An example of an individual development plan. Why would there be a difference in speed? Physical form: a plan for a year for self-development

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.09.2019

At some point, everyone wants to improve or change something in their life. A personal development plan can help you achieve the goals you dream of. If you want to deal with new challenging tasks, increase productivity or get rid of bad habits, then the personal development plan drawn up is great way achieve success.


Become more purposeful

    Decide what you want to change. Take Blank sheet paper or start a new diary. Make notes about the areas of your life that need improvement. Some experts suggest that focusing on one goal at a time is the best way to stay focused, but if you feel empowered, you can set multiple goals at once. Highlight specific areas in your life that have been weighing you down for months or years. For example, if you are a smoker, then maybe now is the time to set a goal to quit smoking! What you need to pay attention to:

    • Health & Fitness
    • Relations
    • Career
    • Finance
    • Habits and lifestyle
    • Education
  1. Write down your goals. Take a piece of paper and write down what you would like to achieve. Research shows that people who write down their goals on paper are more likely to commit to achieving them. Make four headings at the top of the page. The first heading is "Goals" and the next four headings are "One Month", "Six Months", "One Year" and "Five Years". If you like, you can add "Ten years" and so on. Under goals, make a list of what you want to change. For example, "Career" or "Finance". Then, under the time headings, indicate what you would like to change in your life during this period.

    • Be sure to state your goals in the affirmative. For example, "I will..." rather than "I could" or "I hope that...". The more confident your statements are, the more they will motivate you.
    • Be specific when writing down your goals. For example, instead of writing "I will lose weight", write "I will lose 2 kg by exercising more physical activity and by reducing the intake of high-calorie foods.
    • At the bottom of the page, create a section called "Methods of implementation" and write down all the steps you are going to take to get closer to your goal. For example, "I will walk 1.5 km a day" or "I will eat fresh vegetable salad every day."
  2. Make sure your goals are achievable. Do you have enough skills, knowledge, means and opportunities for this? For example, you might consider enrolling in evening courses, purchasing exercise equipment, or hiring a business coach. You will be more inspired and closer to your goals if you prepare well in advance.

    Find a mentor. Most of the successful business people was a great mentor. Find successful businessman, athlete or public figure that you admire. If you know someone personally, then ask if this person can be your mentor. If you don't know anyone, then read about how they achieved their goals. Research what they did and what motivated them so you can be inspired by it. Most likely, they run a blog or an article has been written about them in which they share their success story. For example, "How I made my first million..."

    Tell a friend about your goals. If you tell your family and friends about your goal, then you will have a support group that will inspire you and strengthen your commitment to see it through to the end. Your friends or family members may occasionally ask you how things are going, which will help you stay focused on what you set out to do. By not telling anyone about your goal, it will be easier for you to give it up and not feel any guilt about this failure.

    Keep a positive attitude. All great people who have achieved something in life have had dreams that at first seemed completely unrealistic, but instead of letting difficulties break their resolve, they moved on. Keep a positive attitude, as the biggest obstacle to success is your own thoughts. Whether driving or at home, play a motivational CD that will inspire and encourage you to stay on track. Try not to give too much nonsense of great importance.

    • Don't make an elephant out of a fly.
    • Don't let vague fears stop you from doing what you want.
    • Find something positive in every negative situation.
    • Try to create a positive environment around you and make efforts to improve it.
    • Help someone find meaning and lead a more positive lifestyle.

Organize yourself

  1. Make a list of ways. There are many opportunities to educate yourself and learn more about the area in which you are improving. By collecting information about what you are striving to improve in, you will be able to stay informed recent achievements in this area and keep inspired.

    • Look in the local newspaper for training courses.
    • Go to the local library and borrow books to read.
    • Learn from other people's experiences and knowledge and take an online course or workshop that inspires you.
    • Ask friends who have already achieved something in your area of ​​interest to tell you what methods they used.
  2. Take notes. Note-taking is an active process by which you become an active learner. While listening to a seminar or motivational CD, take notes about what you are learning. How does this fit in with your goals? Notes allow you to brush up on the information you've learned and help you keep track of your progress.

  3. Review your goals weekly. If you don’t think about your goals, you will stop making efforts to achieve them. If you do nothing to achieve your goals, then they become just dreams. IN certain time e.g. on a Monday morning, evaluate your progress over the past week and create an action plan for the coming week that will help you get closer to your goal. Reviewing your goals weekly will help you remember their importance and allow you to see clearly what you really want to achieve in life.

    • Check if you are on time on time. You may need to choose a few intermediate goals for yourself in order to noticeably get closer to the main goal and achieve it.
    • Make sure you set yourself a difficult task. If the goal is too easy to achieve, perhaps you should make it more difficult by adding a new component. For example, "I will run 3 km a day" instead of "I will run 800 m a day".
    • See if your goals continue to inspire you. If not, make adjustments to them until you feel more enthusiastic.
  • Start with a goal that you can achieve in a short amount of time so that you don't get frustrated by the long wait.
  • Do not hurry. Remember the proverb: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh," and everything will work out for you.
  • When you reach your goal, celebrate your success.
  • Collecting useful information, select relevant books, CDs and courses. For example, if you want to get out of debt, look for books on financial freedom.
  • Try to make a responsible friend so you don't give up.


  • Keep in mind that these changes will take some time. As a result of methodical approach to the goal, you will achieve great success.

Problem 1. What should I do if the individual development plan drawn up for the employee does not work?

Problem 2What if the employee does not agree with the individual development plan?

Problem 3.How often to adjust the individual development plan?

The situation on the labor market is such that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a person who is suitable both in terms of professional and personal qualities. Therefore, the training and development of employees is becoming one of the top priorities for many companies. How to retain key and promising employees? How to maintain the personnel potential of the company? The solution to these problems can be individual development plans, which are essential tool in staff career planning. In addition, without it, work with a personnel reserve, as well as attracting young specialists to the company, is unthinkable.

Why do you need an individual development plan?

The individual plan contains detailed algorithm development action necessary qualities, knowledge and skills of an employee, which will ultimately increase the personal effectiveness of an employee. As a rule, the plan is drawn up for a period of three months to one year. It is optimal to create an individual plan as an element integrated system adaptation, motivation, training and assessment of personnel. In this case, an individual development plan will be useful for both the employee and the company (Table 1).

Benefits of an individual plan

Benefits for the employee

Benefits for the company

The plan helps the employee to focus on the chosen areas of development, that is, it allows him to understand: “What should I do in order to achieve my goals?” The plan provides an opportunity to combine the goals of the employee with the goals of the company. Achieving the goals of their development, the employee simultaneously works to achieve key business indicators
Together with the manager, the specialist determines priority areas for growth, which allows you to better understand own desires Increases the willingness of employees to solve tasks, and also motivates them to be purposeful
Allows the employee to significantly accelerate the pace of his development and encourages him to work better Allows the company to plan and conduct training based on the real needs of employees
The employee gets the opportunity to be an active participant in the process of his development, influence it, independently evaluate personal progress and achievements With the help of the plan, the company can unlock the potential of the best employees and direct it to solve the most important business problems.
No need to think about changing jobs, as the employee represents the stages of his career in this company When working with a personnel reserve, the plan makes it possible to track the stages of development of reservists

Marina Shurupova, Head of Human Resources, United Consulting Group(St. Petersburg):

“One of the factors determining the success of an individual development plan is the active position of the employee, his need, readiness and desire to participate not only in the development of the plan, but also in its implementation. I know of an example where the plan was not implemented because the employees were not interested in it.

Yes, in one trading company due to underdeveloped customer service and low motivation of sellers began the process of falling sales. The company's leaders, together with an invited consultant, developed a number of activities: a series of trainings, implementation new technology sales new system bonuses. In addition, an individual development plan was drawn up for each sales manager. What happened in the end? Riot on the ship. Employees refused to participate in trainings and educational events. After identifying the reasons, it turned out that when choosing trainings, the interests and wishes of salespeople were not taken into account, while they had low awareness of the goals of training and were not ready for changes - each of them was a hostage of his habits and a measured work process, and at the same time considered himself unique specialist.

HR Dictionary

Individual development plan- This is a document containing the goals and program for training an employee, developing his professional and personal qualities.

Who draws up an individual development plan?

Ideally, an individual development plan should be drawn up by the manager together with his subordinate during the conversation. The HR manager oversees this process. It will be necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity: the results of attestation and other types of employee assessments will be useful. Try to get the employee to take an active part in drawing up a plan for their development. This will allow you to more accurately determine his needs, career expectations, wishes to develop in one direction or another, etc.

An individual development plan, as a rule, consists of three blocks:

  • information about the employee (full name, position, etc.);
  • a list of competencies that need to be developed;
  • actions that an employee needs to perform to develop competencies.
  • In addition to the above, the following information can be included in an individual development plan:
  • about the position occupied by the employee;
  • about possible movements of an employee in the company (within both horizontal and vertical growth);
  • about the goals of the employee regarding professional growth;
  • about possible career prospects*.

Elena Gurieva, Recruitment and Adaptation Manager, Stoliya Group of Companies LLC (Volgograd):

“There are times when one of the employees does not agree with the individual development plan. To avoid this, it is necessary, first of all, to motivate the employee to fulfill the development plan. How to do it? First, you should explain why such a plan is needed, show on concrete examples what positive changes in the career will lead to its implementation. Then describe each point of the plan, discuss what each side will get in the end. It is important not to impose a development plan on an employee, but to help him decide on the methods and methods of training that will contribute to his career. Ideally, if he independently prepared a plan for himself and submitted it for approval to the head.

Who needs a personalized plan?

  • key specialists;
  • personnel reserve or applicants for high positions;
  • leaders at all levels.

In practice, the plan individual development is compiled mainly for key specialists and applicants for high positions.

Tatyana Iliopulo,

“In our group of companies there is an opportunity for both professional (horizontal) and career growth (vertical). We use horizontal development if employees are not able to be leaders (and this is not always necessary for the company). Such employees have the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills in their area of ​​function or in related areas, to become mentors, participants or leaders of new projects and innovative groups. For horizontal development, we do not draw up a detailed development plan. A simple list of events will suffice. Strategically, their implementation is monitored by the top management of the company (twice a year), and more quickly - by direct managers and personnel officers responsible for this work. Vertical development is planned for employees who share the values ​​of the company and are very loyal. For them, a well-developed and long-term career development plan is necessarily drawn up.

When drawing up an individual development plan, take into account not only the goals and expectations of the employee, but also his concerns regarding the implementation of the plan.

How often should an individual development plan be adjusted?

For effective work the plan needs to be adjusted. We recommend updating the development plan at least once every six months after evaluating the results, for example, in the form of an individual conversation. In addition, ask employees about the results and the need to change development plans.

When do you need to make adjustments to the plan? It happens that the position for which the employee claims after the implementation of the plan is vacated earlier (for example, in connection with the dismissal of the employee from his position) than the development plan is implemented. In such situations, many employers take risks and put forward an employee who is clearly not fully trained, but with great desire and ability, to a leadership position. In this case, certain changes must be made to the plan, for example, to reduce the amount of theoretical training and focus on acquiring the practical skills necessary for a manager. Also, the reasons for adjusting the plan may be the low motivation of the employee to fulfill the plan, its formal implementation, or lack of time for training.

Possible problems in the implementation of an individual plan and how to overcome them

Once the plan is developed and approved by both parties, the company may find it difficult to implement. The most common problem is lack of motivation. To avoid this, pay attention to the fact that the plan is balanced and takes into account the personal aspirations of the employee. Then there will be no problems with motivation.

The second problem is that the development plan exists only on paper or is carried out formally. To avoid this, it is necessary to clearly plan the professional and career growth of the employee. To do this, it is necessary to determine the potential of the employee, his development needs and, most importantly, whether his growth within the company is real.

Third, the employee does not live up to the employer's expectations according to this plan. The reason for this may be a lack of understanding of the development goal by the employee or improperly selected training. In the second case, it is necessary to clearly define what theoretical and practical knowledge the employee needs, and correctly indicate the terms of training. In addition, emphasis should be placed on acquiring practical skills that will be useful for the job.

Lada Seredyuk, deputy CEO for the personnel of Navigator LLC (St. Petersburg):

“When an individual development plan is carried out formally or does not work at all, then the first thing that really needs to be done is to identify the causes and errors that led to this situation. For example, talk with the employee, find out what prevents him from implementing the plan, whether there are results after completing training programs, what he liked and what, in his opinion, needs to be changed, etc. If the employee did not meet the expectations of the employer, you should not blame this is just him. This means that when drawing up an individual plan, a clear development goal, equally understood by both the employee and the employer, was not formed. With an agreed goal, we can map out the smaller steps of the plan. Any task is always easier to solve when we break it down into smaller ones.”

In addition to an insufficient level of motivation and the formal implementation of an individual plan, the following organizational risks may arise:

  • cancellation of part of corporate courses (for example, due to dismissal, illness of an internal coach);
  • termination of relations with the training company (for example, due to a reduction in training costs, the provision of low-quality services, etc.);
  • reduction or freezing of the education budget;
  • priority of business goals over the goals of an individual development plan.

To keep these risks manageable, consider how you can support your employees and managers as you complete your individual plan; do not forget to monitor the implementation of the plan (diagram on page 94).

Tatyana Iliopulo, Deputy Director for Human Resources and organizational development Novard Group of Companies (Moscow):

“The main problem we face when implementing an individual development plan is the workload of an employee operational activities. As a rule, you need an understanding of the person himself, that for development you will have to sacrifice part of your personal time. If it exists and manifests itself in practice, then this is already 80 percent of success.

Ideally, when an employee completed the development plan and a month later took the position for which he was raised. But in practice this is not often the case. As a rule, you have to wait for some time (six months or even more) when a corresponding vacancy appears. And here the main thing is that the employee does not burn out. This will help competent work company's personnel management services.

An individual employee development plan is one of the tools of the personnel management system. According to some experts, in order to reduce the risks when implementing an individual development plan, it is necessary already at the stage of hiring employees to give preference to candidates who are initially aimed at professional improvement and who perceive an individual plan as a help in determining the direction of their development.

Do not use the components of material motivation (bonuses, bonuses, etc.) to interest the employee in the implementation of an individual plan. As practice shows, in such cases, the staff begins to perceive the individual plan as a source of income and formally treats its implementation.

I feel like I wasted a lot of time. Could you sketch out a plan for "planned development" and a list of books.

Great assignment - one that I should have thought about at the time! Perhaps, without naming, of course, any coordinates, I will make a post, maybe someone else thought about how to build their lives. We must use the power of the Internet as the easiest and most accessible resource.
For example, if you just google the first words that came to mind right away, for example - Personal Development Plan, then the following links will come across:
Author's program "Development of a creative personality in a classroom team"
Personal development in early adolescence
Some problems of personality development and creative thinking in classes with in-depth study of physics and mathematics
Personality development according to the theory of E. Erickson and according to model A
Abstract: Psychological development of personality
The development of self-awareness of the individual in the process of psychodrama

I do not know anything about you. People are all different.
First you need to yourself, you can tell the story of your life in a diary, a sub-key entry. Full awareness of all the key events on the arrow of time from the zygote of the present day will transfer your brain to a new state, free from unconscious distortions. But this is impossible for anyone, although I achieved this for four clients, they all turned out to be women, men were deafly sealed and did not even seem to understand the meaning of the work. Nevertheless, it is worth reviewing your life, and despite the fact that all events, for example, up to three years will be hidden for you, an attempt to see your life as a whole will give you an understanding of what influenced you, why you are the way you are.

Pass the good test Your abilities.
For example, Sondi's test, your socionic type. V. Gulenko's test, Cattell's Questionnaire - this is an example of test results. There should be psychologists in the school now and they should also test. It is possible and necessary to talk with a psychologist on this topic, otherwise they do everything formally, for show.

What is needed to achieve any meaningful goal?
Must have physical body, which should be healthy, have good nutrition, have a load - sports. There is a well-known phenomenon that athletes who studied at school somehow achieve much more in life, because for this they have health, they get less tired, they are used to overcoming themselves and circumstances, their brain is developed, because in team sports you need to think instantly, know how to work in a team, have positive outlook for life.

It is necessary to have a computing device, a brain. Parameters: develop memory, take a speed reading course. Everything is done through behavioral algorithms, which are also stored in the brain's memory.
There are effective algorithms of behavior and inefficient ones. If you have already decided who you will work in, in what area, then you should not waste time and start developing in a known direction.
Personally, I have not developed anywhere in my entire life. It turned out that I developed in mutually exclusive directions. By adding some qualities (poet), I found that I lost the ability to another (programming). And vice versa. But I have created a New paradigm of worldview - NPM and continue to improve it. There are no analogues yet, except perhaps the Concept of Public Security - COB (, “Complete course of lectures COB”), which must be cleared of distortions, manipulations and distortions. There are no other results in life, so everything is trifles, or even simply - temporary and empty, vanity of vanities.

It is necessary to learn to detect manipulations, to have scientific criterion truths:
Criterion of Truth: In the only stable World, ALL FACTS add up to a complete picture of the World.

It is necessary to have the phenomenon of consciousness, otherwise everything is meaningless. Develop intuition. There are methods. Only it is necessary to avoid unscrupulous teachers, whose task is only to achieve their own selfish goals. A striking example of manipulators are Scientologists. Dianetics in the volume of the book from 1950. works, and then the knowledge was hidden by a specially introduced distortion and knowledge has been hidden from humanity for 60 years. The same is done with COB. (That's why I'm working on NPM)
Norbekov has a good simplification of qigong - gymnastics on the spine. This is for the body, although any exercise must be built in such a way as to develop some kind of personal quality. He also has exercises for the development of intuition, although mechanical simulators are a fiction, a deception in my opinion. Intuition must be trained with living people. The simplest - in which hand is the coin hidden?

Intuition always works, the brain has a hundred billion cells, yes they count something. Another thing is that you need to hear, because the signal is weak. Intuition can and should be developed. This can save your life, avoid serious mistakes, achieve quick results where it would seem that you need to plow and plow.

Good to see work
Anatoly Tikhomirov "

Planning is a way of traveling through life. Many people do not know how and do not want to do this, so it is not surprising that at some point they ask themselves: “Where am I and how did I get here in the first place?”. That's why you need - so that in case you feel lost in life, you can look into it and remind yourself where you are going and why.

By working on your future, you will gain a sense of control over your life and make better decisions along the way. A personal development plan also helps you make the right choice because it takes into account your personal values.

personal development plan template

When creating a plan, you need to pay attention to several things. Here are nine steps to take:

  1. Define yours.
  2. Set your priorities.
  3. Set deadlines.
  4. Be aware of your strengths.
  5. Recognize opportunities and threats.
  6. Develop new skills.
  7. Take action.
  8. Get support.
  9. Track progress.

Let's consider each step separately.

Define your goals

What is important to you? What new skills do you want to master? Are there any dreams that need to be realized? Is there an irresistible desire to change jobs and try something else?

The first step is to identify the goals that are truly important to you. They can be related to career, personal life, health, whatever.

Step one: write down 5-10 goals that are important to you.


You have just recorded your most important goals. Which of them are the most important? The answer to this question is the prioritization.

step two: take a look at your list of goals and choose 1-3 that you will work on first.

Set deadlines

If you have a goal but you don't know when you're going to reach it, chances are it will never happen.

Or if you plan to achieve something significant in a short period of time, then the chances of failing greatly increase.

When planning, it is very important to set realistic deadlines for yourself. After that, cut them a little more so as not to relax and not give yourself concessions.

Step Three: Set clear deadlines for your goals.

Recognize your strengths

Every person in the world is good at something, but otherwise has average or low skill levels (Leonardo da Vinci is the exception that proves the rule).

How to find out about your strengths and weaknesses Oh? Most sobering and interesting exercise: ask relatives and relatives: "What are my strengths?". Their answers may surprise you. In addition, it will help you look at yourself from a different angle and adjust your own view.

Step Four: Understanding your strengths, write down exactly how they will help you achieve your goals.

Recognize Opportunities and Threats

Your current behaviors and habits can either help or hinder your goal. Accordingly, they are divided into opportunities and threats.

Habits that open up new possibilities need to be cultivated. And those that hinder them must be disposed of.

For example, if your goal is to live healthy life- then you need to stop drinking alcohol, junk food, stop smoking. At the same time, it is necessary to play sports and be able to cope with.

Step Five: make a list of things to start and stop doing.

Develop new skills

To quote Brian Tracy: “For everything you want in life, there is a price you must pay. Completely and in advance. Decide what you really want and then determine the price you have to pay to achieve it. Remember that in order to achieve something you have never achieved before, you must do something that you have never done before. You must become what you have never been."

In other words, you need to develop skills that you never had and start this work as soon as possible.

Step Six: Write down a list of skills you need to develop in order to achieve your goal.


This is the most obvious step that many never take. Plans often remain on paper, never taking the form of concrete action.

step seven: write down the 3-5 most important actions that will bring you closer to the goal and that you will need to take within a certain time.

Get support

Who will help you with advice or just kind word? This does not have to be a relative, there are also mentors and teachers who can be contacted.

Step eight: List all the people you think will help you reach your goal.

Track progress

The best motivator is your own progress. Even if it is quite small, it still gives a lot of strength.

It is important to understand that you are making progress. And if not, find out what you are doing wrong and what you can do differently.

Step nine: write down what needs to be improved and identify new strategies that work.

A personal development plan can be created and maintained both on paper and in electronic format. The second option is somewhat preferable, because it is more convenient to make changes (and changes are also part of working with a personal development plan). In any case, you should get a document in which all nine steps-exercises that were discussed above should be recorded.

In work in any position, there inevitably comes a moment when the usual duties are performed with closed eyes or, conversely, functions appear that require the acquisition of new knowledge. This significantly reduces the motivation of employees and adversely affects the efficiency of their work. In order to avoid this, prudent managers draw up a professional development plan for each employee. For both sides it handy tool development professional qualities and, consequently, business.

The problem of personnel development in many companies today is very acute, as it is caused by staff shortages and the value of financial employees in the labor market. In order to retain qualified personnel, employers are trying to resolve this issue through the professional development of employees, building a career growth plan, and inclusion in the personnel reserve.

Employee Development Plan

An individual professional development plan is a document that records the planned promotion of an employee through the ranks for a period of one to three years (possibly five) and qualification requirements, satisfying each position. A professional development plan typically includes:

Competences that the employee currently possesses;
competencies requiring additional development;
a list of activities to develop the necessary competencies;
internships that will allow you to get acquainted with the functions of the position in the reserve of which this employee is included;
the result to be achieved during the internship;
a plan for the delegation of responsibilities for the position for which this employee is reserved;
terms of development of competence;
the fact of fulfillment of the individual development plan and comments.

In the individual development plan, specific realistic deadlines are set for the development of the skill to the required level.

The procedure for working with this type of document in an organization can be centralized, strictly regulated and distributed among responsible executors: the personnel management service, the heads of the organization, the heads of structural divisions, employees. Or it can be informal, brought only to the level, for example, of the head of the financial and economic service.

The organizer of the centralized process of drawing up professional development plans, as a rule, is the personnel management service. At least the head and his subordinate should take part in this process. The most difficult thing in the formation of such a plan is to identify the employee's problem areas, that is, to assess his strengths and weaknesses in professional knowledge, experience and behavior. These zones are more correctly called development zones, since they can form the basis for achieving even greater efficiency and effectiveness of the employee's activities. Therefore, an employee's professional development plan is drawn up, as a rule, based on the results of an assessment or certification in terms of competencies.

An individual development plan is a fairly flexible tool for retaining key personnel; it can be updated and adjusted annually at the request of both parties. Employee career planning, as a rule, takes place in a certain direction, which also satisfies both parties, depending on what tasks the employee will have to solve in the future and in what projects he will participate. Both parties must find a compromise so that the development of the employee is planned in accordance with the goals of the company to ensure that the company's strategic goals are met and at the same time his personal needs are met.

The procedure for drawing up a professional development plan

Work on the development of employee competencies includes several stages, the main of which are: the actual preparation of a professional development plan based on the available budget and tasks solved by a particular unit, assessing the knowledge of the staff and adjusting the plan based on the results obtained.

The most time-consuming and important is the second stage, namely, the assessment of employees' knowledge. This is the basis of the entire personnel management system, since without it it is almost impossible to obtain objective information about employees, and therefore it is difficult to take reasonable management decisions. The presence of an objective evaluation system in the company is also a strong motivating factor for employees, because if the evaluation is regular and inevitable, and its criteria are known to the employees, that is, they understand how the evaluation results will affect the level of income, what are the career prospects and development opportunities, this is an incentive for employees to improve their performance.

Types of development activities can be as follows:

1. Development in the workplace.
2. Special projects/assignments/temporary assignments.
3. Learning from the experience of others.
4. Search for feedback.
5. Self-learning.
6. Trainings and seminars.

To assess the implementation of the professional development plan, a special report form is being developed. But in some cases, it is acceptable that the structure of the professional development plan include the item "Status of the implementation of goals", where, at the end of the planned period, the employee's self-assessment and the manager's assessment of the results achieved are entered.

The benefits of working under a professional development plan are clear:

The professional development of an employee becomes organized and purposeful, and not spontaneous;
the plan allows you to correlate the areas of professional development of an employee with the current and future needs of the unit;
it allows to take into account the interests of the employee in his professional development;
based on the results of evaluating the implementation of such a plan, the employee regularly receives feedback on the development of his professional competencies and better understands the requirements of the organization for the current or prospective position;
well-organized work according to professional development plans motivates the employee for further work in the organization. But there are also disadvantages of working with such documents:
to plan in situations of instability and dependence on a large number external factors not easy, especially the professional development of employees;
a professional development plan is a rather complicated tool in work: it is necessary to allocate a lot of time and personal resources of the manager for its preparation, monitoring and evaluation of implementation, since all procedures are carried out in the form of a personal conversation;
a professional development plan can easily turn into a formal document that is not given much importance in an organization or department - in this case, the organization receives a tool to demotivate employees.

Personnel assessment methods

There are several types of assessment, depending on the purpose of its implementation. This refers to a quantitative or qualitative assessment of an employee or a comprehensive assessment of him as a member of the organization.

Quantification is used to determine the performance of an employee. Its methods include the use of a given scoring of achievements and mistakes of an employee, expert and coefficient evaluation of his activities, all kinds of professional and psychological tests. This type of assessment is more suitable for employees in the field material production. If we talk about people who are mainly engaged in intellectual work, then only a quantitative assessment will not be enough. However, as well as quality ones, since they give a very conditional idea of ​​how effective an employee is. Qualitative assessment allows you to evaluate personal qualities employee, such as their outlook, business negotiation and communication skills. To do this, they use evaluation interviews, discussions of a group of experts with the employee being evaluated, an arbitrary (written or oral) presentation by the employee of the vision of his work and functions, systematic observation and evaluation.

Since the purposes of personnel assessment mentioned above are very diverse, the use of only one group of assessment methods can lead to undesirable and deliberately incorrect results. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment helps to reduce the risk of getting a random result.

There are also several types of comprehensive assessment:

Evaluation according to the 360-degree principle, that is, evaluation by the immediate supervisor, subordinates, as well as colleagues who are on the same hierarchical level with the employee being evaluated and interact closely with him. This method also includes employee self-assessment. In the course of the assessment, the attestees receive feedback that allows them to understand how the assessment of others corresponds to the self-assessment of the employee;
MBO method (Management by Objectives), that is, management by setting goals. The employee, together with the immediate supervisor, formulates his main goals for the coming period (usually calendar year);
grading system (levels). This is a positioning system for positions in accordance with company policy. The position grade is determined based on the analysis and evaluation of key factors (criteria). Personnel assessment according to the grading system - assessment of the abilities and qualities of employees on key factors for compliance with the position.

Most full form assessment is an assessment conducted by an assessment center (assessment-center), that is, a personnel assessment center. However, the most common and convenient way assessment is an appraisal.

Personnel certification.

Certification answers questions about how fully one or another person corresponds to his position, how effectively he applies his knowledge and skills in practice. Regular performance appraisal of employees allows us to achieve the following goals: informing employees about the requirements set by the company for their positions; determination of the need for training and development of personnel; ensuring that the qualifications of employees correspond to the positions they hold; bringing the level of remuneration of employees in line with the level of their qualifications. Certification makes it possible to answer the questions: "what to teach?", "how to teach?", "whom to teach?", to plan training for certain categories of employees, to identify the most promising employees, in whose development the company will profitably invest.

It should be understood that attestation is always carried out in accordance with predetermined criteria and covers a certain period. Therefore, it is necessary to identify these criteria and establish the frequency of certification, for example, annually or twice a year.

Then you need to create an attestation committee consisting of three to five people who are entrusted with the development and approval of the attestation procedure. The committee determines the key principles for conducting certification in the company, a list of competencies for employees and managers. All key principles of performance appraisal of the company's employees are reflected in the appraisal regulation, which is the result of the committee's work. After approval of the regulation on certification, information and training of managers and employees of the company is carried out. Certification should be carried out throughout the company, starting with top managers and ending with ordinary employees.

When identifying experts for assessing an employee, one should proceed from the following: firstly, the assessment of the immediate supervisor of the employee is the most important point certification. Other experts can be employees of both the same department in which the assessed person works, and other departments interacting with the employee. This is necessary in order for some important part of the production behavior to be evaluated "from the outside". As a rule, it is about functional leaders or project managers. For example, a branch accountant will be assessed not only by the branch director, but also by the chief accountant from headquarters. However, only one who was an internal client of an employee and could directly observe his production behavior can act as an expert. An important point when using several experts is the coordination of the assessment.
The manager speaks to the employee with a single assessment and recommendations for development. Ideally, the reconciliation of estimates should occur as follows. The head of the employee and each of the experts gives their assessment. Then they get together and discuss each competency where the assessments of the experts differ from those of the employee's supervisor. The result of this discussion is the final assessment for this competence, accepted by all experts.

Another important point is the mandatory self-assessment of an employee, which allows him to once again analyze his activities for the reporting period, pick up facts, and think over steps for self-development. For a manager, employee self-assessment is a great way to save time and focus on analyzing discrepancies in assessments and justifying your point of view.

Certification of employees of accounting services can be carried out in the manner established for the entire company. According to the author, it makes no sense to evaluate the professionalism of accounting and financial service employees by any quantitative indicators. They are quite difficult to determine for this type of work and are unlikely to give real assessment the professionalism of the employee.

For employees of the financial service, the following competencies can be assessed:

1. Professional knowledge and the degree of its application in the performance of assigned tasks. Both professional qualifications and the quality of work performed should be assessed here: is there a need to refine tasks, the presence of errors, the independence of tasks performed and their timeliness, the possibility of using an employee at the discretion of the company, that is, his mobility.
2. Business and personal qualities. It assesses the employee's performance, his responsibility, attentiveness, the ability to prioritize and make independent decisions in necessary situations, analytical skills, initiative, the ability and desire to learn, as well as the ability to establish good working relationships with colleagues, understanding and observing the interests of "internal and external" clients.
3. Social characteristics. Compliance with the rules established by the company, loyalty to the company is assessed.
4. Managerial skills are important for service leaders. Here, administrative abilities, the ability to plan, distribute and organize the work of subordinates can be assessed. Ability to ensure quality control of work at all stages, listen and communicate with subordinates.

Correction of the plan based on the results of certification

The last step in compiling a professional development plan is its adjustment. Usually at this stage, a post-test interview of the immediate supervisor with the employee is carried out. The manager tells what is common and how the employee's self-assessment and the assessment of experts differ, steps are outlined to improve production behavior in problem areas.


Many managers fear that after employees have completed the necessary training, in some cases they have confirmed their qualifications with appropriate certificates, they will certainly leave the company. Of course, such a risk always exists, because by improving the qualifications, the employee increases his market value. But it should be taken into account that the employee also understands that the company that invests resources in its development is a very attractive company. If his financial and career prospects in a company that provides him with an opportunity for development are transparent to him, he understands that he is valuable to the company and will also make efforts to return the resources invested in him at the expense of quality work and loyalty to the company.

To minimize the possible negative reaction of employees to certification, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to the preparation of certification activities. As a rule, anxiety among employees arises due to a lack of information and a misunderstanding of the goals of these events. Therefore, before the start of certification, it is necessary to inform the staff about the upcoming event, its goals, procedure and expected results.

With proper training of personnel for certification, employees will understand that they should not be afraid of layoffs or any other negative consequences certification. On the contrary, they can see good prospects and opportunities. Employees will be able to prepare in advance for certification if they think in advance about what they want to achieve in the company, and, accordingly, what they need to learn and what skills and competencies to develop.

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