How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis. With your own hands: how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper Vinyl wallpaper how to glue them

Engineering systems 30.08.2019
Engineering systems

When renovating a home, many people face difficulties in wallpapering. Paper wallpapers are losing their popularity every day, giving way to their vinyl brothers. With an eye-catching design, vinyl wallpapers waterproof, UV-resistant and durable, they can easily hide any wall imperfections. Such wallpapers are the perfect companion for a young family, allowing parents not to renovate the children's room every year.

Due to the unique technology of vinyl production, the surface of such types of wallpaper can visually imitate natural fabrics and materials such as: leather, wood, marble and silk. Its only drawback, perhaps, is that when smeared with glue, they are easily stretched, and when the glue dries, the wallpaper loses its shape and shrinks.

Therefore, the faster you glue them, the less defects can be seen in the work performed. But, before proceeding with the repair, you need to find out what is the main advantage of vinyl as a material and the technology of how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Types of vinyl wallpaper

Such canvases are made from foamed polyvinyl, which gives the material structure, which, combined with increased density and a variety of textures, allows you to hide defects on the surface.

A variety of colors, textures and manufacturers will allow you to make an individual choice, in accordance with the taste of the owner. The ability to paint vinyl wallpaper, being a kind of bonus, allows you to show your imagination and decorate the walls in an exclusive and sophisticated style.

Vinyl (polyvinyl chloride, or PVC for short) is a transparent colorless plastic, which is chemically resistant to acids, solvents, alkalis, does not burn in air and is characterized by low frost resistance up to -15 0 C, glued to a paper base.

To date, there are two options for vinyl material: paper-based and non-woven. Wallpaper on paper basis the bottom layer is made of paper and the top layer is made of PVC.

How to choose and glue vinyl wallpaper video

Wallpaper preparation

The preparation process began, in fact, in a building materials store at the moment when the color, pattern, and also the number of rolls corresponding to the area were selected. All further recommendations will relate exclusively to the process of cutting rolls and joining the pattern. Cutting vinyl wallpaper begins only after combining the pattern. Care should be taken to ensure that the subsequent canvas is combined with the previous one.

Glue preparation

Dissolve the glue following the instructions. It is necessary to take a clean container, pouring into it the amount of cold clean water indicated in the instructions. Working with a drill with a mixer nozzle, you should slowly bring it into the water. It is strongly not recommended to immediately pour out all the dry glue, it is important to do this gradually so that lumps do not form in the mixed substance. After mixing the whole pack, let it stand for a while, then mix thoroughly again. The consistency should not be too thick.


The most important stage of repair, how to glue vinyl wallpaper, should be approached with the utmost seriousness and painstaking work. Since the canvases of vinyl wallpaper are on top of each other, the joints will be invisible. Therefore, you need to combine the canvases with maximum accuracy.

First, let's make a markup by drawing a straight vertical line on the wall, which will be your reference point. It is desirable that the first panel is glued from the window. The glued wallpapers are straightened from top to bottom with a brush with short bristles. To avoid the formation of bubbles, the brush must be moved from the center to the edges of the cloth.

All subsequent strips of vinyl wallpaper are glued back to back with the previous one. It is strongly not recommended to wipe excess glue with a wet cloth. Drafts should be avoided by maintaining average temperature in a sealed room.

In order to glue wallpaper in the corners with high quality and correctly, wallpaper pasteurists advise not to bend the entire panel for pasting at the junction of the walls. It is undesirable to combine two solid panels in one corner. Optimal for the corner is a sticker of a continuous strip with an overlap of 3 by 5 centimeters.

How to economically and quickly paste vinyl wallpaper video

Trimming the excess from above and below is necessary only when you are convinced that no bubbles have formed on the glued wallpaper. Having found a bubble, you need to quickly pierce it with a needle, force the air out of it and press it carefully so that the wallpaper adheres tightly to the surface.

Sticking vinyl wallpaper in hard-to-reach places

Problem areas when gluing finishing material for walls are windows, doors, cornices, skirting boards and radiators. However, the most difficult area to work with is electrical outlets and switches. To carefully and correctly glue the wallpaper in this area, you must:

  1. turn off the electricity in the room;
  2. take it all off electrical sockets in places where wallpaper will be glued. It is important then to remember their location, so that after gluing you do not have to look for them under the panels;
  3. stick wallpaper;
  4. make cruciform cuts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bswitches and sockets;
  5. bend the corners in the places of the cuts inward, under the switch (socket);
  6. install switches and sockets in place.

If you decide to reinforce theoretical knowledge in practice, but so far you are afraid to start repairing yourself, then watching the video material on our website will allow you to avoid many of the troubles associated with wallpapering.

How to glue video wallpaper

In conclusion, I would like to wish all beginners and wise repair masters not to be afraid to take on vinyl. If you delve into all the subtleties of this difficult, but fascinating business, then you will understand that gluing vinyl wallpapers is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. As they say - the eyes are afraid, but the hands do!

Vinyl wallpapers are in demand among those who want to make redecorating in their apartments. This popularity is explained by the fact that vinyl perfectly imitates various textures and patterns, and the wallpaper is strong and durable. People who decide to do their own redecoration for the first time should first learn how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper. Tips and tricks will help prevent the traditional mistakes of novice decorators.

Vinyl wallpapers are strong and durable, perfectly imitate colors and textures.

Vinyl wallpapers are textured and smooth. This is a two-layer wallpaper, consisting of a base, which can be non-woven or paper, and a vinyl cover. To give the pattern a texture, the coating is poured with foamed vinyl, which has a special density and strength. When silkscreened, the pattern is smooth and shiny.

Properly pasted wallpaper has a service life of at least 10 years.

They are easy to care for and can be used to decorate any room. Among the disadvantages of this modern coverage you can call it chemical basis, which in small doses emits harmful volatile substances, poor breathability. The manufacturer informs where exactly it is allowed to glue his products. If the technology for sticking wallpaper is violated, mold and fungus form under them.

Features of vinyl wallpaper

For rooms with high humidity foam vinyl must be used.

In rooms with high humidity, foam vinyl is more suitable. Such wallpapers have a relief pattern and a low density of the upper layer. They have good breathability and the ability to mask imperfections. uneven walls. Gluing wallpaper is not difficult.

The silkscreen is exceptionally beautiful. It imitates the luxury of textiles and is much cheaper, does not fade and is used for a long time. If you need to glue wallpaper with silk-screen printing, then they buy glue for heavy wallpaper. This type of vinyl wallpaper better fit for rooms. Before using them, the walls must be leveled. If irregularities remain on the surface, the silkscreen will emphasize them.

Glue for working with vinyl wallpaper choose the one that the manufacturer made specifically for them. You can choose the composition of the universal type, allowing on any basis. If this is not found on sale, you need to purchase a special glue for a paper or non-woven base. Other varieties wallpaper glue not suitable due to the specific material, the work will be done poorly.

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper, you need to turn off the supply electric current to the room. Switches and sockets in the room must be removed during wallpapering. If you manage to remove the plinth, then the work will look very neat.

The technology of pasting walls with wallpaper requires that the surface to be pasted is dry. During operation, do not open windows and turn on the fan, air conditioner or convector. The main steps in the work are preparatory work, sticker wallpaper on the wall, the final stage. The quality of the work performed will depend on how responsibly all stages will be carried out.

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Wall pasting tools

To properly glue vinyl wallpaper, you will need the following tools:

  • fur roller for priming walls;
  • brush for applying glue to the canvas;
  • rubber roller for working with seams;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • rags to remove excess glue;
  • clerical knife for cutting cloths;
  • Knife Sharpener.

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Preparing to wallpaper the walls with vinyl

Wallpaper must be glued correctly, otherwise they will become moldy or quickly fall off the wall due to technology violations.

First you need to clean the wall of old materials. It is cleaned with spatulas, sandpaper. The finished wall is leveled with putty, allowed to dry and processed again with coarse sandpaper.

After the wall is completely dry, it is treated with a primer for antifungal protection. After a few hours, you can start pasting the walls. Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, dilute the glue and let it swell. Do it according to the instructions.

If you have pictures on the wallpaper, then they need to be adjusted with each other.

Then proceed to cutting the sheets of the required length. Using a tape measure, measure the height of the walls, add 10 cm to the resulting figure and begin to cut the material. If there is a pattern on the wallpaper, then the canvases are additionally customized so that the pattern matches. No need to make a stack of more than 10 strips. Usually one roll of wallpaper is cut, and when the prepared sheets run out, a new one is started.

If a non-woven base is used, then you need to know how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven fabric. Such wallpapers are not treated with glue. For them, the glue that was applied to the wall is enough. This base does not change the size of the canvas, it will be easy to work.

Sheets of paper-based wallpaper are laid face down. First, the walls are covered with a thin layer of glue. This will improve the adhesion of the sheets to the wall. Having processed the wall with glue using a roller, they begin to apply glue to the back of the wallpaper. Perfectly done work has no traces of glue on the front side. Accidentally caught excess glue is immediately removed with a clean rag.

The middle of the sheet is passed with a roller, and the edges and corners are carefully treated with a brush. The prepared paper-based sheet cannot be immediately glued to the wall. You need to wait until the paper is saturated with moisture adhesive composition. To do this, the sheet is folded in half. The packaging says how to glue the wallpaper. The duration of this process depends on the density of the material used. The denser it is, the more time it will take. Paper-based wallpaper tends to stretch slightly when swelling. To make the work look perfect, the exposure time is observed on each strip, always waiting for the right time.

Since ancient times, people have been decorating their homes using wallpaper. But if in the recent past, they were only of two types - expensive fabric and cheap paper, today the range of materials is much wider. In this article we will talk about vinyl wallpaper.

Why about them? Everything is very simple - this is a material that simultaneously combines affordability, quality and a wide variety of textures and colors. After reading the article to the end, you will learn how to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly, saving your strength and nerves as much as possible.

The key to quality when wallpapering is 90% the basis on which roll coating and will keep. If you do everything right, you will forever forget about peeling edges and swollen seams.

So let's get started.

Removing the old trim

The first step is to remove from the walls everything that will interfere with further work.

If there is old wallpaper in the room being renovated, then they must be removed to the very foundation (see How to remove old vinyl wallpaper from the walls yourself). Of course, if you do not want to breed dirt and do not chase the perfect appearance premises, please leave them. But in this case, the quality is out of the question.

  • To make your task easier, use special means to remove wallpaper. It perfectly penetrates the surface structure and softens the old dried glue.
  • The instruction of this composition says that it should be enough for 200 square meters, but do not rush to trust marketers. In fact, this figure is calculated on the coincidence of all favorable conditions (smooth walls, a surface with high adhesion, etc.), and on walls where there are, for example, two layers of wallpaper, the consumption increases significantly.
  • We’ll tell you in secret that instead of it you can use a composition, the average price of which is 30 rubles per cubic meter- This is water. It impregnates the surface a little worse, but the money saved is better spent on a better glue, for example - Quelyd (a great French-made glue that leaves even well-known competitors like Metylan far behind).

Before repairing, buy yourself a plastic bath and a roller - we will use them to apply all the compounds that we will encounter along the way. The advantage of a bath over a bucket is undeniable, since the ability to remove excess moisture from the tool allows you to perform all work more accurately.

Wet the old wallpaper well (two times is better), and let it soak for five minutes, then start removing it. To do this, use a wide (20 cm is enough) sharp spatula. If the lower layers are poorly saturated, then repeat the treatment with water - and so on until complete cleansing.

The photo above shows the wall after the wallpaper has been removed. Such a picture is easy to find in almost every apartment that contains traces of Soviet decoration. Before you is the bottom layer of oilcloth wallpaper glued on PVA, which is very difficult to remove.

Next, we see large craters on the surface of concrete - a frequent occurrence in houses with thin partitions. It occurs as a result of drilling a wall (mounting doors, canopy of furniture and accessories), and if you look closely, you will see the shiny tips of the anchors that are clogged from the back.

Well, there is nowhere to get away from the peeling putty, which also needs to be cleaned off before solid foundation Whether it's concrete or plaster. If a surface painted with enamel is exposed under the wallpaper, then do not rush to get upset, there is no need to remove it. Enamel is an ideal surface for wallpaper, with absolute adhesion, which will save you from the need to apply a primer.

Leveling the surface

The thinner and more expensive the wallpaper, the more even and smooth the surface is required for them. Remember that each bulge on the wall leads to deformation of the canvas, which complicates the smoothing and joining of the seams, therefore, it is best to start by leveling the walls. But if you're not going to arrange overhaul, then you can limit yourself to patching potholes and puttying (see How to putty walls in different versions).


  • To begin with, we will use a dry brush and clean out all the dust from the chipped places. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the surface of the pothole with a primer - this will bind the remaining dust and improve adhesion. Let the soil soak in and dry.
  • It is most convenient to close cracks using gypsum-based plaster. It, unlike pure gypsum, has long time working out, and, thereby, allows you to do the job more carefully. This is a big plus for inexperienced people who decide to do everything with their own hands.
  • The next step is to apply primer to the walls. Brush the corners of the room, as well as places under the ceiling and near the floor, separately with a brush, since here the wallpaper peels off most often.

Now we pick up a spatula, and in order to create smooth surface, we begin to coat the wall with putty. The more layers you apply, the better the end result will be. But if the walls were not pre-plastered, then the feasibility of applying more than two layers is extremely doubtful.

After the wall dries, it needs to be sanded. Use an abrasive mesh of medium or fine fraction for this.

Next comes the most crucial moment, the correct implementation of which will greatly facilitate your work in the future - this is the priming of the walls under the wallpaper. It would seem nothing special, but in reality everything is different.

  • Unlike a brush, when applying glue to the wall with a roller, a thin layer is formed, which facilitates the process of smoothing and removing air from under the canvas. But due to the fact that the wall draws moisture into itself, such a layer is not enough for a long time, and the wall dries quickly. Because of this, you may not have time to properly smooth out the strip of wallpaper, and it will begin to peel off. The most annoying thing is that you will notice this only the next morning.
  • Therefore, priming is carried out in several stages. First, apply a deep penetration primer to all walls (see Wallpaper Primer: Which to Choose and How to Use). Do not artificially reduce the flow - the soil should literally drain. Give it half an hour to absorb and repeat the whole procedure again. Now you need to give 2-3 hours of drying time.
  • For the third layer, we will prepare a solution ourselves from wallpaper glue. To do this, mix it with cold water in the proportions indicated on the package. We process the walls with the resulting mixture, and let it dry well.

Advice! Be careful, as there are two recipes on the package: one for priming, the other for gluing.

As for the ceiling, then add the following. All leveling, painting and installation work ceiling baguette must be completed prior to gluing. Finishing flooring(except for carpet) it is also advisable to lay it in advance so as not to damage the walls in the future. The exception is floor plinths, which are mounted last.

Sticking wallpaper on the wall

The main feature of vinyl wallpaper is the presence of a layer consisting of polyvinyl chloride applied to a paper or non-woven base. In fact, it is an ordinary plastic that has some elasticity.

Softening the structure

There are wallpapers in which, either low-quality vinyl, or there is too much of it, because of which they are poorly impregnated and extremely reluctant to change the shape that they took as a roll.

That is why all vinyl wallpapers, even on a non-woven base, must first be impregnated with glue. In the language of wallpaper masters, this procedure is called "brewing". Let's see how to do it correctly.

Measure a piece of wallpaper to the height of your room. In the place of the received mark, fold them in half, strictly making sure that the edges do not scatter when folded.

Cut the fabric at the fold using a utility knife or tailor's scissors. Buy several packs of blades for a clerical knife at once, as they become dull very quickly when cutting paper.

Advice! If the wallpaper you use does not have a pattern that needs to be joined together, then to speed up, cut the entire roll at once.

Spread the resulting piece on the floor, and spread a thin layer of glue on it with a roller. Make sure that the edges of the canvas do not remain dry. In order to prevent debris from sticking to the roller, which will then fall on the wallpaper, do not forget to rinse the floor with a damp sponge every time before applying glue to a new batch of wallpaper.

In order for the wallpaper to be better saturated, they must be folded. To do this, we bend both edges in turn towards the center, making sure that they do not overlap each other. Then we fold them two more times and put them aside, allowing them to stand in this form for at least five minutes.

Do the same with all the other cut pieces. In order to have time to produce such blanks, you should not brew more than five pieces at the same time.

Location on the wall

After we unfold the already impregnated wallpaper blank on weight, and apply it to the intended place. We join the seams with the already glued parts, and begin to smooth the canvas from the bottom up. For this procedure, you will need a special trowel and a rubber roller, which effectively expel air and excess glue from under the wallpaper.

When gluing the first piece to the wall, it must be aligned vertically, for which use building level to be attached to the edge of the canvas. To simplify your task, first draw a vertical line on the wall.

Advice! If you see that the seams between the wallpaper do not adhere well, then additionally grease them with glue.

Now you need to cut off the excess wallpaper along the edges of the canvas. If the lower part may not be even (the edges are closed with a plinth), then on top - every millimeter counts.

For an accurate cut, do the following:

  • We bend the wallpaper under the baguette, pushing the corner with a plastic wallpaper spatula.
  • Next, we apply a long metal spatula to the corner from the side of the wall, thereby fixing the canvas.
  • Using the edge of the spatula as a guide, cut through the paper with a clerical knife. This method is difficult to apply if the wall is curved, and does not allow you to apply the spatula evenly. In this case, it is better to rely on your eye, as the master did in the photo below.

Do not forget that wet wallpaper is very easy to tear. Therefore, use only sharp blades, changing or breaking off sections of them every time you feel that they have become worse at cutting. While cutting, hold the knife under the maximum acute angle relative to the wall.


  • Wallpaper is cut in a similar way when joining edges that do not have factory seams. Most often, this technique is performed over the door and window openings, in the corners of the room and in inconspicuous places. It allows you to avoid such a phenomenon harmful to aesthetics as gluing with an overlap.
  • Let's see how this is done in practice. When the wall is glued on both sides at the same time, there will certainly be a section in the middle, the width of which will not match the width of the roll. We cut a piece of the desired length and glue it, joining along the seam on one side, and overlapping on the other.
  • We smooth the canvas, and feel for the border of the lower canvas. We retreat from it 1-2 centimeters, apply a spatula and cut through both layers. Then we bend the edges, and take out the resulting trimmings. Lubricate the wall again with glue, and rub the resulting seam with a trowel, which is very often more inconspicuous than the factory one.

The whole further procedure is monotonous and monotonous, so, having mastered all of the above, you can easily tell anyone how to stick vinyl wallpaper yourself. To strengthen your theoretical knowledge, also pay attention to the video that we have selected for this article. Well, of course, try, create and fix educational material on practice.

Vinyl is far from the latest innovations, so there are a lot of tips and recommendations on how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, as well as what kind of glue to use. At the beginning of their existence, they were called "washable wallpapers" because the vinyl base is durable and resistant to water. Vinyl wallpaper has a number of advantages over paper wallpaper, for example, later you can safely repaint them.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper? Vinyl wallpapers are completely different from wallpapers that have a paper backing. There are many nuances in their sticking, they should be taken into account. Since vinyl wallpaper has two layers ( upper layer made of polyvinyl chloride, and the bottom layer of interlining or paper), they are glued to a special glue, it is designed for heavy wallpaper. By the way, these wallpapers are good because they pass air well, and also from a variety of various structures you can choose the one that is perfect for your space.

Required Tools

So, how to glue vinyl wallpaper and where to start? Prepare everything in advance necessary tools, it will greatly speed up the pace of your work.

You will need:

  • roller, in order to roll their seams;
  • special brush for priming and applying glue;
  • brush for small areas on the wallpaper;
  • spatula for smoothing wallpaper;
  • sponge (soft) or cotton cloth to remove excess glue;
  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • a small spatula can be very useful, it will be convenient for it to press the wallpaper in the corners, as well as straighten it in narrow uncomfortable places;
  • stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • level and paper tape.

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Preparing the base for gluing vinyl wallpaper

First of all, you need to carefully prepare the walls: get rid of the old coating, whether it be plaster, paint or wallpaper; clear the base greasy spots if there are cracks, they need to be puttied (the putty should dry well before you move on to the next step); walls must be even and strong. You can check the strength of the walls as follows: cut off a small piece of adhesive tape, stick it on the wall, if after you pull it sharply, paint or other wall covering remains on the wrong side, then the base requires careful preparation before starting work.

Next up is the primer. To do this, dilute with cold water (following the instructions) dry glue, which is designed for vinyl wallpaper, then apply to the walls. Wait until the soil is completely dry, it will take about 3-4 hours. Then treat the walls with a fungicidal composition that will prevent the appearance of mold under the canvases. Waiting for the composition to dry, prepare a thread with a weight tied to it, use it to draw a vertical line along the wall.

So it will be convenient for you to navigate when you glue the first wallpaper sheet. Before you start gluing the canvas, turn off the electricity in order to remove all sockets and switches from the walls.

What else should you know?

  1. What glue to use.
  2. How to glue.

It is important to note that when sticking vinyl wallpaper, it is imperative to close all windows, fans and air conditioners should not be turned on (there should be no drafts in the room).

To make it easier for you to get rid of old wallpaper, you need to wet the walls with water. Then, after waiting a little, with a spatula, you can easily clean the surface.

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How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

First, prepare the vinyl wallpaper for gluing. Cut them in strips along the height of the wall, leave allowances of about 10 cm on the strips. If there is a pattern on the panel you have chosen, you need to select the segments so that the pattern matches. Place the fabric in a pile pattern side down.

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Instructions for preparing glue

The glue is kneaded in a cup of suitable size with the proportion of water you need. Pour the glue slowly while stirring to avoid the formation of lumps. Then the glue should be infused for 5-10 minutes, after repeated mixing, you can start gluing.
What glue to glue vinyl wallpaper? What kind of glue to glue the wallpaper of your choice, the store consultant can advise.

A selection of glue is an important detail, since the texture of this material can be of several types. And the result of your work depends on the answer to the question of what glue to glue vinyl sheets with. The edges will have to be given Special attention, there should not be a single unsmeared area. Therefore, smear them with a brush, and for the rest of the area you can use a roller. The glue is applied to the desired area on the wall, and in some cases to the wallpaper (carefully read the instructions on the package with the wallpaper). Apply glue evenly, in a thin layer, and then fold the wallpaper so that their bases match. Leave them in this position for 5 minutes.
Press the fabrics with a roller or brush (the bristles of which should be short), iron all seams properly.

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How to glue heavy vinyl wallpaper

So, you have already decided which glue to glue, then you are interested in the question: how to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly. To glue this type of canvas you need at least two people. You need to start from the corner of the wall opposite the window and most correctly from the ceiling, it is convenient to do this from a stepladder, at this time you need to hold the bottom edge. The edge of the wallpaper should coincide with the line you previously drew. Gently press the panel against the wall and brush out (from top to bottom) all air bubbles. Glue should not get on the outside of the wallpaper, if you can't avoid it, gently wipe the protruding glue with a cotton cloth. Do not stretch the width of the vinyl wallpaper during installation, otherwise it may shrink, resulting in empty spaces.

How to trim the edges? Excess material is cut along the ruler with a knife (the knife must be sharp). In the skirting area, leave the bottom edge with a margin of 5 mm. It must be inserted between the wall and the baseboard, but for a more accurate result, remove the baseboard before starting work.

No matter how good the wallpaper in a roll looks, their place is in the decoration of the room, so you still have to learn how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base.

But you should not be afraid - working with these wallpapers is very simple. Despite the relatively high cost, these wallpapers are not only in stable demand, but are also rapidly gaining popularity.

There are many explanations for this - among them there is also a “novelty effect” - after all, the material appeared on the market relatively recently, but there are also objective factors - the quality of the coating is quite consistent with the price.

Pros and cons of a combination of vinyl plus interlining

Formally, these wallpapers do not consist of two, but of three layers - the non-woven base carries two layers - opaque, designed to hide the color unevenness of the walls and decorative vinyl ().

A huge variety of textures (including those imitating other materials) and patterns of such wallpapers allows you to implement quite bold design solutions.

One of the main advantages of using a non-woven base is considered to be the ease of gluing. Although from a practical point of view, wallpapers have many other advantages:

  • density and elasticity - allows the wallpaper to hide the defects in the relief of the walls, up to small cracks;
  • tensile strength;
  • resistance to abrasion and fading;
  • durability;
  • do not create problems during care - both dry and wet cleaning is acceptable;
  • high level of noise absorption;
  • no deformation - the wallpaper does not tend to stretch and shrink under the influence of moisture.

More often they are sold meter long - in this article.

Does this finish have any disadvantages? The main negative point is associated with the likelihood of obtaining a vapor-tight, and sometimes releasing harmful substances wall surface.

However, this only disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper can be practically nullified, remembering to regularly ventilate the room.

Preparation of materials and tools

So, a very pleasant stage - the choice and purchase of wallpaper is completed. What else is needed to realize the idea of ​​decorating a room?

First, you need a special glue. It is desirable that it be specifically for non-woven coatings (Flizelin Premium, Special Non-woven).

And secondly, you should make sure that at the right time you have at hand:

  • paint roller and flat brush (you can use several brushes different sizes) - for applying glue;
  • rubber roller and wallpaper spatula - for smoothing wallpaper;
  • a bucket of at least 10 liters - for the preparation of an adhesive solution;
  • scissors and a construction knife;
  • plumb;
  • a few soft rags and sponges.

If the wallpaper has a regular pattern and there is a need to combine adjacent layers, then you can use a table of a suitable size for cutting, or you can cut and fit the wallpaper directly on the floor, of course, if you are sure that it is clean.

Pasting the room - the main stages

And now it's time to see in practice how easy it is to glue non-woven wallpaper (compared to paper, for example). Having decided to do it yourself, you should adhere to the algorithm:

Step 1 - preparing the walls for pasting

Not the most "clean", but an uncomplicated stage, including simple steps:

  • , plaster and wallpaper. May be needed additional tools and means: a drill, a hammer, special liquids for removing wallpaper;
  • withdrawal wall switches and sockets;
  • primer. Performs many tasks: leveling and lightening the color of the wall, giving strength to the putty (if it was applied), antifungal treatment of the wall. For non-woven wallpaper, you can use their “native” glue as a primer by preparing a solution of a weak consistency.

Leveling the cleaned surface. Non-woven wallpaper can smooth out bumps, but if there is a serious height difference of more than 1 cm,. If there are few irregularities, you can choose a more expensive and easy-to-use polymer putty;

Step 2 - marking the walls and cutting the wallpaper

It will be necessary to mark the walls in any case, but it is not always necessary to cut the wallpaper in advance:

  • marking on the wall of the starting point. Start pasting from the edge of the window opening, it is there that you should draw a vertical line with a plumb line;
  • wallpaper cutting. To do this, the height of the walls is measured, 10 cm of margin is added to the resulting value. It is this length that each cut piece of wallpaper should be;
  • pattern matching. If the details of the picture need to be combined, then first you need to cut a piece from one roll, and then pick up a “pair” from the other for it. This will avoid unnecessary material consumption.

Good news for those who have purchased wallpaper with a chaotic texture, without an ordered pattern: they can do without preliminary cutting at all, gluing the wallpaper directly from the roll - the strength and elasticity of this type of wallpaper create the conditions for this pasting method. A small overlap is made on the ceiling, which is later cut off with a knife, and the bottom of the wallpaper is cut under the plinth or along it.

Step 3 - Creating the Finish Coat

Directly work with wallpaper and glue:

  • adhesive preparation. Bought ready mix diluted with water in accordance with the instructions. Important point- if you can’t exactly maintain the proportions, or you don’t want to, it’s preferable to make the solution thicker, i.e. put more powder, this will only improve the adhesive properties;
  • applying glue. The non-woven base of the wallpaper allows you to make this stage as simple as possible - the glue is simply applied to the wall with a roller, you do not need to cover the wallpaper with it;
  • gluing the first sheet. Regardless of whether the wallpaper is pasted in a separate piece or straight from the roll, you need to align the vertical edge of the wallpaper with the starting marking line. Start gluing from top to bottom, it is convenient to work with an assistant who will support a heavy canvas. Smooth with a roller or spatula from the center to the edge of the canvas, squeezing out air and excess glue, this will allow you to get a wall without bubbles;
  • combining and gluing the second and subsequent sheets. All sheets after the first one are glued end-to-end to the previous one (with an approximate overlap, a gap of up to 1 mm is possible, which will disappear when smoothed), overlap is not needed here. The joints are ironed with a roller, it is better to remove excess glue as quickly as possible with a damp cloth or sponge.

In the process of applying the adhesive, it is important not to rush, not to save the solution and cover with it only that section of the wall where the wallpaper will be pasted right now. If it didn’t work out exactly the first time, then the wallpaper can be removed and re-placed without compromising the quality of the resulting coating.

As you can see, gluing these wallpapers correctly is not difficult at all. However, in any room, in addition to smooth walls, there are such “obstacles” as corners, baseboards, radiators and electrical outlets.

A small brush can be used to coat hard-to-reach places with glue.

It is better to start wallpapering in the corners, having acquired at least some experience, but if you don’t have it, then at least carefully read the following recommendations:

  1. If the walls in the room are fairly even, and the corner is located so that it attracts attention, then the canvases are placed without overlap. To do this, the piece of wallpaper that is pasted first is wound around the corner with a margin of 2 cm. The next one is simply combined with it butt-to-butt.
  2. If the walls and corners do not allow the wallpaper to lay down flawlessly, you can glue the first layer in the same way as option 1. Since the corner is uneven, the overlap will be different. Where it is narrowest, you should retreat from the edge of the wallpaper towards the corner by 1 cm. From this point, measure away from the corner a value equal to the width of the roll. Here draw a vertical line along the level, it will be the edge of the next layer of wallpaper. Thus, an overlap of about 1 cm is formed.
  3. You can glue wallpaper in the corners using such a common and quite effective method as a double cut (undercut) corner. To do this, the strips adjacent to the corner are glued alternately with a large overlap - up to 5 cm. The wallpaper is carefully “imprinted” into the corner. Then use a rigid profile (ruler or rail) located in the center of the corner in order to cut the wallpaper along the line. After trimming, the excess is removed, and the edges of the wallpaper are smeared with glue and ironed with a rubber roller.

But what about sockets? It is advisable to turn them off (as well as switches) for the time of pasting and remove them together with the boxes.

Their locations should be marked with a cross, cut along the same lines and bend the resulting corners inward. The boxes can be returned to their places once the glue has dried.

A wealth of textural and color solutions allows you to independently create a unique and integral design of the room, where the design of the walls will be in harmony with both the floor and ceiling finishes and the interior details.

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