The most popular questions in Yandex. How to find out the frequency of search queries in Yandex? Instructions for SEO

landscaping 21.10.2019

We continue the story about the useful tools of Yandex.Webmaster. In the last article, we considered a new tool - “Pages in Search”, why you need it and how to use it, I recommend reading it. We also touched on the “Search queries” section, today we will analyze it in more detail.

The section contains information about search phrases for which the site is displayed in the first 50 positions of Yandex search results. For these phrases, you can track the following indicators: impressions, clicks, position, CTR.

Requests can be sorted by region and time period. The graph can be built both for all requests, and only for groups, for example, requests from the Top 3 or Top 10 in Yandex search results:

Each query has its own metrics.

Yandex generates all requests itself, based on its own statistics. If you want to track positions for specific keywords, you can upload your own list:

The overall summary shows the 10 most popular requests to the site.

Let's show how you can use the "Search queries" tool on the example of the website of a law firm, the region of the site is Moscow:

    • We determine the average position for keywords in Yandex. We go to Yandex.Webmaster, section "Search queries" → "Last requests" → "All requests", look at the "Position" column:

At the moment, it is almost impossible to know exactly the current position of the site in the search results. Yandex is actively promoting personalized search results for each user. The position of the site on your work computer and at home on a laptop will be noticeably different, somehow experiment with the issuance. I recommend reading more about personalized delivery in our article. And also the multi-armed bandit algorithm fully armed.

Therefore, determining the average position of the site in Yandex for a particular keyword will be very helpful.

Ideally, compare the results in Webmaster and in other services -,,, etc. Cross-sectional analysis will help to create a complete picture of the position of the site.

    • We identify requests for which users are already coming to the site.

After compiling the semantic core, we analyze the requests by which users get to the site and add them to the semantic core. To do this, go to Yandex.Webmaster, section "Search queries" → "Query history" → "Popular queries":

In our case, to the already developed family. We added requests to the core: tax disputes, subscription services for legal entities. We use the same keywords when compiling the “title” and “description” tags, create headings and text for the page.

But that's not all, next to the "Impressions" column you will see the "Clicks" column. And if there are a lot of impressions and few clicks, you may have a bad snippet for this query. In this way, the Search Terms tool helps to optimize the snippet. Let's look at an example:

    • We optimize the page snippet in search results.

The first column is impressions, the second is clicks.

In our case, there is an obvious bias in favor of impressions. The most common reason for this is bad and uninformative snippets.

How to fix?

Analyze the snippet - to do this, find the relevant page of the query you are interested in.
In incognito mode, enter a query in the search box, in this case, "Registration of LLC". Finding your site:

Users expect to see how an LLC is registered, what is needed for this, how much it can cost. And not in what IFTS and on the basis of what law. Little useful information.

Compare it with snippets of competitors in the first positions:

The snippet of competitors immediately offers us instructions on how to create an oooh, a unique offer for 0 rubles! The click rate is much higher.

Our blog has a great one. How to work with them, how it affects site traffic, how you can effectively adjust the snippet.


In total, the "Search queries" tool in Yandex.Webmaster personally helps us:

  • find out the position of the site;
  • identify keywords for promotion;
  • optimize the site snippet in search results.

The tool is very useful for promotion, highly recommend to try it.

If you do not know how to promote the site - write to us, we will give specific advice for free on improving and optimizing your resource.


Perhaps the most visited service in Russia is wordstat from Yandex. To select, just follow the following link and enter the query you are interested in in the "Keywords and phrases" field. After clicking on the "Pick up" button, a table will appear in front of you, on the left side of which the most popular queries will be displayed, and on the right side related queries will be shown.

Do not forget that the issuance of query statistics is different for regions, so if you are interested in regional, use the By tab. In the same place, you should specify your choice - region or city.

Rambler (Rambler) - no less famous than Yandex, but clearly inferior in terms of, and more recently, fully using search technologies above the designated company. To go to the request statistics check service, click on the link In the empty rectangular box, enter the words or phrases of interest, then click the "Calculate" button.

This service is clearly inferior to Yandex, but there is also a regional issue: check the box next to the item "Geography of requests" or click the link "Statistics by geography" and click the appropriate button.

Google has two products that allow you to create an objective assessment of the queries you enter: using the keyword selection service, you can select the most relevant query, and the Google Comparative Search Statistics service gives you an idea of ​​the query being promoted.

The keyword selection service (AdWords) is Wordstat from Yandex, you can find it at the following link Search query statistics can be viewed on this page

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Before you start making a site, you need to know exactly who will look for it and why. More importantly, statistics are needed. requests if it is planned to be promoted.

You will need

  • computer, internet


Refine the list of parameters that you are interested in in queries. In addition to the typed words, the period of data analysis can also be important - a week, a month. Understand what kind of audience you need. For example, in Russia the most used search engine is Yandex. And to work with domestic Internet users, be guided by its indicators. If the real location of the site visitor is not so important, then it is necessary to analyze Google and Rambler.

Go to and enter the desired word. Specify the region if it matters (in our case, most likely, you need to select "Russia". Enter a word or phrase that denotes your product or service. Click the "select" button. You will receive two columns: the left one with data on your request, right - with data about what else interested these people.

Go to the "regions" tab to find out how popular this query is in different parts of Russia and the world. There are also two columns here: absolute number requests and regional popularity as a percentage. This data can be visualized on a map. To do this, go to the appropriate tab. If seasonal fluctuations are important to you, open by month and week.

This article will focus on search query statistics: how it should be viewed, where it can be viewed, what it is for, etc. This topic will be very interesting for those new to SEO. Let's not pour a lot of water, but get down to business.

1. Why you need search query statistics

Now let's talk about how and where you can see the query statistics.

3. Yandex and Google query statistics services

I will consider two services in the most popular search engines on the Russian Internet: Yandex and Google (this is quite enough for query analysis). If we compare the statistics of other search engines, then the difference in numbers will be very small (naturally, if we compare proportionally the frequency and audience of search engines).

3.1. Yandex Wordstat service

Yandex has a special service: (Yandex Wordstat). This is a very popular service, but it does not show the frequency of search queries, but the frequency of queries in Yandex Direct. In most cases, this is enough to understand whether the request is popular or not.

I will briefly explain how to use wordstat yandex. By entering a request in the form, Yandex will offer all the word forms of this request:

The frequency of the request in the general table will be indicated taking into account all the clarifications and additions. If you need to find out the frequency of a particular keyword in the same word form, then you need to write it in quotation marks and put an exclamation mark before each word:

It should also be taken into account that Yandex does not make a difference in the plural to write phrases or not. Yandex does not take into account word forms at all, and also does not take into account all prepositions.

Having received some data on search queries in Wordstat, you need to remember that this data is far from accurate. For example, I take them into account only proportionally, i.e. if a request is popular in Yandex Direct, then it is logical to assume that it will also be popular in the search results.

To take into account prepositions (what, how, in, on, etc.) you need to put a plus sign "+" in front of it. For example, the query "+ how to make + on the Internet."

3.2. Google Adwords Service

Now let's talk about Google, which provides even a slightly more interesting tool than Yandex. Link to the service: You need to log in, then click on "Tools and Analysis" then "Keyword Planner". Here you need to drive in keywords and you are offered a large selection of keywords that Google finds from its Adwords contextual advertising database. It is also very cool that you can see the history of changes in the frequency of the request.

When Rambler had a very good service, but recently now it does not have its own search base, because. it uses the issuance of Yandex. In general, there are only two good services in Runet, which I considered.

All systems for keyword analysis, collection of SA, etc. they take data from these two services - remember this!

4. How to find out the dynamics of the popularity of a request

Yandex and Google provide a free opportunity to see the dynamics of the popularity of the request. This is convenient in order to determine the general trend and the prospects of some queries. You can also use this to determine the seasonality of queries.

In Yandex Wordstat, you need to select the "History of requests" checkbox and you will see a graph of changes.

The largest and most popular search network on the Internet "Yandex" announced the most popular search queries of Internet users this year. What people search for the most in the search engine, what topics they are interested in, and what search phrases they drive into the search bar.

So, in the first place is the topic of health, and everything related to it - medicines, symptoms, types of treatment, a variety of diseases, proper nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, cough and its treatment, herbs and ointments, information about childhood diseases and methods treatment; healthy lifestyle, about allergies (May is the peak month), about clinics and doctors.

The topic of health is devoted to more than 4% percent of search queries - an average of 7.5 million per day, or more than 5,000 queries per minute. This is one of the largest search topics - 2 times more than the topic of cooking, and approximately equal to the topic of cars and everything connected with them, according to RIA Novosti

In terms of the number of requests from computers, the topic of health is second only to school topics and the topic of cinema, and on mobile devices it is in the lead.

Health inquiries cover many areas, with the largest topics related to finding information about medicines, diseases and symptoms, as well as clinics and doctors. In addition, many requests are devoted to pregnancy, childhood illnesses, operations, tests, and healthy eating. At the same time, many topics intersect, as they often ask at the same time, for example, about diseases and nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, symptoms and medications.

The most popular category of health queries is medicines, accounting for 34%. It includes questions not only about medical preparations, but also about all “conditionally curative” means - various herbs, substances that may have some kind of healing property, food additives, as well as various devices and medical equipment.

“Most of all, they are looking for medicines, least of all - homeopathy. Only 0.4% of queries about medicines are devoted to homeopathy - the least in this category, ”the Yandex company explained.

seasonal factor

In about 30% of queries, people mention specific diseases or any health problems, as well as describe symptoms. The most commonly mentioned cough is more than three times more common than the common cold.

The peak of requests for cough and runny nose falls on January - this is due to the seasonal epidemic of viruses.

“But this year, a surge in requests was also observed in September - most likely, this is due to the unusually sharp September cooling and unstable weather in several large regions of Russia at once,” the company added.

“In the summer, people get sick less - this can be seen from the number of health requests. In winter, people are more likely to seek illnesses and cures. But March turned out to be the most difficult month - in March, the most inquiries about health in general, as well as the highest interest in medicines. In December, the number of requests related to diagnostics and various analyzes increases, and polyclinics are looking for more in June,” the study says.

Most of the requests about diets are made by users in April.

“Apparently, due to the fact that before the summer they want to lose weight more. And the lowest figure is right before the New Year, when it’s useless to think about healthy eating, ”they believe in Yandex.

The peak of inquiries about allergies is observed in May. The most characteristic words for this month are “lilac”, “bird cherry” and “dandelion”.

“But each month has its own set of the most popular allergens,” the company notes.

In every fifth health query, people indicate a specific body part that is of interest. At the same time, teeth are the most “popular” in matters of children's health, muscles are the most “popular” in matters of fitness, and the stomach is in the lead in nutrition, and hair is in the lead in cosmetology.

And of course, given the approach of the New Year, search queries will increase sharply on the topic of the holiday and everything connected with it - the celebration of the new year and Christmas. In addition, this festive trend will last until the month of April, until mid-May. Since from December until the very spring - continuous holidays are planned.

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You can select search queries for website promotion through statistics services. Yandex uses the Wordstat system for this task, available at In our article, we will tell you how to find out the frequency of search queries using the Yandex service.

The Wordstat tool was created for people who want to place contextual advertising. It works like this: you enter a word or phrase and get a list of words and phrases with their frequency. But this is not the frequency of a particular request, but the frequency of all requests in which the specified words or phrases occurred.

Let's look at an example (see the picture below):

In this example, the frequency for the word "air conditioners" is 1,741,974 - this is the total frequency of all queries that include the word air conditioner. But this does not mean at all that a request from one word “air conditioners” is entered so many times - in fact, no.

How to see the frequency of the request?

To see how many times the search query "air conditioners" is entered, consisting of one word (without taking into account word forms), you need to put this word in quotation marks. If you need to check the frequency of a query of several words, then you quote the whole phrase.

See example below:

The number 64 981 means the frequency of all requests consisting of one word "air conditioners".

How to determine the most popular query form?

How to find out how many times the query "air conditioners" (plural) is asked, and how many times the query "air conditioner" (singular) is asked? We set the query in quotation marks and put the sign “!” in front of the word form.

See an example of checking the frequency of a request consisting of one word in the plural:

The number 50 368 means the frequency of a request from one word in the plural.

Using a similar scheme, you can check the frequency of a word in the singular and compare the frequencies of different forms of the request. This will select the form with the highest frequency.

To check the frequency of a multi-word query containing stop words, you need to put the phrase in quotation marks, put an exclamation mark next to each word, and a “+” sign before the stop word.


How to find out the order of words in a query?

Unfortunately, there are no special operators for this in the Wordstat system, but by default it displays, as a rule, the most popular word order.

Also, to find out the word order in search queries, you can buy contextual advertising and see what queries will lead to the site more often. It is expensive, but if you want to assemble the most complete and high-quality semantic core, the costs will be justified.

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