The benefits and possible harm of dried fruits. What are the benefits of dried fruits and how to store them properly

garden equipment 18.10.2019
garden equipment

Mankind has long unraveled the secret: if a fresh fruit or vegetable is thoroughly dried, then it will retain a maximum of useful elements.

That is why many housewives strive to preserve the gifts of summer by drying them in ovens, on gas and electric stoves, or even near specially made fires. After all, the dried product remains as useful as the fresh one, and it can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties.
1. Apricots(dried apricots) is a doctor for the heart and blood vessels. Dried apricots are rich in potassium and antioxidants. Dried apricots remove bad cholesterol from the body. Dried apricot is useful for people with thyroid disease and diabetes.
2. Pineapple. Dried pineapples are sources of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, B vitamins and dietary fiber. Dried pineapples also help get rid of edema, give strength and improve mood. Help to quit smoking - Many smokers have experienced that these sugary snacks reduce the cravings.
3. Eggplant. The most valuable property of this product is the ability to quickly rid the vessels of cholesterol plaques, and generally reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Eggplant contains a lot of copper, cobalt and manganese. These are quite rare elements that improve blood composition and help the spleen work. Enough in eggplant and iron, so they are useful for anemia. Eggplant contains a lot of potassium and therefore helps to remove excess fluid from the cells. Eggplant is used to lower blood sugar levels.
4. Bananas- a source of potassium, necessary for the heart, liver, brain, bones, teeth, but most of all - muscles. Each of us needs to get at least 1 g of potassium per day, and the optimal daily requirement for it for adults is 3-4 g. Children also need potassium daily, in the amount of 16-30 mg per kg of weight. A lack of potassium in the body can cause malnutrition even with normal protein intake. Dried bananas are rich in natural sugar, which, when digested, is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. With the same mass, dried bananas contain 5 times more calories than fresh bananas. are also used for medicinal purposes. Banana contains the protein tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin. Serotonin improves mood, helps to relax and just feel happy.
5. Grapes(raisins) are useful for everyone without exception, especially light ones - they contain the maximum amount of potassium, a lot of phosphorus - this helps during hard intellectual work, during exams. The use of raisins is a good prevention of periodontal disease.
6. Cherry dried increases concentration and especially helps those who decide to quit smoking: the substances contained in cherries weaken nicotine addiction.
7. Mushrooms. Any dried mushrooms help to lose weight. In addition, the valuable protein contained in all dried mushrooms, without exception, is practically not inferior to beef protein in its nutritional properties, but does not leave behind toxic substances. Dried porcini mushrooms are a powerful antidepressant, intellectual stimulant and migraine remedy.
Dry boletus and boletus help fight anemia, atherosclerosis, as well as "lazy bowel syndrome". To prepare them, you need to soak them for 4 hours in cold water, then squeeze and boil for 30 minutes.
Dried chanterelles are an excellent sorbent, they have the ability to absorb harmful substances that accumulate in our intestines, and at the same time remove radionuclides no worse than red wine. Without exception, all dried mushrooms are rich in potassium, which is good for the heart. The main thing is not to “spoil” dishes from them with an excess amount of butter or heavy cream.
With the help of electric dryers, which you can purchase in our store, you can dry up to 10 kg of fresh mushrooms in 6 hours.
8. Pear. Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that can increase the body's defenses, resist infectious diseases, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and even fight depression. In dietary nutrition for preventive and therapeutic purposes, the pear is included in diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, impaired capillary permeability.
Pear treatment can be carried out almost all year round, since the fruits, when dried, retain almost all biologically active substances.
Dried pear compote is able to get rid of chronic colitis, as well as increase sexual activity.
9. Melon dried has a good tonic effect, as well as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, laxative, cleansing properties (externally cleanses the skin, when taken orally - the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system), improves hematopoiesis, enhances intestinal motility, promotes excretion from the body cholesterol, normalizing effect on metabolism. In folk medicine, melon is prescribed for malnourished and anemic patients, with anemia and atherosclerosis. Melon is considered especially useful for people who have had liver disease and suffer from constipation.
10. Zucchini contains a small amount of calories, it contains many different trace elements - iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sodium. The content of vitamins C and B is high. The benefits of zucchini could not be called obvious if it were not for its easy digestibility by the body. This vegetable is suitable for baby food because it is low allergenic. Usually it is given to children in the form of mashed potatoes.
It is known that the benefits of zucchini are also manifested in the fact that it contains a lot of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Stimulates the immune system. Zucchini is recommended for people with anemia, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension.
11. Kiwi. First of all, kiwi is very rich in vitamin C. It is contained in the berry even more than in citrus fruits. Kiwi promotes the absorption of meat by the body due to the content in it of such a substance as actidine. Due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in considerable quantities in the kiwi fruit, it helps to lower blood pressure. The use of kiwi helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots in them.
12. Dried kiwi perfect for those who watch their figure - a great snack, which is convenient to take with you on the road, to work, to school. Drying kiwi is very easy. It is enough to clean, cut, put in an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits in the evening and get ready-made snacks in the morning.
13. Strawberry dried retains all its useful properties for two years of storage. Dried berries are especially valuable for the content of pectin acids, which contribute to the removal of toxins from the body. It is useful to use during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases, namely late autumn and early spring. Dried strawberries are also famous as a powerful antidepressant.
14. Tomatoes dried. The most valuable substance in dried tomatoes is lycopene. This carotenoid was discovered relatively recently and it turned out that lycopene is a powerful antioxidant with pronounced antitumor properties. Oncologists have now managed to prove that this substance is capable of destroying dangerous cells much more effectively than polyphenols (antitumor substances found in green tea and red wine). The chlorogenic and coumaric acids contained in tomatoes significantly reduce the harm caused to the body by carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.
15. Pumpkin. Its pulp contains sugars, carotenoids, pectins, fiber, macro- and microelements of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, E, PP. Pumpkin strengthens memory, gives strength to a physically weak body. Pumpkin porridge is good for children, teenagers and overly thin people. It promotes healing of the stomach and duodenum. It is useful for those suffering from gastritis, enteritis, colitis. With diabetes mellitus, increased fat content of blood, pumpkin gives a miraculous effect to remove excess bile and mucus from the body.
16. Dates, especially Egyptian ones, are able to defeat a cold accompanied by a high temperature: they contain compounds that are similar in structure to acetylsalicylic acid. By the way, this is one of the few dried fruits that contains a lot of provitamin B5 - it is he who provides us with healthy hair and nails.
17. Blueberry- the absolute leader in the content of vitamin A, which can preserve vision. In addition, it lowers blood sugar levels, and therefore is useful for those who suffer from diabetes.
18. Prunes. Since it contains a lot of vegetable fiber, prunes are prescribed for people with digestive tract problems. Prunes are useful for beriberi and anemia.
19. Apples make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, simultaneously improving the digestion process. Apples are the lowest calorie dried fruits. Fresh apples are not recommended for people with gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for people with high stomach acidity. Many of these people are offered baked and dried apples instead of fresh ones, they are considered much safer.
Dried apples are also good for replacing chips and crackers. After all, everything is natural in them, there are much fewer calories, and there are many more benefits and vitamins.
Dried vegetables and fruits retain all their taste and almost all vitamins:
Vitamin C in whole fruits is almost completely preserved. And if the product is cut before drying, then the loss is a little more.
Carotene is completely preserved in products. Therefore, the most carotene-rich carrots and sweet peppers should be stored in a dark place to avoid the destruction of carotene (provitamin A).
The nutritional value of dried foods is also preserved. In addition, due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of sugar increases, which makes fruits and vegetables containing sugar become sweet. That is why the calorie content of dried apricots is four times higher.
Dried foods take up significantly less space than fresh foods. The mass of products is also much lower. After all, most of the moisture has been removed from them. Dried products are very convenient to store, so 40 dried tomatoes or 50 dried peppers fit in a 0.5 liter jar.

Recovery of dried products.

Properly dried foods are easy to rehydrate (restore with water). They practically acquire their original size, shape and appearance. After reconstitution, they usually have almost the same aroma and taste and retain most of the vitamins and minerals. There are several methods for restoring dried foods. One of the most effective ways to restore dried foods is to use an electric steamer. Put food in a large bowl and pour water into it. The circulating steam will help moisture penetrate the food and bring it back to its original fresh appearance. For the most successful rehydration, follow the instruction manual for your steamer.
You can resort to soaking dried foods in small dishes. It is necessary to pour water so that it only covers the products, wait 1-2 hours until the products are restored. If you are soaking overnight, place the container in the refrigerator.

The benefits and harms of dried fruits depend on the quality of the product and the individual tolerance of the person. Dried fruits collected in the country, dried at home are considered useful. Since they do not have preservatives and sugar.

The chemical composition of dried fruits

The benefits of dried fruits lie in their chemical composition. They are rich in vitamins, acids, minerals and other useful substances. The composition of dried fruits depends on the type of fruit.

They mainly contain the following vitamins:

  • group A;
  • group B;

Dried fruits contain minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

In addition, dried fruits contain:

  • organic acids;
  • fructose.

Calorie content of dried fruits

The benefit of dried fruits is that they contain few calories. The table calculates the calorie content and sugar content of some types of dried fruits per 100 g of product:

Name of dried fruit

Natural product

Carbohydrates per 100 g

Sugar per 100 g

Calories per 100 g



A handful of dried fruits for a snack will not harm the human body, but, on the contrary, will saturate it with useful substances. Therefore, snacking on dried fruit is more beneficial than the same hamburger.

Useful properties of dried fruits

Dried fruits retain all useful substances for a long time, thanks to which they can nourish the body with minerals and vitamins throughout the year.

Each species has its own complexes of useful minerals. They act on the human body in different ways:

  • dried plum lowers blood pressure and prevents the development of malignant tumors;
  • dates restore male potency;
  • dried apricots normalizes the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Types of dried fruits and their benefits for the body

Dried fruits of various fruit trees. Each brings its benefits to the body. Kinds:

  • dried apricot, apricot;
  • prunes;
  • dates;
  • apples;
  • banana;
  • melon;
  • figs;
  • mango;
  • papaya.

The chemical composition of dried apricots or dried apricots contains vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). When it enters the blood, it starts the process of rejuvenation of the body. A few dried apricots a day help get rid of wrinkles, make hair silky, smooth.

People who eat dried apricots or dried apricots are less likely to suffer from sunburn. They have almost no hair loss. The metabolism increases, the body receives a large number of vitamin B12. Dried fruits are also good for the heart.

Dried prunes saturate the body with useful substances. Contains vitamin E and tocopherol. The benefits of these dried fruits for the human body is that they are an antioxidant. Prunes prevent aging.

Raisins or dried grapes are just as antioxidant as dried prunes. This dried fruit is able to prevent the development of colon cancer, removes poisons and toxins from the body. Normalizes the intestinal microflora and destroys pathogenic organisms.

Is it possible to dry fruits for pregnant and lactating mothers

During pregnancy, dried fruits for the body of a woman will bring great benefits from the 1st to the 3rd trimester. So, dried fruits contain vitamins such as H, K, E, as well as minerals that will saturate the body of a pregnant woman and help the fetus develop properly.

In addition, many difficulties during pregnancy (such as nausea, swelling, deterioration of hair and tooth enamel) will help to overcome these dry, vitamin-rich fruits. With the right inclusion in the diet, they will become indispensable helpers throughout pregnancy:

  • raisins restore muscle tissue, improve mood;
  • dates nourish the body of a pregnant woman with protein;
  • in nursing mothers who eat dates, the lactation period is lengthened and the appearance of milk increases;
  • prunes protect against beriberi, replenish iron, help resist the immune system against infectious diseases;
  • dried apricots increase hemoglobin and improve heart function.

The benefits of dried fruits for pregnant women is to prepare compotes from them. At this time, expectant mothers are forbidden to drink carbonated drinks, coffee and tea, and cooked fortified compotes will be an excellent addition to the body, saturating it with nutrients.

When breastfeeding, dried fruits will help a woman's body recover faster. Restore tooth enamel, improve hair condition, increase immunity.

And for babies, dried fruits will help protect the still fragile body from various diseases. Breastfeeding nutrients will be obtained from mother's milk.

Advice! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to strictly monitor the amount of food eaten, since dried fruits in excess can be harmful.

Dried fruits for children

They are easily absorbed by the body, so for a child they will be an excellent substitute for sweets.

For example, eating 5 pcs. dried apricots per day, this product will saturate the child's body with the daily norm of calcium and iron. Dates will add carbohydrates to it, which will become a source of energy.

From the age of 1, a child can already be taught to eat dried fruits. They can be combined, cook compotes. The benefits of dried fruit mixtures will be invaluable and will help the baby's body grow healthy and strong.

Especially dried fruit compote for raising immunity is useful for babies during illness or for their prevention.

Are dried fruits good for weight loss?

The benefits of dried fruits for weight loss are a large amount of vitamins and natural sugar (fructose). In addition, dried fruits satisfy hunger, help to saturate the body with proteins, carbohydrates of natural origin.

They will help to avoid mood swings during the diet. Eliminate depression.

What dried fruits can you eat when losing weight

There are several types of dried fruits that should be in the diet of every woman if she is going to lose weight. These include:

  • dried apricots - will help women who decide on a diet after 40 years;
  • prunes are a folk remedy for weight loss and a good antidepressant;
  • thanks to raisins, the body receives sugar and useful trace elements, it also activates the thyroid gland, makes the skin more tender;
  • dried apples relieve excess weight, do not cause allergies, will not be rejected by the body (they also increase brain productivity).

Since many dietary preparations wash out the necessary minerals from the body, dried fruits replenish their supply. It is recommended to use a vitamin mixture of these dried fruits for those women who find it difficult to diet.

How to eat dried fruits

Dried fruits are harmful if consumed in large quantities. However, when included in the mandatory diet a little, they will be a great substitute for fresh fruit in the winter:

  • doctors recommend prunes as an additional supportive remedy for rheumatism, kidney diseases (it removes salts and toxins from the body);
  • dates will help with lower back pain, heart problems, overwork and fatigue;
  • dried apricots have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, removes radionuclides and salts of heavy metals;
  • dry apples lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

A warning! Dates are a heavy food for the stomach, therefore, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to eat them with caution!

Dried fruit compotes will help boost immunity in the cold season.

How many dried fruits can you eat per day

Dried fruits are useful for diabetes and for those who want to lose extra pounds. The main thing is not to overeat them.

100 g of product per day will be enough to maintain valuable vitamins and acids in the body. 5-6 pcs. dried apricots will protect the heart from serious illnesses.

In addition to dried fruits, you can eat apricot bones for food. The benefits of seeds from dried fruits is that their kernels allow you to saturate the body with calcium. 100 g kernels from the stones can be used for eating instead of almonds.

How to make homemade dried fruits

Homemade dried fruits can be made in 3 ways:

  • in an electric dryer;
  • in the oven;
  • on air.

In order to dry fruits in an electric dryer, you must do the following steps:

  1. Wash fruits in running water.
  2. Wipe with a towel.
  3. Cut the way you like.
  4. Put on a baking sheet and put in an electric dryer.
  5. Dry for several hours depending on the fruit: apples - 7 hours, plums - 4 hours, pears - 12 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Drying steps in the oven:

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Slice and lay out on a slatted surface covered with cotton cloth.
  3. Dry at a temperature of 70 degrees, not forgetting to mix.

On air:

  1. Wash and dry fruit with a towel.
  2. Cut and lay out on the board.
  3. Leave to dry in the sun for 2 days.
  4. At night - bring home.

Harm of dried fruits and contraindications

Home dried fruits will not do harm. From the store, they are most often watered with chemicals to extend the shelf life and from rodents. In order to make them tastier and more beautiful in appearance, they are watered with additional syrups.

Thus, such fruits become useless for humans. Therefore, it is not recommended to get involved in store-bought dried fruits.

An excess of dried fruits eaten will not bring benefits. The harm they cause to the body is as follows:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • spoils the enamel of the teeth;
  • not recommended for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

How to choose dried fruits

In order for dried fruits to bring more benefits to the body than harm, you need to be able to choose them correctly. Any dried fruits that are sold in stores are not suitable for eating.

Quality dried fruits look like this:

  • raisins - dark brown;
  • dried apricots are pale orange in color (a darker color indicates treatment with sulfites, and a whitish color indicates a lower grade);
  • prunes - black with a bluish tint;
  • dates - clean skin without sugar crystals.

Only such dried fruits will benefit the human body. Any others (overdried or overly brightly colored) are treated with chemicals to add flavor or beauty to the product.

How to store dried fruits at home

Storage of dried fruits should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • in the place where they are stored, you need to keep cool and dry;
  • fruits should be stored in glass jars, wooden boxes, ceramic dishes with tight-fitting lids;
  • fruits packed with mint will be inaccessible to pests;
  • store for 1 year (if longer - such fruits are thrown away);
  • it is recommended to stock up as much dried fruit as a person can eat during the winter.


The benefits and harms of dried fruits are in the amount of food consumed. With the right approach and calculation of the diet, they will give the body only their beneficial properties.

Dried fruit is a popular product that is often used in diets. Dried fruits for weight loss are useful - it is a rich source of fiber and various vitamins. Dried fruits are more nutritious than their fresh counterparts, but they do not affect weight gain, if you follow the rules of consumption. The advantage of this product is that dried fruit is an exclusively natural product. As a rule, they do not add flavor enhancers and food additives. Such food is useful for those who want to lose weight, while observing the basics of proper nutrition.

Is it possible to eat dried fruits while losing weight

Eating dried fruits is good for the body. In addition, this product is nutritious and very tasty, each person will be able to choose for himself dried fruits that will suit his taste. This delicacy during the day can support energy and the necessary strength. Is it possible to eat dried fruits during weight loss, because they are high-calorie foods?

Experts say that eating dried fruit is healthy. It will not harm the figure. In addition, by eating some dried fruit, you can temporarily drown out the feeling of hunger. You should not just get carried away with dried fruits: this can lead to indigestion. All products of this type are well absorbed. The most popular are prunes and dried apricots for weight loss.

What dried fruits to eat when losing weight

Each of the dried fruits has useful properties, knowing about which you can easily choose the food that suits your body. Dried fruits are useful for weight loss, because they are concentrated sources of various nutrients necessary for normal well-being. In addition, they perfectly help to satisfy hunger and relieve irritability.

While on a diet, you should give preference to certain types of dried fruits. Choose foods with a low GI (glycemic index), as the fruit will take a long time to digest and will not cause a sharp rise in insulin. This is important, because with significant doses of sugar, most of it turns into fat. Thanks to insulin, the body only builds adipose tissue, but does not break it down. Therefore, if two people eat the same number of calories, but the products are different in GI, they will lose weight in different ways.


Prunes can replace sugar and sweets. It contains a huge amount of dietary fiber. In addition, dried plum perfectly removes toxins from the body, significantly improves the functioning of the digestive tract: the process of losing weight is faster and easier. In addition, the dried berry is a natural excellent antidepressant, which is also important for losing weight. The correct use of prunes involves the following actions:

  • use soaked prunes for fasting days, it must be eaten in small portions (no more than 100 g) every 3 hours;
  • to gradually get rid of unnecessary kilograms, you need to eat 5 dried plums a day.

Dried apricots

Dried apricot has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, satisfies the need for sweets. There is practically no fat in dried apricots, it tastes sweet. Natural sugar is not harmful, it is not deposited on the waist. The product improves the functioning of the heart. It is necessary to eat 30 grams of dried apricots per day to feel the benefits of this product. During the diet, you can eat dried apricots with cereals, salads or instead of dessert. You can cook baked chicken with dried apricots or oatmeal. A few dried apricots, washed down with water, are good for a quick snack.


The constant companion of losing weight is raisins, which supply the body with useful microelements and vitamins. Dried grapes contain a lot of fructose, glucose, which gives energy to the body. Especially such a product is necessary for athletes. For those who are on a diet, it is needed to replenish energy - you should not get carried away with it, 10 berries a day are enough. Small portions of raisins are a great snack, which in the process of losing weight will help you give up harmful sweets.

The use of dried grapes reduces stress, facilitates the work of the liver, and reduces the risk of anemia. All this has a beneficial effect on the fight against weight. Blue or dark raisins are good for a diet. Dried fruit can be eaten daily as an independent product or as an additive with cereals or cottage cheese. Before use, raisins must be soaked in water for half an hour, and then rinsed well.

dried apples

To achieve a positive effect from the diet, you need to eat 15 gr. dried apples a day. The product contains a huge amount of useful trace elements and substances. There are vitamins B, A, PP in fruits. This combination:

  • supports a good metabolism;
  • stimulates the brain;
  • plus iron improves blood quality, prevents anemia;
  • with fiber - helps digestion and removes radionuclides from the body, still causes a feeling of fullness;
  • thanks to pectins - has a fat-burning effect, improves metabolism.


Dried figs have more calories than fresh figs, but don't be alarmed. You will not eat much of this product because it is too sweet. Figs quickly bring saturation, and the special substances contained in it suppress hunger for a long time. The easiest way to lose weight with figs is to replace the usual dinner with this dried fruit. Beforehand, half an hour before meals, it should be put in cold water to soften. You can replace all sweets and sweets with figs. It should be eaten separately from the main meal, an hour after the meal.

Video: Recipe for wheat porridge with dried fruits

Dried fruits are the best sweetness and an excellent substitute for sweets. Any nutritionist and adherent of a healthy lifestyle will say this. But are all dried fruits the same? What types of dried fruits are there, how and where should they be stored? These questions should be puzzled before going to the store to buy solar gifts from the southern countries.

The main argument in favor of dried fruits is their nutritional value and low moisture content, due to which they can be stored longer than fresh fruits. In dry form, these products can be stored for several months. have a seasonality factor, and dried fruits will supply the human body with useful substances all year round.

In the production of dried fruits, fresh fruits are dried to a moisture content of no more than 20%, as a result of which they are preserved. In this case, the process can be carried out in a natural, proven way over the years (outdoors in the sun or in the shade) or accelerated (using chemicals or heat treatment). It is clear that the accelerated method is the least pleasant and useful for the consumer. Therefore, you should choose dried fruits wisely.

Unnaturally bright color of dried fruits is a sign of unnaturalness

It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance: a bright unnatural color, an even beautiful shape, a glossy sheen tell us about the use in the production of dried fruits.

After the purchase, it is equally important to know where to store dried fruits and how to do it correctly.

In appearance, dried fruits are different:

1. Dried whole with bone.

2. Whole pitted.

3. Seedless fruit halves.

4. Cut into pieces.

Now let's talk about the benefits of dried fruits.

What are the benefits of dried fruits

Thanks to careful drying, vitamins of groups A and B are well preserved in fruits. The mineral composition of dried fruits is rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. In addition, dried fruits contain a balanced form of fiber and organic acids. That is why properly dried fruits help to normalize the functioning of many body systems, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and strengthen bones.

As can be seen from the table, any type of dried fruit has valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. Their main drawback is their high caloric content and sugar content. At the same time, dried fruits have, therefore, the sugars contained in them do not lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose.

How to store dried fruits correctly?

Incorrect storage of dried fruits can lead to a violation of the structure and nutritional value of the product, as well as to its deterioration. Therefore, it is important to know where to store. Consider these rules below and find out the question of how to properly store dried fruits.

1. The best place to store dried fruits should have a temperature of no more than 10 degrees Celsius and a humidity of no more than 70%. Heat and moisture are the main enemies of dried fruits, since with an increase in temperature and humidity, pests can start in the product.

2. Before storing dried fruits, they must be kept in an open container in the air so that the natural moisture inside the product is evenly distributed.

3. The best containers are canvas bags. Glass, ceramic or wooden containers with tight lids are also suitable. Bags should be tied and jars tightly closed. Otherwise, pest bugs will quickly penetrate inside.

4. Periodically, it is necessary to check the stored dried fruits and sort them out: throw them away with traces of spoilage and mold, and dry the damp fruits additionally.

5. Different types of dried fruits must be stored separately from each other, as they may have different humidity. Together they will spoil faster.

If you follow these rules for storing dried fruits, the fruits will retain their valuable qualities and will not deteriorate during the year.

Dried fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They strengthen our immune system, protect against vitamin deficiencies, replace harmful sweets and sugar for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Dried fruits fit perfectly into our daily diet, inspiring us to try new recipes for salads and desserts. And they just cheer up with their natural sweetness. Almost all dried fruits are good for our health, but there are undisputed leaders among them. Top 10 healthy dried fruits ─ in the MedAboutMe review.

The leader in the content of dietary fiber (100 g of this product contains 63% of fiber from the daily requirement). It is very beneficial for women's health, as it contains a huge amount of compounds and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the female body. For example, folic acid, indispensable during pregnancy.

Figs are rich in potassium - his merit in reducing high blood pressure. Dietary fiber, which is found in excess in figs, improves intestinal motility.

If dried figs have a salty-sour taste, then its shelf life has expired, and such a product should not be eaten. Quality dried figs should not be dry and rough to the touch. Choose fruits that are beige or light brown, matte, and relatively soft to the touch.

Most useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are one of the most favorite dried fruits among those who love sweets. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle replace sweets and other sweets with it, which is very beneficial for health.

Dried apricots are rich in vitamin A (60% of the daily dose in 100 g of the product), so its use will have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, as well as vitamin C, potassium, iron and fiber.

When choosing dried apricots, give preference to frosted dried fruits. Bright, shiny, beautiful dried apricots should alert you - probably, the fruits were processed with chemicals during drying. Before use, it is advisable to clean the dried apricots well - soak it in warm water for 15 minutes, then rinse under running water.

Most useful for the cardiovascular system, skin.

Prunes, due to their dietary properties, are one of the best foods for those who care about their weight. Dried plum fruits are rich in fiber and pectins, which has a positive effect on bowel function. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals: prunes contain vitamin C, A, B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium. Prunes are also one of the leaders in the content of organic acids (175% of the daily dose per 100 g of the product).

Prunes are not only useful, but also versatile in use. In addition to using it in its pure form, you can add it to pilaf and meat dishes (dried fruit gives them a piquant taste), prepare desserts, salads, and various vitamin drinks with it.

Most useful for the pancreas, intestines.


There is a place for raisins everywhere: pancakes, pastries, cottage cheese casseroles or fresh cottage cheese, cereals, salads, meat dishes. Most of all, dried grapes contain vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Due to their low sodium content, raisins are more suitable for high blood pressure than other dried fruits. It is good for dental health, helps to improve vision, and due to the content of iron (20% of the daily requirement in 100 g of product) it is useful for anemia.

Dried grapes are rich in fructose and glucose, so it is recommended to add it to the diet of people doing heavy physical work. Raisins are one of the most affordable sources of vitamins and minerals. Just one handful of raisins, added to oatmeal for breakfast, will bring invaluable benefits to your body.

Most useful for the nervous system, with anemia.

Dried apples are an affordable and worthy source of iron (43% of the daily requirement per 100 g of product), which is necessary for oxygen transport. For the same reason, they are useful in anemia and other diseases associated with low hemoglobin levels.

Dried apples are a storehouse of dietary fiber. While fresh fruits contain 15% of the daily fiber requirement, dry fruits contain 48% per 100 g of product. With moderate use of dried apples, cholesterol levels decrease, and the digestive system improves. On the other hand, dehydrated apples are devoid of vitamin C, so you should not completely replace fresh fruit with them, so as not to deprive your body of this valuable compound.

Dried apples are good to eat with the skin, which is very rich in antioxidants. Therefore, if you dry apples yourself, do not peel them.

Most useful for anemia, for the digestive system.

dried pear

Dried pears are less popular than apples, raisins and prunes, but they take their rightful place in the list of the most useful dried fruits. It is rich in organic acids (75% DV), dietary fiber, glucose and fructose, and vitamin C (13% DV).

Among dried fruits, the pear is the leader in the high content of antioxidants that protect the heart. Dried pear contains arbutin, a natural antibiotic. Dried fruit is useful for problems with the pancreas, improves digestion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Dried pear satisfies hunger well, so you can snack on this dried fruit between main meals.

Most beneficial for the heart.

Dried cherries are valued for their high content of pectins, which normalize intestinal motility. It is useful for the circulatory system, normalizing blood clotting, being a good prevention of blood clots.

Dried cherries are the undisputed leader among dried fruits in the content of beta-carotenes, known as powerful antioxidants.

It is impossible not to say that the dried fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. So, a handful of berries contains the daily norm of magnesium and cobalt.

Most useful for the circulatory system.

dried mango

High-quality, ripe tropical mango fruits are rarely found on supermarket shelves, so we advise you to pay attention to dried mangoes, which fully preserve all the beneficial properties of fresh fruit.

With the regular use of this dried fruit, the work of the digestive system and intestines improves - and all thanks to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber in the product. The benefits of dried mango for the cardiovascular system and nervous system are undeniable. This dried fruit is a natural cocktail of vitamins (A, C and E) and antioxidants. By introducing it into your diet, you will strengthen your immunity and improve the condition of your skin and hair.

Use fragrant pieces of dried fruit as a natural sugar substitute. Add them to cereals, various desserts, curd masses, and the dish will become not only tastier, but also healthy.

Most useful for the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Dates are a healthy alternative to sweets and candies. A glass of dried dates provides almost half of the body's daily fiber requirement (47% of the daily requirement).

Dates are a complex of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. So, one cup of dried fruits provides 12% of the daily value of vitamin B6, 7% folic acid, 19% manganese, 15% magnesium, 5% calcium. Dried dates are leaders among dried fruits in terms of polyphenol content.

Dates contain an excess of fructose, so this dried fruit should be excluded from the diet with food intolerance to fructose.

Most useful for the heart and immune system.

dried melon

Melon is a fragrant, juicy and sweet fruit. It is a valuable dietary product that is easily absorbed by our body and, thanks to its high fiber content, improves digestion and bowel function. Dried melon retains all the beneficial properties of fresh fruit.

Between main meals.

Dried fruits are the healthiest alternative to sweets. So, you can replace regular sweets with more healthy dried fruit sweets. The fastest and easiest option is to grind nuts and dried fruits in a blender with a little water and a pinch of salt, form into balls and, if desired, roll in coconut or sesame seeds. You will get delicious, sweet and healthy candies!

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