National Research Nuclear University (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).

Landscaping 25.09.2019

Until the 1990s, this university, worthy in all respects, trained personnel for nuclear research, now the work is being carried out under the auspices of Rosatom. The faculties of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Chemical Physics and others show themselves excellently. The reviews about the MEPhI teachers are enthusiastic, no less good - about the powerful theoretical and technical training students.

The road to scientists

Institute nuclear power located in Obninsk. For more than fifty years, he has trained many thousands of specialists for this industry both in Russia and abroad. The range of areas of study is very wide: atomic physics, cybernetics, mathematical modeling, high performance computing, materials science, management, finance, and so on. Other branches of MEPhI are no less interesting.

Software engineering

Reviews about the Faculty of CiB are also quite numerous, which will greatly help applicants who have chosen the field of computer technology, as well as programming and, of course, information security. It must be admitted that this faculty, judging by the reviews, does not surpass similar faculties of other universities, although the MEPhI brand itself plays an attractive role.

The faculty has interesting specializations, including the "K" sector, which is responsible for training specialists for control systems of critical important objects. There are four directions in this sector, which are dealt with at departments 28, 17, 33, 68 and 22. One of the most interesting specializations of MEPhI is software engineering. Reviews of the 22nd department, which graduates bachelors of this specialty, are generally good.


Since 2006, the Institute for Financial and economic security created by Rosfinmonitoring to counter money laundering and terrorist financing. Primary education specialists are trained at MEPhI.

Economic security (reviews of this specialty are few for many reasons) requires from students not only extensive and sustainable basic knowledge... They are practiced in the central office and MRU, in the national financial intelligence offices of some EAR states.

MEPhI manages to take into account the specifics and peculiarities of the interaction of all specialties of this unit, while providing a single standard for training. Graduates work both in Rosfinmonitoring and in the FSB of Russia, as well as in the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee, in the staff of leading banks, in state corporations and IT companies.


A number of federal ministries initiated the creation of the Institute international relations in 1999 on the basis of MEPhI. International relations, reviews are losing only to MGIMO (and that, they say, according to the established tradition), is a popular direction. Graduates are engaged in the political and social aspects of international cooperation in science, technology and technology, analysis of the activities of international associations and organizations, support international projects in science-intensive technologies, competitive and financial and economic analysis of international markets for high-tech products.

Faculty of Humanities

It existed until 2009, after which it was renamed the Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies MEPhI. The economy, reviews of which are quite diverse, is the main subject in the training of a specialist in international relations, since he will deal with accounting, financial management, jurisprudence, economic and financial security.

At the MEPhI faculty "U", according to the students, international affairs specialists are better prepared than in all other universities, excluding only MGIMO. You can look at the statistics, the spread of acts of cooperation, ratings. MEPhI is even ahead of the aforementioned university in many respects. A big plus is that few people look at the ratings, and it is more realistic to enter MEPhI on International Relations than at MGIMO, even on a budgetary basis.

Correspondence school

MEPhI, the reviews of which are so numerous, is growing by talented students due to the existence of a correspondence school for more than forty years, where students from the sixth to the eleventh grade receive distance learning and study courses in physics, mathematics, chemistry and other subjects, and now they are preparing for the exam.

Manuals and assignments are sent by parcels, then teachers communicate with children by mail - electronic or paper, here the student chooses. Thus, any student, wherever he lives, can use the services of the Correspondence School.

Hostel and hotel

There is no better student shelter than at MEPhI. The hostel, reviews of which flooded student forums, is located a quarter of an hour walk from the place of study - very convenient. Two 24-storey towers - two buildings, plus two 5-storey ones. High-rise buildings can accommodate 3,000 people, another 500 - in the ground floors there are buffets and cookery, GYM's, payphones. Throughout the territory - the Internet, radio and television, security and video surveillance, automated fire protection. There is something for the students of MEPhI to love the hostel, they write enthusiastic reviews. They live comfortably here. Therefore, time is not wasted on everyday problems, it is given to study.

Dormitories - apartment type, where each apartment is equipped with all kinds of furniture for storage, rest, work, there are refrigerators and electric stoves in the kitchens, spacious bathrooms and toilets, glazed balconies. On the territory of this entire complex, for the convenience of students, there are cash desks, a passport office, and an accounting department.

A graduate of this university: Hey!
Literally today I saw in the public a leak about MEPhI from another freshman: well, on the Internet, someone is always wrong.
I graduated from this university myself and, frankly, I don’t regret it.

What is good in junior courses:
- It's really hard in the first years. Physics with matan are present, and are present in a large number... Matan is taught according to a program similar to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University; (absolutely the entire department of higher mathematics is from the same place).
- Engineering items. There is Inggraf, the level is far from Baumanki, and this is good. There is enough knowledge to read the drawing and draw a sketch for installation. At one time, we were very pleased with the details of machines and electrical engineering, which, in aggregate, thinned out the numerical strength well, but taught us to very quickly understand incomprehensible and complex things.
- Teachers. The teachers (and the dean's office) are very fond of gesticulating and destroying morally unstable students in every possible way. For which many thanks to them! This is what makes mythists mythists. Freshmen three more times will thank both the evil aunts from the secretariat, and the terrible physics teacher who sent them for retake for an unpainted vector over speed, when after graduation they come to work and face the classic situation for our country "Here's your task to give birth to a reactor cooling system from a fire extinguisher and four branches of lilac. Agree on the project with the barmaid, Aunt Zina. The deadline is yesterday. " When they stubbornly try to crush you, you involuntarily begin to learn to prove that you are still something of yourself.
- Hostels. Decent apartment-type hostels in fifteen minutes on foot.

Why is it bad in junior courses:
- English. In MEPhI, languages ​​are complicated for techies. Although the guys from international relations manage to learn three languages ​​each. I don’t know, maybe it was just me that was so bad.

Why is it good for senior courses:
- Industry. At MEPhI, a lot is tied to Rosatom. The second, after stress resistance, is an important feature of the mythist - a bunch of contacts of people from the industry are recruited for release. Starting with the fact that all employees of specialized departments are engaged in some kind of real science, and the customer of this science is Rosatom. Finishing with the fact that in many departments, people of the level up to general director any of the daughters of Rosatom. For the diploma, every more or less normal student has a stack of business cards gathered by his uncles and aunts, who are hypothetically ready and, most importantly, can take him to their department. I myself saw how students, during a break in the defense of diplomas or some kind of conference, drove up to invited representatives of enterprises and agreed on interviews (for reading schoolchildren I will explain: you can get to work by sending a resume to the personnel department of an enterprise, but this is magic). Agree, not every university has such frequent opportunity to try their luck to find a place of work without leaving the cash register.
Right there, but slightly from the other side. Proximity to the industry gives an excellent opportunity to organize wishes with one call: during their studies, they managed to visit a working nuclear power plant, and to see experimental tokamaks and historical first touch the reactors with your hands. There would be only desire.
- The science. She is. With a strong desire, you can well join the research team and have a lot of experience and, in some places, even money. According to the latest trends in scientometrics, it is customary to measure this whole thing by the number of publications in international journals from the list of the same Scopus. I, who worked in a small laboratory at the department, had four such articles for my diploma. That is, the diploma was written at once and simply by merging them all into one document. And I was not even ashamed to defend myself.
- Stipuhi. In my time, they were huge, by student standards. Starting from ordinary academic ones, ending with nominal presidential, government, Rosatom, etc. At MEPhI, they have large quotas, they received them big number people. V better times in the amount of 30+ thousand a month came out. Allowed for pleasure after couples to study science, and not to work as a courier.

Why is it bad in senior years:
- The reactor is standing. All freshmen shout at the top of their lungs that "MEPhI has a Reactor", and it has been in its eighth year on endless modernization and relicensing. And no one really wants to do it. Sadly.
- Not the most adequate schedule. It takes place in almost all departments. Couples are scattered throughout the day, one a day and in the middle of the day. One way or another, the majority find a job in their specialty for the last years and try to work part-time and at the same time write a diploma, and it is not so easy to get out of work in serious offices for a few hours. The problem can be solved by agreement with the teachers, but it always rests on disagreements in numerous groups.

Let me summarize. Despite the drawbacks in the form of the bureaucratic system of the institute, insufficient "customer focus", the pursuit of numbers and ratings, MEPhI still remains a place where people are taught to create new, complex and physically beautiful technology, while this place quickly enough integrates into world system education.
And for those who believe that a good university should teach you to remember everything that is written in smart books, I advise you to reconsider your views on education in general.

For new recruits: passing scores grow mercilessly. The Olympics are your everything. October, by the way, is the month of mythical Olympiads. Go for it.

"Atomic project"

A significant influence on the fate of the MMI was made by the Special Committee under the Council of People's Commissars, created on August 20, 1945, which was entrusted with coordinating all work on the use of the atomic energy of uranium, headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars L.P. Beria. And at the same time, the First Main Directorate was created to directly supervise the work of all organizations for the use of uranium energy, the head of which was an outstanding industrial organizer and talented engineer, Colonel-General B.L. Vannikov. The Moscow Mechanical Institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of this department on August 30, 1945. And just two weeks later, in the minutes No. 4 of the meeting of the Special Committee, signed by Beria, the wording “On the organization of a faculty for training physicists in the Moscow Mechanical Institute” appeared.

On September 20, 1945, the USSR Council of People's Commissars issued Decree No. 2386627ss, signed by Stalin, "On the organization of the Engineering Physics Faculty at the Moscow Mechanical Institute." This was the starting point for the creation of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.

The Faculty of Precision Mechanics was reorganized into the Faculty of Engineering and Physics for the training of specialists in the nuclear industry. From the very beginning, when this faculty was created, it received increased attention from the government. The contingent of students was increased to seven hundred people, new departments for the training of engineers-physicists were created: the Department of Atomic Physics, the Department of Theoretical Physics, the Department of Nuclear Physics, the Department of Applied Nuclear Physics and the Department of Fine Mechanics.

On January 26, 1946, by order of the institute, an outstanding scientist, a full member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Ilyich Leipunsky, was appointed dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physics.

In 1946, the Department of Metal Physics, the Department of Special Mathematics, and the Department of Special Chemistry and Metallurgy appeared at the MMI. According to the idea of ​​the founders of this faculty, future graduates were supposed to have a university level of education in physics and mathematics, and, in addition, have engineering skills. In essence, the founding fathers conceived the training of a new type of specialists, specialists of a new generation, who have a high level of knowledge and are able to create new technology.

First Teachers

A number of departments from other institutes were transferred to the Moscow Mechanical Institute, in particular, from Moscow State University, MVTU im. E. Bauman, MPEI. For example, one of the rectors of MEPhI, Viktor Mikhailovich Kolobashkin, completed his first year at the Moscow Higher Technical School, and then he, along with the whole group, was transferred to the MMI. Among the teachers then there were unique specialists who made up the color Soviet science post-war years, future laureates Nobel Prize I. Ye. Tamm, A. D. Sakharov, N. N. Semyonov, I. M. Frank, P. A. Cherenkov, N. G. Basov, famous scientists, academicians I. V. Kurchatov, I. V. Obreimov, Ya.B. Zel'dovich, I. Ya.Pomeranchuk, M. A. Leontovich, A. N. Tikhonov, A.B. Migdal, G. S. Landsberg, B. P. Zhukov, S. A. Khristianovich, I.K.Kikoin. Many of them can be seen in the portrait gallery in the main building.


Over time, the process of gradual transfer of mechanical specialties to other institutes began, and the expansion of engineering and physical specialties. And in 1953 the institute acquired its current name MEPhI, all of whose faculties became to a large extent focused on training specialists in the nuclear power industry and the defense industry.

In 1952, by the Decree of the Government of the USSR, the first four branches of MEPhI were created in closed cities (now Ozersk, Novouralsk, Lesnoy in the Urals and Sarov) to train personnel in the field. Subsequently, MEPhI branches were created in Obninsk, Snezhinsk and Trekhgorny. MEPhI trained personnel for the nuclear industry in a wide range of specializations, and as a result, it became a truly elite university and gained worldwide fame.

Nuclear university

A new stage in the development of the university began in 2008, when MEPhI became one of the first two national research universities and was renamed the National Research University. nuclear university MEPhI.

Today the university firmly holds a leading position in the training of specialists. the highest level combining the principles of the synthesis of education and scientific research laid down 75 years ago.

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