Press cubes for 30 days at home. How to pump up the abdominals to "cubes" in one month

Engineering systems 10.10.2019
Engineering systems

If your grueling workouts don't bring any results, while skinny guys have the desired abs without any effort, don't despair. Decisiveness, hard work and perseverance will help you get nice abs. Leave your traditional workouts behind and try our really working tips and exercises to get the abs of your dreams.

To pump up the press is not enough just to perform a set of exercises. It is difficult to get relief cubes when they are hidden by a large layer of subcutaneous fat. If you are already a thin person, it is enough to find good complex exercises and give muscles expressiveness. With dense people, things are a little more complicated.

In this article you will find a complete complex to pump up the press in a month at home to cubes. Leave the classic crunches behind and try our work tips and exercises to build abs in 30 days. Determination, hard work and perseverance will help you get sculpted cubes with our superior workouts. We also recommend that you see how it strengthens, which will improve the quality of life.

The most common question is whether it is possible to get six pack abs in a week or two. There is no such thing as fast abs - it's all consistent exercise, proper diet, and increased calorie expenditure to burn belly fat. Get a nutrition and exercise plan together and follow them for the next 30 days to see a good and noteworthy result.

Most people, wanting to get six pack abs, start doing hundreds of crunches a day. But very often it doesn't work. The reason is simple. Make no mistake, crunches can be effective because they can not only tone but also tense your abdominal muscles. but one who does not remove fat from the abdomen will not be able to draw abs cubes.

Hanging leg raises stimulate abdominal activity more than crunches.

So how do you get abs? What workouts, exercises and activities are the most effective? Exist effective steps, which can help you highlight the press as quickly as possible.

The fastest way

Below are effective methods how to quickly tone your abs:

1 Diet

Do you think if you work hard at gym, then you can get the press cubes? It doesn't matter how many squats and crunches you do per day, without the right diet, you won't be able to get results. Therefore, someone who works hard trying to release the press should eat 3 servings standard size and snack between each meal. Include carbohydrates in your diet. This does not mean that you should eat french fries, pizza, pasta, cookies or bagels. Eating 1 serving of complex carbohydrates – such as whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner – is something that can bring success to your abs. Snack on protein-fortified foods such as cashews, almonds, nut butter, low-fat yogurt, and walnuts.

Are you looking for best plan diets for drawing six-pack abs as quickly as possible?

2 Cardio

Another important factor for those who want to lose extra pounds and find abs is to lose excess weight. You can do this quickly if you add cardio to your workout.

Swim, run, bike at least three times a week for thirty minutes and stay active 5 days a week. Take advantage of interval training to shape your body.

3 Power training core muscles

Power training - The best way achieve abs cubes and the final stage in achieving a molded abs. Crunches work best for upper abs. But you also need to tighten the muscles of the lower and oblique abs. This can be obtained by raising the legs. Lie down on a mat or bench and place your feet on the floor. Stretch your legs so they are parallel to your body. Raise your legs slowly and then slowly lower them back to the starting position. Perform 5 sets of twenty lifts every day.

Do the following exercises:

Twisting with dumbbells: Lie on your back on the floor or mat with your knees bent. Hold light dumbbells in each hand, stretching them out to the sides. Exhale and slowly tear your head off and upper part body from the floor, pulling the dumbbells above the legs to the ceiling.

Getting abs pack requires both muscle contraction and fat loss.

Reverse crunches with band low: For this exercise, you will need an expander tape, which should be attached low to the wall or tucked under the sofa. Put the tape on the toes of both feet. Lie down on the floor. Exhale and bend your knees towards your shoulders. Inhale and slowly lower your legs to the starting position.

Folding twist with ball: Place the ball firmly between your legs. Lie on your back on the floor. Keep your feet off the ground, knees bent. Place your hands at your ears in a twisting position. Do a double crunch, lift your shoulders off the ground and bend your knees to your chest. Inhale and lie down in the starting position.

Great workout for getting the press in 30 days (per month)

Maintain and tone your core muscles with these great 30 day ab workouts. Do the exercises 3 times a week for the next month. You can do them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember that pack abs require changes in reps, rest periods, exercises, and weights used.

Should be done:

  • Leg raise for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Scissors 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Leg swings 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Plank 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Reverse crunches 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Mason twist 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest.

Do 4 rounds of exercises. Take 10 seconds of rest between exercises.

How to quickly highlight the press at home: Motivation exercises

The abs are the hardest part of the body to shape. The only way to get abs is to eat less fat and do cardio. Don't have enough time to go to the gym? Pump up the press at home. You can build strong abs if you learn to eat right in addition to abdominal exercises.

If you are training at home, here are a few great exercises to start:

  1. Twisting for 4 counts- 10 repetitions.

As you perform the exercise, think about lifting your shoulders off the ground or mat as you crunch.

  1. Twisting- 10 repetitions.

When crunching, you don't have to lift your entire back off the ground like when you sit down. Only the upper back needs to be torn off. Lie down on a mat, floor or carpet. Hold your arms to your head or cross your chest. Use your abs to tear your shoulders off and hold them up. Exhale as you descend.

  1. Circular twists- 10 repetitions.

Get into a crunch position. Bend your upper body to the left for the left circle and to the right for the right circle. For easy execution, make small circular movements. To add complexity, do large circular motions.

  1. Reverse crunches- 12 repetitions.

Begin the exercise with your knees in line with your hips. Bring your knees to your chest and then slowly return to the starting position. Use your arms to support your sides.

  1. Bike- 10 slow reps, 8 fast reps.

Bend your knees to your chest, lift your left knee and turn your right shoulder towards your knee. For a complete repetition, switch legs and repeat on the other side.

  1. Straight Leg Raises- 10 repetitions.

Start the exercise with your knees in line with your hips. Raise your knees to your chest. Then stretch your knees up. To complete the rep, lower your straight legs to the mat. For extra stress, keep your hands under your lower back.

  1. Stretching the press- hold for 30 seconds.

Draw out the arms and legs. Tighten your abs as if pulling your fingers and toes towards opposite walls. Try to take a deep breath.

  1. Stretching the oblique muscles- hold for 30 seconds

The exercise is performed in a sitting position. Bring your right leg up, keeping your feet flat on the mat. Wrap your left leg around your right and bend it to the right. Breathe deeply. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

  1. side plank - hold for 30 seconds.

Position your elbow below your shoulder. Raise your hips, balancing on your feet and elbow. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

  1. Hip lift- 8 repetitions.

After the plank, lie on your back on the floor. Raise your hips up towards the ceiling. Then lower them to the floor.

  1. Swimming– 10 slow reps, hold, 8 pulsing.

Stretch your legs and arms while lying on your stomach. Then lift the opposite leg and arm, and slowly lower. Repeat the exercise on the other side until a complete repetition.

Would you like to get sculpted muscles in a month? Speed ​​up your result with this .

99% of the time when people don't get the abs they want, they're making poor food choices, eating too many calories, or both. Record your progress. Record not only your sets and reps, but also keep a food journal. Recording your daily progress is extremely important. Why? This allows you to look back and edit your plan.

Abs - you see them on billboards, in movies and magazines. Remember, getting the dice you want requires complex tactics. If you think that hundreds of crunches and lifts will lose your fat, then you are wrong. Building a muscular belly does not require many hours of training. Quality is what matters. Try to do the exercises for the press correctly.

When I see the attempts of the visitors of the gyms in the training of the press, tears well up in my eyes. Honestly. Because they tense everything - their egos, their hips, their arms, their neck, their deep psoas - but not their abs. And it’s good if they only strain, and not injure.

At the same time, there are dozens of exercises to choose from for training the press at various angles, with the help of various auxiliary tools, blocks, dumbbells, simulators - it is easy to get lost in such an abundance and, it would seem, it is difficult to form a working scheme for the development of abdominal muscles. Some especially stubborn comrades even set aside a separate day for training the coveted cubes and sausage them for an hour in a row. Sometimes several times a week. But often to no avail. Why is that? Let's figure it out.

Training the press and its manifestation are two different things.

First, let's define terms and realities.

Only with the help of exercises alone you will not see your abs, at least rock with it. In order for cubes to appear, it is necessary to reduce the percentage of fat in the body to at least 10-12%:

Physical exercises form the volume of the rectus abdominis muscle and its shape. Again, only partly. The number of cubes - 4.6 or even 8 - is pure genetics. Their location - symmetrical or asymmetrical, shape - squares, rectangles, etc. - all this is also genetically set parameters, which cannot be corrected.

Moreover, even the press is not responsible for a flat stomach. It is quite possible to have a noticeable and protruding belly with cubes of a hypertrophied rectus abdominis muscle standing out on it. To get a flat stomach, you need to train the transverse abdominis muscle, and this is a completely different story, which I have already told:

There is about how to see your press, so we won’t get hung up on this moment. I will only note that it is impossible to achieve hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles during the period of fat burning - completely opposite processes.

In this article, we’ll talk specifically about training the press to make it impressive, deep and voluminous without spending a lot of time on it.

The most effective abdominal exercises

There are only two of them in several variations:

  • twisting(on any flat surface, on a fitball, on an inclined bench, on a Roman chair without fixing the legs);
  • reverse crunches(on a flat surface lying on your back, on a Roman chair, on bars or from a hang).

Moreover, any of them makes the entire press work completely, and not separately the lower cubes and the upper ones. Anatomically, this is a single muscle, the bumpy appearance of which is formed by tendon constrictions. The difference between the exercises is only in the emphasis - in the first case there is more tension in the upper part of the rectus muscle, in the second - in the lower one.

The name of the exercises reveals their essence - you must TWIST! Imagine that during the execution you are curling up, while the back should be rounded. The range of motion is short, keep your hands in front of you in the case of twisting. By no means behind the head, since people in this position instinctively begin to pull themselves by the head, trying to facilitate movement, which is fraught with injuries in cervical region spine.

During the reverse hanging twisting, the legs are bent at the knees and raised so that the angle between the thigh and the abdomen is 90 °. Next, raise your bent legs up to your chest, again, twisting.

What happens if you raise your torso evenly with a arched lower back in twists, or if you rise too high? You strain not the press, but hamstrings, partially quadriceps And iliopsoas muscle. The last moment is especially dangerous, since the spine is loaded too much, which can lead to injuries (protrusions and even hernia), not to mention muscle pain and “clogging” of the back (it costs a “stake”).

By raising your legs straight in reverse crunches, you are similarly tensing your hips and iliopsoas, overloading your spine and exerting too little pressure directly on your abs.

Vividly and clearly errors in movements during a press workout are shown in this video:

As for the technique of performing the exercise, I recommend paying attention to the video Yaroslav Brin(9:30 - twisting, reverse twisting on the bench - 18:15):

Do I need to specifically pump the oblique abdominal muscles?

No no need. They get enough load while doing things like this. basic exercises like squats with a barbell on the shoulders, in deadlifts and deadlifts, military presses and other movements when it is necessary to stabilize the body under the influence of weights. Under the same conditions, the press and extensors of the back are very noticeably loaded.

The only condition - try not to use a weightlifting belt at light and medium weights, when you are still able to retract and control your stomach. The belt is put on only when it becomes problematic to control the stomach, and it simply falls out. In my case, these are squats with a weight of more than 120-125 kg and a deadlift with a weight of more than 140 kg.

Don't forget your lower back

For the health of the spine, the harmonious development of the muscular corset and its balance, in addition to the press, it is necessary to train the extensor muscles of the back. This is done through exercises such as hyperextension, « Superman" or " boat», « Good morning » partly deadlift and deadlift.

All these exercises are well demonstrated Steve Cook in the video below (starting from the 13th minute, before that, a bunch of ab exercises for those who have few twists):

Girls, what not to do if you don't want to ruin your waist

Do not train the external obliques with weighted lateral bends (dumbbells, kettlebells, or a block) and do not do lateral bends in a hyperextension bench. Especially when using sports pharmacology. Otherwise it will be like this:

How and how often do I download the press

My own ab training practice is quite simple and takes 15 to 30 minutes a week. I usually do 3-4 sets of crunches of 20-25 reps and a couple of sets of reverse crunches after the main workout two to three times a week.

In addition, as mentioned above, I use a weightlifting belt only on large scales in basic movements. Before that, I force the core muscles to work to the maximum.

As for the weight of the burden, in ordinary twists on an inclined bench I reach 30 kg - I hold a dumbbell at my chest in front of me. Naturally, the first approach is without weight, the second is 10-16 kg, the third and fourth I take weight for 20 kg. That is, as in any other exercises, I increase the load gradually.

That's all - no separate workouts for the press and dozens of various exercises.

A beautiful and embossed press is the dream of any man who plays sports. To get athletic cubes, you have to try a lot, but in principle it is possible. Moreover, it is not necessary to visit gyms - we can achieve good results at home, having good motivation and some free time. Also very important correct scheme pumping the press for men, which we will talk about.

How long and how often do you need to exercise to pump up the press?

An important question is how often to download the press for men, and opinions on this can vary greatly, and even among experts there is an active debate. Some believe that in order to pump the press, you need to perform exercises every day so that the muscles are in good shape all the time.

Other athletes, when asked whether it is possible for a man to pump the press every day, answer in the negative, believing that daily loads negatively affect the muscles and deplete them, which makes it much more difficult to achieve the desired results.

In practice, it turns out that best option for men - alternate active loads of the press and perform "refreshing" exercises. So, one day you can seriously pump the abdominal muscles, and the other - perform general exercises for muscle tone or pump other muscle groups.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

The abdominal muscles, in fact, work with any exercise, but they work a little less with loads of the shoulder girdle. Therefore, it is better to combine the days of active pumping of the press with the pumping of the arms, and on another day, for example, devote time to the legs. If your initial goal is precisely to find the relief of the abdominal muscles, then for example, the scheme for pumping up the press for men may look like this:

Day 1- work with the press;

Day 2- we work out the shoulder girdle;

Day 3- swing the back and lower limbs.

And so in a circle. Through these exercises, you can keep yourself in better physical shape.

Regardless of how many muscle groups we work out, the optimal duration of a workout is 1-1.5 hours. If it is more, then the body will get very tired, the muscles can lose energy, not withstand loads and become exhausted, so pumping up the relief can be problematic. Long-term training is more suitable for men who want to lose weight, but even here you need to approach this issue carefully so that it is fat that is burned, and not muscle mass. You can use protein shakes while working.

If the workout lasts less than an hour, the body will not warm up to the required level. Of course, now there are special interval workouts that allow the muscles to tone up faster, but it is still recommended to practice longer and more measuredly so that you can better feel the functioning of the muscles.

How to organize the process when pumping up the press?

To pump up the press in 30 days, it is rational to create a table. For men it will be suitable option, since the algorithm of actions will always be in front of your eyes. You can create your own table or use the numerous ones presented on the network. At the same time, one should not forget that the loads must be rationally distributed. It is necessary to give time for rest - the muscles are not iron. good option there will be high-intensity loads for three days, then one day of rest, and so on throughout the entire period.

Pumping the press in 1 month is difficult task. Results can only be obtained if systems approach to workouts. In addition to exercises for the press, regular cardio loads, a balanced diet and sleep are necessary. In this case, it is very likely to have good results after 30 days.

Sports component for pumping up the press in men

Now you need to consider in detail a set of exercises in order to know for sure how to pump up the press:

  1. Classic straight press. The legs are bent at the knees and are under the fixing surface (partner, sofa, Swedish wall, table), the back is even, the arms are under the head. Flexion and extension is performed completely (from the floor to the knees). 3 sets of 40 reps.
  2. Bench press. The position of the body is similar to the early one, but during the bench press, the body turns in both directions so that the elbows almost touch the knees, and at the very end the forehead is brought to the desired point. The return stroke is smooth without any swings. 3 sets of 30 reps.
  3. Legs behind the head. The body is spread perfectly evenly on the floor, arms along the body with palms down, the neck is relaxed. The task is to throw your legs behind your head, while only the waist bends, and all other parts of the body remain perfectly even. 3 sets of 50 reps.
  4. Squats. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight, heels do not come off. During the squat, the knees are slightly apart to the sides for convenience. This exercise highlights not only the muscles of the press, but also most of the muscles. musculoskeletal system. 2 sets of 50 reps.
  5. Embryo. The exercise is complicated, although it looks quite simple in appearance. Initially, a perfectly even position is taken, arms crossed on the chest. During the exercise, you need to bend the body in the lower back, while the upper and lower halves rise by 25-30 cm. The exercise is done slowly, because of which the muscles quickly make themselves felt. 3 sets of 30 reps.
  6. Push-ups on the hands. Exercise is contraindicated for people suffering from problems of cardio-vascular system or pressure, because there is an overload, and the effect is not so serious as to take risks because of it. 3 sets of 10 times.

Between each approach in the interval of 1 exercise, there is a break of exactly 1 minute, between exercises - 1.5 minutes. Do not overload the body, because. this will not benefit, and may even neutralize the effect.

Information for men

Cardio for the male press

To get the press in 30 days, you must definitely include cardio in your training course. Pumping only the press will not give an effect. Yes, the abdominal muscles will strengthen, but the layer of fat will not allow you to see it. The approximate share of cardio loads for the result to appear is from 40 to 60 minutes a couple of times in 7 days. Similar exercises are brisk walking, climbing stairs, jogging, jumping, cycling, etc. – can be carried out every day without problems. So, getting up early, you can go to work on foot, instead of taking the elevator - climb the stairs. It's in weekdays. On weekends, a great option would be to go for a bike ride closer to nature. Two in one - and a regular load, and a pleasant pastime.

The correct algorithms for pumping the press for men

In order to understand how to pump up the press in 1 month at home, you need to know correct algorithm and alternate loads. The ideal solution would be to do 3-4 high-intensity workouts per week. The rest of the time, actively work on burning the excess fat layer: the same cardio loads, nutrition. The more energy you use, the better the outcome. Abdominal exercises can become the basis for excellent bodily health. And in combination with the rest of the proposed requirements, they will allow you to have a toned body in excellent tone.

  • Warm up before your workout. A warm-up warms up your muscles, protecting them from injuries and preparing for further stress, promotes blood flow to the muscles, nourishing them, and allows you to focus on further training;
  • During exercises, keep your abdominal muscles (namely, the press, and not others) in constant tension;
  • Watch the amplitude, speed of movement and the correctness of your actions. In other words, follow the technique of the exercise. No need to use jerks and rebound off the floor in order to complete the coveted number of repetitions. Quality is more important than quantity!;
  • Do not rest while performing repetitions of one set;
  • Don't forget to breathe. Try not to hold your breath while exercising;
  • Focus your attention on the muscle being worked. If you are training the lower abs, direct your attention to this area. You should feel how it is worked out during the exercise. This helps to better understand correct technique movements, isolate muscles and relieve tension from accessory muscles.

How to pump up the press for men in 30 days-video

Squats at home are excellent exercises not only for weight loss, but also for firm and toned buttocks.

You can fully engage in these sports loads both in the gym and at home.

Squats for the buttocks (monthly program) in the form of a convenient table are perfect for beginners who can see the first results in 30 days.

The structure of the muscles of the buttocks

The muscles of the lower extremities, including the buttocks, are considered the most powerful of all. They consist of three departments.

  1. Closest to the surface of the pelvis, located large gluteal muscles. It is on them that the degree of roundness of the buttocks, their toned appearance and elasticity depends. Their main goal is to maintain balance, maintaining a strictly vertical position of the whole body.
  2. A little deeper, are medium gluteal muscles, which are responsible for the rotation of the legs, abduction of the leg to the side and for raising them.
  3. Deeper than these two types of muscles are located small gluteal muscles, which help large and medium perform their functions and equally affect appearance buttocks, their elasticity and shape.

Squat complex for the buttocks 30 days

Whatever type of squat you choose, you should do the exercises daily. Before starting this program, you need to master.

First you need to do a little warm-up. When performing the exercise, you must take the starting position - put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands either behind your head or in front of you. When bending the legs, the back should be straight, the pelvis should not be strongly tilted back, the heels should be firmly pressed to the floor. Inhale to lower, exhale to return to the starting position. Don't do it right away a large number of squats, you need to increase their number gradually.

Actually, a photo of the program itself for 30 days:

It is necessary to perform 4 sets per day. Between each approach there should be a break of at least a minute. Every day the number of squats increases. Every fourth day there is a break in order to give the muscles a rest.

If the loads are too light for your level of fitness, you can take up small dumbbells. For beginners, these are suitable, each of which has a weight of 1 kg. .

This program can combine different types squats, it is allowed to perform a new type of exercise for each approach.

Note! If you need a squat program for a week, just use the data for the first 7 days in the table above. Of course, a week is too much short term However, during this time you can bring the muscles into tone and accustom yourself to regular physical activity.

4 most effective types of squats for training at home

Consider the 4 best options.

1. Classic

Feet shoulder width apart, hands in front of you. The movements are slow, the back and neck are straight. Inhale when moving down, exhale when moving up.

See the video for more details:

2. Wide stance (Plie)

All the muscles of the buttocks work, these squats help to work out such a problematic part of the body as. The distance between the legs should be 1.5 - 2 times the width of the shoulders. Hands on the belt. Lowering down, we spread our knees to the sides so that both legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

See the video for more details:

3. Narrow stance

Help clean up body fat on the sides and strengthen the inner surface of the thigh. They are performed on the same principle as the classic squats, only the legs must be placed together, or spaced so that there is a small distance between them.

More on video:

4. Non-standard

Designed to give elasticity to the buttocks. These are single-legged squats, or cross-legged squats. When performing such exercises, it is important to maintain balance, keep your heels off the floor and monitor your posture.

Other movements for the gluteal muscles

You can not be limited to squats alone, be sure to add to the complex:

  1. And are considered especially effective for the muscles of the priests;

Very often they ask the question of how to pump up a beautiful and embossed press in 30 days, not only in the gym, but also at home, and is it possible. The answer is of course possible.

Within 30 days of our ab workouts, just 15 minutes a day, you will achieve excellent results.
Let's go straight to the topic of how to pump up the press in 30 days at home. There are three points associated with a beautiful embossed press:

  1. Physical exercise, cardio training, strength training.
  2. Vacuum
  3. Calorie deficit and proper diet
Today we will consider a set of exercises for the press at home. We advise you to complete it within a month. Spending 15 minutes on it in the morning.

To complete this complex, you will need a mat and a stopwatch. We will do five exercises in a circle. One circle will last five minutes, there will be three such circles. Accordingly, you will spend only 15 minutes a day in order to properly work out the abdominal muscles and achieve beautiful cubes by the summer.

A set of exercises - how to pump up the press in 30 days at home

1. Exercises: "straight twists"
Standard press exercises. It involves the rectus abdominis. We perform the exercises for one minute. We work at the pace of our respiratory cycle, do not rush anywhere. As you exhale, we lift as much as possible by contracting the abdominal muscles, as you inhale, lower yourself and relax your back.
Starting position lying on your back. We put the feet on the width of the pelvis, press the lower back to the floor. Hands on the back of the head, elbows pointing to the sides. The chin is pressed to the chest, looking forward. On exhalation, we raise the shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor, press the lower back to the floor as much as possible and strain the rectus abdominis muscle. On inspiration, we go down to the bottom, relax the abdominal muscle and control the position of the lumbar region. The back should be pressed to the floor at all times.

Very often they ask a question about the lower and upper press. There is no such concept. We have only one rectus abdominis muscle. Which is attached to the lower ribs. And oblique abdominal muscles.
Any abdominal muscle contracts on an all-or-nothing basis. That is, if you work with the “upper press”, then naturally the “lower abdomen” is activated in the same way.

There are different variations, respectively, different levers work and different level stress on the abdominal muscles. We will consider both the top and lower press.

2. Exercises: "reverse twists"
The second exercise of our circle is aimed at the so-called lower press. Starting position lying on your back. The elbows are directed to the side, the hands are on the back of the head, the lower back is pressed to the floor. On exhalation, we tear off the pelvis from the floor, the legs are directed to the ceiling, we raise the pelvis by strongly straining the abdominal muscle. As you inhale, slowly lower your lower back to the floor, vertebra by vertebra, and lower your legs diagonally at 45 degrees.

It is very important to control the muscles of the back, lumbar. Your back should be firmly pressed to the floor so that all the load goes exclusively to the abdominal muscles. And in no way did you injure your lower back. Let's move on to the third exercise in the complex how to pump up the press in 30 days at home and in the gym.

3. Exercises: "oblique twists"
We have already worked out the rectus abdominis muscle properly, now we move on to the obliques. The starting position is lying on the back, hands on the back of the head, elbows to the side, legs bent at the knee joints up to 90 degrees. On inspiration, we perform diagonal twisting, we direct the elbow joint to the opposite knee joint, on exhalation we perform a shift. We monitor the position of the lower back and the respiratory cycle.

4. Plank exercises

In our opinion, the most functional exercise. Because it involves the muscles of the press, muscles of the back, buttocks, arms, but the main thing when doing the plank is to pay attention to the technique of performing the exercise.

We go down to the position of emphasis while standing on our elbows, put our feet on the width of the pelvis, carefully monitor the lumbar region. You should have a straight back from tailbone to crown. One straight line. The abdominal muscles are in good shape, we breathe with the chest, the press is in good shape all the time, looking ahead. We hold the positions for one minute and then proceed to the last exercise of our complex.

5. Side Plank Exercises
We will do 30 seconds on each side. Nothing complicated, we just turn to one side. We focus on the elbow joint on the edge of the foot.

There are several variations. The simplest variation is when we perform exercises relying on the elbow joint and on the knee. A slightly more difficult variation is when we rest on the elbow joint and put our feet on top of each other, respectively, we stand on the edge of the foot.

In this exercise, it is very important to monitor the position of the lumbar region. Your pelvis should not sag. There should be one straight line from the shoulder to the heels. The abdominal muscles must be in good shape all the time. We breathe in the same way.

So the first round of a set of exercises came to an end on how to pump up the press in 30 days. After five exercises, we rest for one minute, gather strength, tune in to the second round. And we repeat two more such circles, in total there will be three. If you are a beginner, you can do exercises not for a minute, but for 40 seconds, each time increasing the time of the exercise.
In a month you will get a good result. If you also connect a vacuum daily to this. As well as proper nutrition, then in a month you will receive excellent result in the question of how to pump up the press in 30 days.

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