How to download the lower press. How to pump up the press cubes at home

landscaping 11.10.2019

Since you have landed on this page, you have already wondered how to pump up the press to cubes and become the owner of a relief belly. In fact, everything is simple and if you have at least a little willpower, then you can see your abs in a few months, maybe even earlier.

Before we show you a set of exercises for the press, let's see why the majority of the population cannot see the coveted press cubes.

Too much fat! Fat won't help build abs

First and most main reason, this is subcutaneous fat, which so skillfully hides our flat stomach. Yes, exactly, every person has abs, whether he is fat or thin, the most main question in how much subcutaneous fat our abs hide.

So, in order to see those very seemingly inaccessible abs, you first need to get rid of excess fat. This is achieved in two ways that are linked by unbreakable love: diet and cardio.

We will talk about diet a little later, but now we will consider the importance of cardio training. Cardio training is a set of high-intensity exercises that you can do to burn fat, increase your endurance, and also strengthen your cardiovascular muscles.

The simplest and most effective exercise is running. It is running that is one of the main fat fighters, so if you decide to pump up the press to cubes, the first thing you should start doing is running in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. Start running every morning for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week is your first step on the way to a sculpted belly.

If you can't run in the morning, run at any other time of the day. The most important thing is to start. You can also ride a bike instead of running. And if you want to train on the street, then help you.

To pump up the press, you need to eat right

The next step to help you see your abs is nutrition. It's very simple: first you need to stop eating most of your carbohydrates. Stop eating fast foods, stop eating sweets (at least during these 3-4 months).

Give preference to slow carbohydrates: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, cereals from bran, rice, all kinds of nuts, as well as vegetables. try to eat most carbohydrates in the first half of the day. The percentage of carbohydrates in the total diet should be in the region of 25 - 30%, the remaining 70 - 75% we fill with proteins: eggs, meat, milk (in small quantities), sea fish, cottage cheese, protein shakes.

Here rough plan your nutrition:

08:30 Omelette of 4-5 egg whites and one yolk (you can add cheese and bacon)
A couple of slices of toast
Multi-vitamin complex
Fish fat
200 -250 g. vegetable salad, without refueling
Multi-vitamin complex
Fish fat
15:00 100 - 150 g of any porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, bran)

5 – 10 BCAA*
18:00 One serving of whey protein
150 - 200 g meat cooked on the grill or in the oven
150 -200 g vegetable salad, no dressing
Multi-vitamin complex
Fish fat
21:00 200 g cottage cheese + some fruit
5 – 10 BCAA*

This is just an approximate meal plan, which is desirable, but not required, to adhere to. The most important rule you need to understand is to reduce your carbs and increase your protein intake.

The most effective exercises for the press

Take the position of the rack on the uneven bars on straightened arms. The rack must be strong - the body should not sway during movement. Keep your back straight. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and raise them to the level of parallel with the floor. Hold them at the top for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower them down.

Attach a band band, or use a crossover at a level just above your head in a lunge. Take a deep lunge position - standing on the knee of one leg. The second is bent at the knee and rests the foot on the floor. Pull the expander over your shoulder so that its end is near the opposite thigh.

Starting position - lying down. Next, put your hands forward, and spread them as wide as possible, trying to find balance in this position. Your case should form a semblance of a star shape. Tighten your abs so that your body doesn't sag down or bulge up.

Load the bar with a light weight and lie down on the floor holding the bar over your head. In the starting position, the bar is held as if you were doing a bench press. Straighten your legs and let them lie on the floor. They should not move throughout the exercise. Raise your torso until it is perpendicular to the floor at the end point of the exercise. The bar at the extreme point should be in a position above the head.

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs and arms are straightened, directed to the ceiling. Hold the medicine ball with outstretched arms. The shoulder blades and head should be pressed to the floor. Next, tear your shoulder blades off the floor, trying to reach your toes with the medicine ball.

Starting position: lying on the floor, arms and legs extended and torn off the floor. The back, pelvis and shoulder blades are firmly pressed to the floor. A fitball is held between the shins of the legs. Perform a simultaneous lift of the pelvis and shoulder blades so as to pass the fitball from the legs to the hands. Then, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, passing the ball from hand to foot and vice versa.

Starting position: lie on the floor, bend your knees and place on the floor. Hands, at the same time, hold any burden (pancake, barbell, disk, etc.) at chest level. Press your shoulder blades firmly into the floor. Raise the body so that the shoulder blade and lower back are off the floor. Hold at the extreme point for a second. Then, in a very slow motion, lower yourself down to the starting position.

Lie on the floor so that your back and shoulder blades are firmly pressed to the floor. Place your legs at a 90 degree angle, place your feet on the floor. In the initial position and throughout the approach, the arms are extended upwards, towards the ceiling. Raise your body slightly to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold at the extreme point, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

Stand in the “lying down” position, resting your hands on the medicine ball standing on the floor. In the initial position, the legs are extended and stand next to each other. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Pull one leg up to your chest with your knee. Then, return it to its original position, at the same time pulling up the second one. Perform the movement, simulating running in place.

Starting position: emphasis lying, legs are on the fitball. Pull the ball with your feet towards you so that your body is in a vertical position. Next, slowly roll the ball back and place your shins on it. The body should take a horizontal position, and the outstretched arms should be above the level of the head, but without violating the position of the emphasis on the floor. Due to the strength of the abdominal muscles, return to the starting position, in which the arms will be at shoulder level.

Sit on a bench, grab the edge with your hands to ensure a stable body position. Tilt your body back slightly. Stretch your legs so that they form a straight line with the body. Hold a medicine ball between your shins. With a simultaneous movement, lift the body forward, and at the same time pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest.

Sit on your knees, and hold the roller so that it is strictly below shoulder level. In the initial position, the emphasis is on the toes, knees, and the roller. Due to tension abdominals, roll the roller forward until tension is felt in the muscles of the press. At the end point of the exercise, the arms should be completely straight. The number of anchor points does not change - the hips should not lie on the floor. Working exclusively with the muscles of the core, return to the starting position by rolling the roller back.

Put pancakes weighing 5 kg on the long neck of the bar. Get on your knees, put your hands on the bar. In the starting position, it should be under shoulder level. There are three supports: toes, knees and a barbell. Roll the bar forward until you feel tension in the abdominal muscles and until the hips begin to sag. Use your abdominal muscles to roll the bar back and return to the starting position.

Set the crossover handle at approximately shoulder height. Stand sideways to the simulator. In the initial position, the body stands straight, and the body is turned slightly towards the simulator. The handle is held with two hands. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. You must stand at such a distance from the simulator that the cable is taut. Moving only with the body, turn so that the body is completely turned in front of you. Throughout the exercise, the legs remain motionless.

Sit on the floor, tilt your body back slightly. Hold the medicine ball with your arms outstretched forward. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor so that only your heels rest on the floor. Starting position - hands in front of you. Next, turn the body to the left side, until the muscles of the lateral press are stretched to the maximum. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. The movement is carried out only by the body - the pelvis and legs are firmly pressed into the floor and do not move.

Rest your elbows and forearms on the fitball. Place your feet on the floor and press your toes into the floor. The body should be in a straight line - do not bend or arch in the lumbar region. Keep your abdominal muscles in constant tension. Moving your elbows, rotate the fitball first in a clockwise direction, then counterclockwise.

A powerful press in men, a flat stomach in women are integral elements of a good athletic figure. Their formation depends on the oblique abdominal muscles.

Thanks to them, the so-called "Adonis belt" is formed in the male figure - lines converging in a V-shape to the lower abdomen, and in the female - a thin waist.

However, the development of the oblique muscles of the abdomen performs not only an aesthetic function. They are an important part of the musculature of the body, supporting the spine, as well as the internal organs in the correct position.

The function of the oblique abdominal muscles is to ensure rotation of the trunk to the sides, participation in flexion and rotation of the spine and lifting the pelvis. They play a leading role in the formation of the muscular corset necessary for proper posture.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen, located mainly on the sides of the torso and partly on the chest, are divided into external and internal. The largest is the external oblique muscle, under it is the internal, which is most often invisible.

Together, they form the largest muscle group of the press. Now let's move on to a detailed consideration of the question of how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles at home.

We train oblique abdominal muscles

This can be done at home, although in the gym more possibilities to develop this muscle group, and there the process will go more quickly.

However, one should take into account important point: untrained people usually have over the muscles body fat, which exercises will not affect in any way - it can be removed only with the help of a balanced diet.

In such a diet, the amount of protein should be increased, and carbohydrates should be minimized. Otherwise, training can have the opposite effect: due to the growth of muscle volume, the sides will become wider, because the fat has not gone anywhere.

Most likely, at first you will not be able to perform right amount repetitions (usually from 15 to 20, and sets - 2-3). Do your best, but don't overtrain your muscles.

Gradually, with each workout, increase the number of repetitions, controlling the work of the muscles, but the main thing is to focus on the correct execution of each exercise so that it gives the desired effect. The videos, which are many in this article, will help you with this.

The best ways to lose weight

What exercises will help pump up the oblique muscles of the press?

The optimal effect will be given by exercises that combine static tension and movements due to oblique muscles - this is mainly basic exercises: different kind and with a twist.

Lying side crunches: lie on your right side, bend your legs at the knees at a right angle, support your head behind the back of your head with your left hand, put your right hand on your left side in order to better feel how the oblique muscles work.

On exhalation, tear off the torso from the floor, linger at the top point of the lift, exhale and slowly return to the starting position while inhaling.

Immediately repeat the action. After doing a certain number of repetitions on one side, change the position and do them for the other side.

Twist option: lying on your side, raise not the torso, but straightened legs, or both.

Woodcutter: here a projectile is used - a stuffed ball or a bag of sand. A weight of 5 kg is suitable for a guy, 2 for a girl. The position of the body is straight, the projectile is on outstretched arms above the left shoulder.

Tightening the press, slowly lower it diagonally right in front of the body to the right thigh, slightly bending the knees. Immediately return to the starting position. Run 6-8 times for each side.

Turns to the side: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, keep in front of you, back straight. While inhaling, keeping the legs motionless, gently turn the body to the side. As you exhale, take the starting position.

Tilts of the body forward while standing: feet shoulder-width apart, body straight, arms raised up. While exhaling, lower the body forward, slightly twisting the press at the waist, touch the toes of the opposite leg with your hand. Repeat for the other arm and leg.

: stand up straight, arms extended along the body. Start a slow tilt to the right, hands glide smoothly along the sides. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

Lifting the shoulder blades from a prone position: lie on your back, put your right foot on the floor, put your left on top of it. Left hand stretch perpendicular to the body with the palm up, put the right one under the head.

Tightening the abdominal muscles and pressing the back of the head on the right hand, gently raise the chest to the left knee, without lifting the pelvis, until the shoulder blade comes off the floor.

Slowly return to starting position. Change arms and legs and perform on the other side. (This exercise has fewer repetitions - 8 in 2-3 sets).

So, now that you know how to quickly and easily pump up the oblique abdominal muscles at home, it remains only to wish perseverance, perseverance and the fulfillment of your dream - a good slender figure.

To pump up the press cubes at home and not only, you need to: remove belly fat; train the muscles of the press; monitor your progress and make constant adjustments.

Many people strive for sculpted abs, however, not everyone can buy expensive equipment or go to gym. Rejoice, there are many ab exercises that do not require special equipment, but use your own body and gravity to create a load. Follow the steps below to get the abs you've always wanted at home.

Part 1: Lose Belly Fat

1. Assess your belly fat

Excess fat tends to accumulate around your belly. And the abs lie under that fat, so if you want to show them, you need to shed the extra belly fat. So if you are not in shape yet, then first of all you need to burn belly fat.

  • Remember that ab exercises, such as sit-ups while lying down, will help build muscle and burn calories, but not target fat.

2. Reduce your calorie intake

To pump up the press at home, you need to burn fat, that is, burn more calories than you absorb. It is simply not possible to get embossed cubes with the help of exercises alone. You need to follow proper nutrition to remove excess subcutaneous fat. And here is the easiest way to reduce calories.

  • Reduce your portion size, but don't skip meals. If you do not eat for a long time, the body receives a signal to store fat.
  • Beware of foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients.
  • Be sure to cut back on excess sugar. The extra sugar tends to be stored as belly fat. Read food labels and beware of hidden sugar in bread, sauces, soda and alcohol.
  • Curb your cravings for sweets by making healthy choices like chocolate, honey, and fruit.
  • Record the calories you eat with online calculator calories, read labels, and/or keep a food journal. There are many applications on tablets and smartphones that can help you calculate the number of calories you should eat and control how much you eat.

3. Eat proteins

Protein is the most important nutrient for building muscles, because they are originally built from protein.

  • It is recommended, depending on your body weight and activity level, that ¼ of your diet should be protein.
  • Your body also burns more calories by breaking down protein than it does by breaking down carbohydrates.
  • Healthy foods should include chicken, fish and turkey. Vegetarians should include tofu, tempei, and seitan.

4. Eat vegetables and fruits

They fill you up quickly and are enriched nutrients and vitamins, which are necessary to maintain an active life.

  • Make sure half of your food is fruits and vegetables. The remaining ¼ of the diet (after protein, fruits and vegetables) should be filled with cereals. Whole grains are the best, and should make up half of all grains consumed.
  • Products containing a large number of Vitamin C such as oranges, kiwi and cabbage will help your body turn fat into energy and balance the stress associated with food cravings.
  • Garlic, lentils, broccoli, and chili peppers are also good for fat loss.

5. Drink enough water

Keeping an adequate supply of water will improve your energy levels and mood, and help you feel full between meals.

  • Medical research has shown that two cups of water before each meal helps people eat less and reduces sugary drinks.
  • Doctors recommend that women drink 9 cups of water a day and men 13.

6. Get Cardio Exercises

To burn the most calories, you should do cardiovascular exercise (exercise that increases your heart rate) for 30-60 minutes a day. Together with an improved diet, these exercises can help you lose pounds.

  • Choose aerobic activities that you enjoy. If you enjoy them, you are more likely to stick with them. There are many non-gym aerobic activities, such as walking, running, long walks, cycling, dancing, and swimming.
  • If you don't have time to complete a 30 minute workout, there's an easy way to add activity to your life. If you have sedentary work then use your lunch break for a brisk walk outside. Move around the house or garden for at least 20-30 minutes, or take a walk to your destination instead of driving.

Part 2: Abs Workout

1. Target all three abdominal areas

To get the cubes you need to perform exercises for the upper press, lower and oblique muscles. While you can't focus on each area individually, any abdominal exercise will accentuate a specific part. The following exercises will help you get started.

2. Load Your Lower Abs

People often notice that this area is hard to shape, so it needs more attention. Try these three exercises to tone those muscles.

  • Scissors: Lie on your back and raise your legs to a 45 to 90 degree angle, depending on your flexibility. Place your hands at your sides and lower your right leg slowly, slightly off the floor. Return it to its original position, and then repeat the movement with the left leg. Continue on, changing legs. Try to complete at least 10 reps without stopping.
  • Leg Raise: Lie on your back and raise your legs a few inches off the floor. Keeping your knees straight, slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Slowly lower them back to their original position without touching the floor. Repeat the exercise.
  • Body Rotations: Sit cross-legged, extend your arms forward and interlock your fingers. Breathe in. Tightening your abdominal muscles, slowly turn upper part body to the right by 45 degrees. Exhale. Sit up straight and do the exercise on the left side. Repeat the exercise.
  • Remember, when doing any of these exercises, keep your lower back still on the ground. Otherwise, you may injure your back.

3. Work on your upper abs

The upper abdominal muscles are located below your sternum. They also need to be strengthened if you want to get strong cubes. Here are some exercises to help strengthen your upper abs.

  • Lying on the floor to the legs: Lie on your back, bend your knees at 45 degrees, put your feet on the floor. Cross your arms and place them behind your head. Inhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your head and shoulders off the floor towards your knees. Then exhale and slowly lower your back to the floor.
  • Leg Raised Crunches: Get into a crunch position, but keep your feet off the ground. Keep your legs in the air and your lower body on the floor still, as you exhale lift your upper body towards your feet. Then inhale and slowly lie down on the floor. Repeat.
  • Hip Raise: Lie on the floor with your hands at your sides, palms down. Then lift your legs with straight feet. Raise your hips up, off the floor and lifting your abs. Repeat.

4. Work the Obliques

Last but not least, you need to strengthen your oblique muscles. Otherwise, your stomach will be unbalanced, and the cubes will look strange or ugly. Here are some exercises that will help strengthen your lateral muscles.

  • Lateral Curves: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your waist, and then slowly bend over, moving your upper body to the right. Take the original position, and repeat the movements to the left side. To make the workout more difficult, take a heavy object, such as a water bottle, in your hand and do the exercise with bent arms.
  • Oblique crunches: Lie on the floor, raise your legs, bend your knees at a 45-degree angle and spread your hips. You will notice that it is easier to stay still on a flat surface, such as a bench. Place your hands behind your head and use your abdominal muscles to lift your head and shoulders off the floor, touching your right elbow to your left knee. Return to starting position and repeat the movement, touching your left elbow to your right knee. Exhale as you rise and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Oblique twist (Russian twist): Lie on the floor, bend your knees, and fix your feet still. Raise your upper body off the floor. Extend your arms fully perpendicular to your body, and as you exhale, bend your torso to one side. Sit upright while inhaling. Repeat the bend to the other side. To make it harder, hold a heavy object in your hands, such as a water bottle, a bag of flour, or a large dictionary.

5. Plank

Plank exercises are important for any abs workout because they work all the abs together, as well as a lot of other muscles. To perform these exercises, take a push-up position, using your elbows as a support rather than your hands. Keep your body in a straight line, make sure your hips don't sag. Hold on for as long as possible.

  • Keep your head relaxed and look at the floor.
  • Start by holding the plank for 10 seconds, and work to increase that interval.
  • Make sure your body is tense, do this exercise in front of a mirror.

Part 3: Monitor your progress

1. Keep a training and nutrition diary

For any training program, a journal is The best way track your target and find out if you are getting close to it or not.

  • Every day, carefully record everything you eat and all your exercises.
  • An exercise log can help you see which areas of your diet and your exercise regimen need improvement.

2. Measure the circumference of your waist

Since muscle weighs more than fat, measurements will be a more important indicator of your progress than pounds on the scale.

  • Weekly measurements of your waist will keep you informed and show you the progress you have made.
  • For accurate measurements, use a regular measuring tape, measure above your thighbones.
  • Do not measure over clothing. Relax your muscles and don't pull them in.

3. Take before and after photos

Since you look in the mirror every day, it can be hard to see your progress without a photo.

  • Take a photo every two weeks and compare with the original photos. The changes you see motivate you.


Exercises for training the press at home

  • If you're trying to lose a lot of belly fat, focus on diet and aerobics first. When you lose excess weight start doing abdominal exercises. This will save you from a vain attempt to build abdominal muscles under a layer of fat.
  • Mix up your workouts. This will keep your body from getting used to it and keep you from getting bored and not exercising.


  • Don't overload yourself. The goal is to feel a burning sensation in the muscles, but not pain.
  • Use your hands to support your head during crunches so you don't strain your neck.
  • Beware of hurting your back, do all abdominal exercises on a mat. If you don't have your own mat, use a thick blanket or two.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting a new diet and exercise regimen, especially if you have any medical condition.
  • When doing lower abs exercises, make sure your lower back is kept on the floor to avoid back injury.

An important component of an excellent athletic figure for girls is a flat tummy, for the male half - a relief press. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are responsible for their formation. The more developed they are, the thinner female waist, and men have a more pronounced V-shaped torso. In addition to the aesthetic function, the development of this muscle group plays a huge role in holding the internal organs in the desired position.

Anatomy of the oblique muscles of the abdomen

This muscle group is divided into 2 types of muscles: internal, external. The internal one runs under the external oblique muscle, so it is not noticeable.

The main functions of the oblique abdominal muscles are:

  • rotation of the body, spine
  • trunk flexion
  • keeping the torso upright

The lateral abdominal muscles are involved in the formation of a muscular corset, which is very important for proper posture.

Oblique muscle training program

It is important to consider the following: most people have a fat layer in the abdomen. It is difficult to get rid of it with exercise alone. Therefore, do not forget about proper nutrition. In the menu, protein foods should prevail over carbohydrate foods. And it is better to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to zero.

In the first months of training, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform required number repetitions. Experienced athletes recommend giving their best to the maximum, but not overloading the muscles so as not to injure them. Add one repetition to each workout. If 10 repetitions were performed in the last lesson, then 11 repetitions next time. In addition to gradually increasing the load, observe the correct execution of each exercise. Don't forget to warm up. It will prepare the muscles for stress.

How to pump the oblique muscles of the press, using the exercise "tilts with a dumbbell"

Starting position: the back is straight, the legs are set slightly wider than the shoulders, we fix the hands behind the head. We proceed to tilt the body to the right and left sides alternately. Make sure that the body does not lean forward or backward. As soon as the abdominal muscles are no longer receiving the proper load (a feeling of "burning"), complicate the task by adding a dumbbell.

Technique: the back is straight, the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, we remove one hand behind the head, in the second we take a dumbbell. Tilts are made in the direction in which the projectile is located in the hand. We do the same with the other hand.

How to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the exercises "raising the body to the sides"

We lay down on our side in a special simulator, fix our legs under the rollers, we clasp our hands behind our heads. We proceed to raise the torso up, straining the lateral abdominal muscles. Repeat the same process on the other side.

On a note! If you do not have a special simulator, then the exercise can be carried out on a horizontal bench, and fix the legs with straps or involve a partner to hold them.

Pumping the oblique abdominal muscles using a horizontal bar

Hanging on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to bend the legs until an angle of 90 degrees with the body is formed. The task is to touch the crossbar with your knees. We do not take out our knees in front of us, but we direct them alternately to the sides (for example, first to the left, then to the right).

Advice. You can complicate the exercise as follows: perform lifting to the sides of straightened legs, trying to touch the crossbar with your fingertips.

How to pump the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the slopes with the bar

We take the neck in our hands and lay it on our shoulders, we put our legs a little wider than our shoulders. Select the mass of the neck depending on the level of physical fitness. Untrained people can start with a 10 kg bar, experienced with 20 kg. We proceed to tilt the body to the sides, holding the ends of the projectile with both hands. It is important to control that the body does not deviate forward or backward.

How to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the machine with the upper block

The exercise is also called "lumberjack". We stand sideways to the simulator, take hold of the handle with both hands and perform movements that imitate the work of an ax. We pull the handle from the right shoulder diagonally to the left leg. We carry out similar movements on the other side.

How to build oblique abdominal muscles at home

In most cases, home workouts mean the absence of sports equipment and exercise equipment.

Therefore, especially for you, we have selected a number effective exercises on the oblique muscles of the abdomen:

  • lateral twisting - carried out in a prone position on the floor. We lay on the right side, we remove our hands behind the head (the head should not touch the floor). When lifting the torso, exhale, when returning to its original position - inhale. Having reached the top point, it is important to linger for 3-4 seconds and only then lower the body back. We do the same on the other side
  • "Lumberjack" - an exercise similar to the one proposed above, only instead of a simulator we use a sandbag. 1.5-2 kg is enough for a woman, 5-6 kg for a man. We set our legs shoulder-width apart, keep the body straight, the bag is on an outstretched arm above the right shoulder, the second hand is on the belt. Straining the side press, we try to smoothly lower the load diagonally, tending to the left thigh. We return to the original position. We do the same on the other side
  • inclinations of the body - we set the legs slightly wider than the shoulders, the arms are directed strictly upwards. We perform torso forward bends, slightly twisting the press and trying to touch the toes of the left foot with the right hand. Then we start pumping the other side

Tip: do not forget that only high-quality training will bring positive results. It is best to go to the gym for the first time, where the trainer will show and teach you how to perform this or that exercise correctly, and also select an individual set of workouts.

How to pump oblique abdominal muscles in a short time

It is difficult to quickly pump the oblique muscles of the abdomen, since muscle growth does not occur in one or two days. Per a short time and under intense loads, you can only injure the muscles. If you want to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles and make your abs even more powerful and attractive, then we recommend that you take your time in this matter, but do everything gradually and wisely, without unnecessarily loading the muscles.

popular and effective exercises To date, for training the side press are:

  • lifting the body with a turn - the exercise can be done anywhere (simulator, floor, bench). The technique for its implementation is described above. 3 sets of 9 reps
  • side twists - to maintain balance, in the process of performing side twists, bottom hand you have to hold on to your knee. Lifting should be carried out only with the help of the oblique abdominal muscles. 3 sets, 10 reps
  • turns on the horizontal bar - you need to hang on the crossbar and begin to describe the “rainbow” with your feet. The floor cannot be touched. We perform 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions

If you perform only one of the exercises presented, then you will not achieve a positive result. To achieve the goal, it is important to perform all 3 exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, periodically alternating them with each other.

Pumping oblique abdominal muscles with professionals

We swing the oblique abdominal muscles - the best exercises from Yuri Spasokukotsky

We perform slopes with one dumbbell to work out the oblique abdominal muscles. When the dumbbell is in right hand, then the left side of the body is trained, and vice versa. Not recommended to take big weight, otherwise you will pump yourself up with massive oblique abdominal muscles, respectively, the waist will become noticeably wider. In the process of performing torso tilts, we try to keep the pelvis motionless.

Tip: You should train with only one dumbbell. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the exercise is lost specifically for the oblique abdominal muscles.

Secrets of the perfect press from Denis Gusev - a selection of the best exercises

  • lateral leg raises in the hang - in the starting position we grab the crossbar with our hands at the width of the shoulder level. Holding your breath, we perform leg lifts at the same time turning them in one direction. Slowly return to the original position. We carry out required amount repetitions first in one direction and then in the other. Throughout the exercise, the body should not swing, otherwise the side press will not receive a quality load.
  • twisting with lifting the body on a bench with a negative slope - we sit on an inclined bench with a slope of 15-30 degrees, we wind our legs behind the rollers. Do not apply inertia during body lifts. The pace of training is smooth. When returning to the starting position, do not touch the bench with your back
  • lifting legs from a prone position on a bench - we lie down on a bench, grab the stop with our hands. Legs should be raised to a 90 degree angle. hip joint. When returning to the starting position, do not touch the floor with your feet.
  • during training, make sure that the pumped muscle group is always in tension
  • avoid long "rest" between repetitions
  • go to the gym at least 1-2 times a week
  • increase the load gradually
  • alternate the exercises presented with each other
  • make sure to rest your muscles
  • start your workout with a warm-up part ( Treadmill, exercise bike, simple tilts and turns of the torso).

Pump up the press- the desire is commendable and in every sense pleasing.

A large saggy belly is not only ugly, but also very unhealthy.
Toxins accumulate in adipose tissue, it serves as a source of synthesis of "harmful" that may lead to the development or even .

With atony of the muscles of the abdominal wall, the internal organs are displaced downward, ptosis causes a violation of their function. Relaxation of the tone of these muscles makes it impossible for the normal process of childbirth. To push the fetus, muscle strength must be sufficient.

Extra centimeters around the waist - an increased risk of stroke or heart attack.
Meanwhile, dosed exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles have a lot of beneficial effects on the body:

    During physical activity


    The work of internal organs improves, constipation and heartburn caused by hypotension of the gastrointestinal tract disappear.

    With a pumped-up press, there are less problems with the back in the form of .

Of course, pump up the press it is difficult for a girl and a woman to get cubes at home, here the stumbling block is the peculiarity of the hormonal background: male sex hormones in female body not so much is synthesized, and hyperandrogenism can cause .

It is androgens that increase muscle mass. But a flat stomach in 6 weeks is an achievable goal.

Before watching the video with Jillian Michaels "6 pack in 6 weeks" (6 Week Six-Pack), it is advisable to at least superficially familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the muscles of the lateral and anterior abdominal wall that make up the abdominals.

Muscles of the lateral wall of the abdomen

External oblique abdominal muscle flattens the wall of the abdomen, helps to support the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. When lying on your back, this muscle raises the pelvis.

Unilateral contraction of this muscle leads to a rotation of the body in the opposite direction.
Exercises for the external oblique muscle of the abdomen:

    Starting position: lying on your back. Put your hands under the buttocks, bend your legs at an angle of 90 °. We pull the socks up due to the tension of the abdominal muscles. The shoulder blades and the back of the head are pressed to the floor (to the sofa). When raising the legs - exhale, when lowering - inhale. We do not hold our breath. Proper breathing- one of the keys to success if you want to burn excess fat. It is this principle that underlies the methodology .

The external oblique muscle of the abdomen works well during shoveling.

Internal oblique abdominal muscle has the same functions as the previous muscle, but when contracting, it turns the body in its direction.

Exercises for the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen:

    Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are located as close to the buttocks as possible. The lower back is pressed to the floor (this is necessary to avoid friendly muscle contraction), work only at the expense of the abdominal muscles. Raise and twist the torso alternately to the left and right, trying to reach the opposite knee with the elbow. The chin is pressed against the chest, so as not to create tension in the occipital muscles and not provoke a tension headache.

Number of repetitions: to start 15-20 times in each direction. Number of approaches: at least 3.

The internal oblique muscle of the abdomen is actively involved in raking.

transverse abdominis muscle performs the same functions as the muscles described above (flattens the stomach, supports the internal organs). In addition, she is involved in maintaining . It also brings together the lower sections chest, forms a thin waist.

The transverse abdominal muscle actively works with a deep breath.

Muscles of the anterior abdominal wall

Passing into the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle are the rectus and pyramidal (often absent) muscles, which have similar functions: they both participate intilt the body forward. The rectus abdominis stabilizes the pelvis while walking.

The main functional movement of the rectus abdominis muscle: contraction at the moment of getting up from a low chair.

Is it possible to pump up the lower press?

There is no such thing as a “lower press”, since there are no muscles in the hypogastrium (lower abdomen). Here passes the white line of the abdomen, formed by bundles of aponeuroses of the broad muscles of the abdomen. In the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen there is an oval opening, the so-called superficial inguinal ring, through which, with excessive increased intra-abdominal pressure (for example, when lifting weights), internal organs can protrude, which is called an inguinal hernia.

Mistakes when working with abdominal muscles

    When doing abdominal exercises, the abdominal muscles work together with other muscles in the body. If the press swings incorrectly, then instead of the abdominal muscles, the neck, hips, lower back, anything but the abdominal muscles will hurt.

    To pump up the press, you need to give a load to other muscles. For example, on the muscles of the back.To strengthen the abdominal muscles, the “straight bar” exercise is great.

    Training should be intense, regular, but not daily. Muscles also need rest and time to recover.

    Compliance with the right diet is one of the keys to success if you want to pump up the press and .

    Training should be complex, including various exercises, the complexity of which should constantly increase. For weighting, you can use dumbbells,

    roll out on a roller

    exercises on the press on the horizontal bar

    on Beres hinges

    or buy a bench for the press.

For the formation of a slender figure, exercises with Jillian Michaels level 1 are the best fit.

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