Demanded business of the year. What business is relevant now and what is in demand

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Financial storms, crises and other economic hardships have a huge impact on small businesses, boosting demand in some markets and bringing down others. However, life goes on. If you are thinking about starting a business from scratch, you should pay attention to the latest research by economists in this area.

What did the research data show?

Several trends have been identified, including the growth of business prospects in the field of mobile applications, maintenance, and outsourcing. Based on the data collected, the top most promising ideas for small businesses for 2015-2016 were formed.

I want to emphasize that we are talking about small business with the possibility of starting from scratch or a small (minimum) start-up capital.

Mobile toys for children

Closes the most promising business ideas for 2015 - 2016 the idea of ​​creating mobile applications for children. It is no secret that almost every person, including children, has mobile phones, but there are no mobile applications aimed exclusively at a children's audience, there are no different age groups.

What exactly is needed to organize such a business? Yes, actually not much:

  • — specialized software;
  • - knowledge of child psychology (you can use your children or nephews, nieces as an assistant);
  • - a desire to work.

And regarding ideas, by and large, you can simply optimize ready-made ideas exclusively for children's audiences. As just an example, a video application that selects cartoons from YouTube of a certain theme (recently anime has been popular with my children).

Waste business

One of the most dynamically developing industries in the world is the processing of household waste, in fact, multimillion-dollar profits are “extracted” from heaps of garbage today. True, when it comes to, they immediately talk about a high threshold for entry (start-up capital), except perhaps the collection of waste paper. True, experts predict the growth of a completely new niche of small business for recyclables, namely the collection, recycling household appliances.

The problem of recycling old household appliances, although the word old is not entirely correct, often it is obsolete, will only grow, which allows you to do good business. On the one hand, a fee for the removal is taken from the owner, on the other hand, disassembly, sale constituent parts this technique brings good profits.

Training courses

Development software moves by leaps and bounds, as a result of the race, the market enters great amount good highly specialized programs for solving a variety of problems. It can be noted that software systems are capable of solving a variety of tasks, from the banal (already) Photoshop for processing photos to quite professional planning of interiors and designs. One problem remains, an ordinary user cannot independently master the robot with these products, well, or for this it is necessary a large number of time, patience. If there is demand, then there is a place to create a new business.

One of the trends, according to Western experts, will be the development of small business in the field of organizing training courses, seminars on highly specialized software products. This startup has two main points:

  • - purchase of the product itself;
  • — self-study and organization of courses.

Business is definitely without investments or with minimal, additional difficulties, especially with a strong desire, any product can be mastered, the main thing is to have a lot of time with patience, by the way, it is suitable for both megacities and.

Consulting in medicine

Despite the presence of the word “medicine”, we are not talking about the provision of medical services and, moreover, special education, but about related services. How aware are you of the number of hospitals in your city? About prices for dentistry different specialists? Where is the best therapist or pediatric surgeon? And if you have a good diagnostician? I think that most people do not have real answers, this information is collected on the basis of acquaintances or on the recommendations of hospital workers. Such a channel of information may lead the client to a specialist, or perhaps drive him in circles, which actually makes it possible to create his own new, promising business for processing and “selling” information about the real state of affairs.

The essence of the business is simple - collecting information about doctors, reviews, addresses of clinics with narrow and good specialists, treatment rates, as well as where, for what price you can do certain tests.

Cafe on wheels

World globalization affects all aspects of life, including nutrition, one of these manifestations was the popularization variety of cuisines. You will not surprise anyone with Japanese, French cuisine or the same. However, opening such cafes is a complex business that requires large investments and does not guarantee success. As an alternative, you can use a modernized version of a mobile cafe on wheels.

What is such a business?

Kitchen-equipped van with several plastic tables and chairs. The menu of such vans consists of dishes fast food, well, you can choose any direction, in fact, today such a van can make both sushi and hamburgers.

It is worth noting that according to statistics, 9 out of 10 new restaurants close during the year. Mobile cafes are far more successful, with only 2 out of 10 closing in the same time period.


More and more multinational companies are outsourcing the execution of certain tasks related to data processing, the development of individual components of business processes, and the creation of a positive image. What opens up the widest possibilities for creating small projects for the provision of individual services. Which direction to choose is a rhetorical question, the main thing is to recruit a team and go ahead. Most experts say that this direction of business ideas will be popular not only in 2015-2016, but throughout the next decade.

Consulting in the field of mobile applications

Mobile phones have become more toothbrushes, such a statement is not an allegory or fantasy, but a reality, at least as the data of the study confirm. On planet Earth, more people have a cell phone than people who have a toothbrush. With the growth in the number of users, the market for mobile applications is growing, creating your own business here today is characterized by low capital intensity, little competition, especially the provision of services to companies to control the use mobile phones employees plus security ().

Translation business

It has always been possible to earn money with the help of transfers, but today the market is growing at an especially fast pace, globalization is making itself felt. If a few years ago translators made money on business, today there is a huge demand for the content of translators, we are talking about the translation of information resources. Customers are most often ordinary network users looking for information abroad.

Employee control.

The availability of the Internet and the emergence of high-speed mobile Internet have actualized the problem of controlling the time spent by employees on the network. Latest research in Western countries showed that up to 50% of the working time, employees "sit" in in social networks. Is it a lot or a little? If translated into numbers, then more than 70% of the wage fund is wasted. This phenomenon has created a demand for employee monitoring services. Demand creates supply and makes it possible to create a wonderful new business from scratch.


Ordering a manicure or haircut at home was associated with two opposites. On the one hand, this is the pregarative of rich or regular customers (who usually do not want to be denied) or the very poor, where mobile teams provide services to low-income pensioners.

In the West, the situation is different, the increase in average life expectancy and gradual aging, leads to an increase in demand for the provision of qualified, high-quality field haircuts. Of course, at home without the necessary equipment, it is extremely problematic to provide such services, moving beauty salons based on vans have become an alternative.

The business idea became popular in 2014, according to experts, it has great prospects in 2015-2016

vending machines

Business vending is far from new and is quite widespread in the provision of banking services, the sale of coffee, tea, but today the trends have changed a bit. A new direction of the vending business is gaining popularity - the sale of food products for healthy lifestyle life. It is expensive to organize this business on your own, but there are a lot of franchising offers. Actually, it can be a good alternative for those who want to organize their business from scratch in 2015-2016.

Smartphone repair

The growth in the number of smartphones automatically generates a huge demand for their repair, especially given the systematic updates of both software equipment and Internet access capabilities. In the next 5 years, the idea may become the most promising among ideas for creating a small business from scratch.

Personal foreman

Crisis, devaluation plus other negative processes radically corrected many business processes, and was no exception construction market, where only large firms survived as a result of the economic storm. Most small construction firms curtailed their activities, as a result, with the small construction of a private house, a small shop or workshop, the issue of coordinating workers to hire them completely fell on the shoulders of the owner.

As a result new life received the profession of an independent foreman, that is, a person involved in coordination, hiring workers, buying building materials and communicating with the owner. The prospects of a business idea in 2015 - 2016 were rated by independent experts as high that it closes the top three start-up ideas for small businesses.


Today, literally every company has its own web resources, most of them are trying to simultaneously launch their own online store or office. These are the new conditions of the game, but launching does not mean getting a return, often the banal reasons for poor or incomprehensible work of the resource itself interfere with successful promotion and actually making a profit. The question is how to find out how well the resource works from the point of view of users?

The answer is simple, to attract specialized companies involved in such an assessment, it was this business idea that became the second among the most best business ideas for small entrepreneurs for 2015-2016.

The organization of such a startup does not require large financial investments and has.


The crisis in the EU and the US did its job, most large, medium-sized companies began to save money, which led to the rapid development of a huge outsourcing market. Back in the early 2000s, no one even thought of giving accounting or legal issues to “strangers”, today this is a normal practice. With the development of negative processes, the outsourcing practice will only increase, which will allow the market to grow at a double-digit pace.

All this was appreciated by the experts, giving the first place in the list of the most promising business ideas for 2015-2016 to start-ups on outsourcing of various works.

Actually, we have considered the 15 most promising business ideas for small businesses for the next two years.

The most promising small business ideas for 2015-2016 - details http://website/luchshie-idei-2016-goda/. Learn to earn on promising ideas with minimum investment

Upload date: 2015-06-02

Modern society continues to develop dynamically, generating a constant demand for certain goods and services. Assert that all market niches are occupied and modern business there are no directions for development, erroneously. Both in a metropolis and a small town, there are a large number of directions, the implementation of which will be in demand and generate income. The main thing is to find new idea.

How to choose the right new idea for business development from scratch:

  1. define the target audience;
  2. develop a hypothesis on how to improve what the target audience is doing;
  3. consider new or improved current directions;
  4. assess the activities of competitors;
  5. choose best option and move on to writing a business plan.

Advice: When looking for a new business idea, it is better to choose a niche in which you are well versed. It is also worth evaluating the relevance for the selected region.

Many entrepreneurs today have managed to achieve success thanks to the implementation of radically new business ideas from scratch, sales of new products for the selected target audience. On the one hand, such options are profitable, as they have no competitors. But, on the other hand, it is difficult to assess the consumer's reaction to the emergence of a radically new product / service, and besides, large advertising costs are required.

The most popular areas of small business in 2016 include:

  1. Retail. The sale of food products will always be in demand. People will buy milk, bread, vegetables and meat even in the most severe crisis. Stores of clothing, furniture and household appliances do not give up their positions.
  2. Do not lag behind and online stores, delivery services. Today, in a frantic pace, every person wants to save time, choose what they need without leaving home, and quickly receive their order. Unlike European and American countries, in Russia this sphere is not yet fully saturated and indicates great prospects.
  3. Development and preschool education of children. Many parents have had to deal with a queue in kindergarten or with the need to look for additional sources of knowledge and development for their child. Therefore, private kindergartens, centers, playrooms, nannies, psychologists and developmental groups will be in demand almost everywhere. and in the metropolis will be very profitable. In addition, no one wants to save money on their child and tries to provide him with all the best.
  4. Over the past decade, humanity has changed and revised its way of life, wanting to make it healthy and complete. In this regard, the demand for fitness centers has increased, GYM's, aerobics, yoga and dance lessons.
  5. AT big cities With the increase in the degree of employment of citizens, there is less and less time left for cooking. That is why most establishments Catering it just doesn't stay empty. Moreover, each price segment finds its buyer - both elite restaurants and ordinary eateries.
  6. Salon business. Every person wants to look irresistible. Therefore, the services of stylists, hairdressers, cosmetologists are in great demand.
  7. Entertainment industry. "Bread and circuses" people demanded at all times, therefore, various entertainment centers, clubs for both adults and children do not lose their relevance.
  8. Provision of assembly, construction and repair work.

Despite the statistical data, the success of the implementation of a new project will also depend on the entrepreneur himself, the efforts made, the ability to take operational Constructive decisions and keep up with the times.

There are many cases in history when unusual and even absurd ideas brought a lot of income to its founder from scratch. Therefore, any new business ideas can become in demand and popular.

New business ideas in Russia in 2016

As already mentioned, organizing best project is obtained in the area in which the entrepreneur is oriented and can predict the reaction to the appearance of a product / service on consumer market. But every year experts make a rating of popular and profitable new ideas in Russia that you may find useful.

Since the focus is on small businesses, we will consider new business ideas that do not require oligarchic capital.

Educational courses online

AT modern society Against the background of the dynamic development of the labor market, the requirements for specialized education are increasing. Many need to acquire new skills and knowledge. At the same time, there is a growth trend not in the usual courses and trainings, but in online learning. Thanks to new technologies, you can give lessons online at a convenient time for yourself and the teacher. The main thing is to provide really popular lessons (foreign language, IT technologies, business trainings, preparation for entering higher educational establishments, cosmetology, etc.).

When implementing this business idea from scratch, the main difficulty is to select qualified personnel, since the number of clients depends on their professionalism, punctuality, and ability to present material. The main motivation of employees in this case is the salary. Wage Fund and will be in this business main investment. Also, start-up capital is needed for advertising.

The main indicators for the implementation of training courses in 2016 from scratch:

  • start-up capital - 2-4 thousand dollars (costs are needed for renting premises, purchasing equipment, advertising and remuneration for staff);
  • approximate payback period for a new business idea: 1-2 years;
  • the difficulty of implementation - the need for qualified personnel;
  • time to organize a new business idea - 1-3 months;
  • availability of special knowledge - orientation in the chosen niche.

To explore a niche, you can start by organizing courses on your behalf online. Thus, there is no need for office rent and labor costs.

Highly specialized online stores

According to statistics from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, 70% of Russians over the age of 18 regularly use the Internet, while the number of daily users in 2016 is 53%. Since 2006, this figure has increased tenfold.

Many of them constantly buy new things on the Internet. Just imagine - what prospects open up, given the lack of restrictions in the geographical framework. You can conduct trading activities around the clock, and add new products in a few minutes.

Even during the crisis, the volume of online commerce continues to grow. The only caveat is that when choosing a new business idea, it is recommended that beginners focus on a narrow niche. As practice shows, those who want to cover several areas at once do not find their client and are forced to close after 1-2 years. It is recommended to start with 2-3 categories of goods, to provide a high-quality and widest range at competitive prices. good prices and then gradually expand.

Registration is required to operate tax authorities. A novice businessman can get a status individual entrepreneur or .

An approximate financial plan for implementing a business idea for opening a highly specialized online store in 2016 from scratch:

  • what you need at the start: launching a website with a description of the offered goods, purchasing the first batch of products (depending on the unit cost);
  • starting investment - from $ 500;
  • payback of the project - six months;
  • time to implement the plan - 2-4 weeks;
  • special skills are not required.

Business ideas 2016 from USA (America)

Without exaggeration, the United States can be considered a generator of ideas for business. New directions, which differ not only in demand, but also in creativity, originality, come to us from America. The only nuance is the standard of living, wage and even the perception of the population of our country and the United States are fundamentally different. Therefore, not every new business idea that is successful in the US can be profitable in Russia. Let's take a look at some relevant new ideas for our region.

Food delivery

Delivery of various dishes to order is not yet in great demand in Russia in 2016, while in Europe and America it has become a habit for the average citizen. This business idea is already working in large cities of Russia, but at an insufficient level, so there are a lot of opportunities for development from scratch. It is possible to cover only one segment (for example, sushi or Indian cuisine) and arrange delivery in many cities. You can, on the contrary, cover one city and offer a varied menu.

When implementing this business idea, it is necessary to allocate finance for advertising, especially at first. Registration with the regulatory authorities is also required. It is cheaper and faster to choose an individual entrepreneur as a legal form, minimal, and the registration process will not take more than 5 working days.

Advice: processing and receiving orders can be organized over the phone or online by creating your own website. To save on renting a kitchen and staff, you can take ready-made food in a restaurant or cafe, having previously concluded a cooperation agreement.

Calculations for organizing a new food delivery business idea in 2016:

  • the size start-up capital- from 70 thousand rubles. (payment for the courier and the creation of the site). To minimize these costs, you can limit yourself to distributing leaflets in crowded places of potential customers and creating a group on social networks;
  • to start, you need to create a website and negotiate with a food supplier (catering establishments);
  • payback period - about 6 months;
  • time to organize a business - 3-4 weeks.

Cafe constructor

How often did you come to a cafe, but could not find exactly what was on the menu? this moment wanted the most? The United States has long dealt with this problem. In the menu you will not see the names of standard dishes (and non-standard ones as well). Only the ingredients are listed there, which can be combined in any way the client wants. Having completed the order, the chef will proceed to the realization of the client's desires. Meat in chocolate sauce, shrimp pie and much more is no longer a fantasy. In the shortest possible time, a visitor to the designer cafe will see what he wants on his plate.

The implementation of this new business idea for Russia requires considerable investment, but the profit can be impressive.

  • the size of the starting capital - from 500 thousand rubles. (rent of space, hiring of personnel, purchase of products).
  • payback period - 1-1.5 years;
  • time to organize a business - 2-3 months;
  • Special knowledge is not required.

Business ideas 2016 on the Internet

Internet business is developing along with offline business. Every year it has new rules and new development trends. There are business ideas that require little start-up capital. But if you want to make a big profit, get ready not only to spend "your hard-earned money", but also to build a competent plan and development strategy for the near future.

Traffic arbitration

You need to buy the target audience and send it to the service / product for which they are willing to pay.

This direction requires careful processing and analysis of data. You need to study traffic sources, form blacklists, refuse sites with low conversion, and much more. For a beginner, these requirements may seem incomprehensible, but if you take the time to study this new aspect, the traffic arbitration business will be easier than.

Creation of mobile applications

According to statistics, more than 12 million users access the Internet from mobile devices. This is approximately 10% of total number users. You don't need to be a professional analyst to understand that this figure will grow every year. In Russia, there are still many sectors in which there are no worthy applications.

Sale of information flow

Without exaggeration, the Internet today is a big hole in which it can be very difficult to find high-quality and truthful information on a particular issue. To do this, you need to search among the mass of sources. Against this background, information businessmen are flourishing, who can competently and structuredly present their knowledge and skills for the sale of information products in 2016.

All this knowledge can be properly formalized and started selling to those who will be interested.

Business ideas 2016 without investments

If “finances sing romances”, and you are tired of ordinary work, you can try to organize a business without start-up capital or with minimal investment.

In any kind of business, it is important to come up with a good profitable idea, draw up a business plan confirming profitability. If you have a project description that you are 100% sure of, you can turn to an investor in search of money or try to get a loan from a bank. But to translate the above into reality is very difficult. There are many . Most requested in 2016:

  • organization of holidays. You can start with an independent search for customers and animators, then, as you develop, move on to a more expensive project with your own office to meet with clients, qualified personnel and a good advertising campaign;
  • husband for an hour - the provision of construction and repair work on call, payment is made depending on the amount of work performed or hourly;
  • tutoring. In addition to schoolchildren and students, other categories can be taught. It all depends on the information provided - teaching a foreign spoken language, style, design, cooking, etc .;
  • make-up artist, stylist, beautician, massage therapist or hairdresser on call at home.
  • resale of goods in the network () from scratch, etc.

Business ideas in 2016 in Moscow

Moscow is considered by many to be a separate state, and it is hard to argue with that. The level of development, informatization and technological equipment has reached new heights, but the main thing is that there is a large and constant demand for certain goods and services in the capital. Here you can implement old proven business organization options or radically new business ideas from scratch.

Trading in traffic jams

“Now Moscow traffic jams start two hours earlier,” local residents joke. It's hard to believe, but there are people who are happy with traffic jams. These are entrepreneurs who were able to organize trade on the roads in a traffic jam. In such a congestion, drivers and passengers, shackled and restrained, cannot leave their vehicle. Seeing a bottle of cold mineral water or a delicious sandwich in front of you, not everyone will be able to deny themselves the pleasure, especially if you still need to waste time on tedious waiting.

Features of organizing a new business idea in traffic jams in 2016:

  • start-up capital - 20 thousand rubles (costs are needed to buy groceries, a comfortable bag, an inexpensive good shape, as well as to pay staff);
  • approximate payback period for a new business idea: 1-2 months;
  • the difficulty of implementation - the need to find conscientious and punctual personnel;
  • time to organize a new business idea - 1-2 weeks;
  • Special knowledge is not required.

Business ideas on wheels

The dynamic rhythm of the capital, constant traffic jams and constant lack of time limit the possibilities of Muscovites. That is why flexible and mobile types of businesses are gaining popularity, which provide standard services / goods, but do it in a place that is convenient for the client.

Options for organizing a new business on wheels in Moscow in 2016:

  1. Mobile sauna - all technologies for creating a bath are easily installed in vehicle. As a result, the client orders a sauna for certain time at the specified location. Payment is hourly.
  2. Mobile dry cleaning, laundry or pillow cleaning. This idea will work near military units, student dormitories, hospitals.
  3. A buffet on wheels will help you have a fun corporate party and not only have a good time, but also arrange a sightseeing tour of Moscow.
  4. Mobile car wash - the equipment is placed in a standard Gazelle. The essence of the business: the car wash comes on call to any point in Moscow, in a few minutes a pool is installed in which the car body is washed. The inflatable mobile sink is also easy to assemble.

Open own business- means to become the master of your business, realize your potential and receive a high income. The lack of start-up capital will no longer stand in the way of realizing a dream. There are many new business ideas that do not require impressive costs. You can find "your niche" in a large metropolis and a small town. The main thing is desire, maximum effort and constant work.

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Any practice begins with an idea that can captivate a budding entrepreneur. Remember that "working for yourself" should bring interest, moral satisfaction and a constant desire for improvement, reaching new heights.

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Only new and current ideas small business in 2016, which everyone can use. Borrowing ideas and inventing their own, Russian entrepreneurs earn from 100 thousand rubles. per month!


Peeping business ideas from competitors, creating on their basis best solutions- An effective strategy that can lead to success. This idea was expressed in an interview with Forbes magazine by Yevgeny Tsaplin, a lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and CEO of JSC Telecom-Project. You can’t argue with a successful entrepreneur, and therefore we bring to the attention of aspiring entrepreneurs the best business ideas of 2016 that have been successfully implemented in Russia and really work.

Mountains, forests...

To start a franchise business, you will need 350 thousand rubles. and own freight transport (at first it can be rented). The advantage of working in the SDEC team is active cooperation with China, a potential leader in world trade via the Internet: 10 company offices operate in the border provinces of the DPRK.


Starting investments - from 250 to 450 thousand rubles. (quadcopter price). The business requires aircraft certification and pilots with airworthiness certificates. The average cost of a 3-minute video is 120 thousand rubles, of which 25% is the pilot's income. Among the clients of the High Level agency are Moskomsport, Porsche, the festival of colors Holi.

Coffee on wheels

The initial investment amounted to 2 million rubles. With this money, in 2014, entrepreneurs purchased a 25-year-old GMC van, converted it and designed it in a unique style. At first, they wanted to use the car as a catering point, but shopping centers were reluctant to make contact, and entrepreneurs moved into the catering industry. In 2016, the profit from the sale of coffee is 300 thousand rubles / month, and businessmen have repaid half of the loan taken to open their own business. Selling coffee from cars is a free niche in which you should try yourself!

New format car wash

The advantages of such a wash are obvious: minimum costs (it is enough to purchase employee uniforms, cleaning products, order advertising) and the ability to install service points in the busiest places (in parking lots, near shopping and office centers). Initial investments do not exceed 200 - 300 thousand rubles, the payback period, according to the owners, is 6 - 8 months.

Electronic Pleasures

You can locate a point of sale of electronic cigarettes anywhere: in a shopping center, street pavilion. It is important to choose a busy public place with high traffic. The best option- hall pavilion shopping center or cinema.

Earnings on virtual reality

The average cost of equipment is 300 - 400 thousand rubles. (it can also be bought from the hands). To this amount add the rent, as well as the cost of electricity. The size of the initial investment is not small, but the attraction will pay off in just 4-8 months. Another way to earn money virtual reality- rental of equipment for entertainment events, children's parties, etc.

Back to the roots

One of the most successful industrial enterprises is the St. Petersburg publishing house of bibliophile books. In St. Petersburg, the manual edition of second-hand books has been revived. The entire production process is manual. For printing, old letters, reglets, spats are used. Calligraphers create unique handwritten editions. Covers are made of genuine leather, copper, bronze, papyrus, etc. The term for the release of one book can reach 15 years, and the cost of such creations starts from 500 thousand rubles. Among the permanent clients of the publishing house Konstantin Ernst, Roman Abramovich, successful foreign entrepreneurs.

In 2016 in high demand foreigners enjoyed miscellaneous products Russian craftsmen: knitted porcelain, tiles for stoves and fireplaces, crystal tableware and decor - all this is in demand abroad and brings revenues of up to 100 million rubles to manufacturing business owners. annually.

Currently, the economic crisis and financial instability in the country have a very negative impact on both large and small businesses. In conditions of fierce competition, the demand for certain goods and services is growing at a rapid pace, and at the same time is declining, leaving buyers and other groups of goods without attention. The same is happening with a number of modern services.

So how to make money in the crisis of 2016? What kind of business is worth opening for profit. We will try to understand this in detail in this article.

Outsourcing is the key to stable profit

Today, outsourcing is a fairly common phenomenon in all developed countries and many firms and organizations actively use it. During an unstable economic situation, large companies begin a policy of savings, and it becomes too expensive to maintain highly specialized specialists.

Therefore, it is much more profitable to conclude an agreement, for example, for maintaining accounting or the provision of legal services with third parties. As a result, the outsourcing business is growing rapidly.

So if you have work experience and relevant education feel free to move in this direction. By the way, experts say that outsourcing has good prospects in terms of stable income generation in 2016.

Mobile beauty salon

Both wealthy people and people with average incomes need high-quality services from beauty salons. And if these services are provided at home (for example, the client is a pensioner) or, let's say, the salon itself comes to the client (for example, in a village where there is no hairdresser), the growth in demand for such services will not be long in coming.

In this connection, enterprising entrepreneurs hurried to open "Mobile beauty salons" in 2016. This should not be surprising. After all, this is a very profitable business that does not require significant costs. In addition, such a business is distinguished by a high degree of payback, which, with a competent approach, comes in six months, even despite the fact that a crisis situation prevails in our country now.

If you still decide to open a mobile beauty salon, then before opening such a business, you should familiarize yourself with special information that will help you do everything correctly.

Translator is a great business idea

You are excellent at foreign languages? Do you want to make money from this business? Then you don’t even need to think about what kind of business you should open in a crisis.

The most logical and very profitable option is a translation agency. Your customers can be both ordinary Internet users looking for different information on foreign resources, and organizations that legal entities who need high-quality translation of documents.

When your firm can expand beyond working from home, then you can open a firm that specializes in this type of activity in your own city.

Courses for beginners and more

In the modern world, a large number of programs have appeared that are created in order to solve narrowly focused tasks. But users of these programs are not always able to familiarize themselves with them, this requires a lot of time.

And that's why they will gladly give their money for a specialist to train them. Still not sure what is profitable to do in a small business in 2016? Do you want to succeed in 2016? Then organize training courses. Demand for these services is sure to succeed both in big city as well as in small towns.

But just remember that opening this kind of business consists of two stages:

  • Purchase and study of the program;
  • Opening courses.

Garbage as a source of income

Recently, the recycling business has become widespread in the world. Indeed, this is a very profitable business, but there is one thing, but. To enter this niche, you need a huge start-up capital. Therefore, experts advise those who have decided to create a "Business on the trash" to try to start with the disposal of old household appliances.

Since the cost of removing household appliances is borne by the owner, and you can make good money on the sale of spare parts, and the demand for this species services will only grow.

Opening your own driving school

Every year the number of cars on the roads continues to grow. And from this follows the growing need of citizens for training. Therefore, you have another option for business in a crisis. We invite you to open your own driving school this year.

It is worth noting that you can open a driving school at minimal cost. At first, of course, you will have to fork out for advertising costs, but the costs associated with renting a room can be avoided, since all classes can be conducted online.

One very important fact is accreditation in the traffic police. Therefore, this direction in business can be used by those people who want to find out what is profitable to do in 2016.

Opening of a private kindergarten

If you have a pedagogical education and a small start-up capital, then the opening of a “Private Kindergarten” will be an option to open in a crisis. This direction in business will never lose its relevance. And this should not be surprising.

After all, parents try to give their children all the best and choose the kindergarten where their child will be more comfortable. Therefore, in most cases, they prefer private kindergartens or developing children's centers. To open such an institution, you will need to make repairs to the premises, buy the appropriate one, and, of course, obtain permits from the relevant authorities.

The profitability of this enterprise is high, the profit ranges from 60-120%. But the competition in this market segment is high. Therefore, in order to gain popularity in such a service sector, you need to work hard and show your patience.

Grocery store

The food trade has always been highly profitable, even during times of crisis. Without a doubt, opening a small grocery store is an ideal solution for a business in a crisis. Having placed it within walking distance from buyers (sleeping areas, in courtyards multi-storey buildings), you will immediately win regular customers and find yourself out of competition.

The main thing in such a business is: to provide the store with a wide range of products, high-quality goods and friendly sellers.

Another option would be to open a food outlet (canteen or cafe). Do you have a lot of start-up capital? It doesn't matter, you can open fast food, for which, it is quite possible to rent a small stall. In this stall, you can freely sell homemade food (pies, confectionery, etc.).

Well, if things go uphill, then go ahead! To new discoveries! Now you can open freely - a cafe or a restaurant.

Producer - consumer

How to survive a small business in a crisis? This question, perhaps, is of interest to every entrepreneur. There is no need to be seriously worried here. Remember that everything here is ingenious and simple. Organizing your own farm can bring a very good income. However, not all people are ready to change city life for fields and animal breeding.

In order to make a profit, you just need to open a store in your city, so to speak, establish a direct connection between the producer and the consumer. This store is recommended to sell natural products that are produced on their own. farms modern farmers.

Remember that residents of large cities with great pleasure will purchase fresh meat, milk, fruits and vegetables at affordable prices. This is the key to a stable income. Therefore, this idea should be developed by those businessmen who want to be in the black this year.

Legal services

At present, during the crisis, a wave of layoffs and layoffs has rolled. A lot of people were left without work. And decision pressing issues, whether it is help in writing a resume, help in obtaining compensation, or how to avoid dismissal (layoffs), all this, of course, is best left to professionals.

To restore justice, people seek highly qualified legal assistance. Therefore, this type of service will be in demand during the crisis of 2016. If you have the appropriate education, and you dreamed of starting your own business, then you have the cards in hand. And such a business, of course, will bring more financial income, which will freely exceed your wages.

Rope park - for beginner businessmen

As you know, after graduating from universities, it is almost impossible for many former students to find a job in our country. In most cases, organizations only hire people with work experience. And where can you get this experience if yesterday you were still a student.

In order not to waste time, while looking for a new job, you can organize your own business, which will allow you to become independent from your parents.

What kind of business can be opened in a crisis?

If you are a young, athletic and enterprising person, then it will not be difficult for you to open, for example, a rope park.

The rope park is suitable for entertainment for both children and adults. And if the park is located in a resort town, then the profit will not be long in coming.

Shop without leaving home

Each of us knows that the resale of Chinese products brings high and stable earnings, and in such a business, the costs are, well, very minimal. Don't know how to start a "Chinese business" without money? Let's tell.

To get started, open your store on the Internet and trade in it on a prepaid basis. After the order, the buyer pays for the goods to you, and you order it in a Chinese online store at a reduced price and send the goods to the buyer's address. The difference received from the sale of goods is your net income.

When asking yourself what kind of business will be relevant in 2016-2017 in the conditions of the crisis in Russia, you must remember that own business is a popular field of activity that allows a person to reveal his aspirations and turn them into reality.

According to the latest estimates, in our country today more than 3 million citizens are entrepreneurs in various legal status- IP, Ltd. The demand for business is explained by economic features, difficulties in finding a job. Many businessmen have come to understand that they want to work independently, to realize themselves in a certain direction. Some opened a case in order not to be in subjection.

Business with minimal investment

In order to start profitably without investing large amounts of money, it is necessary to study the market, to identify in which of its areas the demand is always consistently high. Below we provide a list of profitable ideas for starting a business that do not require high costs on the initial stage.

Hairdresser at home

According to research, even during a crisis, people want to look good, so opening a hairdresser or beauty salon will be a good decision. For those who cannot afford a large investment, it is possible to provide the services of a hairdresser-stylist at home.

Sale of firewood

Another type of business without large investments is the sale of firewood. In general, even during a crisis, demand will be high, since today not every village has gas, and it is necessary to heat houses during the cold period. Here you do not need to purchase equipment, you just need to have a place to store firewood and a car for delivery. At the initial stage, you can use the old GAZelle. Additional costs - the purchase of a chainsaw.

Advice. Such a business should be opened where there is demand - in regions, small towns.

The demand for firewood is always stable, because it is impossible to heat a house with electricity due to the high cost. Not everyone can prepare firewood on their own, so there will always be customers. Purchase raw materials for the subsequent preparation of firewood and sale at low prices it is possible in forestries or directly at wood processing enterprises, for which it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with the management.

Fast food

Fast food is a niche that will be in demand even in times of crisis. If there are not enough funds to open a cafe or purchase vending machines, then you don’t need to forget about the dream. To implement the plan, you can use the idea of ​​​​opening a fast food stall. So one of the options is to sell root dogs (sausages in dough on a stick). Investments here will be small, and incomes will be consistently high.

Smoked meat production

The production of smoked meats can also become a successful business in times of crisis, as people want to eat quality and tasty food. Demand for products will always be high, since many will not stop celebrating the holidays anyway. industrial production based on the use of "liquid smoke", this reduces the cost, but deprives the products of a unique aroma. Using a smoker will fill the meat or fish with smoke, no flavor enhancers are required, therefore, the finished product will be of high quality. This guarantees constant demand, as most people cannot afford to buy delicacies, especially in times of crisis. Investments in this type of business will be minimal.

Advice. Before you open a business related to smoking, you must complete all the documents and permits that allow you to work with food.

Bread production

Another type of business that will not cease to be relevant even in times of crisis is the production of bread and pastries. Investments here can be different - a lot depends on the aspirations and capabilities of the entrepreneur. For those who cannot afford a large start-up capital, you can implement the idea using the usual one. Over time, the income received from sales will allow you to open your own bakery. Baking bread is one of the most relevant business ideas that allows you to get a stable profit in a crisis. At the initial stage, you can bake:

  • bread;
  • buns;
  • cakes.

For the convenience of work, you should organize production at home, taking orders via phone or the Internet.

Thermal printing on fabric

People in crisis need rest and entertainment. That's why current view business will be the production of knitwear with various images created to order - thermal printing on fabric. Here the main attention should be paid to the development of marketing moves. You will need to invest in an advertising company, create groups on social networks if funds are limited. Directly for thermal printing on fabric you will need:

  • thermal film;
  • Printer;
  • thermal paper.

Income will be stable as this service is popular.

Business in a small town: which option to choose

Those people who live in small towns or villages also dream of opening their own business. Before asking yourself what kind of business will be relevant in 2016-2017 in the context of the crisis in Russia, you need to take into account the peculiarity of the area in which you plan to open your business.

The specificity of small towns is a quiet, measured, provincial life, therefore, a business should be opened in such a way that it does not violate the usual way, but is of interest to local residents. For the businessman himself, this is a great opportunity to radically change his life, bring colors and variety to it.

In large cities, there are many opportunities for implementing business ideas and projects - advertising works quickly, there are many sources of inspiration. For a small town, opening a boutique or a nightclub will not be relevant, and in a crisis it will be unprofitable. That is why the best way to get a guaranteed profit is a business on various services.

Photo studio

Opening a photography studio would be a great option. People want beautiful and important events in their lives were captured by professionals, so the services of a photographer will be in demand and relevant even in conditions of economy Money. In addition, the photo studio can be engaged in the production of photographs for documents. You can increase profits and receive a stable income by providing a location shooting service, for example, at weddings or birthdays. In small towns, such services are in demand and are expensive enough to quickly recoup all investments.

Computer and household appliance repair services

As successful business repair of household appliances or computers will perform. In megacities, workshops are located in different areas, so finding a specialist is not difficult. Small towns are most often in short supply of such services, so the repair business will be profitable and in demand among residents. In a crisis, it will be much more profitable to repair a thing than to buy a new one, the influx of customers will be high, and with it business income.

Private kindergarten

Today, in the current economic situation, it is necessary to take into account the needs of people before starting a business. The problem is acute in small towns preschool institutions. There are few kindergartens, the queue in them, as a rule, is very long, so there may not be enough places in them. Therefore, the discovery of a private kindergarten will be a great alternative to waiting or looking for a nanny. The amount of start-up capital here is quite large, which must be taken into account in advance, but the payback of all investments will come quickly. The demand for such a service will be stable, provided that the payment for the presence of the child in the garden is acceptable.

Development center for children

For small towns, the issues of circles for children remain relevant. Music and art schools may not be in the city at all, so the business can be directed to the opening of a dance school. Many parents are interested in the fact that children further develop, gaining new knowledge and skills. That is why the demand for such a service will be consistently high.

Choosing the direction of work, a businessman must take into account the possibility of independent teaching. As for the starting capital, it all depends on how many students are planned in the group. For starters, you can grow your business by arranging private lessons. You should also not neglect fashion trends and trends, you need to teach relevant trends that are of great interest. You should also develop a good advertising campaign, as in any other type of business, in order to recruit required amount students.

Satellite television

The installation of satellite dishes will also become profitable business in small town, since TV reception is not always good, and the speed of the Internet does not allow you to watch videos online. Using a conventional antenna, it is impossible to connect to modern channels, so the demand for installing satellite television will be high. In order to open such a business you will need:

  1. automobile;
  2. tool;
  3. device for tuning antennas;
  4. satellite map.

It is necessary to have a ladder for working at height.

Thus, business in the conditions of the 2016-2017 crisis in Russia pleases with a variety of ideas and implementation opportunities, both in large and small cities.

Business ideas with minimal investment - video

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