Features of the institution for organizing children's leisure. How to open a children's entertainment center from scratch

The buildings 12.10.2019
The buildings

"All the best for children!" - a thesis that has long become a catchphrase when it comes to the younger generation. Of course, it is unlikely that it works as well as it sounds. But this does not prevent scientists from coming up with new concepts of education, and other equally talented people from coming up with new games, entertainment, services and goods for children that make life easier for parents. Fundamentally new kindergartens, children's clubs, developing and entertainment centers are also being built. You can also buy from well-established companies in a large metropolis and not worry about attracting customers.

Open a children's development center - where to start?

Of course, it is necessary to start opening a children's entertainment center by drawing up a business plan and calculating the estimated costs. You also need to think about advertising, qualified staff, suitable right premises and much more. Unfortunately, for ordinary entrepreneurs and ordinary people, this type of activity is hardly suitable. After all, this is not just a business, it is a type of activity that requires certain pedagogical knowledge and love for children, just like a discovery requires knowledge and love for sports.

What do you need to open a child development center?

It is not difficult to guess that the foundation of the foundations in opening a children's center is:

  • Official registration of the company's activities;
  • Recruitment;
  • Finding the right room;
  • Procurement of equipment and acquisition of techniques.

Activity registration

First of all, your development must comply with both certain standards in the availability and design of documentation, and safety standards. Next, you should decide what form your organization will be: an individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. In addition, do not forget about sanitary standards and fire safety requirements.

Advice: at first, it is advisable to entrust your documentation to experienced lawyers, especially if you are new to business. You will have to spend some money, but it will still be cheaper than redoing and correcting mistakes over and over again.

Room selection

The room, first of all, should be comfortable and spacious and certainly comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards. You should also think about the fact that the building is in a convenient location, and the interior creates a positive mood. Still, the building should please the eyes of children, which is very important, especially in childhood.


Personnel should be selected from standard set» any child care center or kindergarten and add a group of preferred teachers to it. To determine the composition of such a group, you first need to determine the specifics of your center. Educators, if any, should be chosen from people who have a pedagogical education and who love children. At first, it is better to deal with experienced educators, who will help the center earn a good reputation.

Of course, the larger your center, the more staff you will have to hire. But minimum costs for salaries will be approximately 100 thousand rubles a month, taking into account the rate of a teacher or educator of 200 rubles. Although, on the other hand, options for piecework and mixed payment are possible.


Despite the fact that the opening of a children's development center does not involve production, some equipment will still have to be purchased. Namely:

  • Methodological equipment and materials - about 100 thousand rubles
  • Educational and office furniture for employees - about 100-150 thousand rubles
  • Household appliances - plus another 150 thousand rubles.

How to open a children's development center - a business plan

So, before you start opening a children's development center, you must first draw up a business plan. When compiling it, one should take into account the concentration of such centers in the area chosen for work. In addition, it is worth preparing for the fact that at first you will have to do only expenses, and incomes can be minimal. But you will need to be patient. However, if you want to start or prepare for, yours will not be much easier than this.

Main and additional activities

Children's centers are often used by parents instead of kindergartens, which are often overcrowded. Children spend almost the whole day in them, and in addition to eating, walking and playing, they participate in developmental and educational activities. However, with proper preparation of the work, you can include in the activities of the center and holding holidays and events for children for an additional fee. For example, these can be concerts and performances, the cost of which will be about 1-4 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity and duration, holding birthday parties, the cost of which can be indicated at about 10 thousand rubles, as well as individual holidays, fully organized and occupied by paraphernalia and gifts.


Additional income from events and holidays is already quite a decent amount. But the income from the main and main activity can be easily calculated. It will consist of how much subscriptions for children to visit your center and their number will cost. In addition, the entire center can be divided into groups different ages, of varying degrees of development and for different purposes. Accordingly, the prices for subscriptions for all these groups will be different:

  • Group full day- about 10-20 thousand rubles per month, which is approximately 500-700 rubles for a one-time visit. In some cases, prices can be raised if parents are offered unique and expensive methods and products for the development of the child.
  • Groups early development won't make a lot of money. As a rule, kids do not come for the whole day, which means that parents do not have to pay much for them. Approximately 200-300 rubles per day (2-3 hours) for a one-time visit and 4-6 thousand rubles per month.
  • Groups part-time are very popular now. They were invented so that parents could calmly go about their business, leaving the baby in the care of educators and teachers not for the whole day, but for several hours. They have to pay for this pleasure, as a rule, 300-500 rubles at a time or 10-15 thousand per month.
  • Special profile groups are created in order to identify and develop children's abilities for science, creativity, languages ​​and more. This is useful in that children at an early stage of development can determine their interests and further activities. Depending on whether such groups will be created only for classes or whether the kids will fully spend the whole day in the center, payment can vary from 300 to 1000 rubles for a one-time visit and from 10 to 30 thousand rubles per month.
  • Separate classes according to profiles will involve payment of 200-300 rubles per hour, parents will have to pay 4-10 thousand rubles per month.

Advertisement for a child development center

A child in a children's center should receive not only development, but also different types entertainment, otherwise it will simply be uninteresting to him. This is also worth noting in advertising in order to arouse the interest of the child, not yet meeting him at the door of your children's center. However, it will be much more difficult to promote a business than a similar one.

It is worth noting that today it is very popular due to the economic and financial situation. But in Russia it will also be beneficial to use a franchise when opening a children's center - this way you won't have to spend a lot on advertising and spend a lot of time on promotion. But if you decide to run a business on your own, you should think about:

  • Billboard advertising. Placing such an advertisement in a city format will cost the customer about 10 thousand rubles. Advertising on standard shield maybe a little more expensive - 20-40 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising in the subway (respectively, suitable only for those cities that have a subway). This place is very profitable and convenient for advertising, which means that it is a sin not to use it. The cost of such a service will cost about 20 thousand rubles. In addition, you can place it in the cars for 2-4 thousand rubles.
  • Internet. Perhaps the most cost-effective advertising will be in your global network. Moreover, these can be either their own sites, or advertising banners on other people's sites, or elementary ads on free virtual bulletin boards.
  • Auto advertising. Advertising on vehicles is charged according to the area of ​​the banner. Its cost will be approximately 1-2 thousand rubles per square meter. IN fixed-route taxis and buses, the service will cost 10-20 thousand per month.
  • "Word of mouth" has not been canceled. Make more acquaintances. It is also possible to make days open doors and conduct free trial classes for potential clients.

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What is the opening of a children's development center today? First of all, it is not only a business, but also a hobby for its creator. Children learn and have fun, parents do not suffer from the question of where to place their child, do not think about time, and the entrepreneur is doing what he loves and is useful. In addition, given the high demand for child care facilities, this species activity will be very profitable for its owner.

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At the first stages of work related to the opening of an entertainment complex, attention should be paid to the analysis of the entertainment market, since this is the only way to get information about the state of the market, about the main competitors, market saturation and barriers that may arise when a new company enters the market. With the help of the information received, you can correctly and correctly determine exactly where the new one should be located. Entertainment Center, what services will be in demand and interesting to potential customers, what level of development of the complex can be expected in the future, and you can also answer many other important questions regarding the expected profitability and profitability of the activity. As a result, it will be possible to create a real project for the future complex, taking into account all the pitfalls and advantages.


Best for building this complex independently, since the business plan of the entertainment complex takes into account that the institution should offer a lot of different services, so the complex should consist of many rooms, each of which will be designed for specific purposes. The construction of a large building will take a long time and will also require very high costs, but thanks to it, you can get an institution that will fully correspond to the desires and tastes of the entrepreneur who is involved in this project.

For construction, it is necessary to hire a professional team of builders who must complete all the work promptly and within a predetermined time frame. The entrepreneur or group of entrepreneurs who are involved in the implementation of the project must constantly monitor the work being done, otherwise delays cannot be avoided.

Arrangement of premises

As soon as the creation of the building intended for the entertainment complex is completed, the arrangement of each room begins. It should be remembered that the equipment for each room should be specialized, and its quantity and name completely depends on the purpose of the room. The business plan of the entertainment complex takes into account that the building should have toilets that the clients of the center can use free of charge. You should also equip a locker room, which visitors can use in winter and autumn.

Additionally, you should equip a restaurant where people can have a bite to eat. Great solution will open a small grocery store, where visitors to the complex will be able to buy the necessary products. All other premises should be designed for various entertainment, and the services provided in the complex depend on their number.

Range of services

The more different entertainment will be offered in the entertainment complex, the greater the influx of customers can be expected. If the building is very large, then several premises can be rented out, and they should have retail stores of the most popular and interesting brands. The rest of the rooms should be equipped with everything necessary for relaxation. It is best to provide a playroom for children, a room with slot machines, an ice skating rink, a sauna and a bathhouse, a cinema, 3D, 5D, 7D cinema halls, a hairdressing salon and much more. The number of services depends entirely on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur implementing the project.


To work in an entertainment center, it is necessary to take only professionals in a certain field of activity. Employees must be present in each room of the complex, who will pay customers, as well as answer all questions. Also in the center there should be guards who will keep order. The technical staff must keep all the premises in perfect order, so the number of employees must be sufficient. It is necessary to allocate one room in the entertainment complex for the administration, in which top managers will work.

Other activities

An entertainment center will be successful and popular if it is properly equipped, located in an accessible place for most people, offers reasonable prices, and constantly advertises the services provided in various sources. In this case, you can expect good popularity and high income. At the same time, each room in the complex should not only be equipped with all the necessary items, but should also be well decorated, since the design in modern world plays an important and significant role for each client.

Budget and profitability of the entertainment complex business plan

To create a large and profitable entertainment center, it is necessary to invest significant funds. Therefore, as a rule, it is quite difficult to implement this project for just one entrepreneur. For this reason, an open joint-stock company or closed joint-stock company is usually created, in which several entrepreneurs are gathered, striving to realize this idea.

Initial costs:

  • Construction of the building - 17 million rubles.
  • Arrangement of rooms - 9 million rubles.
  • Wage employees per month - 400 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising and holding various promotions - 250 thousand rubles. per month
  • Other expenses - 400 thousand rubles. per month

All invested funds pay off for quite a long time, namely, 5 years, however, with proper management business and expanding the range of services offered, we can expect a net profit of 900 thousand rubles. per month.

Every young entrepreneur dreams of finding a business that does not require special knowledge. In addition, there was no need to solve problems with suppliers, debts, and so on. It is worth noting that there is such a business - an entertainment complex for children.

Such a business can bring not only joy to kids, but also a stable income with a relatively small initial investment.

Any parent wants to pamper their beloved child, and resourceful entrepreneurs meet such desires. Consequently, the presence of a stable demand for the services provided will be guaranteed, because children will not be able to hold out even a minute without games and fun. The business plan of a children's entertainment center in Russia, with a one-time investment, allows you to receive a stable profit in the future. But for this you need to put things right. In order to avoid mistakes and do everything right, you just need a detailed business plan.

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How to write a business plan for an entertainment center for children

In order to open your own entertainment center for kids, you must complete the following steps:

  • register an enterprise and put it on record;
  • choose a room (purchase or conclude a lease agreement);
  • coordinate everything that is necessary with the licensing authorities;
  • select the personnel that will be needed to conduct such a business;
  • select the necessary equipment and install it.

In order to implement a business plan for a shopping and entertainment center, it may take about 8 weeks. It should be noted that this is a great advantage of this business. At the same time, the most energetic entrepreneurs will be able to cope with the organization in 4-6 weeks, however, it is important to understand that there are certain deadlines for passing specialized state structures. In addition, the equipment manufacturer will require about one month to produce a unique children's entertainment complex.

It is worth knowing that such manufacturers also have ready-made series of equipment, but more and more entrepreneurs want to make their centers stand out. This is due to the fact that today gaming complexes that are stylized as a jungle, a ship, a magic castle and so on are in increasing demand. Therefore, this requires high costs and manufacturer efforts.

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Registration of your own enterprise, which is planned to open

The organizational and legal form is recommended to choose an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). This is due to the fact that this form has the ability to submit simplified reports and is subject to fewer taxes.

There is nothing difficult to complete all the registration steps in in due course, however, if there is no desire to stand in queues and thereby reduce the time it takes to register, it is possible to contact various companies that provide services for registering enterprises different forms property. It can cost 2000-3000 rubles, but it will take much less time.

It is recommended to immediately apply for the transition to a simplified taxation system. The system consists of a single tax, which is paid in connection with the transition to a simplified form of taxation by entrepreneurs and organizations. Such a tax replaces the payment of a whole set of taxes that may be established by the general tax regime.

The tax rate with the simplified system will be 6% of the total income of the enterprise.

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Choosing a suitable place for a children's entertainment center

You should know that choosing the right location for the future enterprise is one of the most important points contained in this business plan. Best Option The placement of such a center is a place with a high daily attendance of children.

Hence, the best choice will place its children's entertainment complex in a large shopping center. This is due to the fact that moms and dads will have the opportunity to explore large shopping areas while their children have fun, play, communicate with their peers and be supervised.

Children do not like to go shopping with adults, and therefore they often do not allow their parents to do this. Therefore, the organization of the game children's space becomes more and more attractive for stores. Everyone will benefit, since such gaming zones are able to increase customer loyalty, in connection with this, the turnover of stores increases. At the same time, children are also satisfied, because they are having a good time.

There is another option for the location of such a complex. There is a successful experience, for example, in sleeping areas major cities. It often happens that the infrastructure in such places is still poorly developed, so not everyone wants to go to the center. Successful Options are also entertainment complexes who work in small towns. This is due to the fact that in such places there are no instructions for entertainment for children, therefore, the complex being opened will become a children's center of attraction.

Regarding rent, you should know that most often entrepreneurs negotiate with landlords on special preferential terms. It is important to understand that shopping centers are interested in retaining their customers and increasing customer loyalty. The leaders of large centers are well aware that today it is impossible to attract customers with just a large assortment of goods and their high quality. Consequently, they themselves begin to give large quantity attention to the number of services offered.

Each commercial premises It has a large number of ways to attract customers, but placing a children's corner or room in the store is one of the most effective options. Therefore, entrepreneurs can confidently go to the management of shopping centers. They will no doubt be glad to hear that there is an opportunity to open a children's entertainment center. One of the most common cases is when the figure 0 rubles is in the column of the rental agreement.

In some cases, another way can help, by which you can try to negotiate with the owner of the premises - to take it as a share of the business being opened.

In addition to the obvious disadvantage, there are a large number of advantages of such an arrangement. The owner himself will make sure to provide the best and most profitable retail space. In addition, he will assist in carrying out various promotions and will do his best to promote and advertise the services provided, which can significantly increase the number of potential customers.

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Selection of the necessary personnel to open such a business

You can start recruiting at the stage of registering your company. It will be necessary to hire 2 employees for shift work. The easiest way would be to hire students or non-working pensioners for such work. The most common payment system in this category is one that consists of a salary of 10,000 rubles and a percentage of revenue (in most cases this will be 3-5%). Such a system is needed so that employees have a greater interest in attracting new visitors.

Know what to submit tax returns maybe the owner of the enterprise himself, because there is nothing complicated in this. However, despite this, in order to feel more comfortable, it is better to take care to hire an accountant. Such an employee, for a small remuneration (in the amount of 3,000 rubles per month), will be able to collect and submit all reports independently.

  • Where to begin?
  • Room selection
  • Required documents to open
  • Necessary equipment
  • Business payback

Are you a beginner businessman who wants to open his own business that does not require special knowledge and brings pleasure and joy? Opening a children's entertainment room is what you need. IN this business The main thing is to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children's entertainment is a very profitable business, it is very difficult to save money on children, sometimes it is sometimes impossible. Children are the flowers of life, parents always want to please their children and give them pleasure. There is always a stable demand for this type of service. In this article, we will consider a small business plan on the topic "How to open a children's entertainment center from scratch."

Where to begin?

First you need to decide what exactly you want to open. If you want to open a children's development center, for this you will need much more time and Money. This is argued by the fact that you will need a license to maintain educational activities, recruitment of appropriate personnel, development or purchase of mandatory training methods. With the opening of the children's entertainment center, everything is much easier. An entertainment room will require several employees, thanks to this, at the first stage you will save on salaries, perhaps you can even perform some functions yourself. Required knowledge in order to open a children's entertainment center from scratch is not required, you also save on obtaining a license.

Room selection

The choice of premises is a very important parameter that affects the payback and profitability of a business. The entertainment room should be located in a place where there is a large flow of people. If you decide to open your business in big city, then it is advisable to choose large shopping centers. Young parents coming for shopping will be able to leave the child in the children's entertainment center for at least an hour. Moms-girlfriends who came for shopping will leave the children for two hours. Children quickly get tired of shopping and walking, so a children's room with entertainment will serve as a salvation for parents. If you decide to start a business in small town, then choose a place near kindergartens, near playgrounds. In small towns, it is rare to find entertainment centers for children, so this can become great idea to start a business.

Online publications offer many ways to enter the entertainment industry. With the help of an expert from the largest B2B player in the entertainment industry in Russia, the manager of the Avira group of companies, Alexei Zagumennov, Business with a Mind magazine tells how to open game room and achieve its payback in just 6 months.

Today, the entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The market is growing every year: in 2016 alone, the total production and sales of gaming equipment increased by 43%. Popularity is due to three reasons. Firstly, the gaming equipment is adjusted to each customer. In other words, if you need a labyrinth in the form of a seven-meter boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant in the form of a perpendicularly twisted symbol of Russian cinema, you are guaranteed to get it. Proven manufacturers of gaming and entertainment equipment are ready to fulfill any whim of the client, because if the client orders a non-unique project for himself, he will go bankrupt.

The second reason for the popularity, oddly enough, is the national tension. People began to work more and earn less, they want entertainment because the news and minds are full of negativity, they want quick and inexpensive entertainment for their children and, preferably, with their minimum participation. The game room in the restaurant is the most suitable option here.

Finally, thirdly, “Business on children” is one of the fastest paying off types entrepreneurial activity . Thanks to this, today manufacturers offer great amount formats for organizing gaming zones, ranging from a modest "children's corner" in the nearest bank branch to a full-fledged amusement park, such as "Veselkino" in the Barnaul shopping center "Galaktika". And between the crumbs and the giants, there is a countless string of intermediate options, among which there was a place for mobile trampolines, bouncy castles on trailers, ninja quests, record high slides and much more.

The combination of such factors makes the opening of an entertainment zone attractive for private entrepreneurship. The format will also depend on the amount of investment. You can open a small game room for 30 square meters, you can - an entertainment center of 100 square meters, or you can even run your own amusement park. In terms of the ratio of costs and payback periods, the most optimal is an entertainment center with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. Alexey Zagumennov

Where to open an entertainment center

To understand whether a particular place is suitable for placing an entertainment site, you can play the P.U.S.K. game with yourself. The rules are simple. Put a piece of paper on the corner of the table - it will be a symbol of your business in a particular place. Make a fist, ask yourself a question, and if the answer is yes, extend one finger. The questions are simple:

  • Patency?
  • Uniqueness?
  • Neighbours?
  • "Hooks"?

The passability indicator determines how many random passers-by will become customers of the institution that has opened here. You can even do without exact numbers - the main thing to understand is that every day there are people from all over the city.

The issue of uniqueness concerns the site itself. How profitable does the project look compared to competitors? Is there something in it that children - the main contingent of the entertainment center - will not find on other sites? If the uniqueness is close to one hundred percent, with competent pricing policy you don’t even have to be afraid to open across the road from a competitor with the same area center.

Properly selected neighbors are a guarantee of regular workload of the project. Do not believe someone who says that an entertainment center should be opened next to a school or kindergarten. Children run to these institutions on schedule and without money for entertainment in their pockets. But a cafe or restaurant is an ideal partner. After all, while the children are having fun, their parents can sit quietly over a cup of coffee. Hairdresser, beauty salon or Gym? Perfect! Lingerie store? Risky but attractive. But a tattoo parlor or a hookah bar, most likely, will annoy parents, which means that they will not leave their children in the entertainment center next door.

"Hooks" are Additional services or suggestions that can stop the child or his parents. Such hooks include, for example, drawing courses, from which you can’t pick up a child without a finished drawing, or attractions for parents. Recently, classic children's play mazes have begun to give way in popularity to the so-called mix projects - entertainment centers where a playground is adjacent to a sports track or a ninja quest for those who are older.

Obviously, one finger cannot lift a sheet of paper. Two is almost impossible, three is already possible. How many fingers you straighten, your business will be so successful. Please note that it will be possible to pay back the project in six months only if your piece of paper lies on all four fingers. Alexey Zagumennov

How to fill the entertainment center

A children's entertainment center should be bright, inviting - and suitable for a wide range of ages, including preschool and teens. This requires the manufacturer to make the product unique and individual approach to every client. When choosing equipment, this filter helps to save a lot of time: if the manufacturer already offers ready-made version, which means that it is better not to mess with its "uniqueness".

Play equipment is the main expense item for starting a children's entertainment center project. The minimum recommended set here looks like this:

  • game labyrinth for outdoor collective games
  • dry pool for those who like a quieter activity
  • fiberglass slides (safe material, unlike conventional plastic)
  • soft module constructors
  • frameless furniture with toys for kids

The rest depends on the chosen theme of the entertainment center. For example, the theme of the jungle is suitable for a palm carousel or a tropical volcano-climbing wall, and for the theme of a pirate ship, an air gun.

I think it would be superfluous to say that you should not trust dealers. The children's entertainment center is an object of close attention of supervisory and regulatory authorities, which means that absolutely all equipment must have the appropriate quality and compliance certificates and passports. Unlike manufacturers, resellers often neglect the accompanying documents. Alexey Zagumennov

How to talk about the entertainment center

Do not believe in the effectiveness of word of mouth. Do not believe in the desire of parents to go with a child from the other side of the city to your entertainment center. Do not believe that, having invested 2 million rubles in advertising on local radio and television, you will skim the cream for the rest of your life. Believe in targeted advertising.

Modern research shows that in the era of an abundance of information, news feeds and the ubiquity of the Internet in the smartphones of the target audience of any project, it is more important to constantly see the brand than to learn something loud about it one-time.

Whom to hire in the entertainment center

One of the most frequently asked questions is about the staff for the children's entertainment center. On the one hand, a novice entrepreneur must include the amount of salaries and taxes in the planned expenses. On the other hand, many positions in the children's entertainment center can be successfully combined.

Who exactly should be hired? The administrator of the hall, responsible for the premises and sale of tickets, and the so-called "nanny" - a junior employee who is constantly among the children and controls the safety in the playing area. Everything else, including the accountant, is optional and depends only on the abilities of the owner of the entertainment center.

Some entrepreneurs do an excellent job of playing the role of an entire accounting department, an equipment adjuster, an animator. There was a case when an entrepreneur receiving 300,000 rubles of net profit per month went out to his site in the evenings with a mop and a bucket in his hand - working as a cleaner helped him relax and, of course, save on the salary of an additional employee.

The salary of an employee of a children's entertainment center is the most painful issue for an entrepreneur. The amount depends on the region, and on the city, and on the functionality. At the same time, specialists of different quality can perform the same functions. For example, only teachers can teach at a children's center, and the very fact of teaching will require a license for educational services from the owner of this institution.

The cause of our worldly anxieties is rather our attachments than our inherent needs. Do not look at neighbors and colleagues in the shop, but hire only the staff that will provide you quality work with kids. Alexey Zagumennov

Video case of the opening of the children's center in Barnaul

What is important to pay attention to before starting a project

It is important not to overprice. Today at weekdays it is not recommended to set a price of more than 150 rubles for one child. On weekends, the cost of visiting the gaming complex can be 30% higher.

The main source of income for the children's entertainment center is not random passers-by, but birthday people."Children's corporate parties" usually ensure the workload of the gaming complex both on weekends and on weekdays, and the average market cost of such a service is about 1,500 rubles per hour.

Do not be afraid to offer children and their parents something that no one else has offered. Each new children's entertainment center is an important social phenomenon in the life of any region, city, even microdistrict. Do not skip the little things, and six months for payback will become easier for you than saying: “Let's go!”. Alexey Zagumennov

The approximate project budget for the first month is as follows:


As already mentioned, a children's entertainment center is one of the fastest types of net income. However, it is important to understand that the entertainment industry is a permanent Las Vegas with its lights, sparkles and daily premieres. Each season, the center needs to be updated with at least new decorations, posters or illustrations on the walls. Every month, the center will have to conduct special marketing promotions, attracting new visitors and maintaining relationships with existing ones. Every day you will need to conquer new heights, and not every entrepreneur is ready to really work. Of course, it is more profitable for someone to open an institution that does not require effort and gives a modest profit with the hope of paying off in ten or twenty years. But if the thirst for activity in you is combined with the desire to create something new, fun and profitable, then the entertainment industry is your way.

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