Aloe care in a pot. How to care for aloe at home

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

Aloe Vera is a frequent guest on domestic window sills. People actively use it and the ability to disinfect air. The cultivation lies in the right and timely implementation of procedures for care and reproduction, as well as maintaining conditions favorable for its development. Flowers give several tips on these issues, with photos and video instructions.

Plate features. Basics of cultivation at home

The plant of Aloe Vera and its properties, people appreciated even to our era. His initial area is the central part of Africa and Madagascar Island. Today, Aloe spread throughout the world. This is not surprising, because the succulent is completely unprecedented to the composition of the soil and almost no capricious to care. In his homeland, it grows even on volcanic ash, as well as on the rocks and stones, the sand of the desert, thickets.

In the wild form of Aloe Vera grows up to 3 m. People oculted herbate plant And they are grown on plantations to collect drugs. Flower outwardly resembles a cactus. It has meaty oblong leaves with teeth along the edge.

Aloe Vera - Plant with healing properties

Flowers with tube flowers collected in the brush. IN natural environment - Every 2-3 seasons, in the room atmosphere - much less often: once every 10-20 years, usually in spring or summer. After flowering on the stems, boxes with seeds appear, but they rarely affect the room format. Correct care for this grassy culture is:

  • provision sufficient level lighting;
  • maintaining a favorable temperature regime;
  • regular watering and feeding.

How to plant and transplant aloe

On sale flower find easy. Just remember that in specialized stores you will most likely sell aloe in a small pot. Therefore, he will need a transplant. Determine whether the plant is closely in a pot, it is easy in appearance:

  • the leaves grew more than 2 times compared with a pot diameter;
  • aloe ceases to grow;
  • the container is closely woven root com, the land in which is almost not visible.

Attention! Aloe Vera grows quickly, so the transplant in a more spacious pot is needed at least once every 2 years.

The plant is usually planted in a regular pot. Preferably wide, but shallow. Well, if it is ceramic, because clay has a property to remove an extra moisture. To equip at the bottom of the drain layer with a thickness of at least 2 cm. It will prevent the cluster and stagnation of the root of the root.

Transplanting young aloe

Before using the pot, prepare:

  1. Wash the tank with cooled and soapy boiled water.
  2. Gear in the oven for disinfection. Actually only for ceramics. In the case of plastic, the pot was washed with soap hot water.
  3. The ceramic pot also desirable to soak on an hour in a superphosphate solution.

Council. Aloe Vera is distinguished by instability and can easily fall on the side when unsuccessful landing. Succulent flower fixes, fixing it with 2-3 pebbles at the outdoor outlet point.

As a soil for Aloe Vera, the mixture is suitable for cacti from the store. You can prepare a substrate and independently, mixing 30% of the turf and sheet soil and 15% of large sand and humus. Soil can be enriched with charcoal. But peat is undesirable, because your task is to make a weakly acidic soil. Earth should be completely updated during each transplantation.

Nuances for choosing and lighting for Aloe Vera

The room plant needs an abundance of light at any time of the year. Optimal location In the apartment - on the southern or south-eastern side. But it is not necessary to immediately put it under the right sunny rays, otherwise the leaves will receive burns. Young aloe teach to such a lighting mode gradually. Alternate short techniques solar baths With stay under gauze, tulle or any other filtering matter. Every spring adaptation procedure to the bright sun is better to repeat: for the winter, the plant may drop from intense and aggressive light.

Council. In winter, it is advisable to organize additional artificial lighting. With insufficient light, the bustice will begin to stretch.

Despite the room status in conditions middle strip, Aloe Vera loves fresh air. Therefore, in the summer, flowerflowers are recommended to put it on the loggia or balcony and place open window. Succulent will also receive a portion of ultraviolet from the Sun, which does not pass through the usual window glass. In the fall you will be pleased with the grace and juice plant.

Aloe unpretentious to the conditions

Optimal climatic conditions. Feeding and watering aloe vera

This succulent is undemanding to temperature. It grows with strong humidity and in a dry atmosphere, with high heat and in coolness - that is, in the climate of most housing. The main thing is that it was not very cold. If in the summer you move the plant to the balcony, follow that it is not on the draft and it rains did not fall on it. Late in the fall, it is desirable to find a cool room for Aloe. At + 14 ... 15 ° C succulent perfectly postponed the winter.

Watering Aloe Vera should be moderate. Support upper layer Earth in a slightly moistened state. In winter, the amount of water is twice. It is important that in the process of watering it does not fall on the plant - it will cause the rotting of the green mass. Water under the root.

Council. Feature Aloe Vera when the succulent is in the active growth phase, from March to October. Use liquid mineral feeding. Make them 2 times a month.

How to propagate aloe vera

At home, this is possible in several ways:

Grow aloe vera in room conditions not difficult. Almost all succulent procedures are needed only in spring and summer. During the rest of the time the plant will fully arrange minimum conditions and care.

Aloe is best breeding at the beginning of spring. At this time, the plant begins to awaken, and it starts all the processes of vital activity that allow you to quickly develop the root system and adapt to new conditions.

Selection of soil

Now almost in all floral, garden or household stores Specialized primer for sale to grow any kind of this flower.

If you want to choose yourself and draw up the soil for Aloe Vera, then you should use as part of coarse sand, humus, humus, ceramzite gravel, Perlite and sheet ground.

All elements are taken in equal proportions. The bottom is the drainage layer, then the mixed soil layer, the sand layer goes from above. The composition of the soil mixture for the cultivation of aloe vera does not need to add peat.

Methods of breeding at home

There are several ways to propagate and sear the flower at home. Consider them.

How to plant a sheet without a root?

The reproduction of cuttings is a common type of reproduction, but in the case of this plant, the chance of a unsuccessful attempt increases, since alose's fleshy leaves contain a lot of moisture, it contributes to the rapid loading of the sheet.

If you decide to multiply this flower with the way of shifting, then you will have to follow the rules and approach the reproduction very responsibly. Consider how to multiply a sheet. To multiply aloe sheet, you need:

  1. You must first choose a healthy and large leaf, its diameter at the base should be at least 7-8 centimeters. After that, you need to cut it under a small angle.
  2. Next should put a sheet in dark place For a couple of weeks, a protective film appears on the slice.
  3. Then the cut should be treated with chopped coal.
  4. Also, you need to choose a pot or container, which must first be processed, for example, you can rinse the plastic container with warm water using the household soap.
  5. After processing, the container needs to be filled with properly selected and moistened soil, not forgetting the drainage layer, since the soil must be moistened to moderate.
  6. Further, the sheet needs to be inserted into the ground about ¼ of all its length and expect the first roots.
  7. Throughout growing the soil, it is constantly necessary to moisturize.

How to root "kids"?

Reproduction of root pig - the most effective method But he has one minus - the development of a new plant will go long enough.

"Baby" appear in plants from early age, so finding such processes are not a problem.

The reproduction must be carried out using the following actions:

How to grow from seeds?

Seed reproduction - the most time-consuming and long way. Seeds need to choose high-quality, it is advisable to buy them in the store, as you get a big and high-quality planting material At home is unlikely to succeed.

The process is performed according to the following actions:

  1. Seeds must first soak in a weak solution of valerian to prevent the disease of the young plant.
  2. First you need to prepare containers and substrate. The packaging should be flat, and the soil is moisturized.

    Before starting landing, the soil should be treated with a weak solution of manganese. The room temperature where the cultivation of seedlings should be higher than +22 0 C.

  3. Next, you need to plant seeds into the soil, deepening them by 1-2 centimeters. The distance between each seeds should be at least 2 centimeters.
  4. Next, the container needs to be covered on top of a film or transparent glass, for supporting greenhouse effect. With the gradual appearance of sprouts, the shelter needs to be removed.
  5. Then the new plants that have appeared to be transplanted into a new separate container with the same soil.
  6. A year later, each already fastened plant must be transplanted into a separate container.

Features of care in the open ground

Knowing how the plant is breed at home, consider how to grow flower in open soil. This is possible only in zones with a particularly warm and favorable climate. Creation of Aloe Vera in its garden can residents of the southern regions of Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as all regions that are south.

The cultivation of such a flower in its garden is a rather time consuming, it requires a certain amount of effort.

  • External conditions must be favorable, that is, very warm.
  • If your soil is clay and hard, you will have to mix it with a special substrate, designed for plants of this type.
  • Each of the plants should have its own certain space, which should be at least less than the meter, as Aloe Vera over time it grows very much.

If you grow aloe vera at home, we suggest read how to care for him at home ,.

What to do after landing?

After landing, each plant requires certain conditions and care.. Aloe vera - unpretentious plantBut still, for normal development and the possibility of flowering, it requires some conditions:

  • The plant requires a lot of light, with its lack of flower begins to stick, but the direct sunlight can also harm this plant.
  • Aloe requires a constant stream of fresh air.
  • The plant must be watered regularly, but not often, in the warm season it is necessary to moisten the soil once a week, in the cold - a couple of times a month.
  • Also, it is necessary to conduct periodic spraying of leaves in order to avoid dry air.
  • The water temperature for watering and spraying should be about 30 0 C.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to carry out the plants with special fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

If not coming out

During the cultivation of a new plant, the flowerfield may face a variety of problems, the main of them - aloe does not take root.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Poor-quality soil.
  • Incorrect growing place.
  • Negative external conditions.
  • Bad material.

It is not difficult to solve this problem, the main thing is not to despair. First you should make sure whether you took a qualitative material, if the stalk or seed was sick, then nothing will grow out of it.

If you are confident as a material, you need to try to change the location of the new plant, as the lack of light or drafts are the main causes of the fusion of the plant.

If the seplace of the place did not help, then it is worth thinking about the quality of the soil And change it to another. When complying with all these factors, the reproduction of Aloe must pass without problems. If the cultivation of a new plant occurs with difficulties or does not occur at all, then the method of reproduction should be changed and choose more rational.

Useful video

We offer to watch a video about how the cultivation and reproduction of Aloe at home is:


You enrolled correctly by choosing this flower for growing, because aloe vera has, and also practically does not have any special conditions for growing. Need to follow all the rules, choose more rational breeding methodsAnd then you can easily grow this beautiful plant!

This homemade tech There are practically in every home. Appreciates the plant is not for appearance, and for the benefit that brings. Aloe care at home is not complicated, but at hand will always be " ambulance"From many diseases.

This plant belongs to succulents. It grows in South and Tropical Africa, at Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula. There is hot and dry, Aloe to such conditions has adapted perfectly. In drought, he closes the pores of the skin, keeping moisture inside the leaves. Aloe is able to survive where other plants die. In home culture as therapeutic plant Most often, aloe tree and aloe vera are grown.

What conditions prefers this exot?

Light, Temperature Mode

Light in aloe habitats are a lot. Therefore, the plant loves him very much. But the spring and summer roast sun may be destructive for him. At this time it is better to take it from bright sun ray. For growth in the apartment it will be suitable for any windowsill, except Northern. There Aloe will have to be heated. In the summer, the plant will feel good on the balcony or loggia if they do not go north. You can take it into the garden where to pick it up with a shadow on a midday clock. Outdoors will have to take care of the protection of plants from rain, since excessive moisture is not beneficial to him. To awesome aloe It did not stretch, and his stem was not twisted, turn the pot from time to time around his axis. The plant transfers this procedure is painless.

If you remember where the native of Aloe, becomes clear why it loves warmth so much. In summer, he is comfortable in the heat. Temperature should be at least 25 degrees. In winter, during the period of relative rest, aloe preferences are changed. At a temperature of about 10 degrees, the plant is not depleted and economically spends its strength.

Requirements for substrate and feeding

At home, aloe is not growing on the soils rich humus. No need to pamper it and flower. The soil is not chosen too nutritious, but loose, breathable and well holding water. Full suited primer For succulents. Can be cooked soil mixture and independently.

Its composition:

  • 2 parts derdy land;
  • one part sheet land, humus and coarse sand;
  • on ½ part of charcoal and brushed bricks.

Aloe loves the weakness of the sooth, so it is possible to add a little sour peat to the mixture.

Fertilize the fertilizer intended for succulents. Conduct feeding from the beginning of the spring and before the beginning of autumn no more than once a month.

Watering and spraying

A harsh arid climate in his homeland taught aloe for a long time to do without water. It will quite forget forgetful flower rare Polish. But for good Development Plant need to water regularly. In the summer, it is done 1-2 times a week, as soon as the top layer of soil in the pot will dry. In winter, all life processes in the plant slow down, so it digested in moisture slowly. It is enough to pour a flower once a month. Fresh irrigation at this time can cause moisture stagnation and, as a result, the root is dropping.

For aloe is important and watering method. Moisture can be made from above, watering the soil in a pot or pouring water into the pallet. Last method preferable. The suction roots are located in the plant near the bottom of the pot, so at lower irrigation it is rather saturated and uses it more efficiently. The upper irrigation, especially excess, can lead to rewarding the central rod root.

After half an hour after watering the water remaining in the pallet you need to merge.

Water with soft water with a temperature close to room or a little higher. You can immerse the pot in full in the water so that it is good to impregnate the whole earthen com, but the leaves touch the water should not. This flower is always better to be disliked than to pour.

Dry air plant tolerates well, so it's better not to spray it. It does not like and get water to leaves when watering, especially when it accumulates inside the sockets. But to wiping the leaves with a damp cloth, the flower will react very favorably. Frees from dust and dirt leaves will be able to breathe better.

Transplant and cropping

For good care Aloe can reach impressive sizes, stunned both in the width and height. Such a large copy will be very uncomfortable in a small pot. Aloe in spring transplant - young plants annually, more mature times a couple of years.

If the plant brought from the store is located in the transportation soil, it needs to be immediately transplanted, despite the time of year.

Basic rules of transplant.

  • The diameter of the planting pot must be greater than the previous 2-3 cm.
  • Transplancing the transshipment method without disturbing the earth com. During the day, the transplant is watered.
  • In the pot, it is necessary to be a layer of drainage from crumbs or small pebbles. It is placed on the bottom of 1/5 depth.
  • The drainage is poured with a layer of soil.
  • Gently take out aloe from the old pot, removed with a wand unauthorized land roots and placed in new pot So that the root neck was below his edge by 2 cm. If the plant has root outlets, or an additional trunk has been formed, it needs to be rejected into a separate pot.
  • Pumping emptiness soil, slightly sealing it.
  • A little water flower and put it in a shaded place for a few days. Watering for the time of rooting is stopped.

Aloe care necessarily includes trimming. It can be sanitary and executed on the eve of the relative rest season. Remove dry, patients and lost bright color leaves.

If a sheet is required for treatment, it is completely cut off. Not used remains are stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in polyethylene.

Aloe reproduction

This plant is easy to propagate.

For this use:

  • roasting pigs;
  • top cuttings;
  • solid leaves;
  • seeds.

Vegetative parts of the plant in the period of active growth are best rooted: from May to September. The most suitable time is late spring. It's easier to multiply by the root shoots. They already have root systemTherefore, it is enough to separately separate the process and land in a separate pot.

The cuttings with a length of about 10 cm and the tops for rooting are cut by a sharp knife and prepare as follows:

  • the cutting leaves remove the lower leaves;
  • give him to be bought within a few days;
  • when the location of the cut will dry, it is sprinkled with coal and placed in a stupid with sandy soil;
  • before rooting the cutting grows, covered glass jar, the earth needs to be maintained in a wet state;
  • as soon as the first new sheet, rooted sprout transplanted into a pot and determine him permanent residence.

Also root the tops and one-piece leaves. Vegetative parts of Aloe are able to give root, if they are placed in a vessel with soft water. Then the plants are planted in pots with nutritional soil.

Semyon reproduction is rarely practiced, as it is associated with great difficulties and is not always effective.

Diseases, pests of plants and methods to combat them

Despite the greatest vitality, this plant also suffers from diseases and may be affected by pests. Often the oppressed type of plant is an incorrect leaving signal.

Table: Aloe disease

Disease or accuracy in careAs manifestHow to fight
Lack of potassiumYellow the edges of the leaves dries tipsAdjust
Lack of lightThe plant is pulled outIncrease lighting
Excess moisturePallor and fading of leaves and stemsCorrection of watering towards reducing
Heavy soil that does not transmit airBad GrowthTransplantation to suitable soil
Root rotGrowth slowdown, stem dryingTransplanting with removal of the rotor of the roots
Dry rotDrying of the plant from the insidePreventive treatment with systemic fungicide.

The pests rarely attack aloe. Affairs is affected by poor plants.

Table: Aloe pests

PestAs manifestHow to fight
MealybugWhite pieces appear on aloe, similar to cottonRubbing the leaves of 70% tincture of garlic, the use of insecticides
ShieldLeaves shiny and sticky to the touchPlant with soap plants several times, process insecticide
Cobed tickThinweed on the leavesProcessing acaricide
TripsesSilver strips on leavesProcessing insecticide with alternation of drugs
NematodesNodules on rootsChange in fresh ground with removal of affected roots

With plants treated with insecticide immediately, it is impossible to take leaves for treatment. The instructions indicate the waiting time. Only by its expiration, it is possible to apply leaves for therapeutic purposes, pre-flushing them with water.

  • from herpes eliminates aloe juice lubrication 5 times a day;
  • grinding leaves are applied to ulcers, furunculam and carbuncules;
  • with erosion and the cervical dysplasia are struggling with tampons impregnated with juice;
  • with sinusitis and cold, fresh juice are injected into the nose;
  • with angina and pharyngitis, the rinse of the throat juice is used;
  • a recipe for weakened and often ill children: mix 0.5 kg of crushed nuts, 0.5 glasses of juice, 0.3 kg of honey and 3 lemons juice are taken by a dessert spoon before meals.
  • Before being treated with any drug Aloe, you should consult with your doctor.

    Types and grades for growing at home

    Only a few representatives of this numerous family are grown in the room.

    • Aloe tree. This plant is often referred to as a mesenter. In the conditions of the room can grow to 1 m, giving numerous shoots. The length of the sheet can reach 30 cm, and the width is 6. It blooms this view in room conditions rarely. Aloe flower is a pyramidal inflorescence consisting of a variety of yellow-orange tubes.
    • Aloe Vera, which otherwise is called Aloe Real or Barbados. It does not boast of large dimensions in room conditions. The width and height of the adult plant - 0.6 m, and the stem is practically not visible. All leaves are covered with small spots, which gives decorative sockets. Therapeutic effect of this plant is stronger than the aloe tree, and the cultivation of aloe vera does not represent difficulties. This is one of the few species for which the temperature in the winter is not lowered below 16 degrees. Watering it more often than the remaining types of plants.
    • Aloe motley or tiger. Grows in the form of a small outlet, spiral spiral. The leaves are covered with white transverse strokes.
    • Aloe is ostic. Forms a small socket with tightly sitting leaves covered with small spots. At the ends of the leaves there are small curved mustaches.

    Most species of aloe not only possess medical action. With good care, they are decorative and can decorate a bedroom flower garden.

    The beneficial properties of Aloe, known since ancient times, found reflections in the numerous names of the plant: "Doctor", "Countercake", "Rannik" and many others. It is believed that the name "Meanbreaker" flower Aloe received by popular beliefwhich states that blooming it happens once a hundred years. But it turned out that with high-quality leaving a plant, it can bloom at least every year. For a long time, the plant was worshiped as a symbol of life and health and, of course, was grown by almost every mistress.

    The main features of the species

    Aloe is a grassy perennial from the asphodel family. Translated from Arabic, the name of the variety means "brilliant and bitter". Refers to the genus. The characteristics of this kind are thick fleshy leaves, which serve as a reservoir for moisture accumulation. Movie-shaped leaves with sharp spikes seated along the edges are arranged around a short trunk. The length of them can reach sixty centimeters. The color of the leaf iso-green or dark green, sometimes has a wax spraying.

    In nature, there are more than five hundred species of the metering growing in the territory south Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar. Since Aloe is a representative of a dry roast climate, it is often mistaken for cactus.

    As for young plants, you need to know that they cannot be used in therapeutic purposes. Value represents only those who have already reached the three-year-old plants.

    Then they can be used in the treatment of various diseases:

    What flowers do not keep at home and why

    Lighting, watering and temperature

    Aloe flower, like any representative of succulents, the plant is undemanding. Therefore, create it comfortable conditions It is not difficult. Just observe the highlights:

    Fertilizer, trimming and transplant

    For Aloe, a single feeder is enough per month performed in the spring-summer, when there is a period of active growth. A weak solution of mineral fertilizers for succulents and cactus varieties is suitable. In the fall, the winter is stopped.

    Regular trimming is for a metering of sanitary and prophylactic measure to improve growth and development. Clean the old, sick and dried leaves. You can separate the young processes that pull the forces at the main plant.

    Some plants please the eye, separate - are valuable medical properties. Aloe succulent is finding favorably from room felling grace, useful properties and unpretentious care.

    Valuable medicinal plant It is easily growing on the windowsill.

    Scarlet - not only indoor plant. More than 300 of his species are known, most of them grow in wild nature - in Africa, South America, in Madagascar, Arabian Peninsula. The height of individual representatives of the species reaches 15 meters!

    In wild nature aloe blooms Very specific color. A bush releases a long arrow from the outlet of his fleshy leaves, at the end of which the corollary flower blooms with tubular petals. "Color" color can be different - purple, yellow, orange. Unfortunately, our room plant is blossoming the owner does not please for small modest exceptions.

    Flower wild thickets aloe.

    Types of aloe in wildlife and indoor specimens

    Of the 300 species of Aloe, we most often grow at home aloe tree or agave. Its leaves are swords, velvet, green, with soft spikes around the edges, with a meaty gel-like healing pulp. Their length does not exceed 30 cm, grouped around the stem in the form of a socket. Aloe tree can safely live about 20 years with proper care.

    Here he is a mesenter, you have a real healer at home.

    Aloe vera Popular in cosmetology and cooking. The plant looks like in comparison with the tree representative somewhat differently - the stem is shortened, the leaves form lush and thick sockets, the color of them is grayish green, in structure - a little corrugated.

    Aloe vera industrial plantation.

    Aloe sausage It reminds Havortiya - its leaves form a large root rosette, they are wide, with a white gear border, framing the edge of each sheet.

    Powerful rosette of strong leaves.

    Aloe motley Also low (up to 30 cm), has a shortened stem. Leaves are wide, triangular, wrapped the stem spiral-like. Each sheet is decorated with transverse white stripes.

    The most elegant representative of this family.

    Aloe premium (beautiful) - Plant with short stem and narrow dark green leaves, which are made by warts and blond stains. Aloe flowers beautiful color - Coral and red.

    Many confuse this species with a real meal.

    Aloe terrible Fits its reddish brown spikes that are located on thick and fleshy leaves.

    Such spines are actually frightened.

    What are heal and what are these representatives? How to grow them, how to care for them?

    All available views can be used in decorative purposes, but the cultivation of aloe with "medicinal" intentions can be implemented with two specified species - tree and aloe vera.

    Useful properties and application Aloe

    That aloe juice - A great tool for instillation in the nose, many know. But the spectrum of its use is wider and more diverse. Unique properties Plants were also known to the Greeks in the V c. BC e. Even Alexander Macedonian one of his battles devoted the conquest of the island on which Aloe has grown. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans - Ancient peoples knew the possibilities and properties of Aloe and were actively exploited:

    • bactericidal - Aloe Mountain Compress Used for Treatment purulent Ran., burns, corns and other skin damage;
    • laxative and choleretic - plant juice increases appetite, improves peristality, normalizes the activity of the pancreas;
    • anti-inflammatory - Aloe juice is a great assistant in the treatment of gastritis and infectious diseases.

    Juice is widely used in traditional and traditional medicine.

    Aloe is used in a number of industrial regions:

    • in cosmetology - in the manufacture of lotions, creams, shampoos;
    • in pharmaceutical - for the production of ballers, syrups, tablets;
    • in food Industry - most often in the production of energy and strengthening beverages.

    Such a wide range of use is due to the presence of polysaccharides and proteins, antioxidants, a complex of vitamins B, and medical properties Plants are primarily due to the content in it allantoin.


    Several recipes of Aloe application at home for health and beauty see below.

    Aloe breeding and care

    It is not difficult to grow such a useful handsome. Aloe is multiplied by seeds, cuttings, upper shoots, roasting processes.

    In the first case seeds Swelling (in March-April) in small plates, in the soil consisting of the turf (part 1), leaf land (1/2 of the part) and sand (1 part). We water moderately as drying. After germination, the seedlings are planted in a small pot (5 cm height) one by one. The soil is a mixture of sheet (1 part), a delicate land (1 part), sand (1/2 of the part), you can add some charcoal, brick crumb. A year later, the plant is considered adults, transplanted. Do not overflow the sprout with water, do not allow the excess of moisture.

    Reproduction seeds is practically not used.

    Cherenca You can breed year-round, but if possible, give the priority to the spring-summer period - what "dice" does not like the sun and warmly! Cuttings and upper shoots After cutting, you need to dry a bit - a day, two, after which the cut is powered by rotten coal. The first landing is produced in wet sand to a depth of 1 cm, supporting the sand in a wet state after disembarking. After the formation of the roots (by the 7th day), we transplant to the pot (7 cm high).

    How to choose kids from the parent plant? Talks and shows a flower model with experience.

    Top shoots, roasting pig Aloe is multiplied as follows - instances after cutting are slightly rolled (2-3 days), planted into wet sand, deepening by 3-4 cm, can be tied with pegs. After rooting - the standard care scheme ..

    Aloe care memo

    • Plant - lightweight. Remove it out of the shadow and put closer to the sun, but do not burn straight sunny rays.
    • Aloe is unpretentious to the temperature, but you should not experience it at temperatures below 10-15 degrees.
    • In winter - 1-2 watering per month, in summer - 1-2 times a week.
    • Cheat More often the placement, the plant can forgive you dry, but not a foolot.
    • From April to September, Aloe is actively growing, feature Earth once a month standard bait for succulents.
    • Young aloe transplant once a year in pots bigger size, adults - every 2-3 years.

    - Favorite small flower plants with huge leathery leaves. Do you know that in natural conditions Does she bloom every year and even brings the fruit?

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