Gentle relaxing back massage. Relaxing massage: its action and effect

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Relaxing massage is performed to relieve tension, give muscles a rest, calm a person during stress and depression, and improve mood. Classical massage should be done according to certain rules with the implementation of several basic techniques - stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibration.

Relaxing massage: how to do it?

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Massage is a complex of various techniques in the form of pressure, rubbing, vibration and other actions with the human body with the help of hands, various devices and special devices. There are many types of massage: therapeutic, preventive, relaxing, erotic. Different types of massage are also distinguished depending on where they were invented, for example, Thai massage. There are classic and non-standard massage techniques. Classical technique involves the use of four main techniques: stroking, rubbing, vibration and kneading. First, large areas of the body are massaged, and then the massage therapist moves on to smaller ones.

Basic rules of classical massage

The right relaxing massage can be done by an experienced massage therapist, but sometimes you want to give such a procedure to a loved one. Following certain rules, you can make a good massage, while not harming your health and giving a person a pleasant feeling.

Classical massage - whether therapeutic or relaxing - is subject to certain rules. First of all, you need to ensure that all movements are directed along the lymphatic tract. When massaging the neck, you need to direct movements from the hair to the shoulders, and while kneading the hands, you need to move from the hands to the elbows. It is also important not to pause between massaging movements.

It is advisable to massage on a bare back in order to achieve the best tactile interaction. In this way, it is easier for the massage therapist to make certain movements, and the person who is being massaged receives great benefits.

It is recommended to use special cosmetics or oils for massage so that the massage therapist's hands are moisturized and glide well over the skin. If you do not have such products, use regular baby cream or olive oil.

Relaxing massage is carried out, as a rule, on the back - the largest energy-important area of ​​​​the body, which most often experiences stress. Even if a person has no health problems, he does not suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and does not experience stress on the spine, such a massage will be useful in any case. Relaxation massage is not intended to cure or prevent certain diseases. This pleasant procedure helps a person to relieve muscle tension, forget about stress and problems, improve mood. Even the healthiest people are subjected to emotional and mental stress at work or in their personal lives, which affects their psychological state. Relaxing massage acts as an excellent antidepressant.

In addition, such a massage is also good for health: if a person spends a lot of time in the office, at the computer, driving a car and moves a little, then his muscles are always in tension. This can then lead to problems with the back and lower back. Massage prevents these troubles, tones the body, energizes it. It reduces swelling and improves blood circulation. For women, a relaxing massage helps to restore normal hormonal levels, for men, massage is useful after long exhausting workouts, powerlifting or bodybuilding.

Relaxing massage is also just a way to relax and have fun. It can also be a method of communication with a loved one.

Relaxing massage techniques

The most common classic relaxation massage technique is rubbing, which can be deep or superficial. Deep rubbing should be done with the thumbs or the edge of the palm, and superficial rubbing can be done with the fingertips. It is very important to rub the shoulders and neck, moving down from the hairline. On the back, rubbing can be done in any direction.

Kneading, another popular relaxation massage technique, is performed by pulling back the skin of the back with the pads of the fingers or the palm of the hand with the thumb. Thus, an effect on the muscles of the back is achieved. It is important not to affect the areas of the spine, but to knead only the lateral areas.

A relaxing back massage helps relieve residual muscle tension. At the same time, it should be remembered that stresses accumulate not only during heavy physical exertion, but also during a sedentary lifestyle (static muscle work); and the latter may have an even stronger effect.

Since ancient times, massage has been considered the first tool in pain relief and disease prevention, pain relief and improvement of the psychological state of a person. Relaxing back massage, with seeming simplicity and frivolity, creates an opportunity to effectively deal with painful phenomena in the back and lumbar region, get rid of stressful influences. Massage sessions psychologically tune in to optimism and vigorous activity.

Features of the anatomy and physiology of the back

The back muscles are part of a group of muscles that support the human spine. In the back region are the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, the latissimus dorsi, the levator scapulae, the serratus superior and inferior, and the erector spinae. All these muscles provide mobility to the spine and shoulder blades. In addition, they are involved in the formation of human posture.

Numerous nerve endings approach the spine, so massage of the spinal column directly is not recommended. But the impact on the lateral areas of the spine favorably affects the nervous system as a whole.

In the region of the shoulder blades, a large number of muscles are concentrated, which can give pain in case of pathology. In the lumbar region on both sides of the spine are the kidneys, which must be taken into account when determining the strength of the massage. The lower back, which is a fairly large bones of the sacrum and coccyx, allows for significant massage efforts.

Large back muscles keep the spine in the correct position

Human muscles work both in dynamic and static mode. With active movements, repeated contractions and relaxation of the muscles can lead to the occurrence of excessive muscle tension in them, which, accumulating, cause pain.

In a stationary state, muscle cells are excited, and muscle fibers are tensed. However, their reduction does not occur. As a result, there is an accumulation of static tension in the muscles, which also causes discomfort.

Preparing for a relaxing massage session

The main purpose of a relaxing back massage is to relieve unpleasant pain, relax the muscles and relieve the accumulated tension in them, and provide a surge of physical and psychological strength. Massage allows you to increase the efficiency and elasticity of muscle fibers. A relaxing massage is especially useful for a person who leads an inactive lifestyle and is mainly engaged in sedentary work. The systematic conduct of the procedure of such a massage allows you to improve your posture by strengthening the spinal muscles.

An important preparatory stage for a relaxing massage is the establishment of psychological contact between the recipient and the massager. It is necessary to bring the patient into a balanced and relaxed state, for which it is not worth saving time for preliminary communication. The massage itself should be carried out in comfortable conditions. You can use light soothing music. Massaged before the procedure should take a shower or bath.

Before starting, you need to lay the patient on a bed or massage table with his back up. The most comfortable posture involves arms along the torso and the head turned to the side. After the patient has taken the appropriate posture, it is necessary to achieve maximum relaxation.

To enhance the massage effect on the back, it is recommended to apply a small amount of body massage oil. The oil helps to reduce congestion in the muscles and relieve residual tension in them.

Basic rules for the procedure

Relaxing massage is performed by applying several techniques. All procedures are carried out sequentially. It is important to ensure the continuity of the process, and so that the massager's hands touch the back all the time.

Back massage includes the use of the following basic techniques: superficial and deep stroking, rubbing, kneading, pressure, vibration. Massage begins with light strokes and gradually increase the impact. Massaging is carried out at first from below, in the region of the sacrum, and gradually move upwards. After the completion of the main procedures, the final stage is carried out, similar to the initial one, in order to calm and relax the muscles.

Relaxing massage begins with a light planar surface stroking of the back with the palms, placing them on both sides of the spine. Stroking is first performed in the lumbar region and moves to the neck along the spine. In the upper part, circular stroking is done with the palms around the shoulder blades, after which the palms are moved down with stroking the back on the sides, i.e. begins a light embracing stroking. Stroking is carried out several times until the oil evenly covers the entire surface of the back, and the back muscles warm up.

Planar stroking is carried out with a relaxed hand, and the fingers are kept straight and closed. The direction of movement of the hand can be either transverse or longitudinal, and circular and spiral movement is also possible. An encircling lateral stroke is performed with a relaxed hand, but in this case the thumb is retracted to the side, and the remaining fingers are closed.

At the first stage of the massage, a superficial form of stroking is applied. It is distinguished by soft, rhythmic and light movements, which provides a calming effect on the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin. Rubbing oil while stroking warms and relaxes the muscles.

Various massage techniques

At the next stage of the relaxing massage, soft rubbing of the back muscles is performed. Massaging is done with circular movements of the palms on both sides of the back relative to the spine. With this technique, the hands do not just slide over the skin, as in the first stage, but provide more massage effort. Rubbing is allowed to be carried out with fingers or the supporting area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm.

Rubbing with fingers is carried out in two ways. When rubbing with the thumb, the other fingers rest on the surface of the back, while the thumb produces circular rubbing movements. A method is also used when the thumb is used as a reference, and circular movements are carried out with the rest of the fingers. The greatest application is rubbing with the supporting area of ​​​​the palm by means of a circular or spiral movement of the brush.

Rubbing is recommended to be carried out slowly. The number of circular movements of the brush should not exceed 100 per minute of massage. Do not massage one area for a long time. The duration of the massage at one point should not exceed 10 seconds.

Further, the reception of the so-called light extrusion is carried out. This method of massage is performed with both hands laid on top of each other. Longitudinal movement begins in the region of the sacrum and continues up along the spine with a slight pressure to the neck.

The reverse downward movement is carried out with separated hands. Hands are placed on both sides of the spine in close proximity to it and move down the body with light pressure with two fingers. Movement in both directions is done slowly and smoothly.

At the next stage, a deeper rubbing of the back is carried out. Back massage at this stage is carried out with the bases of the palms with increased pressure. The movement of the arms starts from the waist and goes up to the neck. Hands are placed on both sides of the back and carry out accelerated oncoming movements of the hands towards each other. Consequently, there is a spiral movement of the hands along the back from the bottom up.

Ending a session

The next effective way to massage the back is kneading. To carry it out with the fingers of one hand, they grab a piece of skin or muscle and slightly pull it off, forming a kind of wave. The fingers of the second hand knead the stretched area and then slowly move the fold along the back. The direction of movement is from bottom to top.

Kneading is carried out slowly, painlessly, at a speed of no more than 60 times per minute. Such a relaxing massage improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the back muscles, increases their elasticity, and reduces muscle fatigue.

The last in the order of massage are usually determined by the shoulder and scapular regions. Relaxing massage in these areas is carried out with the help of intensive kneading. As a rule, kneading is carried out with the pillows of the fingers. Massage can be performed only with the thumb, two (thumb and forefinger) or four fingers. Kneading is done with quick circular movements with a significant load.

The massage to relax the back ends with an exact repetition of the first operation: a light superficial stroking of the back is performed from the waist to the neck. Thus, the muscles are relaxed. To consolidate the psychological effect of massage, the patient is advised to maintain a supine position for minutes.

The human back is an accumulation of a large number of muscles and nerve centers. Back massage to relax the muscles calms the nerves, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and liberates movement.

How to give a relaxing massage to a man, woman and child

To acquire elasticity and beautiful skin color, restore sleep and health, it is necessary to do a special procedure - a relaxing massage. Special movements stimulate tissue relaxation, saturate the cells of the epidermis with oxygen, improve the blood supply system. The combination of pleasant sensations and relaxation massage will restore peace of mind, restore calmness, give strength for new things, and existing problems will begin to seem less global.

What is a relaxing massage

A general relaxing massage contributes to the rapid removal of fatigue and tension from the muscles. Home procedure is carried out with the use of cosmetics. The method is recognized as unique for relaxation and is used in modern and traditional therapy. With a relaxing procedure, it is important not only to influence the energy zones of the body, but also to create an atmosphere of peace with the help of subdued light, music and aromas.

Adding essential oil to an aroma lamp or using incense fills the room with healing aromas. Relaxing smells will help to achieve the desired task:


A relaxing procedure acts as a prophylactic against many diseases caused by disruption of the central nervous system. The impact relieves stress, improves mood, improves the nervous system, restores it after mental and mental stress. During the procedure, internal forces are mobilized, which has a positive effect on the entire human body. Relaxing massage method brings great benefits:


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  • prevents problems with the lower back and back;
  • has a tonic effect on the skin;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves tissue swelling;
  • restores the hormonal background for women;
  • reduces muscle tone, removes spasticity for men after bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Preparatory stage

A relaxing massage procedure does not require long preparation, you just need to take care of creating the conditions. Before the session, ventilate the room and adjust the air temperature: a degree of degree is considered comfortable for a person. Work is carried out on a special table, on a bed with a hard mattress or on the floor (lay a soft towel, blanket). To perform, dim bright lighting, light an aroma lamp or candles. Before starting the procedure, the massage therapist needs to warm his hands and treat them with a special agent, cream or oil.

Relaxing music

It is possible to achieve a tangible effect of relaxation not only by influencing the sense of smell, but also on the hearing organs. Scientists have long proven that the volume of music, sounds, vibrations and rhythm affect the human psyche. Relaxing is considered music with an intensity of up to 40 dB. To correctly measure decibels, it is not necessary to use a sound level meter. You can listen to the chirping of birds or speak in a whisper - it will be equal to about 30 dB. Among the musical compositions, it is worth including collections and songs:

  • Jeffrey Thompson - Child of a dream;
  • Enya
  • Blank & Jones – Relax.

How to do a relaxing massage

Correct execution technique is the key to obtaining the maximum relaxing result. Regardless of the gender and age of a person, there are certain rules, following which you can improve the relaxation effect of massaging. The masseur should take care of his hands - warm ones will warm up the muscles faster, and additional moisturizing with baby cream or olive oil will make the massage movements smooth and sliding. Relaxing massage lessons:

  1. Between massage techniques there should be no breaks, to relax the movements should be continuous.
  2. The session begins and ends with stroking.
  3. It is important to observe the session time - from 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Do not massage the area of ​​the spinal column.
  5. You need to move in the direction from the waist to the neck.
  6. After eating, you need to take a break, rest for an hour, and then proceed to the procedure.


During the day, the main load in men falls on the back, neck and shoulders - 3 zones that especially require careful massaging. After laying the man on his stomach, start rubbing the surface of the skin along the spine and sides, with slow movements, which will improve blood circulation in 5 minutes. Move on to relaxing rubbing with the ribs of the palms, moving diagonally across the back, between the spine and shoulder blades. Act on the left side (from the side to the spine), and then on the right. Using your thumbs, work the area along the vertebra from the lower back to the neck.


To make a lasting impression on your girlfriend will help a light massage to relax. In order for the pacifying procedure to succeed, it is important to approach the matter responsibly and remember a few nuances: women's skin is much more delicate than men's, so prioritize stroking and rubbing techniques of medium intensity. Start with the hands or feet - these two areas are erogenous. Turning to massaging the back, pay attention to the point between the shoulder blades. Accompany the relaxing treatment with light pinches and massage oil.

To kid

A relaxing massage procedure is done for children from birth. For babies, exposure helps to fall asleep soundly, eliminate colic, increase metabolism and strengthen immunity. The optimal duration of the session is 2 minutes for newborns and 10 minutes for older children. Massage is best performed after bathing, while singing a lullaby. Lay the child on his back, massage the hands, shoulders, feet. In conclusion, turn the baby on his stomach, stroke his back, kneading the lymph nodes (from the shoulders to the lumbar region, passing from the coccyx to the sides).

Having remembered some tricks, it is easy to study the general scheme of the relaxing effect. You can use stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping, pressing, vibration. It is not necessary to use all techniques in one session. When choosing rubbing, remember that it is of two types: superficial (finger pads) and deep (palm edge or thumbs). Techniques for performing other mechanical techniques:

  1. Kneading - pulling the skin of the lateral areas without affecting the spine area.
  2. Tapping - performed with a hand folded like a box.
  3. Pressure on the area - carried out for several seconds, starting with light movements, moving on to pressure.
  4. Vibration is called concussion due to quick but weak movements.
  5. Stroking should be applied from top to bottom and back.


To carefully work out all the tense zones of the human back, you need to start with strokes from the lower back to the shoulders, and then moving to the periphery of the back from the spinal column. After completing the movements, proceed to the next stage - deep stroking (with the edge of the palms) of the symmetrical sections of the back. Kneading is carried out along each centimeter of the back - with fingers, palms or fists, but bypassing the spine area. The relaxing procedure ends with stroking with less intensity than at the beginning.

Of the whole body

Performing the correct technique relaxes the major muscles that are being stressed. The massage procedure begins with kneading the foot, moving along the knees to the outer part of the thigh. Massaging the back, gently work on the skin, moving from the spine to the shoulders. Go down the sides. Next in line is the arms: relax the muscles in a circular motion from the elbows to the shoulders, back. It is recommended not to touch the spine, but to end the session with an impact on the neck and head.


Working out the head area improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, helps relieve headaches, eliminate eye fatigue, improve hair conditions through massaging the hair follicles. The procedure begins with stroking, gentle rubbing of the scalp, the movements should be with varying pressure and light. Hands should move over the head with a small speed in a spiral. Work on the back of the head, the back of the neck is carried out with a quick stroking with medium strength.

There are many biologically active points on the feet, stimulating which, you can not only completely relax a person, but also improve the functioning of internal organs. The impact is carried out as follows: with movements from the fingers to the ankle, the feet and fingertips are rubbed. Move in a circle, massaging the heel, pads. You can rub the soles with your fingertips, move up to the ankles, massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones.


The procedure cannot be called therapeutic, but, like all therapeutic effects, it has a number of contraindications. At best, if you use a relaxing technique in prohibited situations, the procedure will be useless, at worst, it will lead to bad consequences. Non-compliance with safety rules, alcohol intoxication of a person or a drug state at the time of the procedure are factors that can aggravate hidden pathological processes in the body. Among the contraindications are:

  • mental disorders;
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious diseases (acute stage);
  • malignant formations;
  • acute pain in the heart;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • disorders of the blood system;
  • arterial hypertension (hypertensive crisis);
  • dermatological diseases.

Relaxing massage is the best way to fall into nirvana

A massage performed in compliance with the techniques will relieve the body of stress and heal the body.

Even in ancient times, a relaxing massage to rhythmic melodies and with the use of soothing oils was used to treat fatigue and heal a stressed body.

But before, knowledge of how to properly relax the body and soul was available only to the elite. Now everyone, if desired, can learn how to do a wonderful massage, without spending almost no effort.

Effects, indications and contraindications

Relaxing massage helps to get rid of stress and fatigue, gain strength for further achievements. It is recommended to get rid of prolonged depression and sleep problems.

Restores the body with frequent colds and is a prophylactic to prevent them. Helps relieve emotional fatigue and physical, muscle tension.

Promotes skin tightening, slows down the aging process. It has a positive effect on the body, pushing it to renew and regenerate.

But do not forget that with all the positive qualities of such a massage, sometimes it is worthwhile to postpone it or carry it out only under the supervision of a doctor, in compliance with all recommendations.

Contraindications include:

  • First trimester of pregnancy. At this time, massage can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Oncological diseases. During massage, the body warms up, tumors warm up, and the disease can progress.
  • High temperature - do not increase the already large load on the body fighting the disease.
  • Recent surgery. After them, the body needs rest and the opportunity to heal wounds.
  • Diseases of the skin and skin. Their rubbing and irritation can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions to oils and aromas used in massage.

The body is a complex, interconnected system, therefore, in addition to the pleasant sensations from the massage, muscle relaxation occurs and a feeling of calmness and peace comes. Lymph accelerates, blood circulation processes are activated, oxygen is carried faster throughout the body. In general, there is an improvement in the body.

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Relaxing massage also has a positive effect on the nervous system. Thanks to him, the hormone of happiness is produced, the signal for the production of which is given by the nerve endings, located in many on the skin.

If you carry out relaxing procedures every day, you can notice a significant improvement in mental state and increased resistance to stress and emotional stress.

Choosing relaxing music and massage oils

To achieve the greatest effect from a relaxing massage, you need to prepare the appropriate atmosphere in the room where it will be held.

Dim the light, leave a minimum of distracting objects from the procedure, exclude the presence of strangers in the room.

Music and aromatic oils with which the procedure will be carried out are of great importance.

The choice of a melody should be taken especially carefully: properly chosen, it will evoke positive emotions, help you relax and forget about anxieties. A slow, calm, soothing composition is perfect for massage.

You can use classical works of various times and peoples. And now the noises of the sea, rain or birds singing, which are now popular, should be included only if you are sure that the person who will be massaged likes them.

A mixture of oils for massage is selected in accordance with the needs and desires of the person to whom it will be carried out. All aromas used in its composition should contribute to a relaxing effect, because even two drops of invigorating ether can lead to a disastrous result.

There are basic base oils that have a positive effect on the skin and make it easier for the hands to glide, and auxiliary aromas are already added to them in various proportions, a few drops at a time. Base oils:

  • Olive. Universal, prevents inflammation, does not clog pores, is hypoallergenic.
  • Almond. It absorbs well, has excellent lubricating properties, and is inexpensive.
  • Jojoba oil. It has antibacterial properties, making it suitable for people with problem skin. Has a long shelf life.
  • Peach. Enhances blood circulation and improves metabolic processes.
  • Apricot. It has a pronounced calming effect, does not leave a greasy sheen on the body.

The best relaxing treatment is a relaxing facial massage. Read more in our material.

Our article will tell about the technique and rules for performing sports massage.

Auxiliary oils with a relaxing and calming effect:

How to do a relaxing massage: basic rules and movements

Relaxing massage begins with light movements aimed at relieving muscle tension and preparing the body.

The masseur should pay attention to his hands: they should not be cold, it is recommended not to strain them, to carry out the procedure in a relaxed state in order to avoid fatigue.

All techniques must be alternated smoothly, without abrupt transitions from one technique to another. If the movements of the hands during the massage are directed upwards, then the inner part of the palms should be used, if downwards - the outer.

You need to complete the procedure with the same methods with which you started. The first relaxing massage sessions do not need to be delayed, 15 minutes is enough to get the desired effect.

Hand movements during massage:

  • Stroking. Can be held wide, with the whole hand, or narrow - with the edge of the palm. Most often, they are used at the initial and final stages of massage.
  • Kneading. With them, hands are placed one on top of the other to increase the force of pressure on the body. In this case, they act with pads, phalanges or all fingers.
  • Rubbing. The skin is displaced at an angle using zigzag movements with the palms.
  • Patting. They are carried out for local impact on the desired muscles by gentle blows with the outer edge of the hands.
  • Vibrations. They look like a concussion of the skin with intense movements in a circle of the index and middle fingers.

Types of relaxing massage and technique

Depending on the task, you can do a full body massage or pay attention to local areas. Each option has its own characteristics and a certain technique of execution:

  • General. It begins with kneading the back with light movements, the intensity of which gradually increases. Then, hands and feet are massaged in turn, from top to bottom, in order to first warm up large muscle groups, successively moving on to small ones. At the final stage, the chest and abdomen are processed, at the very end - the neck and head.
  • For the back. First - stroking, calm, unhurried, 3-4 times. Then rubbing, also 3-4 times over the entire surface. It is more convenient to do them, standing on the side of the person being massaged, but it is undesirable to take your hands off the body when moving, so as not to lose the already achieved relaxation effect. Then kneading is carried out - these are the main movements of the hands during the procedure. Their intensity and duration are preferably varied depending on the desire of the person for whom the massage is performed. Then several strokes and vibrations are performed, and in the end again 2-3 strokes.
  • For legs. Massage starts from the hips, from the knee joint, stroking and rubbing upwards. Then the shins are worked out and the transition to the feet is made. They are worked out for 3-4 minutes with point movements or with the help of pressure.
  • For hands. The hands are massaged similarly to the legs, starting from the elbow joint to the shoulders with the help of strokes, then the hands and palms, as well as the fingers, are kneaded with point pressure or kneading.

Relaxing massage aims to rest for the one to whom it is performed, so you do not need to be very zealous in its performance. It is better to give pleasure to the person being massaged and let them relax to the maximum, even if this will adversely affect the effectiveness of the procedure.

After the massage, you need to lie down a bit, come to your senses, or even better, move to a comfortable sofa and sleep or drink aromatic tea to consolidate the result and allow the body to completely calm down and fall into nirvana.

For a master class on the technique of relaxing back massage, see the video:

Relaxation massage technique

Even in ancient times, massage was used for healing. The names of massage systems come from the area of ​​their application: Russia, Europe, China, Japan (the name of Thai massage is an exception). But they have one goal - getting rid of ailments.

Relaxation massage is not a type of massage, but a technique on which all systems are based. Therefore, the preparation must be appropriate. After all, massage affects tactile sensations, with which peace, security, a sense of self-worth begin to be associated from birth. These childhood feelings are no less important for an adult subject to a lot of stress.

Since ancient times, massage has been used to prevent and eliminate various types of diseases. Even a beginner can master the principles of relaxing massage. But, with all the simplicity of the techniques, the massager is required to follow strict rules in order to avoid harm to the patient's health.

In order to learn how to do a relaxing massage, you need to learn the basic rules.

Before proceeding with such manipulations, you need to learn the anatomy of all the lymph nodes, since all the movements of the hands of the massage master occur along these formations. Example: neck - from top to bottom to the shoulders; arms - from the hands to the elbows, legs - from the feet to the knees.

Before the procedure, the patient must completely relax for the entire duration of the procedure.

The procedure is carried out without a single pause: one technique is immediately replaced by another.

One of the conditions is a naked body. With its observance, the maximum effect of the impact on it is achieved.

Principles of relaxation massage technique

The whole essence of the technique lies in the performance of sequential, rhythmic, continuous pleasurable actions. The intensity of the massage is individual for each patient, ideally he should have a feeling of complete relaxation.

Relaxing massage involves a set order of actions: back - shoulders - neck - lower back - upper surface of the buttocks - upper legs and lower surface of the buttocks. Then the patient is turned over on his back and the neck, shoulders, upper legs and chest are worked.

No less common is another variation of the sequence of actions during massage: all parts of the body are massaged, starting from the feet (there are many reflexogenic zones, and therefore, when kneading the feet, the muscles of the trunk and limbs relax). After stretching the feet, one should proceed to superficial and deep stroking of the limbs in the direction of the heart, then massage the back, neck and head.

Basic relaxation massage techniques

Reception "stroking". Superficial or deep strokes prepare the skin for further action. Initially superficial stroking slowly transforms into vigorous.

The next step is rubbing. This technique, increasing blood circulation and stretching the muscles with tendons, promotes the resorption of deposits in the joints.

When using the "warm-up" technique, hand movements can be arbitrary. It is allowed to compress, displace, stretch, pinch the skin, and also press on it. But you should not use the "warm-up" too intensively, in order to avoid negative consequences.

Using the “vibration” technique, the back, chest and buttocks are massaged with the ribs of the palms. When massaging the legs or arms, shake them slightly. For this purpose, you can use massage equipment.

Relaxing massage also uses such techniques as: “shifting” (the skin is shifted simultaneously with the palm), “twitching”, “felting” (opposite movements of straight parallel brushes on both sides of the limb), etc. When using the above techniques, after-sessions, a stunning effect will appear.

When the hormonal background changes, fat cells are "locked up" in some parts of the body. Collagen fibers responsible for the accumulation of fat in such areas look like "honeycombs in a beehive." Under normal conditions, they intersect.

There is a closure of fat cells. The possibility of releasing fat disappears, since the hormones responsible for this do not reach the fat cells. As a result, cells continuously absorb fat without the ability to remove it from the body.

With the right massage technique, due to the increase in blood flow, the skin is smoothed and cleansed, and its elasticity increases, and when exposed to the subcutaneous tissue, the hormone of joy (serotonin) is released. It is these features of the massage technique that make it an exclusive remedy for stress and depression.

Toning massage

After a long walk in the cold, there is a toning massage to warm up the body. To improve the efficiency of the

The body position and hand movements are similar to those used in a relaxing massage.

Warming up the body is carried out with more vigorous movements and speed.

The tonic effect gives a greater activity in the movements of the hands.

Work should be done with all fingers, using the pinching and vibration technique.

How to make a relaxing massage more effective

Increase the effect of massage using massage ointments and creams. To maximize the comfort and enjoyment of a relaxing massage, a pleasant environment, calm music, soft light, as well as a relationship with the patient will help.

In addition, the use of aromatherapy is very common. The essential oils of orange, myrtle, aloe vera and avocado are great stress relievers on their own. And using them during a massage, you can use their beneficial effects on the body in full.

In addition to the inhaled aroma, natural antidepressants are absorbed through the pores into the skin. The use of medicinal herbs as aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the effect of massage. To improve well-being, the best is a relaxing massage, the technique of which is extremely simple.

Any person repeatedly faces pain in the back. In many ways, the culprit for this is the accumulation of tension in the muscles of the back, both under dynamic and static loads. A relaxing back massage helps relieve residual muscle tension. At the same time, it should be remembered that stresses accumulate not only during heavy physical exertion, but also during a sedentary lifestyle (static muscle work); and the latter may have an even stronger effect.

Since ancient times, massage has been considered the first tool in pain relief and disease prevention, pain relief and improvement of the psychological state of a person. Relaxing back massage, with seeming simplicity and frivolity, creates an opportunity to effectively deal with painful phenomena in the back and lumbar region, get rid of stressful influences. Massage sessions psychologically tune in to optimism and vigorous activity.

Features of the anatomy and physiology of the back

The back muscles are part of a group of muscles that support the human spine. In the back region are the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, the latissimus dorsi, the levator scapulae, the serratus superior and inferior, and the erector spinae. All these muscles provide mobility to the spine and shoulder blades. In addition, they are involved in the formation of human posture.

Numerous nerve endings approach the spine, so massage of the spinal column directly is not recommended. But the impact on the lateral areas of the spine favorably affects the nervous system as a whole.

In the region of the shoulder blades, a large number of muscles are concentrated, which can give pain in case of pathology. In the lumbar region on both sides of the spine are the kidneys, which must be taken into account when determining the strength of the massage. The lower back, which is a fairly large bones of the sacrum and coccyx, allows for significant massage efforts.

Human muscles work both in dynamic and static mode. With active movements, repeated contractions and relaxation of the muscles can lead to the occurrence of excessive muscle tension in them, which, accumulating, cause pain.

In a stationary state, muscle cells are excited, and muscle fibers are tensed. However, their reduction does not occur. As a result, there is an accumulation of static tension in the muscles, which also causes discomfort.

Preparing for a relaxing massage session

The main purpose of a relaxing back massage is to relieve unpleasant pain, relax the muscles and relieve the accumulated tension in them, and provide a surge of physical and psychological strength. Massage allows you to increase the efficiency and elasticity of muscle fibers. A relaxing massage is especially useful for a person who leads an inactive lifestyle and is mainly engaged in sedentary work. The systematic conduct of the procedure of such a massage allows you to improve your posture by strengthening the spinal muscles.

An important preparatory stage for a relaxing massage is the establishment of psychological contact between the recipient and the massager. It is necessary to bring the patient into a balanced and relaxed state, for which it is not worth saving time for preliminary communication. The massage itself should be carried out in comfortable conditions. You can use light soothing music. Massaged before the procedure should take a shower or bath.

Before starting, you need to lay the patient on a bed or massage table with his back up. The most comfortable posture involves arms along the torso and the head turned to the side. After the patient has taken the appropriate posture, it is necessary to achieve maximum relaxation.

To enhance the massage effect on the back, it is recommended to apply a small amount of body massage oil. The oil helps to reduce congestion in the muscles and relieve residual tension in them.

Basic rules for the procedure

Relaxing massage is performed by applying several techniques. All procedures are carried out sequentially. It is important to ensure the continuity of the process, and so that the massager's hands touch the back all the time.

Back massage includes the use of the following basic techniques: superficial and deep stroking, rubbing, kneading, pressure, vibration. Massage begins with light strokes and gradually increase the impact. Massaging is carried out at first from below, in the region of the sacrum, and gradually move upwards. After the completion of the main procedures, the final stage is carried out, similar to the initial one, in order to calm and relax the muscles.

Relaxing massage begins with a light planar surface stroking of the back with the palms, placing them on both sides of the spine. Stroking is first performed in the lumbar region and moves to the neck along the spine. In the upper part, circular stroking is done with the palms around the shoulder blades, after which the palms are moved down with stroking the back on the sides, i.e. begins a light embracing stroking. Stroking is carried out several times until the oil evenly covers the entire surface of the back, and the back muscles warm up.

Planar stroking is carried out with a relaxed hand, and the fingers are kept straight and closed. The direction of movement of the hand can be either transverse or longitudinal, and circular and spiral movement is also possible. An encircling lateral stroke is performed with a relaxed hand, but in this case the thumb is retracted to the side, and the remaining fingers are closed.

At the first stage of the massage, a superficial form of stroking is applied. It is distinguished by soft, rhythmic and light movements, which provides a calming effect on the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin. Rubbing oil while stroking warms and relaxes the muscles.

Various massage techniques

At the next stage of the relaxing massage, soft rubbing of the back muscles is performed. Massaging is done with circular movements of the palms on both sides of the back relative to the spine. With this technique, the hands do not just slide over the skin, as in the first stage, but provide more massage effort. Rubbing is allowed to be carried out with fingers or the supporting area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm.

Rubbing with fingers is carried out in two ways. When rubbing with the thumb, the other fingers rest on the surface of the back, while the thumb produces circular rubbing movements. A method is also used when the thumb is used as a reference, and circular movements are carried out with the rest of the fingers. The greatest application is rubbing with the supporting area of ​​​​the palm by means of a circular or spiral movement of the brush.

Rubbing is recommended to be carried out slowly. The number of circular movements of the brush should not exceed 100 per minute of massage. Do not massage one area for a long time. The duration of the massage at one point should not exceed 10 seconds.

Further, the reception of the so-called light extrusion is carried out. This method of massage is performed with both hands laid on top of each other. Longitudinal movement begins in the region of the sacrum and continues up along the spine with a slight pressure to the neck.

The reverse downward movement is carried out with separated hands. Hands are placed on both sides of the spine in close proximity to it and move down the body with light pressure with two fingers. Movement in both directions is done slowly and smoothly.

At the next stage, a deeper rubbing of the back is carried out. Back massage at this stage is carried out with the bases of the palms with increased pressure. The movement of the arms starts from the waist and goes up to the neck. Hands are placed on both sides of the back and carry out accelerated oncoming movements of the hands towards each other. Consequently, there is a spiral movement of the hands along the back from the bottom up.

Ending a session

The next effective way to massage the back is kneading. To carry it out with the fingers of one hand, they grab a piece of skin or muscle and slightly pull it off, forming a kind of wave. The fingers of the second hand knead the stretched area and then slowly move the fold along the back. The direction of movement is from bottom to top.
Kneading is carried out slowly, painlessly, at a speed of no more than 60 times per minute. Such a relaxing massage improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the back muscles, increases their elasticity, and reduces muscle fatigue.

The last in the order of massage are usually determined by the shoulder and scapular regions. Relaxing massage in these areas is carried out with the help of intensive kneading. As a rule, kneading is carried out with the pillows of the fingers. Massage can be performed only with the thumb, two (thumb and forefinger) or four fingers. Kneading is done with quick circular movements with a significant load.

The massage to relax the back ends with an exact repetition of the first operation: a light superficial stroking of the back is performed from the waist to the neck. Thus, the muscles are relaxed. To consolidate the psychological effect of massage, the patient is recommended to maintain a supine position for 10-15 minutes.

The human back is an accumulation of a large number of muscles and nerve centers. Back massage to relax the muscles calms the nerves, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and liberates movement.

Back massage and the technique of its implementation are important aspects for preventing and getting rid of ailments of the spinal column and the back as a whole, if the sessions are conducted by an experienced specialist.

There are a huge number of methods for conducting a relaxing massage, but it is still difficult to determine with accuracy which of them will most effectively suit a person in need.

The back is practically the most sensitive place in a person, where many nerve endings are located. Our muscles are constantly negatively affected by stressful situations, overexertion or an inactive lifestyle.

In any case, a relaxing back massage allows a person to restore strength and health. Not without reason, even Tibetan monks actively practiced this procedure and associated it with the state of the inner world and even the psyche.

Basic rules for performing the procedure

How to learn to do back massage? In order for it to become truly effective, you should adhere to special rules developed by specialists with many years of experience. Here is some of them:

The relaxing massage procedure begins with the lower back (coccyx), after which it is gradually transferred to the shoulders. All movements aimed at the upper back must be performed with the inner and most sensitive part of the palm. Descending massage (directed down) is carried out by the outer side of the palms. The person who performs the procedure should have warm hands, as this allows the transfer of the entire effectiveness of the procedure to the patient. In addition, warmed hands are able to perform a relaxing massage procedure for much longer without fatigue. A massage session requires constant exposure of the massage therapist's hands to the patient's back. All warming movements and rubbing of the back are performed along the fibers of the long dorsal muscles. The beginning of the session and its completion are accompanied by soft strokes to relieve pain on the back. It is strictly forbidden to actively, and with strong pressure, massage the spine and the muscles surrounding it. The total time of a relaxing massage session is assigned to the patient by a doctor according to many clinical indicators. The first session, as a rule, does not exceed 10-15 minutes.

The massage therapist must make sure that the patient does not have pathological diseases that can worsen during the session.

As you can see, there are not so many rules for conducting a relaxing massage, but they should be strictly adhered to.


Preparation for the relaxing massage procedure should begin with the room in which it will be carried out.

Room preparation.
The room must be ventilated, after which it warms up to a temperature of 23 degrees. It is she who is considered optimal for the human body, and is also easily tolerated by all categories of patients. Masseur's hands.
The massage therapist should not have nails, because in the process they can damage the surface of the back. Be sure to apply essential oils to the palms, which relieve discomfort during the procedure.

The listed general rules allow you to properly prepare for the session, because all the effectiveness depends on this to a greater extent.

Basic tricks

The technique of conducting a relaxing massage includes certain stages, which we will now discuss in more detail.


This is where the session starts and ends. Wide strokes are carried out over the entire surface of the back with the whole palm without much pressure.

At the same time, all strokes should not be insensitive to the patient. This is followed by stroking the back diagonally with the edge of the palm to warm up the oblique muscles.


This stage is quite difficult to carry out, since the massage therapist needs to move the skin at a certain angle with two palms.

At the same time, stroking zigzag actions are carried out from top to bottom.

This approach allows you to normalize the correct blood flow in the area of ​​the vertebral joints and adjacent muscles.


Kneading requires more serious pressure on the patient's back.

For these purposes, one palm is superimposed on the other in order to exert strong pressure on the back.

Movements should be circular and moving from the lower back up.


The effect of patting the palms on the surface of the back is practiced quite often, even during a relaxing massage. This allows you to have a point irritant effect on the muscles.

Tapping and patting are not carried out on the kidney area.


This technique is carried out with the index and middle fingers. Muscle tissue is shaken as a result of intense circular movements.

Relaxing back massage technique

The technique of relaxing back massage is as follows: the patient is placed on a special table or other flat surface. Massage movements begin from the buttocks and lower back and, as they are rubbed, go up along the lumbar column.

Below is a video tutorial on the technique of relaxing back massage. You can take this procedure as a basis.

Neck and collar area

You need to feel the main accumulations of lymph nodes with your hands, but at the same time you can not exert strong pressure.

Gluteal muscles

Next, we work with the gluteal muscles, and they can be exerted quite strong pressure and pressure, since the person is relieved of pain. Try to take the most comfortable position for these purposes so as not to experience discomfort and fatigue.

Massage techniques should be performed in a certain sequence and only according to established rules.

The gluteal muscles are dense and strong muscle clusters, so they should not only be rubbed, but also patted. Movements are made in all directions.

Lumbar zone

After that, we slowly move to the waist, generously lubricating our hands with oil. The movements should be soft and gentle from the waist to the shoulders. This approach allows you to relax the muscles.

Final stage

The muscles of the neck and shoulders must be massaged by placing a soft towel under the patient's head. Fist squeezes should not be painful for a person.

The final stage is pinching and stroking, so even a novice massage therapist can handle it.


A properly performed relaxing back massage allows you to get rid of back pain, normalizes muscle tone, and also significantly improves overall blood flow.

That is why a relaxing massage is often prescribed not only for the treatment of existing back diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

We hope you liked our lesson and you figured out the question: how to do a relaxing back massage.

Any person repeatedly faces pain in the back. In many ways, the culprit for this is the accumulation of tension in the muscles of the back, both under dynamic and static loads. A relaxing back massage helps relieve residual muscle tension. At the same time, it should be remembered that stresses accumulate not only during heavy physical exertion, but also during a sedentary lifestyle (static muscle work); and the latter may have an even stronger effect.

Since ancient times, massage has been considered the first tool in pain relief and disease prevention, pain relief and improvement of the psychological state of a person. Relaxing back massage, with seeming simplicity and frivolity, creates an opportunity to effectively deal with painful phenomena in the back and lumbar region, get rid of stressful influences. Massage sessions psychologically tune in to optimism and vigorous activity.

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Features of the anatomy and physiology of the back

The back muscles are part of a group of muscles that support the human spine. In the back region are the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, the latissimus dorsi, the levator scapulae, the serratus superior and inferior, and the erector spinae. All these muscles provide mobility to the spine and shoulder blades. In addition, they are involved in the formation of human posture.

Numerous nerve endings approach the spine, so massage of the spinal column directly is not recommended. But the impact on the lateral areas of the spine favorably affects the nervous system as a whole.

In the region of the shoulder blades, a large number of muscles are concentrated, which can give pain in case of pathology. In the lumbar region on both sides of the spine are the kidneys, which must be taken into account when determining the strength of the massage. The lower back, which is a fairly large bones of the sacrum and coccyx, allows for significant massage efforts.

Large back muscles keep the spine in the correct position

Human muscles work both in dynamic and static mode. With active movements, repeated contractions and relaxation of the muscles can lead to the occurrence of excessive muscle tension in them, which, accumulating, cause pain.

In a stationary state, muscle cells are excited, and muscle fibers are tensed. However, their reduction does not occur. As a result, there is an accumulation of static tension in the muscles, which also causes discomfort.

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Preparing for a relaxing massage session

The main purpose of a relaxing back massage is to relieve unpleasant pain, relax the muscles and relieve the accumulated tension in them, and provide a surge of physical and psychological strength. Massage allows you to increase the efficiency and elasticity of muscle fibers. A relaxing massage is especially useful for a person who leads an inactive lifestyle and is mainly engaged in sedentary work. The systematic conduct of the procedure of such a massage allows you to improve your posture by strengthening the spinal muscles.

An important preparatory stage for a relaxing massage is the establishment of psychological contact between the recipient and the massager. It is necessary to bring the patient into a balanced and relaxed state, for which it is not worth saving time for preliminary communication. The massage itself should be carried out in comfortable conditions. You can use light soothing music. Massaged before the procedure should take a shower or bath.

Before starting, you need to lay the patient on a bed or massage table with his back up. The most comfortable posture involves arms along the torso and the head turned to the side. After the patient has taken the appropriate posture, it is necessary to achieve maximum relaxation.

To enhance the massage effect on the back, it is recommended to apply a small amount of body massage oil. The oil helps to reduce congestion in the muscles and relieve residual tension in them.

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Basic rules for the procedure

Relaxing massage is performed by applying several techniques. All procedures are carried out sequentially. It is important to ensure the continuity of the process, and so that the massager's hands touch the back all the time.

Back massage includes the use of the following basic techniques: superficial and deep stroking, rubbing, kneading, pressure, vibration. Massage begins with light strokes and gradually increase the impact. Massaging is carried out at first from below, in the region of the sacrum, and gradually move upwards. After the completion of the main procedures, the final stage is carried out, similar to the initial one, in order to calm and relax the muscles.

Relaxing massage begins with a light planar surface stroking of the back with the palms, placing them on both sides of the spine. Stroking is first performed in the lumbar region and moves to the neck along the spine. In the upper part, circular stroking is done with the palms around the shoulder blades, after which the palms are moved down with stroking the back on the sides, i.e. begins a light embracing stroking. Stroking is carried out several times until the oil evenly covers the entire surface of the back, and the back muscles warm up.

Planar stroking is carried out with a relaxed hand, and the fingers are kept straight and closed. The direction of movement of the hand can be either transverse or longitudinal, and circular and spiral movement is also possible. An encircling lateral stroke is performed with a relaxed hand, but in this case the thumb is retracted to the side, and the remaining fingers are closed.

At the first stage of the massage, a superficial form of stroking is applied. It is distinguished by soft, rhythmic and light movements, which provides a calming effect on the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin. Rubbing oil while stroking warms and relaxes the muscles.

Since ancient times, the method of stroking has been used to relieve pain. Over time, it was improved and began to be used to relieve tension and stress.

The word "massage" comes from the Greek "masso" or "massein", which means "compress" or "knead".

Pinching, pressure on the surface of the body during the massage create a certain therapeutic effect. Massages stimulate the release of endorphins, which soothe and relax the body and mind, bringing pleasure.

Self-massage is performed in the traditional way. Other types of massage are based on oriental techniques such as shiatsu and reflexology. Many techniques can be performed anytime, anywhere and get instant results from them.

Essential oils from fragrant plants are often used during massage. They soften the skin and, acting on the sense of smell, contribute to complete relaxation.

Basic massage techniques

These movements form the basis of massage for muscle relaxation, as well as self-massage.

Relaxing stroke. Light stroking with the palms warms and relaxes the muscles, is used at the beginning and at the end of the session.
kneading. Start "kneading" the muscle with your fingers and palms, slightly pulling the skin. This technique is ideal for relieving tension, especially in the shoulders, hips, buttocks and legs.
Displacement and pressure or kneading. With your thumbs in a circular motion, press hard on the muscle. This technique relaxes tense and stiff muscles. Ideal in cases where it is necessary to get rid of knots in the muscles, especially around the spine and in the shoulders.
Tapping or tapping. This technique helps to energize the body. It is performed by light tapping on the skin with the edge of the palms. Warning. This technique cannot be performed on those places where the bones are located close to the surface of the skin (ribs, spine).

It relieves stress accumulated during the day. This massage is best used as part of a complete set of stress relief techniques.

Start in the middle of the back (going down to the bottom). Massage with your thumbs, pressing hard on the skin, moving it back and forth to relieve tension in the muscles near the spine.
Continue stroking to loosen the muscles. Then, with the fingers of one hand, try to hide the thumb of the other hand under the skin, and vice versa. Repeat the movement three times on each side.
To relax your back muscles, knead your arms around where the rhomboid and trapezius muscles converge to lift them up and relax your shoulder blades. In this way, spasm and tension can be relieved.
Rub your back with both hands in quick circular motions, starting from the bottom, moving your hands up.
Use your fingertips to stretch the tense muscles on the sides of your back.
Starting at the upper back, work your way down to the lower back, quickly pinching the skin with your fingertips.
With your fists, beat the large back muscles well.
Cup your palms and massage your chest ribs and upper back.

Create a relaxing atmosphere

  • Choose a quiet, warm and softly lit room for massage or self-massage.
  • You can turn on quiet relaxing music.
  • The surface on which the person lies must be solid.
  • When performing the massage, wear loose clothing so that it does not restrict your movements.
  • When you get a massage, try to relax completely.

If you are pregnant

Massage is contraindicated for women up to the fourth month of pregnancy. However, after this period, massage may be useful. Since it is uncomfortable for pregnant women to lie on their stomach, they can lie on their side or on their back. During the back massage, women can sit.

  • When massaging someone, keep your back straight, using your body weight for rhythm and control.
    • If you work at a table, it is best to spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend them slightly at the knees and lean forward so that there is more pressure on the patient.
    • If you are working on the floor, sit on your knees with them apart. You can also get down on one knee. Change your body position frequently.
  • During the massage, the body temperature decreases, so cover those parts of the body that you are not currently massaging with a towel so that they do not get cold. After the session, let the patient rest by covering him with a sheet, a light blanket.
  • A good massage therapist should use his intuition. You can improvise, use different techniques depending on what the patient needs.
  • Always keep one hand on the patient's body. This gives a feeling of constant movement and comfort. It is also important to change the force of pressure and rhythm so that a relaxing wave passes through the entire body of the patient.


You should refrain from massage with irritation, inflammation and rashes on the skin, tumors, infections, heart disease, clogged arteries, skin wounds.

The following are techniques for relaxing self-massage, relieving muscles of tension.

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to relax the shoulders, hands and wrists for flexibility and elasticity of movement. Self-massage of each part of the body should be done no more than three to five minutes. As soon as you finish the massage, try to relax your tense hands.

Place your palms on your shoulders and apply pressure to this area. Lower your head down and exhale. As you exhale, slowly tilt your head back. Repeat the exercise three times.Press down on the base of the skull with your thumbs. Then release the pressure and with all your fingers start massaging your head in a circular motion.Grab your head on both sides with your hands. Inhale and slowly lower your head forward. You should feel the muscles in your neck stretch.
Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Press lightly on the point at the base of the neck. Release pressure and press again. Repeat the exercise several times on each side.Grab the base of your neck with your fingers. In a circular motion, press down on the neck from the bottom up to the base of the skull. Then, in the same circular motion, massage the neck in the opposite direction.Place your left hand on your right shoulder. Press the tips of all fingers except the thumb on the shoulder and massage this area in small circular motions. Do the same on the left side.

Quick relaxation

To instantly feel better, you can give yourself such a massage.

Breast massage can help relieve tension and anxiety.

Place your hands (each on its own side) so that the thumbs are under the armpits, and the rest lie on the chest. Gently massage your chest muscles with your fingertips.Clench your fists and gently massage your chest with your knuckles.Place your right hand under your armpit on the left side so that your thumb is out and gently massage this area. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Abdominal massage will help relieve tension in the abdomen.

Sit in a chair with your back straight. Place your hands on your stomach, fingers apart and pointing towards the center of your stomach. Massage your belly with small twisting movements. Then move your fingers, bring them under the lower ribs of the chest and press deeply from below.Place your hands on your hips so that your thumbs rest on your stomach close to your navel. Make rotational movements with your fingers.Interlace your fingers. Start gently rubbing your stomach from top to bottom until you feel warm. Stop moving, leaving your hands on your stomach for a few minutes, breathe slowly.

Special, relaxing self-massage

This type of massage quickly calms the nerves, making it possible to relax.

If you have an important meeting or interview, then you are probably nervous. So take some time for yourself to get a relaxing massage before leaving the house. It is best to first take a hot bath with essential oils, then do a self-massage and only then get dressed. It is very important to breathe correctly.

Facial massage. With your fingertips, lightly press around the eyebrows, moving from the center to the temples, and then behind the ears down to the earlobes and to the neck.
Back massage. Sit on a chair and place your hands on your back so that your thumbs are on your stomach and the rest are on your back. Massage up and down the muscles around your back. Then clench your fists and beat your back. Then quickly rub the buttocks.
Hand massage. Massage your palm in a circular motion with the thumb of the other hand.
Leg and foot massage. Pinch the ankles from the feet to the knees to stimulate circulation. Rotate your feet in turn. Finally, massage each foot in the center of the foot with your thumbs.

Before an important interview

These exercises can be done without changing into special clothes, in any room where no one can see you.

  • Stand straight, feet - shoulder width apart, hands - on the hips at the level of the kidneys. Bend over, lowering your head to your knees, and straighten up again. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Massage each finger and toe for several minutes while breathing deeply.
  • Sit up straight, take a deep breath and hold your breath for ten seconds. Then exhale slowly and carefully. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Stand straight with your arms loosely at your side, feet together. Inhale deeply and raise one hand up. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each hand.

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