What oil is suitable for wood coating. Wood processing rules Linen oil Wood polymerization with linen oil

Landscape design and layout 17.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

Modern construction uses many materials that allow building durable houses, ready to serve their owners not one decade. However, every year more and more people give preference to material, from ancient times, which served to build housing, especially in forest areas. The buildings built out of wood possess the properties, ideal for living in them, because the walls are made of wood, uniting a person with nature, perfectly stored heat and create an optimal microclimate for a person.

So that the tree is not exposed to the external environment, it is necessary to impregnate it.

Wood, not received special processing, is subject to negative environmental influence.

The greatest harm to the tree brings moisture, the impact of which significantly shortens its life. Back in ancient times to protect wood during construction, the impregnation of wood oil was used. For this purpose, linseed oil was used, inexpensive wood impregnation, which has excellent protective properties. This composition was impregnated not only a tree intended for walls of houses, but also household items - furniture, carved decorations and even wooden dishes.

Linen oil and effects of its use

The depth of impregnation of linseed oil is 2 mm, which is quite enough to form a protective layer.

Linseed oil is a natural product made from flax seed with a cold pressing method. The temperature in the manufacturing process should not exceed 50 ° C. The lower the temperature of the substance during the manufacturing process, the better its quality, the faster and deeper it is impregnated with wood.

The depth of impregnation penetration when processing a tree composition of flax is approximately 2 mm, which is quite enough to form a protective layer. In this case, the resulting protective layer remains permeable to air, but prevents moisture from entering the wood.

Linen oil is a natural antiseptic, therefore used for the impregnation of wood, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • protects against the appearance of fungi and mold;
  • wood treated with linen composition is not amazed by pests;
  • the impregnation of wood provides its protection against temperature drops, preventing cracks on wooden surfaces;
  • the impregnation of a tree with flaxseed oil gives him a pleasant shade.

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Wood impregnation technology with linen oil

There are several technologies for protective wood processing with linseed oil:

  • immersion in boiling impregnation;
  • the heated surface is impregnated with hot oil;
  • vacuum impregnation.

Usually in this way there is impregnation of wooden products of small dimensions - mostly these are decorative products. When impregnating wood for construction work, the simplest technology is used - the work is carried out by applying impregnation on a wooden surface with a regular painting brush.

With any method of wood processing, before starting work requires training. Initially, the detail of the tree should be dried and cleaned from contamination. If wood first had any coating, it should be completely removed using sandpaper. If the impregnation is applied for the second time, for better penetration of it inside wood on the surface, too, it is recommended to walk emery paper.

Before you begin impregnation, the oil should be mixed thoroughly, then apply in two layers and give it to dry off for a while.

Before you begin impregnation, the oil is thoroughly mixed. Apply the impregnating composition on the surface of the product follows the rotation of the brush in the direction of the tree fibers. The oil is applied in two layers, and then you need to give it to absorb for some time. This process is given no more than an hour. Then the excess impregnation must be removed by a soft rag.

Fully surface treated with oil, dries slowly, at least a week. If a decorative effect is needed, the tree is polished. For this purpose, the perfect polishing agent is natural wax. There are special formulations for impregnation, including combinations of linseed oil and wax.

After such treatment, wood gets a nice natural shade, its texture is distinguished clearly. The product acquires stability to peeling and cracks, it does not change the color under the influence of sunlight. The processing of the outer surfaces of wooden buildings with linseed oil is recommended annually.

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Products to protect flaxseed wood

There are many types of means for impregnating wood based on flaxseed.

To date, manufacturers offer a sufficient assortment of environmentally friendly protective and finishing materials for wood, the basis for which is flaxseed oil.

Among them, the soil for wood is especially popular, designed for work both inside the building and from its outside. Made on linen oil, it is an excellent antiseptic agent, protects the tree from moisture, mold and contamination. The soil dries quickly - in just 4 hours the treated surface is ready for further processing. After processing with ground, wood can be left in pristine form, as the soil will provide its long-term protection. You can use this composition for any type of wood.

For people who want to see their home painted, but at the same time not to use synthetic paints, manufacturers offer paints produced under the Natura brand. It has only natural ingredients - linseed oil and mineral pigments. These paints have a centuries-old history - they began to make back in the 18th century. The more humanity draws attention to the environment of the surrounding space, the more popular with natural paints on the oil of flax seeds become.

Manufacturers took care of those who in the impregnation of wood natural substance would like to change the shade of the finished product. For this purpose, they developed a pigment paste. To obtain the required shade, the pigment paste is thoroughly mixed. Then, guided by the applied instructions, mix the paste and linen base.

In addition to these protective compounds, other finishing materials are offered:

  • the impregnation for the floor, which includes pine resins, rosin, wax and other natural additives;
  • linen oil-based sealant;
  • melting for glazing and eliminating wood defects made from natural components.

No doubt, protective and finishing materials, which include natural substances and natural oil from linen seeds, are one of the important components in the construction of the house, perfectly inscribed in its surrounding nature. Such a country house will not harm its owner, since only natural materials are used at its finish.

Oil wood treatment is a traditional way to care for wooden surfaces. Oil compositions ensure the safety of the material for many years of operation, the surfaces of hydrophobic properties give the surface and are protected from the development of all sorts of adverse processes. However, oil treatment is not such an easy operation, as it seems at first glance. Application of oil tools on wood has its own characteristics, not knowing which, you can get a completely opposite result and spoil the coating. In this review we will focus on how to apply oil on a tree, what subtleties and nuances exist in this work.

The most common oils applied to wood processing:

  • tung;
  • teak;
  • tar;
  • linen.

Each of the presented oils has its own characteristics, a brief overview of all means is given in the article. Here we will focus on the criteria for the choice of oil, and also consider the better to cover the tree in one way or another.

  1. The most popular from the presented means is linseed oil. It is universally and can be used both outside and inside the house. Linen impregnation is great for wet premises, because It has good hydrophobic properties. He dries oil for a long time, to three weeks, to accelerate the process, wax add to it. At negative temperatures, oil becomes solid, which complicates the treatment of outer surfaces.
  2. Degtyar oil is ideal for processing the facades of log and brusade houses. It is perfectly withstanding any weather conditions and resistant to minus temperatures. In addition, it is one of the best natural antiseptics, and protects the external surfaces from rotting. In the premises, the aqueous impregnation is undesirable, since it includes turpentine.
  3. Tick \u200b\u200boil is suitable for impregnation of any surfaces, it provides effective protection against moisture, from UV radiation and other adverse factors. This tool is also used to cover expensive wood breeds.
  4. Tung oil is intended for processing internal surfaces. It differs from other types of oils at a higher drying rate. Oil creates a solid film that has a high water repellent effect. Very often used to restore antiques.

All oils given above are natural products, their use does not cause any adverse effects for a person. Today, mineral oil is used to treat surfaces, which are the basis of oil products.

Manufacturers assure that synthetics are safe, and it can be used to handle interior. However, this is not the case, synthetic additives are released into the atmosphere and damage to health. Therefore, the use of artificial oils is permissible only outside, and only in the case when the product has passed deep cleaning.

Oil selection according to wood

When choosing a certain oil, it is always necessary to take into account the woody. To determine how the surface covered with oil will look, it is necessary to test on a small segment.

  1. Coniferous rocks contain resins that prevent oil penetration inside the structure, so they do not need oil impregnation. To protect the surface, with an extreme need, you can use dense formulations in one layer or process the tree of this breed by the method of forgiveness.
  2. For low density wood, alder and linden, it is also better to use thick saturated impregnations. The use of fluid compositions is undesirable, since with deep penetration, they remain inside in a liquid state.
  3. Beech and birch are characterized by high density, in connection with which, they are first treated with liquid compositions, and then more dense, which have a high degree of dry residue, and wax.

What can dilute oil

To improve one or another characteristic of oil, add different components to it. For example, to increase the absorption of tung oil, it is diluted with 40% White spirit.

In order to increase the drying rate of linseed oil, it is mixed with a turpidar in proportion (70:30), and then heated. However, it is necessary to take into account that turpentine is toxic and has a sharp odor, therefore such a composition can be used only for outdoor treatment. It is less toxic to targe, it can also be added to the oil to accelerate the drying process.

To the impregnation of wooden surfaces inside the house in the oil add wax. It increases the water-repellent and antistatic properties of the surface and speeds up the process of frozen oil composition.

If you wish to change the color of wood or get a more rich shade, you can cut the oil with pigments. Tinting allows you to put the look of a wooden house, painting it into the natural tones of more valuable tree species.

If you want to give the house unnatural for wood color (red, green, blue), oil paints or casein-oil tempera are added to the impregnation. You can also dilute the oil of the gouache, but in this case the mixing you need to produce hot to remove excess liquid from the paint.

Oil application technologies

There are three ways to paint wood with oil:

  1. Vacuum impregnation. This technique is usually applied in industrial conditions. Such processing requires special equipment, so it is impossible to cover the surface on this technology.
  2. Soaking. The method is to indoors the tree into the heated oil, excerpts for a certain time, and then drying. In this way, only small wooden products can be painted.
  3. Large promissory. This technology is the most common. It is used to process wooden surfaces of different areas. This method is discussed in detail below.

Preparatory work

Properly prepare the surface - it is 80% of success in this work. The oil is very absorbed and impossible to hide defects under it. Any rubbing, scratches, irregularities after applying oil will remain noticeable. Therefore, here the main task is to bring the surface to the perfect state.

It is quite difficult to make it quite difficult, it is desirable to use professional equipment for this - grinding machines, polishing pads. If there are no special devices, work can be made with your own hands, but of course, the appearance of the surface will be far from perfect.

So what you need to do:

  1. If the old log house is to be treated with oil, first of all, we remove the former coating. Paint or varnish are removed with a metal brush. It must be done very carefully, so as not to damage the wood itself. If this way does not work in this way, it is possible to heat it with a construction hairdryer, when the paint is launched, it can be removed with a spatula.
  2. Then you need to carefully polish the wood. Professionals perform this operation using grinders with circles of different grain, which are selected on the basis of the surface status. For rough stripping, nozzles No. 40-80 are used, for the average - No. 100-120, for polishing - No. 150-180. If there are no machines, you can grind manually emery paper of different fractions.
  3. Before finishing polishing, you need to close all the gaps and cracks. It is necessary to put the wood with a putty under the color of the wood so that the beams remain invisible after applying oil.
  4. After the end of the preparatory work, all the dust should be removed using a construction vacuum cleaner. The remaining dust will also be visible after applying oil, so do this work as carefully as possible.

Oil application instructions

Processing of internal surfaces

Oil can be applied with a cold and hot way. Application rules are the same for both options. The difference is at oil impregnation temperature. In the first case, the oil of room temperature is used, in the second - before use, the composition is heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. It is also necessary to warm the surface to the special thermocallium itself, as it will not be able to impregnate the cold wood with hot oil, the tool will not be able to absorb and remain on the surface.

Regardless of the selected method, it is necessary to paint the oil with oil:

  1. First applies the first layer of impregnation. The oil is placed with a brush or cotton cloth with a thin layer and is evenly distributed over the surface.
  2. It is necessary to remove the surplus oil immediately, if this is not done, the impregnation will dry and forms a crust, which will then be very difficult to remove. To remove excess oil, you need to wipe this place with a dry cloth. It is necessary to rub the impregnation until the rag will collect butter. If the oil does not absorb and lies on the floor surface, you can take a rubber spatula and raking them surplus to the puddles, and then collect a rag.
  3. Next, the surface is polished with a soft cloth. After that, all wet areas are wiped with a cotton cloth.
  4. With a cold processing method, no earlier than 5 hours are processed to apply the second layer, in some cases it is necessary to wait until 12 o'clock. It depends on the type of oil. The second processing of hot oil can be done after 2-2.5 hours, because It dries significantly faster.
  5. Re-processing is made similarly to the first, each layer is definitely polished. The number of layers depends on the state of the surface, wood rock and the type of oil. There are usually enough 2-3-layer processing.

For complete drying of the surface, two to three weeks is required, the exact period depends on the set of the above factors.

Processing home Outside

Applying oil on the facade of the house from the bar and login should be produced in warm sunny weather. It is advisable to process to the surface. For example, take linseed oil. If the processing is carried out by oil from flax, it must be previously cleaned of impurities, since under the influence of solar radiation flax impregnation yellow.

Oil cleaning methods:

  1. With the help of a conventional salt solution. To achieve a good result, the oil needs to be rinsed at least 5-7 times.
  2. Stirring oil with lead salt and heating the composition up to 60 degrees.
  3. Addition ethanol.
  4. Photocosement. The oil is boiled with water, flickering and withstand in the light.

The process of applying impregnation:

  1. Remove the old coating.
  2. Grind the surface.
  3. We remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Brush with soft bristle applied the first layer of oil-turptine impregnation.
  5. After drying, we grind the surface and apply oil again.
  6. After final drying, we process the tree for the third time.


Oil - such a product with which it is quite difficult to work. The slightest violation of technology and any inaccuracy immediately reflect on quality painting. All work should be made with maximum accuracy, especially when it comes to transparent composition. The ideal smoothness of grinding, a flat surface, no defects - mandatory conditions for obtaining beautiful and high-quality coverage.

All these conditions are feasible when professionals are taken for business. The company "Mater Surba" is your reliable assistant in creating a high-quality and beautiful interior of a wooden house. Specialists of a high level of preparation will produce any work on finishing inside and outside the cut. To leave a request, go to the section. There you will find all our coordinates.

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After impregnation with linen oil wood darkens

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Linen oil for impregnation wood can be used as an independent decorative coating for houses and log cabins, furniture, doors, wooden flooring from pine, tick, oak and other wood breeds for internal and external work.

Properties of flaxseed oil

Wood impregnation with flaxseed oil restores the appearance of wood products, increases the durability of the processed structures, gives it dirt-repellent and water-repellent properties. The oil is perfectly touched under any shades.


Wood protection against biological impact
The most serious enemy of wooden buildings are biological connections. Among them, for example, mold, bacteria, mushrooms, algae, lichens, etc. can be noted.

Wood protection substances
Wood is a solid and reliable building material, however, it is susceptible to fire and destruction when exposed to moisture, fungus, mold and insects

How to remove fungus from a tree
In old houses on wooden walls, floors, furniture and other surfaces, various types of mold appear often, which are often called fungus.

Protection of wooden structures from rotting
The tree is subject to rewarding due to the effects of factors such as a change in temperature, humidity conditions, etc. There are so-called house fungi, appearing in the unrecoverable and rawroom facilities.

Oil-based formulations are a universal solution suitable for decorative finishing of any wood. They do not create a solid and wear-resistant coating, but have a wide range of other advantages: excellent adhesion, simplicity of application, antiseptic protection, environmental friendliness. Treatment of wood oil does not create films on the surface of the product, it allows to emphasize the natural beauty of the material texture and tactfully feel its texture.

Simple application technology allows you to avoid divorces, inclusions, traces of brush and other defects. If necessary, the finish is easily removed and updated. As a rule, oil is used for wooden items that are not susceptible to intensive abrasion and exposure to moisture.

What oils are most in demand?

Linseed oil - It is characterized by simplicity of application, deep penetration into wood structure, highly resistant to the effects of the external environment. The main disadvantage is a long process of drying (up to 3 days). The processing of coenal wood with linen oil is made in several layers.

Olife - It is boiled linseed oil. Due to the presence in its composition of sequivations - catalysts accelerating drying, the polymerization process takes no more than a day, which makes this type of finish much more practical.

Tung butter , obtained from the seeds of a Chinese tung tree, effectively emphasizes wood texture and forms a wear-resistant matte coating. The drying process takes about 24 hours. If linseed oil is more suitable for the restoration of old surfaces, the use of tung oil is more appropriate when finishing new products.

Danish oil - finishing composition based on natural vegetable oils with the addition of resins and absorbent substances. Treatment of wood Danish oil allows you to emphasize its natural texture and create a durable matte coating. Drying time: 4-12 hours depending on the features of the composition.

Tick \u200b\u200boil - a mixture of natural oils, resins and absorbent components. Wood trim with teak oil allows you to get a solid decorative coating with a glossy effect. The drying process takes 4-6 hours depending on the specificity of the composition.

What is a dry oil residue?

The percentage of dry oil residue is an important characteristic that determines the features of the finishing composition. Under the dry residue, the percentage of non-volatile substances in oil is various hardening additives, waxes, inclusion improves absorbability, etc. The greater the percentage of the dry product residue, the better covering the ability it possesses. Accordingly, the oil with a high dry residue requires less layers of application. In this case, the process of drying (polymerization) of such compositions takes longer.

How to prepare the surface?

Before applying the finishing composition, the surface of the wood is grinding, using abrasives of various graininess:

  • a tree with an open structure (oak, etc.) - coarse abrasives P150-P180;
  • a tree with a closed structure (maple, beech, etc.) - fine-grained abrasives P180-P240.

The polished surface is dustded by a damp cloth from a nonvilous fabric. When applying finishes on oily breeds wood (Iroquo, TIK, etc.), the surface is recommended to further wipe the White spirit.

How to treat a tree with oil: general principles

The oil is applied to the prepared and dried surface with a tampon or brush, followed by rubbing. Equally distributed the abundant amount of oil on a wooden surface, it needs to be absorbed (about 15 minutes), after which the surplus of the composition along the fibers using a tampon. Otherwise, the surface will be plumbing, sticky, with possible formation of spots.

Equally distribute the oil to avoid spotting. Edges and ends handle first, because Due to the capillary effect, they are more intensely absorb the finishing composition. With multi-layer treatment, each new layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one, with a pre-grinding of fine-grained abrasive.

Optimum temperature for wood treatment with oil 15-25 ° C. When indicators below 10 ° C and high humidity from work it is better to temporarily refuse.

Professional oil application subtleties

If spots are formed on the surface, increase the amount of oil applied.

To give the composition more liquid consistency required for uniform distribution over the surface, put a container with butter in hot water. Avoid contact with open fire.

Do not apply oil under direct sun exposure, because It will be absorbed too quickly, which in turn complicates re-processing.

Use a special dispenser to impregnate the surface is a simple and ergonomic device that promotes uniform application and cost-effective consumption of composition.

How does the oil fall on the veil?

Oil and veil - not the best, but quite permissible combination. Any veil worsens the absorption of subsequent compounds, because Partially fills the pores. In combination with oils, it is allowed to use exclusively vehicle on a water basis. At the same time, the practice shows that a more effective alternative to the veil in this case is tinting pastes for taking oils.

How long does the oil dries?

  • linen oil - 2-3 days;
  • linen Olife - 24 hours;
  • tung oil -24 h;
  • polyurethane oil lacquer -12 h.;
  • danish oil -4-12 h;
  • tick \u200b\u200boil - 4-6 h.

Since oils hardened (polymerized) in the process of oxidation, entering into a reaction with oxygen, the drying of products should be carried out in a room with a constant circulation of air.

What you need to know about the risks of self-burning?

Entering the reaction with oxygen, oil is oxidized. This process is accompanied by heating, which can provoke the self-burning of the wooing tissue and other items used during the work. Therefore, never leave the rags impregnated with oil in a folded form: dry them in deployed on the street and only dispose after that. All items and materials (grinding felt, dispenser, sponges, etc.), which came into contact with oil, should be stored in a hermetically metallic container.

It's no secret that any tree before use in everyday life needs additional protection and processing. One of these methods of wood processing is impregnated with linen oil.

Impregnated with linen oil - how does it work?

What is a special linen oil? Among all vegetable oils, linen has the highest content of such polyscency acid as linoleic. When frozen and oxidation, this acid turns into an excellent natural polymer. After the oil becomes a semi-solid, elastic substance that fills all the pores of the tree, due to this, it is achieved such a beautiful effect when processing wood with flaxseed oil.

Pros, minuses and scope of impregnation with flax oil of wood

Why impregnate wood with linen oil?

Linen oil for impregnation of wood is considered one of the best options.

To the advantages of such treatment can be attributed:

Improving the appearance of the product. Linse oil penetrates in deep layers of wood emphasizing the natural structure of the tree, gives natural (natural) shade. Does not raise the pile of wood, the tree after processing is smooth to the touch and has a beautiful view

Increases wood resistance. The impregnation for wood based on flaxseed allows to significantly increase the resistance of the tree to the effects of environmental factors. The impregnation with flaxseed oil gives the water and dirt-repellent properties to the wood, respectively protects the tree from the effects of any moisture, linseed oil is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and protects the tree from the sun, it warns drying and cracking. Linseed oil after drying remains elastic material, in contrast to paint coatings, it does not crack over time and does not let moisture into the resulting cracks.

Protects wood. Linen oil for wood treatment is the best natural antiseptic. Treatment of wood with flaxseed oil protects against such processes as rotting, the appearance of mold and mushrooms.

Environmentally friendly material. Linen oil is completely natural and the material is absolutely safe for humans and the environment. It does not cause allergic reactions and other troubles, does not smell unlike synthetic analogs. The impregnation of wood with flaxseed oil allows the material to breathe, since the oil penetrates into the depths and does not leave on the surface of the film.

The impregnation with flaxseed oil is suitable for processing absolutely any tree, furniture, interior items, wooden dishes, external facades at home, floor, windows, window sills, doors, etc.

It can be safely used for exterior and internal works.

But most often linseed oil is used for the decorative finish of small interior items. Although linseed oil is not expensive, but the flow rate of it is high enough and therefore the processing of such extensive surfaces as the floor of the house or the facade will fall into a decent amount, much cheaper to treat the wood with a veil or varnish. In addition, impregnated with linseed oil and drying a large surface is quite labor process and will take a lot of time.

The complexity of the use of impregnation with flax oil is a large amount of wood and is perhaps the only minus.

Very popular among the hunters and connoisseurs of weapons

Processing is carried out a few weeks before the start of the hunt season. The impregnation is also popular

Impregnation with linseed oil - technology

In terms of its technology, it does not differ from the processing by any other oil or composition and consists of the following steps:

- preparation of material and surface cleaning. The tree before processing should be dry and purified from the old coating. If you proceed to the new tree, it is quite easy to sand surface.

- preparation of oil. Before applying to the surface, the oil is recommended to warm, in a warm form it is easier to penetrate into the pores of the tree and, accordingly, the processing effect will be higher. Sometimes, to accelerate drying, use linseed oil with wax for wood processing. In this case, wax is added to the oil during heating, heated to the dissolution of wax.

- impregnated with linen oil. The impregnation of wood with flaxseed oil can be carried out in several ways:

Fracture - applying oil to the surface with a brush;

Soaking - when the item is immersed in the container with oil;

Impregnated with linseed oil using vacuum. It is applied only in industry.

Soaking more often use for impregnation of small parts. This process is quite simple in the capacitance of the required size heated flaxseed oil before the appearance of white smoke, then the objects are immersed there, close the lid tightly and leave in this state for two or three hours. Then get and dry.

When spending after heating, the oil is applied to the surface with a brush or foam sponge. They are applied along the fibers with rubbing movements, repeat the application 5-6 times. Linen oil penetrates deep into the pores of wood and therefore absorbed almost completely, but still a certain amount of oil can stay on the surface, because a few hours after applying the last layer of oil, it is necessary to wipe the surface with dry wind to remove excess butter. You can, after each application, give the surfaces to dry and then repeat the procedure, in which case you can control the resulting color, tint and appearance of the product if it is of fundamental importance, but such a process will take much longer.

Drying the product. After applying the last layer of linen oil, the tree must be dried. Usually this process takes two or three weeks, but may take more time.

After complete drying, the surface is grinning using wax, rosin or turpentine.

More clearly shown in the next video. Enjoy watching.

Irina Zheleznyak, Sobcor Internet editions "Atmwood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

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