Organizational management structure. Characteristics of the main types of organizational structures

Arrangement of the site 14.10.2019
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The implementation of plans and programs is achieved by building an organizational structure that allows you to effectively direct the joint activities of personnel by appropriate distribution of responsibilities, rights and responsibilities. The management of the enterprise should choose such an organizational structure that meets the strategic plans and ensures effective interaction with the environment and achieving the intended goals.

1. It is that the grouping of working tasks and specialists in the departments is carried out in accordance with the activities and qualifications - Engineering Department, Accounting, Marketing, Production (Fig. 1).

Fig. one. Organizational example of a functional structure

2. With a divisional approach, the basis for the creation of self-sufficient units is the similarity of products and programs implemented or the influence of a geographical factor (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.. Organizational structures of the enterprise: an example of a divisional structure

3. The matrix approach consists in the coexistence of divisional and functional command chains, as a result of the intersection of which a double chain of submission arises: the staff are accountable to two direct managers - a project or product manager, and the development or implementation of which is involved, and the head of the functional department (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.. Organizational structures of the enterprise: an example of a matrix structure

New in the structures of companies

The "new", more flexible and adaptive include such approaches to the formation of the structure:

  1. A team approach is applied to organize specific tasks. A variety of teams can be created to coordinate the activities of the main departments.
  2. With a network approach, the organization "shrinks", while the leading role and key position in it occupies a broker, the role of which is to maintain relationships with other departments with telecommunication technologies. Departments can be geographically scattered around the world, their activities are independent, the cost of the broker services is paid ongoing and the terms of the contract with profits. Such a scheme of the organizational structure of the enterprise is reflected in Fig. four.

Fig.4.. Network structure of the organization

Factors affecting the choice of structure

The choice of the Organization is influenced by many situational factors both within the organization and abroad: the scale of the business, its specificity, the degree of mobility of the external environment, the characteristics of the industry, in which the company and others operates.

Advantages and disadvantages of adaptive and bureaucratic structures

Bureaucratic structures, which are also called hierarchical, include linear, functional, divisional and others. Among adaptive (organic) structures are distinguished by matrix, design, network, etc. The characteristic features of these organs are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of bureaucratic and adaptive organizational structures

Bureaucratic structure Adaptive structure

The presence of clear ties between subordinates and leader

The possibility of complete control of subordinates

Operational response to crisis situations

Effective motivation

High level of responsibility of employees

Personal initiative

Fast exchange of information between employees of different levels


Slow motion of information

Low level of responsibility of employees


Fighting for power

The likelihood of unguarded

Difficulties to search for qualified employees

In general, the organizational structures of the enterprise (an example - bureaucratic structures) better correspond to companies operating in a stable external environment, and organic - firms forced to work in conditions that change very quickly.

Organizational structures

The organizational structure of the enterprise LLC, depending on the characteristics of its construction, has well-pronounced advantages and disadvantages that are reflected in Table 2.

table 2. Comparative characteristics of organizational structures

Name Description Benefits Restrictions
LinearThe scheme of the organizational structure of the enterprise is created when transferring tasks and authority from the head to subordinate and so on by the command chain. At the same time, hierarchical control levels are formedEasy and ease of control

Manager of any rank must be competent and effective when performing any managerial function.

Effective management of strongly diversified and geographically branched business is impossible

StaffThe organization creates headquarters (administrative apparatus). Experts that are included in its composition (for example, lawyers, training specialists and staff development, etc.), consult top managers and linear managers

Reducing the level of requirements to and relieve their work

Such a sample of the organizational structure of the enterprise is characterized by the absence or limitation of authority headquarters

FunctionalFor individual units (production, sales, marketing, finance, etc.), certain functions of management, tasks and responsibilities are clearly fixed.Optimization of activities in each functional area. Most effective when the product range is relatively permanent and the organization solves predominantly the same type of managerial tasks

None of the divisions are generally interested in achieving corporate purposes, provokes conflicts between departments.

Difficulties in the preparation of the Higher Personnel Reserve due to a narrow specialization of middle managers.

Slow response to the changes in the external environment

DivisionalSeparation of the organization on divisions by types of goods or services, consumer groups or regions

Effective structure for large, geographically dispersed companies with a wide range of goods or services.

Allows you to focus on specific products (services), consumer groups or regions.

Promptly reacts to changes in technology, purchasing demand and competition conditions

Increased costs associated with duplication of works (including those performed by functional units) in various divisions
DesignThe temporary structure created to solve a specific task limited. Headed by the project manager, which is subject to a team of specialists and at the disposal of which are necessary resources.All efforts of employees are aimed at solving one specific task.

It is impossible to provide complete or guaranteed employment of the project participants after its completion.

Problems with team workload and resource distribution

MatrixA matrix organization is divided into structural (usually - functional) units, while project managers are assigned, which are subject to the highest management. When implementing projects, managers temporarily lead the activities of employees of functional units. In all that goes beyond project activities, these employees are subordinate to the heads of their departments.

Flexibility and response rate of changes in the external environment.

The possibility of operational redistribution of resources

Violation of the principle of uniqueness due to double subordination of employees. The emergence of conflicts on the basis of resource allocation

Thus, making a decision on the choice of organizational structure, it is important to know and take into account its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the influence of factors such as the scale of doing business, its specificity, the degree of uncertainty of the external environment, the characteristics of the industry, in which the company and other universal type is functioning Structures for all occasions simply do not exist.

As noted above, the process of creating an organizational management structure (OSU) at the enterprise is purely individual and depends on the large number of specific factors affecting the activities of this enterprise. At the same time, the analysis of the actual existing OSP allows you to distinguish a number of most common samples that are usually related to the category of typical. All of them can be divided into two large groups: bureaucratic and adaptive organizational management structures.

Bureaucratic (traditional) management structures

The specifics of these structures lies in the fact that they are oriented and functioning most effectively in stable conditions. It is implied that it is advisable to create them in those enterprises that work on the long-generated and in certain extent predictable commodity markets have their own segment of the market and can predict the future to one degree or another. The most famous bureaucratic structures are considered as follows:

Linear management structure

This is the structure of management with uniqueness at all levels of the management hierarchy. It is understood that the managers of the lower and medium, and partly and the highest level of management have only one boss and several subordinates, which, in turn, are obeying only. So, the company has a general director and its three deputies: for production, supply and sales. Each of them has its own subordinates. So, the deputy for production issues was subordinate to the staff of the workshops, deputies for supply and sales - staff of the supply and sales departments, respectively. At the same time, the deputy for production cannot give commands and require their implementation from the staff of the supply and sales departments, as well as the supplies for supply and sales do not have the authority to give instructions to employees of the workshops. As a result, a clear vertical of power is formed, which can be schematically reflected as follows:

Such a management structure, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of the linear management structure
1. Easy and efficiency - every employee of the organization knows who he is subordinate and what should do. Every higher manager, in turn, knows from whom he receives commands and what resources is available to perform the tasks. The effectiveness of the functioning of this structure is confirmed by many years of practice.
2. Increased control at all levels of management - this advantage follows from the previous one. The simplicity of the system makes it transparent, and each employee is actually controlled on both sides: by the part of the superior manager, from which he as the lower manager received a task; And from their subordinates, which at the prescribed time arrive to obtain a task, and then report its implementation.

Disadvantages of the linear management structure
1. A high amount of time to implement management solutions. The reason is that the perfectly working linear control structure does not allow the management effect "through the head", i.e. The Director-General does not directly manage workers with workshops directly, it sets the task of his deputy for production, the head of the workshop and so on for a chain. As a result, the team comes to the artist comes with some delay.
2. Bad features for the growth of general managers. A narrow specialization of management workers, consisting in their orientation to perform any one (equipped, production or sales) functions, does not allow them to cover the whole picture immediately. As a result, each of the deputy general director deputy is very well versed in some matters, but weakly focusing in the others, with whom he was not connected, being a deputy, but which you need to know the Director-General.
One of the modifications of the linear management structure is linear Staff Management Structure. This linear system, supplemented by specific units, headquarters that are formed and functioning in the heads of different levels and serve their activities. The specificity is that these divisions do not have subordinate to them units, can not give commands, etc. Their main purpose is to serve the activities of the relevant manager.
The structure of the standard headquarters looks like this:
. The manager's personal apparatus includes assistants, referent, secretary, etc., i.e. All those who directly provide its current, daily activities.
. The manager of the manager combines offices or office work, press service or public relations department, legal department, an analysis of incoming information (submission department), etc. . The advisory apparatus of the manager consists of advisers in areas of activity: on economic, political, legal, international and other issues.

Functional management structure

Starting to study this structure, it is necessary to take into account that it has the same components as linear, but has a fundamentally different system of connections and relations between them. So, from the Director-General, as in the previous case, there are three substituents: on supply, production and sales. But in contrast to the linear structure, each of them is the boss for the entire staff of the enterprise. At the same time, their powerful powers are limited to the scope of direct activities - issues of supply, production or sales. It is on these issues that they can give commands and achieve their implementation. As a result, the head of the workshop or a similar unit, several chiefs are immediately subordinate to which he is subordinated, but for any one question, for example, on production, supply or sales issues.
Schematically, the functional control structure can be represented as follows:

The advantages of the functional structure
1. High management efficiency due to narrow specialization and, as a result, good qualifications of management employees.
2. Reliable control over the implementation of strategic decisions, since it is carried out at once a few supervisory managers.
Disadvantages of the functional management structure
1. Difficulties in the coordination of the activities of various divisions.
2. Limited opportunities for the growth of general managers - this deficiency, as in the case of a linear structure of management, follows from a narrow specialization of management workers.
Completing the consideration of the linear and functional management structures It should be noted that very often in modern organizations their combination and formation of so-called linear functional or functional and linear control structures are practiced. It is understood that at one of the levels of control, for example, at the level of the enterprise's management, a linear management structure was created and each of the deputy general director has a subordinate to him only structural units: departments, workshops, etc. Inside these units, on the contrary, a functional structure is formed, and each of the deputy head of the workshop, for example, is the boss for all employees of the workshop in their direction of activity. Possible reverse option. At the level of management, the enterprise creates a functional, and within the subordinate structural units - a linear management structure. In any case, the basis for making a decision on the choice of a particular structure of management is the specific factors and conditions for the functioning of the enterprise.

Divisional management structure

This control structure is fundamentally different from both linear and functional. It implies the division of the organization on autonomous blocks - divisions. Each division specializes in the release of a certain group of goods (providing certain services), maintaining a certain group of consumers or a geographic region. He heads the division Deputy General Director. At its disposal is a complete set of managerial services: supply, production, sales, etc. As part of their powers, he can make decisions on his own without claiming them to the Director General. For example, what goods to produce, where and from whom to buy raw materials, in which markets to implement their products, etc. At the disposal of the General Director, such divisions remain as a department of personnel, accounting, security and some others. He reserves the right to define the development strategy of the enterprise as a whole, as well as the decision of the most serious issues relating to the entire enterprise.
Schematically, the divisional control structure is as follows:

Like any other organizational management structure, the divisional structure has its strengths and weaknesses.
Benefits of the Divisional Management Structure
1. Good opportunities for prompt response to changing the external conditions of functioning of the organization.
2. Good coordination of the activities of various employees within one division.
3. Favorable conditions for the growth of general managers.
Disadvantages of the Divisional Management Structure
1. The presence of internal competition between different divisions for the possession of resources and personnel.
2. The difficulties of determining the cost due to the fact that a number of costs (rent, the work of the work of personnel and accounting department, protection) is generally common.

Adaptive management structures

In contrast to traditional structures, adaptive structures are more adapted for activities under conditions of an indefinite, rapidly changing external environment. That is, the environment that is most characteristic for a modern market economy. The main varieties are the matrix and design structure of the control. Matrix control structure
It is most commonly used in enterprises with a single character of production. Such are enterprises producing turbines and generators for hydroelectric power plants, nuclear reactors, unique machines, etc. In practice, it looks like this. The company has a general director and several deputies, among which there are deputies who do not have specific duties. In addition to substituents, there are all traditional management services: supply, production, etc. In the case when an order is received for the manufacture of any product (for example, a turbine for a hydroelectric power station), a "project implementation team" is created. The head of the project is appointed by one of the deputy general director who does not have specific duties. He submits employees of various departments and services (supply, production, etc.). At the time of the project (from several months to several years), they obey the head of the project, but at the same time they are not excluded from the lists of their departments and services, and at the end of the work they return to their places.
Schematically, the matrix control structure is as follows:

Advantages of the matrix control structure
1. Good opportunities for flexible use of limited resources.
2. Good conditions for the growth of general managers.
The main thing disadvantage of the matrix management structure It is its complexity and bulky.

Project Management Structure

In many respects it is similar to the matrix management structure. However, unlike it, it is not created within an existing enterprise, but independently, is temporary. We are talking about the fact that there are very often problems for solving which it is advisable to form a temporary organization. It must have all the necessary components that allow it to perform a qualitative task. At the same time, within the organization itself between these components, it may be linear or, for example, a functional type of communication. It all depends on the specifics of the task. So, if the election headquarters of the candidate may be created, a linear or functional management structure can be applied. Because the scale of activity is limited to the territory of one city, and management impact can be effectively carried out from one center. If we are talking about the elections of the governor and all the more president, it is advisable to use the divisional management structure, inside which each division is focused on working in a particular region, and the central bodies only coordinate their activities. This remains to add that after performing the task, the design structures of the management are disbanded and existed.

Lecture, abstract. Types of organizational management structures and their brief description - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

7.08.2008 / term paper

The concept of organization. Personnel management as part of the organization. Organizational relations in the management structure. The concept of the organizational structure and its types. Bureaucratic management structures. Linear organizational management structure.

01/10/2008 / term paper

Types and types of organizational management structures and conditions for their use. Advantages and disadvantages of various types of organizational structures. Analysis of the characteristics of the organizational structures of Western countries. Prospects for the development of organizational structures.

1.10.2006 / Coursework

Theoretical aspects of organizational design. The concept and types of organizational management structures. Designing the organizational structure of the management of the created enterprise - the photo sealing "RADA". Document proof in the organization.

25.11.2008 / term work

The concept and essence of the organization on the example of LLC "Kvik". Approaches to management, external and internal environmental environment. Types of organizational management structures. Analysis, improving the organizational management structure. Evaluation of financial condition.

General characteristics of organizations

All complex organizations are not only groups targeted in their activities and having a certain set of interrelated goals, they also have common characteristics for all complex organizations.

These common features briefly outlined below help to understand why to succeed, the organization needs to be managed.


In general terms, the goal of any organization includes resource transformation to achieve results.

The main resources used by the Organization are people (human resources), capital, materials, technology and information.

The process of converting resources is easiest to see in production organizations, but also service organization and non-profit organizations also use all these types of resources. "EPL" and "Ai Bi Em" use funds of shareholders and banks (capital) for the purchase of details (materials), for the construction of assembly lines (technology) and to pay the factory workers (people) to produce computers that they could sell with Profit (results). Information resources are used continuously for communication and coordination of each phase of the conversion process. Information relating to the market research, helps the heads of "EPL" and "Ai Bi Em" to decide what type of products has a greater probability to please the public. Communication with the workers gives them the information necessary for the qualitative implementation of this task. The speed and sales volume allows the management to decide how successfully the company is going on to achieve the desired results.

Awareness of the importance of information as a type of resources is the main reason that information on the development of information, such as "EPL" and "Ai Bi Em" so rapidly grew.

Horizontal division of labor.

Probably the most obvious characteristic of the organization is the division of labor. If at least two people work together to achieve one goal, they must share the work between themselves.

For example, an organization of two people, aimed at walking on a ship to the place of distant 10 miles, can divide the work so that one during the trip manage sails, and the other was at the helm. The separation of all work into components is usually called horizontal division of labor. The separation of a large amount of work on numerous small specialized tasks allows the organization to produce much more products than if the same number of people worked independently. After breaking the cooking and applying for food to customers between 12 employees, as usual is done at McDonalds, you can maintain hundreds of times more people per day than in traditional little restaurants with one cook and several waiters.

In very small organizations, the horizontal division of labor may not be traced quite clearly. Owners who are simultaneously managers of small restaurants can alternately prepare food, then serve visitors. But most of the complex organizations have this kind of horizontal separation, so that you can clearly trace their functions and goals of activity.

A classic model of horizontal division of labor at the manufacturing plant, for example, is the production, marketing and finance. They are the main activities that must be successfully completed that the firm makes the goals.


Sophisticated organizations carry out a clear horizontal separation by formation of units performing specific specific tasks and achieving specific specific goals. Such divisions are often called departments or services, but there are also numerous other names. McDonalds Corporation has special divisions for each main function of the organization - marketing departments, procurement, real estate, etc. These divisions at McDonalds have their own, smaller, more specific divisions. MacDonalds, for example, being such a large and widely branched company, forms divisions both in the geographical principle and for certain types of activities.

The immovable property department is divided into subsections - the choice of placing new places of enterprises, managing existing property, and in each of these subdivision there are groups on geographical zones, such as the Eastern Coast group, a group of California, a group of Western Europe, Eastern European Group, etc.

As with a whole organization, part of which they are, divisions are groups of people whose activities are consciously coordinated and sent to achieve a common goal. Thus, in essence, large and complex organizations consist of several interrelated organizations and numerous non-formal groups that arise spontaneously created for specific purposes.

Vertical division of labor.

Since the work in the organization is divided into components, someone must coordinate the work of the group so that it is successful.

Returning to our example with a boat if someone from the sailors will not assume the duties of the captain, and it will not take care that the steering movements be agreed with the sail maneuvers so that the vessel holds the course, the group sailing on the ship probably never gets to The port of destination: it is likely to be there where it will be wind and the course (i.e. external environment).

So, in the organization there are two internal organic forms of labor separation. The first is a division of labor into components that make up part of the overall activity, i.e. Horizontal division of labor.

The second, called vertical, separates the work on coordinating actions from the Action itself. Activities for coordinating other people's work and make up the essence of management.

The need to control.

In order for the organization to ensure the implementation of its goals, the tasks must be coordinated by vertical division of labor. Therefore, management is essentially important activities for the organization. However, in small organizations, there is often no clearly dedicated group of managers.

For example, in a small store, managed by two partners, one of them can make decisions regarding procurement, thereby performing a management function within one week, and the second - for another. Both of them coordinate working graphics of their few subordinates to ensure the work of the store at the installed opening hours. But both partners perform and uncontrollable functions, serving buyers and laying goods on the shelves. None of the partners consider another owner or manager.

But, although managerial functions are not allocated clearly, the main function is coordination - is performed.

Even in large organizations, most managers often perform work not related to the coordination of the work of others. Supreme leaders, in the company "Ay Bi Em", for example, sometimes call customers or go to the trade hall, in order to maintain communication with customers, feel their needs. However, in all organizations, with the exception of the smallest, the Office takes so much time that it becomes more difficult to carry out it in passing.

As the organization is growing, people are more difficult to navigate, from whom they should directly take instructions. At this level, in order for the organization to act successfully, management work should be clearly separated from uncontrollable work, i.e. Organizations should appoint managers and determine the circle of their responsibilities and responsibilities. In fact, the supercurrent organizations of modern society have become possible only when it became clearly to be felt the need to separate management from commercial or technical activities.

Enterprise management is carried out on the basis of a certain organizational structure. The structure of the enterprise and its divisions is determined by the enterprise independently. When developing an organizational management structure, it is necessary to ensure the effective distribution of management functions for divisions. At the same time, it is important to perform the following conditions:

  • the decision of some and also questions should not be carried out in the maintenance of various divisions;
  • all control functions should be part of the management units;
  • this unit should not have a solution to issues that are more efficient to solve in the other.

The control structure may vary in time in accordance with the dynamics of the scale and content of control functions.

Between individual divisions can be vertical and horizontal connections.

Vertical connections are the links of leadership and submission, such as the relationship between the director of the enterprise and the head of the workshop.

Horizontal connections are the links of cooperation of equal elements, such as the relationship between the heads of the workshops.

So far, we have considered the organization from a functional point of view. However, the analysis of the relationship between various positions and posts shows that there are a number of types of organizational structures, among which the construction on the principle of departments (divisions) is the easiest. Now on the issue of organization we will come in from the point of view of the distribution of powers, production duties.

The basis of the management structure is a specific system. Three main production management systems:

  1. linear;
  2. functional;
  3. mixed.

Linear - represents a scheme of direct subordination on all issues of subordinate units to the higher. This system is quite simple and can be effective if the number of questions under consideration is not large and solutions can be given in the nearest divisions.

Functional - the system is a scheme of subordination of the lower division of a number of functional units that decisive individual management issues - technical, planned, financial, etc. In this case, the instructions come more qualified. However, subordinate units do not always know how to coordinate the obtained instructions, in what order to perform them. In its pure form, this system is used very rarely.

The most common mixed system in which the linear and functional system is combined. In this case, solutions prepared by functional units are considered and approved by a linear manager who conveys them to subordinate divisions.

With a very large amount of various issues, such a scheme extremely complicates the work of a linear manager. To simplify it on certain issues, functional units can directly lead the lowering units. The rational management structure is determined by the type of enterprise, its scale and characteristics. In factory enterprises, fabric, shop, case or mixed management structures can be used.

The simplest structure is befell, in which production is divided into sites headed by masters. The masters can directly submit to the head of the enterprise or the senior master, which is subject to the head of the enterprise. This structure may be appropriate in small and medium-sized industrial enterprises.

The main production link of a large industrial enterprise is the workshop. At the workshop management structure, the head of the enterprise is subject to the heads of workshops. The head of the workshop is subject to the heads of the plots, or the senior masters, or the master. Master's senior master is subject to the master. The head of the site is subject to the senior masters, who, in turn, are subject to the masters.

Extremely large enterprises can use a cabinet structure. In this case, the enterprise is divided into the hulls, the hulls are divided into workshops, and the shop - to the plots.

Enterprises can also use mixed management structures. For example, in enterprises with the structure there may be separate workshops, and in enterprises with a workshop structure - areas subordinated directly to the management of the enterprise.

The expert means it was established that there are three options for the quantitative composition of employees who subordinate to one leader:

  1. five - seven people if subordinates perform various functions;
  2. eight - twenty people if subordinates perform similar functions;
  3. twenty-one - fifty people if the subordinates perform the same functions.

The enterprise management in modern conditions should be carried out on the basis of the principle of the right to apply to the use of its property.

The owner can realize its rights to manage the enterprise directly or through the authority authorized by him. Such a body in accordance with the Company's Charter can be the Council or the Board of the enterprise.

The board of the enterprise consists of an equal number of representatives appointed by the owner of the property of the enterprise. The number of enterprise boards and its term is determined by the company's charter. The meeting of the Council holds the Chairman who is elected from among the members of the Board with an open or secret ballot.

The board of the enterprise develops the general direction of the economic and social development of the enterprise, establishes the procedure for the distribution of net profit, decides on the issuance of securities, on the purchase of securities of other enterprises, solves issues of creating and terminating the activities of branches, subsidiaries and other separate divisions.

At the general meeting of the enterprise, issues of entry and access in association and association are being decided, the direction of foreign economic activity is established, conflict situations arising between the administration and employment collective of the enterprise, as well as other economic issues provided for by the Company's Charter, are considered.

The Board of the enterprise at its meetings is considering and solves the issues related to its competence, but the activities of the Board are not allowed to the operational and administrative activities of the administration. All issues of operational activities of the enterprise solve the head of the enterprise and the deputies, heads of departments, workshops, departments, sites, etc., as well as the masters.

The appointment of the head of the enterprise is the right owner of the property of the enterprise and is implemented by him either directly or through the board of the enterprise. When appointing a manager, a contract is concluded with him, which determines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the head, the conditions for its material support and possible liberation from the position with regard to certain guarantees.

Decisions on socio-economic issues of the enterprise are developed and are accepted by the management bodies of the enterprise.

The enterprise management apparatus should be built in such a way that it would provide in a technical, economic and organizational relationship the interconnected unity of all parts of the enterprise, best use labor and material resources.

Let us give an example the structure of the management apparatus of a large Zaporizhia metallurgical enterprise that has developed energy-intensive production - OJSC Dneprospetsstal.

OJSC Dneprospetsstal:

  1. ownership of - Collective;
  2. the highest authority is the general meeting of OJSC Dneprospotsstal;
  3. executive body - the Board of OJSC Dneprospotsstal;
  4. the head of the Board is the Chairman of the Board of Dneprospotsstal OJSC.

The company is headed by the Chairman of the Board, which organizes all the work of the enterprise and is fully responsible for its condition and activities before the general meeting. The Chairman of the Board represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, disposes of the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, publishes orders to the enterprise, in accordance with the labor legislation accepts and dismisses employees, applies measures to encourage and imposes recovery on enterprise employees, opens enterprise accounts in banks.

The chief engineer directs the work of the company's technical services, is responsible for the implementation of the plan, the production of high-quality products, the use of new equipment and technology. The chief engineer is headed by the manufacturing and technical council of the enterprise, which is a deliberative body. He is subject to departments:

  1. technical;
  2. the main mechanic;
  3. main energy;
  4. production - dispatch;
  5. technical control;
  6. safety.

The tasks of the Technical Department include issues of improving the products, develop new types of products, introducing into the production of the latest achievements of science and technology, mechanization and automation of production processes, compliance with the established technology, etc.

The department of the main mechanic, together with the subordinate subdivisions, ensures control of work and commissioning of technological equipment, conducts all types of repair of technological equipment, as well as the installation of new and dismantling outdated equipment.

The Department of the Main Energy, along with subordinate divisions, provides uninterrupted supply of electricity, heat, compressed air, water, oxygen, and others. It is planning and maintains the repair of energy equipment, develops and implements measures for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and promising development of the enterprise, conducts the organization of electricity, heat, fuel, compressed air expenses, etc., as well as measures for their savings, the use of secondary energy resources, Develops technical and organizational measures to improve the reliability and increasing service life of the energy equipment, conducts work on optimizing the use of energy equipment in energy and industrial workshops, conducts work on the scientific organization of labor in energy shops and improving the accounting, the calculation of the needs and compilation of energy balances, analysis, Accounting and reporting, conducts briefing and training personnel, carries out production relations with other enterprise divisions and district energy supply organizations.

Production - the dispatching department carries out operational control over the course of production, develops calendar work schedules, eliminates the reasons that violate the normal production regime and others.

The technical control department monitors the complexity and quality of finished products, develops proposals for the prevention and decrease in marriage, organizes control over the quality of raw materials entering the enterprise, materials, semi-finished products, etc. The quality of products is determining in the overall assessment of the results of the work of the labor collective.

The chief economist, which is the Deputy Chairman of the Board on Economic Issues, manages the work on planning and economic stimulation at the enterprise, improving labor productivity, identifying and using production reserves to improve the organization of production, labor and wages, organization of intrapaneous reception and others. He may be subject to planning Economic Department, Accounting, Finance Department, Economic Service.

The planning and economic department develops annual, quarterly plans of the enterprise and individual workshops, controls their implementation, determines the ways to eliminate the deficiencies, organizes and improves intra-water and intracerence planning, develops standards for the formation of funds for economic stimulation, conducts operational statistical accounting, analysis of the performance of the main aggregates, Workshops and plant, develops and submits for approval projects, prices for new products, studies and introduces advanced experience in organizing planning and economic work, etc.

Accounting carries out consideration of the funds of the enterprise and economic operations with material and monetary resources, establishes the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, etc.

Financial separates financial settlements with customers and suppliers associated with the sale of finished products, the acquisition of the necessary raw materials, fuel, materials, etc. The tasks of this department also includes receiving loans in a bank, its own temporary return of loans, relationship with the state budget.

The economic service conducts a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the enterprise, develops measures to reduce costs and increase the profitability of the enterprise, improving the use of industrial funds, identifying and using reserves in the enterprise, is carried out by the methodological management of the scientific organization of labor, participates in the development of feasibility regulations and specific indicators for Economic stimulation, etc.

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board on economic issues leads the material and technical supply and sale of products, the work of housing and communal services, etc.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board on personnel leads the department of organizing labor and wages and the personnel department.

The organization of labor organization and wages is developing a staffing schedule, which is annual, quarterly, and monthly labor plans and wages and monitors their implementation, develops measures to improve labor productivity, the implementation of progressive wage systems, develops the Regulation on the formation and expenditure of the Fund Material incentives, develops technically reasonable rules of development and conducts an analysis of their implementation, organizes and participates in the development of issues of the scientific organization of labor, promotes movement for a collective guarantee of labor and public discipline.

All organizations have some common characteristics, including the need to manage. It is not surprising, therefore, management work also has a lot of common characteristics. The head is the leader, and although the organization, spheres and responsibility may vary, the work of the Chairman of the Board, the Director has a lot in common with the work of the master on the assembly conveyor.

Consider alternative approaches to the formation of organizational structures in general, their advantages and disadvantages in terms of the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy. Five types of structures are distinguished: the functional structure of the geographical basis (regional structure), decentralized economic units, strategic business groups, matrix structure.

The functional structure involves the allocation in the organization of individual units, each of which has clearly defined tasks and responsibilities. Characteristics and features of the activities of each department of accommodation are obliged to certain areas of the organization's activities. Traditional areas of activity are Marketing Management,. R & D, production, finance, staff, etc. In cases where the size of the entire organization or in the division creams, the functional departments are divided into smaller functional units. The essence of the functional approach in this case is to maximize the specialization of specialization. An example of a functional structure is shown in Fig. 7rice. 7.3.

This structure is most often used in enterprises with one type of activity, which allows

but to clearly relate the strategy and structure. It is very convenient for the development of substantive skills and experience in a certain field of activity. Functionally oriented structures are acceptable to organize before, pier. Strategically important areas of activity are directly related to the functional distribution, and the need to coordinate the activities of units is insignificant. Strategic advantages:

Higher leadership has the opportunity to focus on strategic issues and monitor strategic results;

The organization achieves high performance at the expense of specialization;

High quality management by reducing duplication and improved coordination in functional departments

Strategic Disadvantages:

Complexity of interfunctional coordination;

The great interest of departments in the implementation of the goals and objectives of their divisions than the general objectives of the organization, which can lead to interfunctional conflicts;

Responsibility for the activities of the Organization is assigned to top management;

Managers are formed as specialists and acquire experience in one functional department, which prevents the development of the skills of a systematic approach to solving problems and, accordingly, limits the preparations of the management of managers who can solve the tasks of strategic management at the organization level.

The geographical sign management structure (regional structure) is most often used in organizations operating in various geographic areas or territories (Fig. 74) and are forced to adapted to the specifics of specific regions (local legislation, customs, consumer needs, and TtherŅ–n.).

The territorial structure is especially effective for companies, various strategies implement various regions. With this structure, the authority to leaders are transmitted to one leader (the main manager)), which is responsible for the production and sale of any product / service and profitability of its structur.

Examples of regional management structures include the sales divisions of large companies whose activities are distributed to large geographic areas. Among the non-profit organizations, the territorial structures are used, it is possible to call the state tax service, police, postal service and in.

Strategic advantages:

The possibility of adapting the strategy of the company to the specific conditions of each region;

Responsibility for profit is transferred to lower managerial levels;

High quality management due to good coordination within territorial units;

Managers, working in regional divisions, undergo appropriate training, and may grow to higher level managers.

Strategic Disadvantages:

It is possible to duplicate the work, which leads to an increase in the cost of the organization;

The complexity of the preservation of a single corporate image in various regions, as the leaders of regional divisions usually have more freedom in the formation of a strategy

Decentralized business units (linear management structure). It has been shown above that the functional departments and regional units are well shown in single-profile enterprises. But Artin varies sharply in multidisciplinary companies in which the main structural blocks have separate activities. In this case, the powers are transferred to the main managers of each business units that are responsible for developing and implementing the strategy of its division, for all operational issues and final results. In essence, a separate business unit acts as an independent profit center (Fig. 75. 7.5).

But together with positive aspects, independent economic units can create certain difficulties for the organization: various business units can perform the same work, but the coordination mechanism of such works at the company level usually does not exist. Therefore, the management of the company is forced to conduct additional measures to coordinate the implementation of the same type of work by various business units. Among these measures can be called such as creating a common department. R & D, Special Corporate Sales Service, Dealer Network, Application Processing Services, Product Shipping Services of various enterprises of the company. The very effective measure is the allocation of manufacturers of the same type of product in independent business units.

Strategic advantages:

A rational scheme for decentralization and delegation of powers is formed;

Each business unit has a greater degree of freedom, which allows it to create its own chains of values, key activities and form the necessary requirements for functional departments;

General (executive) Director has the opportunity to pay more time to company strategies, and the responsibility for making a profit is postponed to the main managers of business units

Strategic Disadvantages:

There is a duplication of management work at the corporate level and the level of business units, leads to an increase in costs;

Problems related to the delimitation of managerial types of works solved at the corporate level and the level of business units are created;

There are conflicts between individual business units when distributing corporate resources;

The dependence of corporate guidelines from the main managers of business units is growing

The structure of strategic business groups is usually applied in widely diversified companies in which the number of business units is particularly large, which makes it difficult for them from the top management (Ri 76). Therefore, in such cases, management usually follows the way to unite related business units into a business group, leads it to the vice president, reports to work before the higher management. In fact, one other level of management between the highest leadership and the chief manager of business groupwood is harvested.

For the first time, such a structure was applied to the General Electric Corporation, in which 190 business units were combined in 43 strategic business groups. The association occurs on the basis of the allocation of the same executions of the tagic elements characteristic of all business units included in a separate business group. Such elements can be: similar chains of values, the presence of certain types of competitive processes (low costs or differentiation), general key success factors, similar manufacturing technologies, the same set of competitors and IIN.

Strategic advantages:

The most effective structure for widely diversification - fiction companies;

The benefits of strategic conformity between units under a separate strategic business group are used as much as possible;

As a result of a clear distribution of powers, top-level leaders pay attention to the strategic prospects for the development of the organization

Strategic Disadvantages:

Creating strategic business groups has a real strategic meaning if the association occurs on the basis of accounting for the strategic coordination of all business units, and not only the improvement of the decision of administrative tasks

Need a clear distribution of official powers, as well as the development of procedures and rules;

Specific localization of the actions of strategic business groups can act as a restriction when choosing an effective decision strategy.

Matrix structure. Starting from the 60s XX in many Western firms * began to develop and implement so-called adaptive (organic) organizational structures. The main purpose of these structures is better to provide a firm to rapid changes in the external environment and new scientific technologies. Two main types of organic structures are isolated - these are design and matrix organizations. Let us dwell on the characteristic features of the matrix structural structure.

The greatest spread of functional structures led to many problems to large and medium-sized firms worked in dynamically developing. The application of the project structure of the tour temporarily created to solve a specific task (project) was an effective help in solving new problems. But in conditions, when the number of simultaneously developed projects in the company bought dozens of tens, a number of firms (first of all "Electric. Electrician") an attempt was made to take advantage of both functional and design structures by overlaying the design structure for a particular functional structure for this organization. The scheme of such a structure (Fig. 77) resembles a lattice, which has reflected in the title of this new structure - the matrix structural structure.

The main features of this structure include the following:

Members of each project team working on a separate project are subject to the project manager at the same time, and leaders of those functional departments in which they work constantly;

The project manager should project authority to enable him how to oversee all the details of the project being developed and perform purely staff authority; It all depends on what rights delegates to him the highest management

All material and financial resources are usually implemented by the project manager;

Development of the schedule of work on the project and the control of their implementation is entirely entrusted to the project manager;

The project manager may be transferred to some functions of the head of the functional department;

The managers of functional departments control the progress of work, they are also solved, as and where certain work should be performed and who specifically responds to its execution.

The use of a matrix structure leads to the creation of a new type of organizational climate, allows you to coordinate strategic and current priorities and carry out a relatively clear distribution of powers and various types of resources within firms.

Strategic advantages:

Each direction of the strategic development of the company receives sufficient attention from the senior guidance;

Best orientation for project objectives and demand;

More efficient current management, the ability to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of resource use;

More flexible use of specialists of the organization, as well as special knowledge and competence;

Improving control of the individual tasks of the project;

The possibility of applying effective planning and management methods

Strategic Disadvantages:

The structure is complex in management " . Matrix structure - it is too complicated, heavy and sometimes incomprehensible form of organization to constantly contact her ";

The need for continuous control of the "ratio" of the forces between the objectives of the projects and other tasks of functional departments;

The imposition of vertical and horizontal powers is occurring, which undermines the principle of uniqueness;

The difficulty of establishing a clear responsibility for performing the tasks of the functional department and functions to solve project problems;

The ability to violate established rules and standards used in functional departments through a long separation of employees involved in the project implementation, from their divisions;

Conflicts arise between the leaders of functional departments and project managers

Despite the specified disadvantages and difficulties, matrix structures are used in many organizations belonging to various sectors. The main reason for this is that the matrix structure to ozbiz organizations to take advantage of both functional and divisional structures, in particular, to achieve higher production indicators in the work on complex types of products requiring a creative approach.

The listed organizational structures do not provide full compliance between the implemented strategy and structure. Therefore, to effectively support the implementation of the selected strategy, some organizations use two or more types of organizational structures at the same time. Other organizations, in addition to the existing management structure, create special coordination mechanisms necessary for the company's effect effective in the Iconnah, in the form of design groups, groups for the implementation of interfunctional tasks, venture groups, independent working groups, process groups, as well as individual managers for Communication with consumers.

The structure is the logical relationship between the functions of the management and functioning of areas built in a form that allows the most effectively to achieve the objectives of the organization. Under the structure of production means the number, the composition of the divisions, control steps in the interconnected unified system.

Principles of formation of organizational structures:

    The structure should reflect the goals and objectives of the company (i.e. be subordinated to the production and change with it).

    The structure should reflect the function of separation of labor and the amount of authority (policy of the procedure, rules, job descriptions).

    The structure should reflect the features of the external environment.

    The structure should reflect conformity between functions and powers.

Types of management structures:


The linear organizational structure of the control is characterized by the fact that the head of each structural unit is the head of the unitnabinder, endowed with all the authority and carrying out the sole leadership of the employees subordinate to him and focusing all the control functions in his hands.

With linear control, each link and each subordinate have one leader through which all control commands are held by one one-time channel. In this case, the management links are responsible for the results of the entire activities of managed objects. We are talking about the adoptive allocation of managers, each of which performs all types of work, develops and makes decisions related to the management of this object.

Because in the linear structure of the solution management, the chain "top down" is transmitted, and the head of the lower management team itself is subordinated to the head of a higher level over it, a kind of hierarchy of managers of this particular organization is being formed. In this case, the principle of uniqueness is valid, the essence of which is that the subordinates perform orders only one leader. The higher authority does not have the right to give orders to any performers, bypassing their immediate chief.

In the linear structure, the organization management system is composed of a production basis, taking into account the degree of concentration of production, technological features, a range of products, etc.

The linear control structure is logically more slim and formally defined, but at the same time less flexible. Each executives have the full power, but relatively small capabilities of solving functional problems that require narrow, special knowledge.

Linear organizational management structure has its positive points and disadvantages:



Clear delimitation of responsibility and competence

High professional requirements for the head;

Simple control;

Complex communications between the performers;

Fast and economical forms of decision making;

Low level of specialization of managers;

Simple hierarchical communications;

Persoteized responsibility.


The functional structure of the control is a structure formed in accordance with the main activities of the organization, where the units are combined into blocks. For most medium and large enterprises or organizations, the main approach to the formation of divisions is functional. Under the functions in this case are the main activities, such as production, finance, sales, etc. In accordance with the functions, divisions blocks are formed - production, managerial, social.

The separation of individual units within the blocks is carried out already in accordance with one of the approaches discussed above or several at the same time. For example, cchens can be organized taking into account the products produced, and the plots are based on the technologies used in them.

The production unit includes the main divisions associated with the release of profile products or the provision of services; auxiliary, providing the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of the main divisions; divisions serving basic and auxiliary processes; Experimental units where prototype products are manufactured. It is clear that, depending on the nature of the organization, the role of certain divisions of the production structure is different - prototypes are not created everywhere, there are no auxiliary production and the like everywhere.

The management unit includes predictive units (R & D, etc.); Information (library, archive); service marketing research, sales, warranty service; administrative (Directorate, Accounting, Randled Service, Legal Division); Tests (committees and commissions working on improving the organization and technology of production and management).

The third block of the functional structure of the organization is the division of the social sphere - wellness centers, clubs, children's institutions, recreation centers.

Application areas of the functional management structure:

    Single-product enterprises;

    Enterprises that implement complex and long-term innovative projects;

    Large specialized enterprises;

    Research and design - design organizations;

    Non-specialized enterprises.

Specific management tasks with functional management structure:

    Communication complexity;

    Careful selection of managers in functional units;

    Aligning the loading of units;

    Ensuring the coordination of functional units;

    Development of special motivational mechanisms;

    Prevent separatist development of functional units;

    Priority of specialists over linear leaders.

The functional structure of the control has its positive points and disadvantages:



Professional specialization of departments managers;

Lack of single technical guidelines for products, projects;

Reducing the risk of erroneous phenomena;

Reduced personal responsibility for the final result;

The complexity of control over the process of the process as a whole and on individual projects;

High coordination capabilities;

Blurness of responsibility and boundaries of competence.

Easy to form and implement a single innovation policy.

Linearly functional.

Linearly functional (multi-core organization) The management structure is characterized by the fact that the functional management is carried out by a certain set of units specialized in performing specific types of work necessary for decision-making in the linear management system.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis management structure is that the implementation of individual functions on specific issues is imposed on specialists, that is, each control body (or the contractor) specializes in the implementation of certain types of activities. In the organization, as a rule, specialists of one profile are combined into specialized structural divisions (departments), such as marketing department, planned department, accounting, logistics, etc. Thus, the overall task of managing the organization is divided, starting from the average level according to the functional criterion. Functional and linear management exist together, which creates double submission for performers.

As can be seen in the diagram, instead of universal managers who need to understand and perform all management functions, the staff of specialists who have high competence in their field and responsible for a particular direction appear. Such functional specialization of the management apparatus significantly improves the performance of the organization.

The linear functional management structure has its own positive moments and disadvantages:



High professional level of decision preparation;

The complexity of the preparation and coordination of decisions;

Fast Communication;

Lack of a single manual;

Unloading top management;

Duplication of orders and communications;

Professional specialization of the head;

The complexity of the absence of control;

Reducing the need for wide profile specialists

A relatively frozen organizational form, with difficulty responding to changes.

Linear pile structure.

With a linear-staff organizational structure of management, the linear leader, heading a certain team, takes over the fullness of power. A special apparatus consisting of functional units (offices, departments, bureaus, etc.) is helped by a linear manager in developing specific issues and prepare relevant decisions, programs.

In this case, the functional structures of the divisions are subject to the main linear leader. They are carried out their decisions either through the head of the head, or (within their powers) directly through the relevant executive managers. The linear staff structure includes special functional units (headquarters) with linear managers who help them perform organization tasks

The linear-staff organizational structure of management has its positive points and disadvantages:

Project Management Structure

In the management of the project is, in addition, the temporary unit eliminated after the completion of work. As a rule, these works are to carry out scientific and practical experiments, mastering a new type of product, technology, management methods, which is always associated with the risk of failure and financial losses. The organization consisting of such divisions received the name of the project.

Project management structures are mobile and concentrated on a specific form of activity. This allows you to achieve high quality performance. At the same time, due to the narrow specialization used in the project, at the end of the work, it is not always possible to find further use, which increases costs. Therefore, the use of project structures on the pocket is not all organizations, despite the fact that such a principle of organization of work is very fruitful.

One of the forms of project management is to create a special division - a project team (group) operating on a temporary basis, that is, for the time required to implement the draft tasks. The group usually includes various specialists, including on the management of work. The project manager is endowed with the so-called project authority covering the scheduling, drawing up the schedule and the progress of the work, the spending of allocated funds, as well as for the material promotion of working. In this regard, the ability to develop a project management concept is greatly important, distribute the tasks between members of the Group, to clearly outline priorities and constructively approach conflict resolution. Upon completion of the project, the structure decays, and employees go to a new project team or return to their permanent position. In terms of contract work, they are dismissed in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of design structures is:

    When creating a new enterprise;

    When creating a new innovative product;

    Institutions, subsidiaries or branches;

    Conducting large-scale R & D;

    Temporary organization created to solve individual tasks.

Specific management tasks in the design structure are:

    Substantiation of criteria, allocation of target projects;

    Specific requirements for the selection of project managers;

    Ensuring a single innovation policy;

    Preventing conflicts due to the daisy subordination of employees;

    Development of special innovative mechanisms regulating intra-profit cooperation.

The project management structure has its own positive points and disadvantages:



High flexibility and adaptability of systems;

Complex coordination mechanisms;

Reduction of the risk of erroneous solutions;

Possible conflicts due to double subordination;

Professional specialization of managers of functional units;

Blurness of responsibility for a separate project;

The possibility of accounting for specific conditions of the region;

The complexity of monitoring work on the project as a whole;

Demarcation of the responsibility;

The need to differentiate control over features and projects.

Personnel autonomy of functional units;

Target management project based on unity.

Matrix structure .

The matrix management structure is created by combining the structures of two types: linear and software target. When the program-target structure is functioning, the control effect is aimed at performing a certain target task, in which all links of the organization participate in solving.

The whole set of work on the implementation of the specified ultimate goal is considered not from the position of achieving the goal provided for by the program. The main focus on this is concentrated not so much on the improvement of individual units, but at the integration of all activities, creating conditions conducive to the effective implementation of the target program. At the same time, the program managers are responsible both for its implementation as a whole and for coordination and qualitative performance of management functions.

In accordance with the linear structure (vertical), the management of individual areas of the organization's activities is being built: R & D, production, sales, supply, etc. As part of the program-target structure (horizontally), program management is organized (projects, themes). The creation of a matrix organizational management structure of the organization is considered appropriate if there is a need to master a number of new complex products in a short time, the introduction of technological innovations and rapid response to the market fluctuations.

Matrix structures are used in the following areas:

    Multidisciplinary enterprises with a significant amount of R & D;

    Holding enterprises.

Matrix management structures opened a qualitatively new direction in the development of the most flexible and active program-target management structures. They are aimed at the rise of the creative initiative of managers and specialists and identify the possibilities of significant increase in production efficiency.

The main objectives of the management in the matrix control structure are:

    Ensuring a single innovation policy in all product groups;

    Allocating the composition of functional services and units;

    Careful preparation of regulations on departments and job descriptions;

    Development of special motivational mechanisms regulating intra-profit cooperation;

    Ensuring a centralized management of objects.

As can be seen, special staff bodies are introduced into the established linear structure, which coordinate significant horizontal bonds to fulfill the specific program, while maintaining vertical relations characteristic of this structure. The main part of the employees engaged in the implementation of the Program is subject to no less than two managers, but on various issues.

Program management is carried out by specially designated managers who are responsible for the coordination of all connections on the program and the timely achievement of its goals. At the same time, top level managers are exempt from the need to make decisions on current issues. As a result of this, the middle and lower levels increases the efficiency of management and responsibility for the quality of execution of specific operations and procedures, that is, the role of managers of specialized units in the organization of work on a clearly defined program is noticeably increasing.

In the matrix management structure, the head of the program (project) does not work with specialists who are subordinated not directly to him, but to linear leaders, and mainly determines that and when it should be done according to a specific program. Linear leaders decide who and how to perform one or another work.

The matrix management structure has its positive points and disadvantages:



Clear distinction for products (projects);

High requirements for linear and functional leaders;

High flexibility and adaptability of the main divisions;

High Communication Requests;

Economic and administrative independence of units;

Difficulties and long-term coordination when making a conceptual decision;

High professional qualifications of functional leaders;

Weakening of personal responsibility and motivation;

Favorable conditions for collective management style;

The need and danger of compromise solutions;

Easy to develop and implement a single policy.

The possibility of conflict between linear and functional leaders due to the dual subordination of the first.

Requirements for the construction of management structures:

    Operation (i.e., the control effect must reach the control object until the change occurs (it will be "late")).




But the structure must first of all comply with the objectives of the specified principles and methods of managing the firm. To form a structure - it means to consolidate specific functions for divisions.

Structure formation technology:

    The division of the organization horizontally to broad groups (blocks) in areas of activity, on the implementation of strategies. Decisions are made, which activities should be carried out linear, and what functional structures.

    Establish the ratio of powers of various posts (i.e., to establish a circuit of commands; if necessary, then make further division).

    Determine the duties of each unit (define tasks, functions) and entrust them to perform specific persons.

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