Is it possible to repaint the refrigerator in a different color. Refrigerator painting

Encyclopedia of Plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

It is quite possible to paint the refrigerator with your own hands. Why not? Indeed, this will require quite a bit of your work and effort, but the item of equipment so necessary in any home will look new. You will find information on how to do everything right and not ruin the coating of a household appliance in the process in this article.

Reasons for painting the refrigerator at home

There can be many reasons to bring changes to the appearance of the refrigerator:

  • It often happens that the unit is still functioning flawlessly, and you have made repairs and this white color does not fit into the color scheme of the kitchen. If the rest of household appliances (microwave, kettle, etc.) are small and not conspicuous, then the refrigerator cannot be hidden anywhere.
  • Sometimes well-functioning equipment acquires a non-marketable appearance, as scratches, abrasions from thorough cleaning, and rust areas appear during use. But there is no money for a new refrigerator yet, and there is no need to throw completely serviceable equipment into the trash. The way out is to update the appearance of the refrigerator.
  • Or maybe you have an interesting design idea? The interior of the kitchen has become creative and fashionable, and the traditional white refrigerator, like a “thorn in the eye”, is knocked out of context. Then such an option as painting the device really seems like an excellent way out of the situation.

Important! It is very possible to test your artistic talent on an old working technique. It’s not so a pity if it doesn’t work out right away - you can wipe it off and paint again. So there are many reasons why we can paint the refrigerator.

Necessary inventory for successful painting

The choice of tools directly depends on what kind of paint for the outside of the refrigerator you will use. To begin with, we list what is needed in any case.

Paint protection film or a stack of newspapers

Such items are necessary in order to cover all surfaces that can be splashed with paint. Newspapers, of course, are a more budget option, but they can shift in the course of your work, and stains will remain somewhere. But the use of a special protective film is a more reliable way that will completely protect walls, floors and furniture from dirt.

Important! Some manufacturers produce a protective film with an adhesive strip along one edge, which makes it easier to attach it in the right places.

Respirator and gloves

Gloves are needed in any case to protect the skin of the hands from exposure to paint and solvent. But a respirator in the case of painting the refrigerator with acrylic paints is not needed. But, if you paint with a spray gun or enamel in the form of a spray, then you can’t do without it. Small splashes will definitely get into the respiratory system, and you need to protect yourself from the toxic smell.

masking tape

This item is needed in order to cover those non-removable parts of the refrigerator that cannot be painted (logo, handles, sealing rubber on the door).

Important! You should not use ordinary adhesive tape, as there will be traces of glue that are difficult to remove later.

Fine sandpaper

It is needed in order to sand the surface to remove the old layer of enamel.


Such a liquid is needed to degrease the surface and remove paint stains.

Important! Acetone, white spirit or other similar means will do.

Cleaning products

A basin with hot water, rags, sponges, brushes, an anti-grease agent - all this is necessary to clean the external and internal surfaces of the refrigerator from old traces of grease, soot and other contaminants.


If your refrigerator is “worn out” and there are deep scratches on its surface, then you will also need a quick-hardening putty. She will need to close up all the holes and cracks before painting.

Other tools

  • If you decide to paint with automotive nitro enamel, then you will not need anything else.
  • If you chose acrylic paint, then you will need a narrow roller and a brush 3-5 cm wide to paint hard-to-reach places.
  • For epoxy (polyurethane) paint, you will need the same tools.

What paint to paint the refrigerator at home?

There are a lot of types of paint in stores, but not all of them are suitable for painting a household appliance. So how to paint the outside of the refrigerator?

  • If you want to make everything perfect, then you can find a special paint for household appliances, for example, New Ton. This is an alkyd enamel for the restoration of household appliances, mostly white.
  • If you have artistic talents and know how to draw, then you should try to depict something on the refrigerator using graffiti paints, such as the Montana brand. These are bright nitro paints with high-quality pigments and a wide palette of shades. They are suitable for all surfaces.
  • Ideally, the refrigerator will be repainted in any color by automotive nitro enamel. It is easy to work with: it is stable, durable, lays flat and dries quickly. The big disadvantage is its toxicity and the mass of splashes on adjacent surfaces.
  • Polyurethane epoxy paint captivates with the fact that it is the most resistant of all. But it is two-component, difficult to apply, and very expensive. So the choice is purely “an amateur”.
  • Acrylic paint is probably the best option. It is quite resistant to external influences, has a large selection of shades and is absolutely non-toxic, does not emit unpleasant odors. And there will be much less splashing when painting.

Important! To consolidate the result and additional effect, you can purchase varnish (glossy, matte or even with a shimmer).

How to paint a refrigerator with your own hands?

The process of painting the refrigerator itself will not take much time. You will spend more time with preparation.


  1. Unplug the unit from the mains and remove all drawers, shelves, in general, all the internal stuffing.
  2. If it is possible to take the refrigerator outside, do it. So you will then clean and scrub less.
  1. The next stage of preparation for painting is washing. Arm yourself with sponges, a basin of hot water, a brush, and household chemicals that work well with old grease and soot.

Important! It is necessary to wash thoroughly, otherwise the paint layer may lie unevenly.

  1. Unscrew the handle from the door if it is removable. If not, then seal it and other details (inscriptions, sealing rubber) with masking tape so that you do not wash the paint off them later.
  2. Now arm yourself with fine-grained emery (you can use a grinder) and sand the surface. Pay special attention to those places where there is rust, clean them to bare metal.
  1. If there are deep scratches, then fix them with a quick-hardening putty, let it dry thoroughly.
  2. Clean and degrease the surface. If the paint manufacturer recommends priming first, do so, although this procedure is not required. There is also no great need to apply fire-fighting and anti-corrosion agents.
  3. Now start painting. Try the color on an inconspicuous area first. Then paint the side that faces the wall to get the hang of it and “fill” your hand. And then proceed to the processing of the front side.

Important! It is not recommended to paint the back wall of the refrigerator.

  1. If you paint in several layers, then let them dry thoroughly.
  2. At the end, if desired, fix the result with a layer of varnish. It will add shine and make the surface more resistant to external influences.

Paint application features:

  • Spray paints are applied quickly and easily. The balloon must be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted. Movements should be smooth. Move your hand from right to left without stopping in one place. Then you get a uniform thin layer. If necessary, apply 1-2 more layers (one layer dries about 30 minutes).

Important! Usually one bottle is enough for 2 layers for a refrigerator with a height of 170 cm.

  • Acrylic paint must be applied with a roller, also from left to right in a thin layer. Move in the direction from top to bottom, evenly, without jerking. Paint hard-to-reach places with a brush. After the first coat has been applied, allow the surface to dry thoroughly. To do this, leave the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, you can apply a second layer.
  • Using stencils or masking tape, you can decorate the refrigerator with stripes, patterns, geometric patterns. That is, you can make a design element of the interior out of ordinary household appliances. And if you have the skills to work with an airbrush, then you can draw at least a landscape, even a still life. It all depends on your skills, preferences and tastes.

Important! Similarly, you can paint the inside of the refrigerator. The tool and paint for the refrigerator inside are the same, only painting inside is more inconvenient.


As you can see, to paint the refrigerator with your own hands you do not need to study a large amount of information, and the process itself will not take so much time. Using the helpful tips in this article, you can breathe new life into your refrigeration appliance and upgrade your kitchen interior.

When deciding how to paint a refrigerator, they first determine the tasks. Coloring agents are chosen depending on the goals that are pursued in the decor. Much depends on whether the painting of the refrigerator will be an update of a small area or a complex of works is expected to completely restore the top layer.

To paint worn corners and bottom panels, it is enough to use spray paints. If a large-scale reconstruction is required, then choose compositions with the following properties:

  • high adhesion - adhesion between the outer and inner layers;
  • thixotropy - no smudges;
  • environmental friendliness - regardless of what paint it is decided to paint the refrigerator, it should not contain toxic substances;
  • degree of gloss - the higher the index, the more resins in the structure and the higher the coefficient of wear resistance and gloss;
  • elasticity - the metal used in refrigerators has a high coefficient of thermal expansion;
  • long service life.

Characteristics of paintwork

Before you paint the refrigerator with your own hands, it is worth considering the quality of paint and varnish products. To return the proper appearance to the unit, you can use one of three types of LKS. These include:

  1. Nitroenamel. Durable, long-lasting blend gives a smooth, glossy finish. In addition, if you use automotive enamel in an aerosol package, one more plus will be added to the pluses - ease of application. But nitro enamels of this class contain highly toxic substances. They are flammable, unstable to mechanical stress.
  2. Acrylic paint for metal. Meets the requirements for coloring agents that can be used to update the refrigerator. The presence of anti-corrosion components and a high adhesion index increase the operational characteristics and service life of the painted product.
  3. Epoxy. Paints of this class are wear-resistant, environmentally friendly. Answering the question: is it possible to paint the refrigerator with epoxy paint, you need to keep in mind that their composition consists of two components. The material is capricious: the surface must be perfectly smooth before application. In addition, such paint belongs to an expensive price category.

List of materials and tools:

  • degreasing composition;
  • means: detergent and rust;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • sandpaper;
  • masking tape;
  • brushes, rollers, spray gun;
  • baths for paint;
  • respirator, gloves;
  • film for floor and wall protection;
  • dry rag;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • dye.

Surface preparation

Before you repaint the refrigerator, you need to prepare its surface.

Stages of work:

  1. Degreasing. Before painting the old refrigerator in a different color, its surface is degreased. This is a mandatory process, without which it is impossible to obtain good adhesion and an even coating layer. Depending on the degree of contamination, a solvent or detergent is used for this treatment.
  2. Grinding. This stage is needed only if there is rust, scratches or chips. The tool for abrasive processing is selected depending on the nature of the damage. Small flaws are removed with fine-grained sandpaper. Complicated defects are cleaned with a drill with a grinding nozzle.
  3. Puttying - leveling the surface, dents or chips.

Decoration methods

You can restore the appearance with paint for painting the refrigerator. Options for resolving the issue: how to update the refrigerator:

  1. Spray painting is the easy way. But when using a primer, paint or varnish in an aerosol can, you should follow the safety rules. Due to the high content of toxic substances in their composition, it is recommended to carry out painting work in rooms with good ventilation.
  2. Painting with a roller, brush. In this method of decorating, the order in which dyes are applied is important. Each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one with a break necessary for the surface to dry completely. At the same time, hard-to-reach places are treated first.
  3. Using a stencil. There is a large selection of ready-made templates with and without adhesive. With their help, you can change the appearance and color of individual areas on the refrigerator. If the pattern of stencils does not correspond to the plan, you can do it yourself. To do this, the pattern is applied to cardboard, plastic or thick paper and cut through it with a knife with a thin blade. Then the template is fixed with masking tape to the place of decoration, the slots are filled with the necessary color. The area painted in this way is left to dry completely.
  4. In the case of a reverse stencil, it is attached with glue applied from the wrong side of the template. The space not intended for staining is covered with film or paper.
  5. Decoupage - application to the surface of the application. It is fixed with PVA glue on a repainted layer and varnished. This method hides small scratches or dents.
  6. The use of decorative film in several ways: from updating small areas of an already painted appliance to covering the entire surface. Relatively recently, coatings in 3D format that have appeared on the market are, as practice has shown, in high demand, as they replace refrigerator paint. One minus - the surface should be smooth, without cracks, scratches and chips. Otherwise, bubbles and irregularities on the coating cannot be avoided.
  7. Stickers, stickers. They are used as decorative elements and to mask minor defects.

If your refrigerator does its job perfectly, but already looks shabby and does not fit into the interior of the kitchen at all, it can be updated. Often it is the appearance of the device, or rather its damage, that is the main reason for the replacement. Old refrigerators are not thrown away, but sold or used in the country. Accordingly, having updated the color, you can not spend money on the purchase of expensive equipment, if the rest suits you.

Either self-adhesive film or paint is suitable for this purpose. The first option is difficult to implement, because it is difficult to paste over the surface of the refrigerator evenly and without wrinkles. In addition, the film is easy to scratch, it quickly fades under the influence of sunlight shining through the window. It is much easier to evenly repaint the refrigerator, and by choosing absolutely any color, and perhaps even create a pattern!

And now about everything in order, let's figure out how to paint a refrigerator at home, what kind of paint is suitable for this and what sequence of actions should be followed in order to cope on your own, without involving specialists.

Painting a refrigerator at home involves the use of special paint and tools. The surface of the technique cannot be attributed to simple or ordinary, respectively, not every coloring matter can be used. High demands are placed on the paint layer:

  1. It must protect the facade from mechanical damage that occurs during operation.
  2. It should give an updated look and diversify the interior.

Also, the paint should not “peel off” after a few months, that is, it must have high performance.

When choosing materials, consider the features of the use of the device. If the refrigerator is always in a dry and heated room, that is, in the kitchen, rust does not threaten. Another question is if the refrigerator is placed in a damp room, for example, in workshops or warehouses and other industrial areas with high humidity. In this case, it will be necessary to treat the surface with an anti-corrosion solution. For home use, such a solution would be inappropriate, as well as a fire base or paint, because a refrigerator near a fire, in principle, cannot be connected.

In this case, a paint that can be mixed with other colors, held on a vertical surface, elastic in structure and resistant to detergents is preferred. Thus, to paint the refrigerator, you need a paint for metal for interior work that is resistant to water.

There are several types of such paints, and the following types are ideal:

  • nitro enamel for painting cars - this type is well applied, has a high resistance, has a beautiful shiny shade. Paint is sold in aerosol cans, so application will not cause difficulties. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the high cost, toxicity (it should be used with open windows and in a respirator), the inability to control splashes. To organize the process, you will have to close walls, floors and furniture in order to exclude subsequent cleaning;
  • acrylic paint for metal - application is carried out with a roller or brush, it is distinguished by a variety of colors. The composition is characterized by safety, since it does not contain toxic substances;
  • polyurethane paint - of all types is more resistant to wear. Moreover, it can be used both for the external surface of the refrigerator, and for the internal one. It is not afraid of low temperatures, it is easy to apply, therefore, in cases where scratches need to be painted over, they use it.

What tool will you need

It is impossible to start painting immediately, the surface must always be prepared in advance. The refrigerator is located in the kitchen, where food is constantly prepared, so any hostess has traces of fat covered with dust on its surface. These may be tiny specks, but they are there. That is why, before starting work, it is necessary to wash the surface well so that the paint lies evenly and easily, eliminating cracks and chips in the future.

To organize work, including preliminary preparation and further painting, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • detergent to remove contaminants;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags (dry and wet);
  • sandpaper fine-grained paper;
  • acetone or kerosene for degreasing;
  • primer (for better bonding of the paint layer and the surface of the equipment);
  • masking tape, film, adhesive tape;
  • newspapers to cover the floors;
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • dye;
  • brush and roller.

After collecting the materials, you can get to work.

Preparation process

As already mentioned, painting in a different color should be carried out with the preparation of the surface of the refrigerator. Therefore, follow the proposed scheme of actions:

  • for safety reasons, disconnect the equipment from the power supply, also remove the internal shelves and partitions, especially if you will also paint inside;
  • using detergents and an abrasive sponge, thoroughly clean the surface and rinse off the applied solution. Just cleaning the refrigerator is not enough, you also need to thoroughly wash off the chemical compounds;
  • Sand the surface with sandpaper, partially removing the old coating. Rub most carefully in places where there are already cracks and chips - here the old layer of paint is already gradually moving away, so it is necessary to remove it so that in the future it does not cause damage to the new coating;
  • wipe the refrigerator first with rags soaked in water, then dry. So you remove particles of old paint, which should also not remain on the surface;
  • treat the refrigerator with a primer;
  • seal the handles and other accessories with tape or wrap with a film. Masking tape can cover the elastic on the door and other parts that should not be painted. Also, if you're going to stick with a geometric pattern, masking tape is perfect for that;
  • cover the floors with newspapers and, if necessary, the walls;
  • Test the paint on a small area of ​​the refrigerator. Evaluate if the color matches, how the paint lays down, etc.

Painting process

Having completed the preparatory work, the most important thing remains, to paint the old refrigerator. If you have chosen paint cans for this purpose, you must follow the instructions for it. General recommendations for using this type of paint:

  • when applying, hold the balloon at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted;
  • movements should be uniform, from left to right, not lingering for a long time at one point, otherwise this place will be noticeable later;
  • paint in 2-3 layers, but each of them must dry, and only then the next one is applied.

If your choice fell on paint in a jar, then you will need a brush or roller. Sharp color transitions either at the bottom or at the top will lead to an ugly result. Move steadily from left to right. Painting is done in 2-3 layers, each of which must also dry.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in updating the appearance of a working refrigerator with your own hands; even a person who does not have the proper experience will cope with this task. The main thing is to follow the recommendations on the choice of materials and the sequence of actions, and then the result will please for many years!

To transform the good old "white friend" designer Tatyana Nazarova suggested that it be gilded a little.

Glossy blue paint evenly spread it over the surface of the refrigerator. The refrigerator should turn completely blue.

Second paint, which was used for decoration, is completely different in texture - thicker, with a marble effect. It was sprayed with a thin stream and chaotic movements so that the drawing did not turn out to be too geometric. The golden pattern should not interrupt the blue background, so you need to stop coloring in time. Ideally, the pattern should resemble light, shiny scales.

Leaves and branches

User of our site Marina came up with a different image for the white refrigerator, reminiscent of golden autumn.

First, the surface was sanded, then painted with brown acrylate paint for walls and ceilings with a regular paint roller. Then it was time for creativity: they went over the refrigerator with gold spray paint, painted brown branches on a gold background, and gold ones on a brown one, respectively.

Finishing touch - leaves: nylon blanks for decorating gifts were also covered with gold paint, glued to the painted branches and slightly tinted brown.

flower thickets

User Elena Belyanskaya made her battered-looking pet ignite with new colors and covered with flowers.

Fridge outside thoroughly washed and degreased. Then a red spray paint was applied. The paint was applied in two layers to achieve a dark red surface color.

After that, using an acrylic golden composition started decorating. In the process, drops of paint were applied to individual sections of the flowers along the line of the petals and rhinestones were attached with glue. Tiny pieces of glass decorated the middle of each small flower.

At the bottom of the refrigerator to fill the space, painted golden grass with wild flowers appeared.

Modern refrigerators of all sizes and functionality flaunt in orderly rows in household appliance stores, but it is not necessary to buy a new unit just because the paint has peeled off and rust has appeared on the old one. In the Soviet Union, household appliances were made reliable, and now in many apartments you can still see old refrigerators that work properly, but their appearance leaves much to be desired. But even this technique is not eternal and sometimes requires different attention and repair. The price of repairing refrigerators will not seem high to you and will be quite affordable for a modest home budget.

There are two ways to solve the update problem: glue the refrigerator with self-adhesive film or paint it. In the first case, you will have to work hard so that the film lies flat on the surface of the refrigerator, without wrinkles and air bubbles, but the paint always lies flat. There are some peculiarities in the process of painting a refrigerator, but with a thoughtful approach to work, all these nuances can be easily solved.

With the help of painting, you can not only update the old refrigerator, but also repaint the new one, because in stores the set of colors for refrigerators is limited, and sometimes, for example, a red or even black refrigerator is needed for the interior of the kitchen.

How to paint a refrigerator

First of all, this question concerns paint. Spray paint, for example, car enamel in spray cans, immediately comes to mind. Actually this is not the best option.

Usually refrigerators are painted at home, in apartments or, at best, on balconies. In this case, if you use spray paint, then the smallest particles of paint will settle on the floor, furniture, walls, etc. Even dust will soak into the paint, and then settle on the floor, and it will be possible to remove it only with a solvent. Cleaning the entire apartment with white spirit is not the best option, so if it is not possible to take the refrigerator out into the open, then it is better to use a roller.

Painting with a roller will not give the uniformity and smoothness of the coating, as in the case of an aerosol, but it will have to be cleaned less. And do not forget that even a respirator does not save paint from getting into the respiratory system when using aerosols, so this method of painting is only suitable for open space.

As for the type of paint, it can be:

  1. Automotive enamel (although its main property is weather resistance, which is not at all necessary at home)
  2. Epoxy paint in an aerosol.
  3. Some types of acrylic paints.

Refrigerator painting technology

To carry out the work, you will need the following materials and tools: detergent, foam sponge, masking or regular tape, newspapers or film, paint, roller, clean, dry rags.

    • Thoroughly wash the outer surface of the refrigerator from dirt, dust and grease. After that, it is dried, and the refrigerator is turned off at this time, the contents are removed from it, including shelves and drawers. If possible, it is better to take the refrigerator out into the open air.

  • Film or newspapers are covered under the bottom of the refrigerator and around it, and if there are more interior items in the room, then it is better to cover them with film as well.
  • It is important to ensure good ventilation of the room in which the refrigerator will be painted.
  • Before you start painting, it is best to test the properties of the paint on a small area of ​​the surface in an inconspicuous place - this must be done to make sure that the paint is selected correctly.
  • It is better to remove all accessories from the refrigerator, and if this cannot be done, then such places are sealed with masking tape or ordinary tape and film.
  • Then proceed to the actual painting. If an aerosol is used, then it is kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the refrigerator and they try to apply the paint with uniform movements from left to right, without staying in one place for a long time.
  • After painting the refrigerator, it is allowed to dry for 20 minutes, and then, if necessary, another coat of paint is applied.

If the paint is applied with a roller, then it is better to take a narrow tool made of threads.

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