High creatinine. What is creatinine in the blood

landscaping 03.07.2020

General information about the study

Creatinine is a waste product produced in muscles when a substance called creatine is broken down. Creatine is included in the cycle that provides the body with energy for muscle contraction. After 7 seconds of intense physical activity, creatine phosphate is converted to creatine, then turns into creatinine, which is filtered in the kidneys and excreted in the urine. Creatine and creatinine are stably produced by our body in a constant amount. Almost all creatinine is excreted by the kidneys, so its concentration in the blood is a good indicator of their function. The amount of creatinine produced depends on the total body weight and, in particular, muscle mass. Therefore, for example, creatinine levels in men will be significantly higher than in women and children.

Its small part (15%) is secreted by the tubules, but it is mainly produced by filtration in the glomerulus. The level of creatinine in the blood does not go beyond the norm until the glomerular filtration rate drops to critical values, especially in patients with low muscle mass. Then the creatinine level rises.

It is because of the large number of components (muscle mass, gender, age) that affect the concentration of creatinine in the blood that this study is not the best screening test for detecting kidney failure. At the same time, creatinine is a more sensitive indicator of kidney disease than urea.

What is research used for?

  • To evaluate kidney function.
  • To assess the function of the main organs and systems (in combination with other studies).
  • To evaluate impaired renal function and the effectiveness of its treatment, if creatinine or urea is outside the normal range and the patient has some underlying chronic disease, such as diabetes, the course of which affects the condition of the kidneys.
  • If the level of creatinine in the blood and urine is known, the creatinine clearance (Rehberg's test) can be calculated - this test shows how effectively the kidneys filter small molecules, such as creatinine, from the blood.
  • To calculate the glomerular filtration rate to confirm kidney damage.

When is the study scheduled?

  • At certain intervals, with known kidney disease or a disease that can cause deterioration of kidney function (together with the test for urea and microalbuminuria).
  • in the diagnosis of skeletal muscle diseases.
  • Before and after hemodialysis.
  • For symptoms of kidney dysfunction:
    • weakness, fatigue, decreased attention, poor appetite, sleep problems,
    • swelling on the face, wrists, ankles, ascites,
    • frothy, red or coffee-colored urine
    • decreased diuresis,
    • problems with the act of urination: burning, discontinuity, change in frequency (prevalence of nocturnal diuresis),
    • pain in the lumbar region (especially on the sides of the spine), under the ribs,
    • high pressure.
  • In any pathological conditions accompanied by dehydration.
  • In preparation for computed tomography.
  • Before prescribing drugs that can cause damage to the kidney tissue.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. One of the informative diagnostic procedures is a biochemical blood test.

It is difficult for a person without a medical education to understand his testimony. After all, blood is not only shaped elements - red and white bodies.

It is also an extensive complex of organic substances (lipids, proteins, including specifically colored ones, carbohydrates, vitamin and, inorganic and low molecular weight nitrogenous substances).

Today's topic is devoted to one of the representatives of low molecular weight nitrogenous substances - creatinine. What kind of substance is it, what role does it play in the body, what is the physiological norm, and what can its imbalance tell us about.

Creatinine in the blood - what is it

Creatinine belongs to the group of low molecular weight nitrogenous substances. In fact, it is an anhydride (chemical compound) of creatine (nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid), which provides the body's muscle tissue with the necessary energy.

The rate of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in men is from 125 ml per minute, in women - from 110 ml / min. The higher the GFR (clearance), the less creatinine is in the urine.

Signs of a violation of the formation of creatinine

The most indicative symptom is impaired renal function, accompanied by:

  1. general fatigue;
  2. increased fatigue;
  3. difficult shallow breathing;
  4. various forms of disturbances of consciousness;
  5. pain and a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region.

Methods of laboratory diagnostics

To determine the actual level of creatinine in the body, various techniques laboratory diagnostics, which help to make a correct assessment of the functional characteristics of many organs and systems, to determine the nature of changes in the general state of the human body by capillary or venous blood.

  1. Comprehensive diagnostics biochemistry blood.
  2. Hemorenal tests(Reberga - Tareeva) - determination of the level of endogenous substance by GFR.
  3. azotemia- standard for early diagnosis of renal pathologies (protein / creatinine ratio).

To eliminate errors in the testimony of laboratory tests, two days before the examination, power loads should be abandoned.

24 hours before donating blood, exclude protein and meat foods, especially beef, from the diet. A plentiful drinking regimen is useful, but on the eve of blood sampling, strong tea and coffee should not be consumed.

Based on the results of each of these tests, one can judge the state of health of the patient.

What does low creatinine mean?

  1. Decreased creatinine titers in a biochemical blood test can be caused by a sharp decrease in muscle tissue as a result of: poor nutrition due to a protein-free or low-protein diet, muscular dystrophy, or impaired functional properties of the liver.
  2. Creatinine clearance in the blood decreases when the blood supply to the kidney tissues is disturbed, oncological processes develop in them, or with signs of heart failure.
  3. When analyzing azotemia, a decrease in creatinine in the blood may indicate a lack of protein in the diet, muscle injuries, pregnancy, cell destruction in the muscle tissue structure (rhabdomilliosis), and the presence of cirrhosis of the liver.

When creatinine is elevated

The only reason why elevated levels of creatinine in the blood are not considered a pathology is that it is obviously voluntary. the use of various dietary supplements with a high concentration of an endogenous component for greater endurance and artificial muscle building.

What is often observed in professional athletes.

In other cases, elevated titers of the endogenous component in the biochemical analysis of blood plasma provide grounds for a more complete examination of patients, since may testify:

  1. About the presence of pathological processes in the urinary system caused by kidney injury, impaired renal blood supply, the development of urolithiasis or oncological neoplasms.
  2. Increased indicators of the substance according to the blood-renal test are a characteristic symptom of high physical exertion, the body's reaction to soft burns or bruises of muscle tissues.
  3. A high level of creatinine in the analysis of azotemia can be a sign of failure of renal functions, severe dehydration (dehydration) of the body, obstruction of the urinary tract, or the presence of hemorrhagic processes (bleeding) in any organ or body system (respiratory system, digestive tract, etc.).

Biochemical laboratory blood screening and a well-diagnosed doctor allow you to choose a reasonable treatment strategy and prevent complications in time.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The norm of creatinine in adults in the urine and blood is a constant value, and the norm of creatinine in women is always lower than in men. The smallest amount of this substance is found in children under the age of 1, which is quite understandable. Why is creatinine increased or decreased, what is the norm of creatinine in the blood? For men, the norm of creatinine is usually higher than for women, since the concentration of creatinine in the blood is dependent on muscle mass. Physiological fluctuations in the norm of creatinine in the blood are designed specifically for morning analysis, so blood sampling after a meal cannot provide objective information. The norm of creatinine in the blood in women and men depends on the functioning of the kidneys.

Creatinine(creatine) - a molecular structure that is a product of muscle metabolism. Creatinine is produced from creatine, a molecule that plays an important role in the energy supply of muscles. Approximately 2% of the human body's creatine is converted to creatinine daily. Creatinine is transported through the blood to the kidneys, where it is filtered to form urine. The bulk of creatinine is excreted by the kidneys. During the day, the amount of creatinine circulating in the blood remains almost at the same level. This is due to the fact that the muscle mass of a person also does not undergo changes. The content of creatinine directly depends on the muscle mass of the body, in men this figure will be significantly higher than in women.

Why is it important to check blood creatinine levels?

The kidneys maintain the level of blood creatinine within a certain value. Accordingly, impaired renal function leads to impaired urinary creatinine excretion. Thus, creatinine is a universal indicator of the normal functioning of the kidneys.

In case of impaired renal function, regardless of the causes, the level of creatinine in the blood will rise.

Very high levels of blood creatinine may indicate renal failure in various stages. It is for this reason that it is important to control the normal content of creatinine in the blood by performing a standard biochemical blood test. A more accurate method of determining kidney function is to estimate how much creatinine is excreted from the body through the kidneys over time. This parameter displays creatinine clearance.

What is a normal blood creatinine level?

The norm of creatinine in the blood in women and men has a different meaning. This is due to the fact that muscle mass in men, as a rule, is greater than in women, respectively, and the norm of creatinine in the blood is higher.

Normal blood creatinine levels range from 71-106 µmol/l in adult men and from 36-90 µmol/l in adult women.
In the elderly, however, creatinine levels may even be below normal average values.

Young, muscular or middle-aged men may have slightly higher levels of creatinine in the blood. In the elderly, however, cretinine levels may even be below the normal average. The norm of creatinine for children is about 20 µmol/l, depending on muscle development. People with poor nutrition, severe weight loss, and long-term muscle disease also tend to have lower creatinine levels.

In people with one kidney, the norm of creatinine is on average 180 - 190 µmol / l. A blood test that shows creatinine levels of 200 µmol or more in children and 400 µmol or more in adults may indicate severe kidney dysfunction. With creatinine figures of 800 µmol or more, it is necessary to consider the issue of emergency blood dialysis using a special device.

What are the causes of increased creatinine?

With any violation of kidney function, an increase in the level of creatinine in the blood is possible. In this case, it is important to find out how long the impaired kidney function has been in the body.

What are the symptoms of elevated creatinine?

Symptoms of impaired kidney function (renal failure) vary widely. Often, the manifestation of impaired kidney function (renal failure) occurs after heavy physical exertion. This causes pain or heaviness in the lumbar region. Some of the symptoms of elevated creatinine include:

  • feeling of exhaustion;
  • feeling tired;
  • labored breathing;
  • confusion;
  • other nonspecific symptoms.

When performing a test for creatinine content, as well as determining creatinine clearance, it allows you to find out the level of waste products of muscle tissue in the blood and urine. The results of these parameters reflect how well your kidneys are functioning. The substance creatine is formed as food is converted into energy during metabolism. Creatine is converted into another substance called creatinine, which is excreted from the blood through the kidneys.

Creatinine production occurs at a constant rate regardless of diet or physical activity. If the kidneys are damaged and do not work adequately, then the amount of creatinine in the urine decreases, and its level in the blood rises.

There are three types of creatinine tests:

  • Blood creatinine
  • Creatinine clearance

The creatinine clearance indicator is somewhat more informative than the blood creatinine test. To determine this indicator, you need samples of your blood and urine. Urine must be collected within 24 hours.

This indicator is performed to diagnose dehydration.

How to prepare for a creatinine test:

Do not eat more than 200 g of meat, especially beef, or other foods rich in protein 24 hours before the analysis;

Be sure to drink enough fluids during the 24-hour urine collection, while avoiding the consumption of coffee or strong tea.

How is a creatinine test performed?

Blood sampling

After treating the elbow area with alcohol, the nurse will apply a pressure tourniquet to the shoulder in order to stop the outflow of blood through the veins and increase pressure in the vessels. Then, with a sterile needle and syringe, the nurse will puncture the vein in the elbow bend and take a few milliliters of blood. After that, a patch with sterile cotton wool moistened with a disinfectant solution is glued to the injection area.

  • Urine collection begins in the morning. After you wake up, you need to urinate, but this urine does not need to be collected. All subsequent portions of urine will need to be collected in a sterile container with a volume of 4-5 liters. Do not separate urine into different containers. Also, do not touch the inner surface with your hands. This container should be kept in a dark, cool place, the ideal place for this is a refrigerator.
  • Keep the collected urine container in the refrigerator for 24 hours;
  • It is necessary to empty the bladder for the last time exactly 24 hours after the first urination, that is, the last portion of urine should be the morning portion of urine of the next day;
  • The collected urine should not contain foreign objects or substances, for example: toilet paper, pubic hair, feces, menstrual blood, etc.

Possible risks when taking a blood test for creatinine

  • As a result of blood sampling, a small subcutaneous hematoma may form.
  • In rare cases, swelling may occur at the injection site. This is a manifestation of phlebitis. In this case, it is necessary to apply a warm compress for several days.
  • Bleeding can be a problem for people with bleeding disorders. Taking certain medications, such as aspirin, warfarin, and other blood-thinning drugs, increases the chance of bleeding from the injection site.

Creatinine blood test results

Normal creatinine values ​​may vary from laboratory to laboratory, depending on the reagents used. More precisely, it is not the parameters that vary, but the units of measurement.

Nitrogen to creatinine ratio

High creatinine values ​​in a blood test

A high blood creatinine level may indicate the presence of serious kidney damage. Kidney damage can be caused by a life-threatening infection, shock, cancer, or low blood flow to the kidneys. Other conditions that can cause high blood creatinine levels include blockage of normal urine flow (eg, kidney stones), heart failure, dehydration, excessive blood loss leading to hypodynamic shock, gout, or muscle pathology (eg, rhabdomyolysis, gigantism, acromegaly, myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy or polymyositis). Usually, a high blood creatinine level means that the creatinine clearance is lower than usual;

High creatinine clearance can be caused by exercise, muscle damage (especially muscle tears), burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, hypothyroidism, and pregnancy;

A high nitrogen to creatinine ratio occurs in acute renal failure, which can be caused by shock or severe dehydration. A blockage in the urinary tract (such as kidney stones) can also lead to an increase in the ratio of nitrogen to creatinine. A very high nitrogen to creatinine ratio can be caused by bleeding in the digestive tract or airways.

Low creatinine values ​​on blood tests

  • A low blood creatinine level can mean a decrease in muscle mass caused by a disease, such as muscular dystrophy. Low creatinine may also be indicative of certain types of severe liver disease, or may be seen with a very low protein diet. Another reason for the decrease in blood creatinine is pregnancy.
  • Low creatinine clearance may be indicative of severe renal dysfunction resulting from life-threatening infections, shock, cancer, low blood flow to the kidneys, or blockage of the urinary tract. Heart failure, dehydration, and liver disease (cirrhosis) can also cause low creatinine clearance.
  • Low nitrogen to creatinine ratio may result from a low protein diet, severe muscle injury, rhabdomyolysis, pregnancy, cirrhosis of the liver, lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
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Creatinine is a product of a chemical reaction in the body. Formed in the muscles and released into the blood. A normal level of a non-protein compound is an indicator of the good functioning of the kidneys and the body as a whole.

Creatinine (in the blood, the norm of a non-protein compound depends on many factors) is one of the final substances in the metabolism of simple and complex proteins. With the proper functioning of the body, it is excreted in the urine. The compound creatinine is formed from the protein creatine, which is the basis of activity for skeletal muscles in the body.

In this complex process of chemical transformation, the creatine protein is stored in a new form - phosphocreatine, which is the energy for the contraction of muscle fibers in the body.

At the same time, he gives his energy to the body, and he is divided into the final metabolic products - creatinine, water and phosphates. Thus, a non-protein compound is the end product that takes part in the body's energy metabolism.

The norm of creatinine in the blood

Creatinine is a participant in energy metabolism in the muscles of the body and other organs. Therefore, the content of non-protein compounds in the blood depends on muscle volume. Hence, in men, the amount of creatinine in the blood serum is greater than in women - due to the volume of muscle mass.

Normally, the substance in the blood is almost always in a certain amount, which is determined by the relative stability of muscle volume.

What is dangerous deviation from the norm

Creatinine (normal in the blood - an indicator of the coordinated work of the body) should have a stable value in the biochemical blood test and any deviations - up or down should be regarded as a pathological process in the body.

Increase in serum creatinine:

  • an acute pathological condition of the kidneys, in which the organ is not able to partially or completely excrete urine;
  • long-term progressive decline in kidney function in the form of insufficient blood filtration, removal of metabolic products and removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • with chronically occurring pathologies in the myocardium and blood vessels;
  • impressive burns on the body;
  • after extensive surgical interventions on the muscles of the body;
  • neoplasms, both benign and malignant;
  • pathological process in the thyroid gland or pituitary gland;
  • large loss of body fluid;
  • nephrectomy;
  • increased creatinine as a result of taking medications;
  • a large amount of protein foods in the diet.

Causes of deviation from the norm of creatinine in the blood.

Decreased creatinine level:

  • long-term plant-based diet;
  • weight loss with a decrease in muscle volume;
  • systemic glucocorticoid therapy;
  • stage 4 cancer;
  • violation of the production of vasopressin;
  • swelling;
  • lupus nephritis;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • the heat of passion;
  • stress;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the liver;
  • circulatory disorders in the hepatobiliary system;
  • nephropathy;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney stone formation.

How does age affect creatinine levels?

The level of creatinine in the blood depends not only on gender, but also on age. The older the person, the lower the level of the final non-protein compound in the body. The process is associated with an age-related decrease in muscle volumes - when the fat layer, due to slow metabolic processes, increases, and the muscle decreases.

Therefore, lower creatinine levels, in normal health, are the norm.

But even in people at a more mature age, the level of the final product of muscle work can be increased (to the norm of middle-aged people) - if an elderly person leads an active life, goes in for physical education. In this case, normal muscle volume will keep the level of non-protein compound at the required level.

Table of norms for adults

Creatinine in the blood (the norm is determined in mmol / l) in men and women is a different value due to the musculoskeletal structure.

Creatinine levels in men by age:

Creatinine values ​​for women by age:

Women age Creatinine level in mmol/l Mg %
from 18 years oldfrom 0.05 mmol/l

up to 0.10 mmol/

from 0.5655%
from 21 years oldfrom 0.05 mmol/l

up to 0.11 mmol/l

from 0.5655%
from 51 years oldfrom 0.05 mmol/l

up to 1.06 mmol/l

from 0.5655%
from 61 years oldfrom 0.05 mmol/l

up to 0.98 mmol/l

from 0.5655%
from 71+from 0.05 mmol/l

up to 0.80 mmol/l

from 0.5655%

Table of standards for children

The creatinine index in childhood does not depend on gender. You should know that an increased indicator of a non-protein compound in the blood can be with absolute health in a child - physiological indicators that are provoked by sports, increased weight, increased consumption of meat products, and medication.

Causes of deviation of creatinine from the norm

Both high and low creatinine levels have their own reasons. They can have a pathological and physiological origin.

Pathological increase in creatinine - causes:

  • inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys or glomerular nephritis;
  • bacterial damage to the renal pelvis;
  • malignant and benign formations of the urinary system;
  • general swelling of the body caused by kidney damage;
  • generalized ischemia of the renal tissue;
  • urinary diathesis;
  • nephrolithiasis or the formation of crystals of various nature in the renal tissue;
  • kidney disease, in which, for unknown reasons, multiple cystic lesions of organs form;
  • protein dystrophy of the kidneys with the formation of a pathological protein-polysaccharide compliment;
  • a protracted long-term process of death of the kidney tissue, which leads to an imbalance in the work of all internal organs and body systems;
  • acute pathology in the work of the kidneys, associated with a violation of the absorption and absorption of fluids, which leads to a violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • narrowing of the vascular system of the kidneys, due to high blood sugar, which leads to glomerulosclerosis;
  • inflammatory lesions of the liver, leading to disruption of the methylation process - an important biochemical process in the body;
  • violation of the blood supply to the myocardium, as a result of damage to the vascular system;
  • a pathological process in the body, manifested by the death of body tissues for various reasons;
  • deep penetration of thermal energy into the layers of the skin;
  • germination of malignant tumors in the deep muscle layers of the body;
  • long-term pathology in the thyroid gland with reduced production of thyroid-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland;
  • fluid loss of various etiologies;
  • effects of radiation therapy;
  • long-term pathological increase in blood pressure;
  • inflammatory process of skeletal muscles;
  • autoimmune disease of the muscular system;
  • deficiency of circulating blood of various etiologies;
  • disruption of the pituitary gland, in the form of an increase in somatotropin and an increase in body parts;
  • severe infectious pathologies of the body;
  • leptospirosis.

The reasons for the non-pathological nature of the increase in serum creatinine include the following processes:

  • severe physical fatigue;
  • heavy sports - powerlifting, bodybuilding, tennis, triathlon;
  • low-calorie unbalanced protein nutrition;
  • drugs of the NSAID group;
  • excessive excess weight;
  • period of body growth.

Causes of low creatinine levels:

  • extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • myotonic muscle wasting;
  • the first 30 weeks of pregnancy;
  • refusal of meat food and the predominance of plant foods in the diet;
  • systemic therapy with glucocorticosteroids in autoimmune pathologies;
  • hypoxia of all body tissues of various etiologies;
  • diseases due to malfunction of internal organs and systems;
  • infectious diseases with a severe course.

Abnormal symptoms

The norm of creatinine in the blood may deviate and is always accompanied by certain symptoms.

Manifestations of elevated creatinine:

  • rapid and difficult breathing;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • incoherent thinking;
  • inability to think and think clearly;
  • great desire to drink;
  • pathological accumulation of fluid in tissues and organs;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • violation of water and lipid metabolism in the form of dry skin;
  • soreness and muscle weakness;
  • increased or vice versa reduced urine separation during the day;
  • pathological changes in the general analysis of urine - the appearance of protein, leukocytopenia and erythrocytopenia;
  • painful and painful sensations in the region of the lumbar spine;
  • hypertension.

Symptoms of low serum creatinine:

  • impaired absorption of nutrients;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • disorders of the digestive system of unclear etiology;
  • malfunction of the hepatobiliary system;
  • feeling of weakness in the whole body;
  • anorexia;
  • decrease in motor and physical activity;
  • pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle;
  • asthenic condition;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

Indications for the purpose of the analysis

The main indication for prescribing an analysis for the amount of creatinine in the blood is to determine how well the urinary system works.

You should know that there are pathologies, the development of which can be determined by the level of non-protein compounds in the blood:

  • edematous syndrome;
  • violation of urine excretion - a decrease or complete cessation;
  • pain and heaviness in the lumbar spine of a non-degenerative nature;
  • heaviness in breathing;
  • severe fatigue;
  • pathological changes in the myocardium;
  • autoimmune pathological processes in the body associated with visceral lesions;
  • type 1 and type 2 diabetes;
  • clinical and biochemical analyzes before surgery;
  • the period of gestation;
  • systemic glucocorticoid therapy;
  • taking antibacterial agents;
  • in athletes, to control the proper functioning of the kidneys during the period of taking protein- and creatine-containing supplements;
  • unstable increase in pressure;
  • hypertensive crises with pathological atherosclerotic vascular lesions;
  • painful spasm of the muscles of the body;
  • postoperative period on large surfaces of the body.

Preparation for analysis

Before taking a test for creatinine in the blood, certain rules should be followed, in order to avoid distortions as a result of the analysis:

  • it is necessary to exclude any types of alcohol the day before the test;
  • you should abandon the large consumption of protein foods (if there is a habit of eating one meat), so that the analysis does not show an artificial increase in creatinine in the blood;
  • exclude spicy seasonings and salted pickled food from the diet for a day;
  • do not engage in heavy physical activity and sports for 2 days (before donating blood);
  • before the test, you should not eat for 12 hours;
  • eliminate psycho-emotional stress;
  • before donating blood, except for a glass of water - you can’t drink anything;
  • it is necessary to warn the health worker about taking systemic drugs - antibacterial anti-tuberculosis therapy, glucocorticoid drugs (if any);
  • if possible (with the permission of the attending physician) - stop using all medications;
  • before entering the manipulation room, you should relax.


The procedure for taking a biochemical analysis for creatinine is the usual venous blood sampling from the elbow bend (if it is not possible to take blood in this place, blood should be taken from the hand, shoulder or leg).

But sometimes the attending physician may prescribe special tests, according to certain methods:

  • Endogenous creatinine clearance or Rehberg's test. The method lies in the fact that the patient needs to drink 0.5 liters of pure water before taking a venous creatinine test. Then you should go to the toilet and empty the bladder of accumulated urine and donate, as planned, blood from a vein.
  • Analysis using medical strips. Determination of creatinine in the blood using strips is an express method. A drop of blood should be applied to a special medical strip (in this case, blood is taken from a finger). The method is questionable, and it should be used only in emergency - resuscitation cases.
  • Creatinine clearance according to the method of Gault and Cockcroft. Blood should be taken from a vein. But when calculating the analysis, it is necessary to take into account the patient's age and body weight. The method evaluates the quality of the renal excretory system.
  • Jaffe reaction. When using the Jaffe reaction in determining the amount of creatinine in the blood, a laboratory assistant adds pincrinic acid to the venous blood, which changes the color of the compound. According to the indicators of the obtained color, the amount of creatinine is determined.

Creatinine Normalization Methods

When determining the level of creatinine, the therapist is primarily aimed at seeing the result of the analysis. As a rule, he is interested in whether the level of a non-protein substance in the blood serum is elevated.

To normalize a low level of creatinine, it is usually necessary to adjust physical and emotional stress, give up bad habits in the form of alcohol, tobacco, physical inactivity - the enemy of low creatinine. To lower the level of creatinine in the blood, you need to know the cause.

Based on the examination, the general practitioner, urologist, infectious disease specialist (it all depends on the pathological process) will offer therapy:

  • drug therapy (in case of illness);
  • non-traditional methods of treatment (traditional medicine);
  • diet food.

How to increase creatinine levels with medication

In order to increase the level of creatinine in the blood, you need to know the reason. The lack of a non-protein compound, as a rule, does not bother doctors, and this problem should be treated primarily by dietary nutrition - with a high content of animal proteins, an active lifestyle.

But there are pathological conditions in which drugs should be taken that will help the overall metabolism in the body.

The drug Methionine in tablets:

  • the composition of the product includes alipophic sulfur-containing amino acid;
  • the drug stimulates the liver, normalizes lipid metabolism, stimulates the production of vitamin B4, adrenaline hormone and non-protein substance creatinine;
  • should be taken with liver damage of various etiologies, with type 1 and type 2 diabetes;
  • to increase the level of creatinine in the blood, take 2 tablets 4 times a day. Duration of therapy from 15 to 30 days with a break of 2 weeks should be repeated.

Ketosteril tablets:

  • combined amino acid-polypeptide preparation, which contains - hydroxyamino acid, l-tryptophan, heterocyclic amino acid, alpha-amino acid;
  • the drug helps the body in replenishing the missing amino acids for life, promotes the production of creatinine, improves metabolic processes;
  • the drug must be used with insufficient protein metabolism;
  • the drug should be taken 4 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the therapist.

Dry preparation Nutrizon for oral administration:

  • the preparation contains proteins - 6 g, fats - 5.8 g, carbohydrates - 18.3 g;
  • the drug is a highly nutritious mixture with a large amount of protein, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • the drug should be taken with exhaustion, lack of creatinine in the blood;
  • fine powder should be added to food or should be diluted with water and drunk. The dose of the drug is determined by the therapist or nutritionist in accordance with the needs of the patient.

Medicine Modulen IBD:

  • the composition of the preparation for oral use includes a large amount of proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, mealy corn carbohydrate syrup, cane sugar;
  • highly nutritious combined protein mixture to eliminate protein deficiency, low serum creatinine, anorexia;
  • the drug should be added to food or make drinks. It should be taken strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician and in accordance with the prescribed dosages.

The drug for intravenous administration Nutriflex Lipid:

  • the medicinal product consists of a liquid solution of grape sugar, a restoring emulsion of lipids, an amino acid composition, an ionic salt solution;
  • the drug provides energy to all cells and tissues of the body;
  • the drug should be administered intravenously, continuously, in dosages and amounts prescribed by a resuscitator or other specialist, and only in a hospital setting.

Lowering creatinine with drugs

Creatinine in the blood (the norm of a non-protein compound is increased in certain diseases) can have not only a low level (rather rare), but also an increased one, which should be taken very seriously.

First of all, it is necessary to change the habitual way of life:

  • be sure to establish the use of clean water - not tea and coffee;
  • reduce, and sometimes eliminate (for some time) physical activity;
  • eliminate psycho-emotional provocateurs;
  • bad habits should be abandoned - alcoholic beverages, in all forms and tobacco.

Medical therapy

Drug therapy for elevated creatinine levels includes exposure to factors provoking an increase in non-protein compounds.

Trinephron capsules for oral use:

  • the composition of the herbal combination preparation includes centaury herb, rosemary leaves, lyubchik root;
  • the drug is used in urological practice for violations of the urinary system and an increased level of creatinine;
  • the drug should be taken 2 capsules 3 times a day with a large amount of liquid. The duration of therapy is determined by the urologist based on the general condition of the patient and biochemical tests.

Cysto-Aurin tablets:

  • the composition of the drug includes an extract from the golden rod shrub, stearic acid with magnesium, silica, natural polymer, polysorb;
  • extract from the golden rod shrub has an effect on the urinary system, promotes the excretion of urine, relieves the inflammatory process, thereby lowering the level of creatinine in the blood plasma;
  • the drug must be taken for a long time, at least 2-3 months, at a dose of 1 tablet 4 times a day.

Lispefril Liquid:

  • the composition of the liquid agent includes an extract from the bicolor lespedez plant, wine alcohol, anise essential oil;
  • the complex composition of the drug improves the filtration of the kidneys, the discharge of urine, promotes the release of sodium. Thus, it helps to lower the level of creatinine;
  • the drug should be used for at least 1 month, 1 tsp. - 1 tbsp. l. drug (can be diluted in water) 3 times a day.

Normalization of creatinine indicators with folk remedies

Alternative medicine is widely used to normalize the level of non-protein compounds in the blood. To do this, you need to use herbal teas and infusions from plants prepared at home.

Dieting with high creatinine

With elevated levels of creatinine, the observance of a proper diet is sure to come to the fore, which will help to lower the level of non-protein substances in the blood. Also, dietary nutrition in complex therapy with drugs will help to quickly normalize high rates of biochemical analyzes and help the general condition of the body.

You should know the principles of dietary nutrition with high or elevated levels of non-protein substances:

  • correct drinking regime. If there are no restrictions from the doctor, then you should consume up to 2 liters of clear liquid or herbal teas per day. This is a prerequisite that helps to remove the toxin from the body;
  • to normalize the level of creatinine in the blood, you should refuse or minimize the use of animal protein;
  • the diet should be enriched with vegetables, cereals, fruits, unrefined butter, lactic acid products, whole wheat bread;
  • food should be fractional - 3 main meals and two snacks.

The creatinine level is a constant value. In order for the amount of non-protein compounds in the blood to remain within the normal range, one should lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and exercise, as well as the rejection of bad habits.

Useful videos about creatinine, its norm and deviations

More about creatinine and the reasons for its increase or decrease:

Diet to lower creatinine:

Creatinine is a chemical substance that is formed in human muscles during physical exertion as a result of the breakdown of chemical compounds (creatine - creatine phosphate reaction), which are a source of energy for the contraction of muscle fibers.

From the muscle fibers, creatinine enters the bloodstream and, after purification of the blood serum by the kidneys, is completely excreted from the body in the urine. An increase in creatinine in the blood is called hypercreatinemia and indicates a violation of the excretory or musculoskeletal systems of the body.

To determine the rate of products of the creatine phosphate reaction, the first study is a biochemical blood test for creatinine, which is performed if renal failure is suspected.

Cretitin norm by age (table)

The norm of creatinine in the blood differs depending on gender, age and the amount of muscle mass in each person. At the same time, the concentration of creatinine is stable and depends little on external physical factors (for example, on nutrition).

In women, the normal level of creatinine in the blood is almost two times lower than in men, due to less muscle.

To assess kidney function, a set of tests called creatinine clearance (or Reberg's test, glomerular filtration rate) is used.

Clearance in medicine is the speed and quality of blood purification by the kidneys from the decay products of human vital activity. Creatinine clearance determines the amount of purified blood in 1 minute. Thus, there is an assessment of the functioning of the kidneys and the degree of violation of the cleansing processes.

To calculate creatinine clearance, it is necessary to take a blood and urine test. In this case, urine is taken several times over 2-5 hours, depending on the method of examination. There are special formulas for evaluating the cleansing work of the kidneys using creatinine in both body fluids.

A clearance study is prescribed with an increase in creatinine, with suspicion of systemic lupus erythematosus, glomerulosclerosis, nephropathy, and renal failure.

Causes of increased creatinine in the blood

Among the reasons for the increase in creatinine, the main categories can be distinguished: a violation of chemical processes in the muscles (destruction of proteins), as well as malfunctions of the excretory system.

A significant increase in creatinine in the blood can occur with such diseases:

  • renal failure in the acute or chronic stage;
  • tumors of the liver and kidneys;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blockage of the urinary tract;
  • thyroid diseases, when there is an increased breakdown or growth of muscle tissue (hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, gigantism);
  • adrenal hypofunction;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • internal bleeding;
  • dehydration.

If creatinine is significantly higher than normal, then this may also indicate an increase in other blood parameters (bilirubin, uric acid, red blood cells, protein, etc.) that are higher than normal due to pathology of the liver and kidneys.

There is a concept of a false increase in creatinine, which is used in cases where the causes of the increase are associated with physiological processes in the body. These reasons include:

  • a significant amount of muscle mass;
  • physical exercise;
  • use of creatine supplements;
  • the use of medications to reduce pressure (Capoten, Zofenopril, Benazepril, Lisinopril);
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the kidneys (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, immunoglobulins).

In cases where high creatinine occurs due to long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the functioning of the kidneys, it is necessary to review the treatment and change drugs. If you do not take action and continue treatment with nephrotoxic drugs that increase the amount of creatinine in the blood, then after a while, kidney failure may occur.


As a rule, a significant increase in creatinine indicates a violation of kidney function and may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • drawing pains in the lower back;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • violation of urine excretion;
  • high blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • muscle pain during movement and at rest;
  • constant fatigue;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • memory impairment;
  • apathy.

Since an increase in the level of creatinine indicates a violation in the functioning of the kidneys, additional blood and urine tests are performed to fully diagnose the excretory system:

  • excretion of albumin in the urine;
  • the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • the rate of catecholamines in daily urine;
  • urea clearance.

How to lower creatinine levels

The reduction in creatinine levels consists of drug therapy and a therapeutic diet, the action of which is aimed at improving the functioning of the excretory system.

Most often, elevated blood creatinine normalizes with the use of drug therapy with the following drugs:

  • enterosorbents - drugs that are used to cleanse the body of waste products, as well as toxic substances (Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, Lignin);
  • drugs that improve the excretion of protein breakdown products - creatinine, uric acid, urea (Ketosteril, Chitosan, Lespefan);
  • diuretics - activate the work of the kidneys and contribute to the removal of fluid from the body (Indapamide, Trifas, Diuver, Furosemide);
  • blood pressure lowering agents (for hypertensive patients with elevated creatinine) (Hydrosaluretil, Hypothiazide).


Therapeutic nutrition with an increase in creatinine in the blood consists in the exclusion from the diet of foods that lead to a load on the kidneys:

  • purine compounds - during the digestion of proteins of animal origin (purines are included), an additional concentration of creatinine, uric acid, urea, etc. occurs, which must be removed from the body;
  • phosphates (phosphorus salts) are vital compounds, but in excess they lead to a decrease in the level of calcium in the body (they are present in meat, fish, canned food, in products with preservatives in the composition).

In order to reduce creatinine in the body (in the blood and in the urine), therapeutic is used, as well as table 7a and 7b, which are prescribed at different stages of acute and chronic nephritis.

To improve the excretory ability of the kidneys, the diet consists mainly of vegetable carbohydrates with a minimum amount of protein. With a high content of creatinine in the blood, the main diet should consist of the following products:

  • vegetables (except potatoes), greens, moderately sweet fruits, berries;
  • dried fruits, nuts, honey;
  • low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  • cereal porridges and soups on vegetable broth;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • diet salt-free bread;
  • vegetable oil.

In limited quantities, you can use:

  • dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) 2 times a week;
  • lean fish;
  • potato;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pieces per week;
  • lean fish.

If creatinine significantly exceeds the norm, the above products are completely excluded from the diet.

With an increase in creatinine, the following foods are prohibited:

  • fatty meats (pork, duck, goose);
  • fatty fish;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • spicy seasonings and sauces;
  • a lot of salt;
  • sweet pastries;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • milk.

In the process of cooking, preference is given to boiling, stewing, baking, as well as steaming food.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes that are used if creatinine in the blood is elevated are aimed at improving kidney function. As a rule, infusions and decoctions of herbs with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties are used.

nettle tea. Nettle leaves are known in folk medicine as a blood purifier and can also reduce creatinine levels and stimulate the urinary system.

To prepare one serving of tea, you need 3 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves and a glass of boiling water. Tea insist 7-10 minutes and add half a teaspoon of honey for taste.

Tea from dried nettle leaves is consumed 2-3 times a day for a month.

Chamomile infusion. Chamomile helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body, reduces the content of creatinine in the blood.

To prepare the infusion, mix two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers and 200 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid for 5-7 minutes. Next, the infusion of chamomile should be filtered and consumed as a tea several times a day.

Treatment with infusion of chamomile is carried out for no more than 3 weeks. After a ten-day break, the course can be repeated.

Cinnamon. The use of cinnamon improves kidney function, namely, it activates the filtration and throughput of the excretory organs, which reduces urea, uric acid and creatinine in the blood. It is necessary to add cinnamon to your diet every day, but do not consume more than 1 teaspoon per day.

Eleutherococcus or Siberian ginseng. Eleutherococcus is able to stop the increase in the amount of creatinine, as it enhances the processes of blood circulation and blood circulation in the kidneys, stimulates the work of the nervous and hormonal systems.

You can use dragees, tablets, capsules with eleutherococcus or tincture of the plant for alcohol. Dry extract of the plant (in tablets, etc.) must be taken three times a day for a month. Eleutherococcus tincture should be consumed depending on age from 15 to 30 drops 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 25-30 days.

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