The main types of plywood. Multilayer plywood: features, grades, uses and prices What are the types of plywood

reservoirs 29.08.2019


Homemade all-terrain vehicle "Karakat" with a plywood body

  • Insulating products in electrical engineering.
  • In shipbuilding for stern tube bearings, bushings and shells of conventional bearings (anti-friction, self-lubricating material), gear wheels and other machine parts (structural material)


Plywood is called longitudinal if the fibers in the front layers are directed along the long side, otherwise - transverse

Plywood made of both hardwood and softwood is produced in several types and grades, which differ in purpose, service life, appearance and cost.

By destination - construction, industrial, packaging, furniture, and construction.

By type, plywood is often divided into two popular types - FK (moisture resistant) and FSF (increased moisture resistance).

By type of processing - laminated.

In appearance (determined by the number of knots on square meter surface of the outer layer of veneer): E (elite), I, II, III, IV.

According to the material from which it is made

  • Coniferous plywood (made from veneer of coniferous trees: larch, pine, fir, spruce). Sometimes cedar veneer is used to make plywood - such plywood is used for decorative purposes. For softwood plywood, the content of softwood veneer in the outer layers is mandatory - the inner layers may contain hardwood veneer.
  • Birch plywood (made from birch veneer) has become widespread in almost all areas, but due to its relatively higher cost in construction, it is not used as widely as softwood.

By number of layers

plywood layers

  • three-layer
  • five-layer
  • multilayer

Basically, plywood sheets have an odd number of veneer layers: in this case, the veneer is located symmetrically with respect to the middle layer. If there are four layers of veneer in plywood, then the central layers are placed and glued perpendicular to the outer ones, which increases the overall strength and resistance to deformation.

By impregnation

Moisture resistant plywood is a material treated in a special way to increase moisture resistance. Laminating can help maximize the moisture-resistant characteristics of plywood.

  • FSF (plywood made using resin phenol-formaldehyde glue). This plywood is characterized by relatively high wear resistance, mechanical strength and high moisture resistance. FSF - one of the most popular types of plywood, used in construction, manufacturing, roofing.
  • FC (plywood obtained by gluing veneers with carbamide glue). Possessing less moisture resistant characteristics, FC is used mainly for interior decoration, in furniture production, in the manufacture of wooden containers, when working with structures indoors.
  • FB (plywood impregnated with bakelite varnish, subsequently glued together). This type has maximum resistance to aggressive environments and can be used in tropical climates, with high humidity and even underwater.
  • BS (plywood impregnated with bakelite glue, C - alcohol-soluble). This plywood has fantastic properties - over high strength, resistance to aggressive environments, flexibility, resilience, waterproof, does not rot, does not sag. It is also called aviation plywood for the fact that it was previously used only in aircraft and shipbuilding.
  • BV (plywood impregnated with bakelite glue, V - water-soluble). This plywood has the same properties as the previous one, with the exception of moisture resistance, because. the adhesive used for gluing the layers is water soluble.

By type of surface treatment

  • NSh - unpolished plywood
  • Ш1 - material ground on one side
  • Ш2 - material polished on both sides

Types and grades of plywood

At the moment, GOSTs provide for the presence of five grades of plywood, which differ mainly in the presence and number of acceptable processing defects.

  • grade E (elite). Defects are not allowed, except for minor changes of an accidental nature in the structure of the wood;
  • grade I. The maximum length of warp or cracks for plywood of the first grade should not exceed 20 mm;
  • grade II. Cracks up to 200 mm are allowed, wood inserts, glue seepage up to 2% of the total area of ​​the plywood sheet;
  • grade III. Wormholes are allowed up to 10 pcs. per square meter with a diameter of each not more than 6 mm; the total number of listed defects cannot be more than 9;
  • grade IV. Grade 4 plywood is extremely low quality. Such plywood may have the following defects: partially intergrown and fallen knots - without limitation; wormholes up to 40 mm in diameter without limitation; sheet edge defects up to 5 mm deep;

Manufacturing technology

"Cutting" a sheet of plywood

The veneer is subsequently cut, dried, sorted, collected in bags, that is, the veneer is shifted in such a way that the direction of the fibers in adjacent layers is mutually perpendicular, the number of layers is odd, and each even sheet is smeared with glue on both sides. These pouches are then subjected to pressure and heat in a press, resulting in plywood, which is then cut to size and packed into bundles. The plywood can then be sanded and film laminated, resulting in sanded and laminated plywood.

Production in Russia

Plywood in Russia is produced in the following main formats 1525x1525, 1220x2440, 1500x3000, 1525x3050 mm.

Plywood production in Russia (million m³): 2002 - 1.8; 2003 - 2.0; 2004 - 2.2; 2005 - 2.6;

Plywood production in Russia is located for the most part in relation to regions rich in forest resources. The main share of the output falls on the enterprises of the North-Western Federal District - about 35% of the total production volume. In 2005, exports amounted to 1.5 million m³, that is, about 60% of all plywood produced in the country.

see also

  • wood plastics
  • Delta wood (aircraft plywood)
  • Sweet plywood in cake production



  • Grigoriev M. A. Materials science for joiners, carpenters and parquet workers: Tutorial for vocational schools. - M .: Higher School, 1989. - 223 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-06-000345-0
  • GOST 3916.1-96 General purpose plywood with hardwood veneer outer layers.
  • GOST 3916.2-96 General purpose plywood with softwood veneer outer layers.
  • GOST 13913-78 (GOST on chipboard)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


Plywood is a peeled veneer, the sheets of which are tightly glued between. The name is taken from the French word which means to impose. So 3-5 layers of veneer per special conditions overlap each other, creating a rather practical construction material, which can also be used in furniture production. It is noteworthy that it depends less on the veneer, and more on the glue with which it is glued together.

The minimum number of veneered sheets in plywood is 3. Veneer layers are arranged so that the fibers in adjacent rows are perpendicular. This way of placing the glued sawdust guarantees not only a certain form stability, but also the necessary strength.

The latter is also achieved through the use of new technologies, which include:

  • lamination;
  • veneering with planed material;
  • staining;
  • varnish coating.

Plywood weighs much less natural wood. puts her on a par with others modern materials. At the same time, it has high thermal conductivity. Also, most of its species are certified for environmental safety.

Manufacturers produce several types and types of plywood. And each in his own has a designation as to where it will be most successful.

A few words about what kind of plywood happens:

Division of plywood by type of wood

In addition to the standard marking, plywood is usually classified according to the following main features:

  • Material application.
  • The degree of water resistance of plywood.
  • The composition of the veneer refers to the type of wood.
  • plywood thickness.
  • Belonging to a grade that depends on the external materials of plywood processing.
  • Sanded or not. The following designations are in the marking: NSh - not polished, Sh1 - one of the sides is polished, Sh2 - both sides are polished.
  • Sheet dimensions.
  • Emission class. Its level depends on the presence of formaldehyde resins in the composition of the material.
  • Leaf construction.

And the main composition of plywood - wood allows you to divide it into the following types:

  • birch;
  • coniferous;
  • combined.

For the manufacture of internal sheets of plywood, coniferous trees are most often used, but for external hardwoods. At the same time, the thickness of the veneer used inside does not exceed 4 millimeters. But for outer sheets, it is usually 3.5 millimeters. The plywood itself is at least 3, maximum 30 millimeters. Large-format plywood has a side length of 1,830 millimeters.


Plywood, which contains 90% shavings and sawdust of birch, is called birch plywood. Its use is possible where a durable material containing wood residues is needed. Such plywood has high physical and mechanical properties. In many ways, they are due to the multilayer structure.

That is why birch plywood is used:

  • in construction;
  • automotive industry;
  • for interior cladding wagons;
  • in the manufacture of durable packaging and other containers.

Birch plywood can even be used for interior cladding. At the heart of such plywood are sawdust and shavings from light-colored birch wood.

Its physical parameters are as follows:

  • 650 kg/m3 - material density.
  • High tensile strength, which is 20% higher than softwood plywood.
  • Homogeneous texture.
  • Complete absence of resinousness.

Such qualities give the right to put birch plywood first in the ranking of these materials.

Photo of birch plywood


This type of plywood is made from coniferous trees. The properties of wood provide strength, density and some hardness of the produced plywood. At the same time, coniferous plywood is resistant to decay and the appearance of fungi. This is largely achieved due to the fact that nature itself has impregnated wood with resins that allow protecting materials, which include tree derivatives.

Coniferous plywood is used in civil engineering. With her help:

  • sheathe the walls;
  • perform interior partitions;
  • make the foundation for the roof;
  • fencing construction sites;
  • perform decking and formwork;
  • make pallets, containers, packages.

Photo of coniferous plywood


The material, which is positioned not only as expensive, but also as strong as possible and absolutely harmless, can only partially consist of valuable breeds wood. As a rule, sheets of veneer from familiar types of wood are the basis of plywood, but more expensive veneer can be used for cladding, which means durable and beautiful veneer.

The veneer is of three types:

  • sawn,
  • planed,
  • shelled.

Peeled can give plywood facings an interesting, expensive texture. The most expensive type of plywood -. The top coating, which is made in the form of a protective film, makes this plywood grade one of the hardest. But, as a rule, the use of plywood in different industries is already implied at the manufacturing stage and the manufacturer indicates what the plywood was made for in the marking.

Photo of combined plywood

Separation of plywood according to its purpose

It turned out that the layered construction of plywood can be so diverse that it is possible to use the finished material in different industries.

That is why, according to the operational purpose, plywood is divided into:

  • construction;
  • general purpose;
  • furniture;
  • laminated;
  • formwork;
  • furniture;
  • decorative and;
  • ship;
  • aviation.

Many types of plywood are close to each other. The most expensive is plywood, which can be used in aircraft construction.


The main difference between such plywood is that the thinnest sheets - 0.4 millimeters - are used for its manufacture. SFZh-3011 resin or bakelite film serve as a binding component between the layers (there are a maximum of 10 of them).

For aviation plywood, only high quality components are selected. Thanks to this, as well as the strict implementation of the technology established by GOSTs, it is possible to obtain a material that has maximum strength. And at the same time, aviation plywood has a minimum mass at maximum density.

Aviation plywood is widely used in:

  • aircraft construction
  • aircraft modeling;
  • instrument making;
  • ship building;
  • making some musical instruments.

This item is not available for sale. It is produced in limited quantities, not by every factory, and strictly by order. Aviation plywood is the strongest, most durable and longest lasting.

Due to the uniqueness of manufacturing and the exact selection of all components, this material can be classified as elite. Evaluation of all its technical characteristics, appearance and service life 5.

Photo of aviation plywood


In order to be part of a floating device, plywood parts are not only glued with a special agent, but also pre-impregnated with moisture-resistant agents. Marine - marine plywood can only be made from high strength woods such as Acuomea Kleinea. This tree grows in the rainforests of the Congo Basin.

Okume or Gabuna veneer can only be produced in factories in the European Union, the USA and Israel. The material produced there is called "Luan" or "Moranti". Manufacturers offer varieties of their material, where the difference is in sheet thickness, size and weight.

Marine plywood is more expensive than elite wood, but its high-quality processing, the ability to order a sheet of the desired configuration even at the manufacturing stage, allows this material to be given a solid 5+.

Photo of ship plywood


For the manufacture of furniture, a material can be used that does not need increased physical and technological properties. As a rule, any plywood can be used for the production of furniture. But if you still follow the GOSTs, then it is better to give preference to those that are marked as FK or FSF.

Plywood FC is used for the production of any furniture, as well as the basis for parquet flooring. PSF has improved properties of moisture resistance, mechanical strength and wear resistance.

This type of plywood is most in demand. Any furniture is made from it, including for kitchens and bathrooms. Given the affordability of the price and the possibility of easy processing, the material deserves a solid 5.

Photo of furniture plywood


There can be no real construction without preparatory work. Formwork is needed at many stages of construction. Given that formwork does not need the beauty of improvised materials, but only their relative strength, however, any plywood cannot be used here.

It is best to use moisture-resistant laminated plywood of the FBA, FB, FK brands for formwork. Thanks to its use, it is possible to reduce the cost of the construction process, as well as significantly reduce time costs.

AT Soviet times we did not make laminated plywood. It was brought from Finland, so it is called Finnish. In any case, after being used for formwork, plywood can no longer be used anywhere.

Plain film faced plywood became the ancestor of such important types of this material as construction and transport plywood.

Photo of formwork plywood


GOST 3916-69 indicates that plywood can be used in construction.

For use in preparatory work plywood of the following marking can be used:

  • FBSV.

When using plywood strictly for its intended purpose, you can get high-quality material that can serve for more than one year. However, compared to some modern views building materials, plywood is still somewhat inferior to them in terms of durability, ease of processing, appearance and quality.

Photo of construction plywood


For automobile and river transport, it is possible to use laminated plywood, which has a mesh layer. It is he who is responsible for the fact that, with its strength and moisture resistance, such plywood has anti-slip properties.

For the convenience of transporting a wide variety of goods in trucks and small vessels, plywood of the following thickness can be used:

  • 24 and 27 millimeters. Laminated plywood trims the body and doors of the car, and mesh covers the floor.
  • From 15 to 21 millimeters. Such plywood is used for semi-trailers and semi-trucks.
  • 9.5 and 12 millimeters. Despite the small thickness, such plywood can even be used for internal arrangement boats and boats.
  • 6.5 millimeters. Such plywood can be used for interior wall cladding of vans, as well as industrial refrigerators.

Transport plywood is not used in everyday life, its use in cars and the opportunities it gives them eliminates the high cost. Such material deserves a rating of 5.

Photo of transport plywood


The fact that manufacturers make plywood strong and beautiful allows it to be used for facing work.

Interior plywood has many positive characteristics:

  • it looks great, imitates natural wood well;
  • has high soundproofing characteristics;
  • has good thermal conductivity;
  • easy and quick to install;
  • is relatively inexpensive.

Photo of decorative plywood

Advantages and disadvantages of plywood

This material is by no means able to replace natural wood.

However, it has advantages that can put it even above the tree:

  • Price. The price of plywood is several times cheaper than wood.
  • Ease. The material weighs much less than wood.
  • Ease of installation. To create some building structures do not need expensive tools.
  • High parameters of sound insulation and thermal conductivity. These figures are much higher than those of natural wood.
  • Resistant to fungus, mold and other microorganisms.

At right conditions operation plywood is capable as facing material last a decade. It is widely used in concert halls, sports halls, hospitals, offices, less often in apartments.

However, plywood has a number of significant drawbacks. Among them are:

  • Poor performance relative to wood.
  • Fear of moisture.
  • If any of the sides of the plywood is damaged, it may “scatter”.

In general, it must be borne in mind that plywood is one of the varieties of construction and furniture material produced on the basis of waste wood. That is why it is expected that the purchase of plywood will allow you to have a universal material with which you can create a modern, durable, beautiful design, not inferior in quality to the Lebanese cedar is not worth it. If you use plywood according to the manufacturer's recommendations, you can successfully make from this material what it is intended for.

Plywood is one of the most popular building materials, without the use of which the construction of almost no object is complete. In particular, it is used as a floor covering, as well as for the purpose of leveling them, cladding ceilings and walls, for the construction of formwork and various types of ceilings.

In addition, plywood is often used as a material that covers the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (this creates the illusion of a house that is built of wood). However, the range of use of this material is not limited to this. Plywood is also used to make decorative and upholstered furniture and even musical instruments.

The basis for the production of plywood is the so-called peeled veneer from different breeds wood. It is the thinnest layer of wood, which is planed from the surface of churak (this is how logs of a certain diameter are called) using special equipment. Churaks are pre-steamed so that the veneer is not damaged during the removal process. After that, it is laid in layers perpendicular to each other (this gives the material additional strength) and glued.

What is the secret of such a wide popularity of plywood? First of all, in its versatility - the material organically combines a fairly high mechanical strength with resistance to deformation and warping, as well as splitting along the fibers, which ordinary boards are largely susceptible to.

Dimensions are also important (a plywood sheet can exceed any board in size), as well as the completely natural origin of all material components. Another indisputable advantage of plywood is its cost.

Types of plywood

Select the main types of plywood. Where to buy the presented species? We recommend contacting reliable suppliers, such as Plywood Bazaar, which has been selling plywood and lumber since 2001.

Depending on the type of wood

Depending on the type of wood that makes up its basis, plywood is usually divided into two types: hardwood and softwood. At the same time, belonging to any of them is determined based solely on the composition of its outer layers.

Coniferous plywood it has excellent aesthetic properties (the characteristic texture of coniferous trees affects), due to which it is often used as a finishing material.

hardwood plywood has a more uniform structure and is significantly inferior to coniferous in terms of aesthetics, but can also be used for finishing.

Depending on the glue used

Depending on the types of glue used, five more types of plywood are distinguished:

Plywood FC- it has rather mediocre indicators of moisture resistance, urea glue is used to glue the layers together (this is indicated by the letter "K" in the name), thanks to which this type of plywood is absolutely environmentally friendly and is most often used for interior finishing work: flooring under parquet , laminate, linoleum. Also this type finds wide application in the production of furniture, including children's. Usually consists of birch veneer.

Plywood FSF- characterized by a high degree of moisture resistance, phenol-formaldehyde resin is used to glue the layers. Often used for outdoor finishing work, since phenol-formaldehyde resin is quite toxic.

It can be used in the production of furniture, various containers, including decorative boxes, suitcases, drawers, billboards, boats, covers, various partitions.

Plywood FKM- occupies an intermediate position between the two types described above, due to the melamine resin used for gluing layers, which makes this material both environmentally friendly and moisture resistant. In appearance, it has a lot of features similar to FK (for example, a light shade on the ends), which makes it suitable for the production of furniture and allows it to be used for interior finishing work.

FBA– does not belong to the number of waterproof materials, the layers are glued together with a completely harmless albumin-casein glue, which allows the use of this type of plywood in any type of residential buildings and premises.

Bakelized plywood(Bakelite) - in the process of gluing, bakelite resin is used, which gives the material strength and resistance to various types of aggressive environments, such as sea ​​water. Also, this type of plywood can be successfully used in various types of climate, as it perfectly copes with frequent temperature changes (from minus fifty to plus fifty degrees Celsius).

There are also several subtypes of baked plywood:

FBV- for impregnation upper layers bakelite resin is used, which dissolves in water, which makes this material mechanically strong, but not at all resistant to contact with moisture.

FBS- impregnated with bakelite resin, which significantly increases the resistance of the material to prolonged contact with moisture and allows it to be used in automotive and shipbuilding.

FBS-1- without exception, all layers are impregnated with bakelite alcohol-soluble resin, due to which the moisture resistance and mechanical strength indicators are significantly improved.

FBS - 1A- bakelite alcohol-soluble resin is used to impregnate all layers, with the exception of transverse ones.

Depending on the surface

Depending on the type outer surface plywood is divided into the following types:

  • unpolished (NSh);
  • with one-sided grinding (W1);
  • with double-sided polishing (W2);
  • laminated

Sanding plywood is carried out in order to improve its aesthetic qualities. The material processed in this way can be successfully used for cladding, it is excellent for varnishing and painting. In addition, grinding eliminates a lot of small defects: scratches, bumps, small cracks. Plywood of this type excellent resistance to warping and various types of mechanical influences.

Often, grades FK and FSF are subjected to polishing, while the types of veneer of which such plywood consists do not matter. For grinding, special equipment is used.

Laminated plywood is most often referred to as a separate type and is not considered together with sanded and unsanded. And this is quite logical, since the lamination process does not affect the structure of the material, changing only its surface. For lamination, plywood of the FSF type from hardwood (most often from birch) is usually used.

Lamination methods

There are three main lamination methods:

  • Surface treatment with melanin (allows you to create a stylization of natural wood).
  • A sticker on the surface of a special type of paper film, which is pre-impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde resin to improve moisture and wear resistance.
  • Pasting with PVC film, which is one of the completely non-toxic, harmless materials.

The result of applying all of the above coatings is a moisture-resistant, wear-resistant, aesthetic and durable material that can be used for the manufacture of furniture, decorative finishes or formwork.

The surface of laminated plywood can be both smooth and corrugated (to give it anti-slip properties). Most often it has a dark brown hue, but it can also be yellow, burgundy, lemon, transparent and even white.

Today, such building material as plywood is considered one of the most commonly used in various building processes. Plywood sheets can be used both for arranging the floor and for cladding the front surface of the house, the walls of the room, etc. Depending on the application, there are different kind of plywood: construction, facing and specialized. There is even such an option as reinforced plywood. Classification of plywood coating occurs according to various signs, for example, according to the material from which the product was made, the treatment of its surfaces, and the impregnation used. The choice of such material should be carried out depending on what it is to be used for. So, if plywood is needed to create furniture, you should choose only environmentally friendly materials, without any impregnation.

Types of plywood for finishing

Among the sheets used in construction, five grades of plywood are known:

    Grade E is the highest quality option. Such plywood does not have any harmful impurities in its structure, is not deformed and has a smooth surface.

    Grade 1 plywood sheet allows a small number of inclusions, but the quality is also at the highest level.

    Grade 2 is characterized by additional inclusions, having a length of not more than 2 cm, such material good quality. This type can be used for cladding.

    Grade 3 allows for up to 10 wormholes, their length varies within 0.5 cm.

    Grade 4 is the lowest, it is used mainly when carrying out technical work. Characterized large quantity defects that do not affect the quality of the product, but rather the appearance.

Raw material for plywood production

To create a plywood sheet, various types of trees are used. But the most popular of them are conifers and birch. Birch is used as a raw material in almost all industries. This is due to the fact that it has a beautiful appearance, besides it has high strength. Also, birch is characterized by resistance to various influences. The disadvantage of such raw materials is only the high cost, so it is used mainly for the creation and sheathing of furniture and various decorative elements.

Conifers have a lower cost, due to this they are often used during various construction works. Of these, pine, larch, etc. are most often used. The material made from coniferous species is of high quality, decorative look and good strength properties.

Plywood sheets also differ in the number of layers in their structure. Currently, one, two and three layers are used, but it is better if the number of layers is odd. Thus, the inner layers of the product will be perpendicular to the outer layers, and this significantly increases the strength of the coating, makes it resistant to various types of impacts and mechanical loads.

Plywood sheet processing

Depending on the processing method and impregnation used, this building material is divided into the following types:

    PSF is a plywood made from phenol-formaldehyde resin. Such a building material is of high quality, resistant to high humidity, and also has high strength.

    Laminated plywood - special kind plates, which goes through the process of lamination. This provides the product with high moisture resistance and makes it possible to use it in the construction of formwork.

    FC is a type based on carbamide glue. This option applies to internal works, namely for wall and floor cladding.

    FB - plywood, the impregnation of which consists of bakelite varnish. This option is resistant to aggressive influences, for example, to high humidity.

    BS - plywood board, in addition to the bakelite composition, it is also impregnated with an alcohol-containing mixture. Plywood of this type is most often used in the aircraft industry.

    BV is a material impregnated with a bakelite substance and an alcohol-insoluble composition.

Also, plywood differs depending on the treated surface. So, if the material is marked Ш2, then it is sanded on both sides, if the material is marked Ш1, plywood is sanded only on one side. If the product has the NSh marking, its surfaces are not polished at all.

Depending on the type of processing of the upper layer, there are various GOSTs. When studying them, you can get additional information about the purchased material. Thus, some materials are being developed for general works are made from coniferous trees. Others are made from wood chip material. There is also a type designed for general work, the outer layer of which is also made of deciduous wood.

Types of plywood by application

A large assortment of such building materials as plywood makes it possible to use it in various fields, not only in construction, but also for finishing the surface of the floor or walls, for designing furniture, in the automotive industry, in the aircraft industry.

On the this moment The following types of plywood boards are produced:

    FSF plywood is a special product that is resistant to moisture;

    Plywood FC does not have high moisture resistance, it is used in interior work;

    FBA plywood has an average water resistance, in this case an albumin-casein adhesive is used as an impregnation.

Regardless of how many layers a plywood sheet has, each layer of veneer should be perpendicular to the previous one.

Plywood manufacturing companies produce ordinary plywood boards and large-format boards, they can be used in construction, namely, for floor cladding. Depending on the location of the veneer fibers, plywood is divided into longitudinal and transverse options.

Construction and bakelite plywood

The most popular type is building plywood sheets, which are made using pine and larch. The thickness of such a plate is 2-4 mm. Exist combined options, for the production of which two different kind tree.

Products based on the use of coniferous veneer are divided into 6 types. They are used for both outdoor and indoor construction work.

Combined plywood is presented in large assortment. In length, such sheets can be up to almost 2.5 m, while the width can be 1.20 m. The thickness of plywood sheets ranges from 0.8 to 3 cm.

There is also plywood, for the production of which alder is used. Such a representative of coniferous forests is used much less frequently, but it has a higher quality.

Bakelite plywood consists of birch veneer, impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde resin. The outer layer of such a product can be impregnated with an alcohol-soluble composition. Plywood of this type is characterized by high strength, able to withstand heavy loads, so its use is not limited only to internal work, it is used in shipbuilding, construction, aircraft manufacturing, etc. the thickness of such a product is 0.5-1.8 cm, length 7.70-1 .5 m, width - 1.55-1.2 m.

Plywood for cladding has a peeled veneer in its structure. In this case, one side or both at once have a polished surface, which makes it possible to use it for finishing work. In this case, the glue can be based on phenol-formaldehyde or urea-formaldehyde. Facing plywood is presented in two grades.

Decorative and reinforced plywood

There is also a plywood sheet for decorative works. Such a plate has a paper layer in the structure. The plywood sheet can be colorless or painted, it can have a pattern that imitates the surface of natural wood.

Also, the plywood material can be coated with a fire resistant material or a plastic compound. Plywood coated with a layer of metal or a layer of polyvinyl chloride is also known.

If plywood reinforcement is required, the reinforced type is used. Such a plate has a complex composition, the veneer used can be made of rubber, a special mesh. Due to this, not only the strength of the coating increases, but also the rigidity increases. The mass of the plywood sheet in this case practically does not change.

Plywood is a versatile material that is used for various purposes almost everywhere. Externally, plywood looks like rectangular sheets of certain sizes of various thicknesses, consisting of many layers (at least 3) of wood-fiber raw materials. Plywood can be made from the veneer of wood or trees.

Most often, plywood is made from veneer, the layers of which are laid perpendicular to each other and glued with special compounds. This manufacturing technique provides excellent strength and wear resistance, and also increases the ability of the material to resist moisture penetration.

Varieties of plywood

Many types of plywood are produced, it can be moisture resistant, laminated, made from different types and types of wood, and also have different thicknesses and purposes. How is the type of plywood determined by the material? In this case, attention is paid only to the outer layer of plywood, not taking into account the inner ones.

Depending on the type of feedstock, the following types of plywood are distinguished:

  • birch;
  • coniferous;
  • combined.

birch plywood made from veneer of hardwood (birch). Such veneer has a uniform, more uniform structure, has a good density (about 650 kg/m3). Birch veneer plywood is much stronger than its counterparts made from other materials. The difference in strength sometimes reaches 20%.

However, the cost of birch plywood is somewhat higher than that of analogues. This is due to the absence of natural resins in birch veneer, which means that additional compositions are required to create good quality plywood. Birch plywood has become quite widespread. It is used in the construction of private houses, for the packaging of transported goods, ship and car building, as well as in many areas of the automotive industry.

Coniferous plywood cheaper than birch. In Russia, softwood plywood is usually produced from pine and spruce bark. Such plywood is lighter, has an interesting appearance due to the wood pattern. However, softwood plywood is less durable than birch plywood. Softwood veneer contains natural resin, which contributes to a longer life of the material.

Natural resins protect plywood from moisture and decay. Coniferous plywood has received the greatest demand in individual housing construction, as well as in the field of interior design and the creation of decorative elements.

The next type of plywood is combined . This material consists of both birch and coniferous wood fibers. It combines the advantages of birch and coniferous plywood. Combined plywood is similar in strength and technical characteristics to birch plywood, however, its price is somewhat lower. Combined plywood is widely used in construction, furniture production and packaging.

Types of plywood by adhesive composition

The next aspect, according to which the plywood is separated, is the type of composition used for gluing the layer.

Depending on the adhesive composition, plywood can be:

FBA. Such plywood is produced using albumin-casein glue. FBA plywood is an environmentally friendly material and is not waterproof. Such plywood can be used for any purpose at low humidity levels.

FC. FK-type plywood is produced with carbamide adhesive. Plywood has a low ability to moisture resistance. Raw components of plywood FC do not emit harmful substances, the material is absolutely environmentally friendly, so it can be used for interior work in residential premises and children's institutions.

FKM. In the production process of this type of plywood, melamine glue is used. Plywood has average moisture resistance. The adhesive composition contains a small amount of harmful substances. FKM plywood can be used in low humidity conditions and where there are no strict restrictions on the toxicity of materials.

FSF. Plywood type FSF has excellent moisture resistance. However, in its production, a phenol-formaldehyde adhesive is used, which has a sufficiently large amount of harmful substances. The use of FSF plywood in residential premises, as well as for the production of furniture, is highly discouraged due to the high risk of harm to human health.

FB. This type of plywood is obtained by impregnating veneer sheets with bakelite glue. FB plywood has excellent moisture resistance, and is also able to "work" under the influence of aggressive environments. Such plywood can be used in complex climatic conditions(at low or high temperatures), it perfectly withstands the effects of sea water, various microorganisms, acids and alkalis. In turn, bakelite plywood is subdivided depending on the composition of the resins (FBS, FBV) and the type of sizing.

FBS bakelite plywood is impregnated with alcohol-soluble adhesives, has high moisture resistance and can be of the following types:

  • bakelite plywood FBS - the highest quality class of this material due to the impregnation of all layers with bakelite alcohol-soluble glue;
  • plywood FBS1 has a slightly worse quality. The production technology of this plywood provides for coating, rather than impregnation, layers of veneer;
  • class FBS1A has the lowest quality among bakelite plywood on alcohol-soluble adhesives. Here, only longitudinally arranged layers of veneer are coated with an adhesive composition.

The next subspecies of bakelite plywood is FBV made on water-soluble adhesives. There are two types of FBV plywood: FBV (where the inner layers of the veneer are coated, and the outer layers are impregnated with adhesives) and FBV1 (where all layers of the veneer are only coated with adhesives). The main advantage of such plywood is excellent strength characteristics.

Types of plywood by processing method

The next criterion for grouping plywood is the method of surface treatment.

According to the texture of the surface, plywood happens:

  • Laminated. To do this, plywood is covered with special waterproof films. Film faced plywood is widely used for trim and sheathing of vans.
  • Sanded on one side.
  • Sanded on both sides.
  • Unpolished.

On the portal site you can buy any kind of plywood, as well as see photos of samples and compare prices of suppliers.

Classification of plywood by purpose

The scope of plywood (laminated, polished, moisture resistant and other types) is not limited to construction, due to its properties the material is extremely in demand in various fields.

The portal site offers the following classification of plywood by purpose:

Ship. Only the highest quality types and grades of moisture-resistant FB plywood (based on bakelite glue) are used to finish shipping facilities, which work perfectly in conditions of high humidity and aggressive environments.

Furniture. The types of plywood used for furniture should be environmentally friendly, wear-resistant and durable. As a rule, combined FC plywood is used for furniture.

Construction. In the construction industry, as a rule, grades 3/4 and 4/4 birch plywood are used. These types of plywood can be used for floors, walls and other structures as a rough finish.

Aviation. For these purposes, grades of plywood FSF are used. This plywood has excellent technical characteristics and is ideal for such complex and responsible areas of activity as aviation, shipbuilding, railcar and automotive industry.

Formwork. To create formwork, laminated FB plywood is used, which has excellent characteristics in terms of moisture and wear resistance, strength and exposure to aggressive environments.

Decorative. Plywood FK is used for finishing the premises. This type of plywood must have excellent surface characteristics (smooth surface with a textured pattern). Plywood of this type, as a rule, is made from valuable species of wood, or from wood of the highest grade.

Automotive. For cars, as a rule, plywood of the FSF type with a laminated or mesh-ribbed surface is used. Plywood has high strength, moisture resistance and durability. It is used for covering all elements of the truck body (walls, floor, doors, ceiling).

Plywood: assortment, characteristics

Currently, plywood is produced in five grades. Specifications each grade of plywood is strictly defined in the current GOST.

Plywood grades:

Grade 4. This grade of plywood is the cheapest and lowest quality. Grade 4 plywood sheets may have multiple wormholes, defects in uniformity (loose knots) and uneven edges of the sheet (depressions up to 0.5 mm). This type of plywood is used for interior rough finish. The most common area of ​​application for this type of plywood is the production of various packaging and packaging.

Grade 3. Grade 3 plywood can also have wormholes, but in strictly limited quantities (no more than 10 pcs/m2). The size of wormholes is also limited (the diameter should not exceed 6 mm), and the number of all defects on a plywood sheet should be less than 9. Grade 3 plywood is also used for rough finishing of premises. However, it is allowed to use this type of plywood in fine finishing works, provided that paint and varnish compositions are applied to the surface of the sheets, which make it possible to hide material defects.

Grade 2. Plywood may have the following defects: cracks no more than 20 cm, areas with seeped glue (if the area of ​​the site is up to 2% of the total square of the sheet), wood inserts. This plywood, like Grade 3, is used for rough and fine finishes for painting.

Grade 1. Defects allowed on grade 1 plywood are cracks and warping less than 2 cm long. Grade 1 plywood is used in construction for fine finishing inside and outside the premises.

Variety E. Plywood E belongs to the elite grade. Grade E plywood must clearly comply with the characteristics stated in GOST, namely: it must not have wormholes, cracks and other defects, except for random deformations in the structure of the wood itself. Elite grade plywood is the highest quality and most expensive. Used for finishing.

Profitable of various varieties with delivery to the site will help you the construction portal site.

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