Manufacture of scratching posts and houses for animals. Animal furniture

Landscaping and planning 12.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

The pet furniture market is currently booming. If a year ago a house for a cat could only be bought via the Internet, now you can find this product in almost every pet store.

Pet owners love their pets and strive to provide them with maximum comfort. In any case, a cat or a dog will find its favorite place for itself, and so that it does not become a human sofa or bed, special furniture products are purchased that are designed exclusively for animals.

Owners of cats and dogs are happy to buy various pieces of furniture. This applies mainly to city dwellers. Do not try to sell the "cat house" in the village.

Animal furniture options:

There are a lot of types. You can create demand yourself by implementing new ideas.

  • mattresses, linings
  • sofas
  • climbing structures
  • houses
  • booths
  • claws
  • complex construction (house + claws + martas)
  • sunbed (bed + house)

All these products are made from soft material. Inside must be soft upholstery. Animals love it very much. Outside, you can already do for the human eye.

When creating such furniture, it must be borne in mind that the owners first of all buy for themselves, and not for a cat or dog. Therefore, it is necessary to create furniture in such a way that it fits universally into any interior.

house for a cat under the interior of the furniture of the owners

You can also study the hot trends in the furniture market to guess the colors and materials. You can create original wall-mounted furniture complexes for cats, for example:

wall complex for cats

In addition to creating furniture, consider options for hosts on where to put it. This will help push you to buy at the selection stage.

How to sell furniture for animals?

Markets in this moment relatively easy. The niche for the production of such furniture is poorly filled. Therefore, it will be very easy to negotiate with pet stores. In addition to a direct exhibition in the store, you can agree on the placement of an advertisement for pet products, veet pharmacies, veet clinics and other places where the target buyer lives.

Be sure to make color catalogs of your products at retail outlets. This will greatly increase the possibility of placing an order for the product. Create an album with photos of your products.

Make your website where you place extensive catalogs of your products. By the way, you can also take orders via the Internet.

How much can you earn on this?

Standard furniture items cost from 700 to 2000 rubles. Material costs 150-300 rubles. Payback over 100%. The specific amounts of earnings depend on the turnover that you organize in your city.

In addition to materials and tools, you will not have any expenses. We can build the production itself right in your house.

Evgeny Kharkov, a Moscow lawyer, left a well-paid but unloved job and decided to make furniture for dogs and cats with his own hands. As a result, after a couple of months, he began to earn even more than at his previous job.

IDEA."I'm a lawyer. Six months ago, I realized that for moral and ethical reasons I don’t want to move in this direction anymore, - says Evgeny. “And then I thought: what to do next?”

His pets helped make the decision: a cat and three dogs (two Jack Russell Terriers and a mongrel). By the way, he saved two animals from death. The cat was taken from friends who wanted to euthanize the animal. And Yevgeny found the mongrel as a blind puppy in the park. More precisely, a puppy buried in the ground was discovered by his hunting terrier.

For his pets, Eugene made the first sunbed - a wooden frame with a soft pillow insert.

“I had to do it myself, because hunting dogs able to wear out in ten minutes any lounger from the pet store, explains Eugene. “My friends saw the hand-made sunbed and asked me to make the same one for them.”

So Yevgeny had the idea of ​​his project - to make sun loungers for sale. He quit, started a Facebook page, where he posted his work. The first ten days there was not a single order.

“Dreadful days, I was close to posting my resume online in search of a job,” he recalls.

LOUNGES. Then came the first calls. Customers liked that both standard sunbeds and custom-sized beds are offered. And you can choose the color.
The frame is varnished water based so it has no smell. The fabric for mattresses and pillows was also specially selected by the craftsman, for example, modern skyvelvet. Dirt does not stick to such a coating, it can simply be brushed off. Holofiber stuffing does not absorb odor, is hygienic and restores its shape.

INCOME. Now the master sells 30 sun loungers a month plus bowls and mattresses, but he is not going to stop there. The plans include the production of leather collars, lightweight plywood kennels for the home and soft shoulder bags that can carry medium-sized dogs. The creation of these things Evgeny was again prompted by his pets.

“My startup is dictated by love for animals,” says Evgeny. “Well, of course, you need to be confident in yourself, and everything will work out.” The project began to bring the first profit 2.5 months after the start. Now it fully pays off and gives Evgeny the opportunity to earn more than when he was a lawyer.


  • Sunbed on wooden frame- 2900 rubles.
  • Soft sunbed without frame - 1900 rudders.
  • Carrying mattress - 1200 rubles.
  • Where to order:

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When a pet appears in the house, the owner immediately acquires all necessary accessories for his comfort. One of indispensable attributes for a pet is his own small "home" - it can be a house, a basket, a mattress, even a soft sofa or armchair.

As a rule, such products are not cheap in specialized stores, but the owners usually do not skimp on their pets, and the demand for these products is growing day by day.

These facts can be successfully used to open your own very profitable business - start making furniture for pets. You can work in several directions at once: make accessories for both dogs and cats, produce houses and mattresses. And you can master any one specialization.

How to make a dog house

For a dog that lives indoors, a small chest of drawers, which can be made from a regular kitchen cabinet, will do. You just need to add loops from the bottom and sew the mattress with a cover.

An even better option is to make a chest of drawers of a certain size from cutting chipboard. For dog toys or clothes, a drawer will not be superfluous, and for a leash - a special hook on the side. It will turn out a comfortable and functional "kennel" in the home version.

How to make a house for a cat

It is well known that cats like to relax in secluded places - on the closet, in the mezzanine, in travel bags etc. This feature of their behavior must be used in the manufacture of the house. The body of the product should somewhat resemble a dog kennel with a small entrance. You can lay a karemat on the floor - the material from which tourist rugs are made. It can be used for walls, and for the ceiling - foam rubber.

Each detail of the house is a cover with foam rubber inside. Finished parts sew - and the house is ready. It would not be superfluous to place a scratching post next to the cat's dwelling: she probably will not refuse to sharpen her claws on a pleasant fabric.

The cat house should not be too spacious: cats do not like this. You can also fantasize with the shape - make a teremok, a cube or even a yurt. Highly a good option– a folding house, which is convenient to take with you on the road.

Other furniture options for animals

A practical resting place for a pet is a bedding or mattress. Now, few owners are content with a piece of an old carpet or rags - usually a bright and attractive product is purchased for an animal.

If you add a little creativity to your work, you can create original and diverse options for such bedding.

For example, a mattress in a cover with a zipper - it is convenient to use, the cover can be removed and washed. You can choose any fabric, but it is better to stay on thick linen, sheared fur or tapestry. The size and shape of the product is limited only by your imagination.

Mattresses, consisting of 30-40 ottomans sewn together, look very unusual. Such a product is sewn as follows.

You will need fabric for the top and for the lining (for starters, it is better to take a simpler and cheaper fabric). The lining fabric is cut into 10x10 cm squares. For the top, we take fabrics 40% larger. The lining fabric is folded in half, the fold in the center is cut by 2 cm. Now we connect the front sides of the lining and the top, we collect the excess top fabric into folds.

We grind along the perimeter and turn it inside out - this is how a separate ottoman is obtained. When right amount will be sewn, we connect all the ottomans around the perimeter. As a filler, you can take foam rubber or synthetic winterizer. The incisions must be sewn up manually, and the edges must be processed with piping.

Depending on your sewing skills, you can create any kind of furniture for animals in this way - from simple sunbeds to spectacular sofas.

When you form the price of the product, be guided by the fact that it is not less than twice the cost. On the complex types products can be priced even higher.

Practice before you start selling your pet furniture. Make the first product from cheap fabric, invite someone to evaluate the result. Scraps of fabric or filler can be searched in sewing studios: they are often given away for a penny or even for free.

Pet owners try their best to provide them with comfortable accommodation. Despite the fact that they are always able to find a suitable cozy place, owners can purchase special furniture for animals. It is not only beautiful and comfortable, but also helps to wean pets from sleeping on the master's sofa.

When purchasing a sunbed or basket for a pet, you need to understand that low-quality furniture will have Negative influence to the health of all the inhabitants of the house. It is difficult to choose something optimal, since all products have their pros and cons.

Possible cons:

  • Some manufacturers use batting, synthetic winterizer or coconut fiber for soft sunbeds. The latter is expensive, but completely unsuitable for animals, since it is simply impossible to wash it often;
  • Frameless beds quickly lose their shape;
  • Sunbeds of large dimensions made of fabric upholstery are problematic to erase.

What types are

Modern manufacturers provide a wide selection of various furniture designs for pets. These are not just sleeping or play structures, but also stationary products on low, high legs or on wheels. The size and shape of such furniture should correspond to the position of the animal during sleep. If cats sleep in a ball, then a sunbed model is suitable for them round shape. If the dog sleeps with its paws stretched out, then a bed is needed for it. rectangular shape. Consider the main types of furniture products that manufacturers offer:

  • Functional cabinets-booths - this model can be used as bedside table. AT small room the model will save free space;
  • Under the table and on the table - the owners forbid the pets to walk on the table. Therefore, the designers have developed a table with many tunnels and passages, where the cats are given complete freedom of action;
  • One sofa for all - the designers developed a model of the sofa, where a tunnel-pipe is equipped in the armrest. Both the owner and the animal can use the sofa at the same time;
  • Booth-table - in this model, the roof of the booth is a coffee table;
  • Open sunbeds - they decorate any room design. Puffs for animals are upholstered with fabric, which is pleasant for cats to sharpen their claws;
  • Frameless chair or beanbag - soft filler - granulated polystyrene foam allows the product to take the shape of the body of the animal located on it. The bean bag chair is chosen depending on the size of the pet. The product is light and fits into any interior. It moves easily. Mattress covers are made from waterproof oxford fabric. They are easy to remove and wash. The shape of the chair can be very different ─ pear, pillow, tablet or flower;
  • Glass dog bed is new design decision. Modern and durable bed made of colored or clear acrylic;
  • A suitcase bed is a real exclusive attribute that can be made from a huge old suitcase or case with legs attached to it;
  • Aluminum house - in the product, faux fur serves as a bedding. The frame of the house can be made of bamboo, maple or cherry;
  • Bed for a small dog - in the 4-door bedside table there is a place for your beloved pet;
  • Scratching post with shelves - a claw sharpener and shelves for cat toys are built into the console table;
  • Bedroom for a cat - the set consists of three products ─ bed, feeders and toys. For its manufacture, manufacturers used a wicker base, ceramics and wood. The set will add retro chic to any room;
  • Egg-shaped bed - the model has a beautiful appearance and harmoniously fits into the interior. Big choice beds allows you to place in them both small pets and large ones;
  • Cardboard chalet is rustic alpine style. Inside the house lies a rug on which cats like to rest.

Furniture manufacturers make structures from leather, wood, plywood, ceramics and bamboo. Some collectible pet items cost their owners up to $250.

A very fashionable trend is furniture in the form of animals. Stylized products harmoniously fit into the living room and bedroom, decorate the nursery. Whatever "beast" is present in the interior, it will attract the eyes of those present. Furniture designers constantly working on the creation of exclusive collections.

Place under the table

For a small dog

Pear chair

Cardboard house


aluminum house

Popular options:

  • Sideboard-"cow" - a roomy model with an open facade. The back of the "cow" forms a large open shelf. And from the folding door you get a compact serving table;
  • Chest of drawers - "pig" - top part design is used as a table. And under the tabletop on open shelves are placed books, magazines and small items;
  • Bedside table "goose" is a closed structure with drawers and a shelf. Above there is a place for a clock, a lamp and books;
  • Bookshelves - "on a bear" - the design is made of plywood. It can be placed next to a chair. Books are easy to get from open shelves. The product transmits light and does not steal space;
  • Table-"octopus" - the product is made of bronze. Octopus tentacles support a thick glass top;
  • Sofa "tiger" - the design is not transformed. It can comfortably accommodate three people. The upholstery imitates tiger hair, and the paws are made of polished and varnished wood;
  • Ottomans-"animals" - such models bring great joy to children. They are decorated with plush material. Jumping on poufs, children will not break the product, as they are designed for the weight of an adult. Children's furniture in the form of animals can be in the form of a buffalo, a pig, a dog, a cat and a rhinoceros;
  • Bed-"bear" - to create this collection, the designers used the idea of ​​the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". This bed will fill the children's room with bright colors. And favorite characters have a positive effect on emotional condition children.

If there are two children in the room, then complement the sleeping area with a folding chair in the form of your favorite characters.

Suitcase bed


egg bed

Materials resistant to damage

Pet owners often face problems when it comes to keeping their pets. Unscrupulous manufacturers offer low quality goods, so animal furniture quickly becomes unusable. The material from which the products are made must meet the key requirements:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • breathability;
  • Security.

When the furniture in the house loses its appearance, the question arises, what kind of material is resistant to damage? For this use different kinds anti-vandal fabric, which have a high degree of wear resistance.

  • Flock "anti-claw" - the fabric has high wear resistance due to the unique production. For its manufacture, a loom is not required, and microfibers are sprayed onto a dense fabric base. The fabric is resistant to cat claws and long time saves the new look;
  • Furniture suede - the material is similar to flock, but its strength is slightly worse. However, suede is popular with pet owners;
  • Relax fabric - the material has an anti-cat stretch effect. Thanks to isoprene (a rubber component) in the composition of the fabric, the shape of the product is instantly restored.

All fabrics with anti-vandal properties are breathable. They are pleasant to the touch and have a variety of colors that are selected individually.

A photo

About how many people keep animals at home, the statistics are silent today. One thing is known that there are a lot of lovers of four-legged friends. Mostly in urban apartments live with people cats and dogs. Previously, a place for them was designated in the form of an ordinary rug, but today you can buy houses for a four-legged friend, play complexes And so on. Despite the apparent complexity of these products, their production can act as a business idea, organized at home with your own hands. Not required for implementation. complex equipment, tools and expensive material.

  • How to start a pet furniture business?
  • What equipment and space will be needed?
  • How much can you earn in the production of furniture for animals?
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • What OKVED should be indicated for the business for the production of furniture for animals
  • What documents are needed
  • What taxation system to choose for furniture manufacturers
  • Do you need permission

For most pet owners, keeping them comfortable at home is a sign of love. Sometimes furniture for beloved pets provides them with natural needs. So, the cat's house will become her favorite warm place, which could be a bed or an armchair. important role in the conservation appearance furniture and walls are playing with a scratching post. For domestic predators, sharpening their claws is a natural necessity. They will gladly do it in a place designated for such purposes. Pet owners are happy to buy such furniture, and believe me, for many, the price of pet comfort does not matter.

How to start a pet furniture business?

On the market, the production of do-it-yourself furniture for animals has already formed its own trends, and even fashion. The main requirements are comfort for animals, an acceptable design solution for owners and versatility. Furniture for pets is usually made of soft, pleasant to the touch materials. Under the upholstery, be sure to lay several sheets of foam rubber so that all surfaces are soft and warm. In such conditions, the pet will be comfortable.

Before starting production with their own hands, the entrepreneur has a big design work. His task is to choose the color and shape of the furniture so that it is appropriate in any home environment. It can be different for people. Products must be in high-tech style, "antique" and others. Collapsible mobile houses are in great demand among buyers. They can be taken with you on trips, and this is very convenient for the owners. The more furniture options for animals in the catalog, the more successful sales will be.

And lastly, it’s good if the construction of the house, claws, playground will be disassembled. The ability to rearrange the parts of the product, change their order, will help the buyer to more easily adapt the design in his home. All animal furniture for the implementation of business ideas can be divided into the following groups:

  • Mattresses and bedding;
  • sofas;
  • Game complexes for climbing and jumping;
  • Booths for dogs and houses for cats;
  • Sunbeds;
  • Sets that include the items listed above.

What equipment and space will be needed?

As mentioned above, the business idea is to make furniture and accessories for animals with your own hands; it will not require special expensive equipment for production. You will need an ordinary drill, a jigsaw, a professional furniture stapler. The purchase of these tools will cost $500. Small products can be made with your own hands in an apartment or on a balcony, and if an entrepreneur lives in his own house, then home production, which we describe as a business idea, can be established under conditions utility room. How more space can be taken as a workshop, the wider the opportunities for the entrepreneur to realize all ideas. As you can see, to start a business, you do not need to rent a room, which means that the threshold for entering the business is significantly reduced.

Another advantage of this business idea is the possibility of making do-it-yourself products from the waste that large furniture manufacturing. If in locality there is even a small such factory, you need to conclude an agreement with it for the purchase of waste. Chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, wood trimmings and foam rubber - all this can be put into production. The fabric will most likely need to be purchased in rolls. In the presence of sewing machine you can easily master not only furniture, but also sewing rugs and mattresses with your own hands.

How much can you earn in the production of furniture for animals?

You can sell ready-made furniture for animals in the "bird markets", conclude contracts for the sale with pet stores. Price for finished goods and the cost of production allow you to set a good margin. The profitability of a business idea can be about 100%. Having your own outlet is a good prospect to expand the business for an idea - the production of furniture and accessories for pets.

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