How to find out your overweight table. How to make excess weight

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems

Many people seek to lose weight, adhering to their own ideal standards. However, in the pursuit of the parameters of the figure, the top model or actress can be rearranged and harm the health of the body. Remember that the optimal mass of the human body is always calculated individually. Therefore, it is important to calculate the right body weight. There are several formulas for this, as well as a special weight and growth calculator for men and women.

Before talking about how to calculate the ideal weight, we note that each of us has an individual genetically predetermined magnitude of the optimal body weight. It depends on congenital features, the structure of the body. Therefore, any calculation of the weight rate is conditional.

What depends on the ideal weight of man

Before moving to the formula for the ideal body weight, it is important to understand which criteria affect the determination of the ideal weight of a person. First, it is half a person. The woman has a larger amount of fat in nature. Secondly, the type of physique (normostic, hypersthenik and asthenic). Thirdly, a significant role in the calculation of the ideal weight plays growth and age. For example, people after 40 years to lose weight is much more complicated due to the occurrence of the organism.

The hereditary factor plays the last role. If a predisposition is laid at the genetic level, it is much more difficult to get rid of extra kilograms. If you discard this factor, you can learn the weight rate in men and women with the help of various formulas, consider each of them more details.

Body Weight Formulas for Men and Women

There are various calculator weight and growth for an adult and adolescent, but the simplest and suremost way to calculate the ideal weight of the growth yourself. There are many formulas developed by scientists and allow you to learn weight by growth.

Brock formula

French doctor Paul Brock has developed a formula for weight ratio and growth, still considering one of the most universal. The formula takes into account not only growth, but also the physique (thin, normal, native) and age.

The formula of the perfect weight on the brock is as follows: height - 100. If a person has a thin body, you need to subtract 10%, and there is a centerous - add 10%.

If height is less than 165 cm, it follows 105, if above 175 cm - deduct 110. You should also take into account the age. People from 20 to 30 years old need to reduce the indicator that you will receive 10-12%. If you are over 50 years old, increase it by 5-7%.

Method Lorentz

Calculation of optimal weight for women: (growth - 100) - 0.25 x (height - 150).

The formula of the perfect weight from growth and age

Weight rate in women by age and growth: 0.9 × (50 + 0.5 × (growth, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Weight and growth formula for men: 1 × (50 + 0.5 × (height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Normal Weight and Growth Tables

In addition to special formulas, there are weight tables and growth for men and women.

Ketle index

We present the table of weight and growth rate for adults from 20 to 65 years. We draw attention, this calculation of weight and growth for teenagers, pregnant women, athletes and older people from 65 years old will not work.

The resulting result must be compared with the growth table and weight for girls and men:

Calculation of the perfect body weight of an adult kettle

This author has another table of perfect growth and weight, taking into account age and human body. To find out the ratio of weight, growth and physique, weight in grams divide on growth in centimeters. The result compare with the parameter in the specified cell, relative to your physique. The main criterion is to be honest before the assessment of the physique.

Example: We calculate the normal weight with a height of 175 cm, age 25, weighing 60 kg and normal physique: 60 000/175 \u003d 342, 8. This is a normal index for this person.

Weighing Table and Growth of Egorova-Levitsky

To calculate the weight for a man and a woman with this table, you just need to compare the data. Be careful, it is not the ideal weight for men and women, but the maximum. Also remember that the table shows the growth and weight of an adult from 20 to 69 years.

The same figure on the scales may have a different meaning. 80 kg with growth 190 cm is the norm. But the same 80 kg at 160 cm - already bust, especially for a woman. So on alone kilograms are not focused enough. Ideally, you need to take into account the growth, gender, age and lifestyle of a person. In this regard, to determine the norm and pathologies, use such a concept as BMI.

What it is

BMI is an abbreviated designation of the body mass index. In English it sounds like Body Mass Index (BMI). This is a parameter reflecting the degree of self-compliance and human growth. Allows objectively to evaluate whether he has extra kilograms, whether he suffer from exhaustion, or everything is in normal. Most often used in two cases.

Secondly, the CMT count is necessary in order to control its shape, adjust it and in case of deviation from the norm to take appropriate measures.

Generally accepted formula

The NMT formula, developed in the middle of the XIX century, is officially used, developed in the middle of the XIX century, sociologist and statistics from Belgium. It takes into account only two parameters - height and weight, which does not make it ideal for identifying superfluous or missing kilograms. Nevertheless, for many decades, it is used in medicine.

Looks like a formula for calculating ketle as follows:

  • m (weight) \u003d 80 kg;
  • h (height) \u003d 1.6 m;
  • i erect meters per square: 1.6 x 1,6 \u003d 2.56;
  • I \u003d 80/2. 56 \u003d 31.25.

On this, the calculation of the body mass index is completed: it is equal to 31.25. I remember this figure and compare with normal indicators, according to the table below.

Normal and deviation

On the official website of WHO, there is a special table in which the NORM is also indicated, and deviations. For it we are looking for which category we got with our i \u003d 31.25.

In a normal body mass index, we did not get, and the table shows no just extra kilograms, but obesity I degree (an overview of obesity classifications can be found).

So calculate the CMT and compare the data obtained with the norm is not at all difficult. The problem is that the formula is already outdated, and the Table from WHO does not reflect all factors. This means that the results may not be entirely correct.

For adults

Since the weight of gender and age factors affect the weight, there were tables for which it is possible to see the norm and deviations from it separately for women and for men, and even taking into account age. According to experts, the data is obtained more accurate and correct.

For men taking into account age

For women taking into account age

Depending on the floor only

Depending only on age

Everything that is below the norm is a body weight deficit. So, you need to urgently dial missing kilograms. If the result exceeds the parameter specified in the table for 5 units, you have overweight. If the difference is more than 5, it is worthwhile for qualified help, as we are most likely about.

For kids

To calculate the BMI for children, you will need the same formula, but the table, respectively, will be different. The child's metabolic processes occur much faster, and energy costs are several times higher than in adults. Therefore, it is necessary to use other rules.

For boys

For girls

Scrolls from 7 to 9 years are explained by the preparation of the body to transitional age and sexual maturation.

The regular definition of the BMI for the child allows parents to control its weight and timely prevent both exhaustion and the appearance of unnecessary kilograms (read about the features of child obesity).

Calculation of perfect weight

You can learn your ideal body weight according to various formulas that are used to calculate different parameters.

General designation (R height):

  • bornard index: R in centimeters x (multiply) for breast girth in centimeters / (divided) by 240;
  • breitman index: R in centimeters x 0.7 - 50 kg;
  • brock-Brookste index: for women R in centimeters - 100 - (R in centimeters - 100) / 10; For men R in centimeters - 100 - (R in centimeters - 100) / 20;
  • devinport Index: Weight in grams / R in centimeters, taken in a square;
  • corob index: It is necessary to measure the thickness of the skin fold near 3 edges (norm 1-1.5 cm) and at the navel level (norm 1.5-2 cm);
  • naviden index: R in centimeters x 420/1 000;
  • taton's index: R in centimeters - (100 + (R in centimeters - 100) / 20).

There is a small addition to the Brock-Brookst formula: after the result obtained, the wrist should be measured, and if it is less than 15 cm, we subtract 10% from the ideal weight; At 15-18 cm, we do not change anything if more than 18, we increase the ideal weight obtained by the formula, by 10%.

According to any formula, it is easy to calculate its ideal body weight. The main thing is to make objective conclusions after comparing the result obtained with real numbers. If the difference in both sides (more / less) is more than 5 kg, which means there are problems that it is better to start deciding immediately.

Important note!

We draw your attention to the fact that in different sources, data on the norm and deviations of the BMI for men, women and children, taking into account age, can differ quite significantly with the exception of the common table recommended by WHO. The fact is that the parameters are calculated by different methods and formulas - from here and the difference occurs within the unit. In connection with all the parents, it is recommended to use data for children only approximately and in case of doubt it is necessary to consult a pediatrician without undertaking any independent measures.

The ideal weight is an averaged standard, which is calculated on the basis of data on a large number of people. But all people are different. Lifestyle, food culture, nationality and type of physique - all this affects the ideal weight. For example, the normal weight of people with a strong physique will be 2-3% higher than those of people with average. And the rate for thin by 3-5% less. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive to perfect weight that shows weight Calculator. It is enough if your weight fit into a dedicated range.

In addition to weight calculator believes BMI - body mass index (ideal weight), which is widely used to determine the degree of compliance of body weight and growth.

How to calculate the ideal weight (BMI) on your own

Damage \u003d m: p 2, where

M - body weight in kg

R - Growth in meters

An example of calculating the body mass index: M (weight) - 78 kg, p (height) - 1.68 m

BMI \u003d 78: 1.68 2 \u003d 27.6

On the table below, you can see that CMT -27,6 corresponds to excess body weight.

Interpretation Table BMI Indicators

In the event of a strong deviation from the norm, it is seriously thought to think about the correction of your weight. With a reduced mass, dystrophy develops. In the modern civilized world, its cause is usually intentional malnutrition. The desire to have an unnaturally slender figure can turn into a violation of both psyche and physical health - dismissed, dries the skin, and hair falls out. All this comes from a lack of necessary organisms of substances.

However, their excessive excess also does not lead to anything good. An obese suffers a huge number of people. Excess weight repeatedly increases the risk of stones in the kidneys and a bustling bubble, deformations of joints, impotence, myocardial infarction and many other diseases. The whole body works with overload by moving in the mass of fat mass, not stipulated by the design of the human body. It is not surprising that the food defense of people suffering from obesity on average is 6-8 years less than the rest.

The calculation of the ideal weight is always problematic, because at the moment several ways to determine is approved. All of them according to the development of developers are correct, but women seek to ideal, therefore, techniques giving average meaning. To calculate it, you can use online weight CalculatorThe following is presented.

Physical activity

The main exchange of minimum / lack of physical. Loads 3 times a week 5 times a week 5 times a week (intensively) Every day every day intensively or twice a day Daily Piz. Load + Piz. Work

Result B.

Without changing weight:

Weight loss:

Fast weight loss:

According to anthropologists, there are three types of figures in humans, which characterize the appearance and possible weight - asthenic, normostic, hypersthenik.

  • The asthenic has high growth and low weight - these are standard people who eat a lot, but do not recover. The figure of the asthenica is angular, the bones "discard" that somewhat loses attractiveness.
  • NORMOSTENIC - Middle Growth and Standard Weight. Their health is best because such people are not subject to a set of weight, the figure is cooled and attractive.
  • Hypersthenik - growth below average, and weights slightly exceeds the norm. The presented body has small roundness, similar to men and women. If a person with a body of hyperstlenic will lose weight, his appearance will not be attractive.

From the above provisions it follows that it is important for a person to pre-examine his body, and only then resort to. It is possible to lose weight at all will be optional, because it is important to pay attention not to the ratio of growth and weight, but on the type of shape.

Errors will lead to forced exhausting diet that women like to practice women seeking to ideal, but who are not able to hold low weight with their own peculiarities of health.

How to determine the type of shape

In accordance with the above data, it is necessary to determine its type of figure, which will be important both to men and women.

To determine, the following measurements are required:

  • Go to the mirror and pull the belly into yourself.
  • Next, it is necessary to forgive the lower ribs and assess their position relative to each other. This is called to calculate the intercutor angle - the top point of the connection of the ribs in the middle of the human body.
  • If the angle is less than 90 degrees, it means that a anestic figure. If closer to the straight corner, it means that it is a normostic. When an angle is more than 90 degrees, we are talking about hyperstics - they have expanded the location of the bone, so they look full of even in normal indicators.

For women, it is important to achieve perfect weight, and it is specified that it is not possible to determine it in accuracy. For each figure and humans, the norm is determined individually, in most cases a person does not think about his condition, but looks at his appearance.

About ideal weight

Calculate normal weight is not a completely accurate procedure. Regardless of the results obtained, people seek to be thin, men are slimmer and relief.

The ideal weight for a person corresponds to the following factors:

  • the weight and amount of fat in the human body is safe and does not provoke health problems;
  • the optimal indicator will not limit human movements;
  • a woman or man suits appearance;
  • there is no comparison with other people.

In this case, it does not matter what kind of indicators in humans, but to calculate the ideal weight of your growth is recommended. The presented way occurs a certain relationship of appearance and health. Normal weight is recommended to calculate and track (stick to maximum opportunity) so as not to risk their health. The presented values \u200b\u200bare given to people to correct their food and prevent the development of pathologies, mainly developing against the background of excess weight.

Opinion expert

Egorova Natalia Sergeevna
Doetologist, Nizhny Novgorod

Yes, the ideal weight is the concept of relative and purely individual. When calculating it takes into account many factors: body mass index (BMI), constitutional type, the amount of fat in the body, the features of metabolism, etc. and yes, in hyperstenists, the normal body weight is always higher than that of the asthenics.

In the time of the USSR, the ideal weight formula was rather simple. From growth took 100, and the obtained number allegedly showed how many kilograms should weigh a person. Naturally, such calculations were inaccurate, they brought little benefit and practically did not have anything in common with reality. However, today, many measure the "normalness" weight index of body mass. I do not approve such an approach.

Moreover, I do not recommend determining the "ideal weight" on my own or with the help of friends and relatives. After all, you can not calculate the exact number. Yes, and recommendations for weight loss will not give yourself. So if you planned to lose weight, refer to the dietist doctor. This article indicates not all factors that a specialist takes into account when planning a slimming program. In fact, there are much more of them. And be prepared for what you may need to pass a number of analyzes.

How to determine the presence of excess fat in the body

There are several ways to determine the presence of excess fat. His presence in the body provokes the development of cholesterol plaques, atherosclerosis and joint pathologies due to excessive pressure. In most cases, legs suffer, but you can face more serious problems - osteochondrosis and spine hernias.


Standard and common formula for calculating ideal indicators is from its growth to calculate the amount in 110. Calculate the indicators simply if there are scales. Weighing follows in the morning on an empty stomach and after a trip to the toilet.


Identify a large amount of fat in the body, leading to obesity and deterioration of the body's life, you can fold on the stomach. For men, the norm was approved - 1-2 cm, for women - 2-4 cm. All indicators above 5 cm talk about the presence of obesity. This method will not give the opportunity to calculate how many kilograms must be reset to an ideal figure, but may indicate the availability of health problems.

Body mass index

There is a method for calculating the norm on the body mass index. To do this, use the formula: Weight / Growth in meters2.

The following definition is present here:

  • if the body mass index is less than 18.5, it means that a person has a deficit;
  • up to 24 - norm;
  • up to 29 - excess;
  • over 30 talks about obesity.

The resulting value must be compared with the indicators in the table.

Using a calculator

For ease of calculations, an ideal weight calculator is proposed for growth and age.

Scales with the calculation of the amount of fat

Indicators of body mass index give only mathematical values. It is noteworthy that the existing scatter entails significant differences in the amount of fat in the human body and in appearance. You can simplify the work and take advantage of only weighs by the function of calculating the amount of fat in humans. For this, a weak electric pulse is passed through the body, which easily passes through the water and muscles. Difficult passage through fat and leads to calculating indicators.

How to determine the real indicators

Often, men and women begin to lose weight from large indicators, expecting to achieve essential results.

In order not to overestimate your capabilities, it is recommended to take advantage of the following formula for calculating possible achievement:

  • 45 kg + 1 kg per each cm growth, which is over 150 cm + 0.5 kg for each year over 25 years, but not more than 7 kg.
  • Next you need to add 4-7 kg to the value obtained.
  • Add another 4-7 kg, if at the moment it weighs 90 kg.
  • If at the moment a person weighs more than 100 kg, add a few more kilograms.

As an example, you can take a woman weighing 82 kg, growing 165 cm and age at 31 years. For it, normal indicators will be calculated as: 45 + 15 + 3 + 7 \u003d 70 kg. The value can be reduced to 67 - the sum will turn out if you add 4 kg.

It turns out that the woman should weigh from 67 to 70 kg. Otherwise, it will not be able to keep the weight gained (for example, when weak up to 55 kg), as well as health problems arise.

Important! When slimming or calculating indicators, it is recommended to pay attention not to your own ambitions, but the need to improve health.

Weight and health have a close relationship that should be tracked throughout the time. It is required to be weighed continuously - every 2 days or once a week, while controlling its nutrition. To maintain the ideal forms achieved, weekly unloading days will be enough. They will help get rid of the excess fluid in the body, which contributes to the splitting of fat cells.

Who do not want to look good and feel slim? But it is not always clear how to calculate the ideal weight, which figure should be striving and necessary at all.

There are girls who are sincerely sure that they need to lose weight, but in fact it is true for them - they need to recover. There are women who believe that everything is in order and several extra kilograms do not have any influence. Although medical statistics speak about the opposite.

In order to more objectively assess your weight, and there are formulas for calculating excess weight. They are also not perfect, have a number of shortcomings. But allow you to reconsider your view to the question of excess weight. The most famous formulas for calculating the ideal weight you will find in this article.

Determination of the perfect body weight

Methods that we tell, differ from each other. And to some extent reflect the evolution of methods for calculating the ideal mass of the body. From the authoritarian method of Lorenz, who is only suitable for young girls. To the bracket formula that takes into account the type of physique and the formula for calculating the age and growth.
If you are curious, read the article along with the pencil and paper in your hands. But do not feel strictly to the resulting numbers. No formula will be able to describe the individuality, the way of life, the state of health and feeling in one or another weight of a particular woman.

The first way. Method Lorentz

The advantage of the Lorentz method: Calculates the rate of weight for those girls, who is always 18. But if seriously, this is one of the toughest methods that should not be focused.

Disadvantage of this method It is believed that it works only for girls, but not for guys. It is also impossible to use it if the woman is above 175 cm.

According to this method, it is necessary to calculate the perfect body weight of the body:

  1. Measure your height in centimeters.
  2. Identify 100 units from it.
  3. The second action will be subtracted from the increase in growth of 150 centimeters.
  4. Determine the difference between the first and second results.
  5. The received units are divided in two.

This is how the formula looks like to assess the body weight in the female: (p - 100) - (P - 150) / 2.

For example: The girl has an increase of 170 cm, we calculate: (170 - 100) - (170 - 150) / 2 \u003d 70 - 20/2 \u003d 60 kg.

The second way. Ketle index

Advantage of index ketle It is universality - it is suitable for both women and men.

Disadvantage of formula It is the inability to apply it to adolescents and older people. Also should not count on the objectivity of the method at a very low or very high male and female growth. The method is valid for representatives of a strong floor 1.68-1.88 meters, and weak - 1.54-1.74 meters. He is "lying" he and pregnant women, nursing mothers, athletes.

Important! The calculation of the correct weight rate begins with the calculation of the BMI (body mass index).

Often BMI apply Doctors to determine whether there is no obesity or dystrophy.

How to determine how many kilograms of excess weight has a girl? With the help of the ketle formula, the BMI is calculated:

  1. Learn the mass of the body of a person in kilograms by weight.
  2. Measure growth in meters.
  3. The first indicator is divided into the second square.
  4. Calculate and find their BMI in the table.
  5. Learn the result.

The method is attached to the table, in which CMT is calculated by age:

Body mass index Weighing human parameters
From 18 to 25 years From 26 to 46 years
> 17,5 > 18,0 The state of anorexia
Until 19.5 Up to 20. Small deficiency
Up to 23. Up to 26. Norm
Until 27. Up to 28. The state of the foregoing
Up to 30. Up to 31. 1 Degree of obesity
Up to 35. Up to 36. 2 Degree of obesity
Up to 40. Up to 41. 3 Degree of obesity
40 and more 41 and more 4 Degree of obesity

For example: A 24-year-old girl has an increase in 1.59 m and weighs 61 kg. When calculating weight norms for a woman, it turns out: 61 kg / (1.59) 2 \u003d 24.1 (BMI). It turns out that there is a small overweight. If the girl was older for 2 years, then its parameters corresponded to age.

Third way. Brock formula

Advantage: Methods, how to correctly determine the excess weight of a person on the brock, suitable for people whose growth is within 155-200 cm.

Failure: Age is not taken into account.

Important! To find out the constitution of the body, you need to find the most subtle place on the wrist, and determine its circumference.

The measurement results are in the table:

  1. From growth in centimeters, the number 110 is subtracted if the age of man is under 40 years old.
  2. Than a man or a woman older, the more he (she) will weigh. After the summer age, its parameter is calculated: the number 100 is deducted from growth.
  3. Also, the amendment in the calculations is made for asthenic and hyperstatenic types. In the first case, 10% deducted from the result, and in the second, they add the same interest.

Example: It is possible to determine the weight of the weight of the weight of thirty years as follows - from its growth in 167 cm subtracting 110 units. It turns out that its weight should be 57 kg. If it has an asthenic type of physique, the final result is as follows: 57 - 5.7 \u003d 51.3 kilograms, and if hypersthenic - then 57 + 5.7 \u003d 62.7 kilograms.

Fourth way. Metrolera method

Advantage of the Magletter method In the fact that in the presence of growth data, you can calculate the perfect number of kilograms from the girl.

Failure: This formula is valid only for female. It does not take into account the age and type of physique.

  1. At 152.4 cm of female growth take 45 kg.
  2. Then, for each new inch (5.54 cm), another 0.9 kg is removed.
  3. At the end of the calculation, an additional 10% of the found weight indicator is added.

Example: A fine sex representative has an increase of 170 cm. For calculation, we subtract 152.4 from 170 cm. This is equal to 17.6. We divide this value by inches - 2.54 cm. We obtain 6.93, and multiply by 0.9 kg. As a result, we have 6.24 extra kilograms. 45 kg + 6.24 \u003d 51.24 kg. Add 10% of the resulting weight 51.24 + 5,124. The result - it should weigh approximately 56.364 kilograms.

Fifth way. Women's formula, taking into account age and growth

Advantage: This method takes into account age-related changes of the representatives of the fine sex.

Disadvantage It is the fact that the method is suitable only for women. It does not reflect their type of physique.

The weight of the majority of women in age is gradually increasing. This is due to the slowdown in metabolic processes in their body, and is a natural phenomenon.

This formula answers the question of how to determine the correct rate of a kilogram in a woman taking into account age:
50 + 0.75 (height - 150) + (age - 20) / 4

Example: the woman is 42 years old, and she has 168 cm. We find the perfect body weight:
50 + 0.75 (168 - 150) + (42 - 20) / 4 \u003d 69 kilograms.

But we must not forget that we are all individual, and the perfect number of kilograms may differ from the calculated one - the main thing is that a person is comfortable.

In addition, the figures on the scales often do not describe the state of the body and well-being, the ratio of fat and muscle tissue. Namely they give beautiful bends and taut.

And what is your way of calculating the ideal weight most likely?

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