7 cm at least. Thoroughly cast plywood pieces. Cut in one part hole, it will serve in the inlet.

We collect the design in the form of parallelepiped and fix the nails. Connecting elements should not stick out of plywood, otherwise the animal is not insured against injuries. It remains only to cut the roof in the form of a rectangle 13x15 cm. This part is also fixed by nails.

From cardboard

Such a simple house should not make it possible, but only 2 cardboard sleeves from paper products and scissors will be needed. One of the tubes as flattess and in the middle cut out two semicircles with of different side in front of each other. Similar manipulations repeat and with another sleeve.

We put the blanks and connect them by inserting each other into the resulting holes. Such shelters in the form of labyrinths from cardboard can be collected many. Rodent necessarily such toys like it, because in them he will sleep, and plenty.

From paper

This building does not take much time with you, but, alas, and will not last a long-life. Just stock aerial ball, white toilet paper and water tank. Space ball desired sizeSo that the crumb is calmly fit there. Paper products we divide into pieces and wetted in water. The spacious material is uniformly stapped over the ball. 8 layers enough. Move the workpiece into a warm place and let dry. I am piercing the basis of the needle and take out of the frame. Cut the front door.

From the box

Any box is suitable for this purpose. food Product. Cut off the closing edge of the blank and cut the semicircular hole at the base. Let's put a cardboard roll left from toilet paper. Secure the design is better than a thermoclaim.

From plastic bottles

To build such a hut, you can use one bottle, and two. Consider these options. It is worth finding plastic container, the width of the bottom of which is suitable for fluffy. The bottom is cut off, as it serves as a rodent shelter. I flip down the cut side down and cut the input. Thin metal tool warming up and piercing the workpiece around the perimeter. So the hamster will not suffer from the lack of air. Acute cropped edges cover an electrical insulating tape so that the crumb will be hurt.

For the next option you will need 2 bottles preferably with a volume of 5 liters. Capacities free from the neck, using the knife. In the wall of the bottle cut the hole equal to the neck diameter. Repeat the procedure and with another container. Cutting edges are wrapped with a tape. Apply the workpieces to each other so that the carved holes coincide and connect their neck.

To equip a cell for hamster due to space will be easier if your pet will live in aquarium or a dwelling from the plexiglass.

What else to equip a terrarium for Jungaric?

Made with your own hands the house for hamsters of the Dzhungar breed may look about as in the photo below. It can be supplemented with other accessories for a comfortable, full and energetic life of the animal. How to properly equip a cage for Jungarica so that there are additional interior items in which rodent needs? Equipment Apartments Pascistics can be:

Attach the boxes so that the labyrinth is in the end. In order for the baby to interest the new toy, lay out delicacies on the "rooms".

  • Toilet. It is worth finding a suitable container of durable plastic, be sure to cover with a lid. From the side of the vessel, we do a hole, retreating from the edge of about 2 cm. The sandpaper smoothed all the irregularities. We set the bathroom in the cage with a lid down and fall asleep the filler.

Do not forget to attach to the cell a hamster wheel. These rodents are very active!

How to make the second floor in a cage?

The second floor in the hamster cell is an additional territory, which means that the joy for pet. It can also be made independently.

To do this, you will need rolls for rolls, marker, wire, ruler, nippers, thermo gun.

  1. Merim length and width of the planned site.
  2. Cutting under the size of the Chinese chopsticks.
  3. Two sticks leave standard length, they will be supporting.
  4. Two trimmed sticks from one and other edges put the crosswise, they horizontally lay out the rest.
  5. With the help of glue we connect the design.
  6. When the playground dry, put it into the cage on the carriers and fix the wire all over the perimeter.

How to assemble a warm home for Syrian hamster?

So that the Syrian hamster is warm in the apartment, you do not need to resort to any tricks.

The main thing is not to skimp on hay, sawdust or other fillers to insulate housing as much as possible. Will help to cope with cold crumbs and white paper.

Put a couple of leaves into the cage, and the pet self will break the "building material" to pieces and drag into the house, forming a kind of "nest".

By the way, B. winter time The rodent cage can be applated by the new year or Valentine's Day. And about reading in this article.

Where to put housing?

Since the hamsters are frolic in the dark, and they are gaining strength during the day, it is easy to guess, in what place it is worth putting his apartments. Place an aquarium for a hamster stands in a quiet and cozy corner without direct sun ray . The hamster will get a chance to fully sleep in the afternoon, because it will not disturb neither the sun nor human vanity. Also, do not forget about the avoidance of drafts so that the tiny creation is not caught.

Hamsters are quite cheap, but prices for cells, attractions, the houses are sometimes unthinkable. If in this moment You do not have the opportunity to buy a hamster attribution, you can make it easily for a fluffy pet yourself. We collected for you useful advicewho will help build a magnificent hamster house with their own hands. The main thing is to do it with love!

In general, the dwelling for a fluffy friend you can build from anything. The main thing is that the materials used are safe. The following materials are used to create a cottage and furniture:

  • wood or plywood;
  • cardboard, robust paper;
  • plastic;
  • natural materials.

To fasten items, you will need a stapler, PVA, wood glue, thick wire.

Council. Glue use in extreme cases before making sure of its non-toxicity!

If you have a homemade cell for a hamster in the project, then the simple wire will not be separated. Here you will need nails, screws, hammer, screwdriver or screwdriver.

Mastery cell

To build a strong cell for a hamster with your own hands, you need to possess the basic skills of the carpenter. The process can be connected to the process, they will gladly help draw up a project of the future cottage. Together, you build a unique cage for Jungaric, in which the animal will be comfortable!

Below are the abstracts of which you will learn how to make reliable and comfortable cell For hamster with your own hands.

Make a project

The design of a homemade house for hamster should be approached responsibly and in advance to consider the area and height, the number of tiers and their location. You should perform a detailed drawing in three-dimensional orientation, apply on it first bearing structures, then levels and rooms, and then designate places for furniture and attractions.

Important! Do not forget to sign the dimensions of future parts. If you do not sign and do everything "on the eye", the cottage for fluffy will be released by bed.

Choose Material

Drawing is ready, now the materials should be discussed. Usually a house for a hamster with his own hands mastered from wood or plywood (frame and floor) and metal mesh (walls and ceiling). But wooden surface Long stores unpleasant odors, Therefore, it is better to cover it with a piece of linoleum. It remains to prepare nails, screws and tools.

Make billets

The most responsible moment. Guided by the project, you need to cut the details of the future cell for Jungaric. Take sizes from your drawing. First of all, we make the floor, then frame bars, last and the walls and partitions. Cut the metal grid with a reserve of 3-5 cm.

Collect cottage

To assemble the design, you should follow the following plan:

  1. Linoleum bed on the base of the cell. Screw the screws bearing bars To the floor.
  2. Put horizontal bars (roof base) on the supporting structures), bring nails.
  3. Take tiers from plywood.
  4. Tension the grid along the external perimeter, attach to wooden pieces Building stapler.
  5. The ceiling can be made from a sheet of plywood or grids.

Attention! Make sure that the ends of nails are not screwed into the cells. Sharp edges of the metal grid must be outside.

Strong cage for Jungarica is ready. It remains to sash the filler, add the necessary furniture and attractions. Your fluffy can settle!

Making a house for Jungarika do it yourself

A hamster house is his fortress, shelter, where he can sleep or hide. An animal sometimes needs privacy too. If the financial situation is difficult, while you like to make your own hands, disperse how to make a house for a hamster from the girlfriend.

The shelter can be made temporary (for 1-2 weeks) and constant. But you need to know from which you can make a safe and comfortable house for a hamster.

Paper and cardboard houses

The most fiscal option is to make a small cardboard booth. But how do you make a house of cardboard for a hamster? There are several unusual options. Here is some of them:

  1. House is cardboard box. Very often, the inventive owners make temporary furniture for pets from cardboard. The advantages of this method are simplicity, low cost. Disadvantage - DISTRIBUTY. Take an empty box from under paper napkins and gently cut across the oval hole. It will turn out 2. ready-made house. Some owners make a round entrance for their fluffy, gluing to the excavation on a box of a sleeve from toilet paper.
  2. Spacious house from tea bag. It is not easier to be anything: take an empty box from under tea and cut through a round or rectangular hole in it. In such a shelter, the animal will be pleased to sleep or keep your treasures.
  3. Purchased cardboard house. Sold in stores. Cardboard bend on dotted lines and glue with PVA.

With fancy and free time, you can independently design and make a house of paper. Trust this classes to children - they will definitely cope!

Plastic houses

Plastic - N. the best way For the construction of asylum for a hamster. Hamster - rodent, and plastic often contains toxins. But as a temporary room, a plastic house is suitable for a couple of days.

Here are some ideas:

  1. House made of food container. Producers are made from non-toxic materials, so they will rise to become a hamster sheath for several days. It is enough to make the inlet and pierce the lid for better air circulation.
  2. Palace of designer. Kids willingly take part in the arrangement of hamster life. A hamster in the house from the designer will look very cool. It can be done any size and install inside the lazale.

Wooden hut

Self beautiful houses For hamsters, it turns out of wood. Here you can give will to your own creative imagination, And to the process of creating a home to connect the whole family. One hamster enough and little house, And if you have a family of small rodents, it is better to build a wooden palace to them.

First, we carry out the drawing, we apply the sizes. Then, from a tree or plywood, drink parts of the desired value and shape. Before assembly, drill in the front wall of the house of the hole for the entrance and carefully pollute it. So that the air into the home is not stored, do not forget about the windows (they are also grinding). Collect a house with small carnations or a special glue for wood.

If the house stands on the first floor of the cell, you can make it with a staircase and a balcony. Your hamster will surely like such an apartment! And the photo of the pets in this housing is obtained - at least to the exhibition!

It is very interesting to look a hut, created from sticks from ice cream. In the process of creating even retochetics can take part! The main thing is to explain to them what you need to do. Here is a simple instruction:

  • draw a plan of the future at home;
  • separately assemble 4 walls and roof (from one or two parts);
  • glue all parts glue for wood.

And for adolescents, fond of needlework, it will suit more complex option. They can make a two-storey hut with a ladder, opening the door and a window. This is a very painstaking job, it develops the prishability and the desire to bring the started to the end. And the hamster in such a house can not only sleep and hide, but also engage in gymnastics.

Natural Materials Houses

Charming look at home for hamsters from coconut. They are not only beautiful, but also useful. Homa will sharpen a teeth, and at the same time to eat fibers.

Useful milk can be enjoyed, scolding and eat the pulp, and to use the shell for construction. Drive two large holes (D \u003d 5 cm): one is intended for stability, the other will perform the function of the door. From the side or on the opposite side of the side, drill 4 holes - this is a ventilation window.

As you can see, it's not so difficult to easily make your home for a fluffy animal. The main thing is desire, prudence and a little imagination. For the designed diligence hamster, you must thank you with your satisfied look!

Did you start a small fluffy pet? The cell for the hamster and other parts of its interior can be purchased at the pet store or in Zoorek. But it is not necessary - you can do on your own. Let's look at what a house for your favorite hamster you can make your own hands.

To make your own hands for a hamster coconut house, drain the liquid from coconut, making small holes in it. Then install the coconut on the table and make the placement of the place where the entrance to the coconut is for a hamster. Drill the hole with a diameter of 5 cm in the place where the entrance to the house should be. Remove the coconut pulp and eat it. Wash the coconut from the inside and, if necessary, pass the sandpaper the edge of the opening.

Please note that you may have difficulty extracting coconut pulp. To facilitate this process, after the hole is done, put the coconut at the night in the freezer. The next day, you will find the pulp separated from the shell and can remove it using the chisel (chisel). To perform this procedure you may need assistance (adult man, preferably men).

We make your own hands a wooden house for. Take a piece multilayer plywood or a wooden board with a thickness of 1-4 cm. Drink and pass the emery paper two wooden billets 12.5 cm long and two more blanks with a length of 14.5 cm. You can choose the height of the workpiece yourself, if only your hamster has been closely. In one of 12.5 cm parts, drill a hole with a diameter of 6 cm.

Then drill one or two windows of 14.5 cm of the part using a 2.5 cm diameter drill in order to ensure good ventilation. After that, polish the sandpaper all the holes and run the nails all parts together. Be sure to make sure that the tips of the nails do not look out of the tree, as they can damage your hamster.

House for a hamster from cardboard tubes

The house for your hamster can be done using cardboard tubes from under the rolls of toilet paper or paper towels. To do this, you will need two cardboard tubes and scissors.

How to make a house:

  • Take one tube and neatly flatten it as shown in the photo.
  • Cut in the middle of the tube on both sides of the semicircle.
  • Straighten the folded tube.
  • Do the same with the second tube.
  • Processed billets Insert one into the result in the resulting holes.

As a result, we get an easy-to-manufacture house-maze for your hamster.

Radus staircase in a house for hamster

Make out wooden board or plywood rectangular blank required size, polish sandpaper any rough areas and delete any offices. Cut across the resulting plate a few grooves - 2 mm depth, through every centimeter who serve a hamster with a good hook. Schedule a plate under the tilt and watch your pet climbs on the ramp (ramp).

Pipes in a house for hamster

Toilet paper rolls or paper towels can be used as pipes for hamsters.

These rolls are excellent fun for hamsters, as most of them enjoy the study of these pipes. The use of several rolls of toilet paper or paper towels in a hamster cage will provide him with an interesting refuge.

Rolls can be both complete and empty (only roll tube). Toilet paper or paper towels can also become a chewing fun for your rodent. Some hamsters like to play in the tubes from under the rolls, while other hamsters love to break the toilet paper or a paper towel into small pieces and make novelschko from them!

Maze is another favorite lesson for hamster. To create them, you can use the rolls of wrapping paper, shoe boxes, plastic banks, boxes from flakes, short segments PVC tubes, cylindrical containers from under croup, etc. From plastic bottles you can learn from the specified link.

The labyrinth is a fun project for all hamster owners, he will also be a good puzzle for your pet and will allow him to have himself! Place the labyrinth in the game zone and watch your hamster goes!

Toilet in a house for a hamster

First, find a small and sturdy plastic container with a lid. Then cut the hole with a diameter of 5-7.5 cm with a side of the container. Position this hole is approximately 2.5 cm above the base (1.3 cm for dwarf hamsters) so that the garbage is not spread when the hamster will do his job! In conclusion, with emery paper Combine the edges of the hole in order to protect the input and output. If the plastic absorbs the smell of urine or a hamster manifests any interest in his breathtaking, then the homemade pot will have to replace from time to time.

You can also use a glass pot of the glass pot instead of plastic. The most remarkable B. glass pot is that you need only a half-liter bank with a wide neck or 250 ml of the jam from under the jam for dwarf hamsters - put it in the corner of the cell, there for it perfect place! Thus, you can very quickly organize a toilet for a hamster, which is easy to clean and cannot be born. He will serve your pet for a long time to recover his natural needs. Just make sure that the bank for the toilet is large enough for your hamster to turn around in it.

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