Hand training for mass. How to build arm muscles: exercises

Encyclopedia of Plants 11.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

No man will refuse beautiful hands with relief muscles, because the hands are the visible part of the body, which can most often be shown to others. Well, when the muscles are given by nature, in all other cases it becomes topical issue: how to pump up your hands at home quickly and efficiently?

Professionals have given enough recommendations on how to pump up your hands at home. It remains to listen to the advice and start training. Experts say that if you train correctly, then in a month or two you can get beautiful embossed hands, working in parallel pectoral muscles.

Exercises with which you can quickly pump up the relief muscles of the hands at home:

  • Flexion and extension. Perhaps the most simple exercises, which will not be difficult to perform correctly. At home, in order to quickly pump up your hands, it is recommended to use a barbell from improvised means. A few simple rules regarding the question of how to quickly pump up your arms with a barbell:
  1. Decide on weight. To quickly pump up your hands from home, you should not immediately take exorbitant weight, this will lead to a violation of the technique. The first month of training you need to learn how to do the exercises correctly, and after that add weight.
  2. Before extensions and flexions, a warm-up is always necessary, with the help of which the athlete will stretch a little, warm up the muscles and improve blood flow.

At home, the complex is correctly performed as follows:

  1. The man should stand against the wall, while the back remains straight.
  2. The neck is taken with a wide grip, the brush wraps around the neck from below.
  3. We raise-lower the bar to the chest and away from the chest, without moving the elbows.
  4. At the bottom point, the elbows are not fully unbent.
  5. After several approaches, the grip is changed. The brush is located above the neck and the barbell is pulled to the chest.

During the exercise, not only the shoulders work, but also the back of the man.

  • Exercises with dumbbells. It differs from the previous method. Below we will tell you how to pump up your arms with dumbbells yourself at home in three ways:
  1. Lifting dumbbells alternately. The technique is simple: a man, sitting on a bench or stool, raises and lowers his hand from a dumbbell. At the top point, you need to make a stop and count to 3-4, then slowly lower your hand.
  2. The second method is called "hammer". Both hands work at the same time. The technique is no different from the previous one.
  3. Deadlift with dumbbells to pump up back shoulder. We are talking about the back delta, which even some professional athletes forget about in the process of training. Meanwhile, pumping up the back of the delta is easy. The man should lie on the bench with his stomach, while inhaling, the dumbbells rise up to the level of the chest, and the elbows are spread to the side. As you exhale, lower your arms slowly.

Any of the proposed techniques allows you to pump up your arms and get beautiful shoulders after a month or two of training with increasing weight at home. The advantage of training with dumbbells is the ability to give to hands different load taking into account the anatomical features of a man. It is difficult to say how much weight can be taken for each specific man in order to pump up his arms. It all depends on the degree of fitness and the ability to endure physical activity.

  • Many are interested in how to pump up your arms at home with push-ups and whether it is realistic to do it. The answer is to pump up your hands in this way is quite real. With the help of push-ups from the floor, you can strengthen the muscles of the hands and pectoral muscles. Moreover, there is more than one exercise of a similar plan to perform at home. Push-up technique:
  1. Classic. The man takes the emphasis lying on slightly bent elbows. The palms are located on the width of the chest. We start pushing. Please note that at the bottom point, the shoulders form a right angle with the forearms. The chest does not touch the floor.
  2. Technique of push-ups from the floor narrow grip. The difference from the previous one is that the thumb and forefinger of both hands should touch. Narrow grip allows you to work out the back of the hands.
  3. Wide grip push up technique. Hands are placed wider than shoulders. During the exercise, not only the arms work, but also the pectoral muscles.

There is also a technique of push-ups from the floor with cotton, with legs thrown back. Such a large number of different ways to perform the exercise allows you to pump up different muscle groups exclusively with push-ups. How many push-ups a man should do at a time is not specified. Everything will depend on the fitness and the ultimate goal of the athlete.

  • Bar exercises. Allow at home to quickly work out the muscles of the back, pectoral muscles and arms. To properly train on the uneven bars, you need to learn some rules:
  1. Before training on the uneven bars, be sure to warm up. It is important that the muscles stretch and become more flexible. Warming up will prevent possible injury.
  2. For beginners, it is better to use a standard grip on the uneven bars. An overly wide hand position increases the risk of injury.
  3. The regularity of the exercise on the uneven bars will be the key to the success of training.
  4. The ideal number of approaches is 4-5, with repetitions - from 8 to 15.
  5. It is important to maintain tension in all muscle groups, both during lowering and when lifting the torso. Failure to do so simple rule can cause the pectoral muscles to overstretch and cause injury.
  6. Exercises on the uneven bars are performed quickly, but without jerking.

If a man wants to give an additional load on the pectoral muscles, then the bars must be placed wider. Also, giving a load on the large pectoral muscles, you need to make sure that the legs do not touch the floor, but are bent at the knees and pulled up to the body. The elbows should be apart and the back slightly rounded. Technique is often posted on video on the Internet.

  • Exercises on the horizontal bar. You can easily pump up your hands on the horizontal bar. In addition, this method has one, but a big advantage - classes on the horizontal bar do not require any material costs and the execution technique is often quite simple. Basic techniques that allow you to quickly pump up your hands on the horizontal bar:
  1. Reverse grip pull-ups. To do the exercise correctly, hands are shoulder-width apart. The palms should face the athlete. At the top point, the chin touches the crossbar or rises above it.
  2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar using a direct grip. The palms look away from the athlete. The technique is identical to that described above.
  3. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with different grips. To hold them, the hands must look in different sides. Change the grip of the hands should be every 5-7 times.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar have their own trick. For the training to be most successful, the first approach must be carried out to the maximum. The second approach is less intense. After all repetitions and a break of several minutes, the man should push himself off the floor the maximum number of times. It is preferable to do the first week in a day or two. Each type of pull-up can be found on the video on the Internet.

When a Personal Trainer Doesn't Hurt

It is not always possible to achieve the desired result by doing at home, so when the question arises, how to pump up big hands, professional athletes are advised to engage in gym. It does not hurt to seek advice from a personal trainer even if the execution technique seems correct, but it is not possible to achieve the required volumes. Professionals give such advice regarding the question of how to pump up huge hands:

  • Training solely the muscles of the hands is unproductive.
  • To achieve impressive results, especially on early stages, be sure to perform all the basic exercises: squats with a barbell, deadlift, bench press.
  • Knowledge of anatomy is welcome. To work out different muscles of the hands, you need to know how they work and where they are located.

When asked how to pump up big arms, professionals answer that it is best to perform the following exercises:

  1. Give a load simultaneously on the biceps and back, as well as the pectoral muscles and triceps. This combination is considered a bodybuilding classic. Complexes can be seen on training videos.
  2. Combination of biceps with pectoral muscles and triceps with back. Exercise can be done every other day. This will allow you to relax individual muscles and start training with renewed vigor.
  3. Simultaneous training of biceps and triceps. The method is good because it allows you to train both muscle groups at the same time, but for this training you will have to allocate a separate day a week.

Some athletes, when asked how to quickly pump up their hands, answer - do supersets. The easiest way to do them is in the gym, since the concept of a superset implies an almost non-stop training process involving different groups muscles in turn. However, professionals warn against abuse in this way. In the form of supersets, 1-2 workouts per week or 5-6 per month can take place.

Instant or slow

And finally, we will highlight the issue regarding the multiplicity of training. Many men think that daily activities will give a more significant effect. This statement is not entirely correct. Muscles do not grow during training, but exclusively between them. Therefore, it is not worth training for a whole month every day. When asked how much per month you need to do, professional athletes say the following:

  • The ideal training schedule is a purely personal matter. How much a man needs to train can only be advised by a personal trainer after assessing the fitness of an athlete.
  • If there is no opportunity to train in the gym and a personal trainer is not available, then the advice is this: it is better to do 9-12 times a month, taking a break between workouts of 2-3 days.

Sometimes it happens that pump up muscle mass hands fail. The size and relief of the muscles remain for a long time - a month, two, - without dynamics. In such a situation, you should think: are the workouts built correctly? In this case, professionals advise watching a training video, analyzing the exercises of other athletes in the gym, and asking for help from a personal trainer. A radical change in the training scheme, a fresh look at the usual set of exercises will allow you to “stir up” the dormant arm muscles and make them work.

Surely, all men dream of strong pumped up arms with relief muscles. Everyone can achieve such a result if they start training regularly. How to quickly pump up the hands of a man at home?

How can you shake hands with a man?

To pump up your arms at home, you can use dumbbells, barbells, bars, an expander or a horizontal bar. You can achieve results even with the help of improvised means. For example, a stool or a chair. The main thing is to develop a set of exercises and stick to correct technique. You need to train systematically, otherwise you should not expect high efficiency.

Exercises for pumping arms at home

To quickly pump up a man’s hands at home, you need to heed the recommendations of professionals, as well as contact specialists who will help develop a set of exercises individually. Training should be systematic, it is desirable to include push-ups and pull-ups in the program. Exercises with weights help to effectively and quickly pump up your arms.

According to experts, in the case of proper training, in a month you can see the first results.

For reference! While doing exercises aimed at working out the biceps and triceps, it is possible to pump up other muscles. For example, push-ups and pull-ups involve the muscles of the chest and back.


According to experienced athletes, the barbell is the best tool used for muscle development. You can pump up the muscles of the hands with its help quite quickly. During the exercises, the muscles of the back and chest work.

Flexion and extension of the arms with a barbell helps to pump up the biceps. For beginners, it is advisable to do this exercise while sitting, for more experienced athletes - standing.

Super set on arms for pumping biceps

You can effectively pump up the biceps as follows:

  1. Stand against the wall, press your elbows to the body.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands with a wide reverse grip. Raise the weight to chest level.
  3. Hold for one second in this position and slowly lower the barbell.

To pump up your arms, when performing this exercise, the bar should not be raised above the required level. The main load goes to the muscles of the back and biceps, the elbows should not help. Otherwise, the effectiveness of training is markedly reduced.

To pump up the triceps, an exercise called the "French bench press" is performed. It can be done in any position: sitting, standing and even lying on a bench or on the floor. You need to do the following:

  1. Take the starting position. Take the barbell with a direct grip at chest level.
  2. Put the weight behind your head, linger for a couple of seconds.
  3. Return to starting position.

The number of pancakes is selected individually, which depends on the sports training of the man.


With the help of dumbbells, you can also quickly pump up the biceps and triceps of a man. If the strength in the hands is not the same, you can perform the exercise with one weighting agent. Thus, with dumbbells, it is possible to pay attention to a particular hand, and not both at once.

To pump up your hands, you can use this exercise:

  1. Sit on a bench or stool. Take a dumbbell in your hand with a reverse grip.
  2. Raise the dumbbell to chest level, linger in this position, counting to four.
  3. Drop inventory.

When required amount repetitions will be done, you can start working out the muscles on the other hand.

Hammer exercise for biceps

This exercise is the best when you need to pump up the biceps. It is performed in a sitting position. Do it like this:

  1. Sit on a bench or stool. Grab the dumbbells with a reverse grip.
  2. Raise your arms with dumbbells to shoulder level without touching them.
  3. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

It is important that the elbows remain stationary as this can make the workout easier and less effective.

Triceps exercise

To pump up triceps, you need to do the following:

  1. Take the starting position lying or standing.
  2. Take the dumbbells in your hands with a direct grip and place them at chest level.
  3. Raise your hands with dumbbells behind your head, lingering in this position for literally one second.
  4. Give up.

On a note! During exercise, it is important to monitor your breathing. The dumbbell should rise as you exhale and fall as you inhale.

Horizontal bar

On the horizontal bar, you can pump up your arms by pulling up with a direct, reverse or mixed grip. Regardless of the type of exercise, the back should bend, the shoulder blades come together. The chin must be raised above the crossbar, otherwise the result from the workout may not be expected.

To complete the exercise you need:

  1. Grab the bar with a straight wide grip.
  2. Pull yourself up so that your chin is above the level of the bar.
  3. Get down.

Do pull-ups a few times.

The technique for performing this exercise differs from the previous one only in the location of the hands:

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with your hands with a reverse middle grip.
  2. Raise the body, bringing the chin over the bar.
  3. Get down.

AT this case the technique for performing the exercise is again similar:

  1. Grab the bar with your hands. One palm is turned towards the athlete, the second - away from him.
  2. Pull yourself up so that your chin is behind the bar.
  3. Get down.

After doing the required number of repetitions, you need to change the position of the hands and repeat the exercise.


Training on the uneven bars helps to strengthen the muscles of the hands. Beginning athletes do not use weights, they are the athlete's own weight.

To pump up triceps, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Grasp the bars with your hands, while the body remains straight or the legs are slightly bent.
  2. Bend and unbend your arms at the elbows, lowering and raising the body.
  3. Do the required number of repetitions.

Performing the exercise, the man's body should "go" in a straight line. Deviations are unacceptable, the body does not need to be rocked to facilitate training, otherwise the efficiency will be significantly reduced.

On a note! You can replace the bars with ordinary stools. Beginner athletes can use a low bench, bending their knees during the exercise.


If there is no expander at home, it is quite possible to replace it with improvised means, which are springs, rubber products. To pump up a hand, it is enough to take the expander in the palm of your hand, clasping it with your fingers, and then squeeze and unclench it.

On a note! To complicate the task, the expander should be held in a compressed state between sets.

Push ups

You can pump up your hands not only with the help of dumbbells, barbells, horizontal bars, bars and an expander. Regular push-ups help build biceps and triceps. They can be done in a variety of ways.

Classic push ups

To do classic push-ups, you need the following:

  1. Take a lying position, the body is stretched out evenly, the palms are slightly wider than the shoulders, at chest level, as in the photo.
  2. Bend your elbows stronger, lower your body down without touching the floor. The back and legs remain straight.

Hello dear readers! For beginner athletes pumping hands - a big problem. For many months they subject their hands to physical exertion, but there is no result. Therefore, I propose to figure out how to pump up the muscles of the hands at home for a man and a girl.

I note that muscle growth is facilitated by the use of basic exercises along with intense training, increased load, proper nutrition and recovery.

When it comes to pumping hands, I recommend choosing a training program subtly. The main reason for the lack of growth is the excessive passion for training the arms, while other muscle groups remain out of work.

What is the secret of a highly effective program? It provides a series of intense and short workouts using effective exercises followed by a training period. The program is extremely painful. I hope this doesn't scare or stop you. Believe me, after completing several cycles, the muscles will swell. Just do not overdo it, as it is unhealthy.

shock training program

The exercises provided by the program affect the muscles of the hands: forearms, biceps, triceps and brachialis. Now let's talk about exercises for biceps and triceps.

  • Arm curl . Perform the exercise with a narrow grip. The distance between the hands on the bar is 20 cm, so the biceps heads will receive the optimal load.
  • Bending the arms on an incline bench . For the exercise you will need dumbbells. Due to the tilt of the back, the biceps are stretched to the limit. To perform, bend your arms together or in turn.
  • Concentrated lift . Exercise allows you to finish off the biceps. With it, increase the height of the biceps in a contracted state.
  • Extension of the arms on the block with a neutral grip . Works on triceps. This is why the handle must have parallel handles. Alternatively, use thick rope.
  • Overhead arm extensions . Train triceps. At the lowest point, it stretches, which increases the level of effectiveness of the exercise. In this case, it is recommended to use a disc from the barbell instead of dumbbells.

The program is based on the principle of supersets. After completing the exercise, immediately proceed to the second without pauses and respite.

  1. Train your biceps first. Take a barbell and do a few warm-up sets using a light weight, bending your arms with a narrow grip.
  2. Next, rest a little and start the working approach, increasing the weight of the bar. Work your biceps to failure. Since the approach is heavy, more than 10 repetitions will not work.
  3. Now comes the superset. Do incline curls first, and then switch to barbell curls. Perform each exercise 10 times.
  4. Take a minute break. Then finish off the biceps with concentrated curls. This completes the muscle training. Switch to triceps.
  5. Use the program once a week or less. It all depends on the speed of recovery of the body. If you work out three times a week, replace one session with a shock program. For the remaining two workouts, skip the arm exercises.

Thanks to shock exercises, you will quickly make your arms massive and curly at home.

Exercise at home

If, despite attacks and rapid attacks, approaches and additions, the arms refuse to increase in volume, then you are using the wrong arm pumping technique at home.

I note that pumping up your hands at home is real. In this section of the article I will tell helpful tips along with structure effective workout that will help realize the dream within the apartment.

I will immediately warn you that we will swing our arms without special equipment, the cost of which is amazing in size. However, during training, you will not be able to relax. Let's start.

  • After each workout, the hands should rest. If you constantly work out, do not count on growth. Since the muscles of the hands are small, they are overworked.
  • After completing one cycle, rest for two weeks. Then move on to new exercises using heavier weights.
  • Be sure to exercise strength. For this, the French dumbbell bench press in the supine position is suitable. At the same time, increase the weight by 5 percent weekly.
  • The biceps training program involves bending the arms. So stretch regularly. Increase bicep muscle mass and strength with this amazing exercise. If you can easily perform 10 pull-ups, then it's time to think about additional weight.
  • I recommend stretching after every workout. Stretching the muscles lengthens the fascia, which provides an increase in volume.
  • Don't neglect your forearms. If they are weak, do not pump up the biceps. Put pads on the barbell. Working with a thicker bar will increase your grip strength.
  • Move your legs too. Their training causes the body to go into an anabolic mode, which contributes to the accumulation of growth hormone. At the same time, other muscles receive more substance. So make friends with lunges and squats.
  • Additional complexes will help to pump up muscles. Before training, use tyrosine with caffeine, which will have a positive effect on mental focus. In the process of training, I recommend using useful amino acids that help maintain intensity. After training, provide the body with access to freeze-dried proteins.
  • Eat hard. If the body weight does not increase, it makes no sense to increase the volume of the hands. Constantly saturate the body with protein, fats and carbohydrates. We will talk about special diets for athletes later.
  • Imagine what your hands will look like after three months. Perhaps the results are still far from ideal, but their presence is already a small success. I do not advise you to measure your hands daily. Better focus on weight and nutrition.
  • Recovery is the key to success. He is promoted good dream. Do not ignore massages, walks, saunas and steam baths. All this will speed up and improve the recovery process of the body.

Videos exercises

I have put useful knowledge at your disposal. You just have to put them into practice and soon impressive "banks" will appear under the sleeves of the T-shirt.

How to pump up the hands of a girl at home

Did you know that daily strength training is extremely beneficial. This allows you to look good, raise self-esteem, tone muscles, slow down aging.

I will tell you how to pump up the hands of a girl at home. Sure girls don't need powerful hands. They are interested in skin tightening to look beautiful. To do this, it is enough to perform a large number of approaches using a small weight.

I present a set of exercises with which you can effortlessly correct your hands.

  1. Push ups. The exercise focuses on the triceps and will make the arms graceful. Take a standard pose and lower your torso to the ground, then return to the starting position. 15 repetitions is enough. If it's hard, lean on your knees.
  2. Mahi hands. Take small dumbbells in your hands and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms to the sides and bring them together in front of you. As in the first case, the number of repetitions is 15.
  3. Arm curl . Exercise makes the biceps work, which contributes to the burning of body fat. The stand is straight. Bend your arms with dumbbells in turn, pressing your elbows to your waist.
  4. French bends . Train triceps. Sit on a chair, take a dumbbell with both hands, put it behind your head and move up and down along your back.
  5. Reverse pull-ups . Focused on training the biceps. It is enough to pull up 15 times. If you do not have enough strength, hang. This strengthens the muscles.
  6. Mahi through the sides . Sit on a bench, straighten your back and spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Raise your arms up and bring your palms together.
  7. Concentrated Curls . Sitting in a chair, rest one elbow on your thigh. Lower the other hand with dumbbells down. Raise the projectile up 15 times and change hands. Don't forget about rest.

Remember, dear ladies, if you dream of toned arms without flaws, train with light dumbbells. The maximum weight of the sports equipment must not exceed 2 kilograms.

Daily exercises that do not require a lot of effort and time will help you find toned and beautiful hands. It takes a little desire and perseverance from you, and the result will not be long in coming.

How to pump up the arms of a man

Guys dream of big and powerful hands, as this is a sign of strength and courage. How wonderful wide wrists look, especially if they are emphasized by biceps and sculpted triceps.

An important role in pumping hands is played by genetics, and the training program should not be relegated to the background.

Triceps is the largest muscle group located on the arm. It easily responds to loads and develops. With proper training, triceps will increase to decent volumes. Triceps has three heads and for training it is better to use basic exercises that affect all points.

There are isolation exercises, including the French press along with the pull of the upper block. Their impact is too weak. Multi-joint exercises are considered more effective: bench press and push-ups on the uneven bars. Let's talk about them.

  • I recommend doing push-ups on wide bars so that the load falls on the triceps. While exercising, keep your back straight.
  • Classes with a barbell with a narrow grip in the supine position require the correct technique, otherwise the load will shift to the deltas and chest muscles. Do not spread your elbows to the sides in the process of lifting the projectile, because this involves the pectoral muscles.
  • Try to keep your elbows moving along the body. If technique is difficult to follow, reduce the weight of the bar by removing a few plates.

To get the result, work with a barbell and do push-ups on the uneven bars. For biceps, these exercises are basic, which cannot be said about the French press and other options.

As for forearm training, without mastering heavy basic exercises, it is useless. Deadlift along with pull-ups will strengthen the muscle group of the forearm, making it elastic and massive. Let's talk about the exercises that deserve the most attention.

  1. Hanging on the crossbar. The exercise will seem simple, but it is not. It trains endurance. The more you can sag, the more massive your forearms will become.
  2. The second exercise involves using a short bar with light weight. It is recommended to perform on a special simulator. Make the first ten movements up, and then the same amount down.
  3. The third exercise strengthens the tendons. This has a positive effect on the grip strength of the palm and grip. Push up on your fingers fifty times. In six months, the grip will change, and the forearms will increase.

Arms need less recovery time than other muscle groups. Take this feature into account when compiling a set of exercises.

Since you are interested in increasing muscle volume, I do not recommend using the program of professional athletes. It provides high load on the muscles. For normal growth of muscle mass at home, a couple of basic exercises are enough.

Exercise for teenagers

Every self-respecting teenager wants to have an athletic figure. And no wonder, because girls like pumped-up guys, and hooligans are in no hurry to get involved with such strong men. Even at an early age, boys look at themselves in the mirror, appreciating the attractiveness of the body. As practice shows, they are often disappointed.

They don't understand that beautiful body is the result of perseverance and hard work. It is necessary to start the development of muscles and bones from childhood, following the rules. Only in this case, the exercises will not harm the body.

Muscles in adolescents differ from the muscles of men in structure and composition. They contain little myoglobin, so it is difficult to endure intensive training, and fatigue quickly covers your head. For this reason, adolescents involved in the adult program have stretch marks, fractures and injuries.

This feature of the teenage body during enhanced training provokes stretch marks and dislocations. In the worst case, the child will get a hernia. At this age, the use of barbells and weights is prohibited. For these purposes, use your weight.

Until the age of 16, adolescents are recommended to dose physical activity. At the same time, it is advised to engage in sports that contribute to the normal growth and development of the body. Teenagers are prohibited from working with barbells, kettlebells and heavy dumbbells. Otherwise, the exercises will slow down the growth of the child, who will become a short, strong man.

  • Adolescents should not do daily strength exercises. At this age, I recommend building muscle mass gradually. Work out every other day, devoting 40 minutes to training. Until the next time, the body will rest.
  • Until the age of 16, a teenager is allowed to pull himself up on the horizontal bar and do push-ups. Thanks to these exercises, he will pump up the biceps and triceps. As for kettlebells and dumbbells, use in training only after you learn how to perform 20 pull-ups. Such results indicate the readiness of the body for serious studies.
  • At this age, do not disregard the expander. A tiny sports device will increase muscle endurance, making it stylish and elastic.
  • Pumping up arms and other parts of the body without eating protein-rich foods will not work. So eat cottage cheese, meat and dairy products. When it comes to diets, quick snacks, and eating on the run, avoid these kinds of meals. Otherwise, don't expect good results.

Summing up, I will add that a teenager will pump up his hands, subject to proper nutrition and good sleep. Also useful

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO JUST TAKE AND NOT WATCH (at least half) how Borisov broadcasts knowledge of pumping big claws for an hour and a half Mistakes, biomechanics and recommendations for pumping triceps and biceps. The demonstration takes place in the training ludus of modern Kyiv gladiators - hydropark.


P.s.: I do not know any Internet patrons, except for Denis who looks like Gannicus.

During the EXERCISE on the arms (biceps or triceps), the kachenka needs to solve TWO TASKS:
  1. Exclude other muscle groups from work as much as possible so that they do not steal the load (because of this, trained muscles can often lag behind). For example, a person trains triceps with bench presses and push-ups, and only the chest grows. classic situation.
  2. will learn Influence the necessary parts of the muscle (bundles). For example, almost always the outer bundle of the triceps is developed and the inner one is not. The situation is similar with the biceps.
The solution to both of these questions within the purview of technology. It is her, dear, that we will study most this lesson. Well, in the end we will talk about the nuances of compiling training programs in order to pump up our arms as much as possible.


To pump up the arms, we will start with the triceps, because it is more important than the biceps in terms of size and number of bundles (heads). So...
Triceps - "horseshoe" muscle consisting of THREE heads.
All three heads narrow and pass into a common ligament, which is attached in the elbow area, therefore in any exercises involving triceps, ALL HEADS work AT ONCE! But the degree of this work will depend on the mechanics of the exercise, because the other edge of each of the three heads is attached in different places. So Triceps:


Lateral head
long head(inner head) Attaches to the back of the shoulder blade and therefore requires the arm to be pulled back for full activation. You have probably often seen how those who are trying to pump up their arms are trying to do some kind of similar exercises.
medial head(medium head or small ulna). It is located near the elbow and therefore does most of the work during light extensions. It is located between the outer (most) and inner heads (hence the name - middle or medial). Very wide and very short therefore has a longer tendon, which we perceive as a hollow in the U-shape of the triceps.

Triceps "bundle"(uniting all bundles) can be Short, or it can be Long. These are genetics. If such a bundle is short, then the triceps are LONGER and more massive. If the ligament is long, then the triceps are SHORT and peak.

Mesomorphs and endomorphs are more likely to have LONG and massive triceps, while ectomorphs are more likely to have SHORT and peaked triceps. In the first case, the mass grows faster, and in the second case, the muscles look more aesthetically pleasing.

SECRET: with light loads (weights), most of the work is done by the middle (medial) head and to a small extent by the external (lateral head), because the location of the middle head is the most convenient - it is located closest to the elbow joint. In such a situation, the inner (long) head almost does not work. If you are trying to pump up your arms at home, you will also have to think about all these subtleties so as not to do extra work.
But, the more load you use in the exercise when you are trying to pump up your arms at home and in the gym, the more you are forced to turn on, in addition to the middle head, the REST: external and long (internal).
OK. I will repeat once again: during arm extensions, ALL TRICEPS HEADS WORK SIMULTANEOUSLY! If you see one person have very juicy “peak” triceps, then this is largely the merit of his parents and not a specialized program. BUT here's how to pump up your arms at home or in the gym so that there are no failures? To do this, it is important to understand some of the nuances.

DEGREE OF EASE INCLUDING triceps heads into work:

  • Middle (medial) head steals most of the load, especially in light movements.
  • External (lateral) head helps the average if the load grows
  • Internal (long) the head turns on reluctantly and lastly if the load is large and you move your hand correctly (more on this below)
What does it mean to "retract the right hand"? The fact is that the long head is attached differently (to the shoulder blade) than the other two, so several features are required for its active work. Failure to do this leads to the lag of this part of the triceps. You can pump up the muscles of the hands with both dumbbells and a barbell. So...
  • Pulling the arm back or up (above the head). Exercises: French overhead presses. One of the best exercises to build arm muscles.
  • During extension engage the shoulder joint Exercise: for example, a barbell French bench press from behind the head, and not from the nose. Our shoulder is under pressure.
  • Pressing the elbows to the body- shifts the load on the long head, spreading the elbows to the sides shifts the load on the outer head.
  • Supination of the hand- shift the load on the long head of the triceps, and the pronation of the hand shifts the load on the outer head.
During the performance of isolated exercises for any pushing muscle groups (Triceps, Chest, Deltas, Quadriceps) DO NOT READ! Those. you can not do jerks and jerks helping other muscles to throw weight. If you help with your whole body when you are trying to pump up the muscles of the arms, the load shifts and the arms partly rest.
Why? Because the work takes place in one joint on a break. Jerks in such a situation are 100% trauma sooner or later. By the way, this is why it is important to do isolation exercises after the basic ones (you are warmer and your joints are better prepared to work without injury). In general, I will tell you this, 50% of the injuries that I often see are variants of French presses with large weights! Those. any triceps exercises where work takes place in only one (elbow) joint is very dangerous. Although they help to quickly pump up your hands.
RECOMMENDATION: well load triceps basic exercises(Close-grip presses and parallel bars, first of all) and only after that you can do isolated exercises, because your triceps will already be tired and you will have enough lighter, and therefore less traumatic weights to complete the workout. If you want to quickly pump up your arms, you first need to carefully approach the exercise technique.
Best Exercises for TRICEPS training:
  • Close grip bench press (upside down is even better)
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars
  • French bench press (upside down)
  • French bench press standing (behind the head)
  • Extensions on a vertical block

The biceps consists of two heads (BI is two = Biceps):

  1. Long(Long tendon BUT muscle small): sits on the outside of the arm.
  2. short(Short tendon BUT large muscle): sits on the inside of the arm.​

Both bundles are connected (the same bullshit as with the triceps) into one biceps tendon near the elbow joint. BUT, since this tendon is attached a little inward (to the side of the forearm), the biceps can not only bend the arm, but also TURN the palm to the side thumb(supination).​

Usually, most people have no problem developing a short (inner) head of the biceps. it grows from almost any bending. The problem usually lies in the development of the outer (long) head of the biceps. Why?
The anatomically long head is attached to the shoulder joint in the upper part; this will mechanically stretch it and make it work. It is not always possible to quickly pump up your hands, because many do not immediately understand the nuances of the technique, so read carefully.

How to turn on the LONG BICEPS HEAD:

  • How elbows further behind the back, the more the external beam of the biceps works.
  • The more the elbows are brought forward, the more the inner bundle of the biceps works. (Example: Scott Bench Curls)
  • How grip already, the more the external beam of the biceps works (not the most the best option, because with this grip you will try to bring your elbows forward and turn on the inner beam)
  • The wider the grip, the more the inner beam works.
Brachialis (shoulder muscle)
A very important muscle that is under the biceps and does most of the work (60-70%) in flexion. Yes ... yes ... it is she who will allow you to take heavy weights in bending while standing, and not at all the biceps. Also, many are trying to build their arms in a week, you must understand that there are several points that need to be understood. What is the point?
The bottom line is that the brachialis is attached directly to the bone (and not to the side, like the biceps), so it does not participate in the turn of the hand (in supination), thereby concentrating the work directly along the flexion vector in the elbow joint. Hence the strength and size (about which many people forget). I always recommend the reverse grip lift or hammer curls as the second exercise because they accentuate the development of the brachialis and help you pump up your arms in a week.
Best Biceps Exercises:
  • Barbell curl for biceps
  • Hammer curls
  • Lifting dumbbells lying on a horizontal or incline bench
  • Dumbbell raise with supination

Literally before the shooting of the plot, I went to my VKontakte wall in order to find out what other questions concern you. It turned out not in vain. Many people are concerned about the issue of forearm training. You know, over the years, I have already developed a clear formula for the dependence of the level of fitness in general and the development of the forearms and arm pumping per week. It sounds something like this:
The lower a person's level of fitness, the more he is concerned about training the forearm and other small muscles.
Understand, if you are not engaged in arm wrestling and your goal is purely muscle size (including forearms), then YOU DO NOT NEED SPECIAL EXERCISES for FOREARMS! It's like in that notorious bike about the wheels for a jeep that you are trying to "stick" on a Cossack. There will be no growth in small groups until you achieve growth in large ones. Think about growing strength in large groups, and little ones will eventually have nowhere to go and they will grow up on their own.
During the execution of any bending of the arms with weight (lifting the barbell in particular), the forearm is ACTIVELY working. During normal barbell lifts, the inside of the forearm works, and during reverse grip lifts, the outside of the forearm works. Most professional bodybuilders never specifically train their forearms.
SECRET: By the way, if your wrists clog before your biceps in barbell curls and thus limit your achievements, then it makes sense for you to switch to a bent bar or do exercises with a parallel grip (this takes the load off your forearms).
But, if you are still worried about the way to train this small muscle group, then the main exercises for it are:

  • barbell curls
  • barbell reverse curl
  • pronation and supination
  • squeezing expander and other joys
Hand training.
Let's now talk about proper hand training i.e. about how to organize an effective workout.
What prevents (what mistakes in training) the growth of hands?

stupid attempts to develop arms in isolation from the development of the rest of the muscle array. Often new swings stubbornly hammer "ostentatious" muscles such as biceps or chest, forgetting about the back and legs. Remember : truly massive muscles are only possible on a truly massive body. In many programs for beginners, there are often no arm exercises at all, because they do not provide much mass, unlike bench presses, deadlifts and squats. What's more, when you get serious in bench presses and deadlifts, your arms will seriously increase in size, even if you don't train them.

Absence ABILITY TO FEEL muscle contraction biceps and triceps. Those. a person seems to be doing a biceps exercise, and his wrist or back is clogged. How is it treated? You need to learn how to turn off secondary muscles. "Prayer for the night" should help you. In addition, you need to follow the right technique and work at the beginning with very small weights.
Too much big amount of work on the biceps at newbies. Small muscles (such as biceps) are very easy to overtrain. large quantity work. What is constantly happening around. It is not advisable to do more than 8 working approaches for biceps. Exceptions for experienced or using anabolic steroids. It is necessary to increase the number of working approaches very carefully and not earlier than a couple of years after the start of classes. Otherwise, you will “jack off” the biceps and it will not think about how to become stronger and bigger, but about how not to die in the next workout (it will develop enduring adaptation instead of strength). Or, even worse, you will drive your hands into a steady state of "plateau" when all growth stops.
Lack of load progression when working on biceps and triceps. The hand muscles follow the same rules as the rest. In order to grow, they need an increase in loads. If it is not, then there is no muscle growth. The problem is that most manual exercises are isolated and constantly progressing is difficult and dangerous anatomically. Exit? Make a base! Instead of dangerous variations of the French press, do a lot of close-grip bench presses and parallel bars, train your back with serious pulls (this will stimulate the biceps as well), use the most “strong” exercises for training the biceps (lifting the barbell while standing, “hammer” bends). And try to track and progress the load. Arnold with a terrible cheat, but did barbell curls with a weight of 120 kg. This explains the freaky for those times the size of his biceps.

How to compose hands in a training program?
There are more options for this arrangement than in China for rice. Each method has its pros and cons. Popular SPLIT SCHEMES:
Back + Biceps ......... Chest (or deltas) + Triceps. Benefits: You load the ENTIRE pushing or pressing group at once on one day and on all other days it RESTS COMPLETELY and grows. Disadvantages: after training the “big brother”, the little one is too tired for serious loads. After the barbell rows and pull-ups, you will not be able to take your usual heavy weights for biceps.

Back+Triceps...Chest+Biceps This is where everything changed for us. Advantages: the little one doesn't care how the "big" brother from another family trained, so he is fresh and can perform hard work. Cons: less full days for the rest of a particular group. Let's say you trained your biceps with chest today, and tomorrow you go to train your back. During a workout in which the load will AGAIN partially fall on the biceps (i.e., instead of resting, it works again the next day). However, I like this (the second way of combining) much more than the first.

Biceps+Triceps....From my point of view, The best way proper hand training. Disadvantages: You will need another extra day (training) in order to work on your hands like this. Advantages: obvious. fresh biceps and fresh triceps can work actively.

What training techniques can be used in arm training?
There are tricks or principles great amount and any can be easily integrated into manual workouts. BUT it is worth remembering that the hand muscles are SMALL and it is very easy to kill them with a large load. Yes, weight loss, forced and negative reps, giant sets... all of these are great to load... but can also kill your biceps for the next month. Therefore, we will use only one principle - SUPER SERIES. And then not in the variant as Uncle Joe recommends, but in the variant as I recommend because it is less expensive.

super sets are when you perform two exercises in a row (without rest) on opposite muscles (antagonists). For example: a set of barbell curls for biceps followed immediately by a set of extensions for triceps. it classic way from Uncle Joe. For beginners, it can be very difficult and energy intensive, so we WILL RELAX!
In other words, we alternate between biceps work and triceps work, taking the usual rest between sets (i.e. not immediately).

You can switch jobs in two ways:

  1. alternate exercise sets(set for biceps...rest 45-60 sec...set for triceps...)
  2. alternate the exercises(4 sets of biceps exercises...4 sets of triceps exercises...)

The fact is that we kill two birds with one stone with such a scheme. We rest after contracting the biceps a little more, than usual and thereby restore strength in it a little more than usual, on the one hand. And we do not cool down during this time (because we passively influence him during the training of the antagonist), on the other hand. Those. and our muscles are stronger and workload is large. Usually, in order to show strength, we have to rest more and reduce the amount of work in training.
Besides, by training triceps, you actively restore biceps. Because he is actively supplied with blood and "massaged" like any antagonist during work. As a result, the biceps do not just recover, but recover better and faster than if you had been sitting still all this time (resting passively).
Well, the last important point:PUMPING. Which is constantly growing and does not allow your muscles to cool down. Pumping has mass useful properties: it contributes, for example, to the development of slow muscle fibers (I’ll make a story about this anyway), it also contributes to the delivery nutrients and activates growth factors, improves capillarization and appearance muscles and more...

If you do two exercises in a row for antagonist muscles, then what to train first: biceps or triceps?
Often, many gurus give unequivocal answers to this. This is not true. In bodybuilding there are no 100% always and on all schemes. Let's explain with our example.
Usually you need to start with biceps and then do triceps. The fact is that if you change this sequence and do the triceps first, then the residual tension will limit you in the maximum contraction of the biceps after. This is theory. In practice, it is possible that this “limitation” of the biceps work will be exactly what you need in order to give the muscles a new (unfamiliar) stress for subsequent growth. Conclusion: beginners do Biceps, then Triceps, and experienced ones look at the situation.

Exercise sequences.

I have already spoken about this many times. There is even a video release on this topic. In short, we always start with heavier exercises (basic), and end with lighter ones.
For triceps, the main basic exercises are:

  • narrow grip press
  • bars
  • french bench press
  • standing french press
  • extension at the vertical block
For biceps, the main "conditionally basic" are:
  • Lifting the bar for biceps while standing
  • Lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip
  • "Hammer" bending with dumbbells
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps sitting or lying down
  • Larry Scott bench
  • Concentrated lifts

An effective Program is drawn as follows:

3 base for biceps 3-4 x 6-12
4 base for triceps 3-4 x 6-12

Or, advanced level:

1 base for biceps 2 sizes + 3-4 x 6-12
2 base for triceps 2 sizes + 3-4 x 6-12
3 basic (or isol.) for biceps 3-4 x 6-12
4 basic (or isol.) for triceps 3-4 x 6-12
5 isolated for biceps 3-4 x 6-12
6 isolated on triceps 3-4 x 6-12

Specific example:
lifting the bar for biceps while standing 2 sizes + 3-4 x 6-12
bench press with a narrow grip 2 sizes + 3-4 x 6-12
"Hammer" with dumbbells standing 3-4 x 6-12
dips (triceps) 3-4 x 6-12

or, for the experienced
lifting the bar for biceps while standing 2 sizes + 3-4 x 6-12
bench press with a narrow grip 2 sizes + 3-4 x 6-12
lifting the bar with a reverse grip 3-4 x 6-12
french press from behind the head while standing 3-4 x 6-12
lifting dumbbells for biceps lying-sitting (elbows back) 3-4 x 6-12
Extension at the vertical block 3-4 x 6-12

I'll go over the rest of the examples of workflows in the mailing list for members of the Underground, friends. So to say, see you on the air.

How to build arms at home without dumbbells ? This question worries experienced athletes, regardless of gender.

For men, beautiful biceps are an indicator of strength and aesthetics.

It is important for women to keep the top taut so that every outfit on such a body looks perfect.

Both those and others will be helped to realize what was conceived for these muscle groups.

But what if you can’t start training in a fitness club for one reason or another?

Believe me, nothing is impossible for a person with a thirst for action. You can find the rest of the details in this article.

How to pump up your arms at home? Basic rules for achieving quick results

Before you start training, remember that the arms are not only the “banks” of the biceps.

This is a thoughtful combination of joints, muscles, tendons, which is a complex biological mechanism.

Therefore, pumping this part of the body, it is important to understand general principles their work.

During your workouts, be sure to consider what kind of load is being applied.

Think of your own hands as an amalgamation of these areas:

  1. Biceps
  2. Triceps
  3. Forearm
  4. Deltoid muscle (but it's more like shoulders)

You can achieve beautiful hands, even doing at home

All this can be found in every home:

  1. Rope
  2. Water canister
  3. Stick (30–40 cm)

Connect all these components. Come to the table, we put a stool on it so that your hands lie on the surface at shoulder level.

With the help of brushes, we begin to wind the rope around the stick, pulling the load up. In the same way, we unwind it back.

Get a Martens bandage and secure it in any way possible to the surface at chest level.

You can combine it with a rope and just press the door. Fasten it around the hands and pull the bandage back, directing your hands behind your head.

The result should be movements similar to the “hammer”.

A simple car cable will also come in handy. Having made two loops on it, you can do pull-ups using your own body weight.

At the same time, the hands move similarly to the previous exercise.

Holding the dumbbells in your hands, alternately pull the weight to the opposite part of the chest from it, each time fully straightening the limb.

The brush, in turn, moves along the body. This exercise perfectly pumps up the forearms, significantly increasing the strength of the grip.

Tip: buy a Martens bandage at your nearest pharmacy, it is sold everywhere.

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