Arrangement of a children's room with their own hands. Creating the right environment in the children's room: interior and furniture

Landscaping and planning 29.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Equipment for a children's playroom: selection criteria + types of entertainment for children + calculation of expenses + 2 mind-blowing ideas to delight the little one.

A children's playroom is a kind of refuge from adults, where every child can find a secluded corner for themselves.

Before choose equipment for the children's playroom it is worth determining what exactly the child himself can expect from her, and the functions that she will perform in the first place.

The most basic functions that such a room performs:

  • to occupy the child while the parent is resting;
  • help find friends among other children;
  • opportunity to play board games, or with toys that are not at home;
  • the opportunity to actively, but safely, have fun in a small gaming complex;
  • the opportunity for the parent to spend time with the child outside the home, to change the situation.

1. Criteria for choosing equipment for children's playrooms?

a) Age of children

Having determined the main goals of opening a children's playroom, you can already get closer to what it should be equipped with. But first you need to determine what age this place will be designed for.

Since it is customary to consider children from 0-12, and if you believe the laws of the Russian Federation, then up to 18, it is still worth clearly defining the age range. It would be completely inappropriate to bring a 14-year-old teenager or a 5-month-old baby into a room where 6-year-old children play.

Why lead to a children's entertainment room where there are games only for small children, an adult child, or even a small one who is not even standing yet? However, there are people to whom this will seem completely normal.

The most suitable age for visiting such places is from 3 to 8 years. At this age, children are already smart enough, but still small in stature, which is important, as this will allow you to equip a lot of corners for fun in a small area.

If it's about large room, then here you can already roam and make the age restrictions a little wider.

b) Room size

As it is written in paragraph "a", small rooms are more suitable for middle-aged children, but a solid space can be divided into separate levels, namely, according to the age and level of development of the child.

Naturally, you won’t occupy children with toys for a long time, so a large space is the key to success, since the larger the footage, the more opportunity for active play.

The minimum area for such a place is 30 square meters. This should be enough for 20 children to attend at the same time. But this option will not bring much profit. large-scale project will require at least 100 square meters.

c) Availability of topics

The presence of any theme can attract interest in the children's room. Themed establishments always enjoy more in high demand, but prerequisite there should be a well-chosen theme and its correct execution.

Based on this, we can conclude that additional equipment will be required for the thematic room.

The most suitable are the following:

  • pirates;
  • spaceship;
  • Indians;
  • animals;
  • the main characters of the cartoons;
  • underwater world;
  • other.

2. Types of equipment for a children's playroom

    Labyrinths are one of the main types of entertainment for children. A labyrinth means a space of various slides, obstacles, etc.

    But the most interesting thing is that usually such labyrinths have several floors, which means that on small plot can accommodate enough space for an interesting quest.

    The approximate cost of such a labyrinth may depend on its area and height. You can compare the average prices for a game labyrinth in Russia depending on the size:

  1. Slides - usually sold as a set with labyrinths, but can also be purchased separately. It is most convenient to put together with a dry pool or a soft surface (gymnastic mats).

    The average cost of a small plastic slide is within 15,000 rubles (it all depends not only on the area, but also on the complexity of the structure).

    This means that a small slide will be enough for a small room, but for a place of entertainment more large scale it is better to take larger complexes, which include several slides of different types.

    The cost of such a complex will cost accordingly - from 80,000 rubles.

  2. Trampoline is one of the simplest and most fun entertainment for the game room. Trampolines differ among themselves not only in area, but also in the structure itself. Trampolines are both inflatable for children and jumping mats on springs.

    Variety of trampolinesDescriptionArea (square meters)Cost (in rubles)
    InflatableDesigned for 1-2 children weighing up to 60 kg.

    From 3 to 56,000-8,000
    springDesigned for 1 child weighing up to 40 kg.

    From 3 to 5From 15,000 to 20,000
  3. Dry pool - a pool filled with plastic balls for a safe and fun pastime. It can go as a set with slides or a labyrinth, as well as a separate arena.

    Swimming pool areaCost (in rubles)Filling with balloons (pieces)
    From 5 square metersFrom 6,000From 2,000
    From 10 square metersFrom 12,000From 4,000
    Balls cost 7/pieceUp to 1,000

    From 1,000

  4. Rides and games- Another type of entertainment for children, which can be suitable for both toddlers and older children. Most popular rides:

3. Additional equipment for a children's playroom

1) Furniture

You won’t need much, but, nevertheless, it’s almost impossible to do without them. At least you need small table for drawing and other needlework, as well as several chairs. Given the fact that this is a games room, it is better to choose bean bags for convenience.

average cost children's table for drawing about 10,000 rubles. A average cost a small bag chair from 1,000 rubles.

2) Floor coverings

In addition to labyrinths and attractions for children, it is worth thinking about their safety, namely, the decoration of the room. Because in the territory entertainment complex there will be slides and other types of attractions, you should understand that falls cannot be avoided.

However, if you secure the floor, and perhaps even the walls, with a special coating, you can avoid injury.

The most popular type of coverage for a children's room is modular mats. They are also used. They consist of ethylene vinyl acetate and, despite the long and scary name, they are absolutely harmless, even for the delicate children's body. Among the advantages of this material are:

  • ease;
  • elasticity;
  • ease of installation;
  • elasticity;
  • wear resistance.

Ease of installation refers to the principle of puzzles. In order to install such mats, it is not necessary to hire workers, as everyone can handle it.

They come in different densities: 80 kg/m3, as well as 100 kg/m3.

Also, do not forget that when falling from a hill, such a coating saves, but not so effectively, so it would be nice to buy gymnastic mats and lay them next to places with the highest probability of injury.

Of course, in the children's playroom there should not be such places at all, but it would be nice to secure everything additionally.

The average cost of one mat with parameters 1 * 1 * 0.05 m - from 1,800 rubles per piece. This option is the most suitable, since the territory to be fenced may have different shape, and small mats will allow it to be repeated as much as possible.

3) Lighting for children game rooms + 2 interesting ideas.

When choosing standard lighting, it is better to stop at the one built into the ceiling or into the walls so as not to take up space from the room, namely the height of the ceilings.

On average, such lighting, together with electrical wiring and installation for a room of 60 square meters, costs from 30,000 rubles.

In order to emphasize what it is, you can allow yourself to play with your imagination when choosing chandeliers and lamps.

4. Calculation of the cost of equipment for children's playrooms

If we take into account a children's room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b30 square meters, then we can calculate approximate cost equipment.

ExpenditureCost (in rubles)
Total:RUB 210,000
Gymnastic mats10,000
Inflatable trampoline8,000
Dry pool16,000
Rides and games31,000

In order to equip a small children's playroom, you need to have an amount of at least 200,000 rubles, which is quite acceptable. This will allow enough short time, and at the same time make the institution as interesting as possible and amaze with a variety of choices.

If we are talking about a themed room, it is still worth adding at least 50,000 to the resulting amount for additional decor.

In general, it is almost impossible to calculate the cost of decorations, since in this case it all depends on the imagination. Sometimes, with great desire and skill, you can invest at a minimum, but, thanks to the efforts, get an excellent result.

Conclusions on how to equip a children's playroom

Equipment for children's playrooms In addition to entertainment, it has one important feature - safety. It is very important not to save on quality, because the worse it is, the lower the level of safety for children. That is why the use of special coatings is recommended.

To implement more innovative ideas, an additional amount will be needed, but in this case, the room will qualitatively differ from the rest in its originality and, accordingly, the demand for it will be higher.

Do you want to buy equipment for the playroom?

Then first check out the typical range:

Video games, set-top boxes with large screens, as well as game installations with simulators (dancing, riding a motorcycle, shooting range, etc.) will help to dilute leisure and increase the age limit for visiting the room, since this format of entertainment will be close enough to children from 10- you years.

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How to create a children's room for two children. How to create a room for the development of the child's abilities.

Idea 1. Children's room for two

In the nursery for two children, you can arrange the beds in such a way that the headboard turns out to be shared by two. This will bring the kids together even more. The headboard itself is made to order from fabric and wooden frame. The fabric can be washed if necessary and is comfortable to lean on when watching TV or reading books.

Idea 2. Storage of small things

colorful boxes - perfect option for small items storage. They are roomy, do not collect dust and organize things well, they can be very diverse in color and material used. The main rule is not to violate the stylistic and color harmony interior.

Idea 3. Color design of the children's room

From this pretty room breathes the spring scent of flowers. The combination of pink and light green is an unmistakable color combination for the interior of a girl's room. The room is divided into a recreation area and a work area.

Desk v working area stands by the window, which provides a good daylight afternoon. Nice green rug in the seating area - perfect place for games. A curtain made of beads acts as an element of zoning.

Such a curtain can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. You will need acrylic or glass beads, fishing line.

Glass is heavier than acrylic, so you can hang more threads with acrylic beads on the cornice than with glass ones. The shape of acrylic beads can be very diverse: round, oval, rectangular, faceted. The size of the beads is from 4 to 30 mm. But glass is more durable. In addition, glass beads look more presentable. However, you should not limit your imagination to acrylic and glass beads. Suitable glass beads, beads, original form buttons, and instead of fishing line - twine or satin ribbon. String anything and anything. Don't be afraid to experiment.

In practice, the process looks like this. We pass the fishing line into the hole of the bead, then again and tighten the loop. This method of fastening allows the beads to hold well, and you can easily move them along the fishing line. We string on each fishing line right amount beads. The length of the curtain can be any. We fasten the finished thread to the driven carnations or tie the fishing line to the rings and place it on the cornice.

Idea 4. How to choose a color for a nursery

Choice colors for children is not always successful. A tasteless interior is annoying for many. Bright red furniture, saturated green walls can cause depression even in an adult, to say nothing of a child. Involuntarily, there is a desire to reduce this screaming brightness.

This interior was conceived in the style of " ladybug". But the surplus of bright accents brought to naught a generally good idea. A bright carpet with a primitive pattern in the form of a smiling face is completely out of place. Changing it to green, reminiscent of a clearing, will already partially relieve tension. The color of the walls should be made white or neutral sunny shades: beige, creamy.

Such "flashy" interiors emphasize the importance of choice. good designer. How not to make a mistake with the choice? What to pay attention to?

A designer, like any other representative of creative professions, has his own view of the world, a unique style, character. Take a look at his work.

You have to make friends with the designer, trust him. A real masterpiece is born only with the full understanding of the client and the designer. Otherwise, conflicts and disagreements cannot be avoided.

The price of services depends on the complexity of the work and the area of ​​​​the room. But in any case, it is incomparable with the cost of repairs and furnishing. good master cannot be cheap. These expenses will turn into joy for you from contemplating the finished project.

Idea 5. Room for a newborn

The room for a newborn is a real small country. Everything should be comfortable and safe in it. It is from this room that the baby begins to explore the world. Create a story for him. Decorate the room with love.

It should be spacious, bright and sunny. Try to ensure that everything in the room is environmentally friendly. clean materials. The floor is best wood. But if you have linoleum, don't worry. Now available safe cover PVC-free. Cover the walls with washable wallpaper in soothing shades. Later you will have time to liven them up with brighter accents. But now it is important to create a cozy, comfortable environment for the newborn. For curtains, use natural fabrics. They should be thick enough to block out light.

Avoid “accumulators” of dust in the baby’s room: carpets, rugs, books, etc. By the way, microbes that die in the air remain on carpets for a long time. Therefore, use a vacuum cleaner more often.

An ionizer will also be a useful acquisition for a nursery. It effectively ventilates the room, eliminating harmful microbes.

Idea 6. How not to equip a nursery

Here is another example of the wrong arrangement of the children's room. It has too much textile. Ruches are undoubtedly a beautiful element, but very impractical. Just imagine that all this beauty needs to be washed once a week, then dried and ironed. Why so much extra hassle? There should be as few dust collectors as possible in the room. This will make it easier to clean up and keep clean. For children, the principle is relevant: the simpler, the more convenient.

The canopy over the bed is a separate topic for conversation. Initially, it was conceived as an anti-mosquito net. However, today there are many other, more effective ways insect control. Then why do you need a canopy at all? To create a cozy atmosphere? This is a dust collector, which also hangs directly above the child. But if you still decide to leave the canopy, then do not forget to wash it once a week.

Idea 7. Corner in the nursery

Every child needs their own corner small house v big house. If you do not have a children's room, allocate part of a suitable room for a children's area. You can visually separate it from an adult with a translucent curtain. Light and graceful, it looks like sun glare. Its color will fill the children's corner with light and comfort. You can also use a thicker curtain, a mobile screen, or vertical blinds that are attached to the ceiling.

Warm colors in the children's area refresh the room and create a joyful mood. Have you noticed that the decor in the room is like that of adults, only smaller and smaller?

This is a real gnome's house with doll furniture. A miniature bed, a chest of drawers for storing things, a table for games, creativity and guests, even a small one bedside table and a tiny lamp. Children love it so much that they have everything in an adult way. By copying the actions of the elders, the child learns to be neat and collected.

Arranging a nursery is a responsible task. As a rule, the children's room has small area, and stands in front of the parents not an easy task, how to arrange everything so that the active Pochemuchka can run, play, do homework?

Let's say right away that neither in a small children's room, nor in a large one there is a place for expensive things, everything in it should be practical, hygienic, environmentally safe and, first of all, the child himself likes. For walls and ceilings, we recommend a simple "breathable" whitewash and paper wallpaper. For the floor, it is better to choose a laminate or linoleum, non-combustible and easy to clean carpet. To make the room visually look more spacious, designers recommend using light colors.

Wallpaper for the children's room is suitable for pastel colors. For young children, psychologists recommend a pinkish color. They can depict cartoon characters and children's books, funny animals, toys. For older children, the selection criteria are different: the boy will like the wallpaper of strict “male” colors with the appropriate pattern (ships, sports, cars), the girl will like warm colors, flowers and trees, butterflies, landscapes.

However, furnishing a small children's room, it should be highlighted bright accents, it can be a lamp, curtains, bright pillows, etc.

So that the child’s eyesight does not deteriorate, the lighting of the nursery must be well thought out. The place for reading and lessons should be properly lit. Do not buy transparent lamps that are harmful to the eyes; milky white is optimal, but a green lampshade is also possible. Try to keep the lighting bright but not harsh. Firstly, this is good for the eyes, and secondly, good, properly selected lighting will visually expand the area.

About the selection of flowers for the nursery should be said separately. For her, light, not too bright and dark tones are good. It is known about the stimulating effect of red, so it is only permissible for lethargic and phlegmatic children, the depressing effect of blue (it is better to prefer blue, the color of the sky and the sea, and by the way, it suits teenagers better than kids). Green raises no objections, not bad yellow, light orange. The desk should be dim and not particularly light.

Children's furniture is sold in abundance, but you need to choose it carefully. The table and chairs should not be too high, special attention should be paid to the strength and stability of the nursery furniture. There are children's furniture in stores with rounded corners, without glass parts. Furniture for a small children's room should be as comfortable, roomy and functional as possible.

Pay attention to modular and cabinet furniture, which can be rebuilt as needed for transforming - its height can be changed when the child grows up. bunk bed can be purchased for an only child. This will free up space for games, besides, children like such beds.

What should be a small children's room

No matter how small the children's room is, try to allocate several zones - for relaxation, for playing and for studying. To distinguish between zones, use different color solutions. Do not forget to hang a mirror in the nursery, especially if its inhabitant is a little lady.

It is even more difficult and interesting to equip a small children's room designed for two children, especially of different sex and age. In this case, two zones are also recommended. different color and style. The boy will like the techno style, the girl will like the romantic style. This is important, because even if you can give the children only one room, each of them must have their own corner in it.

Wallpaper for a children's room in which children of different sexes will live, it is better to buy completely neutral ones, and decorate the walls near each bed in different ways: with rugs, paintings, posters, stickers, toys and souvenirs, photographs and crafts, for a boy - one, for girls are different.

Curtains for a nursery should be easy to wash and not get very dirty. Special attention pay attention to the reliability and strength of the cornice fasteners. Dark or overly bright material for curtains is highly undesirable, as well as expensive. Flammable is not allowed. Girls like complex fantasy styles with frills, bows and lambrequins, warm colors, floral patterns. Boys - khaki and cowboy denim blue. Consider that for a small children's room, light, airy fabrics are preferable, while heavy, dark curtains hide the space.

Small children's room - photo

Remember, the main thing is not the area, but the love and attention with which you create the interior for your little angels!

Arrangement children's room is a very difficult and responsible task. Designers who have been entrusted with the design of a nursery, or parents who have decided to equip a room on their own, face a number of safety, environmental, and environmental requirements. With so many tips and restrictions, it's easy to get confused and make mistakes.

We have prepared a list of the most common mistakes made when arranging a child's schoolchildren, which should be avoided:

1. Too clutter up the space with furniture. In the children's room, you need to leave enough space for games and communication with friends. Instead of adding another chest of drawers or ordering a huge closet, consider whether you can use other storage options: use niches under the sofa, space under the bed, or place shelves in the closet more functionally and arrange books more compactly on the rack. 1

Better: a nursery with enough space for games and entertainment

2. Use complex design elements. For example, in the past, such a technique, beloved by many designers, as a complex multilevel ceiling from drywall, literally hanging over a sleeping place, is absolutely inappropriate in a nursery. Such unnecessary design elements include decorative niches and (equipped with lighting, they will look much more appropriate in living rooms), arches(to ensure privacy, it is better to install a door in the children's room) and other clean decorative techniques, which do not carry a functional load.

Better: a nursery with functional niches, shelving and other useful elements


3. Buy too expensive furniture. Yes, parents often want to show others that they do not feel sorry for anything for the baby and expensive furniture brought from Italy is worthy of their future excellent student. BUT in the end, the baby will constantly hear - “careful, don’t scratch”, “don’t climb on this sofa with your feet”, “no, you can’t stick your drawings or a poster of your favorite group on this wallpaper” and so on. There is no need to turn the nursery into an exhibition of the possibilities of parents, this is a “living” room that will grow with the child, and the interior here will have to be changed quite often.

Better: a "live" nursery that changes with the child

4. Buy furniture "for growth." Making a room for a child too adult - “until the school finishes, we will not change anything”, is certainly very economical, but a featureless room in which the child does not like anything is unlikely to make him happy. Try to involve the child as much as possible in the choice of furniture, listen to his wishes when choosing a color, take into account his preferences when decorating a nursery.

Better: children's, equipped by age


5. Ignore the interests of the child in the arrangement of the nursery. A themed nursery is much more interesting than a faceless, “gray” room, like everyone else. Choose the theme that is close to the child, and apply its main attributes in the decor of the nursery. If the child is very addicted and often changes his preferences, it is better to use it on interchangeable accessories.


Better: themed kids room


And most importantly - when equipping a room for a student, be sure to listen to his opinion. He is no longer a baby and is able to decide for himself which wallpaper he likes best and what color sofa he wants. Absolute freedom should not be granted, but it is simply necessary to provide a choice of several options. For example, you can say "choose which of these two chairs you like best." In this case, the child will have a sense of involvement in the interior design of his room and he will treat it carefully and in an adult way.

The principles and rules about which will be discussed in the article will help the home decorator avoid the mistakes most often made by parents when decorating a nursery. By the way, give the baby his own room in country house quite realistic, even if the area of ​​​​your country house is limited. It's time to think about unused space, for example, an attic. For the summer, even without insulation, it can become perfect place for games, sleep and entertainment crumbs. But back to the topic...

1. Do not forget about the tastes of the child

First, let's talk about the principles of arranging a children's room. Who are you doing it for? For yourself - for the sake of your own ambitions and the appearance of your home? Or for a child, trying to arrange this place so that he can develop creatively? When choosing the second path, be prepared for concessions. Because the child is still not you, although it looks like you. For example, your daughter may not love pink color. Well, absolutely, absolutely. What will you do then?

2. Create a neutral color palette

The child does not want at all to have huge giraffes on the wallpaper all over his room, which exceed his own height at least twice. He may simply be afraid of them or begin to misperceive these graceful animals. In general, modern animation often distorts the proportions, forcing the child to see unrealistic perspectives. If you want to add giraffes to the nursery - buy a figurine, draw a picture with your baby. If that's not enough, post a photo. And leave the walls milky white, and choose light-colored furniture.

3. Kids love little things.

Do not forget that the main thing for a child is something that can be touched, clasped with hands. He does not need expensive and stylish wallpapers. It is better to spend money on many small items: buy shells, souvenirs for the nursery, hang photos in frames, bring twigs and buy high-quality textured textiles.

4. Plenty of play space

When planning the arrangement of a room, think less about decorative details and more about platforms for different types games. At the table - one (put chairs), on the floor - others (put a warm carpet), on the wall - hooks for games in the store (hang), in the other corner - a soft corner (buy pouffes).

5. All things must be available to the child immediately

You should not buy a wardrobe, the top shelf of which the child will not reach. Do not place toys higher to make the most of the height of the ceilings. This is a child's room and was created for his convenience.

6. Come up with something together

In the photo above, we see a great idea that father and daughter came up with together. Dad noticed that the girl really liked the hanging of keys, which they use in the hallway. There on the board were hooks for keys, as well as various little things, such as a notebook and a pen. There was also a whole open chest of drawers for toys hung on the wall, with which, thanks to the child's imagination, one can come up with a million games.

7. Children's room should be magical

To achieve such an effect is not so difficult. Use things with history natural materials, hang a garland, arrange a nursery in the attic - and half the battle is done. There will be only care and close attention to detail.

8. Decorate yourself

The fewer ready-made things you buy for the nursery, the better. Small decorative items should be created by the child himself or together with the parents. Only then can you guarantee that you did not impose your aesthetic views on him, but only pushed him to perceive the beauty of this world.

9. Like adults

Children love to have the same thing as adults. And if parents do not yet allow cooking on a real stove, the child needs a small toy. But in this case, it is important to clearly understand which subject from the world of adults the child is interested in, and copy it.

10. Let your child figure out the purpose of objects

Maybe for him the kitchenette is not a kitchenette at all, but a huge home for the life of his plush animals. In this case, you should not persist, because the toys will still have to “live” somewhere.

11. Create Convenient Storage Locations

In the photo above, this is the usual wooden box in which any toys are removed very easily and without problems. Such boxes can be for different things: one - for soft toys, the other is for cars, the third is for balls.

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