Plaster for beacons - we make perfectly smooth walls. Technology of plaster walls in lighthouses, step-by-step instructions How best to stucked by lighthouses

Landscape design and layout 30.08.2019
Landscape design and layout

Wall plastered the surface of the surface leveling. This is the main task, which in practice is often combined with decoration.

For this, the finishing layer of plaster gives a roughness or a flat drawing.

How to make the surface measured dozens square metersabsolutely smooth? For a beginner, this task is unbearable, if you perform it "on the eye".

After such an alignment, a lot of depressions and protrusions will still remain. To help in this business can plaster walls on lighthouses - simple in work and high-quality results.

Its principle is to install on the walls of parallel rows of beacons - steel profiles or planed wooden plates. On them, the finishers pull the rule aligning solution.

Immediately we note that wood for lighthouses is not the best waySince in the raw solution it has a deform property. Therefore, steel galvanized lighthouses immediately after the appearance on the market quickly passed on it and today became the main assistants of the plastec.

Work on steel guides is easy, finishing productivity and its quality is very high. The only question that is interested in newcomers before the start of such work is how to set lighthouses to the plaster smoothly and reliable. Let's try briefly and clearly answer it.

Alignment of walls by lighthouses

Before starting the installation of the guides, it is necessary to determine the walls of the walls that maximize the surface. They will show us how thick the layer of plaster will have to put for alignment.

If the wall is strongly "rolled" or has a "belly", then such projections are visible to the naked eye. If irregularities are within 1-2 cm, then the alignment of walls on beacons make classic construction method: stretch two cords parallel to the floor and ceiling, vertically and diagonally.

Such a linear "envelope" gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe size and location of the prodin and protrusions, which should close the plaster.

Distance from the cord to the wall is chosen arbitrarily, but so that the cord does not touch her surface anywhere ( minimum distance 10-15 mm).

Determining irregularities, proceed to install the first two lighthouses. They should stand at the angles of the wall with an indent of 15-20 cm. For fastening, a solution is used to be applied to the wall in small "slaps" along the vertical line. 10% add to acceleration to accelerate building gypsum (Alebaster).

After that, the Lighthouse is applied to the lower end to the head of the dowel, established with the thickness of the future plaster. Gently brusing the construction level beacon into the solution, control the verticality of its installation. After that the same way Put the second corner guide.

Intermediate lighthouses are exhibited by cords stretched between corner profiles. The technology here is exactly this: the end of the beacon is resting in the head of the lower dowel and the level vertically hesitated in the solution.

The distance between the guide profiles should be such that the rule has completely fallen to which the solution will be resurrected.

Installation of beacons for plaster requires accuracy and takes enough time. Later this delay is fully compensated by a high speed of work.

Types of plaster beams

Wooden rails used for lighthouse plaster are still at construction site. Their main advantages are multipleness of use and minimum cost.

Metal lighthouse after extracting from the wall is repeatedly impossible due to a strong deformation of the profile. But work with it allows you to finish quickly and efficiently.

Modern lighthouses are perforated galvanized steel rails with a height of 6 to 10 mm and a standard 3 meter long. In addition to the T-shaped profile, L-shaped guides are often used during finishing. They are made of aluminum and put on external angles.

The estimated value of the T-shaped beacon with a height of 6 mm - 35 rubles. 8 mm guide profile can be bought for 40 rubles, and for 10 millimeter beacons, sellers are asked - 45-47 rubles. The price of the corner 3 meter profile is located in the area of \u200b\u200b35 rubles.

Considering the technology of plastering, a few words about modern fastenings for lighthouses should be said. For beginner they are much more convenient to mount per solution.

There are several types of such fasteners. The first is a plastic plate, one end in which is fixed, and the other is a cutout to install the plug.

Having placed the screws with a record on the desired height, the lighthouse is introduced one side into its fixed protrusion, and on the other insert the retainer.

More simple types of fasteners were called "Eashastik". These are steel plates with a hole under the self-tapping screw and two side protrusions. After installing on the wall, these protrusions are "ears" bend on the lateral sides of the lighthouse.

Practice shows that plastering walls on beacons with such fasteners are like not only homemade masters, but also experienced decisions. Their use simplifies the installation process of the guides and saves time, without expecting solidification of the solution base.

Often, newcomers after the completion of the plaster there are a question, whether the beacons from the walls arise? It would seem, you can forever to bury them there and not to engage in the alignment of the furrow, which remain in the plaster after removing the profiles.

However, there is a high risk that the metal will start rust with time and it will not be able to withdraw this rust. When driving steel Rules On the surface of the beacon protective layer Zinc in some places is destroyed. So appear corrosion foci, which can spoil appearance walls. Therefore, it is better to remove the guides after completing the work until the moment of complete setting of the solution.

Approximate prices for lighthouse plaster

If you do not want to master the technology of lighthouse plaster with your own hands, order this work from the masters. Today, in the construction service market, it is regarded depending on the amount of work and the thickness of the applied layer.

The price is integrated and includes the priming of the wall, the installation of guide profiles and manual shockting of the surface.

With a solution thickness from 10 to 20 mm approximate price For the loafing plaster is 360 rubles for 1m2 (the decoration area is up to 300 m2). For large Square The price drops to 320 rubles / m2. Materials in this value are not included.

If the thickness of the plaster exceeds 30 mm, the price rises an average of up to 390 rubles per m2 (with a scope of work up to 300 m2).

The ceiling seasonal plaster is more laborious, so they are asked for it from 700 rubles / m2 (layer thickness up to 20 mm).

Plaster beacons are narrow metal profiles With holes that are used to create smooth surfaces. Stuccoings of walls in beacons can be carried out without using these elements - they are replaced by plaster beacons that form themselves. This is pretty difficult processwhich is not recommended to carry out novice inexperienced masters. But it allows you to apply a thin layer of plaster (less than 6 mm).

Lighthouse plaster requires some tools and supplies. To carry out this event, you will need the following:

  1. Plaster, primer, lighthouses.
  2. Dowels and Self-tapping screws.
  3. Perforator and nozzle-mixer for the manufacture of the solution. A set of drills will also need.
  4. Construction level and plumb.
  5. Screwdriver and hammer.
  6. Scissors for metal, Bulgarian.
  7. Rule, smooth, paint brush or roller, spatulas.
  8. Capacity for mixing, protective gloves, roulette.

At first glance, the list may seem too large, but all these tools and materials can already have a master, most importantly - the presence of a perforator, everything else is inexpensive.


Preparatory work

First of all, it is necessary to clean the room from everything that can interfere, after which it is possible to remove an old coating. The plaster is knocked down by a puncher with a chisel, the paints are removed by solvents, the wallpaper swollen and scrape with spatulas. Then you need to catch the surface with a hammer to detect weak fragments, if any, then you need to remove them.

Next, it is necessary to carefully examine the surface, regularly applying a construction level to it to determine the deviation from the vertical. After that you need to go through the area long rule To identify all the depressions and protrusions, each of which should be marked.

Deleting old coatings is an important stage Preparation of the surface to shuttering

Now you can proceed to markup. For visual example Take a wall with a length of 4.5 m, a height of 2.75 m. In this design, there is a doorway 0.9x2.05 m. From the angles, it is necessary to retreat 30 cm and draw two strict vertical lines using building level. The distance between the beacon profiles should be 160 cm so that it is convenient to ram the plaster with a rule of 2.5 m long. From the line near the right angle, it is necessary to retreat 160 cm and dock the same vertical line. 2.3 M walls remain unimpised. This distance should be divided by half, after which it is to draw the remaining lines with an interval of 115 cm.

Then you should join the extreme lines. Lighthouses must be a little shorter rules. Standard length of this tool - 2.5 m, therefore permissible length Lighthouses - 2.45 m. Since the height of the ceilings in the case under consideration is 2.75 m, then from the floor and the ceiling should be departed by 15 cm, after which he drill in these points of the hole and drive a dowel with self-drawers there. Then you should stretch two threads between drilled holes. In places intersection, the threads with other drawn lines should be made marker. At the end, you need to drill holes in the crossbar places, drive the dowels in them, but you do not need to screw the screws. As a result, 2 horizontal lines of holes that are clearly in a row should be obtained.

Wall markup for the installation of plaster beacons

Plaster surfaces for lighthouses requires pre-priming Surfaces. This operation provides a dense contact of the solution with the surface. For smooth non-porous coatings will suit Concontact, for hydrophilic is required primer in deep action. The primer is applied with a painted roller or brush, it should be done 2 times with an interval of 4 hours. The work continues only after complete drying surfaces. Need to do the following:

  • In the angular holes it is necessary to screw the screws. Suppose, the wall is evenly rue to 1.5 cm, in this case the distance between the cap and the wall should be about 2.5 cm. At this distance included the walls of the walls, 0.4 cm of reserve and 0.6 cm of the thickness of the lighthouse.
  • When screws are screwed, you need to check them with the help of the rule. The tool is applied to the caps of the top and bottom mounting element. As a result, the rule should stand strictly vertically, otherwise you should correct the depth of the entry of the screws.
  • Then you need to make sure that the beacons for the plaster of the walls will be installed correctly. To do this, tie a diagonal thread to two opposite self-draws.
  • After that, you should take a lighthouse and spend it on the wall under the thread. The product should not touch the thread, if it happened - you need to screw the corner screws to unscrew the angular screws.
  • The same procedure must be repeated for the second pair of angular sams.
  • Then pull the thread between the upper and lower screws, and also spend the beacon under them. The product should slightly touch the thread.
  • At the end, there are 8 carefully verified holes with self-draws.


Mount Mayakov

Before setting beacons for plaster, you need to do plastering. It should be the same as it is planned to be used for the entire area being processed. If used gypsum Solution, it is prepared by small portions. Cement I. lime mixes Before applying insist for 15 minutes. At this time you need to trim the beacons. For the convenience of mounting it is better to make a length of 2.4 m so that they do not react a little to the screws.

The line is applied to the line so that she slightly performed up over self-drawing. After that, the beacon is pressed into the solution so that it is on the same level with the caps of fasteners. So install all lighthouses. At the end, you can unscrew the screws. After installing the lighthouses, it is necessary to check the work done by the construction level.

Mounted beacons need to check the construction level again

Cooking plaster

One of the most popular is cement-sandy solutionFor its manufacture, you need to do the following:

  • Mix 1: 3.
  • Pour a small amount of water and mix.
  • Bring the solution to the consistency of thick sour cream using a liquid.

On a note! Self-cooked plaster will differ significantly from the factory. During the manufacture of the latter, special additives are used, significantly increasing performance features Finished coating, so it is recommended to buy ready-made dry mixtures.

Preparation of a solution of plaster

Solution based on lime and cement:

  • Cement is mixed with sand in proportions 1: 3.
  • At the end, the components are mixed.

Gypsum plaster with the addition of lime:

  • Gypsum is mixed with water to obtain a thick homogeneous mass.
  • Lime is mixed with water 1: 1.
  • 1 part of the gypsum dough is stirred with 3 parts of the limestone test.

Important! In plaster solutions can only be added. haired lime. Negaine will continue the reaction with water first in the tank, and then on the walls, which is why the coating cracks.

Only haired lime add to cement-lime solutions

Applying plaster

Plastering of walls with their own hands consists of 3 stages:

Important! Proceed to follow decorative work (Staining, pasting with wallpaper, trim and tile) can only be completely drying surfaces. Depending on the type of material, it may be necessary up to 28 days.

At this stage, plaster for lighthouses is completed, but remained untreated angles, as well as the area at the floor and the ceiling. These are pretty narrow bands, so the solution is applied and smoothed by a conventional spatula. Application technology is no different, only the evenness of the angles must be checked with a metal corner.

The plaster of walls in the lighthouses with their own hands is a rather difficult and time-consuming process, so if there are the slightest doubts about your abilities, it is better not to try to save, but immediately refer to specialists.

The plaster without lighthouses is a lesson for rude: so not only in the smaller coating is also alert, but also the likelihood of redoing the plot is high. Because if you do not have a delicate sensation of ideal surface evenness, choose a proven beacon shocking method.

Plaster without lighthouses: video

Plaster for Lighthouses: Technology

Stuccoings of walls in beacons makes it possible to achieve a good result, in which the tolerance will be only 1.5 mm (if placing with limestone or cement solutions). With this method, by the way, you can develop a rather high speed of work, which is also good.

Figure 1 - Working surface

To work, you will need:

  • level up to 2 m long (the level must have adjustable eyes);
  • lighthouses (as lighthouses can be used wooden rail 10x10 mm or ordinary metal lighthouses from galvanized);
  • foam grater (carbolitis);
  • self-tapping screw;
  • gum- "Hungarian" (can be replaced by the usual cord);
  • protective gloves;
  • master OK;
  • capacity;
  • solution.

Figure 2 - Installation of the first beacon - indentation from a wall of 30 cm and applying a fastening solution on a vertical line

From the corner of the room, retreat about 30 cm and squeeze the fastening composition for lighthouses with equal portions. Consider that the pure surface on 2/3 servings of this solution will retreat from the wall. From the fastener make a peculiar vertical line.

Figure 3 - blend the lighthouse and check the level

The lighthouse needs to be "drown" in the solution applied on the wall before setting the bar to the desired level. At the same time, look at the eyes. Thus, at first, we need to install two lighthouses at opposite ends of the wall.

IMPORTANT! In the event that you have to work with the plaster for the first time, do not wise up immediately on large amounts of work. Not everything can work out as you would like or simply do not have enough time to finish the bulk work on time. Start with small: Limit one wall.

Figure 4 - We perform a similar mount on the opposite side of the wall

In our case, plastering is carried out brick wall. At any brick masonryAnyway, there are small gaps or cracks: they can be used with benefit - this is a great base for fasteners.

If your walls do not have such gaps, drill a hole and score a dowel in it.
These attachments are needed to hook a cord or "Hungarian". One dowel is fastened for the first lighthouse, the other - we will start for the second lighthouse. Fasteners for lighthouses should be strictly horizontally. Between the fasteners stretch the cord (with a contrasting red cord, it is easier to work than with a small black or white).

The first lighthouses are installed.

Figure 5 - Before setting intermediate lighthouses, screw the screws before the first strap to stretch the red thread

Intermediate lighthouses are installed like this:

Determine the location for intermediate beacons. In relation to each other, they must be placed at an equal distance so that the rule that the plaster is spilling, it was a little longer than the gaps.

Figure 6 - The second self-sufficiency is krepym mirror opposite side And do stretch marks

IMPORTANT! For a beginner, performing the work with your own hands, it is better to choose a smaller length of the rules and, accordingly, set another 1-2 lighthouse at a distance of no more than 1.2-1.3 each other. The rule length, respectively, should be 1.5 m.

Figure 7 - Wall after organizing level stretching

Installation sites Intermediate beacons are celebrated by a dotted line on the wall. The dotted line is adjusted to the intersection with the red cord and the hole for a dowel / self-sustain is drilled under it.

By inserting a dowel into the hole, screw the self-tapping screw (the screw of the self-made should not go for the lace).

IMPORTANT! After screwing, the self-tapping screw should not touch the cord!

Figure 8 - Self-pressing fasteners for intermediate beacons should look like

Such a markup system will allow you to establish beacons for plaster in the level of the plane with minimal errors, and even without them.

As in the case of the first lighthouses, the further installation of beacons is made on the markup on the applied fastener. Intermediate guides are as pressed into the solution, planing the plank a little above the self-press. At the same time, the level must be rested on the hat of the self-press and, bothering the lighthouse, gradually immerse the bar in the fastenings for lighthouses (do not forget to look at the eyes!).

Installation of beacons is completed.

Figure 9 - How to put lighthouses on a self-tapping screw

Figure 10 - How to install beacons under the plaster on the wall of up to 18 sq.m.

IMPORTANT! If you follow the instructions, the setting of lighthouses should not take more than 20 minutes (with the area of \u200b\u200bone wall in 18 m²).

Applying plaster

Give the fastener inflicted for the beacons, to dry a little (1st hour will be enough). Next, in the intervals between beacons, you can begin to throw the surface of the wall with a solution. To do this, you can use a spoon or a trowel.

Figure 11 - It's time for plaster - fill with the first gap between the beacons, moving upwards

IT IS INTERESTING: With a special hurry, you can try to throw with a solution with a solution and manually, without using any additional tool. The main thing is to reliably protect your hands from the mixture on the skin.

IMPORTANT! What area is covered with plaster - to solve not only to you. It is also necessary to focus on the properties of the wall material. For example, a red brick in a masonry water will absorb faster than white or silicate, at which the solution can be covered with the entire wall at a time. On the walls with red brick start working better with small squares, And on the walls with white, after throwing the entire surface, it will also have to wait, because the solution should stop sailing along the wall, giving a little moisture to the masonry.

CUNNING: If you know that it is necessary to work in a wet room or during the cold walls, for fast drying Stuccoings in its composition you can add alabaster.

The solution, who spent the lighthouses, must be removed with the help of the rule, lightly relying on the lighthouses. At the same time, it is not necessary to put pressure. To walk the rule over the surface of the solution and the beacons you need several times.

Figure 12 - Remove the excess plaster, walking around several times by the rules

IMPORTANT! If the pressure is too strong, with a large length of the rule (from 1.5 m and more), the plank can be fed out in the middle and, accordingly, the arc is treated with the applied solution. Therefore, push the rule should be carried out as close as possible to the beacons.

We use cut over the second time, thoroughly mixing the solution collected from the surface, and the gaps and emptiness loses.

Figure 13 - Fill out the empty plaster using a trowel or any other convenient tool

Work further check the level. After - we remove the beacons, and the formated grooves gently rub the solution.

Waiting for the drying of the composition, and alignment of the walls on initial stage can be considered completed.

Figure 14 - Remove the lighthouse, going on the bar at the lower edge

Figure 15 - finish straight - Gently rub the furrow

Stucco walls in lighthouses: video

Plaster for lighthouses: the price of works and materials

Buy lighthouses up to 3 m long in each construction store. The price of them rarely exceeds $ 0.8-1.2 (depending on whether these are plastic, wooden or metal lighthouses).

In some cases, it is possible to buy fastenings for the beacons under the plaster - these are small, but reliable fasteners of 10 cents / piece, to the wall fastening on 6 screws (in one pack of 20 pieces).

The cost of plaster is determined by its type: for example, KNAUF HP START (30 kg / pack.) - universal plaster It costs from $ 8.5 / pack. At the consumption of the mixture of 1 package by 4 m² (layer of plaster 10 mm), and the KNAUF gypsum plaster Multiphinish (25 kg / pack.) For coarse surfaces costs from 11 $ / pack. At the consumption of the mixture of 1 package by 20m² (a layer of only 1 mm).

If you doubt how to put lighthouses and with the plaster before you did not have to meet, please contact the master:

  • in Moscow, plastering walls costs about 180 rubles / m²;
  • in Kiev - from 35 UAH / m².

What are the types of plaster makeup? The article discusses the technologies of plaster walls for beacons, sequence and rules for the preparation of the base and.

Lighthouse plaster: pros and cons

Plaster is the most common way to align the walls and ceilings. Correctly spent plastering makes it possible to get a smooth perfect vertical surface of the walls. To simplify the process and improve the result, plaster beacons are applied.

Plaster walls in lighthouses: Features of alignment in this way

In this way, you can align the walls from different materials: Brick, concrete, aerated concrete, plaster and even a tree. In the layer of plaster, technical communications can be covered, for example, the wires of power grids and low-current systems. The walls aligned with plaster are a solid foundation for fasteners, hanging shelves and various household appliances.

Varieties of mixtures for alignment

There are several main types of plastering mixtures:

  • gypsum;
  • lime gypsum;
  • cement-sand;
  • cement-lime.

Currently, plastering compositions based on gypsum binder are most often indoors with a normal level of humidity. They will relatively quickly dry compared to cement solutions And more convenient in work, however, more expensive cement analogues.

Selection of beaches in size

To form a plane when plastering A special galvanized beacon profile is applied. The most commonly encountered 2 profile size: 6 and 10 mm high. The use of a thinnest profile allows to reduce the layer of the solution applied to the surface, but requires better consolidation and more experience in the work. The beacon with a height of 10 mm is more durable, which allows you to mount it less often. For shuffling external corners Special corner profiles are used.

What are the technologies for plastering with beacons

Plastering walls by lighthouses can produce manual or engineering:

  1. With a manual method, the composition is mixed with a construction mixer in the container (large bucket) and throws onto the walls using a spatula or trowel.
  2. With a machine method, there are 2 options for the preparation of the mixture: a mixer manually or in a plastering machine.

The choice of method depends on the type of plastering machine. Next, the plastering solution under pressure is supplied through the hose on the wall. Then, in both ways, the mixture is rareled by the rule.

How to stucked with your own hands with lighthouses: Preparatory work

Before you need to properly prepare the walls. Be sure to delete old paint, putty, wallpaper, etc. to the base. If the surface is already plastered, you need to remove peeling, destroyed or weakened areas.


To carry out work:

  • Stucco composition.
  • Primer.
  • Light profile.

Preparation of walls

After cleaning the surface to the bottom, it is necessary to predict the walls. Before the primer, the walls must be cleaned of dust.

The type of primer should be chosen based on the surface material.

Installing Lighthouses for Alignment

After the primer, the plastering plaster is placed on pre-placed places, the beacon cut into the size of the beam is mounted, and are pressed into the solution for a certain distance using a long rule. Surplus the solution is removed by a spatula. With sufficient experience and high speed, an alabaster can be used for attachment.

Distance between beacons

Beachts are installed at a distance of 150-200 mm from the corners, then every 80-150 cm. The distance between the profiles is chosen on the basis of the length of the rule. At a large distance between the beacons, it is not quite convenient to work.

How to set markup

You can post in several ways.

  • Laser level.
  • Plumb.
  • An ordinary bubble level.

When laying with a laser level, the tool is installed so that the beam is projected parallel to the wall plane. The rule is applied to a line at a certain distance from the edge, set the rule to the beacon and are pressed into the solution along the coincidence of the line of the laser with the line on the rule.

When installing with a plumb or bubble level, you set extreme lighthouses, set them strictly vertically, stretch the thread between them and expose intermediate profiles by thread.

You can find a beacon fastening system on sale. They are installed on the wall and are adjusted vertically using self-samples. These systems were not widespread due to the increase in the cost of consumables and the thickness of the plaster layer.


The solution is kneaded by a construction mixer in a large bucket. The capacity should be of such a volume to minimize the number of injuries, but at the same time, such that it is convenient to move. Instructions for mixing the mixture are indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Water and tools should be clean. Pebbles in the solution will not allow smooth surfaceThe kneading in a dirty container reduces the lifetime of the gypsum solution.

How to line the walls in the apartment with the help of beacons

After setting the beacon with a solution to which they are fixed, give dry. Then the solution is thrown off with a spatula or trowel, excessive removal of the trapezoidal rule. In places where the mixture lacks - a solution is added. The rule leads, tightly pressing to the lighthouses, from the bottom up with wave-like movements.

The solution remaining on the rule is thrown onto the wall. When the solution begins to filt, the surface is moistened with a sponge or sponge and a spatula and a wide spatula or ironing. This allows you to get perfect, suitable for staining or sacking with wallpaper without putty.

Beacons after complete drying of the plaster layer must be removed, otherwise the appearance of rusty spots or cracks.

On the gypsum wall how to plaster

Before plastering gypsum or aerated concrete walls, they need to be well moistened, because These materials absorb water well, the solution dries out, which leads to the formation of cracks. To strengthen plaster, you can use a plastic plaster grid. It is attached to the wall before installing beacons into a thin layer of plaster mortar.

On concrete and brick

Concrete walls are processed by primers like "concrete contact" to create a rough surface and improved clutch plastering Based. Seams between bricks are expanding.

On wooden how to align

On wooden wall Waterproofing is arranged before plastering, for example, from parchment, then a metal plaster mesh is fixed into a thin layer of solution, additionally attaching with construction stapler Or upholstery nails, after which there are beacons and apply the main layer of plaster.

How to install for alignment at corners and slopes

For alignment of angles, a special perforated galvanized angular profile is used. Fasten it at an angle after installing beacons on both planes. The easiest way to install an angular profile, causing a gypsum solution and pressing the profile to the desired depth using a long rule.

How to put beacons for finishing alignment

Lighthouses need to be established very carefully, because mistakes in the installation of beacons will lead to the irregularities of the walls, which will continue to be fixed in the future. According to SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings"With high-quality plaster, deviations are allowed vertically no more than 1 mm per meter and irregularities are not deeper than 2 mm.

  • Carefully prepare the walls before starting finishing works.
  • The primer is a very important stage of work, you should not neglect them or save at the cost of the composition.
  • The plaster solution should be kneaded as much as possible. large quantitieswhich you can not hurry to work out during the lifetime of the solution.
  • When carrying out work, it is important to avoid drafts and sharp temperature drops. They lead to the appearance of cracks or peeling plaster from the base.

Plastering walls by lighthouses is a rather complicated process that requires great accuracy and speed of work. With insufficient experience, it is recommended to "practice" on the walls that will be then closed, for example tile, or in economic premises, where the surface quality does not matter much.

Useful video

Wall plasters are produced to align them before further painting, wallpaper sticker or tiles. For plastering walls, special dry mixes are used or a mixture of cement and sand. The consistency of the obtained plaster should be sufficiently thick so that the mixture does not slide down the wall under the action of its own weight. Below, be sure to watch the video of the plaster walls by lighthouses from the pros.

There are the following options to set the guides on the wall:

The procedure for installing guides

Walls before work must be cleaned of residues old plaster, glue, etc. It is also necessary to predict the walls with special primer mixtures or divorced Ten times the PVA glue. See better. Highly an important detail is the correct setting of beacons. For them, rails are used, plastic or wooden. To attach them to the wall, it is necessary to apply a spatula of a slight solution on one line, retreating from an angle of approximately 20 cm-30 cm. Press the rail into the solution. Lights (their outer edge) must defend from the wall by 25-35 mm. The level of the rail is the vertical of the rail.

Technology applying plaster on the walls with their own hands.

We repeat the procedure from the second angle. Then, outside of each beacon in the lower and top parts Wall rush in the dowel. His hat should be on the same level with beacons. We stretch horizontally between the dowels of the segment of the cord, on top and bottom. In the cord, put additional beacons. The distance between two beacons should not exceed the length of the rules. Now you need to wait a few hours so that the solution finally grabbed. Plastering walls in lighthouses is the simplest and most common technique.

Immediately before working the wall, you should wet so that the plaster is better to go to her, and wait a bit, give water to absorb. When working in conditions high humidity You can add a little alabastra in the plaster. Wall plastered is made only at the plus temperature. If desired, for greater reliability on the wall, it is possible to secure a finelystic mesh, metallic or from synthetic materials. If the work is performed on silicate brick, then the presence of the grid becomes required.

You can proceed directly to the plaster. We attach a spatula or even arms with a solution on the wall. Next, the rule should align the mixture on the bottom of the bottom. It should work without much pressure. Corners are aligned with a spatula. Do not forget to remove lighthouses. We drag the resulting seams with a solution. Now it remains to wait just that the plaster will finally dry. The surface can be lured with special graters from carbolitis. Rodband.

Plaster walls by lighthouses with video examples

Below is a good information on the performance of work on plastering walls ranging from tools, surface processing, installation and installation of lighthouses, surface preparation, plastering technology on the walls with their own hands.

Video from the company Knauf clearly demonstrates the whole process how to knead

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