Bedside table - dimensions and height. Optimal sizes of bedside bedroom bedside tables sizes of bedside tables in bedroom standard

Reservoirs 23.06.2020

Creating the interior of the bedroom often enough, on such objects of the situation, like a bedside table, a person does not pay attention. But she will make you remember about yourself when a desire arises somewhere to put a glass of water or put the clock before you sleep.

Pockets with all the variety of their appearance first must perform a number of specific functions, and, of course, fit into the room in which they will be installed. With their selection, it is necessary to take into account some parameters, among them the size and appearance.

What affects the size of bedside table

The key parameter is the height of the couch. Regardless of how he will look, his role is minimized if it is difficult to reach it from the bed.

There is a sustainable opinion that the optimal solution is considered a bedside table installed at one height with the bed. In fact, the furniture will be built in one row, and it will look symmetrically balanced. And it is just nice to the eye. But the main thing is that such a layout is considered the most ergonomic.Undoubtedly, you can retreat in a large or smaller side, but not very much.

The width of this object has an influence and width of the bed itself. That is, when choosing a bedside tables makes sense to be guided by the principle of proportionality. In other words, if the bed has sufficient width, but have a miniature dimensions, then, by itself, a visual imbalance will arise.

IMPORTANT! If the bed is made with royal sizes, the width of the bedside table must lie from 500 to 1000 mm.

The dimensions of the bedside table affects its depth. The depth of the cabinet may have a negative impact, if its depth is more than 500 mm, certain difficulties can occur with access to the bedroom.

When selecting the bedside tables, it is advisable to move to the equilibrium between the sizes of the bed, the room and the bedding itself. For example, if the bed has a light back, then elegant stands or tables or tables are best suited to such a bedroom place. If the bed looks pretty hard, then it makes sense to set a challenge of heavy courses - the dressers.

Standard sizes of bedside table

On the items of furniture in stores already have certain dimensions. Usually manufacturers are based on standard sizes. Therefore, it is necessary to navigate them in order not to make a mistake in the choice.

As noted above, the size of the bedside table is largely dependent on the size of the set bed. But it is impossible to forget that there is a small bedside table next to the big bed.

Historically, the standard of the width of the bedside tube lies in the range from 500 to 1000 mm.

The height of the bedside table depends on the height of the bed installed in the bedroom. The optimal option can be considered that the table height is equal to the height of the bed, this placement will be the most ergonomic.

Size of the bedside table depending on its configuration

The dimensions of the bedside tables are directly dependent on the size of the bedroom, where it will be installed, its loading is other furniture, height and width of the bed and, of course, features design and design. The size of the upper cover may depend on what form it has this product.

When selecting the bedside tables, it is necessary to remember the depths of this product. It must be selected depending on how it will be used. But it makes sense to buy those models that have a width of more than 500 mm, but no more, otherwise it may turn out so that it will be difficult to lie on your place.

How to choose the perfect size of the bedside table

When choosing sizes, the bedside makes sense to be guided by the following factors:

  1. Bed height. From the point of view of ergonomics, the optimal is considered to be approximately equal to the height of the bed, this will allow you to do not stretch, for objects that are laid on its surface.
  2. Appointment table, that is, which items will fit on it.
  3. Bed width. Its sizes must be proportioned with the size of the bed.

To make a successful choice of the desired product, it is better not to succumb to seller's persuasion. It is necessary to estimate the space where the selected cabinet will be installed. After the size of this place is removed, it will become clear which model will be the best solution for the bedroom.

As for shape and sizes, the space itself can help make a choice in favor of a specific model. For example, if it is occupied by furniture, and only angles are free, then you can think about installing the corner tube. Such a model will not take a lot of space, but at the same time will perform all the functions inherent in the furniture of this type.

If there is free space at the walls, it makes sense about installing a typical bench with a small width

Of course, the owner of the house will determine the number of such bedside tables. This entirely depends on what ideas on the design of the room exist among the homeowner, its budget and things that will be used during the operation of the bedside tube. For example, if a person loves to read before bedtime, it makes sense to install a bedside table with a drawer. The size and appearance of the product, undoubtedly, will also have the design that is planned in this room.

Of course, buying bedroom furniture must be remembered about her quality. The height of this bedroom setting element should lie within the height of the bed. Of course, there should be no scratches on its surface. Boxes installed in this design must move smoothly and without delay.

Accessories used in this product must be adorganized and easy to use.

When choosing this element of the interior, it makes no sense to save than it will be more convenient, the more comfortable there will be a night rest.


The bedside table is a useful and indispensable element of the bedroom. It performs many functions, making room very cozy, modern and comfortable in everyday life. When choosing a bedside table, it is important to consider a number of factors, including its design, size and degree of functionality. The right choice will allow the owner of the bedroom to the necessary level of convenience.

Many bedside tables come with a bed. They correspond to its stylistic solution and color scheme. However, it is not recommended to be carried away by ready-made sets when making an interior space. They may look template, belessly and unoriginal. With an independent selection of the bedside table, you can approach the issue of the bedroom arrangement creatively.

Advantages of a bedside table

Bedside tables are needed for a number of reasons:

  • Constructions combine compact dimensions and multifunctionality.
  • The bedside table near the bed allows you to store the necessary little things within walking distance.
  • On the bedside table, you can install a luminaire for reading before bedtime.
  • The bedside tube can act as a decorative acent when designing the room.

Attention on size

Dimensions of the bedside tables have an impact on the amount of the remaining free space. Overly bulky options will give the interior outdated appearance. When choosing a bedside table, the parameters take into account:

  • height;
  • width;
  • depth.

Special attention should be paid to the height of the furniture subject. It must correspond to the parameters of the bed: it should be convenient to reach the surface of the table. It is here that important little things will be: books, combs, alarm clock and much more. Therefore, access should be unhindered.

When the elevation of the bedside tables is ergonomic and builds on the same level with the bed, the overall interior design looks more balanced. Expanding furniture items form a single line, pleasant to the eyes. It is possible to balance different elements in height by using mirrors installed on the bedside tables. A good solution will also be the use of tables combined with cabinets on the vertical line.

The width also plays a latter role in the issue of ergonomics. The optimal will be a model having a classic proportion. It should be remembered that the bedside table is part of the overall composition. Therefore, it should be proportionate to the proportions of the bed. A huge bed next to miniature tables will look ridiculous and wrong, just like massive bedside tables next to a small and elegant design. This aspect is especially relevant when it comes to a classic interior solution.

Be sure to pay attention to the depth of the furniture element. The optimal choice for ergonomics of the room will be the bedside table is not deeper than 50 cm. The remaining options will be either not too spacious, or it will make it difficult to access the bed.

Considering the various models of bedside tables, you should evaluate the overall impression of the stylistic design of the bedroom. For a massive bed, large and solid options will be suitable. Sleeping design, weatheted in elegant proportions, requires the presence of appropriate elegant bedside tables. The focus is on the issue of achieving the harmony and the organicity of the indoor space.

Design features

The design of the bedside tube must fully respond to the needs of residents of the house or apartment. Options with closed boxes will optimally organize all the necessary things in everyday life, including: keys, medicines, earplugs, cosmetics, writing accessories and much more. Ergonomic and functional bedside tables will eliminate chaos and loss of important things in everyday life.

People who prefer to manage a minimum of things can be recommended simple bedside structures without drawers. On the horizontal surface, the most necessary items quite fit: alarm clock, book and handle. In the case when the bedroom is characterized by a very small area, you can purchase bedside shelves.

Design and color solution

The design of the bedside construction and its color solution depends on the overall composition and stylistics of the bedroom interior. If the room is suppressed in an elegant and restrained classic style, then you should pay attention to proportionately harmonious models without unnecessary decor. The color palette can vary from standard black and white gamut to luxurious shades of beige, coffee, terracotta.

There are modern directions in the interior design, allowing styles mixing. The most common includes eclecticism. With the right approach, you can add a bed in the classic style futuristic bedside tables, combine vintage and modern, high-tech and oriental style.

Color palette bedside tables must be associated with the resolution of the bedroom interior. There are several generally accepted options for selective shades:

  1. The color of the bedside table contrasts with headboard bed. Beautifully looks in the combination of black and white, white and emerald, yellow and blue.
  2. The headboard and bedside palette coincide. At the same time, they can be made of various materials.
  3. The bedside table corresponds to the secondary shade of the interior solution.
  4. The bedside table coincides with the color with the design of horizontal or vertical surfaces of the room: floor, walls, ceiling, doors and windows.
  5. The stands correspond to the range of other furniture, which is located in the room, except the bed.
  6. The tables act as bright color accents of the interior. For example, in the room of light beige color are the stands of open blue, orange, turquoise, red shades.

Popular Materials

Modern companies produce bedside tables from various materials:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

When choosing, it is important to draw attention to the environmental friendliness and safety of the structure. Materials used in the manufacture of the model should not make harm to the health of people or pets. Very spectacular, options with mirror surfaces. Textural models also look very original and modern.

Decorative decoration

To the bedside tables acquire the original and unusual look, you can decorate them a little. In some styles, for example, in the interiors of Provence or Vintage, it is customary to decorate tables with textiles. You can sew a beautiful tablecloth for the tube or decorate it with textile napkins. It is also interesting to look artificially aged tables, characterized by rubbing surfaces.

You should consider responsibly and seriously to the choice of the bedside table. The right solution to significantly increase the level of comfort in the house or apartment. To find the most suitable option, you should view a large number of models. Take your bedroom with taste!

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Clock, phone, book, glasses, cream, photo in the frame, a glass with water, a handle and crossword - these and other little things are convenient to store in a bedside table. It serves an integral part of the bedroom, has a decorative and pure functional value. Someone is needed only to put a smartphone and put a cup of coffee, someone decides to keep bedding in it and sleep clothes - for different requirements manufacturers have created countless options, and they differ not only in size and equipped, but also in color, style and material. How to choose a bedside end when the eyes literally scatter?

№1. Size bedside table

Choose the optimal size of the bedside table will help clear definition of its use scenario with amendment on the bedroom square. If this piece of furniture is supposed to be used only as a stand for and a mobile gadget, and the bedroom does not differ in large dimensions, then you can stop your choice on a compact bedside table or even a bedside table. When the bedroom area allows and there is a need to store bedding and clothing in the bedside table, the choice falls in the side of spacious models with a mass of the boxes.

Regardless which functions are assigned to the bedside table, it must answer basic requirements of ergonomicsTo enjoy it was really convenient:

First place when selecting the optimal parameters of the bedside table comes out principle of proportionality with bed. If the latter has a massive and looks thoroughly, then the stands should not be light and air.

№2. Material bedside table

No less important parameter when choosing a bedside table - manufacturing material, and here the market pleases with sufficient variety:

  • wood - The most eco-friendly material that has enviable durability, durability, has a warm surface, retains a pleasant fragrance. Such a piece of furniture will serve faithfully for more than a dozen years. The tree is plastic and pliable, so often the couches are decorated with beautiful carved patterns. Minus wooden products - their high price, but it can significantly fluctuate depending on. Products from oak, birch, beech, ash, mahogany will cost much cheaper than similar from pine. It is explained by this insufficient lastness of the latter. Pine is a soft breed, so over time, screw connections may be loosened, causing strain of the product;
  • cabinet from MDF. It will cost much cheaper, but it is difficult to naturally call it. It is made of wood chips, carbamide resins perform as a binder, which makes it possible to talk about the environmental friendliness of products and practically the absence of formaldehyde emissions. From above, the plates can be painted, veneered with a thin section of the wood of valuable rocks or laminated by a film that allows you to imitate the material - the assortment is huge. In terms of price and quality ratio, this is one of the most optimal options for today;
  • tubes from chipboard It is necessary to use with great care. For the production of chipboard, resins are used, which can be separated toxic formaldehyde during operation. It is important to look in the documentation for furniture. The level of emission: for operation in the bedroom it should be e0 or e1. The main advantage is low price;
  • combined optionWhen the frame is metallic or wooden, and the decoration is made of glass, mirrors, plastics or forging. The combination of materials allows you to create exclusive models that can truly decorate the bedroom, just about functionality you should not forget;

    pay attention to suspended bedside tables. They are the same as their outdoor analogs, can be supplied with a different number of boxes and shelves, only from the surface of the floor they separate them from 10 to 50 cm space. It makes the bedside table easier and weightless, and the bedroom is original. The advantages of the suspension model you will feel when you drop something and can easily find, because to go to the floor, shine with a flashlight and scour in search of a fallen object do not have to. Under the tab, you can arrange a beautiful basket or box for storing small things.

    In small bedrooms rational use combined furniture. For example, the bedside tube can serve simultaneously with a wide roomy, smoothly switch to or rack. Moreover, in one subject, you can combine the functions of the bedside tube, toilet and desktop. To ensure sufficient comfort when working, the table must be the corresponding height, and to comply with the balance and proportionality will have to take care of a higher bed. In order to avoid incidents, it is better, of course, together and in advance to think through every trifle in the interior of the bedroom.

    The style of the couch is selected depending on the total decor of the bedroom:

    • minimalism It imposes the use of products of simple geometric shapes without decor and excesses. The cabinet can be made of wood, but do not have the elements of the thread and be painted in one color. Highlights are perfect. Glass can also be used as a material. Preferred colors: black, white, shades of gray and dairy;
    • high tech Also implies the clarity of forms and the absence of all sorts of curls. Perfectly suitable stands with chrome elements, metal frames and glass countertops;
    • classic style Provides the use of wooden table with carved elements. Harmoniously look at the models performed under the antiquity, massive squatty stands, as well as products, covered with leather. Preferred colors - calm bright and dark shades;
    • baroque - These are curvilinear forms, bent facades, suitable legs, abundance of decor. As a material, valuable wood species are used, sometimes forging;
    • country style involves the use of simple massive tumb preferably from wood or imitation, in honor of dark colors;
    • scandinavian style - These are white simple trees from the tree or its "substitutes". The smaller the decorative elements, the better;

      №6. Color bedside table

      Rules for the choice of the right color of the couch does not exist - there is only several recommendations and typical color schemeswhich will achieve the best result:

      • the color of the couch is selected in the color of the bed - classic and tested reception, and the execution materials may be different;
      • the complete opposite of the traditional reception - contrasting the color of the cabinet color of the head of the head. For example, under the black headboard pick up white stands, under beige - brown, etc.;
      • tumb color is similar to other furniture in the bedroom (except for the bed);
      • color Tumba can be selected to the color, or

      №7. Fittings and equipment

      With an external inspection of the bedside tables, check the quality of the handles, guide boxes, loops and other fittings. Nothing should creak, the opening should take place as easily, the door is not fused, and the whole stand is to be stable and durable.

      What concerns equipment, In addition to standard shelves and boxes that can be open and closed, the cabinet can be equipped turning table, increasing its useful area. There are models S. adjustable legs - Such products are indispensable for bedrooms in Finally, we note that on the sides of the double bed do not necessarily stand the same stands: They may be different in height, material of execution and design, and wall mirrors, photos or pictures located at the same altitude or lamps of different sizes will help balance them. Moreover, it is not necessary to look for a bedside table only in the bedroom furniture department - you can use puffs, coffee tables and even interesting chairs, mini Step, Stair Stories, Flower stands and other similar items.

      The bedside table or table is not only a decorative element of the bedroom, but also a functional object that makes the sleep zone is much more comfortable. Is it possible to call a rational bedroom if the light has to go to turn on and off? If nowhere to put a book with glasses? If there is no opportunity to put a glass with water? The level of convenience of such a bedroom is clearly insufficient to feel as comfortable as possible.

      So, bedside furniture is a necessity. If the bed is purchased in the set with snacks or tables, then there is nothing to think about. However, not everyone to taste ready-made kits, because the interior furnished by the same type of elements is deprived of individuality. It looks pattern and belessless.

      If you decide to assemble your bedroom yourself from different furniture items - our article is for you. How to pick up bedside tables and tables so that the bedroom is comfortable and beautiful?

      1. By size

      The most important height. No matter how girling is a table - he is useless if it's hard to reach it from the bed.

      It is believed that the perfect option is a bedside table with a sleeping place. The furniture is built into a single row, which makes the composition of symmetric and balanced. It is nice to the eye. But the main thing is not in this, but the fact that this is the height of the bedside elements is the most ergonomic.

      You can retreat in a large or smaller side, but not much.

      When choosing the width of the bedside tables and tables, the bed size must be taken into account. It is worth adhere to the principle of proportionality. If the bed is huge, and the bedside tables are miniature, there is a visual imbalance, which is undesirable, especially when it comes to creating an elegant bedroom with elements of modern classics.

      If the bed has so-called royal sizes, the width of the bedside tables should be from 50 to 100 cm. For a small double or standard single bed, you can choose a width model less than 50 cm.

      You should pay attention to the depth of furniture. Tumba deeper than 50 cm may make it difficult to access the bedroom, which will negatively affect the ergonomics of the bedroom.

      Making a choice, evaluate the overall impression of furniture. If the bed looks heavy and solid, then the bedside items must match. So, the bed with an impressive headboard can be selected by massive dressers. Elegant tables are suitable for a bedroom place with a slight back. Proportionality and balance - this is what you need to strive for.

      2. By construction

      If you like everything to be at hand, acquire bedside furniture equipped with closed boxes. Notepad, pen, medicine, sleep mask, earplugs, cream for hands and other little things better to keep behind the door, otherwise there will always be chaos in the bedroom zone.

      If you have enough book, alarm clock and a glass with water, then a neat table without a door and drawers will be quite suitable for your bedroom. And if the room is small, you can think about the alternative embodiment - the bedside shelves.

      The rational solution for a small bedroom is a combined furniture that combines a bedside table and a wardrobe (or rack).

      Another opportunity to benefit from the space in the compact room are multifunctional items. So, a table standing on the side of the bed can be both bedside and toilet, and workers. For convenience, you must purchase a fairly high bed so that the table is not much higher than the bed.

      And bedside table, and chest of drawers ...

      And bedside table, and workplace ...

      3. on design and color

      For an elegant classic bedroom, you need to pick up bedside tables in the same bed. In color, they may vary.

      In the modern interior style mixesters are permissible. For example, an exquisitely elegant bed can be supplemented with original tables with futuristic design. Or, on the contrary, put the luxurious stands in the style of Neurokko to the modern minimalist bed.

      Mirrored, glass and glossy white or gray bedside tables are suitable almost to any beds. Next door to the headboard, upholstered cloth, it looks great smooth painted furniture. Compositions built on combining different textures are always the most effective.

      How to choose the color of the bedside tumble? There are no rules here. There are only typical color schemes that are resorted to most often. You can prefer any of them.

      1. The headboard and bedside furniture are made of different materials, but in one color.

      2. The color of the bedside table is opposed to the column of headboard. For example: bed - black, and the cabinets are white or bed - light beige, and the couch is dark brown.

      3. The color of the tumbel or tables corresponds to the secondary color of the interior design.

      4. The bedside items are selected in the color of other furniture present in the interior (except for the bed).

      5. The stands support the color of the walls, floor or doors.

      6. The bedside furniture fits into the main range of the interior. For example: in the gray-beige bedroom - beige stands; in "Breed" - elevated; In light - pastel, etc.

      7. Tombs or tables are accents, bright and shining.

      Bedside furniture: several ideas

      It is not necessarily that from both sides of the bed stood the same items. They can be different and in design, and in style, and in color, and height.

      To balance the sides with bedside tables of different heights, wall mirrors, photos or pictures located at one level are used. For balancing, you can apply lamps of different sizes.

      In the classic, vintage and olive bedroom appropriate tables in the "skirts". Fabric covers make the interior more feminine, more traditional and, of course, more cozy. The advantage of such a solution is that the color of the bedside table can always be changed, simply sewing a new skirt for him.

      It is not necessary to look for the couch and tables in the bedroom department. The bedside zone can be furnished with any items suitable in size, color, style. Preference can be removed by coffee tables, puffs, staircases, setting for flowers, interesting chairs, mini-stewners, etc.

      Bedside tables - excellent addition to the interior of the bedroom, capable of making a piece of comfort, sophistication, the completeness of the situation. They give their owners comfort, which is so necessary to relax from everyday bustle and problems. It is easy to place all the necessary things. Books, magazines, mobile phone, hygienic supplies, glasses or simply a cup of coffee - all this will find a good place for both open and closed from unauthorized eyes. What are the bedside tables and how to choose this wonderful and necessary object of furniture, we will tell in the further article.

      Types of bedside tables

      Today's diversity of bedside tables is so great that sometimes it is difficult to make the right choice towards a particular product. Among the main factors worthy of special attention can be distinguished as: dimensions, forms, installation methods.

      Depending on the size

      In the design of the interior of the bedroom, it is important not to negotiate the space, leaving enough free space. The bedside table should not be in the cramped position between the wall and the lie, so it is necessary to choose it with regard to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the size of the bed. Conditionally distinguish three main types:

      Little - look beautiful in small bedrooms. Despite its modest dimensions, a small bedside table can have enough shelves to place the most necessary things;

      The average is the most common option with a variety of forms. Pockets, as a rule, have open and closed shelves. Luminaires are installed in prominent places, decor items, and hidden niches allow personal belongings from prying eyes, maintain order;

      Large - designed for spacious bedrooms. Their roomy storage system allows you to position not only the most necessary accessories, but also such as bed linen, pajamas, towels, etc.

      Depending on the form

      An important value of furniture is important. The most common in this category are square and rectangular bedside tables that are suitable for any room. They can be positioned anywhere in the room.

      More original and unusted round and oval products. However, such bedside tables are not suitable for each room - they occupy quite a lot of space, and install them close to the wall will not work.

      Corner design bedside tables - an excellent option for small bedrooms. She is able to take an empty angle, give the interior of the prevalent look and, among other things, to be quite spacious.

      A separate niche in the production of bedside tables is occupied by design developments that can affect the originality of the forms. Here you can meet the most unexpected, but rather spectacular solutions.

      Depending on the placement

      Unlike the previous times, when all the furniture was rather cumbersome and installed stationary, the current designs mostly allow to embody the desired design solutions. By the installation method, the bedside tables are two species, namely:

      1. Outdoor - installed directly on the floor or have support legs, wheels;

      2. Suspended - a more modern option when the product is mounted to the wall, creating a feeling of lightness and weightlessness of the design. Suspended bedside tables greatly simplify the cleaning of the room, allowing the opportunity to freely wash or spend the floor, and the novelty of the structures effectively complement any modern design.


      Special attention deserves bedside tables that can easily change their configuration, performing several important functions at the same time. For example, a table table, which has a retractable mechanism, is ideal for those who are accustomed to the evening snack or early breakfast in bed. The tabletop will easily be located a laptop or a gamers for gamers. There are also options when an additional surface is attached to the side wall. Today, you can also meet such models such as bedside tables with a rotary countertop, under which the storage compartment is located or "matryoshki" consisting of several compactly combined elements.

      Materials for manufacture

      For the manufacture of bedside tables, a wide variety of materials are used, especially when designer development is meant. Such furniture items are sometimes made by homemade craftsmen, even from simple breeding raw materials, such as containers for vegetables, sawing logs, etc. As for the most popular materials, it includes wood and its substitutes (chipboard, MDF), plastic, glass and metal. Combined options are often found.

      Wooden bedside tables

      Such furniture is definitely the most environmentally friendly. It looks noble, especially made of an expensive natural array. The bedside table may have strict forms or be decorated with carved patterns. The cost-effective versions are made of pine veneer, but, given that pine belongs to the soft rocks of the wood, the life of such bedside tables is not lasting - often the fastening places on the doors or boxes are often deformed. Also, the tree is able to replace the chipboard and MDF plates, but when buying furniture from these materials it is important to draw attention to the quality so that the presence of harmful substances has damaged health.

      Plastic bedside tables

      Plastic furniture in our time has become quite popular. Special advantage is in a rich color palette, which allows you to create both bright accents and light furniture compositions. Plastic refers to sufficiently supple in the processing of materials, which makes it possible to produce original furniture from it, and a slight weight allows you to install a suspended design in the bedroom.

      Glass bedside tables

      In recent years, there has been a wide variety of glass furniture. Manufacturers managed to achieve the stunning strength of this material, and designers successfully use glass elements, manufacturing furniture headsets. The bedside table of glass will look easily and elegant, without cluttering the space. It can be supplemented with metal, plastic or wooden fragments.

      Metal bedside tables

      In this case, it is not about mass production. Metal bedside tables are the work of individual masters. Most often, they are represented by wrought-iron designs that are successfully complementing vintage interiors, although products from solid metal sheets have.

      How to choose a bedside table: Styles

      The choice of a nightburn will depend on which functions of the hosts plan to impose on it. It can perform the role of both a small stand table and multifunctional furniture, which will contain a variety of drawers and shelves for magazines, books, cosmetic supplies and other things you need.

      The size of the bedside table is determined by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room - in the bedroom the furniture should not take too much space. If the room is small, it is better to stop the choice on compact versions, especially when placing two elements on both sides of the bed. In this option, it is also necessary to consider that the bedside tables must have a single design (sometimes acquire whole sets together with the bed). If it is supposed to buy one bedside table, it is better to place it on the right side of the bed - as practice shows, the room with such an accommodation looks much more cozy.

      An important role in choosing the style of the interior is played, where the furniture design is determining. Let's give some examples how a bedside table may look like in a particular designer solution.


      When we talk about the classics, of course, we are talking about furniture made of natural wood, which is obliged to fully emphasize the chic and the high cost of the situation. The bedside tables can have a rich decoration, contain the elements of the thread, gilding.


      Romantic rustic style is able to fill the interior of the palpist of charming Mediterranean notes. Here is given the advantage of the presence of wooden furniture made under ancient, with characteristic misses and cracks. The most popular will be bright pastel colors.


      A rather popular modern direction involves the simplicity of forms with an industrial accent. In the choice of bedside table, preference is given to the maximum laconism of the finish with a combination of a wood array and a metal frame.


      Strict, not tolerant minimalism will be best emphasized by the presence of furniture elements with clear forms. It can be a rectangular bedside table of white, gray, black with a glossy surface and a complete lack of decor. At the same time, the furniture is distinguished by a lot of capacity, often combining several functions in itself.

      High tech

      The most unexpected creative ideas will be reflected here. The originality of the design of furniture with cosmic forms and the use of materials such as plastic and glass will become the main components of High-Tech-tek beds. In the color palette, as a rule, black, dark blue shades prevail, metallic.

      East style

      For various directions of Eastern style, low furniture is characterized, so the bedside table in such an interior is to choose a squat, with small legs, round or rectangular. It is quite appropriate to the presence of plant ornaments and other decorative elements.

      Bedside tables - Photo

      All wealth of a variety of such oversized, but at the same time, a rather significant interior object, like a bedside table, we collected in the pictures of the photo gallery. Here you can familiarize yourself with various models and their successful location in the bedrooms of different stylist. Happy viewing!

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