Foot swells from long seating. Edema feet after a trip

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Many people are forced to sit for a long time, as their work requires a whole day to spend time at the computer monitor, behind the sewing machine and other equipment. Everyone knows that hypodymna harms health - a person has problems with the spine, an excess weight appears, as well as the swelling of the legs. So, at the end of the working day, it can be found that the legs literally increased in size and in them there is pain and severity. The search for another work can hardly be called a suitable way to solve the problem, because there are many methods and means to help preserve the health and beauty of the legs, even having a sedentary work.

Fundamental rules

First of all, it should be noted that none tool will help prevent foot swelling at the end of the working day, if a person has the following habits:

  1. Sits, throwing the leg to the leg: in such a position of the veins of the lower limbs are transmitted, which is why there is a circulatory disorder in the legs and as a result - swelling. In addition, a similar habit can provoke the occurrence of varicose veins - vein disease, in which they lose their elasticity.
  2. A man eats a lot throughout the day, because of what it consumes more calories than he needs: overeating, especially under the condition of hypodynamia, leads to a set of excess weight, which increases the load on his feet. When a set of extra kilograms, legs swell more and more often, so it is important to prevent the swelling to monitor the calorieness of the diet.
  3. A person who has sedentary work is enjoys such drinks as a strong tea, sweet water with gas and coffee. The thing is that all these drinks provoke a tendency to swells. Therefore, throughout the working day, preference should be given to clean water without gas (it should be drunk in small sips, but often).
  4. The man wears uncomfortable shoes: the narrow shoes with a high heel causes a circulation of blood circulation in the legs, because of which the stops and ankles swell to the end of the working day. Therefore, it is recommended to choose convenient shoes suitable size.

It is worth considering that the tendency to swelling the legs, in particular, with sedentary work, appears in such cases:

  • hormonal fluctuations in connection with PMS or pregnancy;
  • hot weather;
  • excess weight;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, thyroid gland provoking swelling.

What to do?

In order to the end of the working day on the legs there were no edema, you need to be distracted at least once in half an hour and make a light warm-up for the legs. For this, if possible, it is advisable to remove shoes. You can make circular rotations in the feet, rolling from the heel on the sock and flexion-extension of the fingers. If there is an opportunity, you can go out for a few minutes to walk in the fresh air.

If in the evening the legs managed to become edema, the following techniques will help solve the problem:

1) Upon returning home, shoes should be removed, socks (tights), and then lie down for 15 minutes with raised to the heart level. Such an admission allows to normalize blood circulation in the limbs, because of which the edema will quickly pass.

2) Gymnastics will help to get rid of edema on the legs. Exercises are recommended every evening after returning from work.

  • you need to sit on the chair and put a few small items on the floor, and then try to capture them with your fingers and raise from the floor;
  • 2 minutes can be like tiptoe;
  • you need to make 10 exercises "Birch" and "Bike".

3) Massage: Quickly remove swelling on the legs after sedentary work will help Massage Stop, ICR and Glasses will help. Before the kneading legs, it is necessary to warm them well. Then from the tips of the fingers to the knees you need to walk with your fingers on the leg delicate pressure. IMPORTANT: You can not touch the knee cup and a fallated depression! There is another massage option: you need to moisten in the cool salted water with a towel and thoroughly lose their feet. Then the legs need to be lubricated with the nutritional cream.

4) If the legs often swell, then during sleep you need to put a roller or pillow under them.

5) After work, remove the swelling and fatigue will help the contrast shower. Such a procedure is also considered good varicose prevention.

6) Cool Bath for Foot is considered simple and at the same time effective procedure against Emirates. On each liter of water take 2 tablespoons of sea salt. When salt is dissolved, the legs are lowered in a basin for 20 minutes.

Perfect swelling on the legs after a long seating, various compresses and bulls. It is known that the cabbage leaves compress effectively helps to remove swelling on the legs. To perform a procedure 2, the cabbage sheet should be boiled, and then stroke the iron under the cloth. After that, the sheets need to put in the dishes with olive oil and in an hour to get them. Before applying sheets, they should be slightly chopped with lemon juice. The compresses are fixed on the legs bandage and leave all night.

The old proven means from swelling is the compress of potatoes. For its manufacture, several tubers of raw potatoes should be grate and attached a mass of potatoes on problem areas, fixing it gauze. Compress keep 1 hour. With edema, it is also useful every evening delicately wipe the legs with a ice cube.

Various ointments help to get rid of swelling on the legs after sedentary work. The composition of these includes:

  • horse chestnut extract;
  • urea;
  • menthol;
  • vitamins, trace elements and oils;
  • tea tree extract;
  • panthenol;
  • fondes.

Cream or ointment will make it possible to remove the feeling of gravity in the legs, as well as swelling. The most popular funds include:

  1. Dotion 1000.
  2. Thrombocide.
  3. Heparin ointment.
  4. Cream "Sofya".
  5. Cream "Chestnut and propolis".
  6. Troksevazine gel.
  7. Trokserutin.
  8. Menovazin.
  9. Cream-balm "Juniper".

All people having a sedentary work are encouraged to take measures to prevent foot swelling. First of all, it is necessary to eat right: limit the use of salt and food reinforcing thirst. In the diet, it is useful to introduce products with a light diuretic effect (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, mud and others). In his free time, time is recommended walking, swimming in the pool and fitness.

As for the reception of diuretics, such drugs can be taken only if the doctor prescribed them. If, in addition to swelling of the legs, such symptoms appeared as a feeling of cutting and burning in the limbs, the formation of a venous pattern on the leg, then they can be regarded as a manifestable varicose veins. In this case, for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, you should contact your phlebologist and further follow its recommendations.

Update: October 2018

At the heart of the etching syndrome of the limbs or human body, conditions are always underway at which there is a slight penetration of fluid into the intercellular space and it is difficult to remove it from the body.
This contributes to:

  • arterial disorders (especially capillary) or venous blood flow
  • problems with lymphatic modeling
  • violation of the renal

A variety of local edema is swelling of legs, which are a manifestation of many diseases expressed in varying severity. When the swelling of the legs is not pronounced, that is, slightly increases the looseness of the tissues and water accumulates in it, it is called pastosity. In this case, the eagle edema may not be, but the skin acquires the pallor and softness, a test.

  • To determine the pastosity, you can use the McClura-Oldrich sample, the essence of which consists in measuring the resorption rate of the liquid (physicalness) introduced intrader. After this injection, a tuberculosis is formed from saline and with severe swelling (increased hydrophilicity of tissues) it disappears much faster than at normal condition of tissues.
  • If the swelling of the tissues is expressed, then the fume is usually formed when pressing it.

At the edema against the background of circulatory disorders and lymphatic edema there are some differences.

  • The lymphatic edema (called still lymphede) is more dense and is not accompanied by pain. It is characterized by a sign of a capshit-stammer, when the skin of the rear of the foot at the base of the second finger cannot be captured into the fold. The lymphidem develops due to the accumulation of liquid with a high protein content in the skin thicker.
  • Venous insufficiency is in the first place among the causes of feet swelling, while due to an increase in the penetration of water from the capillaries in the tissue, the volume of the intercellular fluid with a low viscosity increases, which is not normally drained.

In contrast to the lymphatic edema, with a venous, the luxury feet is somewhat decreased with long lying.

When the legume of the legs occurs periodically in a healthy person, you can analyze the possible banal causes, which in most cases can be eliminated:

  • Abuse of oily, salty food and plenty of fluid overnight
  • Long seating on soft and low chairs, habit sit down leg leg
  • Incorrectly selected shoes - without heel or too high heel, uncomfortable shoes, squeezing the leg and fingers.

Causes of sharp edema legs

To the sharp legs of the legs should be attributed to those that develop within 2-3 days. In this case, lesions can be:

  • one-sided - veins thrombosis, injuries, fracture feet, remote lymph nodes in the groin area, diseases of the knee or hip joint
  • bilateral - decompensation of heart or renal diseases, venous insufficiency
Thrombosis of deep veins of the lower extremities

The most often thrombotic complications arise on the background. With prolonged bed mode or immobilization of the limb, as well as with chemotherapy or radiation therapy in oncological patients. The acute situation characterized by partial or complete violation of the deep veins of the feet, which is accompanied by:

  • even
  • sinusiness of the foot or leg
  • sharp pronounced pain in the affected limb

Although, there are a number of "dumb" thrombosis, in which the pain is not expressed or minimal, and there is only edema of one foot. The process can be both one and bilateral. In case of inspection, in addition to changing the color and volume of foot, it is possible to determine the cooling of limbs and muscle pain.

  • For thrombosis of the veins of the shin, the Homance sample is characterized by caviar of the legs at the rear flexion of the foot.
  • With the defeat of the subcutaneous veins of the hips - the sample of Luvel, the pain with chichany and the cough in the projection of the left or right subcutaneous vein.
  • The thrombosis of the iliac-femur is characterized by pain in the thigh, abdomen and lower back, as well as the total edema of the hip.
Escapes after injury

The post-traumatic one-sided edema leads a gap, the separation of the medial head of the calf muscle, the interfasal space syndrome. In addition to edema in the projection, a pronounced pain arises.

Acute venous insufficiency

This is usually a decompression of chronic problems of venous outflow. It may be associated with changes in hemodynamic requirements:

  • pregnancy
  • flying in the plane
  • prolonged immobility
  • enhance intrabudss pressure during constipation or severe physical work

The bilateral expansion of venous trunks visible under the skin is accompanied by swelling, increased fatigue feet and pain after load.

Differential diagnosis of edema legs

localization of the lesion localization of edema character of edema tint of leather daily change other
chronic venous insufficiency bilateral lower 1/3 of the shin and above the ankle, stop swells rarely soft from ordinary to cyano-tick disappears in the morning varicose expansion or trophic changes
venous thrombosis one-sided swelling of all hips or legs subcutaneous fiber swelling is not expressed, muscles are increased slightly cyano-tick the volume of limbs does not change sudden swelling, a few days before the doctor's appeal
lymphedem primary - 2-sided secondary -1-sided steam of the Foot Tar + swelling of the leg and / or hips first soft, in the later stages dense pale in the early stages, it decreases, then no primary lymphedema-to 35 years, secondary - after 40 years
renal swelling bilateral skin, Ankle, Stop Real soft pale not
cardiac swelling bilateral skin, Ankle, Stop Real soft, with long disease dense pinkish not pronounced symptoms of the main disease
orthostatic edema bilateral lower 1/3 of the shin and above the ankle, the rear of the foot soft pale disappears with the restoration of motor activity direct connection with fixed orthostatic position
articular swelling more often bilateral sustav lesion zone soft normal not pronounced pain, stiffness
maternity swelling on both limbs lower 1/3 of the heading soft pale overcoming without pain, in 2 half pregnancy

When legs swell chronically

  • Varicose disease of the lower extremities and chronic insufficiency of superficial or deep veins

This is the main reason for the recurring long legumes. The failure of venous valves leads to the expansion of capacitive vessels, the formation of varicose nodes and the creation of conditions for easier fluid peashing into an interstitial space. The vascular network under the skin, the severity in the legs, pain and swelling over time are complemented by trophic skin disorders in the form of ulcers and mocking, as well as hemosider sediments in the form of brown spots on the legs and the rear of the foot. For diagnostics, it is resorted to Dopplerovsky study.

  • Chronic heart failure with the involvement of a large circle of blood circulation is also accompanied by swelling of the legs

First swell the rear stop and swell his feet in the ankles. As the heart failure progress, swells rise above and capture the legs and hips. In this case, the additional symptoms are characterized by shortness of breath, fast fatigue, an increase in the liver and a tendency to the accumulation of fluid not only in the legs, but also the abdominal cavity. For heart swelling of the legs, the formation of the fossa is characterized by pressing. The diagnosis is confirmed by echo-kg.

  • Pulmonary arterial hypertension in its chronic version also leads to swells on the legs

It develops as a result of chronic pulmonary pathologies, acute worldwide heart failure and even as a result of the night apnea in people with soft sky hypertrophy. The diagnosis is established, due to the echo-kg.

  • Chronic kidney disease

Kidney diseases accompanied by renal failure or nephrotic syndrome (glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis). In general, the renal edema can be divided into those that arise due to a violation of blood flow in the kidneys (nephitic) and those that are the result of the imbalance of proteins and the difference in oncotic pressure (nephrotic). Nephitic swelling on the legs is a rarity that appears after the morning swelling of the face. Escapes are more loose and easily pass. More often swell feet feet. The nephrotic edema of the legs accompanies the swelling of the face and the lower back, more merged and occurs more often.

  • Hepatic cell insufficiency

Medicinal swelling legs

If a banal allergic edema is in touch, which can develop in response to the reception of drugs and is accompanied by redness and, there is still a mass of clinical situations where the drugs are guided in the swelling of the lower extremities.

  • Glucocorticosteroids - prednisone, prednisone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone
  • Calcium Antagonists - Diltiazem, Nifedepin, Amlodipine, Verapamil
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds are the most likely causes of swelling on the legs. At the same time, they can work as a trigger for an interstitial jade.
  • In addition to these funds, estrogens, testosterone, methyldop, beta-blockers, hydralazine, clonidine, minoxidil, diuretics, monoamicoocidase inhibitors, thiazolidinedons used in the treatment of diabetes are used in the treatment of diabetes, can be given.

Causes of lymphatic edema

  • The lymphidem itself can develop, as an innate disease, when edema appear at the earliest age, or by the mechanism of acquired pathology.
  • The primary process is also distinguished by Tard lymphedema, congenital and family lymphedem
  • Secondary syndrome in the program of other diseases - lymphoma, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, as well as when scarring or blocking lymphatic vessels as a result of operational interventions, radiation therapy or bacterial infections.
  • In the chronic process, in addition to the dense swelling of soft tissues, thickening and cutting of the skin of the legs are observed, as well as its brown staining due to the deposition of hemosiderin. Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out according to the results of lymphoscintigraphy.

Lymphatic swelling occurs when the lymphatic fluid is accumulated in tissues due to problems with lymphatic vessels, as well as after the removal of lymphhauses. Due to the lack of treatment, the stagnation of lymphica prevents the healing of skin defects and can contribute to infection of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ulcers. Such edema often appear after the removal of lymphhauses in the groin area or after irradiation of oncological patients.

Rare causes of feet edema

In this group, there are exchange disorders that change the oncotic pressure plasma pressure mainly due to sharp or chronic losses of different protein fractions.

  • Fasting, enteropathy

Enteropathy in chronic enteritis, Crohn's disease, Girshprung disease, Bury Bury violates suction processes. Against the background of atrophy, the pears of the mucous and frequent chair occurs insufficient suction of the protein and its significant transient losses, which leads to the dispensenemic edema. Such a picture is observed in prolonged starvation, as well as inadequate rehydration therapy on the background.

  • Hypothyerio

Myxedema is a consequence of the extreme drop in the level of thyroid hormones. That is, it is - in which the exchange processes of proteins are violated, mugin and albumin accumulate in the intercellular space, and water is accumulated according to the pressure gradient. For myxedema, tight ("mucous") swelling, in which a fume is not formed when pressing. In addition, patients have dry skin, hair lone and nails, loss of the outer edge of the eyebrows, the swelling of the face, inhibition and drowsiness.

  • Restrictive pericarditis I.

These diseases proceed with the development of an overpowering tissue in the myocardium and cavity, which violates the bloodstream and leads to stagnant heart failure, in the program of which there is a feet of foot swelling.

  • Congenital vices of the development of veins and iliac veins syndrome are the most rare causes of edema on the legs due to venous insufficiency.

Why legs swell in the evening

During the day, the heart shakes blood from the center to the periphery. In all cases, when the venous return is difficult, some of the blood does not have time to return to cardiac chambers and plasma hesitates into the intercellular space, lingering in the tissues. Therefore, by the evening, the legs swell and heaviness appears in them. If in the morning it was possible to easily put on narrow shoes, then by spending a whole day on the legs, you can in the model shoes and do not fit.

Why women swell their feet

A large number of women has a hunt syndrome associated with the peculiarities of the hormonal cycle.

  • In this case, the swelling of the legs can develop as menstruating ladies in the premenstrual syndrome program against the background of the level of progestin
  • so in women in marshy or postmenopausal, as idiopathic swelling.
  • For idiopathic edema, water delay in legs, hands and face in a vertical position is characteristic. The swelling is combined with depressive syndrome and increasing body weight.
  • Feet swell after childbirth in cases where the pregnancy provoked the development of venous insufficiency or caused phlebotomability or thrombophlebitis.

Causes of men's edema

  • The main cause of feet edema in men is chronic venous insufficiency, which is most often families.
  • In addition, the swelling of the legs can occur with a long static load or severe physical work on the background of large losses of the liquid from then.
  • In the same way, the mechanism swells the legs in the summer in the heat with insufficient drinking load, close shoes or sports.

The second version of nonpautological edema or pastosity is swelling of a forced position when water flows into those areas that are most susceptible to gravity. Such a phenomenon is observed in wheelchairs forced all day to sit with lowered legs.

Feet swelling is not a harmless symptom. If he appeared, first of all it is worth contacting for competent diagnosis of its reasons for a surgeon or therapist. It is extremely incorrect to resort to various folk methods, such as cabbage leaves or cold baths before finding out all the circumstances that accompany swelling. If the legs swell strongly, the reason may be hidden not only in a state of vascular bed, but also in systemic diseases of vital organs.

Swipping in the feet and around the ankle - the result of the wrong distribution of the fluid in the tissues. So the body responds to disorder in the work of organs and systems.

What if you are tormented by strong legs of the legs?

There are several factors causing edema:

  • Venous insufficiency. The veins of the veins weaken, and the blood flow from the feet to the heart is broken.
  • Lymphidem. The violation of the functions of lymph nodes and blood vessels leads to a delay of connecting fluid - lymphs.
  • Thrombus. This is a blood cloudy arising in Vienna. The thrombus overlap the flow of blood from the leg to the heart, which causes swelling.
  • Heart, kidney disease, liver. Changes in the work of the internal organs lead to the delay in salt and water in the tissues.
  • Pregnancy. Slightly swollen ankles are a natural phenomenon for a future mother. But if the intensive swelling arises suddenly, accompanied by a headache, nausea, urine delay, you need to immediately cause ambulance. These may be signs of preeclampsia - complications, life-threatening mother and child.
  • Injuries, such as dislocations and stretching bonds of ankle joint.
  • Side effect of drug intake. Liquid delay provoke many hormonal preparations, antidepressants, pills from pressure and diabetes.

A physical examination is based on any of these diagnoses.

What to do with a strong edema of the legs?

You came home from work and feel that the feet are very swollen and hurt. Try to remove this state yourself. There are 4 effective ways to get rid of feet swells:

  1. Acupressure . Sit on the chair, relax. Press alternately 4 points in the back of the shin. The 1st - in the middle of the poned fossa, the 2nd - 10 cm below, the 3rd - in the middle of the leg, the 4th - at the bottom of the calf muscle. For each point, you need to put pressure with an effort for 3 seconds, then make a short pause.
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage. Sit on the floor. Mass the legs from the ankles up, knees. Do not prescribe, the massage should be soft. Behind the knees where lymphatic ducts are located, fright more. Pretty massage the area around the knee cup. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
  3. Gymnastic exercise. Lie on the floor, holding up hands and legs up. Make the feet and brushes in the air, as if shaking the water. Repeat 3-5 times 15 seconds.
  4. Healing oils. Lubricate the feet and ankles of almond oil or sweet grapefruit. Slightly massage, rubbing the oil, towards the knee.

These methods work more efficiently if the amount of salt is reduced in the diet and increase potassium volume. Products, richest potassium, - parsley, avocado, baked potatoes, bananas.

If you spend a lot of time at the wheel of the car, then you are not familiar with the problem of tired and elapsed feet, because of what the driving process is of pleasant threatening to turn into painful. Is it possible to avoid edema if you have to go driving far and long?

How to avoid leg edema driving?

For travel driving clothes loose clothes

When going to a long trip behind the wheel of a car, try to dress in comfortable and spacious clothes that do not throw out movements and not tight in order not to break the circulation in the veins of the legs and the abdominal cavity. Feet will be less tired and swelling if you try to do without dense jeans and narrow skirts, stocking with tight rubber bands and socks, migrating ankle.

Wear elastic stockings

For the prevention of fatigue and swelling of the feet with long trips, we carry elastic stockings. They produce the compression of the towing muscles, improving blood circulation in deep veins and warning the edema of the legs. If there was no compression knitwear at hand, and you will have a long-round trip behind the wheel of the car, use elastic bandages that help warn edema legs.

Apply anti-ebony gels

To improve the venous blood circulation and the prevention of edema, use the on the eve of long trips behind the wheel of anti-ejective gels and ointments (for example, "Troksevazin" and others).

Make exercises for legs during stops

To make the legs not tired and did not elapse, whenever possible, leave the car every 1-1.5 h and make a workout:

  • 1-2 world go, climbing on the tiptoe and dropping on the heels, make a few focate from the sock on the heel and back
  • spread and compress your fingers
  • rotate the feet from left to right and right left

Let's relax on the road

Set back in the back seat of the car and lie 5-10min with raised legs. Use the cooling spray Akileine (Monaco) Intens Freshness Spray (150ml - 136 UAH *). He will remove the swelling and fatigue in the legs.

According to phlebogogov doctors, it is desirable to be driving no more than 3 hours in a row to avoid feet edema and impaired venous blood circulation.

You go longer - you will be squeezing

According to the observations of doctors from the Medical Research Foundation (Koklahoma, USA), just for 1 H ride through the city streets, the man driving is stronger than a loader for a whole working day. The reason for such a phenomenon is that the driver behind the wheel is constantly in a tense sitting pose, and its body, especially legs, are experiencing a huge burden. Muscles of the legs are sharply reduced, the blood in the veins is stirred and becomes more viscous, its circulation slows down. These unpleasant phenomena are manifested by light numbness of the feet, spasms in the muscles of the legs and the feeling of strong fatigue in the legs. Prolonged destruction by the wheel leads to a cluster of fluid in the leg tissues and the appearance of edema.

Staying driving a car for more than 4 hours in a row in a row increases the risk of blood clots in vessels due to increased blood viscosity. Part of such a thrombus can tear off, move into easy and cause pulmonary artery embolism.

With frequent and long trips behind the wheel, the blood clots formed in the veins are increasing, as a result, the legs may even be rooted in a state of rest and with a simple touch to the tibia.

To avoid serious health problems after a long stay behind the wheel, do not neglect simple, but very effective means of preventing feet edema.

How to help tired feet at home?

If you drove a long time and feel that the legs are "buzzing" from fatigue, and the legs and feet took away, then on returning home let your feet relax and relax.

Pass 5-10min with raised legs - 15-20 cm above the heart level.

Remove fatigue and swelling with legs will help warm baths with apple vinegar or decoction of birch leaves, as well as with a rosemary salt for a bath GEHWOL (Germany) Badesalz.

Reduce swelling will help a light massage of the legs after a warm bath. Light circular movements massaging legs starting from stop and moving to the ankles and knees, then apply an emulsion to remove fatigue in the legs Gigi (Israel) Emulsion for Tired Legs.

Before bedtime, put a small pillow under your feet or roller to ensure the blood outflow and the disappearance of edema.

Prevention of edema legs

In order for the legs not to take off after long trips behind the wheel of the car, you need to strengthen the vessels of the legs and take preventive measures against edema:

  • Balanced nutrition with minimal fat and salt
  • Instead of coffee, drink green tea with hawthorn and leaves of lingonberries - they improve blood circulation in the foot vessels.
  • For the prevention of fatigue and leg edema it is useful to climb up the stairs.
  • Well strengthens the vessels of the legs and prevent swelling swelling swelling, as water puts pressure on the skin, not giving the vessels to expand, and swell their feet; Swimming the rumble is especially useful for strengthening those muscle groups that drive the driver driving.
  • Strengthen the muscles of the legs will help Stretching.
  • Instead of shuffles on the heel, the more driving, choose a heel shoes with a height of no more than 4-5 cm
  • Before bedtime, make foot baths with sea salt, coniferous extract or chamomile infusion.

Long trips are difficult to transfer. First of all, it is difficult to psychologically, to stop in one place without getting up. On the other hand, such tributes make themselves felt physically. The first thing suffers is the legs! And now it is not just about the unpleasant feelings in the legs, pain or itching. After a long ride, the legs are really somewhat increasing in size. Upon arrival at the destination, you can notice that the boots are a little hirked, although before that everything was in order. Is it only self-sucking really feet in long journeys? And if this is true, then why is there eats of legs after traveling and how to deal with this phenomenon?

As experts explain, the legs really swell and increase in volume, if the journey lasts 4 hours or more! According to physicians, such phenomena as a rule, do not have any negative health effects and quickly pass on their own. Legs swell for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, this is the minimum of movements and knees are constantly bent.
  2. Secondly, hot air on the bus or train aggravates the body. Blood vessels expands, blood circulation slows down, the veins lose their elasticity. And the heart becomes harder to pump blood on the system. In general, such an undesirable situation is obtained when the liquid falls into the tissue, and cannot completely get out of them.
  3. Thirdly, shoes (especially closely, closed and warm) does not allow the skin to breathe, it in turn increases swelling. And on the plane, besides, dry air, low pressure, which additionally aghesive the body.

How to fight

  • Get up and walk on the salon
  • Remove shoes, straighten your legs
  • Easy food: vegetables, fruits, berries.
  • Drink water, preferably mineral
  • Close boots on trips not to wear
  • Cigarettes and vodka do not take with you
  • Self-massage legs, constantly change the position of the legs
  • High down legs. Although there is no such possibility on the bus or train, sorry.

So, little important where: on the bus, plane, train or own car. From long journeys first and foremost feet suffer! Why swell legs after a long seating? Minimum movements, climatic conditions and from hot sneakers feet sweat. Doctors argue that such legs of the legs do not pose a threat to health and immediately pass on themselves. If they do not disappear after the trip and are accompanied by painful sensations in the muscles - then it is very desirable to go to the doctor for a survey.

Long-term foundation in a sitting position - the situation with which many people faces. Some hold most of the day in the office behind computers, others for specialized equipment, but they all fulfill their professional duties.

By asking why legs swell during sedentary work, not only the harm of such a situation should be considered, but also the risk of developing diseases leading to such a state. Everyone knows that hypodynamics harms health, but only a few know what to do to facilitate their condition after the working day and how to get rid of edema.

Why legs swell when you sit

The main factors leading to the fact that feet edema appear after a long seating:

  • flatfoot - a common disease that those who spend most of the time on the legs and those who have a sharp deficiency of the necessary load on the joints, the muscles of the legs are faced. As a result, the normal operation of the muscles is disturbed, which leads to the deformation of the foot, the fluid cannot fully move out of the tissues;
  • From the seating they receive those who incorrectly choose shoes, preferring model close or excessively wide pairs. This condition can be provoked by the wearing shoes on too high heel during sedentary work. Neglecting comfort for the sake of beauty also speeds up the development process of flatfoot. As soon as the correct shoes will be selected, the swelling will disappear;
  • thromboflevit. Eveniness becomes the first symptom that the varicose veins begins. Visually can already be seen a vascular mesh, discomfort appears, a small pain. Pressing a visit to the doctor can not, otherwise the state will be aggravated. The main means of therapy will not only medicine, but also the exercise, the funds of traditional medicine. Therapeutic complex requires coordination with the doctor;
  • even in most observed after a long ride by car, a long airfare, in which there was no possibility to take a convenient position;
  • problems in the work of internal organs and systems. In the pathology of the kidney, there is a swelling of the inner side of the legs, a century. Problems with intestines are added to the swinging of the limbs of the chair disorder. Heart pathology provoke the emergence of bilateral edema of the legs, in which the fabrics located above are exposed to the defeat. About the violation of the hormonal background signals the tenderness of the lower leg.

A sedentary lifestyle becomes one of the main causes of such an unpleasant condition.

Do not forget about the effect of proper nutrition, existence of excess weight on leg health. The swelling of the lower extremities can be associated with certain changes in the body: pregnancy, climax.

Often, a similar symptom indicates the development of problems with thyroid gland. It is important to take into account even the ecological situation around, the presence of bad habits.

The exact reason can be installed by a doctor after examining the patient and the analysis of the anamnesis. Often, this leads a combination of several negative factors to which few people pay attention.

Strengthening exercises

In the event that weak muscles are the cause of swelling from long seating, you need to do exercises for their gradual strengthening. Regular classes will allow to gradually get rid of swelling and discomfort in the lower limbs.

  • Scissors. Take a horizontal position and start moving by lower limbs, imitating scissors. Start with a minimum number of repetitions, gradually increasing the load.
  • Birch. Perform a rack on the blades.
  • Become on socks and make 20 squats, in which heels will not touch the floor.
  • Get on your knees. To donate as much as possible and right hand to get to the left heel, then repeat everything by changing your hand and leg. Make up to 30 repetitions.
  • Become smoothly, putting hands on the belt. Start in a rapid pace, pull the right and left heel from the floor alternately.
  • In the sitting position as close as possible to press to the body bent in her knees. To try to straighten the right foot as much as possible, return it to its original position, then left and repeat 15 times for each leg.
  • Lie down, put your hands behind the head, bringing the elbows to the side. Start lifting in turns of the leg, trying to pull the sock as much as possible. Repeat 15 times per foot.
  • Making a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the press and chest using dumbbells.

Regular performing simple exercises normalizes the outflow of lymph, the swelling will gradually disappear. It is favorable to the state of the legs will influence the occupation by any sport, but it is better to consult with the instructor to not harm health.

Folk therapy and hygiene

If legs swell from sedentary work, recipes for alternative medicine will come to the rescue and many people.

Their advantage in the absence of side effects.

It can not be suitable only in cases of individual intolerance to individual components of medicinal recipes.

  • Solodki syrup consisting of licorice roots, ethyl alcohol, sugar helps from legumes. The internal reception of the drug removes the swelling, cleans the lymphatic system, pulling slags, toxins. The result becomes an improvement in the operation of the urinary system. The protective forces of the body are activated, edema disappear, the skin is cleared. For reception should be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Funds with 1 glass of hot water. An hour after receiving this solution, envelope enterosgel, it has an additional cleansing effect. Duration of therapy 2 weeks. Take the tool 2 times a day at lunch and in the evening, regardless of meals.
  • The burdock is widely used in medicine for the treatment of a variety of diverse diseases, including swelling. To eliminate swelling, it is enough to use compresses from the leaf leaves. They must be pre-rinsed, and then applied to a damaged section for three hours by wrapped with a film for insulation. Also, to combat this problem, a mixture can be applied: 500 g chopped into the meat grinder of leaves connected from 0.5 liters of vodka and the same amount of honey. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed in glass containers, they insist about 2 days in a dark place. Take 1 spoon three times a day after meals.
  • Birch leaves also effectively cope with various severity by edema. For treatment it is necessary to assemble a bag of fresh leaves, put legs to the knee in it. Change the leaves after the limbs are very spoiled.

Contrast baths are suitable as hygiene procedures or. The duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes, with a contrasting bathing, it is enough to premise the limbs into water for 5-10 seconds. After the bath, it is necessary to massage the bottoms of the legs from the foot to the knee. The swollen areas need to pour, and at the end of the massage to stroke.

Medicinal products

To combat edema in modern pharmacology, many different ointments, creams have been developed. Usually, with eats associated with sedentary work:

  • Dotion 1000;
  • Thrombocyde;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Cream "Sofya";
  • Cream "Chestnut and propolis";
  • Thrksevazine gel;
  • Trocserutin;
  • Menovazin;
  • "Juniper" cream balsam;
  • Gapatobin;
  • NEEScin;
  • Lioton gel.

The choice of funds depends on the individual characteristics and is selected by the attending physician after the passage of inspection and diagnostic measures.

Compression knitwear

If a person begins to disturb the appearance of swelling, it is necessary to choose a compression knitwear in the form of stockings. Such clothes contribute to improved blood circulation, helps to distribute the load rendered to the feet, which is favorable on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Binting legs

Compression linen can be replaced with an elastic bandage. It needs to be covered on foot, starting with the field of fingers and ending in the thigh area. The tension should not be too strong. You can wear such a dressing during the day, and shoot at night, and be sure to be a little before bedtime. Bint helps protect the limb from the formation of stagnant phenomena, excessive veins expansion.


Light gymnastics is better prevention if legs swell. Experts recommend to resort to her daily, especially in the evening at the end of the working day.

  1. Locate several small items on the floor (a conventional handle or pencil suits). Sit on the chair and try to raise these items with your fingers.
  2. 2 minutes walk on tiptoe.
  3. 10 times do the exercise "Birch", "Bike".


If during the sedentary work there was a swelling of the legs, especially in the zeni area you can resort to massage.

Before the leg procedure must be prepared, heated them.

For this, contrast or baths using medicinal fees. After that, the massage begins with the fingertips on the legs, ending in the knee area. It is not recommended to knead a cup and a fallen cavity. Movements must be smooth.

In addition to massage, there is a simpler option - to moisten in cool water with a small amount of salt towel. To be confused by the feet, and then use the cream.

Compresses and letters

What else can be done if legs swell, when you sit for a long time, it is to use compresses and row from products that can always be found at home. For the first recipes, fresh cabbage sheets will be required. Have to take:

  1. 2 sheets boil them a couple of minutes;
  2. remove out of water, allow excess liquid to drain;
  3. put them between thin layers of the fabric, try to stroke a hot iron;
  4. put sheets in a container, pour olive oil, insist 60 minutes;
  5. an hour later to get, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice;
  6. fix on the foot at the place of edema with the help of a bandage. Leave compress all night.

The compress from raw potatoes is another effective folk remedy. For cooking, you should thoroughly wash a couple of tubers, then grate onto the grater along with the peel. The resulting mass is evenly distributed on the leg at the place of the edema, to fix the gauze well. Remove the compress in 60 minutes.

Every evening you need to carefully wipe the legs in the places of edema ice cubes. It should be remembered that there should be no long and aggressive exposure to cold.

Sitting work negatively affects the state of the whole organism. If first it is unnoticed, then over time the manifestation will be exacerbated, and the swelling of the legs will become one of the main reasons to change its habits.

To prevent this one, you should remember a couple of simple recommendations:

  • wearing comfortable shoes, eliminate high heel, replacing it with a more stable "Vienna";
  • during operation every 60 minutes, get up from the table every 60 minutes, just to warm up, make a pair of rotation in the footsteps, actively move your fingers. The minimum charge will eliminate the stagnation of the liquid;
  • try to reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • do not drink a lot of coffee, sweet drinks, especially after 18:00, making focus on clean water;
  • regularly arrange hiking, in your free time to play sports;
  • it is necessary to monitor weight, because extra kilograms increase the load on the legs;
  • the first-aid kit must be ointments to eliminate swelling, if necessary, we have to wear compression stockings;
  • try to avoid poses, throwing down leg legs, because it accelerates the development of varicose veins;
  • it is necessary to diversify meals, adding as much fresh vegetables, fruits, useful varieties of meat and fish;
  • during the evening rest, put a small roller under the feet, it will allow tumidity to quickly disperse;
  • if necessary, undergo coursework 2 times a year, visit the doctor.

The problem has arisen much easier to prevent than to cope with its negative consequences.

Feet edema - the problem of many people spending most of the time at work in a sitting position. The reduction in physical activity is negatively reflected in the state of the whole organism. Foot health needs to be maintained, control, because the joy of free movement can not be replaced with nothing, and it is very difficult to return it, do not forget about it.

Edema is not a disease, then why legs swell? This is a physiological reaction and manifestation of various pathological conditions. The most common causes of swelling the ankles and the heads are circulatory disorders. Often swells in pregnant women, people with overweight, injuries. In the initial stages there are mainly aesthetic problems.

If nothing is done, then the swollen lower limbs create more and more obstacles in everyday activity. Diseases for which constant swelling are characteristic are serious, they require drug therapy. Consider the most common causes and treatment methods.

Physiological swelling is easier when in the heat, after a long standing, a feeling of gravity appears in the ankles. Less than swell her legs closer in the late afternoon and night. Swipe the fingers and top of the foot, pain, feeling of tingling and cutting in caviars appear. After rest, the condition is normalized.
Ankles and shins swell in 20% of the population due to the pathologies of venous or lymphatic systems. Upon swelling of the feet of various origins, specific symptoms may differ. Manifestations also depend on the load on the lower limbs, the time of day, the stage of the disease.
What is swelling legs, which symptoms accompany this condition:

  1. In the tissues of the lower limbs, liquid is delayed.
  2. Heaviness occurs, stiffness in the ankle region.
  3. There are a sense of tension, pain in the legs.
  4. At the end of the day or at night, convulsions in the icy muscles can begin.

How to determine why legs begin to swell? It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of signs. It should be molded if the ankles and legs remain swollen after rest, the skin is thinned, it acquires a blue shade. Many know what any feet of legs are dangerous. The combination with a sudden shortness of breath, pain in the chest, a rapid heartbeat characteristic of a thrombus in the lung vessels.

Why legs swell

The reasons for the swelling of the lower extremities are diverse. These may be diseases of vessels and hearts, in which blood or lymphatic fluid accumulates, pressured on vascular walls. In these cases, legs swell because molecules come out of the vessel in the surrounding tissue. Some diseases lead to an increase in the permeability of veins walls, accumulating water in the body.

Resistant swelling on the legs, their causes and treatment is better to discuss with the therapist. The specialist will pay attention to the fact that the strengths swell the ankles and shins only on one limb. If necessary, the therapist will send to the phlebologist. With double-sided swelling, they also appeal to the cardiologist.

Under some diseases and states, the lower limbs swell:

  • thrombophlebitis, helms, varicose veins;
  • protein insufficiency (hypoproteinemia);
  • renal failure;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • lymphidem;
  • injuries.

The possible reason why legs began to swell, is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space due to the violation of the lymphatic drainage. This happens when the development of lymphatic vessels, bacterial, fungal or viral infections occurs.

Depending on the cause, various types of feet edema are characterized as heartfall, venous, allergic, drugs, etc. Protein variety - a sign of malnutrition, alcohol abuse. Various body departments swell under cirrhosis, as the liver plays an important role in metabolism. Other causal factors: hypovitaminosis, deficiency of minerals.

Feed their feet after eating in disruption of protein suction due to chronic inflammatory bowel disease or gluten intolerance. If the level of albumin is reduced, the liquid is accumulated between the cells in the tissues.

Diabetes often swell the lower limbs, therefore the name "Diabetic stop" appeared. This is a typical symptom of a constant increase in blood sugar content and damage to the vessels. Reception of modern drugs and control of glucose levels make it possible to avoid the amputation of the fingers or the entire foot.

Wearing shoes on high heels is accompanied by the appearance of edema of stop and legs. The fingers are compressed, the veins are overloaded, muscle contractions increase, the load on the bone increases. Not only swell the lower limbs, but also the joints are erased.

Thyroid disorders

The heavy manifestation of the endocrine violation is a thyroid mixture. There is a swelling of legs, faces, hands and feet. The skin becomes pale and dry, when pressing the dent plot, dents do not remain.

The primary reason for swelling legs is inflammation, tumor or other pathology of the thyroid gland. As a result, the production of hormones that affect the metabolic processes, digestion, the function of the nervous, cardiovascular and other organ systems are reduced. The initial symptoms include the slowdown of the heart rhythm, constipation, hair loss, weight loss.

Medication edema feet

Holding water in the fabrics of the foot and ankle is a side effect of drug intake. If one leg evelated or both, then the reason can be drugs that change proteins and mineral substances in the body. Some drugs violate the water-salt balance, make it difficult to remove the liquid from the tissues.

The limbs may be felt when taking the following drugs:

  • preparations for the treatment of hypertension: diuretics, calcium channel blockers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NSAIDs or NSAIDs);
  • hormonal preparations, estrogen containing contraceptives;
  • corticosteroids (glucocorticoid, GKS);
  • antidiabetic agents.
  • antidepressants.

Diuretics are diuretic products that stimulate the removal of salt and water by the kidneys. There are often swelling of the legs during self-change of dosages. Then, instead of removing the fluid, the reverse process takes place.

Rheumatism and rhemokarditis

With rheumatism, dry skin dryness, cooling and formation of the limbs are noted. The joints of the legs are stronger in the morning with a combination of cardiac deficiency with the development of nephrotic syndrome. Reception of drugs does not help get rid of symptoms.

It is important not only to know why, but also to observe how the legs swell in the morning in the morning. Usually, the skivets or knees are amazed symmetrically, the lymph nodes increase. Characteristic features are the "wandering" pain of foot joints in the ankles and knees, an increase in temperature.

Revmokartit - the defeat of the heart muscle as a result of infection by beta hemolytic streptococcus group A. This is the main pathogen of angina in adults and children over 3 years old. Heart disease can be the reason that various body departments swell.


Flebit - inflammation of surface veins. A more accurate name of the disease - thrombophlebitis. The inflammatory process develops in the vein wall, a thrombus may form (not necessarily). The lower limbs swell, sensitivity appears when touched, hardening along the affected vessel.

The phlebitis develops as a result of the wrong blood fence or the installation of the catheter for the introduction of solutions, during injuries and insect bite. The legs are more often swell down due to the inflammation of the veins if there is already a varicose extension. There are many other reasons, for example, an increased tendency to coagulation and a slow blood flow, hereditary predisposition to thrombosis.

Other platelets continue to be precipitated around the blood clot. The lumen of the veins is blocked, the blood is given according to other vessels, which creates increased pressure. Among the consequences of this process are varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (helms).

Swelling of feet in heart failure

Hearts of cardiac origin features a number of signs. The skin is thinning, becomes dense, "lacquer". Strong edema of the feet and ankles, the severity in the legs are manifested in hot weather. There is a weakness, heartbeat is rapidly, shortness of breath appears at rest. After pressing, a deep dent remains on the feet of the foot, the skin is slowly restored.

With diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart failure, the right atrium does not create a full absorption force. Initially, the thickening of the stop and the ankles is observed only in the evening, the shoes becomes close. Then the pressure in the vessels increases, the blood stagnation occurs, the lower limbs are stronger. The liquid is also accumulated at the bottom of the abdomen.

Change circulation leads to a violation of the heart rate, loss of sensitivity and numbness of the limbs. Pathological processes are usually developing unnoticed for a person for a long time. Characteristic symptoms appear when there is a serious illness.

Venous insufficiency

In the body of the liquid are inside the cells, in the intercellular spaces and in the vessels. In venous disorders, blood is stirred in the limbs. Additional portions of the liquid penetrate the surrounding tissues.

At which interrelated states and diseases of the veins, legs swell:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • deep veins thrombosis;
  • phlebitis.

Chronic insufficiency is more often preceded by surface veins thrombosis, sometimes circulatory circulation in the arteries. Feed legs downstairs, in the foot, and legs in men in the dysfunction of venous valves. It is noticeable of dents from the gum of socks on the skin. Vascular cobwebs and mesh red, blue or purple appear.

The cause of eldeled legs in women is also helming. Risk factors are hormonal changes, pregnancy, excess body weight, muscle weakness.

Enhance the risk of venous diseases:

  • hereditary predisposition to varicose veins;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • age older than 50 years;
  • sedentary work;
  • pregnancy.

With the further development of the HSD, the edema is preserved during the daytime, pains are joined, itching. The skin often acquires reddish color with a blue-violet tint. Fabrics can be inflamed, ulcers appear in the ankle and the heads.

Diseases of the liver

The initial stages of hepatitis, fatty dystrophy and cirrhosis proceed asymptomatic. There are no pain receptors in the liver, it is capable of functioning while maintaining only 20% of hepatocytes.

What legs swell, if the liver is affected? The organ clears the blood coming through the petrose vein. When replacing the parenchyma, the connective tissue occurs stagnation, the pressure in the venous system increases, the bloodstream is worse in the lower limbs.

Why can leg and belly be swollen down? The patient liver is not able to produce proteins, enzymes and hormones necessary for normal metabolism. The binding and removal of water decreases. More fluid accumulates in lower limbs and abdominal cavity.


Legs swell below in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot and shin in pathologies of the glands of internal secretion, hormonal and metabolic disorders. Common endocrinopathies are manifested by an increase in individual parts of the body and internal organs, muscle weakness and fast fatigue. Rare hormonal disease - Cushing syndrome - is also accompanied by the swelling of the lower extremities.

Diabetes contributes to the development of thrombosis and swelling of the soles of the feet, which causes the dieting of the tissues of the legs and requires surgical treatment. The high level of blood sugar is dangerous for capillaries and larger vessels. Blood pressure rises, atherosclerosis is enhanced. The cause of edema is also associated with diabetes of kidney disease.

Renal pathology

There are several reasons why legs swell in the morning: glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, urinary tract infection. With these diseases of the kidneys, metabolism is broken, water-salt balance, hormonal background, blood pressure are changed.

Minor tumors of the feet appear as an early symptom, in the future they spread to the thigh. Pain in the lower back, hypertension. Permanent edema on the legs occur as a result of a cluster of fluid during chronic renal failure.

Capable to cause kidney pathology Metabolic diseases such as gout. Various factors ultimately lead to nephrotic syndrome, which becomes the cause of persistent edema of the face and legs, and requires long-term treatment.


If legs emitted after tanning and sunburn, the reason is chemical and physical irritation of vascular walls. The protective reaction lies in the fact that more fluid from the veins is highlighted in the surrounding tissues.

Fabrics swell due to venous and / or lymphatic vessels during operations, injuries. The tumor increases with an increased load on the lower limbs after stretching, dislocation, fractures. The appearance of thickening can be caused by severe pathologies in which surgery is required.

Can leg advantage in the hernia of the spine and vertebrae? Symptoms depend on which department is amazed. The pathology of the lumbar spine is affected by the pathology of the lower extremities.

Allergic reactions

The impact of a chemical or other stimulus is the reason that legs, brushes, lips or eyelids sharply emitted. An increase in the size of individual organs is the acute angioedema edema (s). The skin remains pale or blushing, itching occurs.

If the child has elapsed legs, then the reason may be allergic reactions of immediate type on drugs, insect bites, food, pollen and plant juices. What are the stains and blisters on their feet, why is there an angioedema edema in adults? The most prone to such reactions people with hereditary predisposition to allergies.

The development of acute respiratory failure occurs more often when swelling on the face, compared with swelling of the legs or hands. If the patient does not assist, this state can lead to death.

Varicose disease

The legs in the footage of the foot sweat are much more often swell. At first, the deterioration of the state of the veins is almost no felt. By evening, the severity and swelling of the ankle appear. Muscular pain is enhanced with long sitting or standing, walking. Speakers under the skin of the heads "nodes".

Varicose becomes a natural result of a decrease in the elasticity of the venous wall. At the same time, the valves are deformed inside the vessel. Usually these processes are intensified in the middle and old age. In the risk group there are patients with endocrine disorders, overweight.

There is a "zero" stage of varicose disease or phlebopia. This is "varicose veins without varicose veins." Blind veins are not visible, but heaviness and pain at the end of the day are already felt. An objective study also does not identify pathology in the vascular wall.

The reason for the progression of the varicose veins, when swelling appears, dense blue nodes on the legs, is considered the process of aging tissues during life. Congenital predisposition to this disease is less common.


Chronic disease caused by metabolic disorders. The reinforcement of proteins occurs on the background of reducing the ability of the kidneys to carry out urinary acid. The crystals are postponed in the tissues, there is a feet numbness, edema arises.

Lymphatic swellows

When you sit with a long trip, swell your fingers, the back of the foot, the ankle on one or two legs? So there are disorders in the lymphatic system. In the primary lempshot of edema on the legs, there are a consequence of excessive accumulation and difficulty of the outflow of lymphs from vessels. Without treatment, the tumor increases from the periphery to the center, the limb becomes shapeless.

Treatment methods

If the legs swell a long period of time, then the patient needs to visit the doctor and carefully comply with the recommendations of the specialist. Varicose veins will require the use of some medicines and procedures, allergies or gout - others. The doctor will explain what you can remove swelling on the legs, how to avoid complications.

All directions are important: pathogenetic therapy, elimination of the most severe consequences and facilitating the symptoms of the disease. Treatment of diseases in which legs swell, should always be based on deliverance from the cause.

The doctor holds a primary examination, careful collection of anamnesis. Blood tests are prescribed, ultrasound, less often - computer and magnetic resonance tomography. The allergy test will reveal the possible causes of an unusual reaction. Some signs indicate that the limbs swell due to oncology. Then taking a sample of fabric.

Medication drugs

Various medicinal substances from feet edema with vascular diseases are contained in ointments, gels and solutions for applying skin. In more serious cases, tablets are prescribed to intake. If the lower limbs swell and hurt, they are applied anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Complex therapy varicose:

  • compression products (golf, stockings);
  • microcirculation proofreaders;
  • angioprotectors;
  • phlebotonics.

External means are most effective when the lower limbs are just beginning to swell in the early stages of the disease. Medicines normalize the veins tone, reduce their permeability and fragility. Thanks to the use of vetonic drugs (phlebotonics), heaviness in the footsteps are taking place, driving pain in the legs.

You can quickly eliminate pain and insignificant swelling with the help of ointments and gels Lioton 1000, Throcksevazin, Thromclone and others with a similar mechanism of action. The method of application is very simple - to apply the means and rub into the skin above the affected veins.

What medications and dietary supplements to receive inside, if limbs swell in varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency:

  • Phlebodia 600, Fleotic, Venarar, Detralex;
  • Trokserutin, Troksevazin, Ginkor Forte;
  • Askorutin, Vehoruturt;
  • Wenoplant, Eskusan;
  • Capillary.

The medicine from the swelling of the legs is taken inward to reduce the permeability of capillaries, improving venous blood circulation. The effect appears within 1-2 months.

Diuretic vehicle Veroshpiron helps with eats caused by heart failure, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, lack of magnesium and potassium. The active substance is spironolactone. When the doctor appoints Veroshpiriron during swelling of the legs, how to take tablets, you need to specify immediately. Dosages at various diseases differ significantly.

Diuretic products

Preparations of this group are appointed only on medical reasons. Diurnal remedies from leg edema increase the removal of fluid through the kidneys. Diuretics bind water and salts, improve drainage, reduce swelling.

A short period of action in drugs Lazex and Furosemide, they are appointed in emergency situations. Long diuretic effect in the means of hypothiazide. Veroshpiriron and Aldakton are considered the least harmful to the body. Digestors bring temporary relief, limited time apply.

Treatment at home

Mazi helps if they swell their feet and lower legs, and do not adversely affect the internal organs. Such means are more often used at home. Swells of legs arising against the background of injury or varicose veins are treated with a throksevazin gel. Analogs: Troxerutin and Throcksovenol.

Heparin facilities prevent stagnation of venous blood in vessels and blood clots. This is Mazi Dauchen and heparinovaya, cream from the edema of the legs of Lioton.

How to treat swelling of legs with inflammation of vessels and rheumatism? You can apply ointment with ibuprofen, diclofenac, nimesulide (ketoprofen, diclac gel). In the evening they make a light massage, helping to improve blood outflow and lymph.

Antihistamine tablets and syrups, therapeutic fluids, a solution for C / in administration help with edema of the legs of allergic origin. Also, anti-allergic treatment is appointed in cases where the legs are not only swell, but also flakes, crack.

Decorations and infusions of plants for reception inside:

  • infusion of leaf lumps, Tolokanyanka;
  • morse from cranberries and lingers;
  • carrot juice;
  • green tea;

In prepared infusions add honey binding excess fluid. Diuretic fees contain parsley, calendula, rowan. Folk remedies are often powerless against the cause of the disease, so they complement the medication therapy.

Simple exercises against swelling

Alpha and Omega to preserve health - reasonable physical activity. The simplest exercises from edema on the legs: change body position and limbs, sports walking, walks during a lunch break and in the evening.

Strengthen the effect of treatment of edema of the legs of rotation or movement up-down with fingers and feet, transfer of the severity of the body from the heel sock and back. Supports vessels in tone another effective exercise - pulling the stop (you can perform sitting and lying).

Prevention of edema foot

We should always take precautions that will allow longer to preserve the elasticity of vessels. In order not to develop swelling of the legs, it is necessary to avoid narrow shoes, tosing clothes. Straight solar rays, overheating and supercooling, alcohol, too, can cause the limbs to swell.

If the legs swell, to which doctor to contact? They are recorded at the reception to the therapist, phlebologist, dermatologist. This may require consultations of other specialists. It is better to entrust the choice of medicines and the doctor's procedures. Only a doctor will be able to identify the disease and appoint adequate treatment.

If the swelling of the legs is not running, then the predictions are good. Treatment is usually long-term, so it is necessary to show perseverance and patience. Those who swell their legs should use ointments that improve the state of the vessels. It is equally important to get rid of the cause, against which the edema develops. It is better if the treatment of the disease will be integrated, combining drugs, exercises, water treatments and folk recipes.

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