Exercise to increase bust. How to increase breast glands at home

Garden technique 11.10.2019
Garden technique

Many girls are interested in the question: Is it possible to increase the chest exercises at home, what exactly are it really real? Will they help after feeding the child? Let's figure out. To train the bust, a number of exercises are needed, as its muscle fibers are located in different directions, and for their studies are needed multidirectional efforts. What kind of movement should be done? See on.

Only shifting the focus of the load on different muscles, you can achieve the goal. Applying some one, even a very effective exercise, we will not be able to give a load on all target muscles, so in this case only integrated classes will help.

The chest area is represented by the following muscles:

  • Large;
  • Small;
  • Front gear;
  • Plug.

The big muscle takes almost the entire chest area. With her, we omit and turn your hand to the body. Small is located under great and attached to the blade. The front toothed muscle is located on the side of the chest. The connectible is located in the top of the big chest.

The anatomical structure of the female bust is breast muscles, on top of which is located directly chest. The thoracic iron muscles itself does not,, accordingly, cannot increase the exercises. It consists of fatty, iron and connective tissue. Correcting the form of the bust and lift it can only work well with the muscles. Pumpped muscles raise the chest and give her elasticity and beautiful shape. The main thing is not to overdo the burning of calories - as a result of this, the fatty tissue will decrease, and, accordingly, bust also.

Complex of 7 exercises for breast muscles

Exercises included in the complex are performed at different arrangements of the hands. Hands can be lowered down, raised up, between body and hands can be formed a different angle. This depends on what muscles will be worked out. We are interested in those exercises that will help maximize the muscles of the bust of women. They can be represented as the next complex. So how to increase breasts with exercises? See below.

Attention! Before training, it is necessary to perform a warm-up for heating target muscles. The first exercise performed on the training session must be push-ups from the wall.

1. Push up from the wall

Include the following muscles - greater breast and front gear. In addition, straight abdomen, oblique belly and three-headed shoulder are involved. Performing an exercise you can put the hands as wider shoulders and already shoulders. With a wide formulation, a large load is getting the muscles of the chest, with a narrow stage, the triceps shoulder. The greater the corner of the body in relation to the wall, the greater the load.

  1. We retreat from the wall about one step.
  2. Make focus on the wall, placing hands in front of the breast.
  3. Push-ups perform bending hands in elbows. The body at the same time is one line. No longer bending and rounded it is impossible From this will be lost load on breast muscles.

We perform ten exercises with several approaches.

Attention! To achieve the effect of muscle increase, you need to calculate the load and the number of approaches individually. For each girl, these indicators may be different. They will depend on the degree of its physical training, weight and other factors.

2. Classic pushups

  1. Going to the floor, arms bent in the elbows, we have under the breast.
  2. The body from the socks of the legs to the top should represent straight line. Jump, completely straightening your hands in the elbows.

We perform ten repetitions in two approaches. Time rest between approaches thirty seconds.

3. Call dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

We work in, first of all, breast muscles, as well as a number of small muscles that are usually difficult to use.

  1. Put with a straight back and take the dumbbells. Straightening your legs in the knee joint, climb.
  2. Holding the dies of dumbbells on the bemps, with the effort to lift the legs, laying the body body on the gymnastic bench. Feet steadily position on the floor.
  3. Move the dumbbells to the chest area. Straightening hands in the elbows, lift dumbbells up.

Perform eight repetitions or other quantities in several approaches. Leisure time between approaches is one minute.


4. Wiring lying on an inclined bench

We work on the bottom of the chest muscles. Excellent .

  1. Raise the edge of the bench at an angle of forty degrees And lock it.
  2. Put with a straight back and take the dumbbells. Climb, straightening your legs in the knee joint.
  3. Turn over the body body on the bench, holding the dies of dumbbells in the front of the front of the hip.
  4. Move the dumbbells to the chest area. Raise dumbbells at right angles to the floor, bend elbows slightly. Palms must be deployed with their fingers.
  5. We divor the dumbbells to the sides with an effort on inhale.
  6. On the exhalation, we bring the dumbbells to the position when they slightly touch each other. Hands are directed strictly up.

Perform eight repetitions or other scheduled amount with several approaches. Leisure time between approaches is one minute.

Attention! During the execution of the exercise, the elbows should be directed down.

5. Mahi dumbbells forward

A simple look exercise that works well the key part (top) of a big breast muscle and deltoid. Exercise exercise stimulates the growth of pectoral muscles. Mahi dumbbells are made in the sitting position and standing.

  1. Hands located along the body parallel to the front of the hip.
  2. We take the dumbbells in such a way that the palm and fingers when performing the masses were directed from the chest.
  3. At the breath raise the dumbbells above the shoulder level. Exercise at the average pace, smoothly, without jerks raising and lowering hands.

Caution! Do not lift dumbbells from the floor due to the extension of the back - it may cause an injury to the lumbar department.

6. "Pullover"

Breast and shoulder muscles work.

  1. We carry out the exercise, lying with the upper part of the back in the bench. Corps are located perpendicular to the bench.
  2. Legs stand on the floor bent in the knees at right angles.
  3. Ask the partner to submit you a dumbbell, take it for the neck. Slightly bend your hands in the elbows and raise the projectile up.
  4. Lower the dumbbell behind the head on the breath, stretching and working on breast muscles. Hands are moving only in shoulders.
  5. Pelvic region up do not raise, Otherwise, breast muscles will not be fully worked out.

Perform eight repetitions or other scheduled amount with several approaches. Time rest between approaches thirty seconds.

7. Push up on bars

Promotes the growth of the size of the chest muscles, triceps and deltoid. It is also used to work well the middle and lower chest.

  1. We accept the position on the bars on straightened hands. Feet bend in your knees and press them, In order not to touch the floor.
  2. Let's go down, elbows wept to the sides, leaning forward, bending the torso. Elbows to the housing are not pressed.
  3. When performing a handoff of a hand in the elbow joint completely not extending.
  4. Surrence between bars shallow - Then the breast muscles will be perfectly worked out.
  5. Tighten up and delay in this position for a few seconds.

We perform eight repetitions or other scheduled amount with several approaches.

There are certain rules that you must adhere to:

  1. To achieve maximum results observe the execution technology Each exercise. Deviation from technology leads the load from target muscles.
  2. Classes must be systematic It is necessary to conduct them every other day or three times during the week. Between them you need to arrange a one-day break. Do not plan training two days in a row, as the muscles need time to rest.
  3. Select weights for training you need from a minimum, Since with the wrong approach when choosing weight, there is a big risk of sprains of ligaments and the occurrence of various injuries.
  4. The complex of exercises for breast muscles can be recommended to fulfill those who are going to become a mother, as well as those who fed the child with breasts and started exercise. It is necessary in order to maintain the breast muscles in the tone and not to give the bust.

Muscular breast fibers react well to power exercises. With perseverance, effort and patience, they can be perfectly drunk. To do this, you need to perform a set of exercises that allows you to distribute the load on target muscle groups. Two - three months you can see the real results of your efforts! It is necessary to remember that reaching the result, it is necessary to constantly maintain it, performing a complex of exercises for the chest.

How can beginners can increase massive breasts? Try these 5 excellent training programs for breast muscles and find out.

Pectoral Muscle Building Guide for Beginners

Your chest reminds rather a sheet of plywood than Mount Muscles, about which you always dreamed of? Do you spend endless hours, performing the bench press, but the breast size does not increase? Have you already begun to think that you are simply not destined to have developed? Immediately stop, you are mistaken.

I can't promise you that you will have a breast someday, like the great Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I can promise you that if you listen to me, you can develop your chest to impressive sizes.

Further, in the article, I will tell you about the anatomy of the chest, its functions, location in the body and some exercises for each breasting department. Finally, and this is what you are waiting for, I will share with you five of my favorite training programs that will help you turn your flat breasts into the gunned muscles.

Anatomy breast

The chest consists of two muscles, which together provide the work of the chest. These muscles are a large pectoral muscle and a small pectoral muscle. As a rule, the small pectoral muscle is located directly under the large pectoral muscle.

It begins in the inner half of the clavicle, passes through the breast to the axillary yam (shoulder bone).

Performs 3 different functions:

  • Rots shoulder
  • Raises and lowers hand on the sides
  • Performs the movement of arm wrestling

Rods and Mahi dumbbells

Rods on the horizontal bench perfectly trains the middle department of pectoral muscles

Although the chest consists of a single muscle mass, it must be training, as if it consisted of three parts. The upper, medium and lower parts of the breast are better pumped depending on the angle under which the exercises are performed.

The upper part of the breast is best developed when exercising on a bench at an angle of 30-45 °. For example, the bench press of the rods and the press of dumbbells or the reduction of hands with dumbbells on an inclined bench is excellent exercises for pumping the upper chest.

The middle part of the chest gets the best stimulation if the exercises are performed on a horizontal bench. For example: Rods and dumbbell bench press or reduction-breeding of hands with dumbbells on a horizontal bench.

The lower part of the chest is best to train with the help of exercises performed on a bench with a feedback (30-45 °). For example: the beam of the rods and the press of dumbbells or the reduction-breeding of hands with dumbbells on the bench with a feedback is remarkably suitable for increasing the lower part of the pectoral muscles.

I believe that all the departments of the chest muscles are first the best of all react to low (4-6) or mean (8-12) the number of repetitions. I very rarely include a large number of repetitions for beginners, as I believe that heavier weights help lay a solid base that beginners needs. I am also sure that at the beginning of training it is better to focus on free scales, especially if the breast is your weak place. In my opinion, free weights are much better developed by pectoral muscles than simulators.

Now that you understand which muscles make up the chest muscles, and you know about their functions, location and exercises necessary for their growth, let's look at some training programs that will help you increase breast volume.

All exercises must be performed exactly according to the rules, because the incorrect exercise is becoming a habit that will pursue you and will prevent large results, or in the worst case will lead to injury. Therefore, first, familiarize yourself with the section.

5 of my favorite training training programs for breast muscles

Upper Pectoral Muscle Day

  • : 3 approaches 8 repetitions

Day of the middle department of pectoral muscles

  • : 3 approaches 4-6 repetitions
  • : 3 approaches 8 repetitions
  • : 3 approaches of 8-12 repetitions
  • (lowering should take 5-10 seconds): 3 approaches 12 repetitions

Day of the Lower Department of Pectoral Muscles

  • : 3 approaches 4-6 repetitions
  • : 3 approaches 8 repetitions
  • : 3 approaches of 8-12 repetitions
  • (lowering should take 5-10 seconds): 3 approaches 12 repetitions

Day rod

  • : 3 approaches 4-6 repetitions
  • : 3 approaches 4-6 repetitions

In contact with


Despite the fact that medicine is skeptical about homemade breast increases without plastic, practice shows that it is still possible.

Millions of women prefer to constantly improve and work on their body, correlacing the forms and sizes of the bust, including. If nature has sentenced women's breasts, attractive forms and size, you should not put a cross on yourself.

Holding to an integrated approach in working on their body, a month later, significant modifications will be noticeable. Before proceeding with the search for effective techniques, a woman should deal with, just based on theoretical knowledge, you can find effective breast increment paths.

To increase the bust, many women are solved on a cardinal step -. In fact, to go under the Knife Surgeon and the remainder of life to wear a foreign body in itself a dubious prospect.

Where it is wiser to start an independent body correction outside and from the inside. Increase the chest quickly, in just a month it is quite possible if you adhere to several methods in the complex.

Hormonal agents and drugs

First of all, the size of the mammary glands and their growth at the stage of puberty directly depends on the hormonal background of the woman. Therefore, hormonal imbalance may adversely affect the shape of the informs. To solve the problem in this way, you need to consult with the endocrinologist, check the level of female and male genital hormones. The missing hormones doctor will write to compensate for those or other hormonal means.

At once, 4 hormones are responsible for the size of the mammary glands and their correct combination: estrogen, xenoestrogen, testosterone and prolactin.

In no case should not choose the hormonal drug to increase the chest. The irrational use of hormones leads to serious diseases and even to the occurrence of tumors.

There are safe preparations. Personally, I used here. +1.5 to size in 2 weeks.

Power supply for breast growth

The first thing a woman should know, seeking to increase breast size - no diet.

The lack of adipose tissue, vitamins and trace elements in food products lead to the depletion of the mammary glands. Since the breast size depends also on the number of fat cells in the glands, the balanced nutrition will help to increase them and fill the mammary glands with vegetable hormones.

  • Chicken meat, dairy products, seafood - products in which a large amount of protein that helps strengthen muscles and binders of the chest;
  • Hop and its cones - a product that is a valuable supplier of vegetable estrogen (a bipore course from the cones - week);
  • Cereals and grain - products rich in microelements, namely rice, oats, barley and millet;
  • Products that are rich in monon-saturated fats - flax seeds, avocado, fish with fatty fillets, olive oil, sesame (such fats do not contribute to weight gain).

Read more about food for breast growth.


For a woman who seeks to quickly increase breasts at home, self-massage should become a pleasant daily habit. Before proceeding with Him, experts recommend a contrasting soul to increase the tone and improved blood flow to milk glands. Next, with the help of a warm jet of water from the shower, the chest massage some time in a circle, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples. Also after water procedures, self-massage is carried out with a fat nutritional cream.

After distributing the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, it is tricious from nipples and to the armpits and shoulders. It is very important at the same time not to pressed on the chest to not injure it and stretch the thin delicate skin. For each breast, such manipulations for 3-5 minutes will be performed, repeating massage daily.

Course of exercise

The elevation and shape of the chest is directly dependent on the fortress of breast muscles and ligaments.

The expressed relief in the zone of the neckline transforms visual breasts, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the mammary gland with oxygen by filling it with nutrients and an additional volume. Today, experts recommend a large list of effective exercises to increase the mammary glands for 2-3 cm in diameter, but the most effective are the following classes:

  • Pressing from the floor to be spent three times a week from 5 to 20 times on the increasing principle. Effective exercises will be effective if performing them to keep them smoothly on the leg socks and touch the chin to the floor.
  • Compressing palms that spend about 5 times three approaches. Having folded the palm of the lactic glands, repeating the pose of a praying person, they need to tightly press each other. In this condition, the palm is fixed for a while.
  • In addition, useful hands with dumbbells will be useful for the breast.

If you fulfill all the above methods of increasing the breast glands in the complex, a month later, you can fix the first positive changes.

How to enlarge breasts in 10 minutes: proven methods and lifehaki

For a young one, which will not work painstaking over the improvement of your body, there are several tricks for a rapid visual increase in the chest at home. As a rule, it is possible to give breasts of pomp and forms with a properly selected wardrobe and underwear.

With the help of these methods, you can enlarge the breast very quickly!

  • Bra. For a small breast, specialists have long come up with a special bodice with inserts Push-Ap. As practice shows, such underwear will help increase breasts to one size. Due to the atypical shape, such a bodice lifts the mammary glands and brings them to each other, creating the appearance of fullness and puffs of the chest. But such underwear is prohibited by doctors for frequent wearing.
  • Sweatshirts and T-shirts. For a small breast, special T-shirts with polo and V-neck are developed. At the same time, such clothes should be in the tightness to the body, drawing the relief of the lush chest.
  • Blouses and shirts. You can hide the little breast with the help of feminine ruffles and the collar of jabs in shirts and blouses. In addition, this style will fit perfectly with a strict skirt or trousers, creating such an office style. The coloring of the blouse should be bright or in a bright strip, color contrasts must be at a minimum.
  • Sweaters. A woman with a small breasts is better to choose Cashmere feminine sweaters of a free cut. Do not think that such clothes will hide the already small chest. On the contrary, the principle of "from the opposite" will allow not to focus on the small amount of the bust, creating a kind of riddle. It is very important to prefer the sweaters of pastel tones.
  • Vests. A woman who wants to transform a little breast, can put on a bra with insertion Push-AP, and on top of the clothes throw a denim vest. In addition, vests are perfectly combined with office style and classic outfits.

Cool video instruction for breast enlarge in 5 minutes:

"Usefulness" for female breast

Regardless of which breast size is endowed with the nature of a woman, to maintain the youth and its primordial forms, you need to know the main "utility" for the thoracic glands.

Vegetable hormonesWith which many foods are rich, will greatly correct the health of the "female" organs, they will put the menstrual cycle and give the chest of lush forms. As practice shows, many foods are considered even prophylactic measures for the formation of tumors. In the diet of women, fruits and vegetables of orange color must be present, all sorts of cabbage, olive oil, dairy products and seafood gifts.

Active lifestyle and exercise Help strengthen the muscles of the chest, the shoulder department and the back, which has a positive effect on the figure and the female posture, and also adjusts the shape of the chest. In addition, sport contributes to the improvement of the elasticity and flexibility of the ligaments, which prevents bone disease.

For a female breast and general well-being, it is necessary to adhere to the right drinking mode. Light and velvety skin, the normal metabolism and functioning of all internal organs depends on the amount of water being drunk. On the day, doctors recommend drinking from one and a half liters of pure water. It is especially important to drink water during sports, omitting the loss of fluid.

In addition, the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest tone and give it the elasticity to help various home masks of natural composition, as well as regular self-massage using nutrient creams.

It's no secret that the beautiful pumped breast of men is the subject of envy and admiring views. Many have come across a question: how to quickly pump up your chest muscles?We will tell!

A completely reasonable question. The more beautiful your goal should look, the longer it is to work on it. Everything is natural.

But even from the most difficult situation, you can find an output! Modern rhythm of life does not allow regularly visiting the gym. If you firmly have decided to increase the amount of breasts due to a set of muscle mass, we advise you to start making your own individual load schedule for individual muscle groups. Remember, for each person there will be its own individual schedule, depending on the abilities and physical endurance.

Most often, the breast is not engaged more often than 2 times a week. The remaining 5 days you are working on other muscle groups. In no case do not overvolt the muscles or joints. You risk them to injure that is fraught with a long downtime.

We will offer you several different exercises, from which you choose for yourself the most suitable depending on your capabilities. If your financial situation does not allow you to buy professional shells, we can offer you to buy them on the Internet, since only here you can find big discounts and very tempting proposals in accordance with your capabilities.

And yet how to pump the chest muscles? The first exercise that we want to offer this Pull-Over.

How to pump up the chest muscles - Exercise Pull-Over

Many beginner bodybuilders believe that this exercise accelerates the growth of breast muscles. In fact, this is not so. With its correct execution, the muscles of the back and triceps are strained. Therefore, the training of breast muscles does not have to speak. But it should be noted that this exercise allows you to expand the chest.

How to perform: lie down on the bench, legs lowered to the floor. The line of the body from the crown to the knees should be straight. In the hands - a rod with a small weight or dumbbell. Do you breathe - omit the barrel (dumbbell per head), exhale - raise over the chest. Exercise is done measured. 10-20 repetitions.

Exercise crossover

This is not the best breast Muscle Exercise. Many are mistaken, believing that it will help them develop a strong breast.

This shell allows you to work with a small weight, since the body does not stop. Most often, this exercise is used by bodybuilders, abusing chemistry. But we with you people are targeted and disgusting anything. The crossover is used for the shallow study of the already inflated muscles. Even a child can engage in this projectile.


Dumbbell is quite real. Let's even say that this is one of the best exercises. Instead of dumbbells, you can use the rod.

The only drawback of this exercise is that at the initial stages your hands will go aside that it can inefficiently use your strength costs. What about pushups?

How to pump up the breast muscles by pressing.

Push up is the same as the dates lying, only on the contrary.

Push ups on the bars

Well, there is nothing to say. Most popular exercise for tripper study. Wide bars, or rather a wide grip - a great option to emphasize the side contours of the chest. Exercise should be done like this: take a rack on the bars, slightly bend the legs in the knees, do a slow breath and at the same time go down to the stop. At the bottom point you must have a complete air breast. Next climb and at the same time exhale. Nothing difficult. In the initial stages, no more than 10 repetitions should be made for 1 approach.

In general, try, choose for yourself the most optimal option to


With pressing from the floor, multiple muscle groups are involved. This includes deltoid, bottom muscles of the back, breast, triceps, etc. In general, this is one of the most versatile exercises. Using it, you can adjust the area of \u200b\u200bmaximum concentration of your work. For example, push up with up the raised head helps pump up the upper thoracic muscles. Push ups with lowered heads - help pump the lower thoracic muscles.

Push-ups help adjust those or other sections of the chest. Slightly shifted the palm of the face - now you have already strained the bottom of the back muscles and the upper thoracic muscles, slightly shifted back - strained the lower thoracic muscles. It is worth trying yourself - just make the stop lying and slowly fall and climb. You will feel how this or that area is strained. Find your weak point and push off with the voltage concentration in the same area.

In general, try, choose for yourself the most optimal option. We told you Ase about as fast pumped the muscles of the chest. And most importantly do not forget about rest.

Men, and sometimes women, deciding on the formation of an ideal body, dream of giving infant muscles to a significant increase and relief. Of course, it will not work out separate muscular groups as soon as possible, since it needs a high-quality and integrated approach. However, focusing on it is quite acceptable. Details on the organization of training of such a kind, their features and general specifics will be talked today. Are interested in? Then be sure to read the article below to the end.

Fundamentals of the formation of a beautiful torso

As mentioned above, for a high-quality and rapid increase in breast muscles, an integrated approach is required, the essence of which is the load of the entire body. This is due to the fact that, cycling large massifs of muscle fibers, a person naturally activates the secretion of many hormones directly affecting the growth rate of muscles. The testosterone, of course, also includes testosterone, the amount of which in the body significantly increases with systematic loads.

By the way, increase the level of testosterone and other substances affecting the growth rate of muscles, and using specialized medicines. However, remember that with non-professional use of pharmacology more harm than good, therefore it is not worth "indulging".

If you wish to grow breast muscles, at least, a "base" should be made, which is to organize the load of three large muscular groups:

  • spin muscles
  • muscles legs
  • immediately breasting muscles

Depending on where classes for a set of mass are carried out, it is necessary to determine for the implementation of the very "base". So, in the house of the house you can resort to the following training scheme:

  • Monday - pulling up different types, push ups with a wide grip, breeding and lifting the dumbbells (we train the back)
  • Wednesday - squats (both with burdens, and without), lunges with dumbbells, jerks when running (loading legs)
  • Friday - push ups of different types, bars, dumbbells lying and other exercises on the development of breast muscles (as desired - biceps or triceps in addition)

In the initial stages, it should be engaged without burdening, but as soon as the frequency of 10-20 times in each of the 3-4 approaches will be simple for implementation, it is necessary to think about burdens. As such, you can use a backpack with books or similar things that can increase the mass of your body without any discomfort.

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The role and importance of sports in the life of a person: about important

If classes occur in the hall, then options for the choice of exercises are much more. The following strategy can be distinguished as training for beginners:

  • Monday - pull-ups or traction for head on the simulator, rodged traction, tilting with a barbell, exercises on the trapezoids (again the workout of the back)
  • Wednesday - squats with barbell or dumbbells, drops with dumbbells, 1-2 exercises on the feet on special simulators, plus you can add a couple of exercises to study biceps (leg load)
  • Friday - bench press, breeding dumbbells lying and standing, bars, crossover and several exercises on the trapezoids (chest training)

That is, to increase the chest muscles, the general workout plan competently compliterately. At a minimum, it should cover the basic groups of body muscles and implement in 3-4 classes in the week.

In addition, do not forget about the observance of the right set of sleep, the refusal of bad habits and competent nutritional organization. Without a similar basis, workouts to grow beautiful and embossed breasts, unfortunately many, simply unreal.

Increase the chest muscles at home

Since in today's material we are talking about profile workouts on the chest, let's post them in more detail. Let's start, perhaps, with increasing the chest muscles at home. The base with such an approach should be the following exercises:

  • pushups
  • push ups on the bars
  • push ups from the reverse grip (also called pushups on triceps)
  • dumbbell breeding in the situation lying
  • tightening wide grab

Any exercises, with the exception of floor pressings, should be made in the optimal frequency to increase the chest muscles, that is, 8-16 times in the approach, to implement which is preferably within 40-50 seconds. The number of approaches should not exceed 3-4 times, and the duration of their execution is 12-14 minutes. In case of classes, it is important to make an emphasis not by the number of times the execution of a particular exercise, but on their quality. Wanting to enlarge the chest, with the same pushups or tightening should not be hurry, it is required to stretch all muscle fibers in a normal pace.

In addition, the axis should be taken as follows:

  1. Be sure to combine training on the chest with the load of other large muscle groups.
  2. We form a strategy of classes in such a way that over the course of one of them more than 5-6 different exercises were carried out. The optimal solution will be that 3-4 exercises are directed exclusively to the load of the breast muscles, and the smaller groups of muscle fibers involved in occupations (for example, triceps or biceps).
  3. We are engaged in 40-60 minutes, not exceeding this rate.
  4. Using burdens in classes in cases where the frequency in 8-16 repetitions for the approach has become familiar (exercises are made easily, the muscles after training do not hurt). The exception in this regard is pressing from the floor whose frequency can be at the level of 25-40 times per approach, but not more.
  5. Between the training of breast muscles, we take a break for at least 3-4 days, between the load of different muscle groups - 1-2 days.

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Naturally, you should also not forget about proper nutrition and an optimized lifestyle. By the way, these aspects make up approximately 50-70% of the success of training, so they are unacceptable to ignore them.

Note! Unfortunately, training at home has its own limit. It is important to understand that when some results achieve, it is not possible to avoid visiting a visit to the further development of a visit.

The need for this kind is determined by the fact that domestic training does not provoke muscle growth even with significant burden. In this case, the chest should be loaded more strongly, for example, pressing lying.

Exercises in the Hall

Training at home, of course, good, but usually needed to bring the newcomers to the tone and essential results do not allow. Gym - That's what will allow anyone to form a beautiful, greater and relief breast. In the conditions of the Iron House, the list of possible exercises to increase the breast muscles is noticeably more than previously observed. So, pressing different formations and dumbbells can be supplemented:

  • held the rod lying
  • help dumbbells lying
  • help barbell or dumbbells lying at an angle (for training the upper chest beams)
  • hand breeding in crossover
  • pullovers with dumbbells
  • hands in the simulator "Butterfly"

By implementing a training strategy for the day "Breast", IMPORTANT:

  1. Include 5-7 exercises in it, 4 of which must load mainly chest, and the rest are smaller groups of the muscles involved (triceps, biceps, trapezium).
  2. Work in mode 8-12 repetitions for each of the 3-4 approaches in the exercise.
  3. Do all the training within 40-80 minutes.
  4. It is clear to observe the exercise technique and try to make one approach for 40-50 seconds.
  5. Avoid fanaticism in terms of working scales. It is necessary to engage with such a load, after which they hurt, and due to the muscles grow. It is not necessary to fanatically to increase the working weight, as it will not only be due to the proper effect, but the risks of injuries will increase significantly. To make sure of course not worth it.

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