Berry business: how to make money on strawberries? All the nuances for building a strawberry growing business.

Decor elements 30.09.2019
Decor elements

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


Demand for such a berry as strawberries is consistently high. Moreover, it grows every year, therefore, prices for it also increase. It is not surprising that gardeners are changing their qualifications from amateur to entrepreneurial. Some grow strawberries on their own land, others use leased land. What will be the approach to business depends on how ambitious the businessman is and what means he has to start a business. In any case, this type of activity brings profit.

The best strawberry varieties to grow for sale in summer and winter - where to get good seeds and seedlings for breeding?

Strawberries are valued for their taste and beneficial features. It is possible to achieve a good harvest of this berry only if the cultivation technology and other important standards are observed. Cultivation of this crop brings profit not only in summer period but may be year-round profitable business, if you properly approach its organization.

All strawberry varieties are divided into two types:

  • Breeding . Their creation is carried out by scientific and research institutions related to the system of state testing of varieties. On the Russian market there are also varieties from foreign breeding developments;
  • Local . These are the fruits of amateur gardeners, grown on the basis of the selection of the most the best forms from local strawberries.

Varieties differ in different yields under the same growing conditions. Each agro-climatic zone requires the selection of those strawberry varieties that are most adapted to the proposed conditions, therefore, their yield will be maximum.

There are varieties of a remontant variety that give several crops in one growing season:

  • Albion . Refers to greenhouse varieties. It has a long fruiting period - before the onset of frost. The berry has a typical conical shape and a pleasant taste. It can be consumed fresh, cooked from it jams, jams, make other preparations. This variety is characterized by resistance to diseases and bad weather.
  • Winona . It can be grown both on mulch and under a film, which avoids rot disease during the rainy season. Late ripening variety, therefore, it is not subjected to processing, it is used fresh.
  • San Anders - a variety bred by American breeders, in some way a novelty. It is an improved version of Albion. It requires a neutral light day. It bears fruit from the end of May (if covered, then April) and ending in October. The taste of the berries is balanced, the pulp is firm, it perfectly resists rain.

Exists ampel variety strawberries - a climbing bush that bears fruit on a vertical support. In addition to consumption, it is often used for natural decoration. Fruiting lasts all summer. Climbing strawberry bushes are not prone to diseases arising from contact with the soil.

Some varieties of ampelous berries tend to bear fruit all autumn, bright representatives of the varieties of this variety:

  • Aluba , obtained by crossing two varieties - Flistar and Rapella. It is characterized by: long peduncles, oblong shape of berries, large size, weight up to 40 grams, sweet, dense pulp.
  • Geneva . Represents early varieties with an even larger peduncle than Aluba. It has a high yield, you can collect up to 3 kilograms from a bush.

There is, of course, such an exotic variety as Pineberry, which comes from the South American wild strawberry. It has been preserved thanks to Dutch farmers. Ripe berries of small size (up to 23 mm) are white, and their seeds are red, the pulp tastes like pineapple. The variety is most interesting to professionals and decorators.

Other, equally popular varieties of early ripening include:

  • Honey . It is a greenhouse variety with a high yield. Berries have a dark red color, glossy sheen, spicy sour taste. It is characterized by resistance to diseases, temperature extremes, is not afraid of heavy rains and frosts.
  • Clery - the creation of Italian breeders, which has dense, sweet berries in the shape of a cone, about the same size, up to 40 grams. Gives a high yield and is well transported. Fewer others get sick.

To purchase elite varieties of strawberries, you can use the services of a nearby nursery or other farms specializing in plant breeding.

Experts working in the local administration can advise on this issue. Agriculture. In addition, special publications place advertisements for the sale of strawberry seedlings offered by local lovers of this crop.

How to grow strawberries at home and on an industrial scale all year round - criteria for choosing a room for growing strawberries in winter and summer

Premises for growing strawberries are used both in winter and in winter. summer time. These are hotbeds and greenhouses located on personal plots or summer cottages.

The advantage of such buildings is as follows:

  • Space saving through the use of multi-tiered cultivation (on racks, in hanging pots and so on).
  • There is maximum crop protection from the occurrence of diseases and the invasion of pests - the soil is checked and protected in advance.
  • Are being created Better conditions for growth strawberries, such climatic indicators as illumination, temperature regime, humidity.
  • When installing an automatic control system the time for strawberry care is reduced and the growing process is simplified.

The premises for growing strawberries must meet the following criteria:

  • Square - from a few squares to infinity.
  • Sufficient illumination or the presence of additional lighting (a long day contributes to the rapid ripening of berries).
  • Possibility of fresh air supply into the room.
  • Irrigation system available.
  • Possibility of temperature regulation (heating system, opening windows or removable panels).

We should also not forget about the artificial pollination of plants, since the yield directly depends on this.. Some entrepreneurs manage to grow strawberries in basements and garages. If all conditions are met, then this is quite acceptable, although talking about big harvest does not pass. These rooms are more suitable for preserving seedlings with their subsequent planting on open ground or in a greenhouse (greenhouse).

Features of strawberry cultivation technology for sale - Features of planting material for growing strawberries all year round

Usually planting material for strawberries are mustaches taken from mother plants formed on open field. Such material is obtained as a result of trimming. Then it is planted in the ground, which is suitable for soil after cereals, sod land, peat, but all this must be loosened.

For year-round cultivation of berries, seeds belonging to remontant varieties and not forming a mustache are often used, that is, they use the seed or vegetative method - dividing one bush into 10-15 seedlings. It is more economical than buying ready-made seedlings, but has its own difficulties.

Hard germination of seeds should be avoided, for which they must be kept at a low positive temperature in a humid environment. It also takes more time for them to germinate in the soil (about 40 days), which, moreover, must be moist. But, as you know, humidity is a friend of mold and fungus.

To eliminate such problems, seeds are used for sowing peat tablets. This ensures easy germination of seeds and their rapid development.

Another feature of the year-round growth of strawberries in greenhouse conditions is the use of hydroponics (in this way). This method allows the use of various nutrient mixtures (instead of soil) to feed the root system.

How does this happen: seedlings are planted in a substrate (peat mixture, mineral wool or coconut), after which a solution is constantly supplied to the roots with the help of droppers, which nourishes the plants with mineral salts. For top dressing, urea, magnesia, potassium, superphosphate and other nutrients are used.

Modern methods of growing strawberries - what equipment do you need to purchase to grow strawberries on the site or indoors?

There are a lot of methods or technologies that allow you to grow strawberries efficiently. Each requires its own specific equipment, so novice businessmen need to understand the basic modern methods in order to choose the most optimal for their business.

  • Growing strawberries using Dutch technology

This technology involves growing berries throughout the year, which requires a greenhouse with constant humidity (up to 80%), sufficient lighting, air circulation, and the correct temperature regime (not lower than 18°C ​​and not higher than 28°C). Continuous harvest is ensured by the fact that the planting of seedlings is carried out constantly, approximate period- 2 months.

The seedlings used are called frigo. It has a 7-9 month shelf life. It is stored in refrigerators with a constant temperature of 0 ° C or -2 ° C, in polyethylene bags with a film thickness of up to 0.05 mm, and thawed for a day before planting.

Strawberries using this method grow in any container. These can be pots, containers, polyethylene bags, placed both vertically and horizontally, and filled with a substrate that is moisture resistant, porous, and non-toxic. Seedlings are planted in them in compliance with a checkerboard pattern (25 by 30 cm scheme). A hole is made in the bags with a depth of 8 cm. The distance between rows is up to 50 cm.

Watering is carried out by drip method, which prevents water from entering the plant itself. For a gravity system as a “water tower”, a large container is needed with tubes 70 mm in diameter extending from it, then they should narrow to 25 mm. Tubes with a diameter of 6 mm are connected to bags or other containers. And the last condition of the Dutch technique is pollination carried out in a timely manner. It is done either manually with a brush, or by bees (the hive is brought into the greenhouse).

  • Vertical cultivation of strawberries

This method is recognized as more economical and is used for year-round strawberry business - vertically in enclosed spaces you can place a much larger number of seedlings (on racks in pots, in boxes, in bags). But you should take into account the organization of lighting: either these are greenhouses, where the walls are transparent, or there is additional uniform lighting. Good air circulation is also important.

  • Growing strawberries in closed and open ground in the garden

Outdoor strawberries are grown in different areas Russia. It is valued for its richer and more aromatic taste, although its yield in this case is slightly lower. You should also use at least three varieties with different terms maturation.

For this method of growing strawberries, you must first take care of the garden: choose a well-lit place where the soil is sandy or loamy and contains humus. When planting, do not mix varieties, it is recommended narrow beds- 80 cm with a two-line landing, the distance between the beds is one meter. The soil around the seedlings should be well compacted to eliminate voids around the root. Adequate watering and fertilizing is required.

You can increase the yield of the berry if you make a trapezoidal bed and cover it with a film or a film tunnel (there are high and lower ones). To do this, you need to stock up on special equipment that helps form a comb ( high bed) and cover it. This ensures an early harvest and a late harvest during the cold autumn months.

Also, planting tubers on agrofiber is widely used for beds, this gives a number of advantages:

  1. No weeds.
  2. Mustaches do not grow.
  3. Excess water is collected under the spread agrofibre, which means there are no slugs, bears, ants.
  4. Harvesting and planned processing of strawberry bushes is facilitated.
  • Conditions for growing hanging strawberries

This technology allows you to grow organic strawberries without any additional hassle, only seedlings are planted not in boxes or beds, but in special bags filled with soil and hung outdoors or indoors.

This method facilitates harvesting and improves its quality due to the fact that there is no contact with the soil. The main conditions for such cultivation include periodic feeding of strawberries, ensuring sufficient illumination and ventilation of plants. It is necessary to take into account other factors inherent in the greenhouse cultivation of strawberries (watering, air temperature, and so on).

  • Growing strawberries according to the Mitlider

Basic conditions of the method:

  1. Open ground.
  2. Narrow beds in the form of boxes without a bottom, filled with multilayer soil.

Nutrition for seedlings is represented by special mineral compositions introduced into the soil fractionally and sequentially. This provides a balanced top dressing and develops plant resistance to microorganisms, bad weather and weeds, and allows you to increase yields.

Advantages of this technology:

  1. Minimum argotechnics.
  2. Reducing irrigation costs.
  3. Reducing the number of weeds.
  4. Less time spent on care.

Plants get the whole set nutrients, meaning going more strawberries- several harvests per year. The technique is relevant for almost any climatic conditions.

  • Israeli technology for growing strawberries

The technology is based on the vertical method of growing berries using hydroponics (there is no natural soil). Strawberry seedlings are located in specially designed plastic troughs filled with a neutral artificial substrate. They are supplied with water containing the entire set of components necessary for the successful growth and fruiting of strawberries. As a rule, the system for preparing, adjusting the composition and supplying the solution is fully automated.

This technology saves the area occupied by strawberries on the site. For planting seedlings, pyramidal multi-tiered structures are used, made from any material at hand. The frame is made of boards or wire, covered with a net for aviaries.

The size of the pyramid is chosen arbitrarily, for example, the area is one square meter, the height of the structure is 160 cm, and the height of the tiers is 20 cm, provided that each tier has a smaller perimeter than the previous one. Plants can be planted in the gaps left between the tiers and filled with nutrient mixture or soil. In such a pyramid, up to 70 strawberry bushes are placed.

Business plan for growing strawberries for sale - what are the costs and how to calculate profitability and net profit?

  • Primary expenses

On the initial stage for year-round cultivation of strawberries, you can use a ready-made room located in a summer cottage. Let's say it will be a barn with an area of ​​​​20 square meters. m., converted into a greenhouse. Then the costs at the start will be minimal - up to 30,000 rubles. These include: the purchase of seedlings, peat, perlite, polyethylene film 3 mm thick, the cost of lighting, heating, salaries of employees.

  • The easiest way to grow

Bags are made from the film - high containers with soldered edges, with a round section up to 20 cm. They are filled with soil with the addition of mineral fertilizers, the top of the bag is pulled with twine. Further, the original "beds" are located in the greenhouse at the rate of 3 pieces per square meter. Each bag should have 8 cuts with a distance of 18 cm between them, seedlings are planted in them. irrigation system will consist of plastic bottles suspended above each "bed". Several thin tubes are passed from each bottle to the bag.

  • Profit calculation

Three crops can be obtained per year: 1 sq.m. will give about 30 kg of strawberries.

So in a year it will be:

20 x 30 = 600 kg from one harvest.

600 x 3 = 1800 kg for the whole year.

The cost of a kilogram of berries varies depending on the season - in summer for 200 rubles, in winter for 550 rubles.

The strawberry growing business is considered profitable. Sweet berry is in demand all year round, especially in winter time. Breeders have bred remontant varieties that bear fruit 5-6 times per season, and new growing technologies make it possible to harvest even indoors.

Important information! 80% of the market today is occupied by imported strawberries. If it is profitable to carry berries by plane from the Dominican Republic to Moscow or Irkutsk, it is worth thinking about plans and methods of implementation profitable idea at home. Experts estimate the annual growth of the strawberry market at 25-30%.

What you need to know before starting a strawberry business

There are differences in the cultivation of strawberries for themselves and for sale. On 3-5 acres of free soil, berries are grown for home use, but there is no need to talk about a serious income from the sale of strawberries. To make money on this business, they develop an area of ​​20 acres or use new methods of obtaining a crop: in bags, boxes, film or polycarbonate greenhouses.

A good plan to make money on domestic berries requires detailed study. This is not necessarily a one-time summer income, you can earn income all year round. A profitable strawberry business is the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  1. the selected variety is adapted to the local climate and gives the maximum yield in given conditions;
  2. varieties are selected in such a way that sweet goods ripen at different times;
  3. berries are suitable for transportation (a plan for the collection and marketing of products has been thought out, suitable containers and equipment have been prepared).

Important to remember! The taste qualities of the berry are directly related to its ripening period and tolerance for transportation. The earlier it ripens, the easier it is to move, the less moisture and sweetness it has. Therefore, sweet late varieties are grown for themselves, for sale - early, resistant to adverse conditions climate. The taste of the latter is usually worse, but better. marketable condition.

Growing strawberries outdoors

The home method of growing berries on open ground is dependent on the weather, so the main task of the gardener is to protect the seedlings from rain, drought, cold and pests. To this end, they not only meticulously choose varieties, but also stock up on film to keep warm, mulch cover to protect against weeds and diseases, mineral fertilizers for top dressing, and chemical protection against diseases. Inclusion in the plan additional materials will require financial costs, but will significantly increase yields and income.

ExpenditurePrices, rub.
1. Rent of 1 hectare of land, per month10000
2. planting material10000
3. Mineral fertilizers2000
4. Growth stimulant1000
5. Additional materials (protective film, agrofibre)2000
6. Watering, per month5000

The maximum profit from a strawberry plantation will be received by the one who observes full cycle work: independently germinates seeds, harvests from adult plants planting material, independently (without intermediaries) packs, stores, exports for sale. Surplus strawberry seedlings (remaining after a dive) give a good income. In this case, it is not necessary to resort to the help of hired personnel. As a last resort, during the harvest period, businessmen hire seasonal workers to pick berries.

It is interesting! If it is possible to grow a sweet product without “chemistry”, eco-product stores will be happy to take it. True, in this case, you will have to obtain a certificate from Rosselkhoznadzor and a declaration of conformity in the SES.

The Dutch Way of Growing Garden Strawberries

Recognized as good and profitable home business on strawberries, organized indoors (Dutch way). For this, a house, a barn, a garage is suitable - an area of ​​\u200b\u200b10 square meters. m. is enough to start a business, because strawberry plantations are located on 3-4 "floors". The use of boxes or bags with substrate and humus instead of soil allows you to grow ripe juicy berries for sale all year round.

This is a costly way to get a crop, because the sunlight will have to be replaced. artificial lighting, natural heat - to receive from domestic heating appliances. In addition, you will have to take care of artificial pollination. But the price of a kilogram of strawberries in winter is from 300 rubles. In addition, the business does not depend on the time of year and the vagaries of the weather. In the summer (at this time, the harvest is harvested from the open ground), work is going on indoors. Germinate seeds, prepare planting material, equip a mini-farm. Instead of soil, the Dutch method involves the use of plastic bags filled with peat and perlite. In it in checkerboard pattern make cuts where the seedlings are planted. It is advised to do this at the end of summer, in order to harvest in October.

Tips and life hacks for men on organizing and promoting their home business

In a 10 sq. m. grows 300 kg of strawberries. Sale at a price of 150 rubles in the summer will bring 45,000 rubles. In the winter season - at least 80,000 rubles. Since the berry ripens all year round, the income is received several times.

ExpenditurePrices, rub.
1. Premises (rent), per month10000
2. Racks (shelves)35000
3. Lamps (sodium), 100 pcs.15000
4. Irrigation system40000
5. Seedling10000
6. Utilities, per month15000

Important! If the premises are own, the entrepreneur will make the shelves with his own hands and come up with good plan automatic irrigation, this will significantly save start-up capital. Also, there will be no need for salary expenses - one person can quite manage on a compact strawberry plantation.

The nuances of growing strawberries in a greenhouse

A good way to generate income is to combine both options by growing berries indoors in a greenhouse. For serious commercial enterprise erect glass structures or polycarbonate greenhouses, but the most affordable option is a metal or wooden frame with a film coating.

Since the film will not protect against frost, the task of the greenhouse is to accelerate the ripening of berries, to bring them to the market before competitors. It will also save plants from weeds, vagaries of the weather and reduce losses from diseases and pests. The construction of a greenhouse on 10 square meters will cost 30,000 rubles, and the full organization of a greenhouse business with a working area of ​​1 hectare will result in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. But the profitability of growing berries in a greenhouse is more than 100%.

Important advice! The cost of 1 kg of goods is the smaller, the larger the working area. On a plot of 20 hectares, a kilogram will cost 10-20 rubles, on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 hectare, the cost increases to 50 rubles. For the profitability of an open field business, choose a plot of 0.5-1 ha, in a greenhouse - 20-30 acres.

Issues of advertising, marketing and transportation of crops

The strawberry business has an obvious disadvantage: it is a perishable product; you can’t take it away over long distances, you can’t hold it in a warehouse for a month. So the question of where to start a business is decided not with the purchase of seedlings, but with the search for someone who will sell the crop. For the safety of the berries, a prudent businessman will take care of the scales, plastic containers and a refrigerator. As for transport, its purchase is relevant if it is planned to sell the goods independently. If the manufacturer plans to sell on the local market, documenting business is not so important. But when delivering to the supermarket, you can’t do without it. The mini-farm must be registered as an official business; in addition, certificates are obtained for the berry in a special laboratory or SES.

Fragrant red strawberries can be called a real symbol of the coming summer, because at other times of the year it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to feast on the berries of local crops. And yet there is a technology that allows you to harvest all year round, even in conditions far from ideal.

The essence of Dutch technology

Cultivation of strawberries in the Dutch way provides a stable income, because the crop can be harvested all year round.

When growing strawberries according to the Dutch technology, the berries do not touch the ground.

The essence of the method can be reduced to several main points:

  • Cultivation in closed ground conditions . Strawberry bushes are planted in containers, boxes, pallets, while the fruits do not come into contact with the soil, which means they avoid development and retain their presentation for a long time.
  • Regular planting of seedlings (about once every 1.5–2 months, after successful fruiting). Such measures ensure continuous performance.
  • Creation of special conditions for the growth and development of culture (equipment, lighting).


The crop is harvested every 1.5–2 months.

The advantages of this growing method are obvious:

  • stable harvest;
  • absence of diseases and lesions,;
  • attractive presentation of berries;
  • magnificent taste qualities;
  • beneficial use of minimal space;
  • return on investment.

Maximum use usable area is achieved by vertical planting of seedlings. For even more effective organization process are selected the best varieties, planting material is grown independently, an optimal microclimate is created.

Varieties for cultivation

For cultivation according to the Dutch technology, self-pollinating strawberry varieties are needed.

The best varieties for growing in the Dutch way are:

  1. Darkness.
  2. Baron.
  3. Selva.
  4. Maria.
  5. Tribute.
  6. Marmalade.


When growing strawberries commercially, you will have to purchase ready-made Frigo seedlings in large quantities.

Some of the challenges that farmers may face include:

  • constant provision of planting material;
  • lighting and microclimate.

On a small farm scale, planting material is more profitable to grow on your own. If we are talking about the industrial scale of agricultural holdings, then it is more expedient to buy seedlings in large wholesale lots.

Necessary equipment

For year-round cultivation of strawberries, a greenhouse is needed.

Speaking of necessary equipment, a novice farmer will need:

LED lighting for strawberries.

Some experts insist on use in greenhouses special fitolamps , but it is also possible to use conventional and energy saving varieties. Standard incandescent filament appliances seriously increase the cost of lighting.

The range of lighting fixtures should be close to sunshine , then after 10 days it will be possible to observe flowering, and after 35–37 days- fruiting of varietal strawberries.

drip system

Scheme of installation of drip irrigation.

Drip irrigation system has many advantages:

  • localization of water supply;
  • reduction of evaporation losses;
  • elimination of water losses;
  • weed reduction;
  • maintenance of air-water balance;
  • simultaneous feeding;
  • process automation;
  • the ability to use in conditions of any soil and topography;
  • use in windy weather;
  • low energy consumption;
  • reducing the level of fungal diseases and infections.

The flow of moisture immediately to the root system of the plant does not allow the soil to become waterlogged or dry out. Water does not get on the leaves and does not cause sunburn. The optimal watering level is 3-5 drops per minute.

Scheme of summing up droppers with a vertical method of growing strawberries.

Equipment for installing a drip irrigation system can be purchased at specialized stores, or you can assemble it yourself using the simplest materials at hand.

planting strawberries

Strawberries are planted in a specially prepared substrate, the main components of which are perlite and cleaned soil.

The implementation of the Dutch technology requires special soil.

  • To obtain it, purified soil in a low degree of acidity is mixed with river sand, compost, ash, sawdust and urea.
  • But the main "secret" element of the mixture is perliterock volcanic origin.

In the conditions of a summer residence, loamy soddy soil can be taken as a basis. Ash is often replaced with chalk or. But organic matter is also used: manure, humus. As for the amount of river sand, its volume should not exceed 10% of the total mix.

Before planting seedlings, the soil is well mixed, all foreign inclusions are removed, the soil is saturated with oxygen and nitrogen.

Seating is carried out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance 25–30 cm apart . Ready seedlings preliminarily “rest” by raising their temperature to the greenhouse air temperature, as the planting material is stored in a cool, dark place.

Strawberries in separate pots.

  • Do not reduce the distance between landings , wanting to save money and plant as many bushes as possible. This will affect the size and taste of the berries.
  • In the absence of self-pollinating varieties in the greenhouse, it is required to install a hive or pollinate yourself with a brush and fans.
  • The main thing to remember is temperature and watering . After the first fruiting, the plant is replaced by a new one. "Old Man" is used to obtain seedlings by rooting mustaches. Carbon dioxide levels can be controlled by regularly lighting candles.

Planting containers

Variants of homemade containers for strawberries.

A little about containers for planting seedlings. The latter can be used containers, boxes, polypropylene pipes with special holes, plastic bags . The main thing to consider is the distance between the bushes, sufficient for the normal development of the root system.

Plants must be well ventilated. This will allow them to resist various putrefactive infections, and will also positively affect the tasting properties of the berries.


In the greenhouse it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime.

According to Dutch technology, the optimal microclimate ranges from +18 °C to +25 °C. However, during the period of mass flowering, the air temperature should be kept at around +21°C .

Low temperatures cause a prolonged flowering period, high ones cause a low ability to pollinate and form ovaries.

Air humidity

Humidity is 70–80%.

With a lack of moisture, spraying is carried out, with an excess - airing. Excessive humidity can cause the development of fungal infections, which is why it is so important to monitor these indicators. To accelerate the growth of seedlings, you can by increasing the percentage of carbon dioxide .


In fact, the Dutch technology for growing strawberries is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Most of the nuances of cultivation are also taken into account when cultivating a crop in open ground conditions. The main advantage of this method is a high yield all year round. Subject to all the requirements of agricultural technology from one square meter greenhouses you can get up to 50 kg of juicy sweet berries and this is already a month after planting.

Video on how to make drip irrigation

Strawberry growing business is profitable with high profitability up to 100%. This creates a high and constant demand for the berry. According to statistics, strawberry consumption increases by 20% annually. Margin on strawberries, especially in winter periods reaches 300%. That is why the strawberry growing business is on the list of one of the fastest paying back projects. Despite the seeming simplicity of business, strawberries require serious and constant care.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Strawberry Growing Business

When growing strawberries on open ground, the fruiting period of a strawberry bush is 1 month (end of May - beginning of July), also up to 30% of seedlings die, it takes more quantity land compared to a greenhouse. The use of greenhouses allows you to harvest berries year-round, but has its own characteristics:

Advantages Flaws
High rate of return of 70-100% and margin per kilogram of grown strawberries Difficulty selling during the summer season due to a large number competitors
Fast payback during the first season, year-round harvest Large investment costs for the construction of a greenhouse, adjustment auxiliary equipment and planting material
Harvest protection from adverse weather conditions Poorer taste qualities than strawberries in the open field. The need to create the right microclimate in the greenhouse

Strawberries are a seasonal fruit, available only in late spring and early summer. The rest of the time it can only be bought frozen or in the form of jam and jam. To harvest in winter, it is necessary to equip a greenhouse and purchase remontant varieties with a neutral day.

A remontant strawberry variety is a plant that forms berries on the branches of the current year, while the crop can be obtained several times a season.

In comparison with others berry crops strawberries are the most productive. Strawberries are a favorite delicacy of many children and adults, rich in minerals and vitamins C, E, A, PP, groups B and H. Despite the high profitability and payback of the business, growing strawberries in greenhouses requires specific knowledge and equipment (lighting, heating) to create the right environment for fruiting.

For comparison, the cost for an open field project is $15,000; the cost for setting up a greenhouse is $120,000.

Selection of planting material

When choosing seedlings, it is important to consider that bushes grown from first or second order mustache give the maximum and best yield. Such berries completely retain the properties and qualities of the mother plant. You need to carefully examine the rosette of leaves - it should be strong, green, without signs of damage and disease. The root system must be well developed and strong. The following varieties of strawberries consistently show the maximum yield: Kama; Elsanta; Red Capulet; Will; Glima; See.

It is necessary to take care of the room where it is planned to grow berries, and its equipment. There are three types of greenhouses: frame (used for growing seedlings), glass and polycarbonate.

The best option industrial cultivation strawberries are polycarbonate greenhouses.

The easiest way to grow strawberries - "Dutch"

The Dutch way of growing strawberries can significantly reduce the cost of greenhouse equipment. The advantage of the method is its accessibility and versatility - you can use the technique at home, in the garage.

The essence of the technology is as follows - a plastic bag measuring 2 by 2.5 m must be filled with a mixture of peat and perlite (in equal proportions), holes must be made in a checkerboard pattern in a bag with a diameter of 7-8 cm, where seedlings are subsequently planted. Pipes for irrigation should be brought to the bags. Such an original strawberry plot is easily placed in a barn or on a loggia - one square meter is enough for three bags. It is desirable to provide plants with artificial lighting in addition to natural light.

Note: according to entrepreneurs who have used this technique, the initial costs are no more than 1.8 thousand dollars.

How to grow strawberries. Landing methods and stages of development

In the second half of February, strawberry bushes are planted in containers filled with a mixture of peat and perlite. You can also use a special primer, which is sold in a specialized store. If you have the opportunity to collect land in the garden, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate and be sure to use top dressing containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. A month later, in the second half of March, the strengthened seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse.

The yield of strawberries largely depends on several factors.

  • Compliance with the irrigation regime - water must be poured strictly under the root, avoid getting on the leaves and especially flowers and fruits. The frequency of watering is determined as the soil dries out. The best method for watering strawberries is a drip system.
  • Frost protection - the temperature comfortable for plants is from +18 to +20 degrees.
  • artificial pollination.
  • Top dressing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

What form of business to choose?

The table below summarizes the analysis various forms greenhouse business.

Form of business organization Benefits of using
LPH ( personal household plot) Used by individuals to sell products to large wholesale bases and distributors. To register a greenhouse production, a certificate from the district administration about ownership is required. suburban area(up to 2 ha.) to you and the organization of growing strawberries on it (see "").
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used for self-realization of strawberries. The form individual entrepreneur allows you to legally organize a sales network, conclude contracts, hire staff and sell on behalf of your company. With IP, the process of product certification becomes more complicated.
OOO ( limited liability company) It is used to organize large production farms, to attract partner and borrowed capital. More complex organizational structure, more costs for registration. It is tried on for work with shops, wholesale bases.
KFH ( peasant farming) Used to attract partners to your agricultural business. KFH, a simplified form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as IP and LLC, is endowed with legal force, so it is possible to work with shops and wholesale suppliers.

In the absence of entrepreneurial experience, it is recommended to register your business as a private household plot and start selling in small batches, this will allow you to set up all production and business processes, and determine the main sales channels. When increasing production volumes, attracting additional financing (agricultural loans), organizing your own point of sale, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Optimal taxation system for producers of agricultural products, a single agricultural tax (USHT).

tax rate — 6%

The unified agricultural tax is canceled if the share of agricultural production is less than 70% and the OSNO is applied to the producer ( general system taxation).

Video lesson "Single agricultural tax"

Strawberry Growing Business: Creating a Distribution Network

Ways to sell strawberries depend on the season of the year. In summer, it is faster to sell the harvest to the retail market and to wholesale suppliers. In winter, you can go to supermarkets and restaurants, as they have refrigeration equipment for storage. Supermarkets and restaurants place high demands on the quality of products. Maximum safety appearance achieved when transported in baskets or plastic boxes. Year-round reception of products is carried out by processing enterprises (purchasing more than 30% of the total crop), focused on the manufacture of jams and yogurts. Building a distribution network is one of the key success factors for a business.

Even before the strawberries have ripened, it is necessary to conclude contracts or agreements on future deliveries!

Profitability of the strawberry growing business

The profitability of a strawberry breeding project depends on several factors: the cost of berries; the total cost of cultivation; trade markup.

The cost includes the following costs: rent of premises, wage workers, transport costs, costs for planting material, costs for heating, lighting, irrigation. The average amount is 1.5 dollars. If you want to cut costs and reduce the cost of berries, use the Dutch growing method. Out of season, the price of berries increases to $6. At the initial stage, there is no need for an additional staff of workers - all necessary work a person can do it on his own. It is necessary to think about expanding the state when the number of strawberry plantations increases.

Estimating the Cost of a Strawberry Growing Business

From an area of ​​one hectare, you can harvest up to 50 tons. As a result, the net profit of the entrepreneur will be 225 thousand dollars, and the profitability will be 75%.

The main difficulties in growing strawberries

  1. Heating in cold weather. If you do not think over the heating system in the greenhouse, it is impossible to grow and get a crop.
  2. Permanent care of plants. Such a mode of life, involving the performance of a whole range of works, is far from acceptable for every person. If you, despite this, do not give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba strawberry business, consider hiring workers.
  3. Start-up capital. To organize a business, considerable financial investments will be required, however, all expenses will pay off in the first season.

Before you start growing strawberries, consult summer residents and farmers, they can help you avoid common mistakes and save bushes.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(4.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
Growing strawberries is a highly profitable (~100) and fast payback (~1 year) type of business. Despite the seasonality of fruiting (May-July), it is possible to organize a greenhouse with year-round cultivation, this will require large capital investments in the amount of 2 million rubles, which is 10 times higher than when organizing on open ground. The key success of the business is the creation of a sales network for products, for this it is necessary to conclude agreements with wholesale depots, supermarkets, and market sellers in advance.

Strawberry. Who does not know this berry? Everyone knows it and everyone loves it, even those who are allergic to it. To be honest, in stores, recently strawberries have become somehow tasteless and even sour, so everyone is waiting for summer to come and strawberries from grandmother's or farmer's beds will be on sale. Despite the decent price for this berry, everyone is happy to buy it and eat it. Therefore, looking at the business of various grandmothers and farmers, you ask yourself how to make money selling strawberries yourself. What to do and where to start? Why do you need a strawberry business? What are the prospects for the strawberry business?

strawberry growing business farms successfully applied and brings considerable income. There are many videos on the Internet about this activity, even courses are sold where they talk about unprecedented harvests. Is that so? After all, many entrepreneurs believed in these stories and invested. The climate of the Urals and Siberia cannot be compared with the climate of the Volga region, and even more so Krasnodar Territory. The climate of Israel, where most of the strawberries sold in our country are grown, is generally difficult to compare with the climate in Russia.

But meanwhile, you can earn money on growing strawberries.

Ways to grow strawberries

There are three ways to grow strawberries:

    Growing berries in open ground;

    Growing berries in protected ground, using covering materials, in a greenhouse;

    Growing berries indoors (in containers, bags, pots or hydroponics). This method is often called Dutch.

Everyone knows the first and second methods of growing. Growing according to the third method is also possible, only a warm climate is needed for this. In our country, you can go broke on heating a greenhouse for year-round cultivation of strawberries. Therefore, it is the first two methods (mostly simultaneously) of cultivation that are used in our country due to the seasonal nature of the collection and sale of berries.

The main collection of berries in Russia, in the open field, begins in June and ends in July. Therefore, if you buy special varieties of strawberries, you can grow them in May and August-September. Strawberry varieties should be productive and preferably self-pollinating. What varieties of strawberries to buy? Buy the ones that are suitable for your area. Strawberry bushes for business in the open field are used for two years, bushes planted in a greenhouse in protected ground - one year.

Most strawberry varieties respond to the length of daylight hours. If the day length is 16 hours, then strawberries will bloom in 10 days and bear fruit in 35 days. If the daylight hours are 8 hours, then strawberries will bloom in 14 days and begin to bear fruit in 48 days. Therefore, when grown in greenhouses, balconies, etc. to increase daylight hours to 12 hours, lighting should be used. Lamps are switched on from 8 am to 11 am and 5 pm to 8 pm. In cloudy weather, lighting should be present all day. For lighting, yellow lamps DNAT400 and DNAT600 are used. The height of the lamps above the strawberries at a distance of 1 meter. For an area of ​​​​3m2 you will need one lamp. You can use fluorescent lamps with a vegetable spectrum.

Growing strawberries the Dutch way

Actually, the Dutch way of growing strawberries is to grow berries in a greenhouse all year round, using special equipment, controlling humidity, lighting, temperature. This method is suitable for large businesses, preferably with inexpensive heating. By the way, for those who want to taste their strawberries in winter and get some experience in early berry growing, we recommend using your own glazed loggias for this.

The advantages of the Dutch method are a stable harvest all year round and good profits, a minimal risk of fruit damage from pests and diseases.

AT vivo strawberries bear fruit and go dormant. In the Dutch method of cultivation, the hatched bushes are replaced with new ones, from which they will receive a crop within 40-70 days. Thus, with this method, every 1.5 - 2 months the bushes change and as a result they get a stable harvest. Important point this method - the presence of a sufficient number of seedlings of strawberries, preferably self-pollinated varieties.

seedling harvesting

To do this, planting material is dug up, processed and stored at low temperatures (freego technology). average temperature in the refrigerator is -1C, the seedlings are laid along with the ground on the roots and packed in a plastic bag. The best, i.e. abundantly fruiting, is seedlings from two-year-old bushes.

Many articles say that with the Dutch method, the yield can be up to 95 tons of strawberries per hectare.

As we noted above, with the Dutch method, strawberries are grown in pots, bags and special containers. AT shopping malls such special whatnots or tall pots with special holes are sold. Such pots and whatnots can be used to grow strawberries on balconies or verandas and places with limited space.

Soil preparation

The substrate for growing strawberries in the Dutch way should be moisture-intensive, breathable, with the presence of nutrients and trace elements. Mats for laying are prepared from peat and perlite, mixed in equal proportions. Sometimes coconut fiber or mineral wool is added. Land from the field for the substrate is not suitable due to the presence of various microorganisms that can lead to various infections of strawberries.

When growing in hydroponics, all the necessary trace elements must be present in the nutrient mixture. When cooking nutrient solutions The quality of the water used must also be taken into account. Ratio nutrients may depend on the weather.

strawberry care

Watering the substrate - drip irrigation. Top dressing of bushes also occurs by the drip method. The solution is made from: water, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride. Some use diluted chicken manure 1:10. The acidity of the substrate must be neutral. The optimal temperature regime for growing strawberries is from +18 to +25C.

Strawberry growing technology - home business

Purchase or independent construction of a greenhouse

Here is a question of questions. Because buying a good greenhouse is expensive, and building it yourself is difficult. But first you need to decide what kind of greenhouse you need.

In this article, we will not consider the construction of an ordinary greenhouse type greenhouse, as we are going to make money selling strawberries. Therefore, let's talk about the winter greenhouse. Winter greenhouses differ in functionality, location relative to ground level, architectural solution, in appearance building materials and type of heating.

The type of heating for a greenhouse depends on its usable area. If you have a greenhouse 15-20m2, then it will do stove heating. For greenhouses larger area recommended water and electric heating and biofuel heating.

Water heating is a water heating boiler, with heating pipes and expansion tank. Pipes are laid either in the ground or under racks with containers.

Electric heating is cable and air. Cable heating resembles a “warm floor” system. Air electric heating is carried out with the help of special fan heaters.

Biofuel heating is the most economical type of greenhouse heating. The soil in the greenhouse warms up due to the release of heat during the decomposition of organic waste. Such organic wastes are horse and cow manure, straw, sawdust and overripe bark. However, using such heating, you should monitor the acidity of the soil.

The most interesting material for the manufacture of greenhouses is cellular polycarbonate. Arched greenhouses and greenhouses with straight walls are made from this material. An arched greenhouse made of polycarbonate is assembled quickly, and a greenhouse with straight walls will require less heating costs. It should be noted that this comparison in terms of heating costs only applies to arched greenhouses with a small radius.

We plan that a polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​100 m2 was built for our business, the usable area was 85 m2. Location - Ural region. Heating - biofuel and electric cable (top). In the ground, along the foundation, extruded polystyrene foam was dug in (the construction of a block wall on the north side will also help to save on heating). We plan to grow strawberries in protected ground, using covering material. Watering drip. We conditionally consider that 470,000 rubles were spent on the equipment and construction of the greenhouse. We plant strawberries in a greenhouse in January, bloom in March, the first berries in April.

We also plan to grow strawberries on the street, the usable area is 80 m2, we plan to allocate 20 m2 for seedlings in the greenhouse next year.

The scheme of planting strawberries may be different. In our calculations, we assume that 12 bushes can be planted per 1 m2. average cost seedlings 30 rubles per bush. We have planned 165 m2 of usable area, so you should purchase 165 * 12 = 1980 bushes or in money - 59,400 rubles. In May-June-July we plant new seedlings in the greenhouse, in July-August-September new berries. 85*12=1020 bushes or 30,600 rubles. Next year we will grow the seedlings ourselves.

Seedlings for planting

We plan to buy seedlings of different varieties. Strawberry varieties will be selected according to the fruiting period: early, medium and late. You can get seedlings by planting seeds, but this is planned to be done later to search for new varieties of strawberries that are more productive for growing.

Soil preparation for growing strawberries in a greenhouse

To prepare the soil, we will buy horse manure and straw. A layer of straw, manure, then fertile land. Fertile land is a mixture in equal proportions, consisting of soddy medium loamy soil mixed with sawdust (take two parts of sawdust for seven parts of the earth) and peat (a glass of wood ash is added to one bucket of peat). The beds on the street - humus and fertile soil. Spent biofuel from the greenhouse in autumn can be laid out on strawberry beds or fertilizers of other plantings. The cost of soil preparation in the greenhouse and on the street is conventionally considered equal to 150,000 rubles.

Other starting expenses will amount to 15,000 rubles. Total starting costs amounted to 725,000 rubles. We conditionally believe that we will spend 15,000 rubles a month on electricity in five to six months. Other expenses will amount to 10,000 rubles. Total expenses - 825,000 rubles.

We believe that on average, we will take 0.4 kilograms of berries from each bush. Strawberry varieties will be selected according to the fruiting period: early, medium and late. The selling price for 1 kilogram is 800 rubles. Then for the first year we will receive revenue of 960,000 rubles. Net profit for the first year can be about 135,000 rubles. In the second year, net profit may already amount to 960,000 - (150,000 + 15,000 * 6 + 10,000) = 710,000 rubles, and the profitability of the business increases accordingly.

Conclusion. It is profitable to grow strawberries, everyone loves them. Therefore, if you have a passion for farming, then you can open this business, we first advise you to develop a business plan for growing strawberries. If you go out to industrial scale, then to sell berries to stores, you will need to register your activity. It is better to register an individual entrepreneur, with a simplified reporting system. Also, when selling berries officially, you will need to issue certificates for berries, for fertilizers, a phytosanitary certificate and a declaration of conformity. Forward for a dream!

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