Boiled bran. How to use bran correctly: the opinion of nutritionists, nuances, recipes

landscaping 30.06.2020

Today, on the free market, you can find a lot of substances that can bring great benefits to the body. Many of them are not expensive at all, but at the same time they have a powerful healing, preventive and therapeutic effect. Just such inexpensive, but very useful substances include bran. They are just the outer shell of the grains, which is removed from them when making flour. The topic of our conversation today will be wheat bran, the benefits and harms of them as a food product. I will also tell you on this page how to take them, consider the composition, what vitamins are contained in such a product and how a decoction of wheat bran is prepared (I will give a recipe for this).

The benefits of wheat bran

To date, various bran is actively recommended by many nutritionists and doctors, effective diets are based on their consumption, in addition, such a product helps to cope with a number of problems in the gastrointestinal tract. However, improper or prolonged use of such a product may cause harm.

Wheat bran is an amazingly useful product for people suffering from problems in the stomach and intestines. Its main value is the content of a significant amount of fiber, which helps to cleanse the walls of the gastrointestinal tract from toxins, toxins, fecal stones, mucus, etc.

To make this process as efficient as possible, bran is advised to be steamed or consumed along with a significant amount of ordinary drinking water. Moisture helps to increase the volume of such a product, and in a swollen form it will move through the digestive tract. This fiber is a wonderful cure for constipation.

In addition, nutritionists claim that bran helps to optimize the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which makes them especially useful for those prone to heart and vascular diseases, and for atherosclerosis that has already developed. Such a product helps to reduce the fragility of blood vessels and improve the heartbeat. Its consumption helps to optimize and even improve the functioning of the heart, prevent arrhythmias and cleanse the vessels of already formed atherosclerotic plaques. Among other things, wheat bran remarkably reduces body weight (when used correctly). They should be included in your diet for diabetics.

Such a product helps to cope with dysbacteriosis and prevent its development, but only if consumed in moderation. Wheat bran helps maintain women's health, normalize estrogen levels, prevent breast cancer, endometriosis, etc. For men, this product helps maintain prostate health and maintain male strength.

Bran is a source of a certain amount of useful elements. So they are rich in phosphorus and potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. In addition, such a product contains a number of vitamin substances, among which there are especially many vitamins B3 and B5. They also contain slightly less vitamin E, B6, B2 and B1. Wheat bran contains very little vitamin K.

Such a product also contains a certain amount of unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6, which have a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism, especially on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the digestive tract.

But the most useful component of wheat bran is still fiber, which makes up 43% of the total volume of the dried product.

About how to cook wheat bran, cook a decoction

To prepare a general strengthening decoction based on wheat bran, it is necessary to brew two hundred grams of such raw materials with one liter of boiled water only. Boil such a remedy on a fire of minimum power for an hour, then strain. Cool the prepared broth a little, then add honey and freshly squeezed juice from one lemon to it.

If you suffer from constipation, then bran (a couple of tablespoons) can be brewed with one glass of hot milk. Boil such a remedy for a quarter of an hour on a fire of minimum power. Take half a glass of the resulting remedy twice a day. Such a medicine will also help restore the body after serious illnesses.

To speed up recovery from pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis, it is worth brewing four hundred grams of bran with two liters of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Sweeten the finished product with honey or burnt sugar and drink instead of tea or coffee throughout the day.

About who is dangerous wheat bran, what harm from them

Wheat bran and medicines based on them are strictly contraindicated in patients suffering from diseases of the stomach or intestines, which include gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and colitis. It is worth noting that excessive intake of such a product can cause hypovitaminosis, since bran can cleanse the body not only of toxins and aggressive substances, but also of useful elements, including calcium.

Therefore, it is important to know how to use them without harm. How much to use wheat bran, how to take it with benefit?

Nutritionists have found that no more than thirty grams of bran should be taken per day. By day is meant not only the time from morning to evening, but the whole day. Dry product is not recommended. Start taking bran with a small amount - with a teaspoon three times a day. Next, gradually bring the amount of the substance taken to a tablespoon at a time.

Wheat bran prophylaxis can be continued for up to six weeks. After the daily dose should be gradually reduced, and then completely cancel the reception.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


In the department for diabetics, on the shelves of supermarkets or in a pharmacy, you can always find a package of oat bran. Such a product is not very in demand by buyers, since people know little why this secondary product of grain grinding is needed. However, not so many food products can boast of such a rich composition.

What is oat bran

A by-product of flour production. However, this does not mean that it should be sent to animal feed. The main advantage of the product is fiber, presented in an easily soluble form. What is oat bran? The shell of the grain, which is removed before flour milling. It contains all the useful and biologically active substances of cereals given by nature. In its structure, the shell is similar to small sawdust. The color varies from brown to cream, depending on the grind. Oat bran flour is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins PP, E, B9, B6, B2, B1.

What is the difference between oat bran and oatmeal

Bran is a dense shell of oats. Flakes are a product obtained by cutting the grain into thin plates, peeled from the shell and husk. In terms of the amount of nutrients, both products are not much inferior to each other. Oat bran differs from oatmeal in that they provide more vitamin K and E, phosphorus, potassium and iron, but lose in zinc. For those who lose weight, the advantage is that the oat shell, when it enters the stomach, is not digested, but swells, acting as an adsorbent. Flakes saturate the body with carbohydrates more, so their calorie content is higher.

Oat bran - calories

Processed oats are a favorite among Dukan diet followers because they are low in calories. The base of the oat shell is 20% fiber, lycopene, unsaturated fats, protein, amino acids. Calorie content of oat bran - 246 kcal per 100 grams of dry product. For those who are losing weight, high calories compensate for the ability of the shell to absorb a lot of fluid, quickly saturate and mechanically affect the intestines.

How many carbohydrates are in oat bran

Although this dietary product contains many carbohydrates, almost all of them are insoluble fiber. It is not absorbed or digested, so calories come into the body exclusively from fats and proteins. The carbohydrate content in oat bran per 100 grams of the finished product is different and depends on some factors that are used in the production:

  • granulated product "Lito" contains 61 g;
  • Dr.Dias natural bran from a German company - 16.6 g;
  • "Siberian fiber" - 45.3 g
  • crispy oat shells Dietmark - 43.8 g.

Oat bran - benefits

Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, fiber works in a complex way, sweeping out all unnecessary and superfluous. It nourishes the body with useful elements, and then leaves it and takes with it a whole lump of dirt, helping to cleanse the intestines of toxins. The benefits of oat bran cannot be overestimated. This wonderful product swells in the stomach, quickly causing a feeling of satiety, so it is successfully used in dietetics. Fiber prevents fats from being absorbed and deposited, as it stimulates peristalsis.

An organism cleansed of toxins spends energy much more actively. Benefits of regularly eating oatmeal shells:

  • slowing down the absorption of calories;
  • excretion of cholesterol;
  • purgation;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • improvement of immunity.

Oat bran for weight loss

Judging by the reviews of losing weight, fiber is very important in the process of weight loss. It quickly causes a feeling of satiety, reduces the absorption of dietary fats and sugars. Nutritious oat bran for weight loss lowers cholesterol, improves metabolism, and in terms of useful fiber content, they can compete with oatmeal itself. Dietary fiber absorbs fats, glucose and carbohydrates, preventing the body from absorbing them, which contributes to weight loss.

The load on the pancreas is relieved, and acidity is maintained in the intestines. This insures against hypoglycemia, which can develop during the diet period. The biggest plus from the use of a dietary product is a healing effect when losing weight, because obese people often have a violation of lipid or carbohydrate metabolism and related pathologies: diabetes mellitus, heart disease, blood vessels.

How to use oat bran for weight loss

To lose weight quickly and look gorgeous, you need to eat fiber properly. During the reception, you must remember three rules:

  1. To drink a lot of water. If you use oat bran for weight loss and do not drink enough liquid, then they will be poorly digested and will not bring the desired result. Water is a necessary element for the product to swell.
  2. In order not to harm the body, do not exceed the norm (3 tablespoons / day). If the dose is too high, then the body will respond with flatulence, diarrhea, heaviness and bloating.
  3. The stomach should be accustomed to this type of food gradually. Between cycles of receptions should take breaks of several weeks.

Oat bran with kefir

The most popular dish among those who lose weight. According to their reviews, oat bran with kefir has an excellent property to quickly relieve constipation. A fermented milk drink saturates the cleansed intestines with prebiotics. Such a dish will not only clean the digestive tract, but also add health. At home, preparing it is as easy as shelling pears: 1 tablespoon. fiber, pour 200 ml of kefir (fat-free). Consume every morning instead of breakfast and/or dinner.

Oat bran porridge

This dish is recommended not only during weight loss, but also for people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, because the product is rich in potassium and magnesium. Not all people can afford to eat seaweed, dried fruits or nuts every day, but preparing healthy porridge for breakfast will not be a problem. This will be an excellent prevention for the work of the heart. Oat bran porridge recipe:

  • take 1 tbsp. l. fiber, pour 200 ml of milk (low fat);
  • add 1 tsp. sugar substitute, a pinch of salt;
  • milk should be brought to a boil, then slowly add the dry product, stirring;
  • cook porridge for only 2 minutes, then let it brew for the same amount of time to thicken.

oat bran diet

Adherents of rational nutrition believe that sometimes you need to resort to a 2-3 day diet on oat bran to improve the body. It is necessary to purchase dry (not in granules) fiber from oats. You need to start taking it with a small dose - 1 tsp, eventually increasing to 2 tbsp. l./reception. 15 minutes before a meal, a portion must be steamed in boiling water and allowed to swell, after which bran is added to the dish that was going to be eaten. Sample diet menu:

  1. Breakfast. 200 g homemade yogurt.
  2. afternoon tea. A glass of kefir or curdled milk.
  3. Dinner. 200 g of soup with vegetables, 100 g of boiled chicken, 150 g of buckwheat porridge.
  4. Dinner. 200 g of cottage cheese.
  5. Before bedtime. A glass of sour milk drink.

Oat bran - contraindications

Any excess can be harmful to health. If you use fiber without measure, it is easy to get a long-term gastrointestinal upset and other troubles. It is also not recommended to use oat shells for people with inflammation of the digestive system. Absolute contraindications of oat bran are gastritis or an ulcer in the acute phase, adhesions or erosion on the gastric mucosa. You can not take medicines while eating fiber, as it absorbs all the active substances from them. The interval between doses should be at least six hours.

Oat bran - reviews

Susanna, 46 years old I always buy bran from oats - they help to improve digestion. I take it to cleanse the body of toxins, so there are no problems with the stool. However, I didn’t know how many calories were in oat bran, and when I noticed, I was surprised, not so few! Although they have an ideal BJU ratio, I will use less so as not to get better.
Vladislav, 35 years old He became so addicted to fiber intake that he got prolonged diarrhea and stomach pains. It was later that I learned that the optimal dose of oat bran, which is not capable of causing harm, is up to 30 g / day. Now I'm thinking about how to replace them. Brother-athlete advised me to switch to buckwheat. Croup, unlike coarse fiber, has a more gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Natasha, 19 years old Oat fiber saved me from headaches. Enough to make them a porridge on the water, and eat in the morning on an empty stomach and the head stops hurting. The fact is that I am hypertensive, and when the weather changes outside, the pain is hellish. Oat bran has the ability to dilate blood vessels, so it is effective in hypertension.
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Oat bran according to Dukan is an important factor in weight loss. However, many followers of the French doctor are baffled by the question: “How to take them”? Chewing raw is problematic. With what to cook - it is not clear. How to calculate the rate? Let's try to figure it out. You can’t ignore the advice of a famous nutritionist, because he knows exactly how to lose weight!

For a long time in our country, fiber was considered a useless pacifier. It's hard to imagine, but it was purposefully removed from food! The logic was simple: since some substance is not digested in the stomach, then there is nothing for him to do there.

Times have passed, nutritionists have changed their minds, and fiber has been rehabilitated. Today, in pharmacies and health food stores, whole rows of boxes of bran flaunt, which the same nutritionists now recommend to eat. What exactly are they useful for?

  1. Bran contains many useful substances. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium and many other elements give us health and vitality, and vitamins A, B and E prolong youth.
  2. Other important trace elements, which are abundant in this product, enter the bloodstream and cleanse it of cholesterol plaques and excess sugar.
  3. Bran has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.
  4. In the stomach, they absorb toxins and harmful substances, preventing their entry into the body.
  5. Moving along the digestive tract, swollen bran cleans off undigested food residues and so-called slags from its walls. It’s like you go over your intestines with a hard sponge for dishes over and over again, but carefully and painlessly!

But bran, like any product, it is important not to abuse it. Each of the three corresponds to a certain amount.

  • Attack - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Cruise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Stabilization - 2.5 - 3 tbsp. l.

Do not think that increasing the dose will provoke accelerated weight loss. Most likely, you will get only constipation or bloating. Do not experiment, listen to the wise advice of Dr. Dukan!

Bran - which one to prefer?

Barley, wheat, rice, rye, buckwheat ... There are almost as many types of bran as there are cereals themselves. Should you focus on any one of them when you have such wealth at your fingertips? Yes and no. Variety never hurts, so adding a teaspoon of one or another type is not forbidden. You just get more useful minerals and vitamins. But the basis of weight loss is still.

How to introduce bran into the Dukan diet?

There are many options.

  • Brew with boiling water or warm milk, let it swell slightly and eat. Tasteless, but simple.
  • Add to yogurt or kefir.
  • Cook with porridge.
  • Pour into cottage cheese casserole.
  • Mix with minced meat.
  • Use as a breading for meat dishes. For example, for .
  • Add to salads during the "Cruise" - the second stage of the Dukan diet.
  • Bran recipes are also suggested to be introduced into the dough for bread, tortillas, cookies, pancakes or ... pizza.

Bran porridge according to Dukan

You will need:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1.5 st. l. oat bran;
  • 2 tsp sweetener;
  • vanillin or cinnamon;
  • optionally add 1 tsp. wheat bran.


  1. Place a saucepan of milk on the stove and heat it up.
  2. Whisking constantly, add all of the above ingredients.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil.
  4. Wait a couple of minutes and pour the almost ready porridge into a plate.
  5. Let stand a little more. And take your food.

Another way to use Ducan's famous oat bran is to lightly fry it in a skillet with finely chopped onion and stir it into the finished buckwheat porridge. For those who don't like sweets, this is a great option. In addition, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil per diet are allowed. But when frying, use it to a minimum!

Dukan: bran flatbread

A bran cake or biscuit is a very useful invention. It can be eaten instead of bread. You can spread or liver pate and make a sandwich. Can be used as a pizza base! It would be fantasy.

You will need:

  • 1.5 st. l. oat bran;
  • 1 tsp wheat or any other;
  • egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. kefir;
  • half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 30 g of hard cheese;
  • some greenery for beauty;
  • salt.


  1. Whisk the egg.
  2. Add bran and kefir.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Combine with dough along with baking powder, salt and chopped herbs.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
  6. Let cool and cut into serving pieces.

Dukan bran bread

As soon as you master cooking porridge with bran and baking cakes or, for example, Cookies according to Dukan, go to recipes more difficult. And if you are already an experienced cook, then without prior preparation you can cope with dietary bread. It's not difficult at all.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 st. l. wheat bran;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • egg;
  • 10 g yeast;
  • salt or sweetener if you want sweet bread.


  1. Mix yeast with warmed milk.
  2. Whisk the egg with salt or sugar. Add to milk.
  3. Let the mixture stand for 10-15 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, grind the bran with a coffee grinder and pour into the milk and egg mixture.
  5. Mix gently, transfer to a baking dish.
  6. Leave for 45-60 minutes for the dough to rise.
  7. Bake bread for three quarters of an hour in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  8. Let cool and you can easily remove a fresh loaf from the mold.

Video recipe: another bread option for the Dukan diet

It is necessary to introduce bran into the diet gradually - since there are very few natural dietary fibers in our food, the body needs to be given time to get used to them. It is categorically impossible to act according to the principle “you can’t spoil porridge with butter” (which is especially sinned by ladies who are tuned in to quick weight loss) - this way you will not be able to lose weight or improve your health, but constipation, bloating and pain in the abdomen will be inevitable consequences of excessive zeal.

The initial dose is no more than 2-3 tablespoons or 10-15 grams per day.

Bran requires a lot of liquid. It is by contacting with water and increasing the volume by 2-3 times that dietary fibers acquire their beneficial properties. The lack of fluid will lead to the fact that dietary fiber will “get” it from the intestinal contents, instead of normalizing motility, causing constipation. Non-granulated bran is best prepared in advance: “steam” with boiling water or hot broth, or mix with milk, yogurt, kefir and let it brew, thus turning it into a proper and healthy breakfast.

In the same way, instead of dry breakfast, you can use Lito granulated bran with different flavors. Many people add them instead of croutons to soups and salads - in the latter case, again, you need to remember about a sufficient amount of liquid.

If the body normally perceives the first portions of bran - there is no bloating, constipation, pain - you can gradually increase the portions, bringing them to 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day. The maximum allowable dosage for weight loss or body cleansing is 60 grams (12 tablespoons per day). In such quantities, bran can be consumed from 4 to 12 weeks in a row, during this period the results were obtained in most of the studies mentioned. After that, it is better to reduce the dosage to the 25 grams per day recommended by doctors, and use it constantly as a component of proper nutrition.

Many people are forced to take medication for life. Since bran is a natural sorbent, the interval between meals with this supplement and the medicine should be at least 2 hours. Or take the medicine on an empty stomach no later than half an hour before a meal. If among the drugs there are means to normalize intestinal motility (for constipation or diarrhea), it would be right to consult a doctor and adjust the dose, and possibly even cancel them.

Recipes for proper nutrition

Bran can be eaten not only as an independent dish, but also added to cereals, casseroles, minced meat dishes. By the way, 3 - 4% of bran by weight of minced meat will not only enrich ready-made cutlets, meatballs or meatballs with dietary fiber, but also make them softer and juicier, retaining moisture during cooking. Bran is recommended to be added to the breading, again, to keep all the juices inside the dish. And by adding them to flour, you can make baking healthy and less high-calorie.

Here are a few recipes for preparing delicious and healthy dishes (the weight of the ingredients is calculated for 1 serving):

Pumpkin casserole with rice.

Grate 120 g of pumpkin on a coarse grater. Boil until half cooked 30 g of rice. Mix pumpkin, rice, add 10 g of bran and 30 ml of water, salt. Bake in the form for 25 - 30 minutes, then grease with sour cream and return to the oven until golden brown.

Vegetable pudding.

Dice 1 potato. Grate 1 carrot on a coarse grater. Add 10 g of bran and 80 g of cauliflower inflorescences. Salt, cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Pancakes from cottage cheese and bran.

Mix 2 tablespoons of bran, 1.5 tbsp. l. soft fat-free cottage cheese, 1 chicken egg. Fry in a preheated non-stick pan, pouring all at once or dividing into 2 pancakes (depending on your preferred servings) until golden brown.

Cutlets from potatoes and bran.

40 g of bran pour 40 ml of milk, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Boil 200 g potatoes in their skins, peel and crush. Add 10 g of butter, 1 egg and prepared bran to the puree, mix well, salt to taste. You can add onion fried until transparent (to taste). Form 3 cutlets, roll in 10 g of bran (breading)), cook in a pan or in the oven

Wheat bran is a rich source of dietary fiber. However, to get these beneficial properties, you need to know how to take wheat bran. In addition, they are usually sold raw and are not suitable for consumption without prior heat treatment.

Fiber-rich foods reduce the chances of developing common stomach ailments. Basically, fiber helps digestion and maintains its normal functioning. But a lot depends on the type of fiber that comes from food.

There are 2 types of fibers: soluble and insoluble. Wheat bran belongs to the second type. They help lower cholesterol levels, maintain blood sugar levels, and also boost the immune system. And they also act as a kind of brush for the body, helping to eliminate harmful substances.

In addition, it is a natural and healthy food that helps to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. And the presence in the composition of the necessary vitamins and minerals will complement the diet and improve well-being. If we consider the benefits of seeding for the body in more detail, you can find out that it:

Until recently, few people knew about the benefits that were hidden in such an unappetizing product as bran. Apparently, in vain.

Beneficial features

Any doubts left? There are several other key properties of wheat bran, the benefits of which will be appreciated if you suffer from:

Studies have shown that diets containing wheat bran protect against the development of colon cancer. They help get rid of harmful carcinogens that can cause tumors to form. As an insoluble fiber, they also ferment in the colon to form short-chain fatty acids that feed beneficial gut bacteria. In addition, wheat seeds are a concentrated source of antioxidants and phytochemicals that effectively fight free radicals. It also reduces the risk of development and growth of cancerous tumors.

Which ones to choose

To date, finding bran is not a problem. They are sold in almost every store or pharmacy. Often they come in two types - ground and extruded.

Ground is a completely organic product that has not undergone industrial processing. Thanks to this, all important components are preserved in such bran without significant losses. However, there is a small risk of developing fungus and other dangerous microflora in such a product. But this can be avoided by choosing trusted brands that comply with all rules for storing and packaging food products.

Extruded bran is obtained by forcing the ground through small holes. And also in the process there is a heat treatment. Thus, granules, flakes and other forms of this product are produced.

Although processed bran is easy to digest, ready to eat and convenient to take with you as a snack, mechanical processing leaves its mark. Therefore, there are also disadvantages:

  • the content of vitamins and minerals decreases;
  • all kinds of additives to stabilize flakes and granules, as well as flavor enhancers significantly increase the final calorie content of the product.

Each type has both its disadvantages and advantages. But they are not so significant if you adhere to the norms of consumption and storage rules. For example, you won’t have to give up the pleasure of crunching cereal on the road if you calculate calories correctly. In addition, it is still a useful product.

Contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of wheat bran largely depend on the characteristics of the body. If for some people, including them in the diet will lead to significant improvements in bowel function, then for others it can cause serious exacerbations. Therefore, it is not recommended to take bran if there are such diseases:

  • chronic and acute ulcer;
  • colitis and enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

And there are also rare cases of grain protein intolerance. In such cases, the consumption of seedlings can lead to unpleasant allergic reactions.

In addition, with the constant use of bran without special indications, it can lead to hypovitaminosis. Since, along with harmful substances, seedings also deprive the body of useful substances. Therefore, if you do not want to feel a sharp decline in strength and malaise, you should not add them to a low-calorie diet.

Cooking rules

There are several important recommendations on how to consume wheat bran. First of all, they must first be soaked in water for 35 minutes. For best results, it is advisable to change the water every 10 minutes. When everything swells, you can finally drain the water. The resulting product is supposed to be eaten in its pure form 20 minutes before meals. They can also be added to prepared meals.

It is worth remembering that any heat treatment contributes to an instant decrease in nutrients. In addition, the addition of bran to the diet requires an increase in fluid intake to at least 2 liters per day.

Help in losing weight

Without a doubt, wheatgrass is very effective in losing weight. First of all, they have a low calorie content and help speed up the metabolism. But their main function is that when they enter the stomach, they swell, filling most of the space and thereby muffling the feeling of hunger.

Wheat bran for weight loss how to take. Before eating, they need to be poured with kefir and wait until they swell. You need to eat the resulting porridge before each meal. If you do this every day, you can significantly reduce your food intake and get rid of extra pounds.

homemade recipes

The best way to get your daily dose of fiber is to cook meals with the addition of wheat milling. You might be surprised how varied the use of one simple product in dietary cooking.

The simplest and most common bran recipe is a decoction. To prepare it, you need to steam some wheat and leave it overnight. Then filter the liquid and add honey and milk thistle tincture to it.

For breakfast, you can cook nutritious bran porridge. It is allowed to boil the porridge over low heat for 10 minutes. You can add some of your favorite fruits and a pinch of sugar to it. You can also sprinkle warm toast with bran.

Plain pancakes can become more useful if replace regular flour with whole wheat flour. Add some sugar, baking powder and salt to taste. Then mix everything with eggs and milk until a dense dough is obtained. The frying technique does not differ from the original and should not cause difficulties.

Of course, no one expects that there is a place for baking in a healthy diet, but in vain. Here, for example, is a recipe for muffins with bran:

That's how easy it is to use wheat bran in ordinary cooking, replacing harmful products with healthy ones.

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