Dressing room for 1 square meter. We create a dressing room: layout with dimensions

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Nobody disputes the fact that the dressing room is very convenient. But many believe that they cannot afford to allocate scarce square meters for it. However, even the owners of tiny apartments should look for a place for it. And that's why:
the number of wardrobes will decrease, the apartment will become freer and more aesthetically pleasing;
more things are placed in the dressing room than in the closet, and the space is used optimally;
a stable sense of order is created.

Even a small dressing room can be made very functional. The main thing is to think over everything and correctly equip it, based on your needs and those things that will be stored in it.

SPACE FOR WARDROBE... The bedroom is far from the only place for a dressing room. You can adapt any niche or pantry for it, select the far corner in the room or equip it along the wall by making a partition.

Bedroom. There are quite a few options for the location of the dressing room: near a free wall, in a niche, in a corner, behind the head of the bed, which can even be placed diagonally.

Hallway... Often bulky wardrobes are placed in the hallway, but you can go the other way - make a small redevelopment and separate space for a dressing room.

Under the bed. An original solution for apartments with high ceilings. Why not?

INTERNAL ORGANIZATION. You should not save time and effort to think over all the details of the dressing room - the location of the rods, drawers and shelves, their number, height and width, the need for additional elements (for example, pull-out hangers for accessories).

Clear zoning.
Things in the dressing room should be categorized; you shouldn't keep underwear and outerwear nearby. Estimate the volume of each type of garment in your wardrobe and allocate separate areas for them.

Important parameters of dressing rooms. When planning a dressing room, you need to take into account many nuances: the optimal location of each of its elements, the way of storing clothes of different categories. Below are tips that will help you calculate everything correctly.

TYPE OF WARDROBE SYSTEM... Cellular and frame storage systems will be optimal for a small space, and a cabinet dressing room can also be installed in a more spacious room.

Cellular... The most democratic version of the wardrobe system. It is versatile, functional, mobile, and what is important - it does not require a lot of space and financial costs. Consists of mesh baskets, shelves, racks and fixings. The modules are attached separately, so you can create a dressing room "for yourself" and easily remake it if necessary.

Hull... The most popular storage system, however, is quite large, so it is not well suited for very small dressing rooms. Consists of housing modules connected to each other with ties. It is made of MDF or chipboard, can have both open and closed elements.

Closed and open dressing room... Each of them has its own pros and cons. The main advantage of an open system is that it does not clutter up the space. However, a closed dressing room reliably protects things and does not require constant perfect order. You can close the dressing room with doors, iron or plastic structures, curtains.

EQUIPMENT... Modern fittings for dressing rooms will add functionality and convenience to it. These are roll-out / pull-out baskets and drawers, accessories for accessories, trousers, ties, pantographs, etc.

Don't forget about storage accessories- irreplaceable assistants in organizing a dressing room. , boxes, organizers will help to sort things into categories, thanks to them it is easy to keep order, it is convenient to store seasonal clothes in them, they protect things from dust and foreign odors.

For storage accessories many different attachments can be used, from ordinary rails and hooks to expensive

Proper organization of space is one of the keys to creating a cozy atmosphere in your home interior.

Today, wardrobe zones are increasingly being organized for storing things, or entire rooms are allocated, equipped with everything you need.

If you think that allocating space for these purposes with a convenient layout and stylish design is a luxury, look at the examples in the photo - and make sure that this is possible in any living space.

The main thing is to decide on the size and layout of the dressing room, as well as think over other details that we will tell you about.

Do-it-yourself dressing room from a pantry 2 sq. m, photo

About wardrobe placement

When choosing the location of such a functional area, be guided by the size of the dressing room in the apartment.

A small dressing room, in which a few things will be stored, may well be equipped even in a small room, since the minimum size of a dressing room can be 1 by 1.5 m.Here you can place several drawers, rods and a rack, and, if desired, also mirror on the whole wall.

Small dressing room, photo

Attention! The dressing area needs to be well lit, so choose a compact ceiling or wall type fixture, or opt for indoor models.

If space is allocated in the room for storing things, it is better to opt for a modular version. Then, if necessary, you can swap and rearrange modules. As a rule, such wardrobes are installed in the corner of a room or along one of the walls so as not to clutter up the space in the center of the room.

The second type of dressing room involves the allocation of an entire storage room. The most common option is a small pantry.

The photo shows one example of a small dressing room from the closet:

Small dressing rooms from the pantry, photo

If you have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for these purposes, you will receive even more benefits from organizing a full-fledged dressing room. This option is suitable for anyone who may not save on space and wants to equip a place for the proper storage of a maximum of items.

The main advantage of such a layout is the ability to zone the space according to your taste and even allocate separate sections for each family member.

When choosing the type of dressing room and the place where it will be located, keep in mind that it is necessary to provide convenient access to each shelf or rack. If the area of ​​this area is limited, stop at the most important sections, and place less important items (such as a dressing table, ironing room and other parts) outside.

Dressing room design: photo, 3 sq. m

Pros of installing a dressing room

If you are not sure about the need to equip a dressing room in your house or apartment, check out the main advantages of such a zone:

Built-in dressing rooms, photo

Before making a dressing room in a room, learn more about the possibilities of its layout in order to make it as comfortable, functional and ergonomic as possible.

Features of the layout

There are several ways to plan a dressing room. One of the simplest - linear - resembles an elongated wardrobe with closed walls.

If such a dressing room does not occupy the entire room, drywall is used to create a border. If the creation of a reliable partition is not important for you, you can fence off the dressing area with a decorative curtain.

Small dressing rooms, photo

By the way, the linear layout is also appropriate if the dressing area is a walk-through. And if a separate room is allocated for these purposes, you can put cabinets in the dressing room along one or two walls parallel to each other, and hang a mirror perpendicular to them.

The walk-in closet can also be placed in the corner. Corner layout is a great space saver. To allocate more space for storage, you can choose non-standard hemispherical wardrobe doors.

Doors for the dressing room, photo

In a long and fairly wide space, a U-shaped wardrobe would be an excellent option. The filling of this type of dressing room can include not only storage sections, but also laundry baskets, hangers, holders, vanity areas, ironing and other compartments.

How to equip a dressing room, photo

Small dressing rooms do not hold so many modular elements, so you will have to leave only the essentials.

The main areas of the wardrobe are a high section for outerwear with a barbell at a height of at least one and a half meters, a meter section for short clothes, a section for shoes and top shelves for hats and clothes that you will put away in the off-season. For example, in a dressing room of 4 square meters in the bedroom, as in the photo, this will be enough.

Photos of dressing rooms - small, 4 sq. meters

When planning how the dressing room will be equipped, focus on its owner. For girls, it is necessary to provide a place where they can look in the mirror, for men, it is more important to quickly find everything they need, so you should additionally think about the practicality of storage sections.

The organization of space for children also requires special attention: there will be a different height of the shelves and their configuration.

Advice: for a women's dressing room with a large area, you can pick up stylish chests, drawers for accessories and other devices that will help organize order and emphasize creative design.

Today, the so-called transforming elements are in fashion: furniture of this type can be adjusted to the parameters you need. Such a wardrobe is suitable for a small area of ​​several square meters, and for a separate room.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

It is more convenient to place the hanger bar in the center of modern wardrobe. Place shelves and individual shelves on the sides. In fact, there are a lot of design ideas for such zones, so before starting work, look at at least a few layout options.

Corner option

Corner wardrobes are perfect for rooms with small dimensions. They will be used in rooms with an area of ​​about 20 square meters, since it will be enough to allocate up to 4 square meters for storing things.

Taking into account the characteristics of the room, prepare sketches of the dressing rooms. Such sections can take different forms:

Depending on the model you choose, you can install different equipment inside. But if you are planning a small corner dressing room, choose simplified models.

Walk-through wardrobe

Sometimes it becomes necessary to organize a storage area in a walk-through room. In this case, the racks are installed so as not to block the passage to the next room or area. For example, this situation is typical for modern apartments, where the bedroom and bathroom are located next to each other.

What is important to consider when organizing this space? First of all, correctly plan the placement of shelves and other sections. They should not interfere, but it is important to maintain their spaciousness. The second point is the doors. Standard doors that open from or towards you take up a lot of space. Perhaps the option of doors, by analogy with wardrobes, will suit you better.

It is convenient when adjacent rooms are located along the same axis, and not diagonally to each other. In this case, you can position the shelving so as not to impede movement and to ensure a harmonious appearance of the entire area.

Narrow dressing room, photo

Dressing room in the attic

Self-assembly of the wardrobe will allow you to adapt to the nuances of the layout of the rooms. In this case, it will not be difficult to place a dressing room even in the attic. Choose accessories so that they fit seamlessly into beveled areas and parts of the attic with low ceilings.

Attention! You should not make a wardrobe in the attic if the maximum height in this room does not reach two meters.

It is important that when visiting such a wardrobe, you can stand calmly at full height. If there is enough space, you can start planning this zone. Place shoe racks in areas with low ceilings, storage units and hangers in higher areas.

Dressing room in the attic - layout, photo

How to decorate a dressing room

When designing a wardrobe that is in a bedroom or another room, it will be easy to choose a design. The color of the materials used should be in harmony with the interior of the room. It is desirable that all furniture elements, including the dressing room, have a similar texture or generally belong to the same collection.

The doors of such a wardrobe can be decorated with transparent or frosted glass, mirrors, moldings or carvings. The design method depends on the style of the room: for a more modern design, you can even choose plastic-based photo panels.

The design of a dressing room of a separate type, as a rule, requires good lighting, since there are no windows in such rooms. Therefore, it is better to decorate the walls in a light color (it can be paint or wallpaper).

The color of the facades itself may be different, depending on your preferences and the area of ​​such a room, but it is better if it is also a light and easy-to-read palette.

Design of a small dressing room, photo

When furnishing your wardrobe internally, you can think of unusual sections. For example, glass racks or shelves where the best shoes or accessories will be displayed.

Also, a spacious dressing room can be decorated with a soft fleecy rug and mirrors with stylish frames.

Bedroom design with dressing room, photo

Since there are a lot of ideas for the layout and design of such zones, we advise you to look at photos of examples of dressing rooms, and then it will become even easier to create a stylish, functional and cozy storage area.

How you can equip a dressing room - look at the photo:

Now about sketches and drawings. Look at the sizes and layouts of the options below - perhaps one of them is suitable for arranging your own small dressing room (click on the full large image):


Wardrobe room design project? Easily! Get inspired by our photos and get creative!

One of the best movies about love and fashion, Sex and the City, suggested that a small dressing room is a good enough reason to get a divorce.

It was not typical for residents of the Soviet space to allocate an entire room as a dressing room, because before, people rejoiced at a separate corner behind a screen in a communal apartment and every square meter was counted. But today the situation with housing in the post-Soviet space is not so deplorable, and therefore apartments and houses are beginning to absorb the convenient and useful achievements of the Western world. In particular, the tradition of arranging a separate dressing room.

A dressing room is a room for storing clothes and shoes. Its main advantages are as follows:

  • Things are always in order.
  • Plenty of storage space.
  • All things are visible (no need to rummage through the closet in search of something).
  • Clothes and shoes are hidden from prying eyes.
  • Takes up little space (in comparison with a closed dressing room).
  • Unused space can be used for organization (for example, in a house under the stairs).
  • All wall imperfections (irregularities, roughness, ugly protrusions) are perfectly disguised.

The dressing room is a real paradise not only for women, but also for men.

Types of dressing rooms

Dressing rooms are of two main types:

  • Open
  • Closed

Let's consider each of the types in more detail.

Open dressing room

An open dressing room assumes that the storage space is not separated by partitions or doors, but is a continuation of the interior.

Advantages of an open dressing room:

  • All things in sight and at hand
  • Convenient to equip in small apartments
  • The space of the room visually remains spacious

Disadvantages of an open dressing room:

  • All things in sight, including those of your guests
  • Items must be kept in perfect order to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the room.

Closed dressing room

A closed dressing room is located in a separate room or niche, which is fenced off by a screen or compartment doors.

Advantages of a closed dressing room:

  • The common space of the apartment is not cluttered with things, clothes, clothes, accessories.
  • If there is no opportunity or time to put things in order, none of the guests will notice from behind the door.
  • In a large and spacious dressing room, you can allocate storage space for absolutely all family members, no matter how huge it is.
  • There is a lot of storage space that can be arranged as ergonomically as possible.
  • You can try on clothes, put them in order, iron, get ready at any time of the day, without disturbing the household (which is especially important if there is a small child in the house).

If you equip a large mirror or dressing table in the dressing room, then the dressing room will serve not only as a storage place, but as a full dressing room.

Disadvantages of a closed dressing room:

  • You need a place to place it
  • Additional lighting required
  • The living room, which has a closed dressing room, visually and functionally becomes smaller

Layout of dressing rooms

Although the dressing room is a purely personal space and how to organize it is up to you and only you, but there are several basic layouts of dressing systems:

  • Corner
  • Linear
  • U-shaped
  • Parallel


Suitable for any type of room, most often open. For its organization, it is convenient to use open shelves or open hinged shelves, as well as the so-called "honeycomb" baskets (for example, from Ikea), which are suitable for storing medium-sized items (T-shirts, sweaters).

The angular layout of the dressing room is convenient to use if it is equipped not for one, but for two people. In this case, the dressing room can be divided into two parts along the corner, but at the same time it will, firstly, be quite compact, and, secondly, both owners of things will be able to dress, practically without interfering with each other.


This is the easiest way to organize a wardrobe system. Such a dressing room can be either open or closed (in this case, it will most likely resemble a huge one over the entire wall). To organize such a dressing room, it is enough to allocate one wall for it.

The most economical, from the point of view of space saving, way to organize a linear dressing room is as follows: allocate the lower part of the wall (about 2/5) to accommodate dressers with drawers and open shelves for shoes, and leave the upper part for hangers.


This variant of the dressing room layout is suitable for an open dressing room in a niche or a closed dressing room in a separate room. In such a storage room, you can use a wide variety of pieces of furniture, including trousers, ties, and more.

For a U-shaped dressing room, wherever it is, additional lighting is needed, because otherwise you simply cannot find anything there in the dark.


Place two wardrobe systems opposite each other - and voila! You already have a dressing room with a linear layout! If the systems completely or almost completely duplicate each other, you will get an excellent storage space for two people (for example, children). However, remember that, for your own comfort, cabinets with hinged doors should be spaced no less than the width of the door / length of a fully extended drawer plus another fifty centimeters for you. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the dressing room properly.

If a very large room is divided in the center of a dressing room with an entrance from both sides, you get three small and cozy rooms, one of which is a dressing room.

Where to equip a dressing room?

In a private house

In a private house, creating its design project, you can specifically provide a dressing room. It is best if it is located in the immediate vicinity of the owners or, if the family is large, in a place where any member of the family can easily (and without disturbing others!) Get into it.

If a special room is not provided, then the dressing room can be placed:

  • Under the stairs
  • In a wide corridor
  • Behind the bed
  • In the attic

In the apartment

The likelihood that your apartment (especially in Khrushchev) has a separate dressing room is even less than in a private house. Therefore, if the area of ​​the apartment is not enough, and you really want a dressing room, you should think about its location:

  • In the pantry
  • In a niche
  • In a fenced-off part of the room

In the apartment, the dressing room can be fenced off from the living part of the room with a screen, curtain or compartment doors.

Dressing room finishing

Materials (edit)

The dressing room must be functional. As a rule, in wardrobe systems, modules are made of wood. A more budget option may be the implementation of cabinets and drawers made of chipboard or MDF.

Hinged doors can be made of plexiglass. In this case, you will always see what is in this or that box.

It is best to choose honeycomb extraction baskets from plastic: it is lightweight, unpretentious in maintenance and has a nice appearance.

It is better to choose metal holders for hangers, they are reliable and their appearance will not deteriorate from constant scratching with hangers.

A small dressing room is best furnished with light-colored furniture.


If your dressing room does not have windows (and, accordingly, natural light), then you will definitely need to conduct an electrician there.

You can limit yourself to the top chandelier, but it would be much better to stop the local lighting above each module of the wardrobe system.

Another option, relevant for open dressing rooms, is to install a huge light panel behind the hangers, which will illuminate your clothes from the inside, as it were (see photo below).

When decorating the lighting in the dressing room, do not skimp on lamps: only modern LED lamps will save your home from burning clothes from overheating under the lamp!

General style

If your open-type dressing room is a continuation of the interior of one of the rooms, then, in general, there is no question about choosing a style - the dressing room should be made in the same style as the main room.

If the dressing room is separated from the living rooms by a screen, doors, or is completely a separate space, then there is already a place for a flight of imagination.

One of the beauties of a separate dressing room is that it doesn't need to be shown to anyone. Therefore, you can equip it focusing on practicality and functionality, and not on fashion, pretentiousness and extravagant style for the delight of guests. That is why experts recommend decorating a dressing room in loft, minimalism or classic styles. Although, of course, if your soul requires art deco or shabby chic design - you have the cards in your hands!

Filling for wardrobes and wardrobes

To place clothes

Dresses, blouses, jackets are conveniently stored on hangers, so the dressing room must have horizontal bars on which all this can be hung. They can be open or in closets

Trousers can also be hung on hangers, but it is more convenient to use a special trousers for this.

T-shirts, underwear, sweaters, socks are best kept in drawers.

Open bottom shelves are great for shoes and bags.

Scarves, hats, gloves, hats can be conveniently placed in the upper part of the dressing room, on shelves with hinged doors or in honeycomb baskets.

For accessories, special drawers with matching stands can be fitted. If you are making a dresser for accessories to order, then such drawers should not be high so that all accessories can be placed in one row.


In the dressing room, it does not matter if it is closed or open, it is imperative to place a large mirror. This will make it easier for you to choose your clothes, as otherwise you will have to carry each set to try on from room to room. And it will be much easier to pick up accessories with a shoe in front of the mirror.

Be sure to have a horizontal surface in the dressing room, on which you could put something. This can be a table or a low chest of drawers that serves as a table.

The problem of storing personal belongings occupies an important place in the organization of living space. Traditionally, wardrobes are used for this purpose, but arranging a dressing room can be a much more convenient solution. And it is not at all necessary to set aside a large room for clothes - any corner with an area of ​​2 sq.m. will do. The rational design of the dressing room will ensure the effective use of each free area, allowing you to forget about bulky wardrobes, dressers and mezzanines.

Dressing room in the bedroom

In houses and apartments where a separate dressing room was not provided initially, it is easiest to arrange it in the bedroom, separating it with sliding compartment doors or any other wall. The role of a barrier can be performed even by a high (up to the ceiling) cabinet or a rack with a passage.

A partition made of darkened matte glass with sandblasted patterns will look very modern. The advantages of this option are the environmental friendliness of the material, its ability to transmit sunlight and the minimum thickness.

Arrangement of a dressing room in the bedroom of a non-standard shape will balance the geometry of the room. Excessive wall lengths, niches or protrusions can be easily hidden behind a screen, using every feature of the architecture with full dedication.

Cloakroom in the closet

Even in very small apartments, where there can be no question of a special room for clothes, at least 1-2 sq.m. can be set aside for a pantry. This space is often ignored, but if desired, it can be easily turned into a comfortable dressing room.

It is worth complementing the usual 1x1 m niche with a mezzanine, narrow side shelves, lower drawers and metal bars, and it will become an excellent alternative to an expensive wardrobe, which would have no place to put it anyway.

The presence of a pantry of a larger area opens up wide planning possibilities, but requires a thoughtful approach to the location of storage systems. It is also very important to take care of sufficient ventilation of the room, protection of things from moisture, insects, animals and foreign odors.

Dressing room layout

Depending on the area, the location of door and window openings, the number of things and the owners' own preferences, the layout of the dressing room can be done in different ways. Each of the options presented is characterized by certain features that make it suitable for a particular type of room.

Linear layout

It resembles a familiar wardrobe, with the only difference that the doors are either absent altogether, or instead of them there is a partition from floor to ceiling, and inside there is free space for moving along the shelves. This arrangement of the dressing room is ideal for installation in a rectangular room along a blank wall or around a doorway.

Parallel layout

The optimal solution for elongated corridor-type rooms, with a window or a large mirror opposite the door. In this case, shelves and hangers are located on opposite walls, so that all things remain in sight, it is easy to get to them, and the spaciousness of such a dressing room can only be envied.

The presence of a window opening solves the issue of ventilation and daylighting, so that it is a parallel layout that can be recommended when initially designing a dressing room in the drawing of an apartment or house.

U-shaped layout

It is one of the most convenient options for arranging large dressing rooms. To use the side walls conveniently, the central part must have a length of at least 1.5 m.

In such a room, there is room for an ironing board, a chair (and sometimes even a small sofa) and a mirror, which results in a comfortable fitting room.

Corner layout

Allows you to effectively use the space in rooms with limited area - bedrooms, hallways, nurseries, attics. Placement of storage systems at an angle of 90 ° makes it possible to store twice the amount of things when compared to a conventional linear cabinet.

You can separate the dressing room using sliding sliding doors - both standard and radius (semicircular). For high rooms, plasterboard or plywood partitions with a doorway are suitable, curtains and screens are various.

Arrangement of storage systems

Before furnishing the dressing room with furniture, it must be prepared taking into account all the requirements. First, it must be a completely dry, well-ventilated area. It is undesirable to store clothes through the bathroom wall, kitchen or in the outer corner of the building, especially if it gets wet and poorly lit by the sun. In the absence of a window, a ventilation opening with a fan will help to organize the correct microclimate, which will turn on automatically at specified intervals.

The second important criterion is isolation from foreign odors. To give things a pleasant aroma, you can put pads or bags of dry herbs on them: lavender, mint, linden flowers. The essential oils of plants will also protect clothes from the appearance of moths and other insects, and in order to protect your favorite wardrobe items from the encroachment of pets, you should tightly close the lower shelves and doors.

As for the storage systems themselves, you can either buy ready-made structures, or purchase components and do the installation yourself. The choice of wardrobes in furniture stores is quite wide: from luxurious wardrobes made of varnished solid wood to products made of chipboard and plain plywood. The utilitarian purpose of the room does not set high criteria for the aesthetics of shelves and hangers, but the quality of fittings, moving elements and fasteners should be given the utmost attention.

To ensure a convenient arrangement of things, it is necessary to think over the required number and size of certain compartments. For example, in a women's wardrobe, the height of the hangers should accommodate floor-length dresses, which is at least 1.6-1.8 m. The same height is recommended for outerwear. For jackets, shirts, 1.2 m will be enough.The optimal size of the shelves is 30-35 cm.The depth of the cabinets is calculated based on the width of the shoulders, and can vary from 50 to 70 cm.

The top of the dressing room is often reserved for seasonal items, suitcases, pillows and blankets. Above eye level, you can arrange shelves for hats, bags, umbrellas, gloves. The middle sections are occupied by hangers and shelves, under them are dressers with drawers for linen, at the very bottom are nets and boxes with shoes. The latter is conveniently stored in a tilted form, at an angle of 45-60 °, as well as in rotating radius structures.

The correct lighting of the wardrobe will help to facilitate the search for the right thing. For natural color reproduction, it is advisable to choose a neutral or warm white spectrum of lamps. In addition to the bright overhead light, point LEDs, which can be mounted in shelves, do not interfere. Instead of ordinary lamps in the dressing room, small spotlights will be appropriate, the direction of which can be changed at your discretion.

Useful add-ons

In addition to storage systems in the form of racks, drawers and hangers in the dressing room, you cannot do without other auxiliary items. What exactly is needed to comfortably and quickly assemble an image for work, walking or going out?

Ironing board- when folded, no one will notice it, especially if you hide this useful thing in a narrow niche between the sections of the wardrobe. Additionally, you need to install an outlet and find a place for the iron, while strictly observing the fire safety rules.

Folding ladder need to get the right thing from the upper "floors". And if in a small dressing room an ordinary chair or stool can cope with this function, then a light metal staircase will be indispensable for high rooms.

Organizers for jewelry, hairpins, ties, belts and the rest of the jewelry will allow you to keep small details in sight, and they will always be at hand to add the last zest to the finished ensemble.

Full-length mirror- an integral attribute of a full-fledged dressing room. It can be installed in a free recess, made a mirrored door, or attached to the partition from the inside.

Side light sources should be located at a distance of 8-10 cm on either side of the mirror, slightly below eye level, and another light should be located directly above the mirror. Thus, the person's face and figure will be illuminated without the formation of shadows that distort the appearance.

Dressing room decoration

Although the dressing room is usually hidden from prying eyes, even it cannot do without minimal decoration. Given the purpose of this storage room, the simplest materials can be used. The main thing is that they do not accumulate dust and moisture, and also do not interfere with the free circulation of air.


The floor in the dressing room can be exactly the same as in the living room, bedroom or nursery. Suitable wooden boards (including unpainted), parquet, laminate, cork. Carpet and rugs should be discarded - small fibers from woolen clothes, fur collars, pieces of thread, and just dust can clog in them.


The only requirement for the walls in the dressing room is that they do not crumble, otherwise sand with cement or lime can stain things. Regular paint, inexpensive decorative plaster, paper wallpaper will do. The footage of this room is usually small, so it is advisable to choose a light color - white, yellowish or beige.


The ceiling does not play a big role in the design of the dressing room, so it can be left without finishing at all (especially if the rest of the design is made in the loft style). In the classic versions, an even light surface will be appropriate - painting, wallpaper, hanging panels, stretch canvas, etc.

If you are interested in the design of the dressing room, we suggest looking at even more interesting options in the photos collected in our gallery. Innovative storage solutions allow you to use every inch of space with maximum efficiency and comfort.

Pay attention to the layout, decoration, features of furniture designs - all this will be useful when choosing the design and furnishings of the dressing room. Some of the presented design examples can be done by hand. Happy viewing!


Dressing rooms are back in vogue, and a lot of people are now striving to set aside a separate area for it in the hallway or in the room.

Even in a small apartment, you can equip a separate dressing room.

At first glance, it is overkill to have a separate room for a wardrobe. But this is not at all the case.

With a properly planned dressing room, you can free the apartment from bulky wardrobes, dressers, nightstands.

You can use the entire height of the wall, not limited to cabinets. When all things are collected in one area, it takes less time to find the right clothes.

You can install a mirror in the dressing room, then it will be easy to pick up an outfit for yourself, especially since all things are at hand.

In the dressing room, it is possible to install an ironing board, for storage of which it is so difficult to allocate space in the apartment. You can install a washing machine and dryer.

In the dressing room, you can leave all the shelves open, all things will be clearly visible.

Practice shows that if the house has a separate room for a wardrobe, things retain their original appearance longer and require less maintenance.

Organization Principles for Men and Women

The organization of any dressing room is carried out in several steps.

  • First step - you need to think about the lighting so that you can easily admire the outfits in front of the mirror.

  • Second step - it is necessary to equip ventilation in this room, especially if a washing machine is installed in it. But even if you are not going to wash in the wardrobe, then, in order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor in things, an influx of fresh air is necessary.

  • Third step - we define the storage area. Its dimensions depend on the area of ​​the dressing room itself and on the number of things that are planned to be stored there.

  • Fourth step - we structure the space. At this stage, we plan the placement of sections, shelves where things will be stored, we decide the question in what dependence this will be done (color, functionality, etc.).

When organizing a dressing room, you need to take into account that you need to leave the dressing room fully dressed. Only outerwear and outdoor shoes are worn in the hallway.

That is why, when equipping a wardrobe for a woman, you need to pay attention not only to functionality, but also to aesthetic beauty.

The classic feminine version is a wardrobe in pastel colors. Women often choose Provence or country styles to decorate these rooms.

The latest squeak of fashion is the arrangement of a special place in the dressing room, in the center of which is an ultra-fashionable sofa or, conversely, a vintage chest of drawers. They fill the room with various figurines and other design details.


You definitely need a mirror, preferably movable or even several, so that you can evaluate yourself in a selected outfit from all sides.

To equip a women's dressing room, you must not forget to allocate space for storing bags and jewelry.

A men's dressing room is a completely different matter. Brutality and functionality are the main directions in the equipment of this room for the stronger sex.

The style is more suitable for hi-tech or classic. You need one mirror, full length.

Men need to arrange an organizer for storing belts,

and also equip a special tie hanger.

It is also worth allocating a space where everything for hobbies will be collected. This is, for example, sportswear or camouflage for fishing. Immediately equip a place for storing accessories (fishing rods, scooter).

If you plan to combine a dressing room for a man and a woman, then usually the separation is done in color, while the female half is also tried to restrain a little in terms of brightness. For the rest, they try to adhere to the above. The common part of the room is decorated in a neutral way.

You can choose any finishing materials for the dressing room, but it is still better to focus on washable ones. This is due to the fact that clothes, bed linen tend to accumulate dust, which subsequently settles on the walls of the room.

For this reason, it is also better to refuse carpets on the floor. The most suitable flooring will be tile or laminate.

Where to mark

You can organize a dressing room, in principle, in any room where it is possible to allocate at least a few square meters. You can find a place for her in the bedroom, in the hallway. By combining the bathrooms, you can also free up a couple of meters. If your apartment occupies two floors, then it is advisable to organize a dressing room in the space under the stairs.

If you have a private house with an attic, then you can arrange it in the roof slopes.

Location types

Dressing rooms are:

  • linear;
  • corner;
  • U-shaped;
  • parallel;
  • rectangular.


Linear dressing rooms are like large wardrobes.

They usually separate the wall of a room without a window and have a sliding door design. You can fence off such a room with a blackout curtain.

If the apartment has a free corner, the dressing room can be placed there. Then two walls are involved, and, between them, the third is performed in the form of sliding doors or a dense curtain.

The U-shaped dressing room is most suitable for equipment in the bedroom. In this layout, it is possible to arrange shelves, racks and rods on both sides. In the niche that the dressing room forms, the bed will fit perfectly.

A parallel dressing room is a great option for a combined dressing room, where the things of a man and a woman will be at the same time.

A rectangular dressing room is suitable when it is possible to allocate a separate room for these purposes.

In organizing such a room, there will be where to swing, organize a storage system, and a laundry, and a dressing table, and a whole area with various mirrors, in which you can see yourself not only from the front, but also from the back.

And the window will perfectly fit into the interior and carry the function of lighting and ventilation. In natural light, the colors of the chosen outfit will look more reliable, and it will also be possible to ventilate the room, filling it with fresh air.

How to properly plan space for a small dressing room

In a small apartment there is not a lot of space for a wardrobe. But even there you can perfectly plan the space.

In one-room apartments, as a rule, they allocate a niche or storage room for a dressing room. You can organize it in an elongated room, separating several squares, thereby aligning the proportions of the room. A corner dressing room can be arranged in the corridor. Another option is to organize this room on the balcony, however, it will need to be heated there so that it can be used in winter.


The smallest size of the dressing room is 1x1.5 m. If it is impossible to allocate such an area, it is more expedient to build a wardrobe. You need to start equipping a small dressing room with the selection of the right furniture.

Various ready-made complexes can be purchased. They contain a set of baskets, bars, shelves, boxes. With the help of them, you can not miss anything important, while creating a comfortable, roomy, interior for your dressing room.

Also, a great option in arranging a small dressing room will be fabric storage systems. When planning a small dressing room, it is worth dividing it into three levels in height.

  • Middle tier. Its height is from 60 cm to 2 m. It is used for storing things for everyday use. Here they place bars on which skirts, pants, dresses, boxes for jewelry, gloves, organizers for bags, hangers for ties and scarves, as well as shelves for hats are hung.

In small dressing rooms, the walls are made of plasterboard, and the doors are installed sliding, or a curtain is used. You may not close the dressing room at all, but for this you need to devote a lot of time to the perfect order in it, hang all things to increase their length, arrange them on the shelves by color, or put them in baskets and boxes.

But, no matter what kind of dressing room you have, closed or open, its design should be a continuation of the room in which it is located. They should be made in the same style and, preferably, match in color, so that, opening it, you get a single interior.

If the modest size of the room does not allow a mirror to be placed in the dressing room, installation from the outside of the door can be a solution. Thus, you do not need to occupy part of the wall, and you can arrange additional storage space there.

For lighting a small dressing room, LED spotlights are most suitable. They consume little energy, while illuminating the room well. Under no circumstances should halogen lamps be used. They get very hot, and given the fact that the room is very small and there are many flammable things accumulated in it, this can lead to a fire.

Sample projects for small walk-in closets

Project for 1.5 sq. meters

The smallest dressing room has an area of ​​1.5 m2. In this case, one of the sides should not be less than 120 cm (racks are located on one side) or 150 cm (racks will be on both sides), otherwise the passage will be very narrow and inconvenient. Also, a room in one and a half squares can be corner. In this case, the length of the walls along which the storage systems will be located will increase and allow you to accommodate much more things. The depth of the racks, where the rods will be located, should be at least 50 cm, drawers, at least 30 cm. The shoe storage system should not have shelves with a height of less than 20 cm. The height of the sections for dresses and coats should be at least 150 cm, for shirts and trousers folded in half - 120 cm. Other sizes at your discretion.

Instead of shelves for bags and other accessories, you can use fabric pockets. This will significantly save space, but at the same time, each item will have its own place.

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