Finishing materials for furniture. Finishing

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

2. Materials for opaque finishes (painting or cladding).

Such materials are used for finishing furniture made from wood products - all kinds of different boards such as chipboard, MDF, OSB, etc. Facing materials not only give the sheet materials a beautiful appearance, but they are often more reliable protection than varnishes or polishes. In turn, veneer, which is a material for an opaque finish, needs to be further processed with materials for a transparent finish.

Depending on the various factors, such as the presence of defects, the degree of gloss, transparency, etc. it is customary to distinguish 3 categories of finish quality:

The technology for performing facing works is not considered in this article. And now we will consider for the most part domestic materials used for decoration. wooden furniture, in details

Pretreatment Materials

Primers, mastics, putties

To level the treated surface, increase hardness and adhesion when applying subsequent coatings, primers, mastics, and putties can be used. Moreover, the same varnish, diluted with an appropriate solvent, can be used as a primer. Mastics themselves have tinting properties, but when using putties, the most difficult task- pick a color. As a rule, the sample is first puttied and then varnished, and after the varnish has dried, a decision is made: to use this putty or look for another one.


Now more and more attention is paid to fillers in wood processing. They are used to create a more uniform density of wood, prevent the lacquer film from sagging and soaking the lacquer into the wood. Fillers can be either colorless or tinted.

Fillers also include various kinds of impregnations. Impregnations, in turn, are divided into oil and wax. Oil impregnations are made on the basis of vegetable oils, linen or hemp. Also, drying oil (boiled oil) can be used to impregnate wood. Paraffin treatment of wood can also be considered as a filler treatment.


Various types of bleaching agents are used both to lighten or even out the color, and to remove resin or dirty spots from the surface of the wood.

Dyes, stains, mordants

Used to enhance or change the natural color of wood, usually to imitate valuable breeds.

Materials for transparent finishing

Varnishes for furniture

Such varnishes include liquid solutions of film-forming substances based on organic solvents. According to the degree of gloss, varnishes are usually divided into matte (M), semi-matt (PM), semi-gloss (PG), glossy (G) and high gloss (VG). Varnishes can be applied to wood with both closed and open pores. Depending on the type of the main film-forming substance, varnishes are:

- Nitrocellulose(NC). Such varnishes are widely used for transparent furniture finishing, have different degrees of gloss, good decorative properties. However, nitrocellulose varnishes also have disadvantages - low frost and heat resistance, low water resistance and chemical resistance. Over time under the influence sunlight such varnishes turn yellow. However, furniture finished with nitrocellulose varnish is quite easy to repair. The most famous brands: LON, NTs-218, NTs-243.

- Melamine(ML) are close in their properties to nitrocellulose varnishes, however, they have greater frost and heat resistance. They form a stronger film, but only allow you to create a matte finish.

- Polyester(PE). Allow to receive a thick-layer high-gloss covering of the increased durability. They have good heat and frost resistance, resistant to sun rays. The film after application almost does not sag. However, over time, under the action of shock loads, the coating can be damaged, and it is much more difficult to repair it. The most famous brands: PE-250, PE-250M, PE-232.

- Polyurethane(UR). Usually used for processing conifers wood, allow you to get a surface with good protective and decorative properties. The pores of the wood remain open. Polyurethane varnishes are superior to polyester in terms of resistance to abrasion and weathering.

- Polyacrylic(AK). As a rule, they are well tinted and therefore do not require preliminary tinting of wood.

In order for the surface of the furniture to be smooth, even and high-gloss, polishing pastes or varnishes are used. For example, paste No. 290, varnish NTs-314.

At varnishing apply 2 layers of varnish (NC). When varnished, the finish retains the grain of the wood, but is not smooth enough. At polishing the varnish is also applied in 2 layers, the second layer is polished. At polishing- the varnish is applied in several layers, each of which is polished after drying, and last layer polished.

Wax Impregnation

As already mentioned, impregnations are a subspecies of fillers. but wax impregnations can be used as a finishing transparent finish. In this regard, wax impregnations are more often used for garden furniture, as well as for wooden facade elements. Now wax impregnations are sold in a ready-made, convenient form for use, but they are quite expensive. Therefore, at home, when there is little money and a lot of free time, paraffin can be used instead of wax impregnation.

Materials for opaque finishes

Rotary cut or sliced ​​veneer

Veneer is used for cladding furniture panels or others sheet materials made from wood products. For furniture veneer, valuable wood species with an expressive texture pattern are used (Karelian birch, walnut, oak, mahogany, etc.). This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of furniture finished natural veneer while maintaining an attractive appearance, not inferior to furniture made from solid wood.

Decorative films(synthetic veneers)

They are divided into 2 types. Films based on papers impregnated with thermosetting polymers (carbamide, melamine-formaldehyde, and polyester resins) belong to the first type. The second category includes films based on thermoplastic polymers (polyvinyl chloride and its modifications). Modern technologies allow you to get decorative films with a wide variety of colors and texture patterns on the surface. The surface can be either smooth or embossed.

Furniture coverings made of natural and synthetic veneer need additional varnishing. The use of synthetic veneer instead of natural veneer reduces the cost of furniture production even more, but it also complicates furniture repair and transportation.

Laminated paper(plastic)

Multilayer material with a thickness of 0.4 to 1.2 mm. It is used for cladding flat work surfaces, as well as the edges of plate parts and molded furniture products. It can have a smooth or structured, one-color or multi-color surface of any degree of gloss. The high inertness of plastic, resistance to water, heat, light, pollutants determines their use in the manufacture of kitchen, office and children's furniture.


Like furniture varnishes, there are smooth, glossy and matte, nitrocellulose, polyester, melamine (NTs-25, NTs-257M, PE-276, ML-2157 brands). Used to create smooth surfaces with varying degrees of gloss in the production of kitchen or children's furniture.

Each owner wants his wooden furniture to serve faithfully for as long as possible and at the same time not lose its aesthetic properties. For such purposes, decorative and protective coatings are used. Finishing wooden products with such coatings allows you to maintain an attractive appearance, protects the tree from the impact environment and increases the performance properties of furniture.

Types of finishing materials for furniture repair

There are two main types of materials for finishing wood products, which in one way or another affect its appearance. The use of each of them depends entirely on the situation:

Clear finish (lacquered and polished)- often such materials are used in the case when furniture made of valuable wood is processed. This is done in order to preserve the natural beauty of the wood. You can also varnish and polish products made of coniferous wood or plywood;

Non-transparent finishing (painting and cladding)- materials of such a plan are suitable for furniture made of pressed wood, for example, chipboard, MDF, OSB. Facing materials play not only the role of decoration, but also create reliable protection for wood (more reliable than varnishes or polishes). On the other hand, veneer that is used in opaque finishes needs to be subsequently coated with materials used in transparent finishes.

Finishing wooden furniture, in turn, is divided into three categories of quality. These categories depend on factors such as defects on the product, the degree of gloss of the wood, the required transparency, etc.:

  • Category 1 - a coating in which defects are not visible. Considered the most quality look finishes, but at the same time the most labor-intensive.
  • Category 2 - a coating in which minor defects remain, such as strokes, punctures, small bubbles and little marks.
  • Category 3 - a coating that has visible and tangible defects to the touch. But such flaws in no way affect the performance properties of wooden furniture.

Pretreatment Materials

Primer, mastic, putty

These materials are used to increase hardness and adhesion, as well as to level the surface of wood. As a primer, you can use a varnish diluted with an appropriate solvent. Mastic has tinting properties. Putty creates difficulty in choosing a color. So it's better to use a sample to pick up suitable color and then putty the tree.


They are used in order to create a uniform density of wood. They also prevent the lacquer film from sagging and prevent the lacquer from soaking into the wood. Various oil and wax impregnations can be used as a filler. Treatment with paraffin is equivalent to treatment with a filler.


Bleaching agents are used to lighten the surface or even out the color. Also, with the help of bleach, wood resins and dirty stains are removed.

Dye, stain, mordant

These materials are necessary to enhance or change the natural color of wood. For example, to imitate valuable wood.

Materials for transparent finishing


Special furniture varnishes are solutions with organic-based film-forming agents. These varnishes are divided into several degrees of gloss, namely matte, glossy, semi-matt, semi-gloss and high-gloss. Depending on the film-forming substance, varnish solutions are divided into several types:

  • nitrocellulose - applicable for transparent finishes. Possesses different degrees of gloss and fine decorative qualities. Of the minuses - low frost, heat, water and chemical resistance. Under the influence of the sun, such varnish turns yellow;
  • melamine - has high frost and heat resistance. Creates a strong film. Of the minuses - only a matte finish;
  • polyester - this species coating is thick and high gloss. Sun resistance, good heat and frost resistance;
  • polyurethane - usually used to work with coniferous trees. It is resistant to abrasion and weathering;
  • polyacrylic - for such a varnish does not require preliminary tinting, as it is well tinted by itself.

Wax impregnations

Finishing transparent finish - this is how wax impregnations can be characterized. garden furniture And wooden elements facades are the main areas of application of these materials. Since ready-made impregnations are expensive, paraffin can be used as an impregnation at home.

Materials for opaque finishes


This material is usually used for finishing furniture made from wood products. Gives products a look natural wood. Needs additional polishing.

Decorative film

There are two kinds. The first type is based on paper impregnated with thermosetting polymers. The second is a film based on thermoplastic polymers. Decorative film allows you to create coatings of various colors and texture patterns. Also needs additional varnishing.

Paper laminate

Multilayer material (from 0.4 to 1.2 mm), which is used to finish the work surface. It has a varied structure and color, which allows you to achieve any degree of gloss. High resistance to external factors. Ideal for finishing kitchen, office and children's furniture.


As well as furniture varnishes, it is divided into several types - glossy and matte, polyester, melamine, nitrocellulose. With the help of enamels you can achieve perfect smooth surface with any degree of gloss. It is used for finishing wooden children's or kitchen furniture.

Before buying a wardrobe, hallway or other furniture Special attention you should pay attention to the material and type of finish, which will either organically fit into an existing design, or become the main focus of a new one. stylistic decision interior. To achieve the desired result, to date, our qualified designers have developed many various options exterior finish furniture. The catalog of the company "Studio Mebel" presents finishing materials for the facades of wardrobes. You can choose your favorite options from bamboo, rattan, leather, plastic, glass, mirror, chipboard and more.

Materials catalog

What finishing materials should be preferred?

One of the most sought after is the finish of rattan and RIFLIX panels. It has earned such popularity due to its environmental friendliness and exquisite design; it can be supplemented with glass, mirror and metal elements.

The facades of wardrobes made of MDF / chipboard from the well-known manufacturer EGGER are characterized by high strength, ecology, diversity color solutions and aesthetic appeal. The facades of wardrobe doors, decorated with frescoes, will help emphasize the nobility classical style- a wide range of options is presented in the catalog of drawings.

Also as a decorative addition great solution there will be leather presented in various colors and textures - smooth or embossed, imitation of reptile skin, and so on. original and stylish element The interior will be a sliding wardrobe, decorated with mirror or glass (transparent, colored or acrylic) surfaces, which can be decorated with an exclusive sandblasted pattern, photo printing or stained glass windows. Ready options You can find in our catalog.

In the company "Studio Mebel" you can buy wardrobes with facades decorated various materials. Our qualified staff will be happy to help you choose the best type of finish, taking into account your preferences and stylistic design room interior.

Facing the most various surfaces ubiquitous in a wide variety of materials. This method of surface treatment carries not only a decorative, but also a protective function.

Depending on the needs and type of surface, a wide variety of cladding materials are used: from classic marble and granite to innovative materials such as lamesite flagstone - when it comes to wall cladding. Or materials based on wood, polymers and impregnated papers - if we talk about furniture.

When restoring furniture, three main facing materials are used: sliced ​​veneer, material based on impregnated papers, polymers and material for processing edges.

Polymer-based cladding materials are flexible decorative panels from polystyrene, which are most often used for finishing facade surfaces of furniture or interior walls. Due to its structure, this material is very easy and convenient to work with, it perfectly withstands vacuum processing, has a wide color scheme And different kinds imitations under a tree or a stone.

Sliced ​​veneer is a material obtained by planing hardwoods. When choosing a veneer, special attention should be paid to its thickness. Too much thickness is irrational for the budget, and too little can turn into trouble during work - for example, glue residue can seep through a thin veneer, thereby spoiling the appearance of the material. The texture of the veneer depends on the species and the anatomical structure of the tree from which it was planed.

Materials based on impregnated papers account for 65% of the total volume of all facing materials for a number of reasons:

  • a wide variety of patterns and models;
  • strength of colored textures, light fastness;
  • lack of connecting seams during installation;

Wood finishes are divided into transparent and opaque. transparent it is carried out with colorless or colored transparent paints and varnishes. They enhance the natural color tone, emphasize the texture, and also serve to give the wood specific effects (antique or antique staining). rustic style), imitation of cheap breeds for valuable ones (for example,

pine cherry or mahogany), for leveling color tone solid wood parts with various colors or texture.

At opaque finishing receive no transparent coatings, the color and decorative properties of which are completely determined by the pigmented paints and varnishes used (enamels or paints).

According to their purpose, finishing materials are divided into three main groups:

materials for preparing the surface of wood for finishing (coloring compositions, fillers, putties, primers, bleaching and deresining agents, etc.);

basic materials that create the main paint layer (varnishes, paints, enamels);

materials for refining coatings (polishing and grinding pastes, leveling liquids, etc.).

Modern assortment paintwork materials used for furniture finishing, both abroad and in domestic production, includes a wide range of materials that differ in composition, properties and purpose. The choice of these materials and the method of finishing is largely due to the specific properties of wood: high porosity, low heat resistance, hydrophilicity, etc.

Surface preparation materials for finishing operations

The presence of large vessels and pores in wood leads to increased consumption finishing materials, for the reduction of which on large-porous (ring-vascular) rocks, such as oak, ash, a pore-filling operation is performed. On finely porous scattered vascular rocks (birch, aspen, beech, etc.) before applying paints and varnishes, a priming operation is performed. The presence of intra- and intercellular passages causes different permeability liquids in the transverse and longitudinal directions, which makes it difficult to obtain a uniform color of wood. For widely used in the furniture enterprises of Russia, especially in the Siberian regions, conifers are characterized by softness of the surface, which leads to the need to strengthen it with special primers.

Fillers And primers form the bottom layer finishing coating. After application, they impregnate the surface layer of wood, make it dense and hard, reduce consumption

varnishes. They should be easily applied to the surface of the wood, dry quickly, and sand well. Primers for transparent coatings should not veil the grain of the wood. The main types of primers for furniture are polyester, nitrocellulose, amino-alkyd. Putties designed to level surfaces for transparent coatings and contain mineral fillers. Their main types are the same as primers.

Each type of wood has a specific texture and color that gives it decorative look; the question of preserving the natural texture and color is the most important factor when choosing one or another type of finishing materials. Whitening formulations (hydrogen peroxide solution, oxalic acid etc.) are used to remove tar and other stains, as well as to even out the color of wood. Also needed resinous formulations, since the resin prevents adhesion coatings; these are compounds containing alkali and organic solvents (alcohol, acetone, gasoline).

Basic materials for finishing surfaces of furniture

Substances used in coloring compositions that are capable of imparting the desired color to wood include pigments and dyes.

Pigments can be white, black, gray and colored (chromatic or dyed). To obtain pigmented transparent paints and varnishes, organic pigments with low hiding power, but with a bright, saturated color, are widely used.

In addition to pigments, organic compounds give color to wood - dyes, which are soluble in water and organic solvents.

By origin, natural and synthetic dyes are distinguished. Of the natural, brown dye, called walnut stain, is widely used. Currently in industrial production furniture use mainly synthetic dyes, which are obtained from intermediate products - organic compounds formed as a result of complex chemical transformations of hydrocarbons and other products.

Of the aqueous dyes, the most commonly used are direct, acidic and basic. Water-based dyes show the texture of the wood more clearly, and obtaining evenly colored surfaces sometimes becomes a problem when finishing furniture.

Direct water-soluble dyes are easy to use, low cost, a wide range of colors and shades. Acidic characterized by bright and pure colors, increased light fastness; they are used for deep dyeing of wood. Basic dyes also differ in brightness of tones, but have low light fastness.

Dyes based on organic solvents are characterized by a slight difference in color intensity between different areas of the wood surface, which contributes to the production of uniformly colored products.

Unlike aqueous materials, dyes based on organic solvents almost do not raise the pile of wood, dry quickly, although they are inferior to aqueous dyes in terms of environmental performance.

Mordants- these are chemicals (chlorides and sulfates of iron, copper, etc.), which are not directly dyes, but enter into chemical reaction with tannins of some types of wood and color it.

Lucky form hard shiny or matt transparent coatings on the surface. On the finished surface, a layer of uniform thickness and color with good adhesion to this surface should be obtained. The main types of varnishes for furniture finishing are polyester, nitrocellulose, aminoalkyd, polyurethane.

Coatings based on nitrocellulose varnishes are well sanded and polished, but have low heat and frost resistance, chemical resistance and abrasion resistance. However, due to the reversibility of the film, these coatings are repairable; nitrocellulose varnishes are of little use for thick polished coatings.

The use of polyester varnishes allows you to create thicker coatings, while reducing varnish consumption and finishing time. Such coatings are water-, chemical-, heat- and light-resistant, well resist abrasion, but have poor adhesion and low impact resistance.

Polyurethane varnishes provide coatings that are superior in abrasion and weather resistance to polyester coatings. In addition, when finishing with polyurethane varnishes, the pores of the wood remain open.

Varnishes based on polyacrylates, along with very fast curing (5-8 s), have the ability to wet surfaces well and penetrate into the pores of wood, which makes it possible to obtain, in excellent -

Other than polyester materials, thin-layer coatings with high adhesion, hardness and wear resistance.

polishes in composition they are close to varnishes based on natural waxes, but are less concentrated and are used to refresh coatings and give them a mirror shine. In this case, the thickness of the coatings slightly increases. Polishing pastes are used for the same purpose, but when they are used, the thickness of the coating decreases.

enamels are used mainly for decorating children's, kitchen and furniture for various public spaces. The most common are nitrocellulose and polyester enamels with properties similar to those of varnishes.

The use of paints and varnishes having a high content of non-volatile substances, for example, curing with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation or electron beam, allows you to achieve significant reduction emissions harmful substances into the atmosphere, contributes to the preservation of the cleanliness of the environment.

Powder Coatings have proven themselves as a way to improve the surfaces of metals - aluminum and steel. Such coatings are valued for their durability, beautiful appearance, low cost and environmental friendliness. In recent decades, highly reactive powder materials have been developed in the furniture industry that can be kilned at low temperatures and are therefore suitable for heat-sensitive materials such as wood and wood boards. A number of European manufacturers successfully use powder-coated MDF with high quality indicators for the manufacture kitchen facades, furniture for bathrooms, nurseries and for decoration commercial premises.

The powder method allows you to obtain a uniform coating of furniture components. Edge banding as a separate operation is not required. The surface of the furniture details finished by a powder method is homogeneous - both on a layer, and on; edge, without a gap in which dirt accumulates. With the help of powder coatings, it is possible to create not only durable microstructured surfaces, but also smooth and high-gloss surfaces.

IN last years developed powder paints in all colors of the spectrum, as well as a variety of special effects and metallic colors.

Powder technology provides a durable, damage and stain resistant finish. In addition, powder coating is an environmentally friendly technology, without the use of solvents, heavy metals and highly corrosive pollutants. Automatic powder coating booths and powder collection and recycling equipment allow almost 100% paint utilization to be achieved. Upon completion of the painting process, no additional operations are required, therefore powder technology finishes are not only environmentally friendly, but also cost-effective.

Among the new finishing materials, manufacturers of furniture for kitchens and bathrooms are of particular interest biologically active coatings, with bactericidal properties.

Prospects for the development of a range of finishing materials for furniture production

The world furniture industry annually consumes about 800 thousand tons (or 785 million liters) of paints and varnishes (LKM) for wood finishing, which is about 60% of the total output of these materials. In accordance with the level of development of furniture production, the regions leading in the consumption of paint and varnish materials are distinguished: Europe (where the top five are Italy, Germany, Spain, Great Britain and France), the USA and China.

On the modern market LMB is in effect big number companies. The largest among them are Akzo Nobel, Arch, Beckers, Mles, Sherwn-Wllams, Valspar, which account for about 22% of the market. Smaller coatings manufacturing companies operate in the same countries with a traditionally developed furniture industry: ZN, Barpmo, Chemcraft, Hesse, Huarun, CA, nchem, Nabersa, Tkkurla. Experts paint market note that simultaneously with the movement of traditional centers of furniture production from Europe and the USA to Eastern Europe, Asia, India and Brazil, in the same regions the leading manufacturers of paint and varnish materials are also striving to expand their presence, both in the form of sales offices and through the opening of their branches for the production of paint and varnish products.

In accordance with the expected average growth of the furniture market in the coming years by 5% per year, the consumption of paints and varnishes by the furniture industry will also increase, but at a slower rate - by 3% annually, which is caused by the use of more economical technologies facing.

In different countries, despite the global world integration, noticeable differences remain in the preference for types of furniture finishes. Thus, denser coatings with a high degree of gloss, obtained using polyester varnishes, are popular among South European manufacturers, and in most northern countries prefer to keep the natural look of natural wood, with a natural texture and a less shiny surface, which requires acid curing varnishes.

A feature of the world production of paints and varnishes is that most of the leading foreign companies in the range of their products have all types of materials. However, in quantitative and priority terms, the range of coatings continues to change, mainly under the pressure of ever-increasing environmental protection requirements. Thus, in European countries, emission standards for formaldehyde and all organic solvents from paints and varnishes have been established. Therefore, the following trends are noticeable in the global production of these products:

the proportion of nitrocellulose materials containing 65-80% organic solvents is gradually decreasing;

polyester styrene-containing UV curing materials are replaced with styrene-free ones whenever possible;

polyurethane varnishes with a non-volatile content of 30-40% replace varnishes with high content dry matter (60-80%);

there is a noticeable increase in the production and improvement of the quality of water materials. Many firms have specific gravity water materials in the range increased from 50 to 80%, although these materials are still not actively used even in foreign industry;

of pigmented UV curing materials for open-pore finishes, polyacrylate systems and materials using unsaturated polyester resins.

For the decoration of furniture facades, pigmented paint systems with various decorative effects: semi-antique finish (patinated), with mother-of-pearl effect, etc. Varnishes with a metallic effect, the color range of which is very extensive, are widely used. Brightly colored paintwork materials with a high degree of gloss are gaining more and more popularity.

In the foreign furniture industry, more and more wide application finds an alternative method of finishing Touchwood surfaces (or called "transfer finish") - dry decal coating. This method allows you to create the effect of natural wood in one pass without the use of glue and solvents. It is used to finish natural wood, structural boards and most thermoplastic claddings.

Describing the dynamics of the range of finishing materials in the Russian furniture production, the following trends can be noted:

reduced consumption of non-environmentally friendly nitrocellulose materials;

growth in consumption of nitrourethane and polyurethane paints and varnishes;

a sharp decrease in the consumption of polyester varnishes, caused by the transition of enterprises to the manufacture of relief facades and the use of matte thin-layer finishes; at the same time, the popularity of UV-curing polyester varnishes is gradually increasing.

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