Effective ways to wash stretch glossy ceilings at home without streaks. How to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks How to wash a stretch ceiling

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Any contamination is visible on the shiny surface of the glossy stretch ceiling. It easily attracts dust, but only if not properly maintained. Stretch ceilings should be washed regularly using a set of suitable tools and products for glossy surface treatment.

Types of pollution of stretch ceilings

Spots on the stretch ceiling spoil the interior

A stretch ceiling made of any material does not need to be washed for a long time after installation. But some contaminants need to be removed regularly:

  • Soot and grease, which most often appear in the kitchen as a result of cooking.
  • Dust that accumulates a few months after installing the ceiling - the period depends on the dustiness of the apartment.
  • Splashes from liquids - they must be removed immediately after the appearance, otherwise they will be absorbed and dry.
  • Limestone deposits and rust stains after flooding or repairs.
  • Handprints after repair or installation of equipment, communications.
  • Plaque from nicotine smoke, if people often smoke in the room.

In families with particularly inventive children, glossy ceilings are subjected to such a test as drawing with markers. But their traces can be removed from the surface if you choose the right product and act while the stain is fresh.

Dirt that cannot be removed

It will not work to wash the glossy stretch ceiling if such pollution has appeared on it:

  • old traces of markers, paint, ink;
  • burnt points from sparklers, matches;
  • extensive traces of adhesive tape, dried gum, plasticine;
  • ingrained tobacco smoke;
  • discolored areas after using the wrong household chemicals or folk methods, especially on colored coatings.

Most fresh stains can be removed if done within 2-3 days of the appearance of the dirt.

Rules for washing glossy surfaces

To properly wash the coating, you need to strictly adhere to a certain algorithm. If it is broken, stains will remain on the ceiling, and the gloss may become cloudy.

Here are the rules:

  • Use of soft materials and sponges. Do not use hard accessories: metal sponges, brushes with any pile.
  • Before the procedure, hard things are removed from the hands. Even an engagement ring can scratch the shiny finish.
  • Sequence of movements. With a prepared sponge, circular slides wash the ceiling along the seam.
  • Prohibition on the use of aggressive agents. Do not use any powders or cleaning products with granules. Soda, any solvents, chemicals with chlorine and acetone are dangerous for a shiny ceiling. Alkaline and acid solutions are also prohibited.
  • The most convenient form of detergent is spray. It is easier to apply, smear and wash off, while the amount of chemistry will be minimal.
  • Choice of a harmless substance. If the selected product is used for the first time, a special test must be carried out: apply a little product to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coating. If after 10 minutes nothing has appeared, you can use it.

The best mixture to deal with dirt and grease on a shiny surface is alcohol-based. But any tool is used strictly according to the instructions that are attached to it.

The glossy stretch ceiling should be washed only with warm water - up to 40 ° C, then there will be no streaks on it. Do not press on the sensitive surface, otherwise dents will appear, and the film will be damaged.

Effective household chemicals for cleaning PVC stretch ceilings

You can wash the glossy stretch ceiling at home without streaks using washing powder, glass cleaner or dish gel. For each of them there are special rules of application.

washing powder

In order for the chemistry to turn into a substance safe for the ceiling, it must be carefully diluted with water. Only then can the surface be cleaned without the risk of damage. For light soiling, a powder solution is suitable, as for washing. If grease and dust have accumulated on the coating for a long time, a more concentrated mixture is used.

After washing, the solution is washed off 2-3 times in a row with clean water. Without waiting for drying, polish the surface with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth, such as microfiber.

Glass products

Glass cleaners contain alcohol, a component that quickly removes dirt and is well suited for shiny surfaces. With him, the risks of getting ugly divorces are the lowest.

Apply cleaners for washing coatings in the kitchen or in another room according to the classical algorithm:

  1. Apply funds in the form of a spray to the ceiling, without pressing, wipe it.
  2. Buff with a dry cloth to remove streaks.

When choosing a windshield wiper, pay attention to the composition - it should not contain acetone and other prohibited substances. The alcohol content in the recipe should be low - it is better not to choose products marked "concentrate" or "enhanced formula".

Dishwashing liquids

If there are a lot of grease stains and other contaminants on the ceiling, you can wash them off with a simple kitchen tool. It, like powder, is diluted in water, but in a more concentrated form, and then spread over the ceiling with a sponge. Before removing soap from the ceiling, add 2-3 drops of ammonia to clean water.

Professional Dirt Removers

Special products for suspended ceilings include components that do not damage the glossy PVC coating. Here are the popular products:

  • aron,
  • Bravaokna,
  • Premier,
  • D'Efre,
  • Amway Home,
  • new life.

Their cost is higher than the price of glass cleaning products. But a bottle of solution is enough to clean all the ceilings in the apartment. Most of the products are available in the form of sprays, which are convenient to apply to the surface. After use, the ceiling is polished with a soft cloth.

Home cleaning products and special products for cleaning ceilings from dirt, dust, grease and stubborn nicotine do a good job with most stains. But with such sprayers it is better to work with a respirator and gloves.

Folk remedies for gloss cleaning

Ammonia is the best folk remedy for washing a glossy surface

Sometimes it is not possible to use household chemicals due to the reluctance to breathe aggressive compounds, asthma or allergies in one of the family members. There can be many reasons, but there is only one way out - the use of folk methods.


At home, you can wash the surface with ammonia diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and poured into a spray bottle. It does not need to be washed off - it is enough to polish the PVC with a dry cloth.

Laundry soap

The composition of this tool does not include a lot of fragrances and additional surfactants. It can be used to safely clean surfaces:

  1. For convenience, a piece is rubbed on a fine grater and added to a basin of water.
  2. Thoroughly dilute to form a rich foam.
  3. Wash the ceiling with a soft sponge dipped in a solution.
  4. Rinse abundantly with clean water with the addition of 2-3 drops of ammonia for shine.
  5. Rub with a dry cloth.

When choosing laundry soap, they prefer classic recipes without adding additional components.

Folk methods are suitable for removing not too abundant and stubborn dirt. If the soap solution does not help, you can use alcohol. If stains remain, it is better to use a professional remedy.

Tools for processing stretch ceilings

To wash glossy ceilings, you need thick sponges and soft wipes.

For safety and convenience during work, you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • Stepladder, and preferably two. They put a basin with clean water on one and put the tools, climb on the second.
  • Empty spray bottle. Soap composition, alcohol solution, other products are poured into a spray bottle and the ceiling is quickly treated;
  • Microfiber wipes. They do not contain fibers that can remain on a shiny surface and polish the ceiling well.
  • Soft sponges for washing. They should be tall and large, 2-3 times larger than classic dish foam rubber, in order to better lather the surface.

You will also need gloves, a protective mask, or eye goggles if there is a risk that the product will drip.

A mop, even if it has a foam pad, can damage the thin glossy film, so it's best not to use it.

Prevention of pollution of glossy ceilings

Once a year, any coating is cleaned with a mild soapy solution and treated with antistatic agents that repel dust.

To maintain the quality of the coating in the presence of stubborn and old stains, they turn to a cleaning company. Specialists have professional equipment that effectively, quickly and safely removes stubborn dirt.

Compliance with these rules for the care of a glossy ceiling will help increase the amount of time between cleanings.

Glossy stretch ceiling is a unique way of finishing the ceiling surface, combining sophistication with practicality. It is based on a PVC film - a durable and mechanically resistant material that can last for many years.

There is an opinion that a glossy stretch ceiling does not require special care. But if you want it to always look aesthetically pleasing, then it is worth the effort to clean it. Caring for a glossy ceiling is not particularly difficult: you can clean the coating yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. The main thing is to know and follow a few important recommendations.

Choosing the right floor cleaner

Before proceeding with the very process of cleaning the glossy coating, you need to prepare the material necessary for the work. First of all, it concerns means for cleaning.

It is important to know: there are a number of products that are strictly forbidden to be used to wash a glossy surface, otherwise you can permanently ruin it.

Can not use:

  • Abrasives: powder, soda. They leave scratches.
  • Acetone based products. There is a high chance of discoloration of the canvas.
  • Alkalis and acids, for example, tar soap.
  • chlorine compounds.

Any use of these substances adversely affects the state of the ceiling finish: the glossy sheen is destroyed, the paint fades, and microcracks form. These tiny scratches, cracks in consequence can cause sagging of the ceiling canvas, its deformation.

How can you wash the ceiling:

  • Plain warm water. But this method will help only if there are no obvious traces of dirt or stains on the glossy surface.
  • Special means, which contain only non-aggressive chemicals. The concentration of substances in such a cleaning agent is selected in a special way so that the negative effects of chemical elements are excluded, but the ability to eliminate pollution is preserved.
  • Glass cleaner.
  • Soap solution, foam. For this, a dishwashing detergent, laundry or baby soap, dissolved in warm water, is suitable. Hot water can ruin the structure of the stretch ceiling material.

Before using any cleaning agent, you need to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe canvas, check it in a place that is invisible to the eyes. If after applying this composition there are no traces and streaks left, then you can start washing the entire surface.

How to wash a glossy ceiling and not leave streaks

There are 2 ways to care for a glossy finish:

Dry cleaning

In this case, you only need a napkin or a soft cloth, which will be enough to brush off the dust. After that, polish the surface without applying excessive force. This method is not suitable for ceilings that are heavily soiled.

Wet cleaning

It is carried out using special detergents or soapy water. First of all, using a cleaning compound, dirt is removed. The surface is then wiped dry and polished.

So that cleaning the glossy ceiling does not last all day, and the result is noticeable, we advise you to adhere to the following rules:

1. Prepare the entire tool for work:

  • Stock up on a ladder. This will greatly simplify the cleaning process, allow you to reach any hard-to-reach place, which means that the surface will be washed with high quality, without streaks.
  • Pick up soft rags, napkins, sponges. It is desirable that they be made of natural fabric. Cotton, suede, or microfiber will work well.
  • Choose a detergent or apply a soapy solution.

2. Take off your jewelry: rings, bracelets. Clothing should also not have sharp fittings. These precautions will protect the stretch ceiling from getting careless scratches, cuts.

3. Check the selected cleaning agent for safety and effectiveness. Apply it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the ceiling and see if it removes the dirt and if it does not show any unwanted side effects.

4. Assess the degree of contamination and, based on this, choose a cleaning method.

Small stains and dust are removed by walking over the surface with just a damp cloth. After that, do not forget to wipe the canvas with a dry cloth. Spots, heavy dirt are removed with a soft sponge and a cleaning agent or foam. Finish the process again by wiping the ceiling dry.

There are a few simple but very effective rules on how to avoid streaks when washing:

  • To avoid stains, the ceiling should be washed in two stages: the first time to treat the surface with soapy water or a cleaning agent, the second - to wipe the canvas dry.
  • When washing the coating, abandon circular movements, it is better to move from left to right, then the number of stains will be minimal. If there is a seam on the coating, then perform movements along it, and not across.
  • Ammonia will help eliminate soap stains. He will add gloss to the canvas. To do this, alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 10. After treating the surface with ammonia, it must be wiped well with a dry suede or microfiber cloth.
  • As a rule, glass cleaner does not leave streaks behind. But first it is worth checking its interaction with the stretch ceiling.

And yet - you should not bring the stretch ceiling to a deplorable state, and then rub it hard and for a long time. Excessive efforts, excessive pressure do not always contribute to the elimination of old, stubborn stains. On the contrary, this can lead, if not to the need for a complete replacement of the coating, then deformation that spoils the whole look, loss of aesthetics.

In recent years, stretch ceilings have become fashionable. They are mounted not only in the rooms, but also in the kitchen. Despite the fact that they are impregnated with antistatic and protective agents, you still have to put them in order. In residential premises, this procedure is carried out several times a year, and the kitchen option requires regular washing of stretch ceilings, usually every three months. Such cleaning is not associated with significant costs and does not take much free time. The main thing is to follow the advice and recommendations of experts in order to achieve the desired result.

All stretch ceilings differ in material, therefore they are divided into two types:

  • from polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • on a fabric basis.

The latter are higher in cost, but during their installation a seamless method is used, which makes the ceiling more aesthetic. But in terms of the number of color shades, they are inferior to their PVC counterparts. PVC ceilings are able to hold for some time water if the neighbors started to drown you.

Installing stretch ceilings is similar to stretching a large painting canvas. But water can leave stains on fabrics that are almost impossible to remove, so when such a situation occurs, it is necessary to completely replace the stretch ceiling with a new one, which entails significant additional costs.

Attention! Taknevy stretch ceilings are cleaned exclusively by dry methods!

The use of polyvinyl chloride in the creation of stretch ceilings, which are simply referred to as film ones, are superior to fabric ones in that they can take the most uncomplicated forms, have a variety of textures and colors. They make a unique starry sky at night or an imitation of the daytime sky. This beauty is due to the use of high-quality photo printing on film and the correct placement of lighting fixtures on the ceiling.

They have both their advantages and disadvantages. The rules for putting them in order also differ. Therefore, before dwelling on one or another version of stretch ceilings, you must carefully read the information about them.

What kind of room you are going to clean depends on what tools and tools you have to use. The main source of dust collection is usually hallway, bedroom, living room where residents and their guests spend most of their time. You can remove it from the ceiling using a dry soft cloth. The principle of dusting is up to you. It can be both circular movements and parallel from one wall to another. Dust must be removed constantly as soon as it appears on the ceiling surface.

Dust can be wiped off with a soft dry cloth.

Concerning cuisine, then this room is put in order with enviable regularity. Due to the constant cooking, even in the presence of a hood, soot and fumes settle on the stretch ceiling. There are also oil splashes. To clean the surface from contamination, as a rule, special detergents are used. But for them you need to run to the store. And you can use improvised means that are in every home. We are talking about washing powder, which dissolves well in warm water. This liquid solution is well washed ceiling coating.

It is believed that in the kitchen it is preferable to have a matte ceiling. Dirt is not so noticeable on it and when it is removed, there are practically no stains. But glossy stretch ceilings can also be brought into proper form using proven means for these purposes. Washing kitchen ceilings must be carried out at least once every six months , or even more often, depending on how often and how much you cook food. But wiping the surface too often can dull the material, and it will be more and more difficult to wash off the dirt every time.

Ceilings in bathroom wash in the same way as in any other rooms. For these purposes, use a dry or wet soft cloth or sponge. Soap solution is mainly used for washing. This makes it possible to quickly and accurately free the ceiling from plaque and dirt. Under no circumstances should detergents classified as aggressive be used. This can adversely affect the condition of the stretch ceiling.

Regardless of the room in which you have installed stretch ceilings, they must be washed regularly, as they get dirty. If excessive pollution is allowed, it will be very difficult and it will take a long time to bring the ceiling back to normal. If the suspended ceilings in the house have lost their rich color and shine, then you should resort to special products that are sold in hardware stores. Before treating the surface with such a composition, it is necessary to do a trial cleaning in an inconspicuous place and look at the reaction of the material. If the ceiling has not turned yellow, not deformed, then you can safely use this tool.

Stretch ceilings decorate not only apartments, but also office premises. They give them presentability, comfort and coziness. But it is worth remembering that they need proper care and constant cleaning. At the same time, the same methods, tools and means are used as in houses.

Unlike matte, glossy stretch ceilings require more careful maintenance. This is especially true for the kitchen. They are as beautiful and graceful as they are fragile and capricious. Therefore, they must be treated with care. There are certain restrictions that you should heed so that your kitchen always looks beautiful and attractive:

  • do not install lighting elements in the kitchen that are very hot (this applies to halogen bulbs);
  • it is advisable to protect the room from domestic birds (parrots and other birds), as well as indoor plants that, when growing, can reach the ceiling and damage it;
  • when opening bottles of champagne, it is advisable to do this so that the corks do not fly into the ceiling;
  • it is necessary to exclude children from playing with darts in such rooms, as well as children's plastic weapons that can shoot balls and plastic bullets.

Washing of stretch glossy ceilings is carried out using special products or a soap solution. As a rule, they are able to clean the tension surface from grease, nicotine deposits, burning, dirt, dust, soot. In addition, you need to have:

  • an ordinary mop with a flat nozzle, it is also possible with bristles;
  • flannel clean rags or a piece of microfiber;
  • plastic basin;
  • warm water (but not hot!);
  • preferably a spray bottle;
  • liquid soap;
  • stool or stepladder.

Expert advice! It is best to wash stretch ceilings with a mop equipped with a movable platform and a microfiber nozzle. This mop is also called telescopic. Its cost is significant, but thanks to it, the work will go quickly and easily. Moreover, the nozzle is perfectly erased.

Means for washing stretch ceilings

If you believe the manufacturers of stretch ceilings, then no means other than a soap solution and special products that can be purchased in specialized stores or in companies producing stretch ceilings for a lot of money can be used to clean them. But practice shows that this is not at all the case, and there are other ways to put the stretch ceiling in order. These funds include:

Means Description
Window cleaner containing ammonia. This is a great way to wash a glossy stretch ceiling so as not to leave streaks. This method is not suitable only for fabric and matte surfaces. With this tool, you can easily remove greasy deposits, usually formed in the kitchen, as well as soot, nicotine deposits and other point pollution. It is best to use solutions that do not contain coloring components.
Dishwashing liquid. It perfectly replaces the soap solution and is no different from it in terms of effectiveness. Moreover, it quickly and efficiently removes greasy deposits from the ceiling surface. They prefer to wash the ceilings in the kitchen.
A solution that includes warm water and ammonia (10 percent), at the rate of 9: 1. Glossy and satin stretch ceilings are washed with this tool. In no case should it be used for matte surfaces. This product is great for removing nicotine buildup, soot, grease stains, food splashes and dirt. After washing the ceiling with this product, the canvas is thoroughly wiped dry.

Also on sale there is a large number of special products for washing stretch ceilings. In general, they all more or less cope with the task, since they have almost identical ingredients in their composition.

Advice! Before using this or that remedy, it is necessary to try it on a small section of the ceiling, preferably in a place that is not very conspicuous. First, the liquid is applied to a glossy surface, then wiped clean until completely dry. Hours 10 minutes. If during this time the place of cleaning has not faded, has not faded, has not gone streaked, the washed area has not deformed, has not lost its original appearance, then such a tool can be used for cleaning.

In order not to harm the glossy stretch ceiling, you need to know what can not be used to clean it. Otherwise, it may become unusable and the question of its complete replacement with a new one will become. The main thing is to follow these rules:

  • do not use abrasive products for washing ceilings: powders, soda, hard brushes, hard sponges and rags with a large pile. This can adversely affect the appearance of the canvas, scratches or cuts will appear;
  • under no circumstances should liquids containing acetone be used. It is able to discolor the fabric surface and make it unattractive;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use alkaline and acidic agents, chlorine, solvents, mustard;
  • do not wash stretch ceilings with hot water;
  • cleaning stretch ceilings requires the absence of any foreign objects on the hands, which include rings, rings, watches, bracelets, especially if they are decorated with faceted stones;
  • do not use excessive force to remove contamination. When using a mop to clean the ceiling, it must be handled very carefully. It is advisable to purchase a stepladder and use it in order to reach all corners of the ceiling with your hand.

Almost all ceiling cleaning experts unanimously argue that only warm water is needed to clean a glossy surface. In this they are one hundred percent right, as this is the safest remedy that cannot harm both the structure and the appearance of the ceiling. It is good to wash off dust and some minor dirt with water, but it does not cope well with greasy stains, so it is used to tidy stretch ceilings in bedrooms and living rooms. Bathrooms and kitchens can be dirty when using only water.

Kitchen, balcony, loggia and bath- these are the rooms in which the ceilings should be washed with an aqueous solution with the addition of effective substances there. There are several ways to clean these surfaces. One of them is to use laundry soap. Laundry soap is taken, rubbed on a grater, added to warm water and stirred well until completely dissolved. The resulting foam is thoroughly washed out the ceiling surface. It is also good to use a glass cleaner, dishes. They must contain ammonia to avoid stains.

If there are no such products in the house, you can dilute a non-aggressive washing powder in warm water, but only one that does not contain bleach. A soft sponge is wetted in this solution and all dirty places are wiped with it. After that, with the help of clean water, the soapy solution is washed off, the surface is wiped dry with a soft cloth.

There is another effective way that manufacturers of stretch ceilings recommend using. It's use a vacuum cleaner. But it can be used only if there is a 100% guarantee that all work on the installation of the stretch ceiling was carried out professionally and efficiently. Otherwise, a glossy film that is loosely attached to the ceiling can be torn off by a vacuum cleaner from the ceiling, and everything will have to be redone. If there are no special nozzles on the vacuum cleaner, it is better to throw a microfiber cloth over the standard nozzle so that the brushes do not scratch the canvas. If we are talking about contaminants such as cobwebs or dust, it is best to use a soft cloth or whisk to remove them.

Stretch ceiling can be gently vacuumed

If the glossy stretch ceiling loses its bright sheen, it is worth restoring it using a dry cloth, a piece of microfiber or suede. If these actions did not bring the desired result, then on the surface of the soft tissue you can drop a little ammonia, previously diluted in warm water, and repeat the procedure again.

Before you start washing ceilings, you must take the following preliminary steps:

As a rule, washing a stretch glossy ceiling is not difficult. There is no need to be a great specialist in this field. It is enough to have the necessary funds with you and follow the instructions:

  1. Before the start of wet cleaning, it is advisable to vacuum the ceiling. Thus, you free him from the web that has appeared, the spiders themselves and other unwanted insects. The main thing is not to scratch the canvas with hard bristle nozzles, it is better to remove them or put a soft cloth on top.
  2. Take out a flat mop (preferably light) or a brush with a soft base and a long handle, choose the cleaning agent you need.
  3. Warm water is poured into the basin and a cleaning agent or shabby soap is added there. Everything is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved.
  4. Do not make the solution very soapy. Then it will be difficult and long to wash it off.
  5. Instead of a basin, you can use a spray bottle, where a soapy solution is poured, at the rate of 4 drops of liquid soap per 250 ml of warm water.
  6. A soft cloth is put on the mop, soaked in soapy water and wrung out well. The cleaning of the ceiling surface begins.
  7. It is advisable to protect your eyes with goggles so that drops of soap solution do not get into them and do not cause irritation of the mucous membrane.
  8. It is advisable to hold the mop at an angle of 45 degrees so that the falling water flies past you.
  9. It is desirable to cover the floor covering with paper (you can use newspapers) or cloth.
  10. Stools can be used for low ceilings. If the ceilings are high, then you should use a ladder.
  11. First, you should decide on the most polluted places (if any) and start working with them.
  12. Using a mop, grease stains and other serious dirt are removed. After it is worth starting to put in order the entire ceiling covering.
  13. The mop should move from one wall to another. Excessive efforts for this should not be applied. If the ceiling area is very large, then you need to visually divide it into small parts and wash each of them sequentially. Moreover, it is worth washing from the walls towards the center.
  14. If you have a spray bottle, then with the help of it the soap composition is applied to a specific area, which is wiped with a clean cloth or mop. And so on throughout the ceiling, until it is completely free of dirt and dust.
  15. The washed area of ​​​​the ceiling must be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry. Soap solution should not remain on the surface.
  16. If the dirt has strongly eaten into the ceiling, then you should resort to using a special product for washing stretch ceilings.
  17. You can also use the dry cleaning method. To do this, use a soft brush and a rubber sponge. You can buy them at any hardware store. This method can free any delicate surface from minor contamination. Dirt sticks to the rubber sponge, so you need to carefully drive it over the surface and constantly clean it.
  18. To avoid the appearance of streaks on a glossy surface, in conclusion, it is worth walking again along the washed ceiling with a damp cloth worn on a mop.
  19. As soon as wet cleaning is completed, it is necessary to wipe the stretch ceiling with a dry, clean cloth. This will finally free it from the remnants of the soap solution and avoid the appearance of streaks. This action can be equated to polishing.

Helpful information! It is much safer for the canvas to wash the stretch ceiling with your hands than with a mop.

In order not to spend a lot of free time cleaning stretch ceilings, you need to consider the following tips:

  • To restore the original appearance and good shine, the stretch ceiling after wet cleaning should be wiped with a soft cloth, on which a few drops of medical or ammonia are applied. In the absence of these solutions at home, you can use ordinary vodka. Ultimately, the ceiling is wiped with suede or microfiber.
  • Ceilings should not be wiped in circular motions. This can lead to divorce. Correctly drive a rag from left to right. In the presence of seams, in no case should you run a rag across them, but only along them.
  • Get rid of jewelry from your hands. This is fraught with damage to the stretch ceiling.
  • In the kitchen, when cooking, turn on the hood. Then the soot will settle less on the ceiling. Keep the lid on the pan while frying to prevent splashes of fat from flying upwards.
  • As soon as you notice dirty spots on the ceiling, you must immediately remove them. Otherwise, they can eat into the fabric, and their removal will be almost impossible.


A few visual and useful videos on how to wash stretch ceilings:


There is nothing easier than to put in order a glossy stretch ceiling, while leaving no streaks. It does not take much time, and the result is excellent, if everything is done correctly and consistently. If it so happens that for health reasons or due to lack of free time you cannot do wet cleaning of ceilings, then you should resort to the help of cleaning companies. Experts will quickly and efficiently deal with pollution, while their services are inexpensive.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home + video

Stretch ceilings have firmly chosen their place in apartments and houses. They are unpretentious in terms of cleaning. Many of them have an antistatic coating, dust does not settle on them. But this does not mean that there is no need to clean such a ceiling. Over time, the dirt will climb up.

Cleaning Features

Stretch matte ceiling fits perfectly into almost any interior. But various kinds of pollution can spoil any positive impression even from the most sophisticated design. In addition, daily inhalation of dust is not conducive to health. Although the canvas has an antistatic effect, but, like on any other surface, dust will settle over time, and this effect does not save you from other types of dirt.

Splashes of champagne and soda, traces of vital activity of various flies, lime condensate, soap deposits, traces of soot, smoke and grease - these are not all possible pollution of the ceiling. To wash them at home is quite within the power of any hostess. The main thing is to know the features of the material being cleaned.

Matte stretch ceilings are most often made of PVC film. Such material does not tolerate hard brushes, abrasives and rough handling. From too strong efforts, cracks or even holes can form, in addition, the canvas can be inadvertently deformed. Such a surface cannot be cleaned with acetone-based products, an aggressive composition can “eat through” the coating.

There are several ways to clean the ceiling without streaks:

  • Dry cleaning - the surface is wiped with a dry or slightly damp soft cloth, a special microfiber cloth. Usually used when you just need to brush off the dust.
  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner - it is necessary to use only a special nozzle with very soft pile.
  • Wet cleaning - can be carried out both with plain water (the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees), and with the help of special solutions (purchased or made by hand).
  • Steam cleaning - respectively using a steam generator.

The surface of fabric ceilings is best cleaned using dry methods. When installing fabric sheets, it is necessary to clarify whether such a coating can withstand wet cleaning. Not all fabrics used for ceiling decoration are impregnated with special compounds. And if you do wet cleaning of such ceilings, you can inadvertently spoil the appearance of the coating.

How and what to wash?

Caring for a matte ceiling is not difficult if it is located in the living room, hallway, bedroom. The canvas can be cared for once every few months, once every six months. Depending on the load of these rooms.

Another thing - the ceilings in the kitchen, bathroom. These rooms are characterized by increased "dirt accumulation". Soap stains, limescale - quite often you can see on the ceilings in bathrooms. Traces of soot, fat remain on the surfaces of the kitchen. And unscrupulous smokers can leave reminders of themselves in the form of traces of burning, smoke.

It is quite possible to clean the ceiling from any kind of pollution as improvised means and specially designed for this purpose. To do this, it is enough to wash the ceiling and wipe it dry so that there are no traces of streaks left.

Tools and tools

Regardless of the degree of contamination of the ceiling, to clean it you will need:

  • rags (cotton, for these purposes, you can put old bedding on rags) or napkins (they should be soft from non-woven lint-free materials, microfiber), soft sponges without a hard base;
  • a good stable stepladder (or a stand from which you certainly won’t fall);
  • when cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the device must be equipped with a special nozzle with a soft pile;
  • water, cleaning agent or soapy water;

  • spray bottle - it can be used to facilitate the application of diluted detergents, if they are not presented in the form of aerosols or sprays;
  • when using chemicals (even if they are of your own manufacture), gloves will not be superfluous, which are simply necessary if the person cleaning the surface has a beautiful manicure on long nails;
  • mop - it should be used very carefully. Its working crossbar must be completely covered with a fabric that, in which case, will not slip or fall;
  • steam generator, if such cleaning is practiced.

You can wash the stretch ceiling canvas even with the most ordinary water. It should be warm, but never hot! Maximum 40 degrees. The temperature of any cleaning solution should not exceed this mark. You can enhance the effect of water with dishwashing detergent or soap (not very alkaline, for example, for children).

When using products that dissolve well and form abundant foam, you can not wet rags or sponges in the solution, but use foam. It will cope well even with old stains, and the effect will be less aggressive than the solution itself. So, for example, you can wash a matte fabric with foam from a diluted washing powder. Take a powder for hand washing (an “automatic machine” is not suitable for this purpose), beat it into foam with a mixer and apply it to the surface.

Glass and mirror cleaners, especially those containing ammonia, have proven themselves well. Alcohol is great at removing fat. Apply, wait 15 minutes, then rinse and dry the surface. But when using glass cleaners, you should always be attentive to the composition. If acetone is contained, then it is absolutely impossible to use it.

"Mr. Muscle", "Vanish" - have a rather gentle composition which nevertheless perfectly removes dirt. And of course, in a hardware store you can buy a product specially designed for cleaning stretch ceilings, which will clean dirt, do not harm the coating and will not leave streaks.


You can remove dust from the matte canvas only with a dry soft cloth. The main thing is to wipe the surface correctly when cleaning, without pressing too hard, do not rub with effort. The ceiling is a structure of a frame and a stretched canvas. With too much exposure, the PVC film can be deformed - stretch into ugly stripes, wrinkles can form. Only professionals can fix this kind of defect.

When dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle, there is no need to bring the device close to the ceiling. It should be kept at a small distance, 1-2 cm.

When cleaning the ceiling with a steam generator, you need to direct the tool to contamination. Steam the surface, then immediately remove the formed condensate by wiping dry.

When wet cleaning with a mop, you should also exercise maximum caution. If the fabric suddenly slips off the working crossbar, then trouble cannot be avoided. The surface may be scratched. In addition, when using this tool, it is impossible to control the degree of exposure, as when working with a rag, sponge or napkin.

If the ceiling is cleaned by hand, then there should not be any jewelry on your hands, it is best to wear gloves. Often, several rags or napkins may be needed to treat the entire surface of the ceiling. Some are for removing stains, others are for drying and eliminating possible stains.

It is better to clean the ceiling in fragments. One cut after another. It’s more convenient to move around, besides, the canvas is always dirty unevenly, somewhere you may need a more thorough and painstaking impact, and somewhere one hand movement with a damp cloth is enough.

When there is a lot of pollution on the ceiling, general cleaning has not been carried out or has been done for a long time, for example, several years ago, decisive action is needed.

The technology of deep cleaning of the canvas itself takes place in several stages:

  • Dry cleaning first. Cobwebs are swept away from corners and lamps, dust is removed.
  • Then a cleaning compound is applied to the surface.
  • A certain time is expected. (If the dirt is very strong, so that the detergent works to its full potential. If the spots are small, then you can proceed to the next step).
  • The composition is washed off the canvas.
  • Next comes drying. The surface is wiped with a dry cloth, rag. Until the removal of traces of soap stains.

In order for the matte ceiling to always please with its appearance, it is better to dry clean it regularly, and if stains occur, do not postpone their elimination until later, but immediately remove them while they are fresh and easy to clean.

For the living room, hall, bedroom and other rooms in which dirt does not accumulate so much, it is enough to clean every six months, a year.

Do not forget to ventilate the room where the stretch ceiling is installed.

All work is best done in the morning, when additional lighting is not required.

It is advisable to wash the stretch ceiling in the bathroom after each use. It is enough just to remove condensate and soap deposits - wipe dry with a cloth. If such cleaning is not possible, then you need to make it a rule to periodically do a general cleaning in the room, starting from the ceiling.

Means containing ammonia will help to cope with greasy plaque. Even with the most powerful hood, the ceilings in the kitchen should be washed regularly and more often than, for example, in the living room. Dirt accumulates imperceptibly, but thoroughly.

Kitchen, bathroom, balcony - these are the most favorable places for the appearance of all kinds of pollution. Therefore, the cleaning of the ceiling covering is carried out more often.

Stretch ceiling can be matte or glossy, made of PVC film or fabric, it has a flat surface, does not crack and dust does not accumulate on it.

Despite this, during its operation, there may be moments when the canvas becomes dirty, for example, drops of champagne get in, and then the question arises whether it can be washed. Consider how this should be done so that there are no stains and streaks on the surface.

There are two ways to wash stretch ceilings: using a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge, or full cleaning.

If a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, then you need to take a soft brush so as not to damage the canvas, and it should work at medium power.

If you use a wide, smooth nozzle on a vacuum cleaner, then a film is drawn into it, which can be damaged, therefore experts recommend pre-wrapping a smooth nozzle with a cloth. If there is no vacuum cleaner, then the dust is removed with a damp cloth or napkins., and to make the work more convenient, they wrap a mop.

The fabric is moistened in soapy water and moved along the canvas, performing movements without strong pressure. After that, everything is repeated with a damp and then a dry rag.

To create a stretch ceiling, different materials can be used, so the methods for cleaning them will differ:

  • if the surface suede fabric, then dry cleaning is carried out with a brush with a soft bristle;
  • to glossy canvas again it shone well, after a soapy solution it is wiped with a 10% solution of ammonia, and then everything is wiped dry;
  • fabric surfaces should be washed carefully as they are more fragile. In order not to change the texture of the fabric, you can not rub the cloth for a long time in the same place.

What is the best way to wash?

Depending on what material the canvas is made of, you need to have:

  1. ladder or ladder;
  2. piece of soft cloth or sponge;
  3. detergents, their composition should not contain abrasive substances;
  4. a vacuum cleaner and a nozzle, which should have a soft pile.

Now that you know how to wash such a ceiling, let's figure out how to wash it, and which is strictly prohibited.

One of the most effective and safe means used to wash a stretch ceiling is a soap solution.

To make a soapy solution, you need to cut the soap, laundry soap is best, or you can take washing powder and dilute them in warm water. In addition, you can take any means with which you wash windows or dishes.

If you are using the detergent for the first time, be sure to check how it acts on the canvas. To do this, it must first be tested on the most inconspicuous and small area. If, as a result of the use of this composition, no traces remain on the surface, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

The store has a large selection of special products, but their cost will be much more expensive than a self-prepared soap solution. If we talk about what such special products are, then this is the same soap solution, only made under industrial conditions.

If you want to wash the stretch ceiling with high quality and at the same time save money, then you can safely use a soap solution prepared at home, the result will be no worse than after using expensive store formulations. The main thing is that there are no abrasive substances in the composition of such a solution.

Care for glossy ceilings

The frequency of care for a glossy canvas is determined by its condition, if over time the gloss has faded, then it's time to wash the ceiling. Often, to restore the original shine, Simply wipe with a dry cloth.

You can only use soft rags or sponges so as not to scratch the gloss. You can soak them in soapy water it is necessary to move along, and not across the weld. After treatment with a damp sponge, wipe everything dry with napkins or a microfiber cloth.

All work is carried out without strong pressure, it is impossible to scrape off dirt with sharp objects. During the work, all jewelry is removed from the hands so as not to accidentally tear the canvas.

Features of caring for fabrics

Such ceilings have their own characteristics:

  • they are more fragile compared to PVC film, so it is better to clean them without detergents, but simply wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • Since the canvas is fabric, it is convenient to use a brush with a soft bristle to clean it.

It is best to dry clean such surfaces. and only in case of strong pollution, you can perform wet cleaning. If a soap solution is used, then its concentration should be very weak and be sure to test the action of the detergent in the most inconspicuous place.

If a vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, then its brush cannot be pressed tightly against the canvas, it must be kept at some distance from it.

Remember that stretch ceilings, regardless of the material they are made of, are afraid of mechanical stress, so they are cleaned very carefully. Under the influence of very high or low temperatures, the canvas can be deformed.

For a PVC film web, the optimum operating temperature will be + 10 ... 50 degrees. If you want to make such a finish on a loggia or in another unheated room, then it is better to use fabric structures that can withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees.

To simply and quickly clean the canvas from any material, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. so that after washing, the glossy ceiling regains its original shine, it is wiped with a solution of medical or ammonia;
  2. movements should be performed only along the location of the seam;
  3. before performing these works, remove all rings and bracelets so that you cannot damage the canvas with them;
  4. the kitchen must necessarily have an extractor hood, and during cooking, it is necessary to use lids, then soot and fat will not fall on the ceiling;
  5. do not use abrasive products;
  6. when cleaning, do everything carefully and do not make much effort.


Now you know how to care for a stretch ceiling and you can do this work yourself. For washing, it is best to take plain water or soapy water, all work must be done carefully and slowly. If you do not have time, then you can always call specialists who will quickly and efficiently clean any stretch ceiling.

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