Developing voice through exercises. The Best Exercises for Developing Voice Power

garden equipment 12.10.2019
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If you are planning to perform on a big stage or you just like to sing in the company of friends or alone, then you just need to get your voice right first. 1. Breath Breathing is very great importance for a correctly delivered voice, affecting its strength and expressiveness. If you learn how to properly control your breathing, then later it will save you from possible injuries that can be caused by overstrain of the vocal cords. Taking into account several sets of exercises, you will learn to control when singing correct breathing:

    1. It is important to learn to control the strength of your exhalation. Take a pen of any size for this exercise, and blow on it. Your task is to ensure that all the fluffs flutter. Now the matter becomes more complicated: blow so that only the tips of the fluffs move.2. Now take a lightweight disposable plastic bag. Your task is to use your breath to keep the package in the air without falling to the floor.3. Take a deep breath in through your mouth, stretching out "z-z-z" as you exhale. Let the sound come from within, as if filling the lungs with it. When you get the sound you want, experiment with other consonants, subsequently adding the vowel "a" to them.
When you sing, your breath should be capacious, but short, but you should exhale slowly. It is on the exhale that the sound occurs, so it should be smooth and continuous. 2. Resonators First, let's define what "resonators" are. As you know, they are part of the vocal apparatus, and help to amplify the sound. Simply put, without resonators, we would not be able to communicate with each other, because we would not hear our interlocutors. It is worth noting that the singing sound becomes audible when the air that we exhale from the lungs tries to break through the closed glottis. After that, the oscillation of the ligaments begins. As a rule, the ability to use resonators correctly comes gradually - after the singer learns to control his own singing. Subsequently, with the help of this skill, you will learn how to direct the sound to the desired point. Note that there is chest and head resonance. In the first case, you provide your voice with power and strength, and in the second, there is a “flight of sound”, endurance. 3. Voice timbre Almost any voice can acquire a professional sound if its owner learns to manage its emotional coloring. Let's define what voice timbres are in general. So, among men - tenor (the highest), baritone, bass. Female timbres: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, contralto. On your own, you are unlikely to be able to determine what kind of timbre you have - a spectrometer or a vocal teacher can handle this task. 4. Vocal support - what is it Vocal support can be called singing, in which the diaphragm is involved. In the presence of vocal support, there is no need for a strong tension of the vocal cords. With vocal support, you can sing for hours on end, so future singers will definitely need to develop it. How to sing on support? To be able to sing on support, practice developing abdominal breathing. Normally people breathe with their chest, but if you want to sing on a support, then this can only be achieved by breathing "through the stomach." Start by laying on your stomach. left hand and the right one on the chest. Now learn to inhale so that right hand remained motionless, and under the left - the stomach was inflated and deflated.

Where to start learning

The main thing in this matter is not to harm yourself. Remember that in order for the voice to be well delivered, you should practice a lot and diligently, and not wait quick results. The ligaments need to be trained, and they cannot be immediately ready to perform the most difficult parts. You can know a lot about how to sing correctly, but if you don’t start with practice, then all this theory will mean nothing. .

Special vocal cord exercises for singing

Regular repetition of these exercises has a positive effect on the training of ligaments:
    Imagine that you are gargling without tilting your head up - instead, slowly turn it from side to side. Make these sounds until you have enough breath for this. Take a deep breath with your mouth, and when exhaling, “moo”, while at the same time tapping your nostrils with the pads of your index fingers. Tap your upper lip with your fingertips, while making sounds: “would - would-be ”(as long as the breath is enough). Now tap the bottom lip with your fingertip, the same way saying “ze-ze-ze” or “you-you-you.” The usual yawn can also be classified as an exercise. Yawning is the easiest way for the performer to relax the neck and diaphragm. To induce a yawn, simply visualize it actively and open your mouth wide and inhale. also a slight cough will not be superfluous. You should imagine how you are gradually squeezing air out of your throat, thereby you will activate the muscles of the abdomen, as well as the lower part of the chest- exactly those that are recommended for use when singing. make a slight vibration of the lips. Squeezing your mouth slightly, blow out the air while singing a song (while keeping your lips closed). It is important that the throat remains relaxed. Go from low to high notes and vice versa. If you want to “warm up” your voice, then singing with your mouth closed will be very useful. This exercise can be done at any time - taking a shower, preparing dinner, and so on.

Vocal lessons for beginners

Now, in almost every city, there are many schools that will help you develop your voice and become a professional singer. If you still can’t decide to start classes with a teacher, then there are online lessons for you that are taught by experienced vocalists. Undoubtedly, from them you can learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and reveal all your singing talents.

Regular practice will help develop a beautiful and pleasant voice.

If you practice regularly, it will contribute to the development of a strong and beautiful voice. At the same time, it is important not to forget to take care of the ligaments! To do this, a small and light massage. Start with light pressure thumb to the region of the larynx. By massaging your throat while singing, you put much less stress on the ligaments. A similar action can be done during a prolonged workout.

Songs for voice development

In general, you can sing any song you like and know well, but, of course, it is important to do it in unison with the performer. You can turn on some musical composition by singing along with the singer. It would be nice if you write this lesson down. Then, listening to the resulting recording, try to determine at what points you had shortcomings.

How to sing your own voice

Start with a simple chanting exercise

Standing in front of the mirror, inhale and as you exhale, say the sounds "i, e, a, o, y." Repeat the sounds in this sequence until you have enough breath. Note that the sequence of written letters matters. "I" is the highest frequency, and it is from it that you should start the exercise to develop the voice. In turn, with the help of "E" you will activate the throat area. "A" will involve the chest, and "O" will affect the heart's blood supply. And finally, we note that "U" involves the lower abdomen. By the way, it is the last sound that should be pronounced as often as possible if you want to make your voice lower. After that, you need to activate the chest and abdomen - for this, closing your mouth, try to pronounce the sound “M”. Start quietly, gradually increasing the pressure. At the end, pronounce this sound so that tension is felt in the vocal cords. Subsequently, go to "P". It is this sound that makes the voice more energetic, and has a positive effect on pronunciation. First you need to prepare a little so that your tongue relaxes a little: lift its tip to the sky, speaking for the upper front teeth, try to “growl”. Exhale, inhale, growl. After that, say with emphasis: rice, growth, rank, cheese, feast, fence, etc.

Preparing the vocal cords for singing

Note that a simple peppermint tea can help your ligaments prepare for tension - just drink a cup of this warm drink. Also, spicy dishes contribute to the relaxation of the ligaments. It is important to drink enough water - you can with honey and lemon. It is important not to abuse dairy products, chocolate, alcohol and coffee drinks before singing. You should also completely eliminate smoking.

Reasons for losing voice

Some beginners and experienced singers may face such a serious problem as losing their voice. Let's define the main reasons for this phenomenon:
    Regular stress on the vocal cords. Such a problem occurs not only among singers, but also among teachers, actors and people of any profession related to oratory. Infectious diseases of the larynx. Exposure to cold drinks, smoke. Burn (thermal or chemical).
When the voice is lost, the first thing a person begins to "wheeze", then moving to a whisper. The case can lead to a complete absence of voice. During the restoration of voice, one should once again do not overload the ligaments with telephone conversations or speeches. By the way, doctors are convinced that telephone conversation can harm even more than live communication. Also try not to go out again cold air and, of course, stop smoking.

How to develop the right timbre of voice

Many people try to develop a deeper timbre of the voice in order to give it more sensuality and mystery. This is not easy to do, but nevertheless, with due diligence, everything will work out:
    First of all, it is important to learn how to breathe with the diaphragm, this can give depth to your voice. When speaking, try to extract sounds from the diaphragm. Try to consciously lower your voice. One way is to press the back of the tongue against the throat. You have to find the right position by moving your tongue. In general, practice lowering your voice until it becomes a habit. However, if you experience discomfort, it is better to take a short break.

How to learn to sing well if there is no voice

How to improve your existing vocal skills

First of all, it is important to track your own shortcomings and try to fix them. Audio recordings of your own voice can help you with this. Do not think that you can determine your skill by ear - it is better to use a voice recorder, and if you don’t have one yet, try to close one ear while singing in order to hear yourself better. Do not get too carried away with singing if you feel tired - in this case, you can only harm yourself. Please note that if you feel weakness in your stomach, this means that while you have a weak support, but things will still go uphill. It is much worse if you have a stuffy throat - most likely you are overloading the ligaments, in which case you should definitely take a break. Keep track of these moments. Many people are convinced that they do not have singing talent just because they did not perform songs at matinees as children. In fact, after practicing vocals, you can achieve not small heights in singing, even for those people who did not gravitate towards it in childhood. If you want to hit high notes, it is important to train your body. Starting to sing, draw in the lower abdomen, relaxing it upper part thus providing support lower press. Also, try not to raise your larynx too high, raising your tone so that your voice does not break. Try to control the situation by placing your fingers over the larynx while singing. Over time, you will be able to ensure that when singing the larynx is located below. You should not look up when singing high notes. Look ahead, do not bend your throat, thereby making the sound tense. Note that if you move the tongue forward a bit, it will give the high notes a brighter sound.

For a strong voice - breathe properly

In order for your voice to be strong, you need to learn how to breathe correctly and deeply. While inhaling and exhaling, inflate your stomach. Make sure you are doing everything right: put your palms on your waist (on the sides, closer to the ribs), so that thumb was on the back, and the rest - on the stomach. Inhaling and exhaling, you need to feel how the palms diverge and converge again. Perhaps deep breathing still requires serious effort from you. In this case, lie on the floor with your back, placing your palms on your stomach. Then make sure that when you inhale and exhale, your hands rise and fall. Shoulders must remain motionless!

Voice work - correct vocal lessons

If you are planning to attend vocal lessons, then it is important to know what awaits you at them, and what teachers usually pay attention to:
    complex exercises that contribute to the development of the voice; expanding the range, working out intonation, voice flexibility; theory and practice of singing; singing breathing; improving diction and articulation; studying the features of the vocal apparatus.
Remember that before you learn to sing, it may take a long time, but this is absolutely not a reason for frustration - prepare in advance for such a development of events. If you are unable to master the singing craft at home, then by all means seek the help of a teacher who will help you find your own ideal sound.

There are a number of professions that require clear diction and sonorous speech, and as a result of systematic overload of the vocal cords, the voice becomes husky and hoarse. In such cases, it is necessary to strengthen the vocal cords by performing various exercises and aids. How to strengthen the vocal cords with the help of gymnastics and exercises, we will try to find out in this article.

Why is the voice missing?

Loss of voice can be caused by various factors. As a rule, people whose profession is associated with a constant load on the vocal cords suffer from hoarseness, these are announcers, teachers, singers and actors. Due to their activities, they have to strain the ligaments, which leads to disruption of their work. But in addition to professional violations, you can lose your voice as a result of other reasons:

Depending on what reason became the impetus for the development of pathology, subsequent treatment is prescribed.

Ligament exercises

If the loss of voice is due to their overload on the cords, you can solve the problem by correct selection exercises. In order to develop sonority of the voice and remove hoarseness, you can perform the following set of exercises:

  • take a lying position, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, alternately pronounce the sounds “s”, “z” and “sh”. It is important that the pronunciation is drawn out and slow;
  • repeat a similar exercise with the sound "m", the main thing is that the pronunciation of the sound is even, and the voice is chest throughout the exercise;
  • a deep breath and the pronunciation of the sounds “a-a-a-o-o-o-u-u-u” at this moment it is necessary to tap on the chest;
  • with a light tap on the upper lip, you should pronounce the lingering syllable “by-by-by”;
  • a similar exercise to the previous one, only you should tap your fingers on the lower lip and pronounce the syllable “you-you-you”;
  • more complex exercises in the form of chanting follow. On one note, the following syllables “ma-mi-mo-mi-ma”, as well as “da-de-di-do-du” should be performed;
  • increasing the size of the octave, you need to pronounce: the syllables “le” and “la”, alternating them
  • imagine that you are gargling, you need to pronounce the same sound as when rinsing, only you should not throw your head back, but only turn it from side to side;
  • Chromatic chants are also important. For these purposes, the motive of the song "Moscow Evenings" is best suited. Only the motive does not need to be sung out loud, but only to mumble familiar notes through the nose, while tapping your finger on the left nostril and simultaneously turning your head from left to right.

Breathing exercises

In addition to diction exercises, it is important to perform breathing exercises, for this you can use the following exercises:

  • inhale through the nose and exhale also with only three approaches, that is, distributing the air into three small
  • you should light a candle and, being at a distance of 10 centimeters from it, blow as if trying to blow it out, but at the same time the flame should only slightly deviate, but not go out;
  • breathe like a dog. Remember, when a dog is thirsty and hot, he sticks out his tongue and breathes quickly and haltingly. The same should be repeated, duplicating the behavior of the animal;
  • deep breath through the nose and hissing, and then whistling (alternating) exhalation through the mouth;
  • Each of the presented exercises should be performed at least 10 times each.

Before you start doing gymnastics, you should be ready to perform it correctly. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • all exercises should be performed in front of a mirror and only in a good mood;
  • in order for the result to be fixed and your voice to please you with its sonorous sound continuously, gymnastics should become part of the chant, and tongue twisters and pronunciation compound words should become commonplace;
  • at least at the beginning, it is better to do gymnastics under the supervision of a professional, since the incorrect performance of this or that exercise can not only not help, but also harm the voice training. Later, when the basics of gymnastics are mastered, you can conduct classes on your own;
    constant such exercises are useful not only for the function of the vocal cords, but also for facial expressions. Systematic implementation guarantees an improvement in the condition of the skin of the face and smoothing of mimic wrinkles;
  • for the best effect, you should perform chanting, breathing exercises and acupressure in a complex;
  • against the background of performing recovery procedures, you should adhere to a certain diet. It should be excluded: spicy, salty, sour, as well as too hot and, conversely, cold dishes. All of them additionally irritate the vocal cords and lead to deterioration;
  • do not do gymnastics and chanting before going to bed.

Folk methods

Along with doing gymnastics, when you urgently need to return your lost voice, you can use proven folk methods, many of them are used by singers before their performances. These recipes include:

Loss of voice is a common problem, unfortunately for many. If your work is associated with constant stress on the vocal cords, performing the described exercises, as well as folk recipes will help to cope with hoarseness much faster. But if the problem is not related to professional activity, loss of voice may indicate various pathologies, including quite serious ones. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to consult a doctor who can prescribe the necessary and correct treatment.

Clear speech is the ability to quickly tense and relax various muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Removing unnecessary tension in the muscles of the face and body can significantly and most importantly immediately improve speech and voice. Today I will tell you how to get rid of this tension.

There are terms like “lazy tongue” and “lazy lips” that are thought to be the cause of slurred speech. In fact, the tongue and lips are not lazy, but cannot relax and therefore cannot be easily mobile. The “voice system” has three levels: the face, the larynx (including the tongue, it is attached to the larynx) and the diaphragm. The tension accumulated in any of these departments interferes with the sound of the voice, crumples the speech and takes away the importance of what was said. The exercises listed below are some of what I have collected from the best speech and voice coaches, which is suitable for self-study.

Relaxation exercises to improve your voice

1. Open your lips

This exercise relieves tension from places where it often hides - the jaw muscles, the muscles around the mouth and eyes (when the mouth is open, we stop squinting and grimacing).

  • Partial lips are the easiest exercise, but it works. It relaxes all the muscles of the face, directly or indirectly.

Photographers ask girls to open their mouths to give their image more sexuality and sensuality. Open-mouthed girls not only look sexy, they look more relaxed and therefore more attractive.

2. “Snorting horse”

One more effective exercise for the lips, leading to relaxation of the entire face.

  • Press your lips together and slightly move them forward, keeping them together on the inside.
  • Exhale with vibration of the lips.
  • Let your lips vibrate like horses exhale in cold weather (while they shake their heads, you do not have to do this).

The exercise will relieve tension from the lower part of the face (tight lips cannot vibrate, which means you will have to relax them), and also gives you a feel for the boundaries of the lips, so as not to apply excessive force to close them during speech.

A good boxer does not dodge a blow by half a meter, he moves away by 10 - 15 centimeters, this is just enough so that the opponent's blow does not get him. So he can quickly go into a counterattack and does not spend extra strength on dodging.

Like a boxer, too much force when closing your lips will only get in the way. Speaking the sounds B, P, M, you just need to close and quickly open your lips, for this you need to feel their boundaries and they must be relaxed.

3. "Radio operator"

  • Cover your ears with your palms and make small circular movements, massaging your head in the area of ​​​​the ears. A lot of tension often accumulates in this area of ​​the head.

In order to avoid an attack from behind, our animal ancestors had to keep their ears sharp. “Ears sharp” is not just an old-fashioned expression, it is a description of the situation when, during stress, we have a spasm of the muscles around the ears.

Today, many people have already lost the ability to move their ears, but those who can do it even a little must learn to relax these muscles.

Larynx relaxation exercises

4. “Yawning Lion”

The best exercise to relax the jaw muscles and relieve tension from the vocal cords.

  • Tilt your head back and open your mouth as wide as you can.
  • At the same time, make a sound that resembles a loud yawn with a change in tone.

If you really feel like yawning, yawn. Yawning is better than just an open mouth, it relaxes the larynx, which controls the vocal cords.

On a subconscious level, exposing the throat and lifting the chin is the behavior of an individual in a state of complete safety, when it cannot be attacked. Our body reads its own signals and calms down.

Think of a yawning lion and a fearful dog in a pack, and you will immediately understand the connection between an open throat and calmness (and therefore relaxation and a better voice).

5. Singing the letter “M”

This exercise will create vibrations in the head and relax the muscles of the larynx (the muscles of the larynx are attached to the vocal cords), followed by relaxation of the muscles of the face. You will feel the timbre of your voice, and more importantly, this will lengthen your exhalation (read point number 9).

The criterion that you are doing this exercise correctly will be a slight tickle from vibration in the nose and lips.

Diaphragm relaxation exercises

If the diaphragm is tense, it reflexively transmits tension to the vocal cords and the voice sounds weak. The muscles of the face and lips try to take all the load on themselves, compensating for the poor performance of the lower part of the "voice system" and the speaker begins to look unnatural, he or she seems to grimace.

The result is either a severe loss of diction or excessive facial expressions and loss of confidence.

Without a relaxed, free-moving diaphragm, the voice lacks “support.” A diaphragm for speech is like roots for a tree, and neglecting its role in working on your voice is the same as wanting the flowers in the house to grow, but not watering them.

6. “Puzatik”

  • Lie on your back. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
  • Your task is to raise your hand on your stomach with each breath, and lower it when you exhale.
  • The hand on the chest should remain motionless.

The more often and longer you do this exercise, the more correct breathing becomes a habit. When the exercise is completed, do the same in an upright position, trying to fill the front wall and sides of the abdomen with air, but in no case raise either the shoulders or the chest when breathing.

Breathe in your belly like babies do. Until the age of 3, children are not yet aware of the opinion of their surroundings about themselves and breathe naturally - with their stomachs. They even look like little bellies.

Then these children already want to look beautiful and fit ... and the lift, of course, occurs in the diaphragm area. Since then, a self-imposed tension enters our lives and its consequence is a weak voice and indistinct diction.

Breathe in your belly and a full-range diaphragm will not only add beauty to your voice, but also relax you in general.

7. “Trembling of the Earth”

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, arms and head hanging freely down, eyes closed, stomach protruding forward in complete relaxation.
  • Begin to make frequent vibrational movements in your knees with a small amplitude.
  • More better fit vibrating machine (platform that shakes violently and frequently).

The shaking of all the cells of the body makes you feel pockets of tension in the body, because tense cells and relaxed cells vibrate differently.

The benefit is double:

1. You understand which part of your body is tense and can consciously relax it or prevent further tension

This exercise is secret and advanced speakers do it behind the scenes. Prominent speaker Tony Robbins always stands on a vibration machine and jumps on a small trampoline backstage before his speeches (a trampoline, in addition to the benefits of vibration, raises his energy level at the first contact with people after leaving the scenes).

At the same time, striated muscles (like biceps and triceps for example) enter into a pleasant tone, and smooth muscles (muscles of the vocal cords and larynx) relax.

8. “Get out of the closet”

Stop holding your breath in any situation. Don't grunt and don't push. Tension accumulates and often, in order to get rid of it, you just need to stop accumulating it. Breathe out always easily and freely.

As a child, I had a friend who later ended up in drugs, went to prison, and is now gone. What I distinctly remember is that he was constantly groaning. I suppose, besides the misinterpretation of the world and unbalanced decisions, a simple thing summed up his life - he simply could not cope with the tension that he accumulated every day of his life when he needed to breathe - he did not know how to relax the diaphragm and was looking for an outlet for chronic tension .

Yes, everything is as simple as in a movie about Dr. House.

9. Breathe out longer

During exhalation, the entire body "falls into hibernation." During exhalation, the heartbeat is 10-20% slower than during inhalation, and sometimes even slower. Doctors are familiar with such a thing as arrhythmia in athletes, when the slowdown of the heart during exhalation exceeds the permissible limits.

Remember your trainer's instructions: "Exhale with effort!" to smooth out the load on the body's systems.

Our body has two nervous systems: sympathetic (tensioning) and parasympathetic (relaxing). Exhalation turns off the straining sympathetic nervous system and activates the relaxing parasympathetic (we are talking about the tension of smooth muscles - blood vessels, intestines, and not striated - biceps or triceps).

If, on the contrary, you will consciously inhale longer, and exhale sharp and short, then your arterial pressure will increase and your heart rate will increase, which will put you in a state of tension and stress. Most likely, you did this before you entered the overstrain state, but only not consciously.

10. Lie on your shoulder blades on a bolster

A bolster is a soft bag that resembles a rolled up blanket. Its diameter is 15 - 20 cm.

  • Lie on it with your shoulder blades and throw your arms out to the sides and up.

This exercise will stretch the muscles of the chest, abdomen and arms (stretched muscles cannot be tense) and most importantly, it will stretch the diaphragm, which will send signals of calm to the whole body with each inhalation and exhalation. The body will listen to itself and calm down from its own breathing.

  • Breathe, as always, belly.

11. Breathing through one nostril

  • Breathe alternately 3 times through one nostril, then 3 times through the other.

In the mode of lack of oxygen, the body has to reduce its vital activity and calm will be imposed on your brain and body, even if it initially wanted to tear and throw.

12. Running

My favorite exercise. Helps achieve healthy, even tone in the body while relaxing the muscles of the face, larynx (voice muscles) and diaphragm.

Abundant oxygenation (saturation with oxygen) of all tissues of the body feeds the body with invisible “fuel” (oxygen is needed for the functioning of muscles and systems) and causes the brain to generate new ideas during and after the run. By accelerating blood flow, running removes toxins from muscles and systems.

In addition, a healthy vibration while running indicates the body to the foci of tension and it gets rid of them.

Of the minuses - running is contraindicated for those who are concerned about pain and discomfort in the joints.

My friend replaced running with swimming, but he swims only in special headphones for audio books recommended by me. published .

Alexander Gerasimenko

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

A beautiful, sonorous, low voice always attracts the attention of other people to his person. It is enough for such a person with a well-developed vocal cords to say a few words, as other people pay attention to him. It becomes simply interesting for others to learn about the owner of such a wonderful voice. A sonorous, low voice, first of all, should be possessed by men. Then women will pay much more attention to him, they will strive to talk to him (read also -?). After all, you must admit that it’s nice when, being in a restaurant and saying something to the waiter or the person with whom you came to this institution, all women, and men too, look at you fascinated. They are not born with a developed voice - they acquire it. As muscles are trained for their growth (for example, in order to be better developed they are constantly trained), so the voice should be trained. Sometimes, to have a well-trained voice, you can do without special training. But it just doesn't come. Anyway, a person somehow develops it - for example, he constantly communicates and monitors his diction or often sings songs with a guitar. That is, he systematically trains his vocal cords without realizing it.

Developing your voice is useful not only for singers, people performing on stage with their speech, but also for ordinary people. There are some exercises that will change your voice in better side. Yes, and you will definitely get a greater advantage in the market. People unconsciously reach out and show more sympathy for the person who has a beautiful and developed voice. And this is no coincidence. After all, we live in a society where we constantly have to communicate with other people.

A person who has a developed voice can not only become a popular singer, but also easily find business partners for himself, he is more likely to be hired for any job related to communication or pronunciation of words. Rise up the career ladder for such people is guaranteed.

How to put (develop, train) your voice on your own at home?

Trust comes from deep and low tones of voice. Such a voice is paid attention and it is pleasant to hear it. Therefore, if you have a high voice, then you need to give it more expressiveness and develop it. The lower the voice of a person, the more his owner gives the impression of a serious and balanced person.

Voice Development Exercises

It is advisable to perform the following exercises every day, preferably in the morning, so that from the early hours you can recharge your energies with the help of these exercises for the whole day. With the help of these exercises, you will not only develop your voice, but also improve your general state health.

Stand in front of a mirror. Inhale and as you exhale, say each sound separately for as long as you have enough breath. So take a breath and get started:

1) sound - And -

2) sound - E -

3) sound - A-

4) sound - O -

5) sound - U -

The sequence of these sounds is not random. " AND” is the highest frequency at which you start the voice development exercise. If you put your palm on your head when pronouncing this sound, you can feel a slight vibration of the skin. This indicates an improvement in blood circulation. Sound " E» activates the throat and neck area - putting your hands on your neck, you can feel it. Sound " A» has a positive effect on the chest area. Pronunciation of the sound O"increases cardiac blood supply, and the sound" At» has a beneficial effect on the lower abdomen. Slowly pronounce these sounds one by one three times in a row. If you want your voice to be deeper and lower, then you need to pronounce the sound “U” more often during the day.

Further activate the abdomen and chest area- for this, you should pronounce the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Do the "M" sound three times. The first time it’s very quiet, the second time it’s already louder, and the third time it’s as loud as possible so that the vocal cords tighten. If you put your palm on your stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.

Close attention should be paid to the sound "R", as it gives the voice energy and strength, improves pronunciation. Do a preliminary preparation to relax the tongue: lift the tip of the tongue to the sky behind the front upper teeth and “growl” like a tractor. Exhale, inhale and start growling: “rrrr.” After growling, say the following words emotionally and expressively, emphasizing the letter "r":

- lilac

- and others.

Final "Tarzan Exercise" which is also a good prevention for myocardial infarction and colds (for example, to,). Stand up straight, take a deep breath first, and then a deep breath. Clench your hands into fists. Say out loud the sounds from the first exercise (-I-E-A-O-U-) and at the same time beat your hands on your chest, as Tarzan did from the famous movie. Start with the sound - And - and beat yourself on the chest, then the sound - E - and so on. When you finish the exercise, you will notice how the lungs are cleared of mucus, breathing becomes freer, and you are energized. Cough well, ridding the body of everything unnecessary. The Tarzan exercise should only be done in the morning, as it has an energizing and energizing effect.

After three months of doing these voice development exercises, compare your result with that which was at the beginning of training. To do this, before starting the exercises, record your voice on a tape recorder, other sound recording device. You will see that during this time your voice has changed significantly. He began to have greater strength, which means that you can speak more convincingly and have a better impact on other people through your words.

As a result of voice training, not only your voice, but also your thoughts become deeper and calmer. The lower and deeper the voice, the deeper it settles in the mind, which means that your words have a greater impact on other people. Never stop working on your voice - in a sense, it is yours. business card. If you stop working on it, then it will fade, just like the muscles wither if the athlete stops pumping them.

Hello dear friends!

Many of us love to sing or would like to learn this skill of sirens. A correctly delivered voice is fascinating, the notes are intoxicating and have a colossal radiance and temperament of the owner.

Of course, not everyone has enough confidence in own forces to go to the vocal teacher. Many are held back by a lack of time, a thought that often occurs to men: “what will people think?” and of course the biting, financial component of this issue.

That is why we hone our skills wherever necessary: ​​in the bathroom, in karaoke, at a corporate party, duet with a cat or with friends in the kitchen. But how to train vocal cords at home? Without harm to health and getting at the same time not a small profit?

Exercises for warming up and pumping "voice muscles" can and should be performed at home, having previously decided on the mission. Do you want to become a professional performer and dedicate everything to this craft? free time? This is one path vector.

In the case when you want to shine at parties, performing famous hits, noticing the audience's jaws dropping with delight, this is a completely different way of development. But what unites these similar ways of becoming is the approach to the upcoming work, desire, and the systematic implementation of exercises.

People who did not understand the essence of how it works?» initially may experience discomfort or unusual sensations in the throat area. There is no need to be afraid of this, but it is necessary to approach the beginning of your experience as an expert in the field of theory and, directly, practice immediately.

Learning to sing beautifully instantly is impossible. I'm not talking now about innate and inhuman abilities. I would like to give an example of an average person taking vocal lessons.

First, most likely as a child, he personally or his parents noticed a tendency to sing along to cartoon songs and hit the notes well. Then followed the path to the teacher, checking the child for hearing, "introductory" test for suitability and the beginning of education with a perspective.

Secondly, many people who are already listening to the finished product on the radio, the file posted on the Internet, forget about the preliminary work. And also about the efforts made by the performer and the methods that made it possible to understand the basics of mastery and put them into practice.

The benefits of training

How to put a vote? - You ask. I will answer this way: even if you do not see yourself as an opera singer in five years or a superstar on a big stage, rehearsals can improve your speech technique. Organically pure speech, without clearly expressed flaws and the habit of muttering under your breath, is extremely important, both in the working field and in everyday, everyday affairs.

In order for you to be able to speak clearly and distinctly, as well as to have a sonorous and pleasant voice, you need to resort to articulation training. What does it mean?

Located in the oral cavity a large number of muscles that provide high-quality sound extraction from the upper and lower registers with the help of ligaments and messages. And since these are muscles, they certainly need development and load!

In order to warm up your speech apparatus for short term, I will advise you to apply these proven exercises. The time that should be allocated for working through each of them should not be less than 2-3 minutes. Remember an important rule. Your body position should always be vertical! Sitting, lying, upside down is a bad option, due to blocking access to the diaphragm and poor air intake.

And one more feature. Strive to take air in the lower part of the abdomen, and at the time of its supply, strain the muscles of the process, following the example of “pushing out”.


  1. Before you begin to extract the sound from your throat, I will mention the need to do it alone in the beginning, so that no one interferes with you to fully surrender to the process.
    So, imagine the process of rinsing your mouth. Only instead of tilting your head up and taking a mouthful of water, you need to slowly turn your head from left to right with a characteristic, resonating sound.
  2. Deep breath-pause-breath-hold. With closed lips, you need to open your jaws and slightly round your mouth, as if you are going to say the letter "o and m."
    As a result, you should have a lowing sound and at the same time, you need to do a slight palpation of the nostrils and the maxillary sinus zone (barely perceptible tapping)
  3. Similar to the second, but instead of tapping on the nostrils, perform a manipulation on the nasolabial wrinkles (facial).
  4. Pronounce the sound “would-would-would-be”, as you exhale. With the second time, add a palpation of the upper lip.
  5. Pronouncing the sound "we-we-we-we-we" or "se-se-se-se-se". With the second approach, add the palpation of the lower lip.
  6. Take a deep breath through your mouth. Prepare the fist for light tapping of the chest from left to right, while chanting the sound “aaa-oooh-uuu” in the lower register.
    The sound should be even, slightly quieter than usual, since the lower notes are used. Don't be in a hurry to run out of air. Do the exercise smoothly.

What to exclude?

For singing, it is very helpful to use food taboos before starting a rehearsal, working through exercises, or performing in public.

Namely, it is worth refusing:

Instead, I will advise you chilled, not sweet herbal teas as well as clean water at room temperature. Sometimes adding a teaspoon of honey to it is helpful.

In our modern world, it is not necessary to have a live instrument at home, you just need to download the application or install the program with ready-made blanks for playing.

As for what's important. The music industry is full of obscure terms and names that you have to deal with.

In the human body, there are 3 types of resonators with which we extract sound:

  • chest (lungs, bronchi and trachea);
  • head (mouth and nasopharynx);
  • central (larynx).

The main problem for people who have just started working with sound is that they use only the head resonator.

Try to sing and speak using your sternum. The sound will turn out to be more voluminous and holistic.

Again, without preheating, it is absolutely impossible to perform these manipulations. Since nodules can form on the ligaments, which are dangerous for further activities. Not a frugal approach to the voice will provide you with a trip to the phoniatrist.

Friends, be healthy and explore new horizons and fields.

I sincerely wish you victories! Subscribe to update my blog and recommend it to your friends for reading. In the comments, tell us about your proven ways to train your vocal cords.

See you on the blog, bye bye!

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