Dream Interpretation thumb on hand chopped off. Fingers on the dream book

Landscaping and planning 29.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

The variety of dreams is associated with the richness of life realities. This also applies to the human body with its individual parts that people dream of.

Sources emphasize the ambiguity of the image of a finger or toe that was seen in a dream. For example, Aesop's dream book explains fingers as a symbol that cannot be accurately interpreted. The interpretation of such a dream is associated with a number of conditions.

When deciphering what fingers dream of, pay attention to:

  1. The life situation or relationship that is now occupied by the dreamer's thoughts.
  2. Additional characteristics that arose in a dream.
  3. Various interpretations offered by dream books.

Important: the interpretation of the image of a finger in a dream is not always influenced by its symbolic cultural meaning.

The reasons

  • Being a part of the human body, the finger indicates the occurrence of positions related to personal development.
  • Often such a dream is aimed at drawing attention to situations that a person forgets or does not notice about in everyday life.
  • Sometimes the subconscious suggests a solution for everyday difficulties.
  • The body signals possible physical problems.

Interpretation criteria

To explain why fingers dream, interpreters combine the varieties of this image according to several criteria:

  • Firstly, according to the location on the arm or leg (large, index, and so on) and additional signs (bruised, sick, etc.).
  • Secondly, by appearance(whole, in blood).
  • Thirdly, by the actions of the person himself or others actors(indicate, bite off, etc.).
  • Fourthly, unusual or strange dreams are combined into a separate group.


To find out what the finger is dreaming of, try to remember its location on the hands (or) in a dream.

1. I dreamed of a thumb - the subconscious mind warns you to be careful in relationships and not trust strangers.

If it hurts, then temporary setbacks in financial endeavors await you, and if it is absent, this means small expenses and misunderstanding with loved ones. The subconscious sends a signal: trust your friends, tell them about your worries. Also, such pain portends a mild migraine.

2. If you saw in a dream your index finger in the blood (or that drops of milk flow out of it) - you will have a difficult relationship with your mother-in-law or mother-in-law. But a difficult situation will resolve over time and you will get along.

See how you injure your finger - portends problems with your left hand (sprains, bruises). He dreams about how he rises - an image from the subconscious that in all endeavors one should keep a distance and caution. In general, the index finger dreams when the subconscious mind seeks to draw a person's attention to a problem.

3. The middle finger is associated with the person himself. Depending on his state, you can understand your psychological state.

4. Ring finger, which is put on Golden ring, - a harbinger of a passionate romance with a married or married woman. Such a dream predicts marriage or betrothal (for a single person). And if the nameless one is absent, expect money problems that will be solved only by your efforts.

5. A bruised little finger portends minor injuries (such as bruises) on the right hand. A broken one promises misunderstanding from friends.


A finger seen in a dream can be characterized by the following symptoms:

Broken - if the little finger, the subconscious portends disagreements with friends. Velesov's dream book in this case speaks of ailments in the family, and Yuri Longo claims that more efforts must be made to achieve a result. Don't lose hope and don't give up.

Cut off - you will be disturbed by a restless conscience, but then you will realize that you have nothing to blame yourself for. The dreamer will return the lost location of friends or relatives. If it is nameless, it portends the birth of a son, and if it is middle, the news will soon talk about losses in the field of science or art.

White, clean, beautiful - your feeling will be reciprocated. The dreamer will be honored, rewarded, promoted. Also a symbol of health, good luck in the service and in private life. Show generosity and indulgence to the shortcomings of friends, and they will respond with respect and love.

Chopped - you will part with family and friends for a short time (business trip or vacation). Dream Interpretation Hasse explains why you dream of cutting your finger: you will receive recognition from relatives and friends. Perhaps parting with a loved one, but not for long.

  • Bandaged - an image of health problems that are easily solved.
  • Dirty - to the fulfillment of desires or to a bad mood.
  • The bruised symbolizes leg problems (bruises, sprains): the middle one is on the left, and the nameless one is on the right.
  • Alien - positive events in the lives of other people. Curves - ill-wishers are preparing to harm your personal relationships, but you will be able to avoid their intrigues. Stay away from those who are not trustworthy.
  • Severed finger - symbolizes a short separation from a husband or wife, children. Work on family relationships.
  • If the finger is covered with wool - unexpected and large income (inheritance, bonus at work).


Grishina points out that looking at fingers on your hands is for enrichment, and scratching is for financial success in business. According to other interpretations, many small troubles are coming. To prick in a dream is a signal from the subconscious about a slight malaise.

If you see how you burn your finger - this is a marriage or misunderstanding with younger relatives. Also, the subconscious mind tells you not to interfere in other people's affairs. Longo claims that such an image portends a confusing situation from which you yourself, with honor, will find a way out.

Someone shows the dreamer the “V” sign - a warning from the subconscious not to rush and refrain from acting for 20 days. The information you have acquired during this time will change the vision of the situation.

If you dream about how they are trying to cut off your finger on your hand, then the subconscious mind calls for vigilance and foresee the actions of ill-wishers in time. On your feet - do not invest in expensive projects, now is an unfavorable time.

If you saw a fingerless right hand then a long journey awaits you. When the fingers are injured on the feet, then the turn financial assistance family, and if there are no fingers, get together, circumstances will require intervention. Clenched fist - the time for active action to solve problems in the family has not yet come.

She dreams about how the finger suddenly spoke - a warning about a tense situation in the family. Interpreters are advised to take a closer look at their own behavior and show understanding to close people and friends.

The image of a finger seen in a dream is characterized by a wealth of meanings and their shades. Associated with the spiritual and personal life of a person, such dreams are interpreted by dream books mainly as a good sign.

Sometimes they mean complications with relatives or friends, but the positive meanings that this image is endowed with make these difficulties short-lived. Author: Maria Kuglerova

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Fingers - “Do not hit a finger on a finger” - inaction, idleness; “know something like the back of your hand (very good). “look through your fingers” - connivance, do not pay attention. "circle around the finger" - to deceive. “press to the nail” - ruthlessly punish, force. “Suck it out of your finger” - invent, greatly exaggerate; "pointing finger"; "to beckon with a finger" (to attract, to call). “to grab a finger” is a special sensitivity, but not so significant. See add. Hands are the meaning of what this dream is about.

Why does a woman dream of Fingers (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Fingers - Seeing in a dream the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to bitterness and disappointment.
  • If your hands are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers in a dream, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will earn you respect.
  • To dream that you have no fingers on your hands means great material losses.
  • You focus on the thumb of your hand, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers.
  • You experience pain in your thumb - you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness.
  • If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you. Too much thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant.
  • According to the dream book, if you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions. Too long a thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin.

Fingers according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Fingers - Very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger (at an object or at a subject of action) - very big changes; extra finger - inheritance; lost or damaged - hardships.

If the Finger is dreaming (according to the Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

Fingers - The fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing, ticking at someone or something - big changes in life; extra finger - profit, inheritance; a lost finger is a lawsuit, some kind of trouble.

Interpretation of the Finger from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

In general - helpers, children, loved ones, loved ones. Beautiful - good luck in love. Pointing - serious attention should be paid to something. In rings and rings - demonic temptation, seduction by something or some kind of secret knowledge. Extra - acquisition, inheritance. Lacks fingers on the hand, cut off - losses, failures; separation from spouse, children or death of one of them. Examine, itch - for money.

To dream about Fingers, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Fingers - Fingers in a dream indicate the relationship of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems. (See also Nails) Seeing fingers - many small things will arise. Burn fingers, injure - a warning against interfering in other people's affairs. Severed fingers - loss of friends, relatives or damage.

Why do Fingers dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Fingers - When you dream of a thumb on your hand, there is a danger that you will become a victim of dodgers and dubious luck.
  • Are you experiencing pain in your thumb? You will fail in business.
  • The absence of a large paly means need and loneliness.
  • If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joy awaits you.
  • An unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant.
  • According to the dream book, if you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions.
  • Too long a thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin.
  • Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows.
  • If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers, then in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated.
  • Your benevolence and generosity will make you famous.
  • To dream that there are no fingers on your hands - this dream predicts great material losses.

The meaning of sleep about Feet (Love dream book)

Toes - You saw beautiful fingers, mutual love awaits you, which will forever live in your heart.

Why did Fingers dream about spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

To see fingers - Some kind of fuss, stupid work.

  • The most common finger sleep indications are: your children; your nephews; people in your service; friends.
  • If in a dream you dreamed in a dream of a right hand devoid of fingers, then in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (possibly a nephew).
  • Fingers clenched into a fist portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you are unlikely to be able to fully deal with the problems of your own family.
  • Missing in a dream on your arm ring finger- a harbinger of financial losses.
  • Toes seen - you are all right.
  • If the toes are damaged, this is a harbinger of property problems.
  • Cut fingers - to separation from people close to you.
  • Broken fingers - to the death of a relative.
  • If you dreamed that your fingers and toes were broken, you need to seriously go about your business while you can still save at least something.
  • If in a dream milk drips from the little finger or blood drips from the index finger, portends you a difficult relationship with your spouse's mother.
  • An unusual and rare dream, when you hear a voice sounding from your finger, means that your relatives are plotting against you.

What is the dream of Fingers for?

Fingers - to see the ring finger means that luck smiles at you, because this symbol is inextricably linked with partnerships and love. As a result of such a dream, you may have a desire to change your place of residence.

What does sleep with fingers mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream of a ring finger with a wedding ring in a dream - For an affair with a married man.

In the summer, why did fingers dream in a dream with a wedding ring (ring) - To the dissolution of marriage.

In the fall, why did the ring finger dream (with a wedding ring) - this dream is for the wedding.

In winter, what fingers dream of can portend other changes. The absence of a ring finger on the hand will mean financial difficulties in reality.

If in a dream, when asked how things are going for you, you show your thumb, they say, everything is fine, it means that in reality everything will be just the opposite.

Folding a figure from your fingers portends an unexpected refusal, and if they show you a figure, you will come in a state of extreme excitement and do stupid things.

Fingers folded into a fist with which you threaten someone in a dream portend participation in a scandal, quarrel or fight.

If in a dream you scratch your fingers - this is a sign of profit, cut your nails on them - to trouble, do a manicure - you will experience loneliness away from home.

Seeing a cut off or severed finger - to the loss of a relative, ugly twisted - friends will turn away from you, broken - to danger from rogues.

If in a dream your wounded finger hurts, this is a failure in business.

Losing a finger in a dream is a harbinger of need and suffering. Seeing more than five fingers on the hand - to new connections, profits and inheritance.

Burn your fingers - lose the opportunity to have children.

Putting a ring or ring on your finger - to enter into a second marriage or cohabitation with a widower.

A thimble on your finger means serious trouble that cannot be avoided.

To see thin artistic fingers plucking the strings of a guitar or fluttering on the piano keys - the pursuit of dubious entertainment will lead you to sin.

Thick, like sausages, fingers - you will encounter a misunderstanding of the interlocutor, to whom elementary things do not reach.
Little children's fingers seen in a dream - fleeting joy awaits you.

Dirty or dirty fingers portend gossip and gossip around your love affairs.

Scratched, knocked down or callused fingers signify the onset of sad events and the forced abandonment of the original plans. Sleek fingers - to luxury and wealth.

If you dreamed of too long manicured nails on thin long fingers, then in reality you will experience a strong love passion. Seeing crooked fingers with claws instead of nails is a loss of money.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Look at your own fingers - you can become a victim of scammers. You broke your finger - you are being deceived close person.

If the finger was cut off - a dream means a divorce or the loss of a friend.

If you dream of a broken or cut off finger, imagine that you are quickly put in a cast or sewn on your finger and it heals quickly.

If in a dream you stained your fingers in ink, they will slander you, but you will be to blame for this yourself.

Imagine that you are thoroughly washing your fingers and putting on each finger a ring with precious stone(see Ring, Stone).

You pricked your finger - someone will speak out about you in society in such a way that your pride will be greatly hurt. If at the same time blood was flowing from the finger, a loved one will ridicule you and you will be even more hurt.

Imagine that you did not feel any pain from the injection, you just did not notice it.

The only case when sleep has a positive meaning is if you get your finger dirty in excrement. In this case Negative influence the symbol is leveled out in a stronger way (see Excrement).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Finger

means helper in worldly life and profession. The fingers also symbolize children, wife, father, mother, wealth and power. And whoever sees that his fingers have become large, in a beautiful and acceptable form, then this is a sign of an increase in wealth and power, and if they decrease, then what they indicate will also decrease. Fingers sometimes point to nephews. And they are also interpreted as five daily prayers. And the toes are the beauty and charm of wealth. Ibn Sirin says: "When you dream that there are no fingers on your right hand, you can lose a child or a close relative." Imam Ja "far As-Sadiq says that if you dream that your fingers are cut off, then you will be separated from someone close to you. And if your fingers are broken, you will lose native person. To hear the crackling of one's own fingers in a dream means to hear bad speech from loved ones in life. The fingers of the left hand are nephews. Those Ulama who interpret fingers as five Namaz, index - noon, middle - afternoon, nameless - evening, little finger - night Namaz. Lose any finger - leave the corresponding Namaz completely imperfect. Seeing in a dream any finger in a different position from the rest of the provisions is to perform Namaz out of time.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Miller's dream book

When you dream of a thumb on your hand, there is a danger that you will become a victim of dodgers and dubious luck. If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, it means that you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness. If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joy awaits you. An unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant. If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions. Too long a thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin. Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows. If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers, then in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will make you famous. If you dream that there are no fingers on your hands, this dream promises great material losses.

Why dream of fingers

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger (at an object or subject of action) - very big changes; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost or damaged - litigation and monetary loss; cut off with blood - loss of close relatives, loss of a spouse; rings on fingers - dubious help or patronage, strange honors; cripple - the desire to be loved, loved; circumcised, cut off - loss of friends, loved ones; consider (fingers) - the return of a loved one; in general fingers (for women) - boyfriend, groom or proposal.

Why do hands dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see palms is a sign of fate, a loved one (for a woman); wash - liberation from worries; hairy - success in business and money; right hand - liberation; left - worries; loss of a hand - personal loss, possible death of someone nearby; large - love joys; children's - happiness; in the blood - quarrels, separation from relatives; muscular - to liberation from troubles or to recovery; hands - servant, assistant (right); (left hand) - a close woman, mother, wife; hands in hair - to wealth; many hands - abundance; many hands (for thieves) - capture; keep women's hands in their own - for money; for a woman to admire the hands of a man (famous) - jealousy from him; (unknown) - to debauchery; see Say hello.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

If you dreamed that your arms or legs were broken, then this indicates that you will soon marry.

Dreamed of a hand

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream beautiful hands- fame awaits you, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle. Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes - portends trouble. Blood on your hands - promises temporary alienation among people close to you, an unfair condemnation of a friend. If you see that the hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you. In a dream, burn your hands - it promises you a loss in the competition with fate: putting all your strength into achieving wealth, you will miss something more valuable. To dream about your hands, densely covered with hair, promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are truly devoted to you. If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will soon move towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active. Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice in relation to people who love you. If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream portends that she will be able to win more than one sincere heart. If she sees that someone takes her hand in hers and kisses her, the dream warns her of greater caution in behavior. If you see a fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers, success will lift you to a very great height. Tied hands portend future difficulties. Having untied them in a dream, you will master the situation in reality. Amputated hand - to parting or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers or spouses. Sleep warns of possible deception or fraud.

Expert Answers


I dream of some kind of ceremony like betrothal, everything is as it should be, on the right side everything that is needed is there, and then I begin to examine my left hand, I look, I look from all sides and I don’t find the ring on my hand at all, and I say out loud “where is the ring”, to whom it was not very clear, because there was no one around .. A little later I dreamed of a black and white unusual gold ring with plinth stones. What is it for? (K, Svetlana)

A dream means that in reality you are on the verge of important changes in life, but in order to accept the right decision you need to listen carefully to yourself and take your time.

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