For a woman, pump up the back of the thigh. How to pump up the back of the thigh

Encyclopedia of Plants 11.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Dimples and unsightly cellulite are genetic, and unfortunately, there is little you can do to get rid of them permanently. You can fight cellulite on the back of your thighs and maybe even get temporary success to make it look a little less noticeable, but. Here are a few things worth trying.


Part 1

Massage, creams and cosmetics

    Massage your cellulite. Theoretically, by massaging the back of the thighs, you improve blood circulation in that part of the legs. Improving circulation can reduce the unsightly appearance of dimples.

    Use scrubs. Like massage, light exfoliation of the skin can stimulate blood flow and help flush out toxins from the thighs.

    • Look for exfoliating natural scrubs like ground coffee, sugar, salt. For the most part, they are considered gentle and safe to use for most.
    • In particular, scrubs containing ground coffee can help tighten your skin thanks to the caffeine.
    • For best results, choose a scrub that contains oils, such as avocado oil or vitamin E in oil, to help nourish and hydrate skin.
  1. Try an anti-cellulite serum or cream. Skin firming serums and creams can be found in almost any convenience store or grocery store under the Health & Beauty section. Specialists are silent about how effective these treatments are, but many claim to have noticed a reduction in ripples in cellulite after a few weeks of use.

    • Most anti-cellulite serums include skin tightening ingredients such as lotus leaf extract, coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine.
    • Apply creams or serums daily for best results. In a week or two, you should already be able to see some improvement.
    • Be aware that some of these creams contain small doses of stimulants that may have unexpected side effects. side effect if used too often. There are also people who claim that creams do not thicken the skin, but cause soft tissue swelling, thus giving a temporary effect.
  2. Hide cellulite with an auto tanner. If you can't get rid of unsightly cellulite on your thighs, you can cover it up with a car tanning lotion.

    • Apply auto tan to the entire length of your legs. Don't just use it on the back of your thighs, as this area will look uneven and will definitely draw attention to itself.
    • While dark, tanned skin can mask cellulite, apply self tan in a thin layer so your skin looks natural and healthy.
  3. Consider the home method. An internet search can lead you to many natural homemade creams and pastes that can get rid of cellulite completely. If you do use one of these products, look for one that moisturizes the skin during exfoliation and stimulates blood circulation.

    Part 2

    Diet and exercise
    1. Stick to foods rich in fiber and protein. As with any type of fat, you can get rid of unwanted cellulite on your thighs with a balanced diet of foods that can help you shed fat cells.

      • fiber that can be obtained from in large numbers from whole grains, fruits, leafy vegetables, regulates your body and helps eliminate waste and toxins through the intestines.
      • The protein found in meats and nuts can help repair broken or damaged collagen in connective tissue. As a result, your skin becomes firmer, and dimpled, wrinkled cellulite on the thighs will decrease. In general, a protein source such as fish is preferred over a source such as red meat.
      • You should also avoid saturated fats and converted fats. In particular, avoid "junk foods" such as junk food such as chips, hard candy, as these foods tend to contain converted fats.
    2. Get the right amount of calories. In order to get rid of cellulite, you need to burn fat. In order to burn fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

    3. Drink plenty of water. More water will help your body burn fat and toxins, so cellulite on your body will decrease, including on your thighs.

      • Water can also improve the strength of collagen in the connective tissues, making the skin much firmer. This will help reduce the wrinkled look on the back of your thighs and make it look smoother.
      • You need to try to increase your daily water intake. The optimal amount of water per day should be 8 glasses of 250 ml, but most people do not get that much water. Increase your intake to these limits if you haven't already. If you already drink that much water, you can increase your intake by one or two glasses.
    4. Go for a walk. Any walk is good for the heart vascular system. The load on the cardiovascular system will improve blood circulation and help burn more fat.

      • Other cardiovascular activities include jogging, swimming, and jumping rope.
      • Try to do cardio exercises several times a week for best results.
      • If you want to get rid of excess cellulite on your thighs, try walking for 45-60 minutes every evening, taking one day off per week. Walk quickly, but in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Take your shoulders back, raise your head, but if you feel that your legs are becoming cottony or your head is spinning and you are out of breath, slow down.
    5. Work with strength. In addition to exercises that get your blood pumping, use exercises that will help build muscle in your thighs and minimize the accumulation of fat there.

      • The effect will target your hips and lower body in general. There are many types of exercises that you could try, and only a few of them are listed in this article.

      Part 3

      Special exercises - thigh lift
      1. Lie face down and lift your legs slightly. You should lie flat on your stomach. Start lifting your legs just above your knees, so that your feet are 10 cm off the floor.

        • Your neck and head should not lie on the floor, but you should not bend them into an unnatural position either. Keep your head slightly raised, still pointing down at an angle, arms folded in front of you for the duration of the exercise.
      2. Bend your knees. Slowly bend your knees, but at a distance from the floor. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds.

        • In the end, you should try to keep them in this position for 15 seconds.
        • The knees should not be perpendicular to the floor.
      3. Straighten your legs slowly. Gradually straighten your knees, straightening your leg as if you were walking. Finally, lower your straight legs to the floor.

        • Repeat the exercises for a total of 10 minutes.

The muscles of the legs are the largest muscle group, which takes the most time and effort to work out. Many break leg training into several days, but still, it is recommended to allocate one day to the thigh muscles. In this article, you will learn how to pump up the muscles of the thighs.

Anatomy of the thigh muscles

The structure of the thigh muscles is very complex. Thanks to the interweaving of ligaments and muscle bundles, our legs provide such versatile mobility. Now we will consider only the main muscle groups of the legs, leaving behind the small muscles.

Muscles of the anterior thigh:

  • Iliac muscle;
  • Iliopsoas muscle;
  • comb muscle;
  • Long adductor muscle;
  • thin muscle;
  • Thigh tensioner;
  • Quadriceps femoris muscle.

Why we marked different muscles different colors? And all because they are divided into groups according to their similar functions and the same location.

The first five muscles (muscles of the inner thigh) are located in the upper part of the leg under the groin. Their main function is to adduct the leg.

Thigh tensioner ( green color) is located on the outer side of the thigh under the femur. Its main function is to abduct the leg.

Quadriceps femoris - anatomy:

The quadriceps muscle occupies the most large area thigh, consists of four bundles, each of which starts from the knee. Two side bundles form the familiar “droplets” above the knees, and two bundles in the middle continue to the pelvis.

Muscles of the back of the thigh:

  • Biceps femoris;
  • semimembranosus muscle;
  • Semitendinosus muscle.

The main function of these muscles is hip extension in hip joint, flexion of the lower leg, abduction of the leg back.

Exercises for the overall development of the hips

The first and most important exercise for the development of the hips is squats with a barbell. This is a basic exercise that mostly works the quadriceps, or quadriceps femoris, but also involves all the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. If you want to shift the focus to the quadriceps, then put pancakes under your heels.

Technics: Correct execution technique is vital in this exercise, since if it is violated, you can get severe injuries to the spine or knees. During the squat, the back should always be kept straight and the pelvis pulled back. The knees should be turned in the same direction as the toes. The head is in line with the knees. The bar should not lie on the neck or fall to the middle of the shoulder blades. Its most comfortable and safe placement is on the trapezius muscle.

The second common exercise for the hips is the leg press. Here, all the muscles of the thigh are also included in the work, but more emphasis is placed on the quadriceps femoris. This exercise allows you to isolate your back correct technique execution.

Technics: The leg press machine is adjustable, so you need to set it up for yourself (seat and platform tilt). The back should be fully pressed to the seat, the lower back should not come off. When performing a bench press, we do not fully straighten our legs, since knee-joint should not slam shut. You can adjust the load by placing your feet down, in the middle or up the platform, wide or narrow.

The next exercise for integrated development leg muscles - lunges with dumbbells in dynamics. That is, in such attacks we walk, and do not stand still. As in the previous exercises, the emphasis is on the quadriceps, but the whole leg is developed.

Technics: Technically, this is a difficult exercise, but a useful one. It is better to perform it with dumbbells, as this will help you keep your balance. The back should be straight, legs bent at 90 degrees. When sitting down on your leg, do not rest your knee on the floor.

Exercises for the quadriceps femoris

One of the most common exercises for developing the front of the thigh is the leg extension in the simulator. This is an isolating exercise that allows you to work out the lateral heads of the quadriceps femoris as much as possible, and this is the answer to the question “how to pump up the medial thigh muscle?”. Perhaps the best exercise for the medial muscle is not to be found.

Technics: There are trainers with or without a back. If there is a backrest, then adjust it so that the lower back is firmly pressed against it. If there is no back, then try to keep your back straight. For fixation, hold on to the handles located at the edges of the simulator. Extend your legs to the end.

How to pump up the quadriceps femoris muscle in isolation? The second useful exercise for this purpose is the hack squat. This exercise allows you to isolate the back, which is convenient for many athletes. Also here you can sit as deep as possible.

Technics: The back should be closely pressed against the back of the simulator, always keep your hands on the latches. You can squat as deep as possible only if you have no problems with your knees.

How to pump up the back of the thigh?

Speaking about how to pump up the biceps of the thigh, you should never lose sight of this exercise - the deadlift. Technically, the exercise is quite difficult and traumatic. If performed incorrectly, it can lead to various spinal injuries and a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which has its consequences.

Technics: It is necessary to perform deadlift with a straight back, the stomach should be tightened, and the press should be slightly tense. To work out the hamstrings as much as possible, it is better to perform deadlift on straight or slightly bent legs.

The second exercise in the topic of how to pump up the hamstring muscles is barbell tilts. This is an analogue of the deadlift, but it is performed with a barbell on the shoulders.

Technics: The back should be straight, legs also straight. We take the pelvis back during the slopes.

Another exercise on the list of how to pump up rear surface hips, hyperextension. It is done in a special simulator.

Technics: The simulator is adjustable, so install the rollers for attaching the legs under you. The knees should be halfway outside the support, the stomach is higher than the pelvic bones - hanging freely. Bend over with a slightly bent back to reduce stress on the lower back.

The last exercise for pumping up the back muscles of the legs is bending the legs in the simulator. This is an isolated exercise for the hamstrings, which allows you to work them out the best.

Technics: The angle of the simulator must be adjusted for yourself, the knees should slightly extend beyond the bench, and the roller should be placed on the calcaneal tendon. While bending the legs, the pelvis should not come off the bench. It is necessary to raise the legs twice as fast as to lower them, and it is necessary not to lower them completely.

How to pump up the muscles of the inner thigh and thigh strainer?

There are a lot of exercises for the inner thigh, but almost all of them are performed without weights. We will tell you how to best develop this group muscles.

The first and second exercises for the adductors of the thigh are bringing the legs while standing in the block and bringing the legs together.

Technics: Put on a special cuff on your leg, hook the carabiner of the block onto it. Move your leg to the side. Bring your leg to the maximum.

The second exercise is bringing the legs together in the simulator. This is an isolating exercise that will help you pump up the inner thigh muscles in the most efficient way.

Technics: The lower back must be pressed closely against the back of the simulator, the legs should be placed on the holders. Bring your legs to the maximum and spread also to the maximum. On the last repetitions, you can help yourself with your hands.

Exercise for the thigh tensioner - leg breeding in the simulator. For this, there is a special simulator opposite to the previous one.

Technics: We press the lower back closely to the back of the simulator, place the legs on the mounts. Spread your legs as far as possible to the sides, without bringing them to the end together.

Another exercise for the thigh tensioner is the abduction of the leg in the block.

Technics: Put a special cuff on your leg, hook the carabiner of the block onto it. Take your leg as far as possible to the side, trying to keep the body straight.

Well, here we have answered your questions "how to pump up the internal muscles of the legs, the front of the thigh and the back." Remember that you need to train your legs no more than once every 6-8 days. Use as many exercises as possible to better work out all the muscles of the thigh.

So ladies! Do you want to know about the most effective ways leg and glute workouts? Here's everything you need to create slender legs and a strong butt.

Most women, no matter how active they are in life, have stronger quadriceps femoris muscles (quadriceps) than hamstrings and buttocks.

Typical training programs for the lower body emphasize the load, specifically on the quadriceps. In addition, your quads are fired up every time you get up from a chair, chair, sofa, stairs, or just get out of your car.

So it's not uncommon for women to have stronger quads than hamstrings. In fact, the ideal hamstring to quad strength ratio H:Q is 2:3. Those. your quads are stronger than the backs of your legs.

However, if the H:Q strength ratio changes towards Q and your quadriceps become even stronger, then this imbalance is fraught not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also injury to the hamstrings and knee joint. And this is not the only risk for women.

Physiological differences such as increased joint laxity, increased estrogen levels, and anatomical differences in pelvic structure and lower alignment (Q angle) make women much more susceptible to knee injuries than men.

Let's dwell a little on what the angle Q is.

The quadriceps force vector is oriented laterally with respect to the line of the joint. This is due to the large cross section and potential of the lateral head of the quadriceps. Since there is an association between patella pathology and excessive lateral movement, assessment of the lateral tension of the quadriceps in relation to the patella is an important clinical measurement. It is called the "quadriceps angle" or "Q angle".

The Q angle is defined by a line from the anterior superior ilium to the center of the patella, and from the center of the patella to the tibial tuberosity. The Q angle can be measured in the supine or standing position. The latter option is preferable, since in this state the knee joint is most time.

When measuring, make sure that the lower limb is under right angle to the line joining the anterior superior iliac bones. The foot should be in a neutral position with respect to supination and pronation, and the hip should be in a neutral position with respect to medial and lateral rotation. Draw a line from the anterior superior ilium to the center of the patella, and then from there to the tubercle of the tibia. These two lines will form an angle, which is commonly referred to as the Q angle.

Positive sign: the normal value of the Q angle in women is 13-18 °, while smaller and larger values ​​are considered a deviation from the norm and may indicate the risk of developing chondromalacia of the patella, as well as pathologies accompanied by its high position or incorrect movement.

Good news! Training the muscles that stabilize the knee joint can reduce the rate of injury seen in women. Not to mention, weak glutes and hamstrings can also be the cause of flat butt syndrome or gluteal amnesia.

While women aren't always genetically predisposed to balanced leg muscles, that doesn't mean they're all stuck there! By training your hamstrings and glutes, you can correct this imbalance and build beautiful, chiseled legs and a round, strong butt.

If you know the lower half of your body is in need of "finishing", feel free to train your legs twice a week, focusing on the weaker leg muscles.

In the workouts below, you don't need to do any quad isolation exercises. They are sufficiently getting a good load from the base strength exercises such as squats and lunges.

Focus on training the glutes and hamstrings to increase their strength and symmetry in line with the quads.

Weight training

It is better to train with light weight, because you don’t want to “pump over” So, when this thought creeps into your head, remember, the muscles will never change and will not acquire the desired shape and size if they do not receive the necessary stimulus for growth.

And you must have heard that the more muscle mass as you gain, the more you burn excess calories and body fat, because your body will need a lot of energy to create muscle and maintain it in an anabolic state.

Workout with an emphasis on the hamstrings and buttocks.

Use this circuit in your regular workouts along with your upper body work.

Rest between sets 60 seconds, between exercises 2-3 minutes.


1. - 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

2. - 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. or perform in a glute machine - 5 sets of 10 reps (each leg)

4. - 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. - 5 sets of 10 repetitions.


1. - 3 sets of 3 - 6 repetitions.

2. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

4. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. in Smith or perform in a glute machine - 3 sets of 10 reps.

Since you work your legs twice a week, and to help your muscles recover faster from workout to workout, use supplements such as amino acids and omega-3s.

During a period of hard training, the natural supply of glutamine in the body drops, which leads to a weakening immune system and an increased risk of muscle loss.

Reception daily dose Glutamine 20-30g as a supplement may help you recover faster and raise your plasma glutamine levels.

Add to that 1000mg of omega-3s to reduce inflammation in your muscles after your hard workout on Monday and be ready for Friday's workout with the same energy and intensity.

Deadlift on one leg. Although this exercise works both the hamstrings and glutes, it also redistributes the load on the back extensors. So you can add this movement to your back workout day as an additional load.

As you work on the abductor/adductor machine, focus on keeping your knees in line with your toes.

Most women consider their legs the most problematic part of their body. It is known that cellulite and excess body fat in this area are difficult to correct. The only method that allows you to forget about this problem forever is a combination of regular sports activities, a reasonable diet and massage. Exercises for the back of the thigh can be part of a comprehensive leg workout or performed independently.

Exercises for the back of the thigh will help make your legs strong and beautiful.

The whole point is that:

  • it is this muscle group that is most often deprived of the load due to sedentary work and low activity;
  • well-developed muscles make the legs stronger and more beautiful, facilitate tasks such as running and climbing stairs;
  • it helps eliminate cellulite and tighten the skin.

But in order to quickly see positive changes in strength and appearance hips, experts recommend not being limited to working on one muscle group. Combine the workout below with others. This approach is not only more efficient, but also saves time.

Why is it worth paying attention to work on the back of the thigh?

If you want to not only tighten your muscles, but also lose those extra pounds, spend a few days a week. In combination with strength training, they will help to form beautiful muscles and burn fat in the desired area.

So that exercises for the legs and hips bring maximum benefit use the following guidelines.

  1. Never start an exercise without warming up the muscles. Do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for at least 5 minutes. You can climb stairs, jump rope, or run in place. Preparing the muscles will not take much time and will reduce the likelihood of sprains.
  2. Choose comfortable clothes for your workout. It should not restrict movement.
  3. Always make muscle effort on the exhale and relax on the inhale.
  4. Repeat each hamstring exercise 15-20 times. After a short rest (no more than 30-45 seconds), do 1-2 more sets. If at first you fail to do the indicated number of repetitions, do not torture yourself: do as many as you can. But try to improve. Add 1-2 reps each workout.
  5. Exercise 2-3 times a week.
  6. End your workout with stretching. It makes the muscles elastic and reduces the soreness that usually occurs after strength training.

An example of a hamstring workout

The following are exercises for the back of the thigh that you can do at home. They do not require complex sports equipment. Dumbbells and weights are easily replaced with bottles or sand bags.

After a short warm-up, proceed to the first exercise.

Leg raise lying on stomach

Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them under the chin. This is the starting position for the first two exercises in this section. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks as much as possible and lift the right leg up without bending it. Slowly lower your leg down, but try not to touch the floor. Complete required amount reps and switch legs.

In the future, you can make this movement more difficult by putting weights on the working leg or by securing the legs with a rubber band. Also, to increase the load, you can lift and upper part body with arms extended forward. Then the entire back surface of the body will work for you.

This exercise for the legs and hips can be varied by lifting the legs alternately, both legs together, adding the arms.

Raising the legs bent at the knees, lying on the stomach

Return to starting position. Bend both legs at the knees at a right angle, keep your feet parallel to the floor. Lift both legs up at the same time. Slowly return them to their original position, but do not lower them completely to the floor.

Lifting the hip up

Get on your knees, put your hands on the palms in front of you, the body parallel to the floor. Tighten your press. Stretch your right leg back, bend it at the knee and lift your hip up as much as possible. Repeat with your left foot.

When doing this exercise with your working leg, you seem to “push” into the ceiling.

Pulling the leg to the side

Stay in the same position. Raise your leg up until it is parallel with the floor, remembering to tighten your abs. This is the starting position. Take your leg to the side, keeping its position relative to the floor. Repeat with the other leg.

When moving the working leg to the side, try not to tilt the pelvis, keep the body straight.

Weighted squat

The following exercise for the back of the thigh is considered one of the most effective. Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly. Grab a dumbbell or a water bottle in each hand.

Beginners should use a weight of 1-1.5 kg. When the technique of movements is worked out, you can increase the weight of each dumbbell to 2.5 kg or more.

Raise your arms with dumbbells to chest level and do a squat. In this case, the hips should be parallel to the floor or slightly lower. This exercise can be made more difficult by combining a squat with an arm raise. In this case, you will provide an additional load on the muscles of the back and arms.

Weighted squats are one of the most effective exercises for the back of the thigh, as well as the legs and buttocks in general.

As a final stretch, it is recommended to perform one simple movement. Sit on the floor and stretch your right leg. Bend your left leg so that it rests on the inside of the outstretched leg. For convenience, clasp your left leg with your hand. As you exhale, bend forward and grab your right ankle with your palm. Keep bending over until you feel a strong stretch in your hamstrings. Breathe deeply and hold this position for 15-20 seconds. Perform with the other leg.

Exercise regularly and you will forget that the hips are your problem area!

Everyone who walks in gym, knows that the most important part to work on is the legs. And, despite this, all the same, many allow themselves to idle these days or not perform at all. necessary exercises. But exercises on the back of the thigh are necessary to create the perfect toned figure in women.

Does it need to be done?

Again, there are often conflicting opinions in the gym about doing hamstring exercises, as the potential harm far outweighs the benefits. And yet the work with the legs is:

  • a basic complex that stimulates the body to mass anabolism;
  • great opportunity to get rid of orange peel»;
  • improvement functionality. Now walking in heels will not be able to bring such inconvenience as before;
  • the necessary complex to create a balanced figure.


And yet, recently, exercises for the back of the thigh and buttocks have gained extraordinary popularity among all the fair sex. The Kardashian family is to blame for everything, who, with their twerks and impressive forms, have set new standards of beauty that all the fair sex strive for. But is it all good? Yes, first of all, exercises on the back of the thigh are a must. Why? Because they use those muscles that are very little used during everyday life. In particular, the biceps femoris is used exclusively when a person is trying to sit on a chair or bend over. That is why, unsportsmanlike girls can have a beautiful ass, but still its outlines will be blurred, due to the back of the thigh not pumped.

Harm and possible contraindications

But is everything so good, is there any potential harm from using exercise for the back of the thighs? There is no potential harm at all.

You can harm your body only if you violate the technique of performing exercises.

But there is a risk of improper loading of the back of the thigh. This is expressed in the case when women begin to overly begin to get involved in basic exercises. Therefore, when working out the back of the thigh, you need to consider the following feature:

  • A month of working out in heavy basic exercises (to create a basic muscle group, on which a further figure will be built).
  • 3 months split, in which isolating exercises will prevail over the basic ones.
  • Decrease in working weights from the 5th month, with an increase in the number of approaches and repetitions.

When you have reached the optimal figure, you should think about how to reduce the load even more in order to only keep the muscle group in good shape. As for contraindications, they are standard:

  • the presence of spinal injuries;
  • problems with bones, blood vessels, ligaments of veins;
  • the presence of tumors in the abdomen;
  • pregnancy;
  • kyphoscoliosis, lordoscoliosis and just scoliosis.

Why is the spine important? Because almost all exercises with free weights require a mass return from the muscle corset, due to the presence of a vertical compressive load, due to which, in the presence of curvature, the latter can greatly increase and even lead to disability.

Otherwise, work with the muscles of the thigh and buttocks has no particular contraindications.


What is the best thing to use to work out the back of the thigh? Exist like basic exercises(like rods), and isolating, aimed exclusively at working out the femoral groups. In total, there are several basic exercises that should be in the program of every woman:

  • Romanian deadlift;
  • squat with a barbell;
  • Bulgarian split squats;
  • body lifts;
  • leg flexion.

Romanian deadlift

The first and perhaps the most important exercise for the back of the thigh is. In particular, this is Romanian traction.

Before mastering the Romanian deadlift, it is recommended to work out with block simulators for a month and master the classic bent-over deadlift. This will help to better understand the principles of execution, correctly shift the emphasis, and reduce the risk of back injury.

The Romanian deadlift is a basic multi-joint exercise that uses:

  • gluteal muscles;
  • quadriceps;
  • biceps femoris;
  • gastrocnemius;
  • back muscles;
  • forearm muscles.

With the right technique, the muscles of the lumbar and back muscles are almost completely disabled, which leads to an accentuation of the load on the hips.

How to perform?

  1. Pick up the barbell, direct grip with open lock.
  2. Perform a bend in the back.
  3. Lower the body, keeping the legs straight.
  4. In this case, the bar must be carried as close as possible to the level of the legs, without deviating it from the given trajectory.
  5. Rise, keeping the arch and straight legs.

Important points:

  • Do not use a mixed grip, as in this case the load is shifted to the spine, creating a torque.
  • The head should always look forward and up.
  • The movement is due to the deviation of the body back, which disables the back muscles from work.
  • Shoes during execution should be without lifting, since in this case, the entire load will fall on the muscles of the backs.

Barbell Squat

The barbell squat is the king of all exercises. Regardless of the goals of the athlete, it is used in all programs, as it allows you to work out the legs, and is the magic tool that activates the body's anabolism, which leads to rapid improvement forms.

How to perform?

  • The bar rests on the chest (thus, the emphasis shifts to the thigh muscles), but can also be placed on the shoulders.
  • A deflection is carried out in the back, while maintaining a slight tilt of the body forward.
  • The squat is carried out up to 90 degrees at the knees.
  • Slowly, without leaving the deflection, stand up completely.

Important points:

  1. When working with a barbell on the chest, there must be a spotter.
  2. Do not straighten your knees completely, as this increases the load on the joints.
  3. Use heavy weights with low reps.

Bulgarian split squats

The Bulgarian split squat is the first isolation exercise that focuses solely on the hips. It is recommended to perform it only after completing the basic program.

How to perform?

  1. The leg rests on the instep, which is installed at the back.
  2. Dumbbells are taken into the hands.
  3. General position legs should be like in deep lunges.
  4. Perform a deep squat with emphasis not on the front, but on back leg.
  5. Get up using your back leg.
  6. Throughout the execution, maintain the deflection.

If the main load falls on the front leg, then instead of the femoral muscles, the main work will be taken over by the quadriceps.

No weight

These are the simplest single leg squats. The technique is completely identical to the previous element, with the exception of the absence of dumbbells. This best exercise at home on the back of the thigh.

Trunk raises

Despite the strange name, this is the simplest hyperextension. It is important to understand that the femoral muscles in this case play an exclusively auxiliary role, the main load falls on the muscles of the lumbar region.

How to perform?

  1. Pick up a pancake (weighing 5 to 20 kg).
  2. Get into a hyperextension stance.
  3. Put the pancake on the chest (for extreme sportsmen, behind the neck).
  4. Bend over with full flexion of the spine.
  5. Straighten to obtain the desired deflection.

Since all this time the body rests on the legs, part of the load falls on the back surface, due to which the femoral groups are perfectly worked out.

Leg curl

There is such a machine in almost every room. It has been specially designed for hamstring training.

The technique is extremely simple:

  1. Get into the machine.
  2. Bend your legs.
  3. Fix at a point highest load for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Unbend your legs.


Naturally, all exercises should not be used in one workout. Consider the most effective programs

For achievement best effect, before embarking on an accentuated study of the hips, you need to work out 1-2 months according to a circular program. This is done in order to bring all muscle groups into tone, and to learn the technique of all basic exercises. After that, it is better to do 2-3 months in splits. And only then move on to the basic, or accentuated study. So, even if you are very carried away with the study of the femoral muscle groups, you will maintain a balance between all muscle groups, which will preserve the beauty and naturalness of the figure.

And most importantly, usually basic programs, without focusing on the hips, is enough to achieve an optimal result.


Exercises on the back of the thigh - every day more and more capture the minds and hearts of women. And remember that if you want to perfect figure, it is not necessary to run to the hall. You can organize workouts at home, since there are special exercises that allow you to work out your legs and hips without using heavy barbells. Combine and keep a balance between all muscle groups, and by the summer, you will have something to show off on the beach.

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