Plan of the Day of Open Doors in the University. Open Day Scenario in Technical School

Decor elements 24.09.2019

Scenarios of the day open doors in DDT.

"Children's kingdom, united state."

Slide 1.

(The House for arts and crafts for children).

Lead 1: Hello, boys and girls!

You came to us for the first time.

We are all glad to see you.

Do not crowp at the door,

Come as soon as

Lead 1: So the academic year began! And today we would like to open the doors to the world

Creativity and fantasy.

This hour came,

Doors manifest - for you

We have friends to take very flattering.

Inviting our home

Guest - Low Bow

And honorable place.

So let yourself, friends, introduce you to our home for children


Leading 1: This is an extraordinary, amazing house, where in a hurry

Others see and show yourself

He spins and turns in the rhythm of modern

Life, and move its tireless, creative, loving children

Teachers of additional education.

They help children decide, find an interesting thing that will be

In passionateness of this life, and possibly their future profession.

Many boys and girls find their own classes every day

Soul, they attend numerous associations in DDT and find themselves

New friends.

Lead 1: Friends - What a wonderful word!

With friends learn easier and relaxing fun!

Well, friendship begins with a smile!

  1. (Song "From Smile")

So let's, friends, give each other smiles!

Turn to each other, smile and shake hands!

(guys shake hands each other)

2. Music "Forest Piggy" sounds

(Gently appears slowly)

Les: What noise? What kind of gas?

How to make noise not ashamed?

Peelly, I dreamed in the forest, suddenly the noise of the wild

I listened - laugh, noisy.

I do not give rest.

Permissions asked?

Lead 1: And who are you?

Les: But guess.

There is one in the forest

Very important gentleman.

He has grown all bumps

On the face only visible nose.

May be grateful like a bunny

And his name is ...? (Led).

That's right, I was lying.

I got angry strongly.

Why did you woke me up?

Autumn came, cold, it came to sleep.

U-ya, how I am angry !!!

Now I'll find you, so as not to prevent me from resting.

Lead 1: Love, you are not angry, we know for sure.

The holiday is here here. The guys came to visit, and you swear here.

It is better to travel with us on our kingdom, maybe you

Wanted to visit some circle.

Leshe: Aaaaaa, do not want to be enchanted!

Okay, I'm not at all angry old man, only with the appearance, I am angry!

But if you do not want to be enchanted, do my task.

And if you do not handle, then you have a trick!

Lead 1: Okay, Leshe, let's go to your task!

(Leshego's tasks). (Reads Leshe himself.)

Les: - You will need to answer yes or not the whole choir on my questions!

  1. Open me one secret:

Live giraffes in the tundra? .. (no).

2. See a clear day of the clock,

So far in the sky, right? .. (no).

3. Orange and red

Hot believe? .. (yes).

4. Dan Machines green light,

You can go through zebra? .. (no.)

5. In the morning, the light,

The night comes, right? ... (no).

6. In the river choir water

And in the holes such? ... (no).

7. And there will be a star to us,

Since at night the sky in clouds? ... (no).

8. Wednesday forest

For Dyatlov, Zaitsev, protein? ... (yes).

9. The testator, reading always,

Eats a book, right? ... (no)

10. When cold come,

South fly all moose? ... (No)

  1. Snow melts - in streams water.

In the spring it happens? ... (yes).

Oh, what are the well done! Cope with the task!

Do not want to be enchanted!

Well, let's go according to your kingdom!

Lead 1: Love, and you love fairy tales? (Yes).

Do you guys?

Name your favorite fabulous heroes.

(Call any fabulous heroes).

1. Slide 2. (Stanley Theater Association

In our childhood kingdom also live fairy tales.

Yes, yes the most real fairy tales.

Lesy: Library with books What?

Lead 1: No! This is theatrical principality.

There are taught to make fairy tales and turn into various fabulous heroes.

And leads this principality ...........................

It opens children a wonderful world of the theater!

On the stage of the Stanley troupe.

1. Slide 3. (Studio "Shooting").

Look at the self-propeller.

You can go hiking on it.

In our shipyodynodel

It will find a matter of yourself.

50 years ................ Humane boys design ships.

Children who are engaged in shipyard sports every year go hiking, where the teacher teaches his pupils to survive in extreme conditions. And see what amazing models!

Each item, ranging from the case and ending with any trifle, made by the hands of children. Numerous victories of guys in regional competitions and participation in All-Russian competitions speak of high creative and sporting successes.

(Leshele carefully considers the models and shakes his head).

Leshe: This is the case for the boys suitable.

Well, well done guys!

1. Slide 4. (Studio "Snorper".)

Lead 1: In our kingdom there is a princess needlework.

Needlework is trained in the Studio "Snororny".

Studio "Snorper" was organized in 2000. In it, guys are engaged in

7 to 17 years old.

Here live real wizards.

In this principal, the "Puppet Workshop" works. In it guys perform

Dolls who served the defender with deep antiquity

Man, his family. Good hostess carefully stores houses

Matters, threads, ribbons. From all this you will be taught to perform a wonderful

Blanket, elegant pillowcase or pillow. This technique is called

Patchwork. And how beautiful products are beautiful in the macrame technique,

Beading! How nice to get a thing in a gift

Invested his own soul! With their works guys participate in different

Competitions and exhibitions, where they occupy prizes!

Les: Well, well done guys!

1. Slide 5. (Association "Bell")

Presenter 1: and in the vocal principality

You can learn singing

It will come in handy in life.

Head of the Association "Bell" ..............................

It is impossible to live without music and songs in the world!

1. Slide 6. (Photo Studio "Seagull".)

Lead 1: There is a miracle in our kingdom

What is impossible to hide the eye!

This is a miracle photo studio name!

Many years led this photo studio ........................... ..

He teaches the guys to the secret of photography. Guys with great desire

Attend classes. Occupy prizes with their works in

Various contests.

Les: Ay, yes, well done guys!

Meet, .................................. With a song ............

Leshe: So the kingdom! That's how the house!

Well lives in it!

In all the circles, I will sign out!

So much I want to be able to know and know!

Have fun here! And I am very boring in the forest!

Lead 1: Wait, Leshele, I haven't told everything yet!

1. Slide 7. (Combination "Friends of the Light Forest".)

Helps for a long time

Guys, each other, traffic light!

Explain without tense

He is the rules of movement!

And helps them in this head of the association


1. Slide 8. (Studio "The World of Fantasies".)

Les: When I was bored alone in the forest, I often fantasize!

Lead 1: Well, perfect, do not be sad!

Better "world of fantasy" visit

Fantasize how much will fit

Want - draw, and want a vacation.

Our circle which year

The first places takes.

Manages this mug. Master master and fideller


The Studio "The World of Fantasies" fully justifies its name, they are talking about this work performed in various techniques: Applications from pieces of fabric and fur, from domestic waste, buttons, beads. All of this you can learn from Irina Vyacheslavovna.

Studio work you can see at the exhibition.

1. Slide 9. (Choreographic team "Fun".)

Lead 1: In the twilight of our kingdom

You do not have to miss you!

Do you want to do a dance?

So it is not necessary to shy!

In the dance circle come,

Time with benefit to spend!

Head of the choreographic team "Fun"


On the scene choreographic team "Fun".

Les: Well, well done guys!

Les: To miss you have no time! Perhaps I will live here in this kingdom and everything

Take off!

Lead 1: I told you now

A fairy tale about our house and about us.

How we live, do not miss

Time is not losing.

Like mugs we attend

Together, we have fun!

1. Slide 10. End.

That came the moment of forgiveness,

Will be brief our speech

We say "Goodbye!"

Before happy new meetings!

Who wants to sign up in some circle, contact the DDT director.

How to tell new students who came to college on educational institution? Spend open day in the "festive form." Scenario Open Day In college, "gives an excellent opportunity to competently convey information to guests and future students.

Open Day in College - Beginning

Venue: Assembly Hall

Time: 12 00

Leading: Katya and Danya

Music sounds!

Danya: Good afternoon!

Katya: Good afternoon, everyone who gathered in this beautiful hall.

Danya: Today in our college a wonderful holiday - "Open Day".

Katya: open wide doors

You are Yun and excited

You do not even believe

That it is the beginning of the roads.

Danya: And maybe really

On our trigger

You will choose the future.

Katya: Yes, school time goes irretrievably. Among you there are graduates of the 11th and 9th grade. But do not be sad and sad, because it is now you are standing on
the threshold of a new life and maybe today will open new stage In your destiny.

Danya: And for a start, we suggest you to get acquainted with the history of our wonderful educational institution.

(Start Slideshow)

Katya: Year 1988. Opening of the Pikalevsky Pedagogical School. Slide

Danya: Year 1990! First edition.

Katya: Year 1991. Opening a new educational building. And from that time it became more spacious.

Danya: Year 1995. The opening of a new hostel took place. From this point on, we began to come from different parts to the Leningrad and Vologda regions.

Katya: 2000. Pikalevsky pedagogical school is assigned college status. Slide

Danya: In 2009, the College came to the Boksitogorsk Institute (Branch) of the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin. " Slide

Katya: Attention! From this time, the educational institution is called: College of the Boksitogorsk Institute (Branch) AOU VPO "Leningradsky state University named after A.S. Pushkin. "

Danya: A stable pedagogical team works in college, which includes 52 teachers. More than half of them have the highest qualifying category.

Katya: Today 360 students are trained in college! This is a huge figure! (Slide)

Danya: Why did these students chose exactly our college? Slide

Katya: And because we are near!

Danya: We are the only one educational institution Medium vocational education In Pikalevo and one of two in the Boxitogorsk district.

Katya: We are 25 years old. Over the years, college has released more than 1,000 qualified specialists who are in demand in Leningrad, Vologda region, St. Petersburg, abroad.

Danya: We hope that you will replenish the ranks of students of Picalev College.

Katya: And now we propose to interrupt the musical pause. Meet! For you sings ____________________________________________

Danya: Dear friends, we continue to get acquainted with our college! And now we will bow in the aura of the budic days of the educational institution. One of the main issues for the future student and their parents is - "What will I do?"

The scenario of the day of open doors in the center of out-of-school work "Youth", Komsomolsk-on-Amur. 09/29/2017

Speech by the ceremonial detachment of drummers.

Leading - Good day, dear friends! Hello, dear guys, respected parents and guests of the center of out-of-school work "Youth"! Today in our center is a very important holiday - "Open Day". The center of youth is a whole world, the world of creativity and entertainment. Here everyone can choose a lesson in the soul: singing or dance, knit or sculpt, try yourself as an actor or draw painting and crafts from paper. Today you can see what guys do in our creative associations! And here, in the walls of the assembly hall, the guys of creative associations of the center will perform.

And now for you sings "_ (name and ngazing of the Penship) _____"

Leading . Between adolescence and childhood

No bridges and fairy tales.

We will be inherited

Only the memory of these years.

We will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where with the rays of the eye there are dawns,

Where the sunny dreams where star paths,

Where in the songs are heard by the mixes and sadness.

For you sings (name) "___________________________".

Leading: Today we have a holiday day of open doors! With some creative associations you have already met. What is your name? Let's get acquainted! My name is Ilya Vyacheslavovich. And here gathered, very much, so let's do this: I will call the names of boys and girls and give tasks. If you have heard your name, quickly and friendly task. Let's try?

Well, Sasha, Dasha, Nadi, - show! (Guys get up from their places).

Well, Misha and Polina, - Smile!

Hey, Maxima and Cyril, - Will!

Well, Ksyusha and Irina, - come from!

Well, Dima, Paul, Vanya, - tight!

Well, ka, Yura and Christina, - Touch!

Well, Valera, bones, Yulia - Pull up!

Hey, Nikita, Vicky, Nastya, - Turn!

Well, Denisians, Ani, Rita, - Had!

What are the names I did not call? Well, a friendly choir name your names. (Children themselves call their rare names).

Leading: Well done! So we met with you, and I hope we will be friends.

And now the pupil of the theater studio "____________" (name) will read the poem "_______________".

Summer and rain, ice and skates.

Friends in the world and children,

Friend chamomile and cornflowers.

For you sings ______ (name) _____________________ Song "__________".

Leading: Music, Dancing, Merry Singing

WMIG will raise our mood to us.

After all, our concert is like Mamina Tales

It has magic, mystery, bright colors.

Leading: Youth is dancing

These are songs, baby laughter,

And our doors are open

From morning to evening for everyone!

Leading: Do you love riddles?

- at Lunch Son Vanya

Mom cooks soup in ... (not in a glass, and in a saucepan)

- tells us Papa Bas:

"I love candy with ... (not with meat, but with nuts or jam)

- Requests grandmother Arkash

From radishes to eat ... (not porridge, and salad)

- asked Mom Yuly

I pour the seagull in ... (not a saucepan, but in a cup)

- and in Voronezh, and in Tula,

Children sleep at night on ... (not on a chair, but on the bed)

Birthday on the nose - we baked ... (not sausage, and cake)

- in the sliders always dressed

Sleeps in the garden with a pacifier ... (not grandfather, but baby)

- revenge the roofs, furniture, frames,

Go fishing ... (no mom, and dads)

- and caprip, and stubborn,

IN kindergarten does not want ... (not mom, and daughter)

- doll dresses, pants

Love to sew always ... (not boys, and girls)

- old women go to the bazaar

Buy yourself ... (not toys, and products)

Leading: Oh, well, you have fun!

For you sings the soloist ensemble of the song and dance "___________" (name) ___________.

Leading Miracles live in a fabulous house

And the joyful laugh does not end.

Doors open everything for everyone!

Here, an unfamiliar tale lives,

And the magic behind the scenes is waiting.

There are only doors to open

And for the threshold without looking back to step.

Quickly spin in dance lich,

And in the present, we sleep the microphone,

Paints of the artist will become friends

Keep the little animal with your own hands.

On the scene show group "________________"


Oh, dance!

In it, the dream and witchcraft of fantasy -

And the breath is breaking!

Language is silent, some dreams and dreams,

And the flour is sweet, and admiring tears!

On our site there is a choreographic studio "________" with the number "____________".

Leading: Dear guys, dear parents! Whoever become in the future you or your children, knowledge and skills obtained in the center "Youth" will definitely use you in of the future life. After all, the creative approach is always important in every case!

There are no problems with creativity and our teams, meet the soloist of the ensemble of the song and dance "___________" (name) with the song "______________".

Leading: There is a house so in the world

Who love children

It is surrounded by light and heat.

And simply impossible

Go and not to notice

Curved from the windows

Light of peace and good.

For those who believe in a miracle

Open his doors,

In it life boils from light

Happy, bright faces.

Here, creativity is peaked

Here you are inspired ...

And every sound will tell you -

Childhood has no borders!

And as if at night late

The stars flas out here!

Here the teacher is a wizard

Talent, as light lights up.

Heat will warm the soul

Among the winter frosty,

And to each child

The path will find.

For you sings the show group "____________"

Leading: So our concert approached the end. But our holiday does not end. On the territory of the center you are expected creative platforms, master classes and a lot of interesting things. With the program of our holiday you can find in booklets that lie at the table of writing on the mugs or look at the main entrance. Have a good pastime.

I also invite you to visit the exhibition of creativity from natural material.

Welcome to our center!

Scenario Events

"Open Day".

Developed and held (11.12.16) - Pikalova E.A.

Multimedia Design - Abakumova G.V.

The preparation of concert numbers took part: Pinchukova L.N., Kisola V.V., Picalova E.A.

1 master: Good day, dear guests. We are glad to welcome you in our beautiful college. The word is provided by the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, an excellent student of national education, Director of the Pavlovsky branch of the Gubernsky Pedagogical College Garbuz O.I. (The presentation of college and the life of students is shown).

2 master: Hello, I am glad to welcome all of you sitting in this room.

1 master: There is a place in the city of Pavlovsk, where youth lives and daring courage and courage, talent and creativity.

2 Host: This is the Pavlovsky Pedagogical College!

1 Presenter: And a huge friendly student family.

2 Host: Students of specialties: "Teaching in primary grades"," Physical Culture "," Adaptive physical education", And" Preschool education"Are engaged in various circles, optional and sports sections.

1 Presenter: And now we are ready to show you your skills.

2 Host: We together, we repeat tirelessly, and this means that our college students are passionate about the development of new knowledge.

2 master: We are learning here, which means that we are united by the love of children and the chosen profession.

1 Presenter: We chose Pavlovsky Pedagogical College, which means that our generation continues the traditions of previous generations. On the stage of the Vocal Ensemble "Style", in its composition Students 2, 3 and 4 courses of the specialty "Teaching in primary classes" and "Pre-school education.

    Vocal ensemble "Style". Happinnes exists.

2 leading: We welcome today

Young friends.

Those who are full of strength and knowledge

Fresh thoughts and ideas.

All of you, the best elected

Among the many roads,

If in your college on this,

She led the threshold.

On stage Student Group 1 NK Iskakova Zarina

    Happiness over the ground. Iskakova Z.

1 Presenter:Youth is love. To one, she comes like the morning dawn in a dwell day. To others like a whirlwind, sweeping everything in its path. For many years, there is a traditional contest among the first-year schools "Formula of Success". On the scene the winner of the competition group 1 AFK.

    Dance "Bougi"

2 leading:Young people are considered any

Who is still a good spirit old!

These personalities are strong, bright!

This is a storm, emotions fire!

For you sings a group of group 4 NK Mazurin Kristina.

    Mirror. Mazurin Kristina

1 leading:Oh, youth, how good you are!

What could be wonderful?

Full, light your soul.

Compared only with the song.

On the stage of the duet, as part of a group of 4 NK of Mazurina of Christina and a student of 1 course of a group of 1 NK of a distortic zarina.


2 leading:Declare confidently

About yourself, as the character of the sense.

Well, if you take it out,

That in the hands of this case is burning.

For you, students of the group of 1 AFK are performed, meet.

    Gymnastic etude. Girls.

1 leading:When you are kinder than blue is a pinema,

And heart and light, love and fate.

You don't even know what song you are,

You do not even know how happiness you are.

On the Scene of Ponnaya Julia, a group student 3 NK

    Trynaya Yu. Folk song.

2 leading:To become a man, they have little to be born,

To become iron, there is little ore.

You have to remember, break,

And as ore sacrifice yourself.

You welcome students 1 course of specialties "Physical Culture" and "Adaptive Physical Culture"

    Gymnasic number. Boys.

1 Presenter: We all gathered in the walls of the Pedagogical College from different parts of the Voronezh region, but all of us unites love for the chosen profession, loyalty to their educational institution, irrepressible energy and the flight of thoughts, striving for creativity.

    Ensemble "Style" of wishes.

2 leading:On this, a small concert is over, and we will be glad to see you in our active, cheerful student family. Goodbye, dear friends, to new meetings.

Scenario of the holiday "Open Day"


Hello, adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world:

Music heard, smiles and laughter

The school opened the doors for everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

According to games, arrogance, for fabulous books.

In school life, childhood does not end,

Childhood and continues here.

Leading: Look at those who on the right, on the left, behind you. Look around yourself, smile all. When a man smiles - it means that he is good. And a smile tells us that we have good mood.

Chastushki sounds:

Oh, sister, looking,
What is the rally ahead?
Well, and noble part,
The heart froze in the chest!

This school, like a magnet,
All she shoes to them!
Then the naked honey ...
Do soil here phonite?

Difficult to our mind
Figure out what ...
So sweet to you this school
Tell me why?

1 student:

Day today is festive

All children are to visit us.

We will tell you about your third school.

2 student:

We will tell in order

What can you occupy here.

You just manage everything in a notebook to marry.

3 student:

Teachers here that

Only a creative approach! Forces, time, attention to the educational is enough for a year.

4 student:

Recompolates come to us

(Many no more than six), and they managed here and learn and grow!

5 student:

What are the lessons teach

Your kids S. early years? Dictation and control

For first grades, there is definitely not.

6 student:

When we are accustomed to Russian,

From life to keep up

Began to study another language

So that foreigners understand.

English from second grade

Teach forced fate.

We learn words of hard mass,

Erasing sweat with his forehead.

7 student:

In school life flows stream.

Lepim, knit, embroider,

Smart books read.

We dance and sing

In general, we have fun!

8 student:

In our school do not have to

Children to bother -

So many cases after study -

Will not understand what to start!

How many songs know dancing -

Though at night wake.

Independence in school

All the planets ahead.

9 student:

This is an exhibition of drawings.

Look like easy

Brushes with support

Exact workshop hand!

10 student:

We draw with passionate!

We sew toys kids,

Come to learn to us

Just not to be lazy!

11 student:

We remember our holidays -

Games, dancing, masquerade,

Jokes, laughter from samovar

And prizes for all guys.

12 student:

Chustry, Sports,

Brave, active,

Sophistication, curious,

Very attractive!

Smart, beautiful,

Woolly, happy,

Here are our guys!

14 student:

These are passionate

Suggest we can you.
Do not lose time in gift

Sign up to school to us!

Leading: Guys, you probably want to learn at school, really because? (Yes!) But before going to school, you need to collect your backpack. And what is put there? Now we will ask, and you answer "yes" or "no".

In the backpack, put a book? (Yes!)

And teddy bear? (Not!)

Take with your handle? (Yes!)

And, maybe with the sky of the puff? (Not!)

Put a ripe orange? (Not!)

And a grocery store? (Not!)

Take a ruler with you? (Yes!)

And canary bird? (Not!)

In the backpack put a notebook? (Yes!)

And also chocolate? (Not!)

We still put a smile and success? (Yes!)

Merry and prime children's laughter? (Yes!)

Leading: Well, our backpacks are collected. Now you need to hurry to school. In the morning you have to get up early, and so I want to lie down an extra minute ... And then, so as not to be late for the lesson, you have to hurry.

Leading: Now we will spend the relay. It is called "who is faster." You need a backpack behind my shoulders around the chair, return to the team and transfer the backpack to the next player. There will be 2 teams of 10 people will participate. And now we will choose those who want.

Leading: Well, teams are you ready? (Yes!) And Pogromic? (Yes!) Then on the start ... Attention ... march!

1 petal - memory.

Leading: The student should have a good memory?

Let's remember our favorite Russians folk tales.

Tales are asked -

You are friends,

Learn us!

It was not lying on the window -

Rolled along the track ... "Kolobok".

And the road is far away

Aqorzin is not easy

I would sit on Penos,

Eat the pupbodgin. "Masha and the Bear".

There is no river nor a pond -

Where to get drunk?

Delicious water

In the pit of the empty! "Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka."

Oh you, Peter-simplicity,

Spook a little:

Did not obey cat

Looks out in the window ... "Cockerel - Golden Scallop."

Opened the door of Kozdyat

And ... everything went somewhere! "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Game "Remember your place"

Children get up in a circle, remembered their neighbors, with whom you are standing nearby. Now the music will sound, we will walk in the class. As soon as the music stops, you must get up on your place.

2 petals - thinking.

Leading: We suggest you think, to strive on our tasks.

1. He snow fell a serving,

And behind him - Aleshka,
And behind him - Irinka,

And for her - Marinka,

And then fell Ignat.

How many guys in the snow?

2. Two goals at Ani,
Two goals at Vanya.

Two goals yes two. Kid!

How many of them? Cat up?

3. On the big sofa in a row

Tanny dolls sit:

Two bear, Pinocchio,

And cheerful chippolino

And kitten, and elephant.

4. Five raven on the roof of the village

Two else flew to them.

Answer quickly, boldly

How many all they arrived?

Leading: Well done boys! We continue to develop our thinking. Let's play the game "Third End". I call 3 subjects, and you say which one is extra.

Apple, cherry, tomato.

Cow, goat, pike.

Cap, scarf, cap.

Pencil, glass, spoon.

Bag, saucepan, suitcase.

Sausage, milk, saw.

TV, sofa, refrigerator.

Cat, dog, wolf.

Leading: And now I suggest you relax on a fun fizminutka.

3 petal-knowledge.

We will make you riddles, and you will see the deposits on the screen.

1. I'm in the ruler, I and the cage

I am waiting for a good mark.

I'm silent in the lessons

I want an excellent party. (notebook)

2. In this narrow box

Anything for the soul:

Handles, erase, sharpener,

And color pencils. (pencil case)

3. Do not bush, but with leaves,

Not shirt and sewn,

Not a man, but tells. (book)

4. How boring, brothers,

On someone else's back ride.

Here are residents of paper

All terribly important. (portfolio)

5. Guess what a thing

Sharp key, not a bird,

With this keyboard

Sow sews seeds

Not on the field, not in the Groke

On the sheets of your notebook. (a pen)

6. White pebbles melted,

On the board traces left. (a piece of chalk)

7. Love the nose everywhere:

And draw, and draw.

Everyone paint yourself

Multicolored noses. (the pencils)

8. Multicolored sisters

They bored without a water.

Uncle long and thin

Wears water beard.

And sister with him

Draw a house and smoke. (Tassel and paint)

4 petals - dexterity.

We will dance

Dance "Capital"

5 petal-conversion.

Leading: Game "Geometric Figures in Items"

Before you 4. geometric figures: Circle, square, rectangle, triangle. Task: In which subjects we can see these figures.

6 petal - attention.

Get ready, guys!

Collapse with my mind.

I read poems-riddles,

Very cunning at that.

I'll start, and you finish,

Choir answer together:

"That's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Who Vatago Water will run the school to school? ...

Who will keep in order books, handles and notebooks? ...

Who will be in the class late for an hour? ...

Which of you does not go fromte, loves sports and physical education? ...

Which of you from kids, walks dirty to ears? ...

Which of you, so good, sunbathing in caloes? ...

Which of you want to know, loves to sing and dance? ...

7 Petal - politeness. Let's check how you know polite words.

Even an ice block melts from the word warm ... (thanks)

Green old stump when hears ... (Good afternoon)

If there is no longer enough, say chefs ... (thanks)

The boy is polite and developed says when meeting ... (Hello)

When you get out for pranks, we say ... (please)

And in France, and in Denmark on Fareweigh ... (Goodbye)

Leading: Guys! You perfectly coped with all the tasks.

Let those qualities that are written on seven-degree flowers help you in their studies.


I'm in the fourth grade,
I love my school.
How come, everyone immediately: "Hello",
For the whole class I will pricker.

I always study lessons,
And in the mugs I still go.
His school is very cute
I guys find.

And I love to learn here,
And receive fives.
And after the holidays,
Quickly go to school again.

Do you know why we go to school?

Leading: This question will answer the song grades grade 4.

Song "School Rap"

Leading: And now we will listen to the speech of children who go to our d / garden. They prepared a poem "What awaits me at school."

1. It is waiting for me, firstly,
Waiting lessons,
Waiting friends.
Will be at school not to laziness,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
Travel start.
Waiting for nature, forest and field!
After all, go to the hike more than once ...

Waiting for me five in school
Waiting for me the whole first class!

2. "Soon I'll go to school!" -

I'm talking about this.

Passing on the street

Rooster and chicken,

Grandma on a bench and sister Talk.

I already bought a briefcase

Pens and notebooks.

We took care of my mother

Even about the dress!

3. We look forward to the hour,

When I go to the first class!

Although almost I am a student,

But the school is still not used to school.

Everything for me is unusual for me.

Alien, unfamiliar ...

But I'm not afraid

I smile and brave

And only one thing -

Everything will be fine!

Leading: - Well done!

Leading: Attention! I will make you a riddle.

Who is for everything in response? Deliciously killed in a buffet?

How do the guys teach? How to get a better repair?

Where to find the sponsor to pay the parties?

Know, every school is a person one ...

Everything: Director!

Leading: The word is provided to the school director.

Leading: Our holiday came to an end. Forward guys, for you today, the green light in the country of knowledge, where fun and joy, school and friends, teachers and parents, where you live and learn, you will always with you will be an open and loving teacher's heart.

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