Project on the theme of the city of pereslavl zalessky. gold ring of Russia

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Slide text: The Golden Ring of Russia Pereslavl-Zalessky

Slide text: Pereslavl-Zalessky. Story. Pereslavl-Zalessky is located near Pleshcheyevo Lake, a hundred kilometers from Moscow. For a long time, people settled around the lake, splashing waves even with a slight wind. Here in 1152, at the intersection of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded a new city. Pereslavl was once rich and famous. The very name of the city is translated from Old Russian as "took over the glory." The most famous prince of Pereslavl was Alexander Nevsky, who was born in the city and then left to reign in Novgorod. The people of Pereslavl have not forgotten the name of the great commander. On Red Square, grateful fellow countrymen erected a monument to Prince Alexander Nevsky. After joining the Moscow principality in 1302, Pereslavl saw almost all the great dukes and tsars. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Pereslavl became a stronghold of the oprichnina. The tsar, intending to move the capital from Moscow to Vologda, considered Pereslavl as a strategic point. Standing near the road leading to Vologda, Nikitsky Monastery in 1561-1564. was turned into an impregnable fortress. At the beginning of the 17th century, Pereslavl-Zalessky was captured by the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, who were driven out of the city by Skopin-Shuisky's troops in 1609. Together with the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, the residents of Pereslavl took part in the liberation of Moscow. The end of the century was marked by an unprecedented revival for Pereslavl. In 1688, Peter I began to build a "funny flotilla" on Lake Pleshcheyevo, which laid the foundation for the Russian fleet. Carpenters, blacksmiths, lumberjacks, carvers began to come here from all over the country, who influenced the development of crafts in the city. Modern Pereslavl, despite a number of large industrial enterprises, remains a reserved place. The city captivates everyone with some special comfort, tranquility of narrow streets, quiet flow of Trubezh, overturned boats near neat houses located on both sides of the street-river. Due to the development of tourism, Pereslavl has become one of the most attractive places on the Golden Ring.

Slide text: Questions to the text: Where is the City of Pereslavl-Zalessky located? Who founded the city? How is the name of the city translated from the Old Russian language? Who was the most famous prince of Pereslavl? To which prince on Red Square did grateful fellow countrymen erect a monument?

Slide text: City sights Goritsky Assumption Monastery was founded in the 16th century. under Ivan Kalita. The monastery is located on a hill near the southern shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. Due to its location, it is visible from everywhere. Monuments of the XVI century. has not survived in the monastery, the existing ensemble was formed in the 17th-18th centuries.

Slide text: Sights of the city Transfiguration Cathedral (1157). The oldest building in North-Eastern Russia, one of the earliest examples of Vladimir-Suzdal architecture. The temple is extremely simple and modest, but how much strength and power it has! It amazes with its severity and inaccessibility. The interior of the temple, unfortunately, has been lost. But individual fragments of painting, icons, church utensils are in the largest Moscow museums. The son and grandson of Alexander Nevsky are buried in the cathedral. A monument to the commander was erected on the square in front of the temple. On Red Square, not far from the Transfiguration Cathedral in 1585, the Church of Metropolitan Peter was erected in honor of a prominent church figure of the XIV century. the first metropolitan of Moscow Peter. The shape of the tent of this temple is inherited from the wooden Russian churches. Stone hipped churches are a rarity. The world famous St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow belongs to this type of temple construction.

Slide text: Sights of the city Transfiguration Cathedral (1157).

Slide text: Sights of the city Sorokasvyatskaya church

Slide text: Sights of the city Pereslavskaya narrow-gauge railway The Pereslavskaya narrow-gauge railway was built in the 30s for the removal of peat. This railway still serves remote villages that cannot be reached by other means of transport.

Slide text: Sights of the city Pereslavskaya narrow-gauge railway In 1989, the narrow-gauge railway was bought from the state into private ownership and became the only private railway in Russia. In 1991, with the support of the new management of the railway, a group of enthusiasts organized the Pereslavl Railway Museum - the country's first society for the preservation of railway history with its own tracks. A three-kilometer museum line leads to the picturesque village of Talitsy, where a collection of locomotives and rolling stock is located on the tracks of a small station and in a depot. Three steam locomotives, several carriages and railcars have already been repaired and are in working order, while other equipment is waiting in line.

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Slide text: Sights of the city Nikita Stylpnik. Nikitsky monastery. Became famous thanks to the local saint Nikita the Stylite. Nikita was notorious at that time. A drunkard, a libertine and a bribe-taker, he made a huge fortune as a tax collector. Learning about the people's and princely anger, Nikita went to a monastery. There is a legend that before his tonsure Nikita stood for several days in a swamp, covered with mosquitoes, lived in a dugout on bread and water. And only after such a "purification" was he accepted into the monastery. Nikita died at the hands of an angry people. According to another version, he was killed by the prince's relatives. Already in the monastery Nikita received the gift of healing from above. When the Chernigov prince came to Pereslavl to seek healing from Saint Nikita, the saint of God did not go out to the prince, but gave him a staff. By touching the staff, the prince was healed.

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Slide text: Sights of the city Blue Stone A huge boulder of glacial origin, gray-blue in color, lies on the northeastern shore of the lake, not far from the hill called Alexandrov Mountain. The weight of the stone is 12 tons. In ancient times, he was worshiped by pagan ancestors. They offered sacrifices to the stone, decorated it, danced around it. The adoption of Christianity did not change the attitude towards the stone. Local residents did not want to give up fun festivities in the bosom of nature. The secular authorities and the Orthodox Church were seriously concerned about such obscene behavior of the population. A struggle was fought with the stone, they buried it, drowned it, but to no avail. The stone stubbornly returned to its place. It turned out that in the spring the wind drives ice hummocks to the northern shore of the lake, which sometimes reach the height of a two-story house. Freezing into the hummocks, the stone moved with them to the shore until the ice forced it to the shore.

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Slide text: Sightseeing places in the city of Mystery of Pleshcheevo Lake The pearl of Russia is Lake Pleshcheyevo, amazing in its beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The lake is of glacial origin, its age is about 30 thousand years.

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Slide text: Museums Historical, Art and Architectural Museum-Reserve Since 1919, the Pereslavl Historical and Art Museum has been located in the buildings of the Goritsky Monastery. In his collection - unique and diverse exhibits, many of which have been at exhibitions in Russia and abroad, are well known to specialists and lovers of Russian history and culture. Among them are rare archaeological finds, first-class works of Old Russian painting of the 15th-18th centuries, amazing examples of woodcarving and wooden sculpture, jewelry art, paintings by famous artists of the 19th-20th centuries. The "Petrovskaya" collection of the museum has no analogues, which contains rare things associated with the stay of Peter I on the land of Pereslavl. There are expositions of ancient Russian art, Russian painting of the 18th-20th centuries, decorative and applied art of the 16th-19th centuries, the department of nature of the region, exhibitions "To the Glory of the Fatherland", "Art of the Russian Village", "Pereslavl in Peter's Time", " A wreath for estates "," Masks of literary heroes "by the craftsman S. I. Potapov," Furniture and lighting devices of the 18th-19th centuries. " etc. On the territory of the museum, folklore and theatrical festivals, educational and entertainment events for children and youth are held. The branches of the museum are: the museum-estate "Botik of Peter I", the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Danilov Monastery, the Ganshin's estate in the village of Gorki. (Tue - Sun - from 9.00 to 17.00)

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Slide text: Museums Boat of Peter I. Museum-estate. Four kilometers from the city on Mount Gremyach, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheeva at the end of the 17th century. Peter I began the construction of a "funny" flotilla, which laid the foundation for the Russian navy. Until now, only one ship has survived from the entire flotilla - the "Fortuna" bot (all other ships burned down during a fire in the 18th century). In 1803, a special building was built for it, which housed the exposition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia. From 1688 to 1693 in Pereslavl, about 100 ships were launched, among them several frigates, including the 30-gun "Mars" and "Anna". The first Russian shipbuilders and military sailors were trained here.

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Slide text: Museums Teapot House Museum on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo was opened in July 2003 in the village. Ves'kovo, Pereslavl region, Yaroslavl region. Founders: Andrey Vorobyov and Dmitry Nikishkin. Young guys have collected more than a hundred unique exhibits of copper, porcelain, cupronickel, teapots and other teapots of various shapes and purposes dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as everything related to the tradition of drinking tea in Russia. Candy boxes, sugar bowls, spoons, forks, sugar tongs, coasters, tea storage jars. The exposition is housed in a wooden hut with a Russian stove, lovingly renovated and originally painted.

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Slide text: Museums Iron Museum The Iron Museum, created by the collector Andrei Vorobyov with the participation of the House of Artists in Pereslavl, was opened on June 29, 2002. The first mention of a metal iron appears in 1656 in the book of records of the tsarina's expenses: "I give out 5 altyns to the blacksmith Ivashka Trofimov, and for that money he put an iron iron in the tsaritsin's chamber." Now the collection includes 5 types of metal irons: coal, solid, iron , heated with an additional object, cast iron, alcohol, electric. Charcoal iron. heated by hot birch coals. The collection includes charcoal irons: cast iron, 11 bronze, even aluminum; factory irons, handmade irons. Russians, Polish, Belarusian.

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Slide text: Museums Museum of Iron One of the oldest irons in the collection of one-piece irons - iron - lion. One of the youngest irons is a whale iron. Iron heated with an additional cast iron DIE. An additional 2-3 dies were applied to the iron. They can be heated and changed alternately. The ironing process is continuous. There were such irons in the 16th, 1st, 19th and 20th centuries. There are several types of such irons in the Museum: bronze, similar to a sewing machine; cast-iron phone-like; bronze, resembling a rocket. All irons are different, but each is a work of art. One feels that it is made for centuries and made with a soul.

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Slide text: Trades. Pereslavl embroidery Embroidery is one of the oldest and most widespread types of folk art. For many centuries, embroidery has been used to decorate a variety of peasant household items and costumes. In the past, every peasant woman knew how to weave and embroider. With great skill and taste, women decorated homespun clothes, valances, towels, embroidering various patterns on them with linen, woolen and silk threads, which they themselves dyed with vegetable dyes. Skillful embroidery lent extraordinary elegance to the women's costume. A shirt, an apron, a poneva, a headdress made up a single colorful ensemble. Ancient embroideries are notable for their richness and variety, among them there are one-color and multi-colored, and thin through, similar to lace, and dense, reminiscent of aplomb.

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Slide text: Trades. Pereslavl embroidery In the patterns of Russian embroidery there are geometric, floral, and sometimes architectural motives. By the nature of the patterns, methods of execution and color, folk embroidery in different regions of Russia had its own distinctive features. In the past few decades, the embroidery craft has grown significantly, developed and took one of the first places among other artistic crafts in Russia. A special place among the enterprises specializing in embroidery is occupied by the embroidery factory "Novy Mir" (Pereslavl-Zalessky), whose craftswomen not only perfectly master the skills of old Russian embroidery, but also develop this craft in accordance with the requirements of the time. This is the only large-scale machine production of unique embroidery on any fabric in Russia.

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Slide text: Using the map, ask questions:

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Slide text: Words and phrases that will help you talk about the city, its cultural and historical monuments The city (was) founded (when?, Where ?, by whom?). The city is located, is located (where?). Street, square, avenue, embankment. The main street (square) of the city. The city's attractions. Monument (to whom?), Historical monument. Cathedral, church. Architectural ensemble. Walk (wander) around the city. The street is called.

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Slide text: Compose dialogues based on the situations described. Your friend said that a bus tour of the famous places of Pereslavl-Zalessky will soon take place. Ask him what you can see on such an excursion. You want to go to the Historical, Art and Architectural Museum-Reserve. Call them for opening hours and days off. You came to Pereslavl-Zalessky for two days. Discuss with your friends where you can go during this time.

Brief information about the city Pereslavl-Zalessky is located near Lake Pleshcheeva, a hundred kilometers from Moscow. Here in 1152, at the intersection of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded a new city. Pereslavl was once rich and famous. In 1302 the city was annexed to the Moscow principality. In 1688, Peter I began to build a "funny flotilla" on Lake Pleshcheyevo, which laid the foundation for the Russian fleet. Many people helped develop crafts in the city.

The Mystery of Lake Pleshcheevo The pearl of Russia is Lake Pleshcheevo, amazing in beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Age about 30 thousand years, depth 25 meters, oval shape. In ancient times, there were settlements of Meryans and Slavs in these places. At the foot of the hills, on the shore of the lake, is the famous blue stone

Blue Stone A huge boulder of glacial origin, gray-blue in color, lies on the northeastern shore of the lake, not far from the hill that bears the name of Alexander Mountain. Weight - 12 tons. In ancient times, he was worshiped by pagan ancestors. They offered sacrifices to the stone, decorated it, danced around it. A struggle was fought with the stone, they buried it, drowned it, but to no avail. The stone stubbornly returned to its place.

Cradle of the Russian Navy Four kilometers from the city, on the Gremyach mountain, on the shores of Lake Pleshcheeva, the foundation of the Russian navy was laid. The first Russian shipbuilders and military sailors were trained here. Until our time, only the ship - the bot "Fortuna" has survived (all other ships burned down during a fire in the 18th century). In 1803, a special building was built for it, which housed the exposition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia.

Nikita the Stylite, Nikita Monastery Nikita Monastery became famous thanks to the local Saint Nikita the Stylite. Nikita at that time was notorious: a drunkard, a robber, made a huge fortune as a tax collector. Learning about the anger of the people and the prince, he went to the monastery. Before the tonsure Nikita stood for several days in a swamp, covered with mosquitoes, lived in a dugout on bread and water. And after such a "purification" he was admitted to the monastery. In the monastery he received a gift from above - healing. Using his gift he healed the prince.

Pereslavskaya narrow-gauge railway The Pereslavskaya narrow-gauge railway was built in the 30s for the removal of peat. This railway still serves remote villages that cannot be reached by other means of transport. In 1991, the Pereslavl Railway Museum was built in the city. A three-kilometer museum line leads to the picturesque village of Talitsy, where a collection of locomotives and rolling stock is located on the tracks of a small station.

The work can be used to conduct lessons and reports on the subject "Geography"

A ready-made presentation on geography contributes to the perception and awareness of the materials being studied by schoolchildren, to broaden their horizons, and to study maps in an interactive form. Geography presentations will be useful for both schoolchildren and students, as well as teachers and educators. In this section of the site you can download ready-made presentations on geography for grades 6,7,8,9,10, as well as presentations on economic geography for students.

"The Golden Ring of Russia" - Uglich. Ancient churches and architectural monuments have been preserved here. Rostov the Great. The city of Kostroma is located in the form of a fan. Plyos was very fond of Isaak Ilyich Levitan - a Russian artist. The obligatory attribute of the city is enamel. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Sergiev Posad. Here is one of the first hydroelectric power plants built on the Volga - Uglichskaya.

"Golden Ring Guide" - Pages 6-15 Contents. Vladimir. # 2 City map. Guidebook "Golden Ring". Ivanovo. Eksmo Publishing House (Moscow) Author: Svetlana Bogdanova (text, photo). "Golden Ring" Features of the 2nd reissue (end). Information presentation structure. TOP -15, or Author's rating of attractions. #one.

"Golden Ring of Russia 3rd class" - Project objectives. Why is the "Golden Ring" called gold? The result of the project is a generalizing lesson. Fundamental question: Map of the Golden Ring of Russia. Creative name: Educational: Contribute to the formation of a communicative culture, patriotism. Thus, the horizons of children are broadened, the knowledge gained is actualized.

"Lesson Golden Ring of Russia" - Pereslavl-Zalessky. View from the side of the bell tower. Nikolskaya Church after 1720. The heart of the Motherland is Moscow. Only the largest and most beautiful. Suzdal. Scheme of the Moscow Kremlin. Fortress walls and towers of the Spaso-Efimievsky Monastery (17th century). Vladimir. Rostov Kremlin. Ivan Kalita - Yuri's brother, strengthened and expanded Moscow Russia.

"Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia" - The largest city in the Golden Ring. Each has its own name. The project was defended in the form of a presentation. Flour and Red rows were built in Kostroma. A wonderful city on the Volga. The word "lavra" means the main, most important monastery. Stands on the Volga River. Sergiev Posad is our first stop. Plyos is the next stop.

"The Golden Ring in Russia" - Open-Air Museum of Wooden Architecture. Nikolo-Galeiskaya church. Assumption Cathedral. Vladimir is the gateway to the Golden Ring of Russia. Pereslavl-Zalessky. Autorka: G. Majer ?? kov? Obchodn? akad? mia Trebi? ov. Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir. Transfiguration Cathedral. The length is about 1000 km.

There are 10 presentations in total

Museum of the History of Money in Pereslavl-Zalessky- one of the newest museums in the city. It was created just 4 years ago, at the end of 2010, based on the collection of the entrepreneur Alexander Altunin, which he had been collecting for over 40 years.

The Money Museum is located opposite, on the other side of the highway. Having looked at the teapots, we decided to come here as well. We could not even imagine that we would like the museum so much.
These are certainly not fun museums for teapots and irons. Money is a serious topic. And the history of money is a fascinating topic, inextricably linked with the history of civilization. Learning the history of money of all times and peoples is very interesting not only for collectors-numismatists. From myself, I did not even expect that it would fascinate me so much.

The entrance ticket for adults is only 100 rubles (kids are free). This amount includes an excursion.
The hall of the museum is small. However, money is not cars or even irons. They don't need a lot of space. I liked the excursion for its intimate nature - it will be held for you even if there are only two of you. And that's even good. There is an opportunity to consider carefully each coin. I think that it is quite problematic for large groups to turn around here. Still, such an excursion should be as clear as possible.
A few words about the collection. The museum displays copies of money from different eras - from the very first - simple metal circles and figures, to modern banknotes and coins. The exposition is dedicated to this evolution of money.
In general, we liked everything in the museum - interesting, informative, hospitable, again very good guide, which is not unimportant. Would highly recommend for a visit!

The very first money.

And this coin is generally considered the oldest.

Kufic dirhams of the 8th-9th centuries Ottoman Empire XV-XVI centuries

Coins of Bohemia, Armenia X-XIV centuries.

Coins of Macedonia, Phenicia and others. I - III centuries.

Coins of Ancient Greece. IV century

Coins of Ancient Rome. III century.

Coins of Tyrol, Saxony. XVII century

Peter I on coins.

Square coins from the hryvnia to the ruble were issued under Catherine I in 1725-26. They were made of copper. Were in use for a very short time. Already at the end of 1726 they were withdrawn and melted down. Only a few have survived to this day. These are the most unique, priceless coins. Here in the Museum of Money in Pereslavl-Zalessky you can enjoy such a rarity.

Copper coins from the hoard of the early 18th century.

Coins from the time of Catherine II. End of the 18th century

Russian coins of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

Paper money of the Russian Empire.

Cards from the times of Soviet power (early XX century).

In the Museum of Money there is not only money itself, but also interesting old and old items.

60s of the last century - Gagarin, Tereshkova ...

Soviet coins and commemorative Soviet rubles. Who remembers such coin boxes?

Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous throughout Russia for its monasteries and churches. Pereslavl - Zalessky Historical - Architectural and Art Museum - Reserve The city is included in the list of the most popular tourist route in the country - the Golden Ring of Russia. In this presentation, we will consider the most interesting sights of the city.

The coat of arms of the city of Pereslavl - Zalessky was approved by Decision 14 of the City Duma of February 7, 2002 "On the approval of the coat of arms of the city of Pereslavl - Zalessky". Description of the coat of arms: (According to the text of the Regulation on the coat of arms) 3.1. The heraldic description of the coat of arms of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky says: "In the black field there are two golden herrings, one above the other, the lower of which is turned." The motto "greatness and wisdom" is inscribed in black letters on a gold, black-enclosed ribbon. August 16, 1781 June 14, 1972 February 7, 2002

This is the oldest monastery in the city. It was founded at the beginning of the 12th century. The monastery gained fame in the second half of the 12th century by the time of the death of Nikita the Stylite, the miracle worker. In the center of the architectural ensemble of the monastery is the Nikita Cathedral, which was built by Ivan the Terrible in 1564. The beauty of this cathedral surpasses its size among other cathedrals of the 16th century.

D.N. Kardovsky "Pereslavl Amusing Flotilla on Lake Pleshcheyevo on August 25, 1692"


The pearl of Pereslavl-Zalessky is Lake Pleshcheyevo. It is amazing in its beauty and cleanliness. Lake Pleshcheyevo is the main value of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Now it is home to about 30 species of fish. Along with well-known species such as bream, pike, perch, roach, omul, there is also a rare fish - freshwater herring - Pereslavl vendace - royal herring. The latter name is due to the fact that in the past it was supplied to the royal table, where its excellent taste was highly appreciated and served on the table on holidays and during the reception of distinguished foreign guests.

Private museum of businessman Andrey Vorobyov, which is dedicated to the history of household irons. The museum collection contains over 200 irons. However, this collection has no connection with the city of Pereslavl. There is a souvenir shop on the first floor of the museum, and irons on the second floor. Several times a year, the museum hosts the Iron Festival, where any visitor can experience the irons in action.

Museum "The Boat of Peter I" (since 1803, the first provincial museum in Russia), where the boat "Fortuna" has been preserved. White Palace Triumphal Gates

In Pereslavl - Zalessky there is a famous stone located near the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. There are many legends about this stone. It weighs 12 tons. According to legend, you can make a wish by the stone. You have to stand barefoot on a stone and ask him. But you can only ask for good things. For many years, there was an active struggle with the stone. They tried to drown him, dig him up, but all had no effect: he returned to the place of his original position. In ancient times, this stone was a symbol of pagan worship. In winter, the stone always remains open. The snow immediately melts, falling on the stone.

The house of Tsar Berendey is the center for the preservation and development of national traditions and folk arts and crafts of Russia. Every day for everyone, master classes on painting wooden souvenirs are held here. Here, before your eyes, they create original souvenirs that can be purchased. On the territory of the house, in the meadow, fantastic, funny folklore programs are organized. The legendary king Berendey with his assistants invites visitors. The legendary Tsar Berendey meets the guests with his assistants. The programs "Shrovetide", Krasnaya Gorka, "Rite of passage" are so popular that all sessions of these programs are booked several weeks in advance.

We got acquainted with the most interesting sights of the city of Pereslavl - Zalessky. I really hope that I managed to arouse your interest in this city, as well as pride in the fact that in our vast Russia there is such a city as Pereslavl-Zalessky. Of course, in this presentation, we got acquainted with only a small part of those attractions that Pereslavl-Zalessky is rich in. If you want to personally visit this city, then you will see a more extensive list of interesting places in Pereslavl - Zalessky!

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