Qualities of a successful person. Indicator of successful and unsuccessful people

Engineering systems 30.09.2019
Engineering systems

Surely you have heard that habits are extremely important in our life. It is our daily routine that affects the quality of life in general. On health, on the quality of relationships, on success. Habits are things we do all the time, automatically, without thinking. That's why it's so hard to change them.

Success Specialist

Coach and writer Brandon Burchard is one of the world's leading habit experts. successful people. For his new book, High performance habits, he spent three years talking to business people, entrepreneurs, psychologists, neuroscientists, figuring out which habits are different. successful person from unsuccessful.

In Russia, Burchard is known for his books “The Energy of Life. 10 secrets of activating internal forces”, “Council for a million. Change the world and make a fortune” and “Motivation Manifesto. Nine declarations on personal power.” Burchard is one of the world's most popular and successful development coaches. In his youth, he survived a serious car accident, received a brain injury and was recovering with neuropsychologists. Now Brandon Burchard gathers thousands of audiences, shoots motivational videos and writes articles.

We have collected helpful tips from Burchard's research. Success is not something external. Under the same initial conditions different people reach different results only because they think differently and react differently to the proposed situations. This means that changes in consciousness can affect the quality of life in general, since it is a connected chain - thoughts, reactions, actions and results. How do successful people behave?

Turn difficulties into challenges

Almost everyone has big dreams. But unsuccessful people get scared when they realize how much time, effort and resources it takes to achieve a goal. They have three types of excuses: “I don’t know how to do this”, “I don’t have such and such”, “I am not like that, I have a different mindset / character”. And they stop.

Successful people, based on the difficulties, make a plan and determine what they need to know, what to learn, who to meet, what to find, and go to the goal. If a novice blogger is worried that he does not have subscribers, because of this he slips in his business and gets upset, he will not come to anything in the end. The thoughts of a successful person work differently. He will think: “What can I do to attract subscribers? How to make the most interesting content? What kind marketing strategies use? How to learn this at all? What should I do first? No need to waste time and energy on whining and upset. There is a problem - it needs to be solved.

Ask a lot of questions

Successful people get to the bottom of everything. They constantly ask questions, first of all to themselves. “Why am I doing this?”, “What exactly do I want to achieve?”, “What does this give me?”, “What next step should I take?”, “Who do I want to spend time with?”, “What emotions do I want test?". The more we ask, the more clearly we see the full picture of our life.

Unsuccessful people, on the contrary, try to ask as few questions as possible and delve less into their feelings, goals, desires. For them, it's like a Pandora's box: the answer to one question leads to 10 others, the answers to which can be unpleasant or difficult. Why create difficulties for yourself, if you can just not think and live by inertia?

Maintain high energy levels

Truly successful people rarely experience chronic fatigue syndrome and do not burn out. And this despite the fact that they do and succeed much more than others. What's the secret? The ability to generate energy and vivacity. healthy eating, quality sleep, meditation, sports, Fresh air vitamins are an indispensable part of a successful life. Communication with inspiring people, interesting hobbies, self-development, new experiences - all this gives a boost of energy for new achievements.

Unsuccessful people pay less attention to their health and lifestyle because they do not see the big picture.

Get inspired by other people

Successful people don't waste time and energy on envy. On the contrary, they are inspired by other people and use the experience of others for their development. Therefore, one of the habits that will set you up for a successful life is reading biographies of strong and interesting personalities, as well as watching speeches and interviews of successful people. At the same time, you should not slide into the side of scandalous books and investigations on the topics of who was married to whom, who cheated on whom and who was gay. If you want to be successful, your task is to follow the path to the top, and not be distracted by gossip, which unsuccessful people do by reading the tabloid press and "hang" in front of TV shows that stir up scandals.

Participate in charity

All truly successful people know the importance of sharing and helping others. All of them participate in different types charity. They either help with money or distribute information, organize funds, etc.

Unsuccessful people find many excuses to avoid charity. The main one is "I have no money." At the same time, they forget that charity is not only money, but also volunteering. In many organizations, it is help that is needed, not financial injections. Nursing homes, children's organizations, animal shelters - everywhere people are needed to help with daily chores or organize holidays or events. If possible, you can give away things that are still in good condition, but you no longer need. You can bring food, toys, clothes. Animal shelters always need rags, newspapers, boxes, etc.

Notice beauty and luck

When we live on the machine, we do not notice a lot. Successful people know how to stop and enjoy the view from the window, a beautiful sunset, a smile stranger on the street. Not only to pay attention, but also to react. For example, call a colleague or friend to look at something beautiful or pleasant, smile in response to a stranger. And another important point- the ability to pay attention, appreciate the moments of success and share them. How often do you say, for example, about your husband/wife: “I am so lucky to have him/her by my side”? Or: "I'm so lucky that I chose a job that brings me pleasure!"? Successful people focus on such moments, while unsuccessful people take everything good either for granted or like free cheese in a mousetrap, expecting a catch.

Many psychologists have been trying for years to identify the differences between those who can be called successful and those who are not.

So I wanted to identify these differences. It just became interesting to what extent what was written in the books coincides with real life. He began to communicate and carefully observe his acquaintances living in different cities and countries.

Moreover, I observed both successful and unsuccessful ones. And soon enough I noticed how much of what was written in the books actually corresponds to reality. General patterns were traced in both, regardless of age, gender, social status and occupation.

And here's what we noticed:

  • A successful person is always learning something new. At the same time, he never puts himself above others. Conduct yourself with restraint and respect. Unsuccessful and so knows everything, and therefore study is not interesting to him. When communicating with others, he speaks in a moralizing tone, trying to prove his worth.
  • A successful person reads a lot. As a rule, he has a large library at home, which contains books on a wide variety of topics. Unsuccessful people watch a lot of TV.
  • A successful person likes to move a lot. Goes to the gym regularly or works out at home. Unsuccessful people like to rest a lot. Basically, at home on the couch.
  • A successful person strives to achieve more than he has on this moment. Uses all possibilities for this. The unsuccessful are content with what they have. Does not pay attention to emerging opportunities.
  • A successful person, moving towards a goal, shows patience and knows how to wait. Unsuccessful people want everything at once. If it doesn’t work out right away, he quits the job he started.
  • A successful person, when faced with failure, such as rejection, does not get upset. Analyzes, draws conclusions and moves on. Unsuccessful, having received a refusal, falls into depression and forever parted with the planned project.
  • A successful person believes in the Creator, in his strength, in the fact that the world is disposed towards him, and therefore acts independently. The unsuccessful one hopes to get help from the bosses, smart people, influential friends.

  • A successful person relies on his strength. His motto is Self Alignment!. The unsuccessful one looks around and listens to what others have to say about him.
  • A successful person takes responsibility. In case of failure, he looks for reasons in himself, while not engaging in self-flagellation, but simply draws conclusions. Unsuccessful people blame others for their failures or look for reasons in external circumstances.
  • A successful person sincerely wishes everyone good luck and prosperity. The unsuccessful one secretly hopes for the failure of others. And sometimes openly wishes everyone a failure.
  • A successful person gives thanks. For example, after watching a performance, he admires the acting of the actors. Unsuccessful criticize. Having visited the same performance, he scolds the actors for their mediocrity.
  • A successful person lives in the present, clearly sees his future and goes to it. An unsuccessful person lives in the past, the future is unclear and foggy for him.

Of course, you can talk about other differences. To be honest, there are quite a few of them. But even the foregoing is quite enough to see the difference between those who achieve success and those whom success bypasses success.

And if these differences are known, it makes sense to pay attention to those points that contribute to success. The main thing is to use them in practice, and then everything will work out in the best way. I wish you success!

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Are there differences in the behavior of successful and unsuccessful people? What are these differences? What do successful people do differently than everyone else?

1. Love change or stay away from it?

Overcoming the fear of constant change is not an easy task for those who want to be successful. Every day the world is undergoing revolutionary changes that change our future. It is necessary to adapt to them in time and meet the new with open arms.

2. Dream about the success of your competitors or wish them ruin?

A successful person will not wait for his competitors to go bankrupt in order to become successful. On the contrary, success directly depends on how much you absorb good example competitors. A successful person easily accepts his defeat. Thus, there is an understanding of what needs to be worked on in the future.

3. Happy or angry?

A successful person rejoices in both success and failure. A fiasco for a successful person is a reason to get stronger on your feet and continue to fight for your place in the sun. He has no time to grieve and get angry at others. After all, time is money! Defeats help to concentrate on unfinished moments in their activities.

4. Take responsibility for your failures or blame others?

Life is like a rollercoaster. After the peak of success, there always comes a moment when things go downhill. A successful person takes on full responsibility for your failures. He knows that during this period of life you need to work more on yourself, learn something new and gradually rise to the top.

5. Discuss new ideas or discuss people?

Talking badly about others is not part of the plans of a successful person. He is focused to the maximum on finding and discussing new ideas. Only such conversations can lead to success.

6. Share information or keep everything to yourself?

Peace social networks confirms that successful people are always ready to share their successes with others. Many of them write books, make films about success, share their secrets at various events. It is important for a successful person to pass on his knowledge to others. Exchange of experience, exchange of knowledge, exchange of opinions is the engine of progress. In the end, both parties win: the teacher and the student.

7. Plan and organize or do and think later?

It is impossible to foresee and plan everything. But even the simplest plan will better action at random. Successful people plan their future by clearly answering the following questions: what is worth doing every day, what is worth achieving in a year, where is it worth moving, is it worth changing direction or continuing on the paved path? The list of questions can be different, the main thing is that you must answer honestly and soberly assess your capabilities. This is the only way to achieve even greater success in the future. A person must know what he wants.

8. Express your gratitude or despise everyone around?

A successful person is grateful to everything and everyone. After all, it was those around him who helped him achieve what he has now. Let it be a small help, but it is from the grains that you can build a huge castle. In order for people to continue to support and help you, thank them constantly.

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A serious-minded man who dreams of a friendly family and children, isn't this the dream of every representative of the weaker sex?

All people who have been able to achieve success are united by characteristic behavior. This is not what brings them success - it is rather similar actions and the same attitude to time, space, calendar. Understanding these characteristic features very important on the way to success; they are not determined by genetics - all this can be learned and made part of your life.

Setting specific goals

These goals are not something vague or unclear. These are clear, concise, written tasks with set time limits. The goals of a successful person are always written down (as a rule, these are short, understandable sentences) and are constantly in sight.

But a successful person doesn't just write down goals, write down deadlines, and put them in the most visible place. A purposeful person makes sure that not only daily tasks are completed, but goals are also achieved. He does not wait for ghostly inspiration to come. On the contrary, he motivates himself and completes tasks in order to cross them off his list.

We respect the time

Successful people respect not only their own time, but also the time of those around them. They control every minute, paying equal attention to both working time and leisure time. They do not trade for useless trifles and cannot stand those who waste their time in vain.

For example, I count not only the time when I work, but also the time when I sleep. It may seem strange to some, but disciplined people understand the value of this kind of information. This technique helps to make decisions regarding time in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, whether it is sleep, work, play, or doing nothing. Knowing how much time you spend on a particular event, you increase your chances of not wasting a single minute.

Recording everything

Even the most insignificant tasks should be recorded in the daily plan. Details frighten unorganized people who assume that the usual to-do list left on the table at home is already planning and organization.

Writing down everything - the time of sleep and the hours when you eat, everything that needs to be done in the first, second, last turn - this is the only sure way to self-organize and achieve results.

Setting priorities

People who manage to achieve high results perform the assigned tasks, depending on the degree of their importance. This does not mean that every morning you have to do the most important task of the day first. This means that you should determine the degree of importance of the planned tasks and, based on this, plan your day.

For example, while waiting for a call from a very important client, you will probably organize your day around the time of the call.

For those who achieve results, setting priorities is a natural process. If you have several important things planned for today, this is not a reason to forget about the less important ones.

Focusing on the task

Since all planned tasks are written down and their degree of importance is determined, a person focused on achieving results does not have time to think about projects already completed or not yet started.

A disciplined person not only knows, for example, when he will finish drawing up the next month's sales plan, he also knows how long it will take and how he needs to act in order to complete the project on time. Thanks to this, an organized person can afford to sign up for golf lessons, switch off from business worries and focus on the game.

First we study, then we get down to business

Like a diver who first looks into the water and only then jumps, so a disciplined person first carefully examines the situation - not only in order to choose the right course of action, but also in order to find out if the game is worth the candle. If that doesn't get him one step closer to achieving his long-term or short-term goals, no matter how attractive the idea looks, he won't take on the venture.

Constantly looking for ways to improve

I've been using my organization system successfully for over 30 years, but that doesn't mean I won't accept anything else. I studied the systems of many employees and learned a lot of useful things for myself. I have also looked at hundreds electronic devices and expensive gliders, calendars, diaries, but none of them suited my needs as much as my notebook and pen.

And yet I do not give up. Like any results-driven person, I'm constantly looking for ways to improve what I'm working on. When I think I've found something worthwhile, I analyze, sometimes modify, and almost always test to see how it might work for me. If I'm happy with the result, then I keep it to myself. If not, I discard to continue the search.

We are not afraid to assign tasks

You can't do everything, don't even try. You are not the only person who can not do everything, but if you try to do everything, you will not be able to finish even what you do best. You must either overcome the fear that someone else can do something for you, or limit your goals to only what you can do for yourself.

Disciplined people understand better than anyone what only they can do and spend most of their time doing those tasks. And other cases are assigned to employees who can perform them.

Of course, many people say: "If you want something done right, do it yourself" - but only unorganized people believe this.

We know when to finish

When people who can get things done get to work, they close the door and move forward uncensored. This does not mean that they always do everything they have planned. Very often, unforeseen circumstances arise that prevent even the most organized and responsible from achieving everything they hoped for. Does this mean that they will stay at the office for several hours after the end of the working day? Only if those few hours move them on the path to their goals without taking time away from other important things. Most likely, they will transfer unfinished projects to another time. This approach allows them to come home on time and get down to business, which is the next item in the plan, without unnecessary worries.

Organized people also know when to stop working on a project. Some plans just don't work and are best discarded. People who achieve results are able to do it and move on.

Organize space

A person who achieves results makes the most of it. possible benefit not only from the time spent on daily worries, but also from the space in which he lives and works. He doesn't panic when a project's deadline approaches, but continues to be productive. Right organized space allows you to focus on a given object without worrying about new documents or a previous project that is still on the desktop.

Such an organization is not limited to the office. If a person keeps order not only at the workplace, but also at home, equally paying attention to all details, be sure that he will complete all the work assigned to him on time.

Give in when necessary

Purposeful and successful people are mostly realists. Only a person who is aware of the passage of time and the variability of the surrounding world can achieve results. He enjoys the fact that he manages to plan and carry out his plans. When the rest give up in despair, he readjusts to the circumstances and moves on.

The modern world is captured by one very strange trend: successful people with good education in the field of jurisprudence, finance, science or management, which took them a lot of time and sometimes money, working in large companies and receiving decent money, suddenly quit their jobs and go to work as florists, confectioners, and sometimes even leave for the islands. It started in the West, but now such examples are also found in the CIS countries.

Why is this happening? Why do people who have spent so much time, effort and money on higher education leave to work in areas where special qualifications are not required? Such an act could be understandable if they were unsuccessful, but most often it is successful or even very successful people who do this. What is it that guides them? Why do they do this?

Of course, each situation is unique, and each person who has acted in this way will give you a range of reasons, but one fundamental is clear to all. It's all about the Western 'understanding of happiness', which is now beginning to become obsolete.

For a typical westerner happiness- this is material well-being, good car, work in a prestigious company, high income and stability. Happiness in most people was associated exclusively with material goods. That is why many young people went to universities to become a lawyer or an economist - after all, you can earn good money in this area. And they earned by learning. They earned a lot. However, for some reason, they did not become happy, having all the attributes of a happy life.

Times change, and so do outlooks on life. The West is now 'taking over' Buddhism in many ways, and with it comes different perspectives on all aspects of human life. Particularly for happiness. For Buddhists and people of the East in general happiness is an exclusively internal category, completely unrelated to material well-being. It doesn't depend on anything at all. Happiness is proclaimed by human nature, according to Buddhist teachings, every person is happy regardless of living conditions.

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In this understanding, there is no need for a car, an expensive apartment and all other attributes of social well-being. A person stops living for others and proving something to everyone, he begins to live for himself, for his own happiness. And he understands that baking cakes or making bouquets brings him and the people around him much more happiness than filing a lawsuit or an annual financial report.

This trend is reflected in the emergence and development of such social movements, how downshifting, anti-consumerism And minimalism like a lifestyle. Satiation modern man information, products and goods leads to the rejection of the traditional concept of happiness and the search for their own path in life.

The planet doesn't need a large number of"successful people". The planet is in desperate need of peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers. She needs people who are good to live with. The planet needs people with morals who are ready to join the fight to make the world alive and humane. And these qualities have little to do with "success" as it is defined in our society.(David Orr)

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