Want to know everything. "I want to know more!" or my online learning experience

Engineering systems 20.09.2019

Do you know such a desire? Do you know this sharp feeling - to become the creator, the Creator of something new, which did not exist in the world. Agree, it's great to see how your grandchildren touch your thoughts, feelings, joyful donated paper with you young. And if this will be not only your grandchildren and from under your feather this literary wealth will be released for all mankind? In this article you will find a solution to turn into action.

Where to get an idea for a story

First, with which you have to meet your desire to write a story. This is the need to strudust your thoughts. They must be transformed from the chaotic mass in the faceted crystal of the story. It is possible to do this by creating the purpose of the work, its meaning.

You can argue as much as you want about the need and appropriateness of the idea in the story, but the story with interesting idea It will always be advantageous to look before the idledom, perfectly tailored stylistically, the story. Many have many thoughts about the need to create an idea in the story, but just like any item has its own purpose in the world, as well as the story should have a clear goal. And the author of his reader should lead to it, using all the well-known techniques and techniques.

It is better to take an idea in myself inside. Get off in your mind and find what he is gnaged. What you need to tell the world. You, as a writer, the opening of the world and the main source of new ideas. What you will find in the depths of yourself should be formulated. To do this, we use the following formula:

Value + cause of its occurrence \u003d idea

Example: You have read fantasy novels and already want to convey something to the world. Your unique world already ready to be born. Let's help him. Create an idea for him. We are now an example of a standard fantasy world: elves, orcs, knights, etc. How to heat all this?

We appeal to yourself and, for example, you are 18 years old. Peers offend you because you are not like them. You slightly thin see this world. You know a sense of justice. Believe in love and triumph of good in the world. After one of the conflicts with non-smooth peers, you are so glad that you are born the image of the ruthless knight, which is so cruel that when it appears, even the orcs are covered with cold sweat. But you have a sense of justice, and, therefore, your hero is fighting for her, despite her cruelty.

Now we have a hero, a ruthless knight, which bears the value of "justice triumph" until the end of history. The first part of the formula is. Now the second point is the cause of the occurrence. She has the indescribable cruelty of the main character. Folding both components, we get an idea: justice triumphs because the main character ruthless enemies. This proposal will help you throughout the story take the right solutions. Now you will not have such that for unknown reasons, the Knight Berserker at the end of the story weaves wreath and gives them astonished orcs. Although this is an interesting move, for your story ...

What is interesting to read people

Often the authors bother about the readers like their works. This, of course, is important, but do not forget about the fact that everyone likes cannot be liked. From this, you follow the rule - write for yourself, but shoot the reader.

You are in your work oriented only on yourself. In no case should be chased for the public. It will start you in a bunalty swamp. Be yourself, but do not forget about the technical moments. Using competent tools, story telling and relying on your inner worldYou will create a good work.

What genre choose

Genre choose one of technical points Literary skill. Focus on choosing a genre that, in your opinion, it will better reveal the idea. Only the idea is a guideline when choosing a genre, as well as your ability to work at a certain framework.

Each genre has its own features and requirements for the work. If you know a lot more about the genre in which you want to write, then this is a faithful sign to start implementing the idea in this direction. Thus, the idea: justice triumphs, because the main character of merciless enemies, maybe a detective and fantasy and a novel about real life (A teenager kills his father alcoholic for beating a mother). Choose a genre from a familiar and understandable until you get hardened as a writer.

The spelling of the story is also associated with such difficulty as a lack of feedback. This, it seemed that a simple moment could appreciate you to the root. You, without receiving competent feedback, climb in errors and dilatantism. Without criticism of like-minded people, the assistance of the mentor and the excitement of competitions will not grow a good writer.

Appeal to friends and relatives will not save you. They will only praise you, not allowing the opportunity to see the points of growth of talent. Either they score you with criticism and ridicule, after once by beating the desire to write. Which exit?


Participate in literary contests more often. They will allow you to practice in mastery. As a rule, the competition is hosted under a certain topic and you have a chance to work out the skill of writing in harsh environments. You will also get a bunch of feedback from your colleagues on the workshop. Feedback without sticks will be subsequently will allow you to drive up literary muscles. Well, azart fighting for the prize will give you motivation to write and create even more.

In the near future, we start a story contest with interesting prizes. Have time to join the Writers Community. Follow the news. You will definitely have a chance to write your work and get recognition and valuable prize for him.

By submitting the results of the article, we can say that the search for the idea, the choice of genre and themes for writing the story is solved by the task.

Do you think this article will help you start writing a story? Leave your comment below. Invite your friends from social networks Discuss this issue. Sign up for site news, so as not to miss interesting events and articles in our club.

For goodbye, look at the positive video about what you will have, if you do not stop dreaming.


I want to know everything about everything. And hundreds of questions appear in my head. I want to know how the world works and how to help him become better and kinder.

Of course, you will not know everything in the world. I will grow, learn, read good booksasked knowledgeable people And inquisitive friends. In the old days they said: "There will be a lot to know - soon you will build up." Now, I think, differently: "You will know more - you can't work longer," if you know anything new, interesting every day. As one poet wrote:

Total about everything in the world

Nobody will not learn ...

About all the sums to answer

How to learn about that.


- Writing on the topic I want to know even more

- I want to know even more

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- I want to know even more essay

- Writing on the topic I want to know everything

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I probably already adapted to my friends and familiar with your enthusiastic references about online courses that pass (and not one course at a time, but a few parallel!). Therefore, perhaps I will describe my experience in writing, as a farewell, and so that no longer repeat (and also not torturing other people's ears).

It all started thanks to one good friend. He shared in the FB link to the online course on astronomy. Clear thing I am interested. I admit, at first I was skeptical ... But still joined and decided to try something new for myself. Oh, from where I was then to know that instead of resting and fucked after skiing, I will sit for my "Hedgehog" and solve homework on online courses (they needed to be held on time) ... so as not to vote here The very course:

I graduated from 100% with honors. Not because it is light (if only ...) And because I put a lot of a lot of effort (and I wrote a few notebooks solving the challenges). He sank me a lot of nerves in the process of his passage ... But how I liked to pass it! Just a stunning teacher and cool community like-minded people! The sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure and difficulties that resulted in satisfaction and awareness of the fact that there is no way back. All i knew new way Expand your horizons in your pleasure! The first platform was Coursera. And before continuing the list of courses that I passed, I probably stand to warm up what online courses and what they eat. We will analyze this case on points:

  1. Check in. It is free of all platforms that I visit (Coursera, EDX, Udemy, Coursetalk);
  2. Topics.Oh ... there is anything! From study foreign languages to nuclear physics and neurophysiology! Economy, Marketing, Astronomy, Programming, Art, Psychology, Story, etc. In an incredible amount!
  3. Creations of courses. Summer universities from around the world! Many of them are world-famous - Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford and many others;
  4. Form feed form.The video dominates, but of course there is separate and text, and pictures;
  5. Teaching language. As you probably have already guessed the dominant language is English ... But he is not the only one! Almost all courses have subtitting in several languages, including in Russian. Moreover, the subtitling is cunning - the pronouncing synchronously with the text of subtitles (at least I saw this in the case of English voice acting and English subtitles on EDX). Regarding the presence of Russian voice acting ... Not sure, never needed. I will say more - I don't even turn on subtitles, so clear and understandable pronunciation (for comparison - all English-speaking films I look with subtitles);
  6. Reliability of material.Under this point, I have a mind as far as you can trust the materials from the courses. All that I still has had a solid bibliography, with references to many serious academic work. Plus, teachers have serious statuses, sometimes with world names and even encounter Nobel Prizes laureates;
  7. Price of courses. This is a comprehensive question ... in the overwhelming majority they are free. But at the same time, many of them are offered to pay the official certificate (the price of the question can vary greatly). What is the official certificate? The fact that he is appropriately the fact that you have passed this very course. This is done on the basis of your documents (ID). How exactly? For sure you do not describe the procedure, I have never paid for any course (LFCS does not count). But there is one interesting fact... From relatively recently, Coursera asks to have identification based on your print style, facial photos and identity cards (using a webcam). And this regardless of the fact you pass or not any paid course. What does this mean? And the fact that even the passage of some courses without buying a paid official certificate still gives it weight for your personality has been identified when it passes. So that I will clarify the example. One of the last courses that I passed is the Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects (I am very recommended, it is generally worth passing before you begin to other courses!). Before each final test, I was asked to check for my printing on the keyboard. Once I failed it and I was asked to get up before the webcam for an alternative check. I passed it and was allowed to perform the test. But I have not yet seen such a mechanism from all courses or on other platforms ... Undoubtedly there are courses that do not offer a paid certificate (such as the one that I passed the very first thing, due to the fact that it used a lot of third-party material on a non-commercial basis) or may be passed only after payment;
  8. The way of passing. There are several approaches and depends on the creator of courses. The most frequently-encountered type (judging from his own experience) These are those who have certain start and ending dates, the material is issued weekly and homework must be performed until the next study week. At the end of the course, the course can be more liberal and change the type to the "free visit" or to close until the next session (the dates are prescribed courses). There are courses with an initially free visiting where the material is fully accessible, and all homework have a deadline for delivery, for example, after six months. But it is less likely and does not really disciplines (and there is still a little less. But from this no less interesting, I assure it!). There are also courses, paid, which can be started at the request of those who want (they may also include individual help from the leading course);
  9. The evaluation method.Again, individually. Most often these tests with tasks that evaluates the training platform in automatic mode. There are tasks that do not affect the final assessment (such are often inserted right in the midst of training videos and texts). In most cases, you give a few chances to answer every question. However, it depends on the platform - Coursera gives attempts for the whole test, and EDX for each individual question / task. There is another interesting approach that I discovered for myself just a couple of weeks ago - Peer-Review. The essence is that your tasks are evaluated by classmates, according to a certain methodology of the specified course creators. Very interesting approach and very useful - classmates can give individual advice. Important note - this mechanism anonymist! You do not know who you are evaluating and who appreciates you. In case of conflicts, moderator may intervene. It is also worth mentioning the fact that there may be Grand tests or coursework tasks. Individual questions, tests and coursework tasks have their own weight in the final assessment of your success and certificate (yes, yes, even passing the course of free Course you get a certificate! But it is open in it that there is no guarantee for the authenticity of the student);
  10. Mobile applications.Available, but I personally do not use. The last time was tested (it was probably more than a year ago) mobile app From Coursera made it possible to fully pass courses, but the application from EDX is only viewing a video lecture was available.

Now you can return to your favorite courses after me! The very first recommendation concerns astronomy - it was the first online course that I passed. But perhaps I will list those that you should go through everything - they will change you, just as they changed (and change) me. The first course is the one that you met in paragraph 7 that above. Yes, it is worth passing the very first. It will lay the database of howst the remaining courses and answers the question whether it is worth performing homework (this is in case the certificates are not interested in you). Being short, just 4 weeks, he does not take a lot of time. But he will make you revise the human memory and ways to teach. I am very and highly recommended to view all additional video materials - they are perhaps half of that value that carries this course!

The next course is The Science of Everyday Thinking. He produced a furor in my head! Yes, he is very long, as many as 12 weeks. But the fact that he is trying to convey to us has a huge value ... Thinking, memory, stereotypes, experiments and much more, what makes it possible to understand why we are what we are and how it can be changed. Again, I recommend to view additional video materials, they are also useful as in the previous course.

The last of this series is The Science of Happiness. Despite the name, I feared that there would be too much philosophy, without science as such in part. I have not graduated from this course, but already recognized my wrong - here is a very serious scientific approach. Therefore, I am pleased to pass and recommend others! The only thing that does not like is a lot of text material ... But this is my taste!

Before moving to astronomy, I will touch the topic IT. Already passed 2 courses and 2 more pass. The first was introduction to linux. Not that little knowledge in this area, but I wanted to systematize what I know and fill some gaps. As a continuation, I took up the following level - Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator. As you can see it already outside the mass platforms and costs a lot of money. But I want to mention something - in the world of online courses Possible scholarships! I filed a request, but did not win. Although in the end I did not pay anything - I'm just unrealistic steeply impressed by my application and I made a 100% discount. These are the case ... The next that I passed was the Learn HTML5 from W3C. In view of its curiosity and rare, but regular need to develop something for the Web, I decided to deepen and systematize my knowledge. I learned a lot, but I didn't like that practices in general, it was not, just checking what was taught. There is a second part of this course, more in-depth and most likely more practical, but I did not take it. Another course that I am currently passing this An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1). From the title it becomes clear that we are talking about learning to programming in Python. An interesting approach to weekly projects - you need to write toys! An assessment is made classmates. The last task was to write a pong. Successfully succeeded, but not very interesting to play with myself ...

And now to astronomy! We will go ascending difficulty. The next in the list of astronomical courses is Astrotech: The Science and Technology Behind Astronomical Discovery. Relatively short and not very difficult course. Since the fact that I am an electron engineer, then the choice of this course was expected - here and astronomy, and electronics. But I repeat - the course is not very deep, the brains will not roll into the tube (which you can't tell about the first year ... Yes, I lied, he is not the easiest but basically fundamental). Next follows Analyzing the Universe. This course is emphasis on the X-ray spectrum. No, no, no, do not immediately be afraid! A lot of attention is paid to basic things and everything connected with the works in the software is very and very detailed. However, the tests will make you sweat a little ...

The following courses are already the first year of astrophysics in Australian National University. The first, already passed by me, is Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe. The complexity is the average and the lowest in this series. Say that I liked it means nothing! Detailed description How we came to what we know (and do not know) about the universe just struck me. And the exchange rate task will clearly force you to sweat ... The second course, also passed - Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets. I knew that the search for the planets around other stars was not easy taskBut I did not know details and the level of complexity. After this course you understand how it is not easy. The third course, which I only have to start (but I am sure that 100% will impress) is Astrophysics: The Violent Universe. There is a fourth course, but there is still time before the launch ...

Finally, I will mention the Conqueste of Space: Space Exploration and Rocket Science that just started and I have not yet managed to "feel". I will be glad if someone with me will pass it!

Oh yes, there are still courses on writing English, but I will leave this post to the future! Waiting for your comments and questions!

Dad, why does the wind blowing? And why the sky is blue? And how do books printed? And how can a camel can live without water for a few days? And how do we breathe? Why is it raining?

Every day, Azamat fell asleep dad with his questions.

Dad answered a few questions, and then laughed, raised his hands and said:

All, surrender! Try to search for an encyclopedia that I bought you for a holiday.

With dad was very interesting. He told Azamatu so much new! And he showed him pictures and photos on the Internet and read books with him. Azamat has always been happy, and it seemed to him that Dad knows everything in the world.

You know, Dad, - once said Azamat. - I want to know everything. All-all!

Dad smiled and sang him in her hair.

So it does not happen, son ... Everything knows only Allah. And we are actually very small - and about the world around us, and about ourselves.

And even you? - surprised Azamat.

And even I, - the dad nodded affirmatively.

But you read so much - both Quran, and different other books. And you look a lot of different scientific programs and films ...

I read a lot, because our prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) said: "The acquisition of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim." We must acquire useful knowledge. So I do, as our prophet taught (peace and blessing of Allah).

What knowledge is useful? Asked Azamat, looking at the father carefully.

The most useful knowledge is Koran and Sunna. Here we are with you almost every evening you read the Quran and Hadiths. So we acquire useful knowledge.

And we will be award from Allah?

Dad nodded:

Inshallah. First of all, we must learn the Quran and Sunna. And we must acquire those knowledge that we need in our earthly life: to learn new about the world around the world, learn something useful, study different sciences, find out how it is arranged, how it works, how things break and revealed.

And what will we watch today? Asked Azamat.

An interesting film about the ocean, how wonderful Allah created it. And then a few rollers about how to make charging to stay vigorous and healthy. Well, and Sura over one will listen together.

Hooray! - exclaimed Azamat and moved the chair to the daddy computer.

Azamat looked at the dad carefully.

Dad, and you buy me even encyclopedia? What about space?

I will definitely buy, - promised dad. - Very good book.

And I also want to know how to build houses, "Azamat said. - To build your own home when growing.

We are also reading about this and look at the video. Just grow up a bit.

Azamat thought for a while, and then said:

And yesterday I read about how the bike is arranged and what bikes are better to buy. By the way, Uncle Aslan has already taught me well to ride.

That's great. Soon I will buy you Inshallah your own bike and you will drive to the store, help your neighbors and neighbors.

And yesterday I helped Uncle Aslanin Switch to repair from the lamp. And Uncle Aslan was very surprised that I know how everything is cleaned. I said you taught me and that I even help you to repair the car, but a switch or, for example, electric kettle - it is very easy.

Dad smiled:

You are well done that you remember everything. Just do not boast, because it is not good to brag. Allah does not like boasts.

Well, "Azamat nodded seriously. - I remember about it ... just sometimes forget.

They sat down at the computer, and Azamat thought: how great it is when dad at home and they can read together, watch and listen to something useful. Azamatu liked to know the world with dad.

But now he was more interesting to him. After all, today he learned that he would not just recognize something new, but also performs an important duty before Allah, acquiring useful knowledge.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah) said: "The acquisition of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim" [Ibn Maja].

Guys, we put the soul in the site. So
what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Once the editor of the New Time magazine, Steve Moss, decided to hold a competition, whose participants were proposed to write a story in 55 words long, but in this case, while in the text, a slim plot, character workers and an unusual junction, were preserved. He received a response of such a scale that, according to the results of the competition, it was possible to collect a whole compilation called "the shortest stories in the world."

website It shares several laconic stories from this book.

Bad luck

I woke up from brutal pain in the whole body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing at my bed.
"Mr. Fudmy," she said, "you're lucky you managed to survive after the bombardment of Hiroshima two days ago. But now you are in the hospital, you no longer threaten.
Slightly alive from weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
"In Nagasaki," she replied.

Alan E. Meier

What the devil wants

Two boys stood and watched Satan slowly go away. The brilliance of his hypnotic eyes was still intensifying their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- coin for the phone-machine. He urgently had to call.
- Want, let's go eating?
- I want, but now I have no money at all.
- Nothing wrong. I'm full.

Brian Newell


There was only one way out, for our lives awake on a too tangled knot of anger and bliss to solve everything anyhow. I trust lots: the eagle - and we get married, the rush - and we will part forever.
The coin was asleep. She clicked, spinning and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, in one voice, we said: "Maybe another time?"

Evening surprise

Brilliant tights tight and seductively faced beautiful hips - a wonderful addition to a light evening dress. From the most tips of diamond earrings to socks of elegant shoes on thin studs - everything was just gorgeous. Eyes with just induced shadows were reflected in the mirror, and bright red lipsticks were stretched from pleasure. Suddenly, the child's voice heard from behind:

Hillary Claway

Blood oath

Can you keep secret, uh?
- Sure.
- Will you swear on the blood?
- Listen, Tai ...
- Oh, sorry, doctor, I forgot. Since you have finished university, you consider yourself a much cooler of all of us combined.
Emmett sighed, stretched out his hand. The knife was painted in red. They brought big fingers.
- So what is the secret?
On the floor dripped blood.
- I have AIDS, brother.

Joe Hubble

Sober mind

I watched how some fool crawls out of the bar and climbs into the car. When he tried, I immediately stopped him and offered to make a breath. The device did not show absolutely nothing.
- Come on, the guy, what is the focus?
- I just am an excellent driver.
- Truth? And what do you go well?
- Police for the nose. My guys have already left.

Sage Romano.


You know, I almost burst with laughter!
- And what happened?
- Some student. Well, you know - in the head wind, on the head of a baseball cap, and on the body only shorts.
- It is clear, I saw these.
- So, this time suggested to sleep with him! Can you believe it?!
- in business! These bellows always evaluate people by their appearance.

Carney Lugren


Woolen blanket that he was recently given in charitable Fund, conveniently hugged his shoulders, and the shoes that he found today in the trash can absolutely did not bother.
Street lights so pleasantly warmed the soul after all this coldest darkness ...
Bending bend in the park seemed so familiar with his old back.
"Thank you, Lord, he thought," life is simply delightful! "

Andrew E. Hunt

Modern medicine

Dazzling light of headlights, stunning grinding, piercing pain, absolute pain, then warm, darling, clean blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards radiant radiance.
Pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, hardly opened swollen eyes. Bandages, some pipes, gypsum. Both legs did not happen. Planted wife.
- They saved you, dear!

August Siem

Beauty saloon

You know, "the woman continued in the chair," his wife is too trusting. Bill always says that he goes to play kegli, and she believes him!
The hairdresser smiled.
- My husband William adores Kegli. Never went, and now spends there all the time ...
She stopped and frowned.
Then the bitter smile appeared on her face.
- Let's take a jumper. You will look unforgettable.

Elizabeth Yula.

Death at noon

Get out of the tree, Louis, and I will smear your brains on the ground.
- Brutal, you do not even have enough courage to click on the trigger.
- You can not doubt, there is enough courage to me, but you will not remain my brains.
- You never had them.
- ... Once again!
- Louis! Tony! Its time for dinner!
- already go, moms!

Priscilla Mintling

Love Harry

He looked at her, lying there, enchanted by her sensual bends, golden shine of her aura. But most of all his voice touched, sometimes soft and exciting, sometimes passionate to madness. Whatever his mood, she was good. He lovingly brought her to her lips. Tonight, they will arrange such a concert ... Harry and his pipe.

Bill Horton


Since Rita was killed, Carter sits at the window. No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what can be seen through the curtains. He does not care who brings food, pays for accounts, he does not leave the room. His life - running physical consultants, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter does not understand that there are no windows in the upholstered walled chambers.

Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to pass?
The old woman spit into the fire and replied:
- Tell them that I am young and beautiful

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