Manufacturing business what. Production of paint and varnish products

Decor elements 30.09.2019
Decor elements

Business on participation in trade chains "we buy imported - we sell to compatriots" ceases to be profitable. There are many reasons for this, from geopolitical to economic. For Russian production of any scale, today it burns green light. How to navigate among the opportunities that have opened up, what can a small business bet on?


The time of intermediaries is running out.

From the very beginning of economic freedoms in Russia and until recently, domestic small businesses preferred the sphere of trade and services. Often the business model was elementary: we buy abroad, we sell at home. Low competition, huge choice provided high profitability of projects.

* - with annual revenue up to 1 billion rubles. (2014 criteria)

The crisis, sanctions, a high dollar and a weak ruble dictate new rules of the game: competition in trade and services is increasing, demand is narrowing, profitability is falling. The most significant decrease in revenue for the 1st half of 2015 was recorded in wholesale and retail trade, in cargo transportation. It's time for small businesses to adapt to market changes: today, production and implementation are in trend innovative projects. This is where a lot of free / little competitive niches. Let's figure out what is profitable for small businesses to produce in Russia now.

Assessment of the current situation by SME sectors for the 1st half of 2015

* - index of the current situation - expert assessment of the state of affairs for the past period
Source: Small Business Pulse survey, Alfa-Bank, June 2015

Prospects for production: where to look for profit

Imported products are now available in any Russian stores: food, sports, children's, household, electrical and other goods. Often under the inscription "made in Russia" a product assembled from foreign components is hidden. Small business can start successful production any of these products. The main thing is to identify what product, what quality and price will be in demand.

When deciding on production, it is worth considering the moods/preferences of consumers in the B2B and B2C sectors. Russians - individuals buy less, save more. The direction of using free money has changed.

What are Russians willing to spend on?

Russian enterprises are focused on the purchase of goods/services that allow them to maintain/increase the level of sales while reducing costs, i.e. they are looking for inexpensive ways to increase the efficiency of business processes and reduce product costs. For example, by replacing imported components with Russian ones.

What is profitable to produce in a crisis by industry

1 Furniture: landfill chic

Italian cuisine is becoming an unaffordable luxury for many. It's time to offer compatriots high-quality eco-friendly furniture Russian production. Our consumer now counts money, is sophisticated in the practicality of furniture and has tried Ikea.

Therefore, a successful furniture business idea should be:

  • cheap in production, competitive in price;
  • fresh and original, using design solutions;
  • environmentally friendly, using the ideas of recycling.

Pallet furniture (wooden construction pallets) meets these requirements. It can be country, garden, intended for offices and creating residential interiors in country, loft or industrial style. At the same time, it is not necessary to disassemble the pallets, they are used as modules, constructing author's models. The secret is in the right handling. Pallets are a cheap and grateful "building" material.

Important nuance. Furniture should look stylish and functional, not clumsy. Professional designers should participate in the development of models.

2 Products for animals: cheaper and healthier

According to VTsIOM, 76% of Russians have pets. We are third in the world in terms of the number of pets per capita after the US and China. What is profitable to produce in Russia for small businesses for smaller brothers?

Russian market animal feed is growing despite the crisis. In the most profitable market segment - food for cats and dogs - today there are two leaders: Mars and Nestle (joint share - 86%). They can and should be squeezed out by domestic producers. The main thing is to choose the right niche.

It is believed that Russians do not save on pets even when they themselves have nothing to eat. In real life, people switch animals to economy-class feed, preferring the most useful options available.

Healthy food for cats and dogs - minced meat and bones with vitamin and mineral supplements. Such feeds are used by specialized kennels, they are hunted by knowledgeable cat and dog owners. The production of "natural cutlets" for animals is carried out in Russia by a few small producers. The niche is uncompetitive.

For the production of natural food for cats and dogs, an expensive technological line is not needed, everything can be organized on a minimum area with small investment.

To start a full production cycle, you will need equipment:

  • cutting table for meat products;
  • meat grinder and minced meat mixer;
  • molding machine / scales;
  • shock freezer and "hot" table for packaging;
  • freezer.

The cost of natural feed is lower than that of industrial “drying”, even if it is produced from mechanically deboned meat, which is used in the manufacture of sausages. The business model is simple. The main limitation of sales - at the point of sale should be refrigeration equipment.

3 Building and finishing materials: money out of thin air

The building materials market is shrinking. According to a study by RD Construction analysts, a decline in production in January-July 2015 compared to the second half of 2014 was recorded for cement, ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete, red ceramic bricks: -12, -30, -15, -1.5%, respectively. This is how the reduction in the pace of mass housing construction backfired on building materials - the demand for housing is falling.

The main product of the recycling of old tires, crumb rubber, is used in the production of:

  • rubber tiles / paving stones;
  • coverings for sports grounds and fitness halls;
  • wall finishing materials;
  • innovative road surfaces;
  • accessories for cars (rugs, mudguards, etc.).

Price technological lines for the "grinding" of tires into crumb rubber depends on the productivity, degree of automation of the process, quality and size of the output fraction. But in general, we are talking about costs of 1-12 million rubles. In addition to Chinese equipment options, there are also Russian ones: the plants of Vtorrezina Ecoprom LLC, Alfa-SPK LLC and others offer lines of their own design. It is better to prefer domestic equipment - both the quality of the product and the reliability of the machines are higher.

It is more profitable to produce goods with a high added value, i.e., in addition to crumb rubber, to issue tiles and coatings. The last two products are cold or hot molded from chips, polyurethane adhesive and dye. The cost of equipment starts from 2 million rubles.

The payback period for a mini-factory for the production of rubber tiles is from 6 months. The indicator is excellent, but the investments for the start will require impressive. There is a more economical entry option: many manufacturers (EcoStep, Masterfaybr, etc.) offer to start a franchise business. From 500 thousand rubles.

4 Goods for tourism: wide is my native country

The growth of the main world currencies and the appreciation of the cost work force in China favorably affect the domestic market light industry. In 2015 the share Russian manufacturers in this industry has grown to 24% and continues to increase. What should a startup focus on?

Russians save money on vacation trips abroad. Most have to be content with local color and sponsor domestic tourism. They need equipment.

  • tourist clothing and equipment of the middle price category;
  • budget tents (up to 5,000 rubles);
  • fishing goods in the low and mid-price segment (up to 3,000 rubles).

The production of backpacks, ventilated caps / hats, windproof hats, gloves, encephalitis, thermal underwear, sweaters is a profitable business. You can choose a very narrow niche and engage in the production of mobile baths or thermal bags.

It is not necessary to develop innovative raincoats-boats or T-shirts-life jackets. It is enough to make practical and functional products a la the Expedition clothing range. But at reasonable prices.

5 Automotive equipment: Thule from Tula

What is profitable to produce in Russia for cars, where is the free niche? Comparing our popular Swedish plastic autoboxes from Thule brand with analogues is the same as putting Rolex against ordinary watches. The Thule customer pays for style and brand first. Moreover, luggage boxes from the point of view of production are the simplest products. Thule cost in Europe in the range of $400-970. The price, which is not humane at the current dollar exchange rate already at the place of production, in Russian retail stores turns into a completely surprising one: premium solutions cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The middle price segment of the autobox market in Russia (10,000 - 20,000 rubles) is now under the gun of Polish, Czech, Italian and Chinese manufacturers. Items from the Middle Kingdom deserve special attention: they are widely presented, but the quality is objectively low. Time to make car trunks in Russia. Domestic manufacturers of boxes for cars exist as a class, but are counted on the fingers (brands ATLANT, VetlaN, LUX). Moreover, some have a meager assortment, others specialize in “luggage systems from European components” (read: they depend on exchange rate fluctuations), and the quality of others is lame.

During the crisis, mini-production of universal luggage boxes (for all car brands) made of high-quality plastic with a reliable opening / locking system in low and medium price categories is beneficial.

This will require:

  • vacuum forming equipment (Russian - from 350 thousand rubles);
  • Press forms;
  • raw material is ABS plastic.

Cheaper to manufacture soft autoboxes made of polyester, PVC and other plastic polymers. But this is sewing production and a completely different story.

Mini factories for small businesses - 5 advantages + features of such production + 6 examples + 9 best mini factories.

People who decide to go into private business face certain problems as early as initial stage. What field of activity to choose? Where can I buy suitable equipment? How to save?

Mini factories for small businesses- a good solution for young businessmen, which simplifies the search for answers to the above questions.

Why is it worth buying a plant in a mini format?

Before you start your business in the manufacturing sector, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of such activities.

The advantages of buying a mini plant for business include the following factors:


    Small in size, compared to full-fledged plants, this equipment is easy to assemble, install and transport.

    Some mini factories are equipped with wheels, which allows you to quickly transfer them from one point to another.

    Small dimensions.

    This feature makes it possible not only to save on the rent of land and premises, but also, if necessary, to change the location of the mini-plant without any special costs.

    Small cash outlay to start a business.

    Due to the small size of the mini-plant, it becomes possible to save not only on the territory, but also on electricity. In addition, the maintenance of such equipment does not cause any special problems.


    This is probably main factor, which speaks of the benefits of such a business.

    Relatively small economic costs make it possible to create efficient enterprise, which is able to compete fully in the chosen field of activity.

As for the disadvantages of mini factories for small businesses, there are not so many of them. They are mainly related to the fact that the equipment. This makes it difficult to purchase the necessary parts in the event of a malfunction.

But if you seriously approach the choice of a mini plant, then you can pick up equipment that will last you a long time. In addition, recently there have been many Russian enterprises that specialize in the manufacture of such equipment.

Features of doing business using mini factories

Compared to large factories, starting a business using such equipment is much easier. But even here there are nuances and peculiarities.

No. 1. Niche selection.

To begin with, as in any business, you need to decide in which area of ​​​​production you are going to work. It is desirable that the chosen activity is close and understandable to you.

An important role in choosing the direction of business is played by competitiveness and demand in the region. It is best to occupy a niche that has great prospects, but has not yet gained popularity among private entrepreneurs.

Time plays a big role. The faster you start manufacturing a unique product in your region, the more chances you have to take a leading position in this area of ​​production.

No. 2. Business plan.

A clear and competent drafting of your own business is a very important factor in entrepreneurial activity.

For your business to be successful, you need to work on the following key points:

  • Calculate all expected expenses, starting from the purchase of a mini-factory, and ending with the cost of packaging the finished product.
  • Methods of delivery of products to the consumer, transportation costs.
  • Market search.
  • Location of the mini-format plant, search for employees.

    Most often they use the countryside, since the cost of land is low, and the level of wages for workers is much lower than in large metropolitan areas.

No. 3. Preparation of necessary documents.

The main advantage in opening a mini factory format is that to start a business it will be enough to take shape in the form Individual Entrepreneur. To do this, you should study the relevant section of the FTS website:

Otherwise, everything happens according to the standard scheme: obtaining permission to open a mini-factory from various municipalities; checks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

A positive impact on the speed of paperwork and obtaining permission from local authorities is the fact that your business is associated with social significance for the area. For example, a mini waste recycling plant will receive government approval. In this case, there will even be a good chance to receive financial support from the state for business development.

Mini factories for small businesses - an overview of the best options

To date, there are many ideas for the development of small businesses in Russia using mini factories. Such popularity is due, first of all, to the need to make small cash investments in business development.

Also, many investors are attracted by the quick payback of the mini-plant.

Given the above reasons, there are several areas of production that are of great interest to Russian entrepreneurs:


    The most popular field of activity in our country, which contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of mini factories. There are separate units for the production of concrete, bricks, consumable building materials, etc.

    Also has a wide range of activities. You can purchase mini-factories of different directions:

    • meat processing;
    • production of dairy products;
    • production of confectionery and bakery products;
    • juice production, etc.
  1. Waste recycling.

    This area of ​​activity, against the backdrop of worldwide concern about the state of environment, is gaining great popularity in the Russian Federation. A significant advantage of such a business is the approval of the authorities, which gives a chance to count on subsidies from the state.

    Light industry.

    It is quite profitable to open a mini-factory for the production of textile and knitwear (clothes, shoes), household goods, cosmetics, etc.

Whatever area of ​​production you choose, the main thing is to have knowledge in this area, analyze competitiveness and demand for goods. This will greatly increase the efficiency of your business.

Let's look at a few examples that use mini factory formats for small businesses.

Example #1. Brick production.

The cost of such equipment is from 1 million rubles and more. It should be noted that the cost of brick production is quite high. Buying one piece of equipment is not enough here - you will need different equipment. Also, the purchase of raw materials takes a considerable amount of money.

For example, for the manufacture of 1,000 bricks, about 800 kg of cement, 300 liters of water and more than 3,000 kg of basic raw materials will be needed. The capacity of equipment for such a business is usually very high, which also requires high costs - for electricity.

As we can see, a mini brick factory requires considerable material costs. However, the "financial output" from such an enterprise is very good. Many start-up entrepreneurs subsequently expanded their business, which brought even greater profits.

Example #2. Feed production.

It is advisable to open such an enterprise in rural areas, closer to farm pastures. Thus, you will quickly gain a clientele and save on the delivery of goods.

This equipment carries out processing and crushing of grain (corn, wheat, barley, etc.). The quality of the product depends on the size of the crusher sieve to a greater extent. In the form of a room, you can use a garage or a barn. Heating is not required.

Thanks to good location(near grain fields), most of the raw materials can be obtained from local farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Example #3. Concrete production.

To organize such a mini plant, you will need a concrete mixer, with which you can get a high-quality product. This option is likely to be perfect for large construction firms that serve large facilities. This can greatly simplify the work of the organization and save money (no need to turn to third-party services).

The mini format of a concrete plant is often made mobile so that it can be moved from one construction site to another. Transportation can be carried out using a tugboat or a tractor.

To buy such equipment, it is not necessary to be the owner of a construction organization. It can also be purchased by a private entrepreneur to rent to the same construction companies.

Example number 4. Production of foam blocks.

Foam block is a very popular material in construction. The equipment for their production is somewhat reminiscent of concrete mixers. However, the mixing of the mixture occurs in such a way that peculiar bubbles form in the finished material. This is done using a foam generator.

The main part of the costs for the manufacture of foam blocks will be for the purchase of cement. Before opening such a business, be sure to find a cement supplier that works on favorable terms.

The manufacture of foam blocks attracts many entrepreneurs because it does not require the use of any special technologies. The business is pretty simple and straightforward.

Example number 5. Milk processing.

The milk processing business is more complex than the previous examples. It is a whole complex, which consists of several stages of production. Accordingly, you will need several pieces of equipment to create a full-fledged mini-factory.

Depending on the cost of equipment, such a complex can process from 250 kg to 25 tons of milk in 24 hours. As a result, you can get a variety of dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, sour cream, etc.)

When opening such a business, you must be clearly aware of how much raw materials you will have. It depends on how much money you spend on the purchase of equipment.

To start such production, usually small workshops are organized.

Example number 6. Waste recycling.

This activity is very popular in Europe. The reason for this is the population growth in these countries, which leads to an increase in the amount of garbage produced. Besides, ecological state The earth is getting worse, which forces us to come up with new ways to dispose of household waste.

Since this business area is distinguished by the increased attention of the state and is associated with the environment, it has some difficulties in paperwork. The bureaucratic process can drag on for several months. It is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Ecology, permission from the sanitary and fire services, and much more.

The cost of opening such an enterprise can be measured in several million dollars. However, you can limit yourself to a business that specializes in the disposal of one type of waste. For example, let's say you want to go into plastic recycling.

For this you will need:

  • sorting unit;
  • conveyor;
  • press;
  • warehouse space.

You can improve your business and buy additional melting furnaces. Such a solution will significantly increase your income, since you will not only sort garbage, but also recycle it.

The following video will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of mini-production.

An overview of the best business ideas for starting your own mini-business.

Rating of the best mini factories for small businesses

If you decide to create a small business based on the use of a mini plant, then you need to study in detail the characteristics and capabilities of the equipment.

Recently, China has become a leader in the manufacture of such equipment. This is not surprising, because the quality of the equipment is at a fairly high level, and price policy very attractive for a Russian entrepreneur.

mini plantNamePerformanceCost ($)Note
BrickYufeng DMYF500
800-900 bricks in 8 working hours9 000 Raw materials: cement, water, clay.
10 cubic meters concrete per hour11 000 Capable of releasing concrete various types. The required area for organizing production is 300 sq.m. Net income - about $ 30,000 per month.
breweryBlonderBeer 300L
300 liters of beer / day10 000 4 - 5 different varieties. You will need to purchase containers for fermentation. Net profit - from 3 to 4 thousand dollars per month.
Toilet paperXY-TQ-1575B
150-200m paper/minute16 000 Raw material: waste paper. Water consumption: 3 cubic meters / day. About 9,000 rolls are obtained from 1 ton of raw materials finished products.
compound feed9FH-500
1500 kg/h2 000 Functions: crushing of grain, processing of sawdust, straw, hay, bran.
gas silicate blocksPremium Brick Plus
60,000 cubic meters/year13 000 Net profit is about $6,000.
Canned fishNPO "MINIPLANT"
800 cans per hour11 000 It will take 2-3 employees. Profit: from $10,000 per month.
TextileHengyu Hja-610
50 m of fabric/day16 000 Profit: $6,000/month
Milk processingGEONETconsult
300 l/h300 l/hNet income: 14-15 thousand dollars.

Before you open your business, you need to carefully evaluate your capabilities, monitor the demand market, competitors, learn all the subtleties of paperwork. Only then can you decide what to buy mini factories for small businesses.

A good way to save money is to buy used equipment. So you can set aside a significant amount for the purchase of raw materials.

The main thing to understand is that a successful business largely depends not on expensive equipment, but on your desire and competent work.

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It is profitable to organize a mini-production. The absence of the need for large financial investments, the purchase of a minimum amount of equipment and the relatively simple entry into the market allow you to make a profit in a short time.

The only caveat - the choice of the idea of ​​​​mini production for a small business should be approached carefully.

Today, the domestic labor market has a rather difficult situation. It is not easy to find a well-paid job in your specialty, and it is even harder to stay in it.

Therefore, the proportion of those who have decided to open their own business is steadily growing. On the provision of a certain list of services or trade to the population, it is possible to promote a small business that will bring a stable income without significant financial investments.

However, far-sighted entrepreneurs with business experience rely on the prospects of activities and the possibility of its expansion in the future, opening production shops. We will figure out which mini-production for small businesses will be in demand in the conditions of Russian reality, where to start organizing it, and whether it is really impossible to do without huge cash injections.

Where to begin?

Always start over. Consider business ideas for small businesses. Before developing a business plan, calculating all the costs in it, working out strategies for entering the business into priority markets and analyzing the mistakes of competitors, you should decide on the type of activity.

Choosing the right niche is not easy, because you should take into account a lot of nuances:

  • the competence of the owner in the created case;
  • business popularity;
  • the needs and specifics of the region;
  • the number of competitors;
  • available resources and capacities;
  • distribution channels.

Having decided on a niche, think about how you can surprise consumers, what will make you stand out from the crowd of competitors. A "zest" in activity or a clear difference from analogues will provide a greater turnover.

What is profitable to produce

It is reasonable to produce the products that will always be in demand. It is better if it does not fall into the seasonal category (for example, umbrellas).

Profitable production for small businesses can be organized on medications, children's goods and food. Demand for these goods is stable and never falls.

But if you need to get a lot of permits for the first, and people can save on the second by borrowing things for babies from relatives and friends whose children have already grown up, then the food will always be sold out.

The question is that it should be in the line of main products and be designed for a consumer with an average income.

For example, a pie shop or a bakery near the office center, a pastry shop in the city center or near a park, a meat or sausage shop near the markets have every chance of becoming successful business for its owner.

It is promising to create a mini-production for the production of semi-finished products (pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, meatballs, pizza, vegetable mixtures, etc.).

Small workshop for the production of dumplings

Another area that consistently generates income is the production of items related to the provision of funeral services. Unfortunately, people die all the time, and the funeral process takes place using generally accepted paraphernalia. Therefore, the manufacture of wreaths, monuments, fences can bring a solid profit.

Be sure to take into account the specifics of the place (district, city) where you are going to organize production. The profitability of the company directly depends on this.

Always dreamed of opening your own production, but no money? Then - your real chance to become a manufacturer. Spheres of production, examples with descriptions, benefits of use.

You will find everything about opening an online store from scratch for free in the topic.

Deciding on an idea for a business is half the battle. After all, no one can guarantee you success. In this regard, a well-thought-out business plan can insure you. Here detailed instructions to create a business plan from scratch. Algorithm of drawing up, structure of the plan, advantages of planning.

Opening production: key questions

So, the scope of activity is defined and you are ready to start your own business.

It remains to solve matters with organizational issues.

Attention should be paid to the following issues:

  1. Business plan development. This is an important document in which you need to prescribe as many details as possible to bring your idea to life. The most difficult are:
  • The financial part, since it is necessary to form a budget, allocate costs, predict profitability.
  • Marketing part requiring detailed description steps to promote a product / service, competitor analysis, pricing policy.
  • The production part, in which it is important to determine the necessary equipment without buying too much and replacing expensive equipment / tools / equipment with analogues of lower cost, but of decent quality.
  1. Team. When planning the opening of a mini-production, it is better to look after the team in advance (perhaps from a circle of acquaintances, neighbors, former colleagues, etc.). You need to enter the market quickly, so an unskilled staff that is not ready to work above the norm at first can “thwart plans” even for an enterprise doomed to success.
  2. Available / owned capacities. If you have a garage, an apartment on the ground floor or a country house, it is advisable to save on renting premises for production. For example, a car repair shop can be placed in a garage, candles and soap can be produced in an apartment. handmade, and in the country to produce building materials.
  3. Registration. Any business must operate legally. You can do the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC on your own or entrust it to a special company. Do not forget about various permits, licenses, as well as documents from the SES, fire inspection (if required).
  4. Equipment. You should not save on quality, but on the name it is quite possible. Branded equipment is usually much more expensive. You can replace it with less hyped counterparts. The only thing is to purchase equipment for production when organizing a small business from trusted suppliers. Do not be lazy to make inquiries about a particular seller and, in fact, the product. Study carefully specifications, rules and operating conditions, as well as check the availability of certificates and warranty documents for the purchased equipment.
  5. Start-up capital. The amount of funds required will be visible in the business plan. If there is not enough money, you can try to search for an investor (among the social circle, on specialized exchanges, with large shareholder companies). In general, the organization of a mini-production can take from 20 to 200 thousand rubles. on average depending on the type of activity.

Even taking into account the complexity of the organization, the creation of a mini-production is considered very promising. You don't need to have huge capital to do this. Some activities are easy to organize in your own home or garage, while others have a low cost in principle.

The main goal and at the same time the expected result of trading and production activities is to make a profit at the least amount of costs, that is, the business, first of all, must be profitable.

Crisis conditions for the existence of an enterprise are no exception, which implies a certain test of strength while maintaining at least a minimum amount of income.

We determine the client base and sales region

Initially, you need to find out for whom it will be profitable to produce goods and where the production will be located. Successful business is to a large extent related to the characteristics of the target audience for the sale of a particular product or service, as well as the regional characteristics of the market.

Among potential buyers may be the following segments of the population: the poor, the middle class, the elite. Accordingly, the manufactured products belong to the economy class, the middle segment or are expensive. The production of goods for each social niche can be profitable in its own way: expensive goods benefit from high margins, while goods of the middle or economy segment have a high turnover. However, if we are talking about a crisis period of economic development, then the population prefers inexpensive everyday products, as well as cheap mass-produced goods, often to the detriment of quality.

Region, in which the manufactured goods will be sold, should provide a suitable trading niche to the maximum. So, in a large city, a metropolis, competition among manufacturers can be very high, but goods will always be in demand due to the large number of potential buyers. AT small town, or locality it is better to find an unoccupied area, having previously thoroughly studied the needs of the local market.

Possible areas of production for small and medium-sized businesses

Main areas of production having commercial interest for small and medium businesses will be:

  • Construction;
  • Agriculture;
  • Light industry;
  • Waste recycling;
  • food industry;
  • Public catering, etc.

At home it will be most profitable to produce goods that do not require a complex production process, costly materials. The main business ideas for women: tailoring, embroidery and knitting, the production of handmade soaps, creams and candles, the manufacture of designer jewelry, etc. The most promising occupations for men at home: the manufacture of home decor and interior items, exquisite wicker furniture, production decorative tiles etc. For residents of rural areas, growing vegetables, fruits, raising poultry (, etc.) in their own backyard are ideal.

In a crisis new approaches to doing business are needed. Since demand for some products has almost halved, many businesses have been forced to either close or change. It became obvious that now it is more profitable to produce your own products than to resell goods, mainly of imported origin. Although the organization own production requires more effort than trading activity is also expected to be significant. In addition, in some industries, for example, in agriculture, you can count on receiving. However, it is important to remember that and entrepreneurial risks during a crisis, they become unprecedented.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest this can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant at your plant and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

What is profitable to do in the field of production

Even in times of crisis, people continue to build various buildings and renovate premises. So, production of building materials and related products - almost a win-win idea. This area is traditionally distinguished by both high consumer demand and an increased competitive environment. To always stay in the black, you should choose for yourself the optimal combination of "price - quality" in the production of finished products and subsequent sales.

New technologies orient the production sector towards high-quality, environmentally friendly energy-saving materials. So, despite the still high popularity of installing plastic windows and doors, the demand for window frames and wooden doors.

Low cost and profitable is the production of cinder blocks and foam blocks, foam plastic, wooden pallets, paving slabs, parquet board, mesh netting, nails, self-tapping screws, building tools, wallpaper, dry building mixtures, water-based paints.

Mini-production is quite possible to organize in a garage. The purchase of quality used equipment, as well as local raw materials, often from waste, do not involve large investments.

Household products

Consumer goods are necessary for the population in any economic situation.

These are those everyday things without which it is impossible to imagine any modern house or an apartment. As a rule, moderate prices are set for such products for the sake of affordability, however, due to the increased turnover, their sale will bring a stable income to the entrepreneur.

Within this area, you can organize production various things made of plastic: furniture, household items, dishes, packaging. The production line is expensive, however, to purchase it, you can take or get equipment from. Plastic recycling will also become promising.

Other personal hygiene items are always in demand (paper napkins and towels, soap, shampoos, gels, creams, detergents, washcloths, household chemicals and etc.). Here you will also have to spend money on the purchase of equipment, but raw materials can be purchased at very competitive prices, for example, for toilet paper - organize the purchase of waste paper from the population.

A successful option for small and medium-sized businesses in the regions can be furniture manufacture economy class on request. To do this, you need to organize your own workshop, hire a small staff of craftsmen and make cabinet furniture from fiberboard, chipboard and other economical materials. The raw material for furniture production will be cheap waste from woodworking enterprises.

The pallet production process is discussed in the following video:

Profitable goods for agriculture

In the field Agriculture there can be many options for the successful development of a business, especially since it is here that one can hope to receive state subsidies, grants, support from the state on the basis of various programs. In addition, lending rates for the development of agriculture are among the lowest.

Many agricultural producers are interested in installing greenhouses and purchasing various types of garden tools all year round. Assembly greenhouses can be made of wood or polycarbonate, and metal, wood, plastic are suitable for garden tools. Such production can be organized even in your own garage.

Environmentally friendly products farms are in high demand. Their production does not require expensive equipment or materials, it is enough just right technology and organization, as well as everyday work. The demand for healthy quality food among the population will only increase every year, and public catering establishments are also interested in agricultural products of local production.

The technology for growing raspberries is discussed in the following video:

On my own personal plot within the power grow vegetables, fruits, seedlings, herbs, mushrooms, flowers, breeding poultry (chickens, ducks, etc.), . As a rule, the production of such products does not require large investments.

Other ideas for opening your own production with profit:

Many entrepreneurs are interested in choosing a profitable win-win business model for organizing their own production under any economic conditions. Its choice will depend on the characteristics of the production sector, the purchasing power of the target audience, the region of sales and the starting opportunities of the business project.

The business idea for the production of belts is discussed in the following video:

Almost every entrepreneurial person dreams of starting his own business. This is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, especially if you are going to start during the economic crisis. What kind of production is profitable to open in 2018, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Construction Materials

People do not stop building something even in the most difficult times, so building materials are always in high demand. If you are interested in which production is profitable to open in a private house, try it.

For this you will need:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Vibrating machine;
  • Wheelbarrow;
  • Shovel;
  • Forms;
  • Other small accessories.

You will spend 50–80 thousand rubles on equipment and tools. If you produce several hundred products per day, your net income will be 5-10 thousand rubles.

Styrofoam manufacturing

Another profitable option production for small businesses is the manufacture of foam. In this case, the equipment will have to spend about 1.5 million rubles. The annual profit of such a mini-enterprise is 450-550 thousand rubles.

But this business will do only experienced entrepreneurs who have a large enough start-up capital and are ready to invest in the production sector. Newcomers in this niche have nothing to do, because it will be quite problematic for them to compete with large construction companies that produce quality products.

Poultry breeding

Rural residents are often interested in what kind of production can be opened at home. Most suitable option is the breeding of chickens, geese or ducks. This is a highly profitable business that allows you to get a good income. The purchase of young animals, cages and an incubator will require 0.5 million rubles. The initial investment pays off in about a year. For a mini-enterprise at the start, 10 thousand rubles is enough. Therefore, if you are a rural resident, think about this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

Homemade cottage cheese

If you have several cows and do not know which mini-production is profitable to open at home, try making homemade cottage cheese. For starters, you can only process your own milk. When the business starts to expand, purchase special equipment and buy milk from local residents. You will have to spend 1–2 million rubles on the purchase of equipment, raw materials and preparation of the premises. By processing 15-18 tons of milk per month, you will make a profit of 250-350 thousand rubles.


Assembling greenhouses is enough profitable production for small business. The structures are assembled from wood and polycarbonate. The purchase of equipment will cost you 250 thousand rubles. This is a highly profitable business that brings good income. Demand for greenhouses does not fall even despite the crisis. Therefore, you will always have a job.

Muesli bars

Modern people began to take care of their health, so they try to buy not only delicious, but also healthy food.

For stuffing bars, you can use:

  • Nuts;
  • dried apricots;
  • Raisin;
  • Berries;
  • Fruits.

In addition, the bars also include cereal grains and oatmeal. You need to spend 280-350 thousand rubles on equipment and raw materials. If you find good markets, the initial investment will pay off in just six months.

Entrepreneurial people who are thinking about what small production can be opened in our time can safely start making muesli bars. In order for the product to sell better, constantly expand the range, offering consumers new tastes. So new and interesting business an idea that may well become an impetus for you into a rich life.

parquet board

It is beneficial to engage in such a business for those who already have an operating woodworking enterprise and are interested in what profitable production can be opened on its basis.

Today, this area of ​​​​activity is rapidly developing, so you can safely invest in it. To open a parquet business, you will need about 3 million rubles.

wooden pallets

Pallets and pallets made of wood are used everywhere for the transport of goods, so they are constantly in high demand. Large enterprises and farms need such products.

In the presence of necessary equipment in one hour, a worker can assemble 60 products. The cost of such production line high enough. It fluctuates between 1-8 million rubles. the main problem that arises before entrepreneurs is the purchase of raw materials. If you know where you can get wood for making pallets, you can safely open such a business.


It is a product that people buy daily. In this regard, the demand for baby diapers is consistently high. If so, you can get a good income. Diaper making equipment is very expensive, so this business has a long payback period. But, despite this, such an enterprise brings a high income, since there is practically no competition in this area. Most products consumed in the domestic market are imported from abroad. Therefore, if you manage to achieve high quality products and conduct a powerful advertising campaign, success will not be long in coming.

Casts and decorative sculptures

Recently, many parents order the production of casts of the hands or feet of their children. Such souvenirs are also very popular among lovers who want to perpetuate the interweaving of their hands. This is a great option for those who do not know what kind of production can be opened with minimum investment. One unit of goods costs about 500 rubles. No special equipment is required for the production of sculptures. This business is characterized by high profitability and low level of competition.

Handmade soap

You will not believe it, but it can become quite a profitable business. In order to start such a business, you do not need large financial investments. You will spend about 500 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment and rental of premises. If you are puzzled by what kind of production can be opened in a private house, pay special attention to this option, since at first soap can be made at home.

Frozen vegetables and fruits

Such products are in great demand, so the business of making various frozen vegetable mixes and fruit platters can bring good income. Blast freezing equipment is expensive. Approximately 500 thousand rubles will have to be spent on each unit. The cost of one refrigerator compartment 150 thousand rubles. To transport products, you will need a special refrigerator.

If you cannot decide which production is profitable to open in a small town, start making frozen fruits and vegetables. Raw materials for processing can be purchased from farmers or from the local population.

paper napkins

These products are constantly in demand on the market, because, like baby diapers, they belong to personal hygiene items that are bought almost daily. Where there is high demand, accordingly, there will be high profitability. Approximately 800 thousand rubles will be needed for the purchase of equipment, raw materials and transportation of finished products. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs who want to have a highly profitable profitable enterprise choose.

Plastic box

This is a great business idea for those who want to get an answer to the question, what kind of production can be opened in the city? This direction has been successfully developed in recent years.

Plastic containers are used for packaging food, beverages, detergents And so on. To open such an enterprise, you will need a solid start-up capital, approximately 3.5 million rubles. The monthly net income of such a business can reach 1 million rubles. The initial investment pays off in 2-3 years.


If you decide to open, pay attention to the fact that in our time, craftsmen began to use the clay casting method, and not the potter's wheel. Forms filled with a solution are dried in a special room. After complete drying, they are brought to perfection, that is, all unnecessary details are removed. The next stage is firing, with the help of which the product is given strength. This is enough profitable business which does not require large investments. If you have such skill, feel free to take this idea into service.


The most profitable areas of business activity are manufacturing and services. Each company has a number of its own specific nuances. So before opening own business, carefully analyze the market, assess the level of competition and be sure to draw up detailed business calculation plan. If you provide a competent approach, your own business will bring excellent profits.

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