How to make a training program in the gym. Basic training program for beginners

garden equipment 17.10.2019
garden equipment

The problem of drawing up a competent training program is relevant for both novice athletes and "oldies". The sequence of program implementation is the key to achieving results in a reasonable time. The absence of a program leads to quick disappointment, lack of visible results and loss of interest in classes.

What principles can be applied to create an effective training program?
The fundamental points are:

  • Determining the purpose of the training;
  • Selection of the optimal frequency of classes;
  • Optimization of training duration;
  • The sequence of training different muscle groups;
  • Drawing up a complex of basic elements.

Purpose of training

The factor that determines the rest of the elements of effective training is goal setting. As a rule, athletes tend to either score muscle mass or lose weight (burn fat). It is on the expected result that the frequency of classes, their duration and the complex of exercises performed depend.

Regularity of training

The regularity of the inclusion of basic elements depends on the characteristics of the pumped muscles. There is a conditional classification of muscles: into large ones - the muscles of the back, legs, pectorals, and small ones - the shoulder, calf, forearm.

For large muscles big period recovery, so for their pumping, it is enough to train once a week using the split-training system (the method of breaking the training program into parts): intensive study of 1 large group and a couple of small ones. But this approach is more relevant for experienced athletes, while beginners should adhere to a different principle. It is better for them to visit the gym every other day, working out all muscle groups on the basic elements. And only then move on to the split-system training.

The same approach is also true for those who see getting rid of excess weight. At the same time, a couple of cardio workouts are added per week, or it is recommended to switch to a multi-repetition training scheme: reduced rest time between sets while increasing the number of repetitions of an element with a small weight.

The duration of the session and the break between sets

Both of these parameters depend on the main goal of the training. The large working weights of the weighting agents and the low number of repetitions characteristic of strength training reduce its time to 45 minutes. Fat burning or endurance building welcomes up to 1.5 hours, especially at low fitness levels.

The average rest time between sets is 60 seconds. At the same time, exercises for muscle growth and strength are performed with a 2-3 minute interval between sets, and to get rid of excess fat, the pace is increased, reducing the interval to 45 seconds. The standard muscle rest between exercises is 1.5 minutes. But if elements are performed on simulators for isolated groups or training for small groups is conducted, then this figure is reduced to 60-75 seconds.

The order of training of different muscle groups and the selection of exercises

When starting a regular visit to the gym, much attention should be paid to general preparation, therefore, training during this period consists mainly of basic exercises that open it (bench press, deadlift, squats with a barbell on the shoulders) and finishing isolating elements for small muscle groups. Alternation of elements is allowed according to the location of the muscles: in the lower part (legs) and in the upper part (back and chest). Separately work out the muscles upper limbs it doesn't make sense at first.

For beginners, exercises with weights (barbell, dumbbells) are more effective than their training counterparts. As a rule, simulators are used by those who, for health reasons, cannot perform elements with dumbbells or a barbell, or by experienced bodybuilders who need to carefully work out a separate muscle group. Free weights are the key to getting results for a beginner in a short time.

After six months or a year of regular training, you can begin to conduct them according to the split system, working out one large muscle group and a couple of small ones in one lesson. At the same time, the alternation of training and free days is observed, ensuring recovery of the involved muscles.

When switching to split training, questions naturally arise about the joint study of muscle groups. Of course, each case will have its own program, but in general view it can be represented like this. With three visits to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the first day after a long weekend, all attention should be paid to the group that is more difficult to work out. As a rule, these are the muscles of the legs, the pumping of which begins with squats, Romanian traction and lunges, then they move on to / extension on the simulator, and complete the training by pumping the press.

At the next training session (conditionally - on Wednesday), the main attention is paid to working out the pectoral muscles: push-ups, presses with weights at different angles, wiring with dumbbells. The elements for the triceps and deltoid muscles will complete this day. The last training day of the week is dedicated to the back: pull-ups, deadlifts, barbell rows to the belt, alternating rows with dumbbells and blocks, etc. The finishing exercises of this day are dedicated to pumping the biceps.

The number of repetitions is directly related to the main goal of visiting the gym: 6-12 repetitions are enough for muscle growth, to get rid of excess fat, their number is increased to 15. At the same time, they follow the rule of reducing working weights while increasing the number of repetitions. Beginners, on the other hand, need to initially hone the technique, so they start with a minimum number of repetitions with a minimum weight of the weighting agent.

Now it has become fashionable to take care of the health and beauty of your body. The number of gym goers is steadily growing. If you also decide to go in for sports, then you should know how to do it right. First of all, you should pay attention to the choice of a gym for training, in particular, to the competence of the trainer. After all, only a professional will help you choose the exercises and techniques that you need, and this is a guarantee of a useful time spent. And remember, a good gym is not a new floor and free water. The main thing in this case is the ability to achieve the desired result. AT good hall there should be a complete set of basic simulators (including press machines), benches for bench press, barbells with dumbbells, big choice handles and dumbbells, as well as mirrors.

After choosing a gym for classes, you need to think about clothes for training. Here the main requirement is that the clothes do not restrict movement. If we talk about fabric, then avoid synthetics, which are poorly breathable and negatively affect the skin. It is better to purchase special shoes, but if this is not possible, then stop at comfortable sneakers with good throughput.

Features of muscle physiology

To understand how to exercise in the gyms, it should be borne in mind that muscle groups consist of slow and fast fibers. The former are responsible for the breakdown of fats, the latter for the consumption of glucose. The number and ratio of muscle fibers is the same and does not change throughout life. Effective program for the gym includes exercises, during which the muscles will be in constant tension. When we exercise, muscle fibers stretch and tear. The more the muscles are stretched, the faster the fibers will grow.

Any training should always begin with a warm-up, for example, with a run - this will perfectly warm up the muscles and prepare them for further training. You need to run for 5-7 minutes. Be sure to remember this rule, otherwise you risk harming your health. After a short run on the treadmill, you can do stretching exercises. They are also perfect for finishing your workout.

The main complex for beginners

At first, it is better to focus on the basic set of exercises in order to determine your physical fitness. The program for beginners is based on exercises with hardware. Thus, you will prepare your muscles for more serious stress.

After two weeks, the trainer should tell you how to exercise in the gyms, taking into account the purpose of the visit. If you visit the gym in order to keep yourself in shape, then one set of exercises will be selected for you, and a completely different one to correct your figure. It should be noted that such a complex should be selected individually for each visitor to the hall. The gym program for men can be based on powerlifting and bodybuilding exercises. The difference in these programs is that bodybuilding involves performing multiple approaches with weight, and powerlifting is lifting a lot of weight a small number of times.

Training program

In order for the curriculum to gym was as effective as possible, you need to decide on exercises for different muscle groups. Beginner classes often include free weights: push-ups, squats, leg raises, trunks, presses, bent over rows, deadlifts, flyouts, bicep curls, and bicep curls. In addition, the program for includes exercises for working out the legs and back.

Exercises with free weights or on different simulators allow you to work out certain muscle groups. In addition, such exercises are used to change the impact or eliminate the load on the injured muscle.

Basic principles and rules of training in the gym

In order for the gym program to help you fight excess weight and adjust your figure, you need to know some principles and rules for safe and beneficial training. Before starting classes, you should always check whether the load is well fixed, control the stability of the simulator and the integrity of the cable. In addition, you must comply certain rules during classes: do not make noise, clean up sports equipment, do not raise too much big weight And don't neglect insurance.

Duration, intensity and consistency

Proper exercise in the gym is based on three principles: duration, intensity and sequence of exercises. You need to start training with the study of large muscles and only then be taken for small ones. Specifically, you need to start with the press, moving on to working out the thigh, back, chest, delta, triceps, biceps, lower leg and forearm. Moreover, if you want to pump some specific muscle, then you need to start with it. Affects the result and the number of approaches performed. You need to do at least three, and 4-5 approaches are considered the optimal number. For those who are just starting to visit the gym, it can be recommended to initially work out all muscle groups, devoting at least ten minutes to each. With this consistent approach, you can work out all the muscles in an hour and a half.

The duration and intensity of training also directly affects the result. For example, aerobic fitness, which is characterized by low intensity, can last quite a long time, but strength fitness It is not recommended to practice for more than an hour and a half. Quite often, beginners think that the longer they train, the more noticeable the result will be. But in reality, overworking leads to overwork, which will knock you out of your schedule for a long time. The load and duration of classes depend on the working weight, the program selected by the trainer, the speed of the exercises and the rest between sets.

How to choose the right weight

The weight should be selected in such a way that you can complete the required number of repetitions in each approach. To develop strength, you need to choose a load at which you are able to do 2-7 repetitions, for the development of mass - a load of 8-12 repetitions, for weight loss and working out the relief - a load in which more than 12 repetitions. At the same time, the intensity of the exercises should be moderate, rest should not exceed 40-60 seconds. This time is enough to restore heart contractions, and long breaks between exercises contribute to the "cooling" of the muscles, and as a result, the effect on them is reduced.

Exercise technique

From correct execution strength exercises not only the result of the training depends, but also its safety. Very often, novice athletes mistakenly believe that for maximum effect it is necessary to take a lot of weight and use various simulators. But in reality, the effectiveness of training is primarily influenced by the lesson plan and the technique of performing exercises.

For example, if you do squats with a barbell incorrectly, then at best you will not pump your hips enough, and at worst you will injure your spine. What else you need to consider when visiting the gym? It is important for men to know general rules applicable to all resistance exercises. The main one is attention to the negative phase of the movement, that is, this phase is performed more slowly than the positive one. For example, when performing a bench press, you need to calmly raise the barbell and then slowly lower it to your chest.

How to write a gym workout program

Each person has individual physical data. At the same time, physical fitness is not always determined by age. There are young weak bodies, but there are adults and strong ones, and vice versa. Therefore, choosing a gym with a trainer is perfect solution. The specialist will select a training regimen for you, taking into account, first of all, your physical fitness and only then - your age.

It is very difficult to make a program without knowing what the person in the hall is capable of. However, there is simple rules programming for beginners. Training should begin with a warm-up - an exercise bike or Treadmill. 7-8 minutes is enough for him. During one workout, you need to work out all muscle groups. Each exercise should have a minimum of four sets and a minimum of eight reps per set. Rest between sets - no more than one minute. There should be 20-25 approaches in total. If you still have energy left at the end of your strength training session, you can complete the exercise bike or treadmill session in 12 to 45 minutes.

We pump muscles

The training complex for pumping muscles consists of four to five approaches, each with 8-12 exercises. Basically, they practice three times a week, that is, every other day. The main goal of training is to maximally load a single muscle, and not a limb or the body as a whole. In this case, the rapid growth of muscle fibers is ensured. The training program must change so that the muscles do not adapt, they must always be in hypertonicity. This can be achieved if, on the last approach, you perform the exercises as many times as you have enough strength. There should be a burning sensation in the muscles that you are working out.

The most common mistakes in the gym

Many people are convinced that you should stick to the same training program every day, but in fact, the muscles need time to recover and rest. Daily activities do not give the muscles the opportunity to recover, which means that they will never gain more power and tone.

Visitors to gyms often complain of weakness and sagging in the body. This condition indicates a lack of nutrition in the organs, which comes with the blood. You need to increase blood flow, and you will forget about weakness and flabbiness. by the most effective way to accelerate the blood flow in the body is considered to be intense physical activity. In this sense, the most suitable are classes with a heart rate of 140 beats for at least three hours a week. Such a load is enough for the whole body to receive good nutrition. With this training regimen, flabbiness of the body will pass in a couple of months. In addition, as soon as training becomes regular and frequent, general state skin will improve significantly.

You also need to understand that it is impossible to achieve any significant changes with cardio training alone. Of course, you will get rid of extra pounds, but what will remain as a result? Only strength training can achieve the desired relief and acquire an overall attractive appearance.

It is worth noting the importance of replenishing water reserves in the body. During training, we sweat, and if you do not drink water, then fatigue will come ahead of time. In addition, water helps to eliminate toxins, helps keep joints healthy, speeds up metabolism, and prevents fainting and dizziness.

Proper nutrition

The weight loss program in the gym includes not only training, but also the right diet. But even if the goal of playing sports is not to lose weight, you should still eat a full and balanced diet in order for the body to receive the necessary energy to build muscle mass. At the same time, adhere to diet food not recommended, as reduced food intake very often leads to protein burning. Protein deficiency, in turn, leads to stretch marks, wasting of muscle tissue and reduced skin elasticity. Proteins and carbohydrates must be present in the daily diet of an athlete. It is useful to eat lean meat, cereals (rice, buckwheat and oatmeal), fish, nuts, fruits and honey. But about baked goods, soda and alcoholic beverages better to forget it completely.

After strength training, it is best to eat protein foods. For example, after an evening workout in the gym, vegetables and chicken breast. Such nutrition contributes not only to burning fat, but also to maintaining muscle elasticity.

As a rule, a gym for girls is one of the ways to lose weight. Therefore, on training days, it is recommended to limit the intake of animal fats, to exclude fatty, salty and spicy foods from the diet. Therefore, in order to achieve the results you want, you need to combine the best gyms with the right nutrition.

And now that momentous day has arrived. Finally, you, perhaps without even waiting for Monday, decided to visit the gym. The form is ready, the bag is assembled, the mood is fighting, but what to do with this mass of brutal-looking simulators and what is directly in the gym is not yet clear.

Of course, the simplest and, perhaps, effective way- this is to apply for a training program to a professional trainer. But what to do if there is a desire to study, but there is not enough money for personal lessons ... Or, which is also possible, there is simply no instructor in the hall.

In all these cases, the only option is to independently develop a training program. Of course, if you are not a beginner in the gym, it will be easier to compose it, since there is already an idea of ​​which muscle group is pumped with the help of one or another simulator. But when you visit the gym for the first time, it can be difficult ... Therefore, in order to make it easier to get acquainted with the training process, we decided to acquaint you with the rules for compiling training sessions.

Where to begin?

And to start, oddly enough, you need to set a goal and draw up a plan to achieve it. It makes no sense to come to the gym, pump the same muscles on the same simulators in the hope of making your biceps or ass more voluminous.

Determining the goal of training

They can be divided into 5 groups:

  1. weight loss
  2. maintaining the existing form achieved earlier;
  3. increase in strength and muscle mass;
  4. creation of body relief;
  5. increase in strength.

We draw your attention to the fact that goal should be one. It will not work on several fronts at the same time, so you have to choose one of them.

This item is extremely important both for achieving the goal, and for compiling a real program and the fullness of each workout. And here you need to be as honest and frank with yourself as possible. If your work schedule is not standardized and force majeure situations may arise, it is probably not worth planning 4-5 workouts per week. Or maybe you know for sure that, due to natural laziness, more than 2 workouts a week will not be mastered. In this case, too, you should not waste energy on compiling a training program for a longer period. You'll have to redo it anyway.

So, number of workouts depending on the desired goal should be:

  • 2 per week - to keep fit;
  • 3 per week - to increase muscle mass, strength, or both;
  • 4-5 per week - for effective weight loss and body relief.

But do not forget that the best regulator of the frequency of visits to the gym is the overall health of your body. Remember that muscle overtraining, which is the result of a violation of the training and rest regimen, will in no way accelerate your approach to your cherished dream. As the results of numerous studies show, overtraining not only prevents the build-up of muscle mass, but even, due to the constant release of cortisol into the blood, leads to the destruction of muscle fibers and even a weakening of the immune system.

Choosing an exercise method

There are 6 main methods used to achieve the five main goals.

  • One approach method , which has proven itself as an effective way to build muscle mass, increase muscle strength, or achieve both of these goals at the same time. Its essence lies in a single performance to failure of each of the exercises.
  • Supersets are super intense workouts that involve consecutively performing two or more exercises with no rest in between.
  • Separate method aims to increase strength, muscle mass, or both. It is his majority of gym visitors who use it during training. The essence of the method is very simple: after completing the first approach of the exercise, you rest, and only after that proceed to the second approach. After the implementation of all the planned approaches, you again rest and only after that proceed to the second exercise.
  • Circuit method (or power aerobics) used for weight loss. Its main feature is to perform all the planned exercises in a circle. That is, with a planned load of, say, 8 exercises, you first do the first, then, without rest, immediately move on to the second, and so on, until you make a circle. Only after that you can afford a little rest. And after that - all over again! And so - 3-5 times. But special attention in this method of training deserves such a variety of it as, which is also perfect for gaining muscle mass.
  • Alternating supersets help to get rid of excess weight, create the desired relief, and, if necessary, also build muscle mass. This method is essentially a mixture of circuit training and supersets. That is, you perform supersets one after the other for one approach each. Having reached the end and rested a little, you start all over from the beginning.
  • combined method, designed for shaping and losing weight, is a combination of strength exercises with cardio workouts.

Determination of the desired range of exercises

Of course, you will have to tinker with this point a little and clarify which muscle groups which exercises work, but this aspect is too important to be neglected.

To achieve a complex effect of working out not only target muscles, but also involving additional ones, you should familiarize yourself with basic exercises .

Again, the original goal largely determines the set necessary exercises. So, if you go to the gym twice a week and just want to maintain a good physical form, ten exercises for your arsenal will be enough. But if suddenly you decide to increase the number of workouts, say, up to five per week and make the body more defined with the help of alternating supersets, then the asset should be at least forty exercises.

And here, too, there is one nuance - once every 4-6 weeks, this asset must be not only replenished, but completely updated! In order to prevent the muscles from becoming accustomed to standard set workouts. And such a variety will not only allow you to include the brain in the training process, but also diversify the load and range of actions on the muscles.

Determine the order of exercises during training and for the week

This item still directly depends on the goal.

If you want to increase strength, muscle mass , in each of the workouts you need to work out from one to three muscle groups. It all depends on the total number of workouts per week. Exercises can either be divided into blocks (working out one muscle group with two or three next friend after another exercise), or alternate antagonist muscles. But at the end of the workout, without fail, you need to score those muscles that were the main goal of the workout.

If a the main objectivelose weight , then in this case, the scheme for pumping all the muscles a little bit at each workout works most effectively. And here ideal option there will be alternate work with the top, then with the bottom, or with antagonist muscles. It is this training regime that requires high costs energy to perform exercises will help to achieve the desired result. But the blocks, on the contrary, are categorically contraindicated.

For body contouring Both of the above will work. Here the leading role is played by the characteristics of a particular organism, diet and the method of implementing the training process. Perhaps, only the alternation of top and bottom should not be used to create a relief. But the alternation of antagonist muscles, the compilation of blocks - this is just what the doctor ordered.

At keeping fit the leading factor is how you achieved it - by diet or by gaining muscle mass. All methods are allowed here.

Number of sets and repetitions

Here, let's not be original, it also depends on the goal.

Changing the weight of the shells used in training and the number of repetitions

This item is relevant only for those who want to increase muscle mass or strength. But, since each person has a strictly individual mass gain process, it is difficult to comment on something.

The only thing that can be recommended is keep a workout diary , where you will write as necessary program training, and the results achieved, which will allow empirically to determine those exercises, the implementation of which brings the maximum result.

In conclusion, I would like to say that only after a month or two of continuous training will you begin to understand how your body reacts to certain exercises and what you want to do with your body in the future. Therefore, start with small weights, try new exercises, and use the rules given in the article to achieve maximum results. Good luck with your training!

Want to get into strength training but don't know where to start? Here are the basic principles and training rules for beginners in the gym who have just decided to start exercising.

Decided to get in shape? Looking for the right training program for beginners? Not sure what exercises to do and what machines to use? No problem!

I will tell you how to start exercising in the gym correctly and about the main recommendations and rules for those who are just starting to strength training. Whether you're looking to get stronger, lose weight, build muscle, or simply improve your fitness, this article will help you get going. the right way to health and fitness goals.

Strength training will also give remarkable results to those who have tried (and failed) to get in shape with just diet and cardio. Consistent and regular training (more than 2 times a week for 12 weeks) will result in:

  • Increasing the size of muscle fibers
  • Building strength
  • Increasing tendon strength
  • Increasing the strength of the ligaments

All this will help you build a healthy and resilient body, as well as reduce the risk of injury. In the end, you will look just amazing!

Gym for beginners: rules of conduct

  • Always take a towel with you to put it on the machines and apparatus on which you will be exercising.
  • Replace dumbbells, barbells, weight plates and other equipment after use.
  • Do not rest during long periods time between sets when working in simulators, if others are waiting for their turn.
  • Lastly, leave your cell phone in your locker or car so that others don't have to listen in on your conversations.

Common Newbie Mistakes

  • Using too heavy weights in the early stages. Start with small loads, and then gradually increase them. If technique suffers, you swing or use momentum, then this means that you have chosen too much weight. In addition, it increases the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of working on target muscle groups.
  • Using too light weight. It always makes sense to play it safe, but if you can do 30 reps with a certain weight, then it's probably better to increase it. Tip: add no more than 5% weight at a time.
  • Too fast reps. Lifting heavy weights at a slow and controlled pace results in more muscle tension and allows you to destroy more muscle fibers, as well as reduce the risk of injury. Remember that joints are only as strong as the muscles that surround them.
  • Insufficient or excessive rest. Both factors have a negative impact on training. Rest between sets is recommended from 30 to 90 seconds.

Training program for beginners

This set of exercises in the gym for beginners is perfect even for those who even came to the gym for the first time. By doing this scheme, you can strengthen the ligaments and joints, as well as prepare the muscles for more complex workouts and exercises.

  1. Running on a treadmill - 5-10 minutes
  2. Leg press - 1 approach
  3. Lying leg curl - 1 approach
  4. Thrust of the upper block to the chest - 1 approach
  5. Reduction of hands in the simulator "butterfly" - 1 approach
  6. Extension of arms in a crossover with a rope - 1 approach
  7. Curl of arms for biceps in the simulator - 1 approach
  8. Press overhead in the simulator - 1 approach
  9. Twisting in the simulator - 1 approach
  10. "Bike" - 1 approach

note! Beginners should not use heavy basic exercises during the first workouts. Such an approach can end in injuries and forever discourage you from exercising in the gym.

Moreover, a smooth entry into the training mode will provide a better start, help avoid injuries and soreness, and make it possible to get results faster.

Beginner Workout Guidelines

This program is designed to improve the fitness of a healthy adult who has never exercised before (or has little experience).

You will notice that most of the exercises are performed in machines. This is by design, as beginners have less joint stability and weaker core muscles. When trying to immediately work with free weights (dumbbells or a barbell), beginners increase the risk of injury.

Using machines provides support for these weak spots and allows you to isolate and strengthen your muscles before moving on to free weights.

  • Do a workout at least 2 times a week to ensure a significant increase in strength.
  • There should be 1 day of rest between each workout.
  • At least 1 set of 8-12 repetitions should significantly tire the muscles. That is, you should choose a weight with which you will not be able to perform 2 sets in a row without a 30-90 second rest break.
  • Performing one repetition in full amplitude in a slow and controlled manner should take 4-5 seconds.
  • Between sets, rest at least 30 and no more than 90 seconds, and between exercises - from 1 to 2 minutes.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your workouts:

  • Stay hydrated! Be sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Dehydration can weaken you and reduce the effectiveness of your workouts. Also drink plenty of water during your workouts.
  • Eat a small meal with equal portions of lean protein (lean chicken, turkey, beef, or fish) and complex carbohydrates(oatmeal, rice) 30-60 minutes before training, and also within 60 minutes after it. This will give the body energy and ensure its recovery.
  • Cardio (to burn fat) only after strength training or at other times of the day
  • Keep a workout diary. Write down the number of sets and repetitions, the size of the working weights, as well as the exercises performed. This will allow you to track progress and progress.
  • On your way to building your body, take regular photos and measure all parts of your body to keep track of your results.

So, any workout consists of three parts: introductory-preparatory (aka warm-up), main and final.

In the introductory part, your task is to turn on all body systems, warm up, test them and confirm that you are fully ready to move to the next level. The warm-up should last about 10 minutes.

During the main part, you solve the main tasks that depend on your goal, whether it is slender legs, a round butt, or an impressive-looking biceps. The duration of this part depends on the load and the selection of exercises. The average duration of the main part is 30 minutes.

The final part involves a gradual decrease in load and bringing the body into a state close to the one in which it was before the start of the workout. The cooldown usually lasts about 10 minutes.

Rule number 1. Always start your workout with a warm-up! A warm-up prepares the body both physically and psychologically for the upcoming load. If you have a plan, never take a lot of weight right away. The weight during the warm-up should be 50-70% of the maximum weight that you are going to use during the workout.

Since everyone has their own goals, the total duration and load may be different. For example, a core session that involves working specific muscle groups to achieve a set goal can be quite intense, lasting anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour. If this is an auxiliary option, just a warm-up and a slight shake so that the body does not wean from the load, then the load should be small, and such an activity can take quite a bit of time.

Rule number 2. Try not to get hung up on the same exercise or set of exercises, as our body quickly adapts to new loads and over time, the effectiveness of the exercises will decrease. It will also be useful to periodically change the methodology.

Choosing exercises for training

If you decide to do a compound workout (that is, a full body workout), then you will need to choose 1-2 exercises from each section, which usually follow in a certain order.

  • Quads: squats, lunges, single leg squats, box jumps.
  • Glutes and hamstrings: hip raises, deadlifts, straight-legged deadlifts, step inclines, inclines good morning”(with a barbell or bodybar on the shoulders).
  • Chest, shoulders and triceps: chest press, overhead press, dumbbell bench or incline press, bench press, push-ups.
  • Back, biceps and forearms: standard pull-ups, reverse pull-ups, dumbbell chin-ups.
  • Abs and lower back: plank, side plank, press on the fitball, lifting the legs in the hang, "alpinist", jumping with raising the knees to the chest.

Recommended number of approaches for each exercise - 2–5. Total number The sets that your workout will consist of can range from 15 to 27 - this is the amount that will help you keep yourself in good shape, develop and not overwork.
Recommended number of repetitions in one approach- 8–16 times. If you can do more without harming your body, do it or take on extra weight.

Remember to lightly stretch (for 20-30 seconds) the “working” muscles after completing the sets.

Approach examples

For example, with a light weight, you can perform 32 squats with lunges on each leg with a change in rhythm. Change of leg goes every 8 repetitions. An example of a rhythm change: squat for 4 counts, for 2 counts, for each count, three “springs” below, eight “springs” below and static for 8 counts.

Your lunge squat work might look something like this:

  • 2 repetitions for 2 counts;
  • 8 reps per count;
  • 4 repetitions with 3 "springs" at the bottom;
  • 8 reps per count;
  • 2 repetitions with 8 "springs" at the bottom;
  • statics at the bottom for 8 accounts;
  • 8 reps per count;
  • leg change.

The above example is taken from a standard group fitness workout and is intended mostly for girls, but the rare guys who go to these workouts usually take 10-15 kg. If you take a really big weight (20 kg or more), then the structure and number of approaches changes. With this weight, 8-16 of the most common repetitions will be enough. You can add statics for 8 accounts at the end if the weight is relatively small.

Try to work with a weight familiar to your body, change it only after a trial workout and use the above algorithm: 5-6 exercises for different parts of the body, 2-5 sets, 8-16 reps per set. It is also not recommended to perform complex exercises without a trainer that require careful control. Physical activity should bring pleasure and health, not injury and problems. ;)

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