Growing raspberries as a profitable business. What is the berry better for growing for sale? Raspberry from 20 acres

Gardening 15.06.2019

Malina is a gentle, fragrant berry containing a large number of vitamins and trace elements. It does not make sense about the benefit of it and argue. Growing useful product Every second is engaged, having a nursery. In our article, the issue is devoted to the yield of raspberries. Because every gardener understands that efforts spent on harvesting should be justified. We will choose productive varieties, consider ways to improve the yield of raspberry not to the detriment of quality.

Raspinal yield information

Residents of Ukraine, preferring the berry of raspberries, growing it, collect from 4 to 5 kilograms from the bush. How do gardeners such? First of all, you need to calculate the number of seedlings per weave or hectare. It depends on personal consumption or production of the product on an industrial scale. On one hectare planted from two to three thousand seedlings. Accordingly, yield reaches from eight to ten tons with hectares.

Raspberry abundance is available to everyone, the main thing is to understand how to achieve

If you use expert advice and pick up favorable varieties With great recycling of berries, keep all the agrotechnic techniques and not neglect care of the useful and tender raspberries, it is possible to achieve yield and above the stated norms. Sometimes removable varieties bring to their owners to twenty, and even to thirty tons with hectares. Calculate the number of collected berries at the end of the season on several acres of small pricework Will not be much difficult.

How do our "neighbors" apply to obtain similar results? What tricks are they resorted to? What ways to increase yields use? You will find the answers of the experts of famous raspberry nurseries in the following chapters of our article.

5 ways to improve raspberry yield

To collect good yields of berries, it is necessary to observe several agrotechnical techniques. An integrated approach will allow to grow remote raspberries with high yield rates.

Responsible approach to the choice of a variety

If desired, get a large number of berries throughout the season, you need to pick up varieties of different maturation terms. So you can provide yourself good harvest. With suitable climatic conditions, berries are collected from spring to late autumn.

Choose large-scale seedlings. Berries weighing from five to twelve gram will be a clear advantage of your Malinnik. An important point It is such a characteristic of raspberries as the safety of berries on the bush. There are varieties with power to retain large berries on the branch until the moment of collection: the raspberry does not appear when ripening and does not rot on the brush. Observing the non-cunning rules when choosing a variety, you will achieve big results than landing what falls at hand.

Compliance with the rules and techniques of agricultural

You must understand that for ordinary varieties and repairing techniques of cultivation is different. It is necessary to carefully figure out the nuances to please themselves with high results.

Remember the difference in planting and care techniques of the raspberry of ordinary varieties and repairing

Consider the features of the landing of ordinary and repairing raspberries.

Landing and care for raspberries of ordinary varieties Landing and caring for removable varieties
· Place the seedlings when landing stands according to the scheme: 1 meter of free space should be separated by one bush from the other, and the distance between the rows should be at least one and a half - two meters;

· Landing time - Spring or autumn (beginning);

· Mandatory process during the cultivation of raspberries - removal of the pores;

· When trimming raspberries, consider that the thickening is not allowed. Raspberry must be well ventilated and not shading neighboring shoots. Cutting conventional varieties is recommended for a root followed by autumn;

· Feeling raspberries need twice per season. Improving the crop depends on the introduced organic. Use as feeding advise manure, nitrogen fertilizers and potash formulations. Applying chemistry from diseases and pests, use it before the start of flowering. Since ordinary varieties are more resistant to various diseases, try to avoid the fact of processing with drugs without visible reasons;

· Watering the raspberry bushes is needed. Special attention is paid to this work into dry seasons;

· After irrigation and neat soil loosening (permissible depth of 5 - 7 cm), the raspberry is to be meditated with hay, straw, humus. So you will avail the evaporation of moisture, especially in the arid period.

· Based on the fact that the removable raspberry varieties have a smaller number of shoots formed around the main stem, the distance between the landings makes sense to cut a little. Retreat 70-75 centimeters between seedlings and by meter - a half of the row;

· Additional shoots a little, so cutting the pigstream after the determination of future replacement branches (they are quite small);

· Crasing the removable varieties, keep in mind the fact that the fruiting of each young escape comes to the second year of life. Cutting down the root all the stems for the winter, you will get a harvest of berries only in a year. All manipulations on trimming are carried out in the spring, as replicating shoots will help to delay snow and bushes are easier to transfer the winter;

· Making manure after irrigation requires raspberry in the spring and at the time of flowering. The replacement of manure may become a mixture, which includes humid, superphosphate and potassium. Calculate the quantity is not difficult: the floor tons of feeding to the weave is quite enough. Feat the Malinnik solely after abundant irrigation;

· Mulch will play the hand to the owners of the Malinnik, ensuring the safety of the necessary humidity of the soil and moving the roots in winter.

There are a number of events, which is mandatory conditions For raspberries of both species:

  • remember to eliminate weed herbs in the places of growing raspberry;
  • place seedlings on lit sites or in a half;
  • do not injure the root system, trying to dig a seedling in the middle of the Malinnik and transplant it to another place;
  • collect ripen berries in time to prevent the spread of diseases;
  • water the raspberry abundantly, but not often. So you will avoid such a fence of plants like root rot;
  • bushes grown in one place for 10 to 15 years - remove by changing the location of the Malinnik. After this period, the yield decreases, and the soil is pretty depleted, despite regular feeding.

Proper cropping of raspberries

A double method of trimming according to the Sobolev's gardened gardener method is used, rejuvenate a bush and increase the number of berries in the current season. You can read other articles on our website about how to commit a criticism of raspberries.

Conducting raspberry bushes need a sharp and serviceable tool

Tip # 1. Cut the old and painful stems in a timely manner, so you pour your life to your shrub. Shortening the shoots of replacement, you save and multiply your crop.

The use of the soil of a certain composition

Consider that the acidity of the soil, where you are going to cultivate the Malinik, should not exceed the indicators in the range of 5.8 - 6.5 units . On the whisen soils, the berry is difficult to take root and does not give promised results.The land is preparing under the landing of raspberry bushes stands in advance. Calculate that 1 mq. You will need two buckets of humus, two hundred grams of superphosphate and grams of eighty potash salt, which some gardeners are replaced with wood ash in the amount of half a kilogram on the designated space. Spring feeding is considered carbamide (urea): 100 grams per 1 mq. Spring plenty of Malinnik must necessarily. An indicator of the right watering is the moisturized land at a depth of ten centimeters from the surface. Therefore, you should not hope for short precipitation.

Soil under the bushes of raspberries should be rich in organic substances

Correct seedlings and timely processing

Buying seedlings, use proven sources and nurseries. The yield of each bush depends on the health of young shoots. Before landing, it is worth decaming seedlings in a weak solution of manganese. And regular preventive measures will help prevent a large number of diseases and invasions of harmful insects. Using knowledge of the prevention of diseases of the plant, you take care of the increase in the crop on its site.

When choosing seedlings, pay attention to the root system

Board # 2. Purchase a healthy planting material and react in time to raspberry disease .

The yield of raspberry of different varieties

One of the main ways to increase the crop yield is the choice of the optimal variety. Consider the yield indicators of some varieties in the table below.

Sort name Description of varieties Yield
Giant ruby Early grade. Berries up to 7 - 10 grams. Form - conical 4 to 9 kg from bush
Abundant Berry weight up to 10 grams. Form - conical, color - bright red 4- 5 kg with bush
Patricia The grade is resistant to frozen. Berries reach 12 grams. Fruit in the middle of the summer 4 - 5 kg with bush
Glen AMPL On one stem is formed up to thirty additional shoots. Berries reach a mass of 4 grams. Variety is resistant to major raspberry diseases 15 t / ha
Arbat One berry can weigh up to 12 grams. Powerfulness Powerful 20 t / ha
Glen Nasten A variety feature is the lack of spikes. On one escape is formed from 0.8 to 1.2 kg of berries 15th / g
MAROSECH 4 - 12 grams every berry. Variety resistant to drought and frost 20 t / ha
Aboriginal Berries from 4 to 7 grams. Stems without spikes. Taste sweet-sour. Berries do not appear 4 - 7 kg with bush
Hercules The size of the berries is large, the weight reaches 10 grams. The variety does not tolerate rainy weather (the taste and density of berries) 18 t / ha
Gloria Raspberry shade berry, weighing up to 4.5 grams. Good growing in non-black-earth areas 90 kg from one hundred
Golden giant Color - yellow, variety of large-scale. Berry large up to 14 grams From 4 to 8 kilograms from one bush
Molling Promis Abundant returns of the frightened. The variety is subject to anthracnose Up to 120 kg with hundred

Picking the raspberry varieties for cultivation, follow the principle of different times of ripening. Then fragrant berries throughout the summer and autumn will be present in your diet.

In addition, different varieties are subject to different diseases. You will protect yourself from the lack of harvest or its part at a certain period. But placing bushes when landing, do not confuse early raspberries from late. Ideally, put a number of early raspberries, the second - the secondary, the third one. Thus, when processing the site and when collecting a crop, you will reduce the percentage of injured plants and provide additional amenities when leaving them.

Special raspberry variety called Polka

When choosing raspberry varieties for own plot, It is worth noting that it is important to pay attention to Polka's remote raspberry. What is her feature, you ask? The response will follow the reader - in the amount of crop collected from one bush. Just think that one bush of this variety replaces five - six bushes of ordinary raspberry. The berry is distinguished by a subtle taste and aroma. Not inferior by parameters and weight of 15 grams. Collect from one bush with proper watering And care can be up to seven kilograms.

If you managed to buy polish raspberry seedlings, take care of it, and you will see countless berries at your desk

Malina Polka has a basic root, so the amount of frightened is not so great as other varieties. You can be sure that putting a bush, it will not sprawle on the site. By the autumn, pruning the entire ground part of the plant. In the spring of polka will certainly give the fruits on annual escapes. And in winter it will freeze nothing. This is one of the fundamental differences of this variety from the rest of the repair.

An additional advantage of the variety is resistance to diseases such as:

  • gray rot;
  • white rot;
  • web tick;
  • root rot.

Watering such raspberries is more often than the remaining varieties due to the surface root system. The rest of the care is no different. Polka need feeding, removal of weed herbs, soil loosening. Putting the seedlings of the Malina Polka grade seedlings, you will see the appropriateness of its content in your site, please the relatives and close delicious berries and surprise the neighbors with an abundant harvest.

After making sure that raising the crop of raspberries is possible, applying certain techniques, try to take advantage of our expert advice. Follow the healthy and high-quality planting material, take care of the plant with love and enjoy the taste, aroma, and most importantly the resulting crop. Acquired invaluable experience In the cultivation of raspberries, you will become the owner of the gentle, velvety berry rich in vitamins.

In one of the country's logs, I read an article about the large-scale raspberry of the selection V.V. Kichini. Acquired landing material from the seller in Moscow, "Ugbobiv", as they said in the village neighbors, monthly salary.

Plot allotted under raspberry, I have a small, just 1.5 acres. But we get a rather decent - 30 and more buckets of selected large clean berries.
We took two varieties in the market - Mirage and Metropolitan. But the metropolitan in our conditions "led himself is not very correct." Began to hurt, the berries melted from the heat and rot because of excess moisture. Therefore, they refused from time. Since then, we grind the mirage, sell both berries and seedlings.
The berries of this variety are large, up to 4 cm long, dense, dark red, fragrant. From the wind do not appear, on the contrary, they are with an effort to be removed from a thick white fitness, similar to the root of the tooth. In compote, berries are not destroyed, and when cooking, the jam is perfectly chocked. It is also important that they should not be washed, freeing from the larvae of the Malinous Beetle - they are simply not there. It seems that the dense berry "does not give" the worms to penetrate inside. Fruit Mirage for a whole month - from early July to early August. In a day or two, "goes through the stream", the exhausted harvest.
But I want to make a reservation immediately: with insufficient care, the berries in Miragia is minced and can not get involved at all. Therefore, by having gathered all his experience in the cultivation of large-scale raspberries, I will be happy to share it with all those who wish.
The first thing I want to pay attention is the soil in Malinnik. It should be loose, nutritious and easy. To do this, it is necessary before boarding well to refuel the plot with a power and be sure to deposit the sand if the soil is sublinous. There are no restrictions - the more, the better. Later with a shovel in Malinik, do not enter. Annual soil resistance leads to the fact that sleeping kidneys on the cropped roots wake up and "drive" the pigs. And Raspberry gradually "leaves" from your site to neighbors. The Mirata has genetically laid a weak formation. But if the soil is retracted, then this valuable quality will disappear. The work on the looser of the soil will take on earth worms, and the sand will make it easy. Roots in raspberry superficial and very branched. They are very quickly "eaten" made by humus and "drink" all the moisture existing in the soil. Therefore, to replenish the inventory of the organications, it is necessary to constantly mulch the entire Malinnik with a thick layer of humus or freshly adhesive grass. You can also scatter fresh manure. For the year on adult Malinik, all this "good" burns out. "
Subject to the mulching of the soil, a long time can maintain some moisture supply, but it has to constantly fill. If there is no rain on the sky for a long time, the raspberry should be watered. Without mulching, the soil drags very quickly and watered permanently.
With sufficient nutrition, the mirage binds a very large amount of berries on the branch. All kidneys on shooting from below and the top are fruit. From each, the fruit branched branch is growing with a length of 0.5 m, i.e. One fruitful escape looks like a whole bush. It is necessary to leave 3-6 such shoots on the bush on the fruiting. Once we counted how many berries forms one escape. It turned out that 250! Such a branch under the severity of ripening berries will tear to the ground. Therefore, large-scale raspberries need a support. You can, of course, put the pegs to touch the bushes, but the best way - This is a sleeper. At the ends and in the middle of the rows, we killed stakes from thick reinforcement (height above Earth 1.5 m). They joined them with steel wire at an altitude of 1.45 m. It turned out a robust sleeper. The ranks are located in the direction from the north to the south at a distance of 2 m from each other. In a row, the distance between the bushes is 1 m. With such a placement, shoots on the bushes left for fruiting, freely located fan on the grinding, to which they need to be tied in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys.
At the same time, I spend the processing of Malinnik from diseases and pests. It can be a burglar liquid or copper vigor in a ratio of 100 g on 10 liters of water. Good result gives processing in early spring The "Dnock" solution, before the start of flowering - the solution of Fundazola. But the Beach Rasina - Didimella (purple spottedness), anthracnose and gray rot will still appear if your Malinik is thickened. Have you ever noticed, what bright green and clean raspberries on the edges of the Malinnik? So I need to "lead" the raspberry to the bush to be "from the edge" from all sides, even in the middle of Malinnik. The more the sun penetrates the landing, the cleaner will be the bushes.
Another spraying of the Malinnik against diseases is good to spend immediately after collecting the last berries and cleaning the branches that need to be removed from the site immediately, without postponing this case for autumn.
The fabulous spectacle is flowering and fruiting of this large-scale variety. Flowers in Miragia are large, fragrant, with huge cups. Amuses their number. Bees circle over this cloud from early morning to late evening. The buzz is such that heard in a few meters. And the present miracle begins at the time of harvest. Berries I collect early in the morning after the departure of the dew or evening before sunset. It is impossible to do this in the afternoon, since for one and a half hours of work, you can "welcome" alive, because the air in Malinnik, as in the sauna. In the morning I will collect everything that matured, and in the evening the same day the bushes are red again. Mirage and only!
I try to sell the main harvest, I leave only the last 2-3 buckets of berries, when all orders have already been fulfilled.
But now the last berries are collected and need to take care of the new yield. I clean all the replicas of the branches and coming out them from the site. Do not tighten with this work, even if the branches are still green. Malina is a two-year shrub and by the end of the second year, i.e. At the time of fruiting, the bushes accumulate a large number of diseases and pests, from which you need to get rid of as soon as possible. After all, the young renewal escape is already growing near, which will have to bloom and fron, be strong and healthy.
In the fall at the level of the earth, it is necessary to cut broken, weak and extra shoots, leaving 6-8 shoots in a bush, considering that 1-2 escapes can "fall out". In our conditions, bent and stroke the raspberry does not have. Winters are soft, and it is perfectly winter without shelter. If the so-called "black frosts" occurs, when the temperature drops up to -18 ... 20 ° C on the border of the fall and winter, and there is no snow in the rim, then the Malina saves mulching. The thick layer of mulch makes strong roots, which means that all the plant. For the winter I just braid the branches for each other and the sleeper so that they do not break from the wind, snow and stray dogs.
In the spring, the raspberry branches, I attach them to the wire of 5-6 in the bush, cut out the rest. In the spring, cutting up the tops of the stems to a height of 1.6 m. It is not necessary to do this in the fall, since moisture falls into the slice, it cracks and can freeze.
On ordinary raspberry varieties, the so-called double trimming is carried out to enhance fruiting. On the mirage, double trimming of nothing, since it genetically laid the formation of a large number of lateral fruit branches throughout the stalk, and not only on the top. But what will significantly increase the crop, it will reduce the number of pests to a minimum, so this is the creation of a double area of \u200b\u200bthe raspberry. One half of it is fruits, and only young shoots grow to another. The next year of "halves" change places. Harvest with such a system is much higher because maternal bush He spends strength only on berries. There are almost no pests and diseases, especially if the plots are not nearby. But when growing young shoots in a non-pronigious area, it is necessary to regulate their number in the bush, leaving the strongest and removing thin and weak. It is not necessary to do this at the end of the season, but throughout the growing season, since the thicance leads to the development of diseases and pests.
Another interesting moment - This is a landing, or rather, pruning when planting young seedlings. If you want in your Malinik from the very beginning there are no diseases and pests, then you need to plant a new place, just the shoots that have come from the ground with a small earthen room. If there are no such, and in stock only the usual landing material - all-insulated shoots, then it is possible to improve them as follows. Before boarding, it should be trimmed to a height of 15-20 cm. After the seedling is rooted and the spring "chase" a young segment of substitution, last year's branch should be cut off with a sharp secateur at the soil level and remove. Then the young escape will grow clean and healthy.
When buying and landing seedlings, be careful to the roots. They should be fresh, unbelievable, white on a cut. In addition, they should not be "balls" of root cancer. This disease is accompanied by many cultures, including Malina. It develops more often on the soils or where the roots are often traumatized. Such a plant develops weakly, and then dies. If the root cancer is found on the roots, then the segment of the affected root is cut off with a sharp knife, and the cut is disinfected in the iron mood solution.

These recommendations can give everyone who is engaged in growing raspberries and not only large-scale. All I advise, tested by me on my site. On how to deal with pests on Malina, I will tell you in the next publication.
I wish all the dacnishes to gain strength and energy for spring work and all success. I will answer your questions, subject to the receipt of an envelope with O / A.

Marina Vladimirovna Protasova ,
307200, Kursk region, Oktyabrsky district,
P. Rightsily, ul. Field, d.1, sq.1


  • What kind of grade to choose
  • Berry collection - not a simple matter
  • Sale seeds
  • Useful video on the topic
  • How much can earn money
  • What to choose equipment
  • Taxation system
  • Permissions for opening
        • Related business ideas:

Business on growing raspberry in last years Interested in more and more novice farmers. Berry, as it turns out not only delicious, but can also serve as a good source of income for a small family economy.

Pluses of business on raspberry cultivation

  1. High yield while compliance with technology. Some successful farmers can be obtained per season, without exaggeration up to 28 tons with ha.
  2. The price of raspberries on the market begins from 200 r., And in major cities and even higher. Even if you give the decks in bulk 2 times cheaper, "exhaust" is not small. From one hectare you can rescue more than 2 million rubles. (not profit, but revenue).
  3. A good harvest can be obtained for the second year after planting plants, if you exercise proper care.
  4. Many options for extracting profits from raspberry plantation. You can not only sell a berry in a fresh form, but also recycle raspberries on jam or drug raw materials, as well as implement seedlings. The price for one sapling is no less than 80 - 100 rubles.

Some large farms are engaged in the drying of the raspberries and then implement dried fruits for medical purposes (for the production of syrups, for example).

With all its advantages, raspberry business is far from a simple type of activity. Otherwise, Malina would deal with every second farmer. We will talk about the underwater stones of this activity just below.

Features of growing raspberry

The first rule of effective growing of raspberries - for planting plants, light areas are chosen. Malina loves the sun and in the shade practically does not be fruit. It is also worth paying attention to the acidity of the soil - this indicator Must be within 5.5 - 6 pH. Swampy places are also excluded. Groundwater Must be held below 1.5 m. The landing density of individual varieties and seedlings "Frigo" can be 40,000 units. on hectare. It is not recommended to thicken the plants - it is better to leave 5-6 shoots, which contributes to the best light and ventilation of the bush. The device helper allows you to protect a significant part of the crop, since the plant often falls to the ground under the weight of its own fruits. For growing raspberries, nitrogen and potash fertilizers are used. Feed the plants with azophosqua or kemira (1 liter of the rush of the bush). To accelerate the growth and development of plants, a potash concentrate is used. To protect against weeds, the surface of the soil under raspberry is falling asleep by straw.

The highest price for Malina - in June. Only 200 grams of berries can be sold at this time at 150 - 200 rubles.

Drought the plant does not tolerate, so in particularly dry places it is necessary to solve the issue with irrigation. If this is neglected, the berry will get small and dry. Separate successful farms on this account use a drip irrigation system. If the places opposite are famous for precipitation, that is, it makes sense to apply the so-called canopies, because the excess of moisture does not affect the raspberry - the berry begins to deoxinate. Under the canopy of the plants will be protected not only from heavy rainfall, but also from direct sunlight (because of which the berry loses juiciness).

How many plants need to plant

The economy looks like this. With one bush, there are 2 kg of raspberries. That is, to get 10 tons of raspberries per season, a section with 5,000 plants and more are required. If the seedling is on average 80 r., Only 400 thousand rubles can take place on the planting material. That is why, novice farmers should begin with small Malinnikov and as experience gained an independent receipt of seedlings.

What kind of grade to choose

Experienced farmers will say that from right choice varieties depends half success in building profitable business on raspberry. So, simply pick up the correct variety you can increase the yield of 1.5 - 2 times. Today there are a lot of good varieties of both Russian and Ukrainian selection. The most popular varieties that are mentioned on each forum are: Polka, Busvoyan, companion, Patricia, Gusar, Maicker, Villamette, Tulamen. When choosing removable varieties that are fruiting continuously (before the onset of frosts), you need to be calculated. Such raspberries requires special care And not everyone can get the long-awaited harvest. In addition, most varieties begins to be froning only by the beginning of August (in middle lane RF), when the price of the berry is the lowest. It happens because the repair varieties are subject to cutting under the root. Over the summer, the plant has time to grow and give a crop on a new process. In other words, removable raspberries fruits on annual escapes. In the meantime, ordinary raspberry varieties are not cut off, and brought a berry in June.

Berry collection - not a simple matter

Harvesting - one of the most complex processes In the "raspberry business." Collection of raspberries for sale in a fresh form is carried out exclusively manually. The berry is small, which makes the process very protracted. Plus, cleaning occurs most often in a strong heat. Have to attract a large number work forceWhat seriously increases the cost of crop. The technique for collecting berries is used only in the case of processing. It is worth saying that only large farms can afford the purchase of a raspberry cleaning machine.

How much can you earn from "Malinnik"

The average price of raspberries in regional towns is 200 rubles / kg (2015 - 2016). Supermarkets are about 20% more expensive. In Moscow and a number of other major cities, you can meet the price tag and in 400 r. / Kg and more. A quick calculation shows that the implementation of 10 tons of berries can bring from 2 million rubles. Revenue. Is it still "sweet" really? It is worth noting that it is not correct to navigate to retail sales. If the farm is small (10 - 50 acres), then the crop still somehow can be implemented own forces, eg classic way From the car "At the roadside". At large crops, things are much more difficult. Malina - an extremely transportable berry. In the fresh form it is in demand only on the first day after collecting. You can imagine what difficulties can wait for a farmer collecting daily hundred kilograms of berries? To implement large volumes it is necessary to establish dozens of retail points throughout the city, which is practically not real. Therefore, planning a business on raspberries, the first work is being worked out by the sales channels of berries, which mainly should be wholesale. Ideally, the case should be based on the principle: the morning collection and the immediate implementation of the berries in bulk is a dealer or recycling. But here it is worth noting that wholesale a berry will cost 1.5 - 2 times cheaper. Income like it would be smaller, but on the other hand, the farmer eliminates itself from a variety of problems that are inherent retail. From the main permanent expenses Farms for the cultivation of raspberries It is worth highlighting the cost of labor (especially during the harvest), watering costs, fertilizers and packaging (packaging). By the way, plastic containers for 2 kg are considered the best packaging for the collected crop - for retail, and polymer boxes 10 - 20 kg - for wholesale.

Sale seeds

A separate direction of earnings on rain can be the sale of seedlings. Good varieties Actively bombarded by other farms, as well as housewilder gardeners. The cuttings are obtained by cutting the processes in adult plants. Scroll is carried out with a knife or a secateur, just below the soil level for a couple of centimeters. Growing cuttings is best produced in glazed or film greenhouses with fog-forming installations. For simultaneous cultivation of 1000 seedlings, it is necessary to construct a cherenteller with a size of only 2x5 meters. Wholesale price of raspberry seedlings is an average of 80 - 100 r. The implementation of 1,000 seedlings can bring an extra 80 - 100 thousand p.

Useful video on the topic

Modern raspberry farming: //\u003dqiffnykbu7O. "Ralnoe Kingdom" - farm economy in the Ryazan region: //\u003dvziikddfjg.

Step-by-step business opening plan

  1. Business registration.
  2. Buying or renting a land plot.
  3. Purchase of seedlings, fertilizers and plant protection products.
  4. Malinnice tab. Planting seedlings.
  5. Plant care: processing from weeds, watering, feeding fertilizers.
  6. We have employees for harvesting.
  7. Product sales market. Potential wholesale buyers can be started to look for in advance.

How much can earn money

Initial investments depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site and the varieties of purchased seedlings. The larger area and the more expensive seedlings, the more funds need to be done at the initial stage. Buying seedlings from 150 to 300 rubles. There are more expensive, depending on the variety. Business profitability is associated not only with demand established price, but also with climatic conditions, sales markets. Since Malina is fashionable to sell both private traders and processing organizations, trading networks.

What to choose equipment

For growing raspberries, no additional equipment is needed, a garden equipment is needed: a shovel, rake, buckets, watering systems and hoses. Berry collection is made manually. There are harvesters, but they are only suitable for berries that are processed.

Which OKVED indicate to register

OKVED 01.13.21 - Growing fruit and berry cultures. What documents are needed for opening it is necessary to register a business entity: it may be individual entrepreneuror collective farming. Cooked Documents should be submitted to the authorities state power Or B. multifunctional centers Public services (MFC).

Taxation system

This business belongs to the production of agricultural products, therefore the tax system is used for agricultural producers, the so-called single agricultural tax. (ECHN). The main condition for this tax is that the revenue from the sale of this product is at least 70% of the entire revenue, as well as the fact that the enterprise should be engaged in the production of agricultural products, and not its sale.

Permissions for opening

It is necessary to register an enterprise in state authorities, register in tax Inspection As an agricultural producer, acquire land or conclude a lease agreement.

Malina growing technology

  1. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to examine the roots. If you are thickening, it indicates the disease, they must be cut off.
  2. It is necessary to plant raspberries in early spring or deep in autumn. The distance between the rows is 1.5 m, between the plants of 0.5 m. The plant is planted on a depth of 10 cm. After planning, the plants should be pouring, and the soil is clicked, shooting down the ground. If this variety is needed by the trellis, then after every 5 meters, stakes are riding, a height of 1.5-1.8 m. The wire will be stretched in the next year and the raspberry is tied.
  3. If Raspberry Summer, it will bring a yield for the second year. In the first year - engaged in thinning and struggle with weeds, irrigated.
  4. For the second year, fertilizers contribute to the ground and they are engaged in watering. Malina loves sunny plots and abundant irrigation.

Malina - Pretty Popular Berrywhich possesses attractive taste and health qualities.

The moment that the berry in folk medicine is used as the attending agent, determines not its high demand formed.

Business for the cultivation and sale of raspberries got widespread development so far only in Western Europethat defines its high prospects.

Before making a business plan, implying certain calculations, you should pay attention to the general advantages and disadvantages of the business in question.

Benefits can be attributed:

  • Great demand for the berry with a small sentence. It is quite difficult to find raspberries on store shelves.
  • For cultivation, almost any plot of land will suit. The composition of the Earth may not be suitable for raspberries, but it can be corrected.
  • The cost of berries because of high demand and a small offer is quite high, which allows even with an increasing yield to make a profit.
  • In compliance with the recommendation on landing the bush and courting behind it, the harvest may be great. If the bush is located under the outdoor sky, then much depends on the current weather. Recently, more and more often, raspberries are grown in greenhouse conditions.
  • There are quite a few raspberry varieties. At the same time, the ripening time of their berry is significantly different, which allows you to make a business more profitable by selling fresh product for a long time.

However, there are disadvantages:

  1. Berries quickly deteriorate. At the same time, the jams and the capacity that is prepared from the raspberry, many love to do on their own.
  2. Only in greenhouse conditions can significantly reduce the risk that the crop will disappear due to bad weather conditions.
  3. Clearing behind the hustras of raspberries is a laborious process.
  4. The income from the business in question will be only for one half of the year.

Despite the presence of significant flaws, the present business has a high demand for a small sentencethat forms the price of berries, determines the attractiveness of this kind business activities.

In order to legally grow the cultivation of raspberries and its sale should be registered with entrepreneurial activities.

Registration of entrepreneurship

An important issue can be called the choice of business form. When growing crops on its own or rental plot in order to establish a sales to profit, you can make a design of the following forms of business:

  1. SNT - Gardening Non-Profit Association. This type of entrepreneurial activity is used in the case when individual Implements the grown product on its site by passing it into large wholesale bases. In this case, the design is to receive a reference of the presence of a country area. Receive required document Can be in the district administration.
  2. Individual entrepreneurship or IP - form of registration of activities that implies the possibility of self-implementing grown product. In this case, a person who owns the site and has established the cultivation of raspberry, can act as legal entity For the conclusion of various treaties: for hiring workers, in terms of sales and so on. The difficulties arising from the choice of this capable business make up is to certify products.
  3. Limited Liability Company or LLC - Form of registration, which is chosen if it is necessary to attract partners to your business. At the same time, partners can act as co-founders or lenders.

If there is no entrepreneurial experience, and the volume of growing is insignificant, then it is recommended to carry out the design of SNT.

Simplified design scheme will allow Sell \u200b\u200braspberry in small parties and customize production and business processes.

If the growing volumes will increase significantly, then the IP is made. Official registration as a legal entity allows you to attract creditors who can significantly speed up the development of business.

For proper preparation Business Plan Invested funds bring income for a short time.

When considering the issue of registration of entrepreneurship, take into account that a single agricultural tax becomes the optimal taxation method, the rate of which is 6%.

If when checking it is determined that the share of the product agriculture It is less than 70%, the generalized tax method is applied.

How to start growing raspberry?

The reference points that are indicated when making a business plan increase the chance of good profits.

In the first year it follows:

  1. Create a choice of raspberry varieties.
  2. Calculate the required amount of planting material.
  3. Conduct soil preparation.
  4. Prepare the material that will be used as a support: support columns of wood or fittings, wire.
  5. Purchase fertilizers and means of protection against pests.

This preparation concerns raspberry under open skythat is, not in greenhouse conditions.

After completing all the work in the first year, costs are calculated - to determine the profitability of the case, you need to maintain accurate calculations.

For the second year it follows:

  1. Hold the landing.
  2. Watering drip.
  3. Make fertilizer.
  4. Prepare containers.
  5. If the volume of growing is large, then you should find workers.
  6. Set cooled installations In case the growing volume is large. The berry is a perishable product that can be saved with partial cooling.

We will talk about some moments more. Creating a business begins with the selection of the site and its preparation. Recommendations relating to the site following:

  1. It should be borne in mind that Malina is a rare delicacy that many people love. Therefore, you immediately need to think about the protection. Plots that are left unattended and will visit from time to time - a big risk.
  2. Malinnik loves moisture and sun.
  3. Type of soil does not play roles, but experts recommend to give preference to the ground with sand, which is supplemented with a mulch at a pH level of not more than 6.2.
  4. The size of the site depends on the estimated volume of production. On one hectare there are about 2 thousand bushes, which, when proper care and favorable conditions Growing, give about 10 thousand kilograms of berries in one season.

The plot fertilize with manure, other mineral fertilizers are made at will.

Two-year Malinik gives sweet, major fruits, but often freezes in winter time. Therefore, when organizing a business, preference is preferred by remote rain.

You may be interested in the following articles:

This variety is less susceptible to the effects of low temperatures and pests, but the berries are less sweet, with rainy weather they may not have time to mature to the end of autumn.

Choose variety

Common summer varieties are:

  1. Lashka.early grades Their Poland. Berries are large elongated form, Harvesting bush, frost-resistant.
  2. Octaviaperspective variety For business, which gives major purple berries. Berries are dense, so even at the rain they do not fall.
  3. Zyugana - Sort from Switzerland. Berries are sweet, stored for about 7 days and transfer transportation.
  4. Shelf - Berries ripen in autumn, have a pleasant taste. Bushes allow from one hectare, with proper landing, Collect up to 10 tons of harvest.
  5. Reedan Ji - Large, solid raspberry berries. The bush of this variety can give 19 tons per season.
  6. Himbo top - The berries of this variety reach weights of 10 grams, which causes the need to trigger to supports.

Acquire seedlings

Saplings acquire in specialized stores. The following moments are taken into account when choosing them:

  • a seedling that has a well-developed dried root system, grown in greenhouse conditions for the purpose of sale - an attractive proposal that will be very expensive;
  • the stem slice should be green, escape diameter from 0.7 to 1 centimeter;
  • practice shows that closed rhizome is better coping with environmental impact.

Increase the yield per 1 weave and ha

Growing technology:

  • saplings are planted at a distance of 80 centimeters. Between rows distance 1.5-2 meters;
  • trelliers every 4 meters are installed as a support;
  • you can plant in spring and autumn. Fall out in the fall, even after October 1;
  • in order for the bush to quickly develop, it is necessary to remove the piglet, which creates a shadow and attracts insects;
  • malinnik speaks well on the imaginary organic fertilizer. The recommended norm is 0.5 tons per hundred. Nitrogen and potash compositions are suitable for bait;
  • chemicals that protect the bush from the impact of pests and diseases can be used before flowering.

Wicked raspberries are resistant to disease. Berries eaten beetles, which take into account after flowering.

How to collect berries?

Assembly is carried out exclusively manually, Therefore, by the period of maturation, it should be prepared thoroughly: containers, workers with a large number of bushes, place for temporary storage and so on.

How to implement products?

Raspberry is stored at a temperature of 3-5 0. Sale paths:

  1. Markets.
  2. Grocery stores.
  3. Children's cafes, restaurants.
  4. Pharmacies, pharmacological firms.

Considered gentle berry, and it is necessary to sell it immediately.

Business plan:

  1. Objectives of the enterprise.
  2. Organization of the production process.
  3. Initial conditions for business development.
  4. Analysis of demand and competition.
  5. Financial indicators.
  6. Analysis of sales markets.
  7. Sales promotion plan.
  8. Advertising.

Profitability with a plot:

  1. One hectare - 2-3 thousand bushes. Price seedling - 0.6-2 $. Initial investments - $ 2000.
  2. Fertilizer costs, drugs - $ 1000.
  3. One bush on average gives 4 kilograms. With one hea collect 12,000 kilograms.
  4. Wholesale price - an average of 2%. Celebrated means - $ 20,000.

Total $ 17,000 income in two years at the start of the business. If rented land plot Or you need to purchase it, take costs.


Berry business, as can be seen from the calculations, profitable. This is especially true of growing raspberry. Her willingly buy in fresh and frozen form for jam, jams.

This product has a lot useful propertieswhich determine its popularity.

Agriculture is a large sphere in which there is a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurs. This is not obscured by the heroine of our next interesting material Svetlana. Previously, she was already shared with us with our experience growing strawberries, which was quite successful, and now she told us about one business - Rasian business.

The persistence of Svetlana can be envied and learn from her enterprise, because on its plot of land in a small Ukrainian town, where there are practically no work, it makes the things that are incredible at first glance: grows berries, sells them and gets good earnings.

Reconomica. Presents your attention the story of "raspberry commerce" from the real connoisseur of the berry business.

Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Svetlana Gorodnichev. I told the story of a small berry business - I'll tell you the continuation. Growing raspberry: the agricultural market through the eyes of a novice farmer, personal opinion, fineness of small-handed production, nuances of agrotechnology.

Perhaps the reader wants to skip the back foreword. Do not. Refer to the Malinnik laying, would not allow mistakes.

Good strawberry season, but short. A continuation of the berry conveyor will be raspberry - I decided. At the end of June, a strawberry was departed, the citizens will switch to raspberry. Land a little, but under a small berry enough. It was allocated to start 15 acres, then expanded the landing to 20 acres.

I decided to grow more and raspberries.

The first error

Malina - culture of large areas. On the wholesale it is beneficial to carry from 500 kg, optimally - up to 1 t. Only this will pay off transportation, and the small batches of wholesalers are not interested. The local market is more often filled with the goods of farmers and summer residents.

No, it is possible to carry a little, but this is spraying for forces and means. Revenue is small, but the time is lost, which is better to spend on the main culture.

And not only time, more money spent on the Malinik himself and for payment of hired labor.

BUT large squares - large costs: planting material, agrochemistry, collection, transportation costs. On large plantations without equipment in any way: it is also needed for the processing of the Earth, and for transportation. No and without refrigerators: without cooling the berry is not worth it. On the second day, the view is no longer a commodity. Yes, and the collection: manual - slow and expensive, under the machine need specially broken ridges with a weathered distance. Yes, and the technique itself, even rented, I need to look for somewhere and pay.

I did not know obvious things. After watching pictures on the Internet, read articles with costing costs and profitability of 144%, I saw myself among the rows of raspberries with growth with me. Saw rows of containers with shining berry. And the hands felt rustling of money.

As it turned out, hurried at least for a year. And late for five years.

Second error

Pepping hurried. Summer varieties of so-called one-time fruiting fruit only for the second year. After autumn planting Full yield can only be waiting for the third year. Remote varietiesgiving two fees, fruit for the first year.

The first crop is small: attachments will be accumulated - we can consider yourself a good farmers.

TOTAL - fast recoupment Due to the question, and the risks are great: the seedlings (not survived the winter seedlings, sick), loss as a result of weak knowledge of agrotechnology.

Third error

Why was late: it was 2015, the year of the beginning of the war, called ATO, and the decline called in Europe.

At the beginning I made a lot of mistakes.

Abundance that does not please

Sales options Two: Local Market and Wholesale. Local farmers and subsidiaries and grandmothers are dominated at the first, on the second - grand decline. More precisely, it is full of raspberries previously leaving Russia and Donbass. According to some estimates, it was a large half of the volume grown berries.

And from 2015, as already spoke in the story about the affairs of the strawberry, in the cities and the villages of Ukraine, vans were wagged with Malina: the owners were looking for sales. For a long time, even the chilled berry can not: Raspberries delicate strawberries, stored at best until 5-6 days, while still darkens, flows.

Scenes from life

Year 2015, 2016, 2017. Malina is treated three times cheaper than the market price. Young guy, owner of 3 hectares of raspberries, with black from fatigue and disorder by a person who gives up for a day to 100 liters. The queue tears from hand containers with shining raspberries. Still, 1 liter at the price of 2 rolls of toilet paper.

The guy interrupted me all the trade, but caused respect and sympathy.

Kharkov Wholesale: Chewing Belyash Sedoyed man, laughing, divided by "successes": I passed, bought a diesel fuel and a pie. And such sections of the sea. The berry sea, which is spilled in the fields of once prosperous farms. Like a strawberry, Malina was often not collected: she fell out, dining the earth red.

Farmers tried to survive, selling only seedlings. I think it was the reason for the popularization of the berry business: the second article of the incomes of berry farms - seedlings. Many have the main one.

Central regions and western people rescued the reception points (freezing, drying, sublimation). Requirements are high: density, color, sugar content. Chemical composition checked, but the products were well paid. So, on average, 1 kg took 40 UAH ($ 1.2). And approximately for such a price or cheaper raspberries traded on the market. The eastern regions had badly: in wholesale it is difficult to pass, because there are almost no reception points, and in retail cheap and sell difficult.

Raspberries was abundant, but was sold for a snot.

Saved dryshka

Requirements Little: Although the compote is driving. The price is low, up to 25 UAH per 1 l (up to 0.8 $), but for a dying product will be consolidated. Dried ( sublimated) Malina sent to Europe to displeasure local farmers: their market fell.

According to eyewitnesses, visiting Poland on the familiar route for seedlings, the life of the Poles on a big way literally. They built along the tracks, giving raspberry for 4-5 zł. For once prosperous Poland, this unprecedented business and funny to tears price.

If anyone rejoiced, so these are Russian farmers.

If they used to joke that in the invasion of Ukrainian "importers" cost-effective to plant potatoes, because they calculate all prices, then after the closure of the borders the market was empty. Dumping competitors no, Sadi and sell.

Why did I decide to do Malina? First, I naively believed in good luck. Secondly, there was no exit: I was looking for my earnings and, even if with risks and losses, I had to find it.

Sales, Calculation: Credit Debet

I will not tire the protracted prehistory, I will tell about the implementation.

Mini Calculation

To have been done: bought seedlings, plant planted. The landing scheme was as follows: 0.8-1 m with aisle to 2.5 m. In the first year, 10 acres were planted, 5 more with a tail of acres - to the next one. On average, this is 15 rows of a long 50 m. In a number of about 60 bushes, the same 950-1000 pieces.

Before achieving harvest from raspberries, you need to invest in it.

From the repair varieties were planted by Polan, shelf, from summer Late: Tulamam, Tador; Early: Gusar, Atlant; Medium: Glen EMPL, Glen Fine. On the one hand, a variety due to the long raspberry season. With another, different time Collection does not give a large volume.

Late summer varieties were chosen intentionally: at this time less on the berry market.

The numbers are rounded, since raspberries and 30-35 UAH (up to $ 1.5), and 20 UAH (up to $ 0.8).

Counting costs

  • Cointers at a price of 0.4 $ -0.5 $ - $ 450 -500;
  • protection means (treatment against pests) - $ 20;
  • fertilizers (organic, mineral) - an average of 50-55 $;
  • mulch - $ 20;
  • organization of supports - $ 30;
  • payment for work when landing, trimming, setting up tarers - up to $ 100;
  • tara (boxes, plastic containers) - up to $ 20.

The costs of collecting are not included: 4 people daily at 100 UAH ($ 3.5) each, to transport 80-90 UAH (up to $ 3). With deduction from turnover at 3-4 fees per week, another $ 150 can be energized from the amount of income.

Total net earnings amounted to 1600 $ -1620 $ for 3 months of fees: July, August, September. On average, 1 kg of raspberries costs up to $ 0.3. When selling $ 1 $, a clean revenue is $ 0.7, in the end we get the same $ 1,600.

Little but for the first year on small Square The result is not bad.

And given the standard of living and price in the region during the wage of the nurse or the seller at $ 70 -100 (it is before an artificial increase in the RFP, which caused avalanche-like inflation), then as an option of a temporary part-time, the raspberry business can be considered.

Who suits such a business

Why as an option? It would seem that having its own planting material, you can already increase the turnover and really start earning. As mentioned above, large areas are high costs. In the absence of funds and physical assistance (free), the maximum that shines - the sale in the local market. Large volumes with my source data (payment of all works, transportation) - utopia. Small - spraying forces, headache and bustle, not earnings.

Earnings are suitable for those who work families. It is easier for them to go to major revs when free money appears for hired work, equipment, not counting direct expenses. Or those who can invest not have such ridiculously small amounts like me.

Malina did it expensive: where they do not step, they pay there. Preparing the Earth - Pay, Installing Trelliers, Landing, Pruning - Pay. And collection, and transportation, and sale.

And about the implementation ...

Receiving a drying helped me: part of the raspberry I passed in bulk. Cheap, 20 UAH per 1 liter, but but relatively large parties and without claims. My bags are loaded in boxes drove into Kharkov machines, passed by train.

I arrived raspberry, soft, but for drying it was suitable.

My companion, who took Malina two years, was also novice. He organized the so-called collection of berries and the drying itself, then handed over it to large companies selling already to Europe. So we worked two years.

Part of the raspberry was sold in the local market. If I decided to bring to the market without cooling, an attempt would fail: would bring the raspberry porridge. I sold myself, handed over to the dealers. If in the case with strawberries it often did not believe that my berry (I am not like an agrarian berry), then with Malina believed eagerly. I was all in scratches: hands, legs, face. The reason for this is what part of the varieties was missed, but landing thick.

This is another underwater stone: or you work, you collect, drive, or sell. And sell or quickly and cheap, or slowly, but more expensive. If one, then all hands are not enough.

Many raspberry varieties imply spikes.

Subtleties of raspberry business

About the selection of the variety it stumbles each first novice. Market seedlings are peculiar. Annually appear new products advertised as varieties of incredible productivity and taste. The price is high, they are moving so convincing that it is difficult to resist. After a year, new comes: from the novelties to the novelty lives the world of seller sellers. And choose a suitable commercial variety among the "pacifiers" a newcomer is difficult.

And most sellers in Ukraine, alas, dealers. The farms selling their own seedlings of good quality can be counted on the fingers.

The rest, with all due respect to relatively fair earnings, did not see their goods more often, because the seedlings go from Poland. Guarantees of the satisfaction of the variety, the purity of the planting material is no. I say it as a person who bought a party of Polish raspberry, infected with nematode and safely dead.

Sendments, which have concluded contracts with nurseries of the same Poland and England for the sale of seedlings in vitro and own production, i.e. plants grown under license. Theoretically, they can be trusted, but in practice everything can be expected in the wild market.

In Russia, the situation is different. How the Russians are not scolded by Russian Selection School, complain to them.

Cossacks, Khachini, Evdokimenko, Kulagin, are superior to the productivity most Polish, English, American. They are adapted to the local climate, winter-hardy, heat-resistant, long do not lose their inherent properties.

Their hundreds, without exaggeration. Names they wear beautiful, magnifier, affectionate: Atlant, Gusar, Diamond, Pride of Russia, Arbat, Caramel and others. By the way, after the closure of the borders, Ukrainian farmers were doubly: and there are nowhere to carry products, and the seedlings of favorite commercial varieties will not bring.

Signs of good variety

  • Focus, transportability;
  • large percentage of grade 1 fruit for the fresh market;
  • medium size (in very large fruits too large hole, and the berry is drunk in containers, it is flown after collecting);
  • productivity;
  • eugene fruction zone from 50% to 80%;
  • the berry is not a stove, there are no characteristic white segments in the heat of the fruits;
  • right form fruits, one-dimensional;
  • lack of spikes;
  • boarding Ability (small, if you do not need landing material, and big, if needed).

But the main thing is compressed fees, i.e., not stretched fruiting, friendly. The smaller the main fees, the less ripens in the interval, the better: only this can be achieved relative to the large amount required for the local market, and for the wholesale.

What is still very important

  1. The density of berries, the correct shape of the fire. Raspberry should not crumble, the fetus forming the fruit must be well adherent.
  2. Sugar content, dry substances.
  3. The number of anthocyans responsible for the intensity of color. For focused on the wholesale market, especially on imports, we need varieties with a bright berry, to the local one - with dark. Here is such a nuance: in Europe, light varieties are valued, and we have a bright berry associated with unhealthy.
  4. Frost resistance.
  5. Resistance to diseases - advertising gesture of sellers: all varieties are about the same, all stability is laid in agricultural engineering.

Ase Agrotechnics: Main stages


They say that we buy experience. In agrode we pay for it lost seasons, which add up in the years of life. Three years - the term is sufficient to understand the prospects and fill the cones on errors.

For myself, I decided that the cultivation of raspberries is not my earnings. Too time-consuming, costly, not according to my modest investments, cannot.

The return on the raspberry and its speed in comparison with the strawberry below, the amount of work and investments above, the sales market is already: you need to be prepared that most of Grown berries should be recycled, i.e. to give up in bulk.

And most importantly, it is impossible to allow spraying of forces, money, time. This is mistake. If it is destined to continue a small berry affair, it will be a monoculture - strawberries. In general, the raspberry commerce seems to me promising for those who have funds for investment and can grow. Let the market and filled, good berry there will always be a place under the sun.

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