What does the personal development plan include? How often do you need to adjust your individual development plan? Things to Avoid When Writing a Development Plan

Garden equipment 26.09.2019

Every employer is interested in the development of the employee, especially if the person works in a managerial position. Improving the qualifications of the employee increases the overall efficiency of the enterprise. The development of an individual development plan (IDP) contributes to the improvement of the employee.

What is an individual development plan

A development plan is a set of training measures that contribute to the improvement of competence and professional growth. It is individual because it is compiled in accordance with the specifics of the work of a particular employee.

When developing a plan, you need to take into account the needs of the specialist, as well as the needs of the firm. For this reason individual plan development is beneficial for both the company and the specialist.

The execution of the plan by an employee can be rewarded financially. In the individual development plan, development strategies are indicated, and recommendations are made. The plan may indicate a list of books to be read, a series of seminars and lectures that should be listened to.

Objectives of the plan

An individual development plan is drawn up with the following goals:

  • Increased staff loyalty.
  • Professional development.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of the goods produced by the company.
  • Increase in labor efficiency.
  • Planned development of a specialist.
  • Coordination of work goals.
  • Improving the effectiveness of control.
  • Turning hypothetical goals into action.
  • Simplification of the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the specialist.
  • Timely preparation for the modernization of the enterprise.
  • Providing self-organization.
  • Prioritization.

Without a plan, an employee can also develop, but it will be chaotic. In addition, the employer will not be able to track development results.

Who creates an individual development plan and for whom

Who is the development plan for? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question. The company can choose one of the following strategies:

  • An individual development plan is developed for each employee. This model is based on the fact that each employee, regardless of his position, can improve the efficiency of the company.
  • The plan is drawn up only for employees applying for high positions. The model is based on the fact that developing an individual plan is a complex and costly process. Therefore, it is best to develop a plan only for those with high potential.
  • The plan is drawn up only for the management team. The model is based on the opinion that the effectiveness of the company is determined by the effectiveness of the actions of the management.

The choice of model depends on which employees are contributing to the increase in the productivity of the firm. The development of these specialists will allow with minimal cost increase efficiency. It makes sense to invest in these employees the largest number forces.

The plan should be formulated by the manager together with the employee. However, in order to draw up a quality plan, the manager must have all the relevant knowledge. Not every manager has this knowledge. Therefore, you should involve a professional coach to help yourself.

Development plan stages

Let's consider the main steps for developing an individual development plan:

  1. Preparation. Development recommendations are developed and then reviewed by the employee. The employee forms the priorities for the development of the face. Planning consultation is ordered, if required.
  2. Planning. A table is compiled, which indicates the priorities, developmental activities.
  3. Coordination of the plan. The formed plan must be coordinated with the head. If necessary, adjustments are made.
  4. Plan approval. The manager is also involved in the approval of the plan.

The developed development plan is analyzed for compliance with the criteria:

  • The presence of logic, reasonable consistency. It is assumed that the employee will first solve simple problems, and only then complex ones.
  • Compliance with the main purpose. The plan indicates the skill that the employee must develop. The tasks set should contribute to the formation of this skill.
  • Setting deadlines. Developmental activities must be completed on time. This will make it easier to monitor their implementation.

It is important that the plan is realistic. That is, the employee must have time to complete all developmental tasks. For this reason, its standard workload must be taken into account.

Elements that make up the development plan

The structure of an individual development plan depends on the needs of the company and the employee. Typically, a plan includes these elements:

  1. Information about the worker. This is the name, position, department in which the employee works, the planning period.
  2. Tasks. It is necessary to list the current professional tasks.
  3. Recommendations. It is necessary to list the recommendations for development professional competencies.
  4. Goals. It is necessary to list the goals for the implementation of certain measures, as well as indicate the time frame for achieving these goals.
  5. The results of the execution of the plan. The results are registered. Comments may be included in this section.

If required, the plan may include additional items.

When developing an individual development plan, it makes sense to be guided by these recommendations:

  1. No more than two directions of development are established per year. Only in this case it is possible to achieve proper efficiency.
  2. Each direction should include a full range of activities: theory, training under the supervision of experienced specialists, practice.
  3. Providing a uniform load throughout the year.
  4. One and the same developmental method cannot be grouped in one period. The correct combination is important. For example, you shouldn't give an employee the task of reading books all month. Theory must be combined with practice.

Leaders must assess the resources to carry out the plan. it material costs, time.

IMPORTANT! In order for the plan to be even more effective, it makes sense to involve several specialists in its creation: employees, representatives of personnel management departments, consultants, coaches.

Example development plan

The development plan is drawn up in the form of a table. Let's look at an example. First, you need to indicate personal information: the full name of the employee, his date of birth, position, the period during which the plan will be relevant. Then this information is written:

Tasks Formation and implementation of a quality management system at the enterprise
Recommendations The employee should:
  1. Develop analytical thinking.
  2. Pay special attention to planning.
  3. Improve management skills.
  4. When setting tasks, focus on the analysis of the economic component.
  5. Develop great initiative.
Development goals Acquiring the skill of allocating responsibility
Development methods The plan uses the following methods:
  • Self-study (read at least 3 chapters from the book "The Art of Management". Drawing up a synopsis of the most significant points.
  • Trainings and seminars. Recording and taking part in the seminar "How to improve work efficiency".
Plan creation date 28.09.2018
Signatures (employee and manager)

The second part of the plan is results. They include an employee's self-assessment of his own development, an assessment by a manager. The manager can also provide specific comments.

IMPORTANT! Each task should have its own timeline. For example, an employee needs to read the specified book before June 1, attend the training before August 1.

An individual employee development plan is a program of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of an employee, at his professional growth in the company.

Formation of a personal "schedule" - strategically important point... The specialist has a clear idea of ​​building his career, which is an obvious incentive. For the organization, this is the formation of a pool of loyal and worthy personnel. The Rabota.ru portal decided to find out how personal career profiles are compiled in companies.

A career "guide" is compiled personally for each employee. An individual plan defines priority areas, strategies and recommendations for the development of a specialist. It contains an exact list of actions. For example, an employee may be recommended to complete certain trainings and seminars to improve their qualifications, study specialized literature, study foreign languages, the development of specific skills - for example, for conducting business negotiations. In addition, a careerogram may include the implementation of special tasks and the development of any projects, etc.

An individual career "card" not only gives the specialist an idea of ​​the future prospects of work in the company, but is also an excellent incentive for high-quality performance. job responsibilities and for career advancement.

Labor market experts told the Rabota.ru portal about their experience in drawing up an individual development plan, about the methodology for its formation, about what a personal "guide" can contain, and most importantly - what can an employee get by achieving his goals?

Case 1. LANIT

Ekaterina Chebysheva, Deputy Director of the Management Consulting Department,
Department of management systems and consulting, company "LANIT":

“An individual development plan is a document that reflects the main tasks and activities,
related to the professional and personal development of the employee for a certain period of time.

Typically, a development plan is drawn up by a manager, HR specialist or the employee himself to achieve specific goals. For example:

- preparation for work in a new position;
- fulfillment of new responsibilities;
- development of skills necessary to increase the efficiency of work in the position held;
- ensuring the interchangeability of employees, universality of knowledge and skills;
- training of a personnel reserve, etc.

A development plan can be formed as a directive document if, for example, an employee's performance is low due to a lack of knowledge or experience. In this case, the plan of training and developmental activities is drawn up by the head or HR-specialist, and the employee is obliged to complete them within the specified time frame. Also, the plan can be drawn up as a document agreed by the employee and the line manager, and take into account not only the requirements and expectations of the employer for professional development, but also the opinion and wishes of the employee in the field of professional development.

In this case, drawing up a development plan is usually part of the procedure for regularly assessing the performance and qualifications of the employee. At a meeting-feedback session during the summing up of the results for a certain period, the manager and the employee discuss the results of work and jointly identify the areas and directions of the specialist's development, taking into account the strengths and sides that require development, as well as the employee's career prospects in the company.

An individual development plan, as a rule, contains a list of developmental activities. Depending on the field of activity of the company, this list can be very diverse and, among other things, may include:

- training (both in the company and external);
- participation in projects where an employee can gain valuable experience;
- rotation of jobs;
- mentoring;
- mentoring and coaching;
- internships;
- performing additional tasks, roles, assignments;
- passing certification.

Development plans usually do not include tasks related to the achievement of certain KPIs or targets. They are included in performance plans. But there are situations when employee development goals are part of their performance targets.

In the company "LANIT", development plans are formed taking into account the results of evaluating employees by competencies (corporate and technical) and the results of evaluating the effectiveness of work. Development plans for beginners are made for six months, for more experienced ones - for a year. The manager and the employee jointly decide what knowledge and skills the employee needs to move to the next career stage (the requirements for each stage are formalized). The manager also explains which specialists in what areas the company needs for further development... Achievements and strengths employee, how best to develop his talents, in which areas he can fully realize his potential. If organized correctly, such meetings can motivate an employee to improve their skills and work efficiency and are of great benefit.

The subordinate and the manager have the opportunity to establish full and regular feedback and determine the professional and career prospects of the employee in the company. The result is reflected in the development plan in the form of a list of specific measures that need to be taken to achieve the set goals. To maintain development plans in "LANIT" uses a specialized software solution ETWeb Enterprise. This system also organizes the accounting and approval of applications for training and certification, the development costs of each specialist. All history and all data about the stages of an employee's development are saved.

Development plans are not directly related to material incentives for employees. Professionals interested in professional and career growth have the opportunity to obtain the necessary resources and assistance. In cases where it is important for the company to improve the skills of an employee and receive certain certificates for the company, tasks from development plans can be included in the performance plan and the employee receives bonuses for their implementation.

When conducting the final assessment, the manager always pays attention to the fulfillment of the tasks included in the development plan and how the employee relates to improving his own qualifications. This information can affect the size of the increase in wages, the decision to transfer to the next career level, inclusion in the personnel reserve. "

Case 2. Euroset

Pavels Romashins, Director of the Development Department and staff training,
corporate culture corporation "Euroset":

“Two key thoughts:

1. Are you afraid that you will teach them, and they will leave you? Fear that you do not teach them and they will stay!

Developing your (sic!) Employees is beneficial in all respects. And really powerful business teams can do it! We at Euroset are proud of how much those who have worked for us for at least a year are worth on the market, and of the speed with which they find work.

2. We are also proud that our managers "on on their own"they leave us extremely rarely, because Euroset is a real University of Power (UM).

If we do not work well with someone - good luck to him in a new place. If someone did not cope and we have exhausted the time limit for their "integration" into our system of creating powerful results - let him succeed in another company.

An individual development plan is always and directly related to the concept of a talent pool. In essence, this is a development plan that employees carry out in order to take a higher (usually managerial) position.

Very rarely, Western companies use an individual development plan for horizontal rotations (the so-called mobile reserve), which is important for retail companies with a developed branch network. But! For us, this is most likely not relevant for a number of reasons. In the Russian Federation, this practice is not observed primarily because employers are looking for employees according to the principle "with experience in this profile." Besides Russian market Today, labor is still an employer's market, which can take on an external, ready-to-work employee, and not retrain his own, which is an order of magnitude more expensive. Retraining within the company has become exotic for the same reasons.

The place of the individual development plan in the personnel reserve training system: assessment of a reservist - identification of development zones (gap analysis) - preparation of an IPR - implementation of an IPR - assessment of the degree of implementation of an IPR - recommendations for appointment to a managerial position.

An individual development plan is a list of activities aimed at the professional and managerial development of an employee. Types of events:

- training (aimed at obtaining new knowledge);
- developing (aimed at improving in their professional field);
- reinforcing (activities that reinforce skills).

The plan is individual, since it is based on identifying individual (gaps) gaps between the level of professional competence that the employee currently has and the one that will be required of him at a higher position.

The IPR is drawn up on the basis of various assessment procedures, including a conversation between the head and the employee himself. V in this case it all depends on the specifics of the activity and the position taken by the specialist.

Appropriate assessment methods are used depending on the learning and development goals we set.

The classic IPR contains three elements - knowledge, skills and abilities, which are supposed to be developed in a reservist.

The widest range of tools is used in the implementation of the IPR. It depends both on the results of the assessment of the reservist and on the position for which we are preparing him.

Most often, the IPR includes attending internal and external trainings and professional development (the entire possible spectrum - from internships in a more difficult area to obtaining an MBA), as well as various project assignments, as a rule, of a managerial nature.

The elements of internships and the level of complexity of the tasks delegated to this employee are prescribed separately. As a rule, they are an order of magnitude more complicated than usual.

V this moment the Euroset corporation has clearly taken a course for the constant training of a certain number of reservists for the positions of store directors and regional directors (operational managers who manage a cluster of stores). These are hundreds of people all over Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

This is the most ambitious task, as it is associated with the assessment, training and development of a large number of employees.

The individual development plan for reservists will include mandatory management courses and trainings, project work, associated with the analysis of economic variables in the work of the store, and a plan for the implementation of management tasks delegated by the immediate supervisor.

Preparation of a reservist for a higher position takes about a year, sometimes less, depending on the position for which we are preparing him. We train the director for six months, the regional director for a year. At the same time, a lot depends on everyone. a specific person... For some, three months is enough to be ready for a promotion, while others can hardly meet the stated six months or a year (which is not necessarily a "contraindication" to the appointment).

The result of a successfully completed IPR is a recommendation for appointment to a higher position. If the reservist cannot cope with the implementation of the individual development plan, then he can be expelled from the personnel reserve or continue to study.

What is the risk that the grown-up employees will "dump"? There is a risk if the number of reservists is incorrectly planned. If they are not appointed in the next 1-2 months. "

Case 3. "BAT Russia"

Anton Gevorkyan, HR Training and Development Manager, BAT Russia:

At British American Tobacco Russia, an individual development plan is drawn up for each employee by his immediate supervisor.

As a rule, the IPR is designed for 1 year, but in some cases, for example, when planning the career of high-potential employees, longer-term planning is also used - for 3-5 years. In our company, drawing up an individual development plan is mandatory for every employee.

The plan is drawn up with the aim of identifying all the skills and abilities required to effective work in the current position, identifying among them those skills on the development of which it is necessary to focus in the first place, as well as skills that are necessary for the further career growth of the employee. At the same time, an individual development plan gives an understanding of what tools the specialist will use to develop the missing competencies.

The "reward" in case of successful implementation of the development plan will be increased efficiency professional activity an employee, well-thought-out career growth, as well as high level self-realization and job satisfaction.

The following tools can be used to draw up an individual development plan:

- feedback from the manager on the results of the employee's activities;
- self-assessment by a specialist of the level of their competencies;
- survey "360 degrees";
- testing;
- a set of exercises aimed at identifying strong and missing skills and competencies. The assignments are checked by professional trainers, who then give feedback.

The development plan may include the following training tools:

- trainings;
online learning(e-learning);
- coaching and mentoring;
- reading professional literature;
- participation in cross-functional projects;
- attending conferences;
- training of other employees;
- development in the workplace, that is, the development of a particular competence in the process of work. "

Practice shows that an individual employee development plan is an integral element of personnel management and development in large companies. This tool raises the professional level of a specialist, which, in turn, is extremely important not only for the employee himself, but also for the company. Highly qualified efficient staff- the key to a successful business.

Force exact plan in that it helps to focus all efforts in the right direction. A personal development plan is the very missing link for those who realize the value of self-development, but feel that at some point they turned in the wrong direction.

Think about the past year of your life. Are you completely satisfied with this period? What achievements in what areas can you be proud of, and what not? Can you say with certainty that during this time you have grown as a person?

The importance of creating a personal development plan

Do you know exactly what you want from the future and what kind of person you want to become? Most people don't know. They were lazy, they just didn't think about it, they didn't meet people who could have an impact. So what kind of person do you want to be in 5 years?

Just taking a piece of paper and writing down your plans for the future increases the chances of becoming much better.

Why do you need to create a personal development plan?

There are several benefits. For example:

  • Have a destination... Know exactly where to go.
  • Path planning... Develop strategies that will help you achieve your goal.
  • Obstacle Awareness... Understanding that there will be obstacles. As well as figuring out exactly how to deal with them.
  • Awareness of a more global plan... It's not just about getting better, but about finding your destiny. It can only be found if we work hard and long on ourselves.

How to write a plan?

Your plan must meet at least five criteria:

  • What do you want (or where do you want to be).
  • Why do you want it.
  • How to plan your life to achieve all of this.
  • Clarification of all possible obstacles, problems, risks and dangers.
  • How to create a plan for overcoming obstacles.

You can also create Plan B in case of failure. This is a smart strategy.

When creating a personal development plan, the following questions can help:

  • What do I really want to understand about my life?
  • What kind of person do I want to become?
  • Do I see how my dreams will be realized?
  • What are my goals and ambitions?
  • What are my dreams?
  • Are my current decisions getting where I want to go?

Also, don't forget that goals should be set according to methodology.

The elements

Planning is easy enough. The hardest part is planning efficiently. Here's what you need.

Analysis of the current situation

You should take this step very seriously. More often than not, people overestimate their current situation, not noticing how many areas of life are out of control.

So where are you now? How intellectually developed? Do you have problems thinking? Are there people who can help and support? But above all - in yourself.

Mission creation

This is one or two sentences about what the meaning of your life is and what you want to achieve. Something like a commitment to yourself.

Short and long term planning

Goals and plans should be separated. Some goals can be achieved only after a few years, because you need to move towards them gradually. Find out what the best you can do for your development today, what - on next week, and what - in a year and five years.

Reassessing the plan

It is worth reevaluating the plan constantly, because during the journey new data, facts and experience will appear.

Commitment and action

You need to act on the same day when the plan is ready. Map out the next steps and start right away.

Details of the plan

To start developing as a person, you need to learn. Here are examples of where to get information from:

  • Courses
  • Articles
  • Reading literature
  • Finding a mentor
  • Meet people who will help
  • Keeping a diary (self-reflection)
  • Exercises for the brain

We wish you good luck!

Personal development: more than motivation itself and positive thinking.
Personal development occurs when you finally decide to change your life for the better. But the whole process can be formed not only from positive experience or official seminars. Even negative experiences can help a person find the right direction in life.
Most personal development coaches try to focus our attention on self motivation and positive thinking as the two most important ingredients for personal development success. Yes, in some ways they are right, but a holistic approach to self-development goes far beyond these two factors. Next, you will learn about what else you need on your path of personal development.

Personal development plan.
First, you need to have a system for achieving your development goals. It makes no sense to talk about how much you want to achieve self-awareness or the development of your personality. You need to accept the system and see vivid image... As you know, personality development covers the most different areas interests, and you can easily get lost if you don't have a plan. You need to write down everything that you intend to do with your life and where you want to be after completing the program that you have planned.
Always remember that only by having a certain plan of action can you determine whether you have become better or whether the circumstances of your life have improved. Done right, your plan will serve as a framework from which you can measure your progress.

A decisive step.
You may have ample motivation or positive thoughts, but if you don't take action today, your personal development will never become reality. Remember, personal improvement doesn't come overnight; timing is of the essence. So take action now, otherwise you may lose the chance to improve yourself. Take risks. Life is supposed to be an adventure, so if you don't get out of your comfort zone, you will remain rotting in the current situation.

Be open to change.

The operative word in personal development is change. If you cannot manage change, you cannot improve yourself. But, it can be argued that change will occur even if you do not welcome it. Would you rather be influenced by factors outside your control? Obviously, it is better to be ready for external changes or personally lead the changes in your life. This way you will know what action to take.

Sit on the shoulders of giants.
If you want to accelerate your personal development, you need to learn from the people who were in your place before you. You really don't need to reinvent the wheel, all you have to do is learn from the experiences of others, especially those who have been successful in their quest to become better. In order to save you time and effort, you can always hire personal development coaches or mentors. You can also read a book or listen to audio books about self-development.

Be responsible for your personal development.
You are what you allow yourself to be. In other words, the things that define you today happened because you allowed them to happen. If you've been lazy or indifferent all these years, you have no one to blame but yourself for where you are now. Even yours environment cannot be held accountable for who you are now. You have the key to your development in your hands, and only you can use it. So, the manifestation of the initiative for self-development should come from you, and for all the result that you will receive from individual program development, only you are responsible.

How to start a personal development program?

Starting a personal program can be achieved by raising awareness about your current life situation... A clear understanding of its starting point has great importance for creating successful plan personal growth.
While a personal development enthusiasm may include a shared desire for greater growth and a shared understanding of areas of life where personal development should take place, a diligent awareness raising and life planning process should include self-esteem in every aspect. Everyday life.

Self-esteem for life awareness.

So, as we have already found out, we need to draw up a level of self-esteem in each of the areas of life. Psychological tests can help us with this.
In addition, it will be helpful to make a list of the assigned roles and responsibilities for each area of ​​life.
Limit the list to ten or twelve items that are most important and consume most time and energy.
Do not forget about those areas of life that are not important at the present time, but are desirable in the future.
Further, it is necessary to give an assessment of satisfaction for each area. Use a score of one to ten points. Where ten points are completely satisfied, and one point is completely dissatisfied.
If you are honest with yourself in these tests, you can develop a sufficiently accurate and detailed outlook on life in order to begin effective planning life.

Ideal life plan.

The life plan should include a vision of the future - a life goal that is planned to be achieved.
Your vision of a goal in life is a combination of all the “perfect ten” scenarios for each of the ten areas of life, with which you made an assessment of awareness, satisfaction, assigned role and responsibility.
When setting a life goal, it is important that you can envision the outcome. Therefore, when creating a goal for each of the areas of life, you should see yourself there with sufficient detail and accuracy without making any special efforts. For example, your professional life goal might include phrases such as: respect, recognition, joy, well-paid, perfect work-family balance.

Personal development goals planning.

Research shows that challenging but achievable goals are the best goals. It has been found that goals that are too easy do not motivate, on the other hand, goals that seem too difficult are also not motivating, since the chances of success are reduced. The best goals are those goals that are difficult but achievable and also provide the most satisfaction when achieved.
If your current life satisfaction score is low, ranging from three to four, out of ten possible, it is possible that your vision ideal life in this area may be too far from achievement. Which may seem impossible and lead to de-motivation.
In this case, one should not jump higher than oneself, but rather develop a set of life goals that reflect modest personal growth and a level of growth that can be imagined and realized.

Start a personal development program.
The beginning of personal growth planning is carried out with the help of life awareness through detailed self-assessment. You will then be able to formulate ideas for your plan that will serve as your overall life goal.

Set clear goals for yourself

Personal development plan leadership qualities must be specific and realistic. He must mobilize all your abilities and demand your full commitment. Here are some ground rules from practice to help you develop such a plan.

Set clear goals for yourself... People sometimes fail because they have little idea of ​​the goals they are striving for. Try to visualize the end result you want to achieve and write it down in as much detail as possible.

Set realistic deadlines... Remember: the habits that have formed in you throughout your life cannot be changed in one or two days. A persistent and systematic work is required to change one's own thought patterns and stereotypes of behavior. "The road will be mastered by the walker" , - said the ancient sages. Get ready to work hard... Your current behavior is the result of many years of learning, so the new model of behavior will rather slowly replace the old one. Changes require constant attention and realistic deadlines.

Determine how you will judge your success

Determine how you will judge your success. Develop a system of intermediate goals... In this way, you can control your progress and give new impetus to your personal plan. Leadership development is ongoing. As soon as one goal is achieved, it is necessary to set new areas of application of forces.... Continuous rise to leadership positions is often associated with hard work and constant self-improvement.

Be content with modest progress, especially at first
... It is often said that a large oak tree grows out of a small acorn . Impulsive person hoping to change himself overnight is rarely successful. Success fuels success. Lasting but modest progress solidifies and becomes a relationship trait this person to work.

a list of key goals important for developing leadership skills in initial stage

To make the task of making a plan easier, we suggest that you do the following exercise.
The following is a list of the key goals that are important for developing leadership skills initially. Select at least three goals from the list below to include in your self-directed leadership development program. Complement them with your own personal goals that are important to you.

1. During the year, complete at least two training courses or trainings on self-development. For example, effective business communication, leadership, public speaking, time management skills, decision making, etc.

2. Chat - formally or informally - with recognized and respected leaders to hear their ideas for leadership and understand how they arrived at them. Attention! Of these leaders, no more than half should work in your industry or profession!

3. Ask your acquaintances or colleagues in the service what they value most in the behavior of leaders and what is least of all. Write down and analyze their responses.

4. Read at least one leadership book during the year and develop at least five practical steps based on it.

5. Answer the following questions:

a) What are my career goals?
(b) What life purpose do they serve?
c) What value do I attach to achieving these goals?
d) When will they be achieved? What is my program of action?
e) Where am I now? Where will I go next?
f) How can I improve my performance?
g) Who can be attributed to my most valuable advisers and critics?

6. Get accurate information on how the organization in which you work assesses your potential. Find out how your superiors and colleagues in the service assess your leadership qualities. (Note: You might need a little courage to speak to your boss about this!)

7. If your current job does not provide you with leadership development opportunities or does not use all your abilities, choose another area in which you can add to your leadership track record. Changing the situation stimulates you and makes you tense.

8. "Knowledge is power." Choose one long-term training program (at least four weeks) that deepens and expands your knowledge in a specific area - financial management, marketing, human resources, etc. - and leadership in general. Develop a plan to convince your company that it is in their best interests to enroll in these courses.

What goals did you choose?

Have you set dates when you need to measure your progress?

example personal development plan

Personal Development Program - Building Awareness.
Take a look at the following nineteen week personal development plan and then modify it to suit your personal interests.
Proven Success Factor successful people includes having a personal development plan and being attached to it. The following personal development plan example will help you form the structure and template for creating your personal improvement plan. Focusing on one aspect of personal growth each week of nineteen weeks will help you gain the benefits of cumulative growth.
Personal development starts with awareness raising.
Self-awareness is the main component of personal growth. The first half of this plan is about building self-awareness. The second half extends personal growth to the outside world.

Week One - Your personal development plan should start with an honest and detached outlook on life. What areas of life work well? What areas deserve improvement? Based on your current reality, develop a vision for life.

Week Two - Discover and clarify the purpose of life this week. Each person has goals in life, a set of patterns of behavior and qualities, finds the meaning and purpose of life. Ponder this over the course of a week and write down your personal understanding of your life purpose under the heading "My Life Purpose."

Week Three - This week the enthusiasm for personal growth should focus on personal virtue and passions. What activities are always pleasant, easy and give you excellent results? Make a list under the heading: Personal Strengths and Passions.

Week four - learn to meditate. Take a lesson, read a book, or learn about meditation on the internet. By the way, on our site you will find information about meditation.

The second month of the personal development plan.
The first month of personal development is over, it's time to move on to even greater self-awareness. Be open to intuition and new understanding, refrain from judging about the past.

Week Five - Learn the art of living in the moment. Life is a series of present moments, lived and lost.

Week Six - Practice self-awareness of behavior and personality this week. Watch for qualities or characteristics that have been demonstrated in your daily activities this week. Are they in line with your personal development vision for the first week?

Week Seven - Focus on core beliefs and values. Beginning with the phrase “I believe that,” identify any deeply rooted beliefs. Repeat these steps with "These are my core values."

Week eight - this week you must face your fears and overcome their limitations. Personal growth often associated with leaving your personal comfort zone. Recognize the fears that are limiting your growth and make the decision to move forward with courage.

Continued personal growth, month three.
This month we will introduce some tools for personal development.

Week nine - dedicate this week to positive things only. Refrain from all forms of negative expression, including negative conversation, derogatory jokes and gossip, criticism, whining, and complaints. Acknowledge negative experiences and then look for opportunities for improvement.

Week Ten - Learn to effectively set goals by following your vision and personal development plan. Explore the SMART process and apply it to this plan.

Week Eleven - Be grateful and appreciative this week. Express your gratitude and appreciation for life and all the benefits that you have.

Week Twelve - Dedicate this week to taking care of yourself. Make the decision to take care of your physical and mental health on a daily basis. Make commitments and goals.

Personal development plan, a shift to the outside world.
It's time to shift focus from inner work to the outside world.

Week Thirteen - Increasing self-awareness of the use of work time, starting with keeping a log of time and activities. Jot down all the activities, keeping track of them to free up time. At the end of each day, determine how much time you have spent supporting your personal development plan.

Week Fourteen - Become a Generous Listener. Listen carefully to understand the words spoken and the underlying emotions. Learn to listen by mentally repeating the words spoken by the interlocutor.

Improving relationships and more.
This month introduces aspects of personal development that may seem challenging. Be courageous and watch further growth.

Week fifteen - focus on improving your relationship. The greatest satisfaction in life comes from relationships. Think about the strong and weaknesses of all the relationships that you have.

Week Sixteen - Practice generosity. Be a generous donor. Be generous to other people easy way become happier.

Week seventeen - Set personal boundaries. It is important not only to define personal boundaries, but also to learn how to talk about them to others.

Week 18 is the week of forgiveness and apology. It's time to make a long-overdue apology for behavior that has been offensive to others. This is also a week of forgiveness, forgive yourself and other people.

Week Nineteen - Think about the last few months of personal growth. Notice where you made good progress and where your growth was rather slow. Create your own personal development plan for the next four months by modifying this sample plan.

An effective personal development plan.
The personal development plan serves as the basis for personal development, which is a proven factor in the success of successful people: having a vision, a plan and implementation of the plan. Modify the example of this plan to make it even more effective.

Ideal future plan

Bonus "Ideal Future"

Take a pen and a piece of paper. Imagine your ideal future. There are several characteristics of a quality life.

First, income. Write where the money will come from. Think of two categories: passive and active income. Passive cash flows are created capital, royalties, income from a business that works without you, investments. Active income appears with your direct participation. it own work in business, working on projects, grants - ideally something that you enjoy doing.

Secondly, emotions. They are the salt of life, a powerful engine. Write down what emotions you will experience in your ideal life. This is the satisfaction of self-realization, the joy of a new day, harmony with the world, cheerfulness from playing sports, the joy of communicating with a child - everyone has their own emotions. The main thing is that they are positive, make life rich, vibrant and lively.

Third, skills and knowledge. Focus on skills. Knowledge by itself does little, but skills bring concrete results. It's more about business skills.
List them. Everyone has their own skills: the ability to influence people, speak in public, sell, create a successful business, and so on.

Fourth, joy. There are three types of satisfaction: from consumption, from current events, from achieving a goal. There is also a fourth type - that which brings joy to others. Write down the things that you will enjoy in your ideal life.

Fifth, the habitat. Write where you live: in the capital or a provincial town, near the sea, in the mountains, in the forest, not far from the lake. Maybe you live in one place in the summer and in another in the winter. Describe what is in the house, what you see from the window, what furniture is in the house, how many rooms it has, what the bedroom, living room, and kitchen look like. Think about what kind of car you have, where you will go on the weekend, where you will spend your vacation. Describe everything to the smallest detail.

Sixth, relationships. What are they like with their parents, children, with a loved one, with friends. How do you see them in your ideal life?

Seventh, health and athletic performance. Everyone wants to be healthy and look good. Write about all this. What sports do you do, how often, what results have you achieved in your ideal life.

Eighth, time. What are you spending it on? If there is everything, but there is no time, there is nothing. Time, money, mobility are the three ingredients of success. Time - valuable resource... Write down how your ideal day is going, what you are spending time on.

Ninth, values. What are you bringing to the world, what are you leaving behind? Write it down.

Review the description of your ideal future every day. This will become your source of energy to help you move forward. People often think that if you make a lot of money or work around the clock, everything will work out. This is not true. You need to do everything in parallel.
Every day, doing something, you should ask the question: does this bring me closer to the ideal life?

I feel like I wasted a lot of time. Could you sketch out a plan for "planned development" and a list of books.

An excellent task - which I should have thought about in due time! Perhaps, without naming, of course, any coordinates, I will make a post, maybe someone else thought about how to build your life. We must use the power of the Internet as the simplest and most accessible resource.
For example, if you just google the first words that come to mind on the fly, for example - Personal Development Plan, then you will come across the following links:
Author's program "Development of a creative personality in a classroom"
Personal development in early adolescence
Some problems of personality development and creative thinking in classes with advanced study of physics and mathematics
Personal development according to the theory of E. Erickson and model A
Summary: Psychological development of personality
The development of personality self-awareness in the process of psychodrama

I do not know anything about you. People are all different.
First, you need to yourself, you can tell the story of your life in a diary, with an entry under the castle. Full awareness of all the key events on the arrow of time from the zygote of that day will transfer your brain to a new state, free from unconscious distortions. But this is impossible for anyone, although I achieved this for four clients, they all turned out to be women, the men were deafly sealed and did not even seem to understand the meaning of the work. Nevertheless, it is worth reviewing your life, and despite the fact that all events, for example, up to three years will be hidden for you, an attempt to see your life as a whole will give you an understanding of what influenced you, why you are that way.

Pass the good test Your abilities.
For example, Szondi's test, your socionic type. V. Gulenko's test, Cattel's questionnaire - here is an example of test results. There should be psychologists in the school now and they should also test. You can and should talk with a psychologist on this topic, otherwise they go and do everything formally, for show.

What is needed to achieve any meaningful goal?
Must have physical body, which should be healthy, have good nutrition, have a load - sports. It is a known phenomenon that athletes who studied somehow at school in life achieve much more, because for this they have health, they get tired less, they are used to overcome themselves and circumstances, their brain is developed, because in playing sports it is necessary think instantly, know how to work in a team, possess positive look for life.

You must have a computing device, a brain. Options: develop memory, take a rapid reading course. Everything is done through algorithms of behavior, which are also stored in the memory of the brain.
There are effective algorithms of behavior and ineffective ones. If you have already decided who you will work in, in what area, then you should not waste time and start developing in a certain direction.
Personally, I haven’t developed anywhere in my entire life. It turned out that I was developing in mutually exclusive directions. Adding some qualities (poet), I found that my ability for another (programming) was lost. And vice versa. But I created a New paradigm of worldview - NPM and continue to improve it. There are no analogues yet, except perhaps the Concept of Public Safety - KOB (dotu.ru, “Complete Course of Lectures KOB”), which must be cleaned of distortions, manipulations and distortions. There are no other results in life, so, everything is small, or even simple - temporary and empty, vanity of vanities.

It is necessary to learn how to detect manipulations, to have scientific criterion truths:
Criterion of Truth: In the only stable World, ALL FACTS add up to a holistic picture of the World.

It is necessary to have a phenomenon of consciousness, otherwise everything is meaningless. Develop intuition. There are techniques. You just need to avoid unscrupulous teachers, whose task is only to achieve their own selfish goals. Scientologists are a prime example of manipulators. Dianetics in the volume of a book from 1950. works, and then knowledge was hidden by a specially introduced distortion and knowledge has been hidden from humanity for 60 years. The same is done with the BER. (That's why I'm working on NPM)
Norbekov has a good simplification of qigong - gymnastics on the spine. This is for the body, although any exercise must be structured in such a way as to develop some of your personal qualities. He also has exercises for the development of intuition, although mechanical trainers are a fiction, a deception in my opinion. Intuition must be trained with real people. The simplest thing is - in which hand is the coin hidden?

Intuition always works, the brain has a hundred billion cells, they think something. It's another matter that you need to hear, because the signal is weak. Intuition can and should be developed. This can save your life, avoid difficult mistakes, achieve quick results where it would seem that you need to plow and plow.

It is useful to get acquainted with the works
Anatoly Tikhomirov "

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