Intellectual game "Star Hour" Primary classes. Game "Star Hour" in elementary school

Engineering systems 01.10.2019

The hall is festive decorated with flowers, balls. The exhibition of the drawings "Our Pernaya Friends" is decorated. In the execution of the ensemble of vocal - choral studio, the song "Stork on the roof" sounds the lead: There are wonderful creatures on our planet. They fly and sing and the land will be sly. Tell me, children can live without birds in the world? What happens if birds on earth suddenly disappear? Bukashki, bugs, worms on the trees will attack and eat a bark, leaflets, branches, kidney - that's what will happen if birds, if birds, everything will disappear - disappear! And there will be no chirping, wonderful Trells Nightingale, and Soroki Drying, Chik - Chirik Sparrow ... will be bored, kids know, live without birds on white light! Today we are going to celebrate the holiday - birds day. I hope you will learn a lot of new things. And the drawings were also held, at the end we will declare the winners and give them diplomas and memorable prizes. And now we will listen to the story of the bird, which settles on the roofs of houses and, according to legend, brings happiness. What is this bird? (Stork) (children wishing to take part in the event, a task is given in advance, prepare a story about the bird.) Story about aist. (Prepared by F.I.) Host: And now check, do you know much about the birds? For each correct answer, I will give you such birds, (silhouettes of cardboard.) At the end of the holiday we will define the winner - the best connoisseur of birds. Competition "Blitz - Tournament" 1. Which bird has a long tongue? (Dyatla - 15 cm.) 2. What kind of bird does not sit down on earth or on the water or on a tree? (Strizh) 3. What birds do not surround eggs? (Cuckoo) 4. What bird has the strongest beak? (Woodpecker) 5. What bird has become a symbol of peace on earth? (Pigeon) 6. Where does the bird sings louder? (In flight or on the branch?) (In flight) 7. Why can not touch the eggs and nest birds? (Because the birds then throw their nests) 8. Does the Skwort have its own song? (No, he imitates the singing of other birds and different sounds) 9. What bird sees well in the dark? (Owl) 10. What bird does not see in the dark at all? (Chicken) 11. Where does the cuckoo put eggs? (in the nest of other birds) 12. The most famous crow? (Karpusha) And now we will listen to a story about a bird that can accurately find the way home. What is this bird? (Dove) story about dove. (Prepared by F.I.) Competition "Find out a bird" Host: Can you find out the bird for her silhouette? Now we will check it. A) Showing the silhouettes of birds - you need to guess what kind of bird it is. B) find out the bird on the description. 1. The top of the head is sulfur, as if a gray hat is whatened. Breast and abdomen are also gray, and the back and wings are darling: they are brown, fierce. At the top, on wings, - white stripe. Under the neck a large black spot. Just like a bow or wide tie. Yours, what a french! (Sparrow) 2. Her head in a black hat, on the neck and on the chest a long black tie, back, wings and tail - dark, and breast brightly yellow, as if she dressed up in yellow vest. (Sinitsa) 3. They are all black on top, only over the tails white spot. Breast and abdomen white. The tail is short, a little twisted, as if horinka. (Swallow) 4. What is he chosen! Head and back black, on the back of a red spot, and on black wings - white specks and stripes. The whole is a drink. Many feathers flies behind him. (Woodpecker) And now we will listen to the story of the bird, which from ancient times serves as a symbol of beauty and tenderness. What is this bird? (Swan) story about Swan. (Prepared by F.I.) Competition "Barometer of Nature" Host: People have always watched birds and determined by their behavior, what the weather will be. Do you know any signs? 1. Swallows hide the surface of the water (to the rain). 2. Swallows fly up, then down (wait for the storm). 3. The haircuts fly low and shout (to the rain). 4. Sparrows are hiding under the roof (to the booth) 5. Bullfinch under the windows tweet (to thaw). 6. Pigeons are welcome, cucks are dug (to warm weather). 7. Sparrows bathe in the sand (it will rain). 8. The deeds sit on the tops of the trees (in front of the frost). 9. Crows sit on the snow (to thaw). 10. Seagulls walk in the sand, the sailors are stolen by longing, the seagull sat down on the water, wait ... (good weather). And now we will listen to the story of the bird, which all the time goes with a bag. What is this bird? (Pelican) Story about Pelican. (Prepared by F.I.) Host: Well, it's time to make it time to summarize our meeting. Awarding the winners in the drawings and winner competition on the results of the game.

Scenario of the competition "All about birds".

Goals and objectives:

    Expanding knowledge of students about birds.

    Development of creative abilities and cognitive interests of students.

    Development of collaboration of students and teachers during the preparation and implementation of the event.

    The formation of the culture of behavior and culture of the hearing, correct relations to each other.

    Formation of a positive attitude towards birds.

Form of holding: KVN contest.

Preliminary preparation.

Each team is preparing greeting, team name, emblems. Choosing the captain of the team in advance.

Equipment: Tables "Diversity of birds", slides, sound recording with voices of birds, laptop.

Contest's course.

    Opening part.

Leading. We begin the KVN and dedicate His birds. Play two swallow and "Ivolga" teams. To judge our KVN will be a jury in the composition of three people (submission of jury members). To determine which team will begin the first to be our KVN, we will draw a draw. (Captains of teams pierce a balloon where the number lies).

Leading. So, the first competition is "greetings of the teams." The competition in three points is estimated.

Example of greeting the team "Swallows".

Hello everyone, you, gentlemen! We respect we respect

We flew here here, we will play together.

You, of course, here as here, we have quite simple

"Swallow" are called us. Our Knaging Show,

And in the end, we are better

We are a winged team, we will know everything about the birds.

We are a team at least where

At school we play your

Now they came here.

Greeting Team "Oriole"

Nut knowledge hard,

But we do not love to retreat!

Curl in curious plays

On the fight causes

Team "Swallow" -

Team "Oriole".

Oriole is:


Very curious

Ready to play the team

Our motto: "Do not lose heart, stand above!"

Leading. Our second contest is "Blitz-tournament". Each team must quickly respond to ten questions. For each correct answer 1 point.

Questions for the blitz tournament.

1. What bird can fly the tail? (Hummingbird)

2. What bird has the longest language? (Dyatla - 15cm)

3. What bird makes a litter in the nest of fish bones? (Kingfisher)

4. What bird does not sit on earth or on the water or on a tree? (String)

5. What bird runs for the feed on the bottom of the river? (Dipper)

6. Which bird wings are not covered with feathers, but scales? (Penguin)

7. Birds breeding in winter? (Crossbill)

8. What does the word "Archeopterix" mean? (Ancient wing)

9. What birds call albino? (Birds that do not have pigment)

10. What bird can not fly? (Ostrich)

11. What bird is a floating nest? (At Chacom)

12. What kind of bird nest looks like a mittens? (Near the cinema)

13. What birds are sitting off the egg, holding it on the paws? (Penguins)

14. What means "Pelican" translated from Greek? (Bag)

15. What kind of birds are exactly the same name as mushrooms? (Lucked)

16. What bird sings the tail? (Snipe)

17.Which bird people say: the beauty of the angel, the voice of the devil, the fee of the villain? (Peacock)

18. How shouts the firebird? (Squabbles like a frog)

19. Who is the most amazing nose? (Klesta - Cross, Flamingo-Boomerang)

20. Move, similar to a mouse, is able to squeak? (Food)

Competition Third - "Captain Competition"

For the warm-up captains ask one question about the birds to each other.

Auction "Who more." We call the bird.

Competition Fourth "fourth extra".

The team receives cards with the names of four birds. Three of these birds are combined by some common feature, and one extra.

1. Three of the listed birds wintering, and one migrate. Find it.

(Sinitsa, bullfinch, woodpecker, rag.)

2. Among the birds indicated here, one is not singing. What?

(Nightingale, Gorichvostka, Penoch, Bekas.)

3. Three birds live in mixed forests, one in the steppes. Specify it.

(Ceremonary, Finch, Shooting, Sweet.)

4. One of the birds is not predatory. What? (Hawk, vulture, falcon, haircut.)

Playing with fans. Puzzles about birds.

Competition fifth. Comic mini quiz.

    What crest will not spread your head? (Petushin)

    Rooster demolished the egg, who will get it? (Egg roosters do not carry)

    Can an ostrich call himself a bird? (No. He does not know how to say)

    How to rip the branch not to scare the bird? (We must wait when the bird flies)

    What will the crow to do, having lived for three years? (Four will live)

    What city is the name of the bird? (Eagle)

    Why go to goose? (From the shore)

    Why do birds fly? (By air)

    Why duck floats? (On water)

    How many times do you need to take the letter "A" to get a bird? (Magpie")

    What tree sits down the crow during a torrential rain? (On wet)

    Why a rooster when sings, closes his eyes? (Wants to show that he sings by heart)

Competition Sixth. "Triple Swisso."

Each team is issued for two cards with the task. Need to determine

what kind of bird name is encrypted in cells. In order not to make a mistake, the team has the right to ask the leading three questions and prompts. Three prompts are as follows: a. Where dwells? B. What is food? V. Estimible features?

The competition is assessed in this way, if the team gives an answer after the first prompt, then it receives 3 points, after two tollsos-2 points, after three prompts - 1 point.

A. In Asia, Japan

B. grain, worms, insects

B. On the knightly peters of these birds were served on a table on silver, in golden necklaces.


A. in America

B. Nektar.

Q. May be in a state of talking at a time when little food.

Seventh Competition. Crossword on the letter "C". The number of points depends on the number of birds named, time is limited.

Competition eighth. Quiz "Barometers of Nature". Put the words in the right order to get weather prediction.

    Wheards water swallows surface hide. (Swallows hide the surface of the water. To the rain)

    Hiding strobs under the sparrow. (Sparrows are hiding under stronger. To the bore)

    Under the bullfinch twist windows. (Bullfinchs tweeted under the windows. To thaw)

    Pigeons, cuckoo dug, welcome. (Pigeons are welcome, cuckoo people. To warm weather)

    The tops on the crows of trees are sitting. (Crows sit on the tops of the trees. Before Moroz.)

    Swallow flies in the nest and often. (Swallows bathe and often fly into the nest. To the rain)

The jury summarizes. Awards the team winner. Music sounds.

Scenario of the holiday on the ecological theme "Earth - our home native"

Made up and spent: Waiga Vera Andreevna Educator d \\ C No. 63 of the city Stary Oskol Belgorod region

Pedagogically tasks.

    Secure knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

    Learn careful and kind relation to nature and to each other.

    Deliver joy to children from participating in a common holiday.

The hall is decorated with posters and drawings about the protection of nature created by children and their parents.


Forest not only for our fun,

He is the wealth of Russia.

All trees in it, berries, herbs

We benefit, friends are grown.

Each bush take care, guys!

Where the sprout you will see a simple

May grow oak in three coverage,

Bereznyak Ile Malinnik thick.

And how many nuts and berries!

Heart of any, knee know that for the year

Young people broke into the pine.


There is just a temple

There is a temple of science, and there are still nature temple -

With forests, pulling hands

Towing the sun and winds

He is light at any time of the day

Open for us in the heat and smean,

Come here,

Be heart a bit,

Do not defile her shrines.

Children go on the carpet, stand freely and perform the dance composition "Solar Mosaic".


In the morning the sun gets up,

He calls everyone to the street.

Child comes out


I go out of the house, -

Hello my street!

I sing, and in the embroidery

Sing the birds to me.

Herbs whispering to me on the way:

You are more, a friend, grow.

I answer herbs I,

I answer the winds I,

Hello my homeland.

Performed song "Motherland Thank you" muses T. Popatenko, sl. N. Founded.


Children, not so good on Earth, look around and offer your help. It is necessary not only to love nature, but also to guard, take care, to increase.

Saws, give rise to - and you will become richer not only by forests, meadows, but also soul.

Children read poems about colors.

    Flowers disappear on Earth

Every year it is noticeable.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves us every summer.

    I am ready to argue with a whole world

I am ready to swear your head

In the fact that there are eyes in all colors,

And they look at us with you.

Per hour in thought and anxiety,

In the bitter hour of trouble and failure

I saw: Flowers, how people cry

And the dew drops into the sand.

    If I give a flower,

If you break the flower,

If all: I and you, if we break the flowers -

Empty all glasses

And there will be no beauty.

The dance of "colors" is performed.

Scene "Chamomile" and "Herbal Witch".

Girl "Chamomile" sits with a bouquet of medicinal herbs in his hands.


Many herbs grows useful

On the land of the country.

Can cope with the disease

Mint, Pijma, St. John's wort

Herbal witch.

I want you, my friend

Give another flower in a bouquet

(stretches the bunch of dope)


I solved your deception!

Look, here is Duman -

Poisonous grass

Golova will break off

From your gift

Disassemble it back it.

Herbal witch runs away.


Oh, this herbal witch!

So strives to make nastiness:

Then the root poison will appear,

That grass is inedible.

Stray, a herbal witch is returned.

Herbal witch.

I dressed guys

Better together in the forest go,

We collect sage and mint,

Tender Lily of Narrem.

They put them in the water.


I understood, brothers, immediately

Sly idea it.

Blowers children from the witch.

She threatens a chamomile fist and runs away.


We are a plant that we know, we save and guard

From such dashing like this

Collectors bouquets.

In the book red they

Have long been listed.

We are not swearing them

Their gifts of the forest kingdom

People make medicines.


Guys, who knows what "Red Book of Nature"?

One of the children:

This book in which rare species of plants, animals, insects are entered. Representatives of nature listed in this book should be protected particularly carefully. Moth are listed in the "Red Book" and it should not be held.

Scene "Child and Moth".


Moth, how so?

All day you flew

And not tired at all?

Tell me how you live?

What do you eat? What do you drink?

Where is your world? Where is your home?

Tell me!


I live on the meadows and in the gardens, and in the forests,

I fly all day in blue skies.

Sun gentle light illuminates my shelter

Me food and drink - flowers flavors,

But I live for a short time - no more than a day.

Be kind with me and do not touch me.

Dance. Composition "Birds".

Poems about the birds.


We are madly rich,

In our pieces and groves,

So much pernate -

Just the diva is given.



The wounded bird in the hands was not given,

The wounded bird remained a bird.

I still dream this dream -

On the grass bloody shuddered a bird.

Birds, fish, animals

In the soul, people watch.

You regret them, people!

Do not kill in vain!

After all, the sky without birds is not the sky!

And the sea without fish is not the sea!

And the earth without animals is not the earth!

People - Humans, Countries and Peoples

We are now forever debtors of nature

Need to pay off with this debt

Let the wings of the wounds wangbang.


It is very important, children to surround us a lot of trees. The air is clean and fresh only where many green friends grow.

Trees and flowers decorate our streets, yards and kindergarten.

Poem "Berezonka".


Birch my berezonka,

My birch is white,

Birch curly!

Stand you, you, Berezonka,

Count the valley,

On you, Berezonka,

Green leaves.

Under you, Berezonka,

Silk grass.

Near you, Berezonka,

Red girls

Wreaths whipped, dance.

Dance "Birch"


And of course, anxious,

That sometimes we mindlessly

Do not store what we have

Do not spare, do not regret.


Not for nothing

Like the smallestness

We are on this planet

Live and edit left.


Not the owners like

So good your ruin

And proud of nature

And Fatherland love.

Performed song "Music Everywhere Lives" Muses. S. Sosnin Sl. V. Sevennina.

"Birds Day"

(environmental scenario)

deputy Director for BP

Gorgeous School

Lakas 2010

Goals and objectives:

Expanding students' knowledge about birds, horizons.

Develop cognitive activity.

Educating love and careful attitude towards nature.

Participants: Students of medium and high schools.

Preparatory work:

    A month before the holiday at school, the Bird House competition is announced - for the best birdhouse. Recommendations and samples of structures are hung on the school environmental stand on the heading "Soon the Holiday of Birds."

    Two weeks before the holiday, the school holds a competition of emblems (collective and individual works) to the day of the birds. Before the holiday, the results and the best emblem becomes the emblem of the holiday.

    Schoolchildren of secondary classes get a task: for the holiday each class prepares performance for 5 minutes. About any bird on your choice. Speech includes:

Story about the bird

Poem about this bird or birds in general

Drawing of the chosen bird

Bird costume.

    High school students are preparing presentations (3-5 minutes) on any topic about the birds: "Birds", "Tropical birds", "Birds of the Meshchera", etc.

Hall registration: The hall is decorated with ecological newspapers of past years, posters about birds. On the tables in the hall arranged an exhibition of birdhouses. The scene hangs the school emblem of the holiday, the emblems of the ride, the Oksky reserve, the nursery of rare species of the caravel.

Equipment: Computer with multimedia projector and screen, task cards, siny costumes and forty.

For the holiday, the jury (teachers, high school students, or mixed) are selected, which evaluate the participation of each class, at the end of the holiday summarize and declare the winner (given the competition of the emblems and the bubber competition)

Event flow:

On stage crashesmagpie:

Attention attention! Urgent information! All-all! In our school today is the holiday of birds! Now all the surrounding birds come here and we will arrange the fun here! Fly, squeeze! (Stops, looks into the hall) Hey, what are you doing here? What are you here? We will have fun without you. Let's quickly free the room. Well, what are sitting, get out of here!


Quiet, quietly, what you, long-tailed, raskoaded! No one should drive out. Today, on the holiday of birds, the birds are not at all. All the guys came here to learn more about their feathers, learn to help us, wild birds, protect us and guard us.

Forty: And who will all it tell them?

Tiny: We are with you.

Forty: Can we? I never spent the holidays, I do not know how.

Tiny: Then let's guys ask us to help us! They know a lot about the life of birds. So let them share with their knowledge with comrades.

Speeches of middle-class students. Stories about birds, poems, demonstration of costumes and drawings.

Forty: Listen, Tit, and I did not know that the birds are so different, so interesting live. So it happens, you live nearby, we meet almost every day, and you do not know anything about your neighbors.

Tits: Thank you guys for their interesting stories. But that's not all. High school students prepared us a story about birds of prey.

Grade 9 presentation.

Forty: Nightmare-Rr! Nightmare-Rr! What are these terrible these eagles and cruise. And I did not tell you how I once met with one hawk? Wow and give him ... imagine ...

Bin: (interrupts) wait, another time you boast. And now another presentation. In it, we can see the birds familiar to us, maybe the guys will tell about forty, and about the tit.

Forty: Is that, now there will be a story about me?

Bin: There will be a story about the birds of the protected mesh. And we live with you exactly there.

Presentation "Birds of Meshchera"

Soroka: You know, the cinema, I sat yesterday on the branch, looked at the neighboring trees, grass, bushes and poems me. Listen to. (proudly advocates forward and decals calls)

Herbal green

Sun shines.

Swallow with spring

In the sen of us flying.

Cinema. Good poems. And familiar to many guys. Only wrote their good Russian poet Alexei Plescheev, but not at all.

Forty: Well, okay okay. But after all, the grass is green?

Bin Yes.

Forty: Sunlight glitters?

Bin Yes.

Forty: What does this mean?

Cinema what?

Forty: that the nests are time to build! Again carry branches, moss. You know how difficult!

Cinema: Yes, it is not easy ... But here we will help us.

Forty: ha ha ha! What are these boys to climb on the trees and vite us nests?

Sichka: No, they did what we can do with our wings. See which houses they prepared for us!

Bunner competition.

Forty: Live well in the bunch. The cat will not get, and the hawk will not get either. And you know, some birds build nests right on Earth. Horror than only they think! After all, a snake can be climbed into the nest! And you know, I saw a snake once .. I am her K-ah-ah ...

Bin: (interrupts) And you know that snakes and lizards are our close relatives, practically ancestors.

Forty: Well, you invented! Maybe some kind of kerching, or there have such terrible relatives, but there is nothing like that in my family.

Tiny: And you look and find out how it was actually and from whom we, Pernaya, all happened.

Presentation "The Evolution of Birds".

Forty: yes-aa. Live and learn. Listen, I have a familiar parrot, he even talks like a person. What, he also occurred from these reptiles?

Cinema: Yes, of course, he is also a bird, though tropical.

Forty: Corresponds to the syllables) Tro-Pi-Ca-I. What does it mean?

Bin: Now you know. After all, the next our story about the birds that live far in the south.

Presentation "Tropical Birds"

Forty: How much I learned today. What do you think, cinema, I became smarter? Bin: Of course, it is necessary. And we, and the guys in the hall learned a lot of new things today and, of course, became smarter. And now they will prove it to us. We invite on stage 5 people from each class. We start our competitive program.

1 contest "Guess the bird." Leads ask questions for which you need to learn and call a specific bird. After 1 question - 10 points, 2-8 points, 3-6 points, 4 - 4 points. Not answered - another team can answer. She gets 4 points. (Attachment 1)

2 contest. Collect a bird. Each team gets a paper feature of a rooster, cut into parts. With tied eyes need to collect silhouette, fixing the details of the magnets on the board. (Appendix 2)

3 contest. Each team gets a set of cards with birds. You need to distribute cards on environmental groups (5 birds in the group). (Appendix 3)

Bin: While teams are preparing, we will spend the quiz. And everything is about us, birds.

Quiz (Appendix 4),

answers to questions 3 contest.

Sichka: Our meeting came up to completion. We learned a lot today, learned a lot.

Forty: Wait, and who won today?

Sichka: And now this will tell us our respected jury.

Summing up, honoring winners.


Attachment 1.

lives in the forest, chicks inside the tree

spring Song Looks like a drum fraction

eats insects living in wood

black with a red hat (desire)

alight of human height

in Yakutia, he is considered a sacred bird

in the nest 2 eggs, but only one chick survives

white with black ends of wings (bar)

food is powered

nest in Nore

one of the brightest birds of the vesets

for food dives into the water (kingfisher)

flies from southern countries late spring or early summer

nest on the upper branches of high trees

bright yellow plumage

creek looks like a cry of an angry cat (Ivolga)

close relative of Kur.

character of the film "White Sun of Desert"

served decoration of royal gardens and parks

lives in African savanna

in one socket, eggs are postponed by several females

ring eggs and raises mames chicks

it flies very badly, but it runs very quickly (ostrich)

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Environmental groups:

flecting birds: Ostrich, Penguin, Kiwi, Dream

birds of prey: Eagle, Philin, Sipuha, secretary, falcon;

summer Birds: Duck, Mustache, Lyshuha, Swan, Pelican;

graining Birds: Pheasant, Chicken, Partridge, Tetra, Peacock

tropical Birds: Parrot, Hummingbird, Weed Chicken, Toucan, Rhino Bird

Appendix 4.


1. Name the smallest birds (Hummingbird. The length of the body of the humming bee is 57mm, and the weight is 1.5g.)

2. What bird imites snake? (wryneck)

3. What bird is called a bull? (drink-water bull, Bugai)

4. Diver Bird (Olenipa)

5. What birds build a nest, but the eggs do not cause? (weed chickens - the nest incubator)

6. What distance fly swallows for "working day" -15-18 hour. (up to 1000 km)

7. Which bird feeds chicks "bird milk" (dove-curly mixture of goiter)

8. Which bird sockets can be there (Strezh-Salangan)

9. What bird and why is called "forest cat" (Oriole)

10. What is the symbol of what is the owl? (wisdom)

11. Is the most major representative of the owls in the mesh? (owl).

12. What kind of "bird" can be found in the reception chiefs? (Secretary)

13. What bird is unfairly accused of stealing? (Goat)

14. What kind of bird got the name for sings the song early in the morning? (Zoryanka)

15. What bird is the features of her movements reflect? (Wagtail)

16. What bird can you meet in the kitchen? (Wiping).

17. Which bird in the nest can be seen fish? (Swimfound, Skop)

18. For that one of the coastal kelits got the nickname "carrier"? (flies over the water from the shore to the shore)

19. Why is the largest of our forest birds call deaf? (when the deulicer sings, he does not hear anything)

20. What birds do the chicks raise dad? (ostrich)

The game is designed for elementary students, the topic is the nature of Karelia.
Developed it by analogy with the game "Star Hour" when he studied at the school, helped her a teacher on the subject of "leisure events", conducted a game in school, in summer school camps. There is a similar game on the history of Russia :)

Design: Cabinet is conditionally separated into 3 zones - the audience, the zone of the lead (at the board) and six seats for players.

It is necessary to cook: tokens for a qualifying round and playing with spectators, pictures or inscriptions, 6 sets of numbers from 0 to 5, cards with letters and 2 words for the final game.

Game traffic:
1 tour - qualifying (from the total number 6 major players are selected)
2 round - from 6 players are removed 2
3 round - from 4 players remain 2 who scored the greatest number of points
4 round - a game with the audience, during which the word for the final game is determined
5 Tour - Final Game - Drawing words from the letters, a given word

1 tour. The presenter makes the riddles, for the correct answer - tokens. Six people who scored more tokens go to the next round. For participants with the same amount of tokens, a mystery is made, who will answer - wins.
Riddles for the first round.
What is higher forest
Beautiful light
Is it burning without fire? (the sun)
On high road
There is a bull
Day he sleeps
And at night I look. (month)
In the evening it takes
Night on earth arrives
In the morning it flies again. (dew)
Walks in the field, yes not a horse,
Flying on the water, yes not a bird. (wind)
No legs, but goes,
There is no eye, but crying. (rain and cloud)
In blue sea
White geese sail. (clouds)
Knocking loudly
Clever shouts.
And what does it say, not to understand anyone
And the sages do not know. (thunder)
She walked
In the cheese, the land was stuck. (rain)
9. Golden Bridge spread
Seven villages, seven miles. (rainbow)
Without hands, without legs,
And it knows how to draw. (frost)
In winter heats
Spring smoke
Summer dies
In the fall comes to life. (snow)
What to do not roll out
In solve not to carry
And in your hands not to hold? (water)
Not a gem
And glows? (ice)
When I'm a black - I'm sideways and donor,
But only blushing and submitted. (cancer)
Who is wearing your home? (snail)
Saved carpentry without an ax,
Cut off the hut without corners. (snail)
I found the ball, broke it -
I saw silver and gold. (egg)
Day silent
I scream at night. (Filin, Owl)
In the middle of the trees of the Blacksmiths Kuyut. (Dyatla)
Among the courtyard is a shock,
Ahead of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (cow)
Does not hide, not a clay,
And people dress up. (sheep)

2 tour. Animals
The tokens won in 1 round are closed, now players earn stars. If the players answered the question correctly - the stars are not given.
On the tables in front of the players lie cards with numbers from 0 to 5.
On the board (screen) numbered pictures. Players, listening to the question, raise a card with the correct answer number. If the correct answers are somewhat - several cards are raised. "0" means that there is no such answer.
1. Wolf
2. Zayats
3. Bear
4. Lisa
1. Who are the ancestor of dogs? (Wolf - 1)
2. But in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin lived in a crystal palace? (protein -0)
3. What do you say "in the winter sleeps, in the summer of hives grumbled"? (Bear - 3)
4. What animals go to flocks? (wolves - 1)
5. The one of these animals go down the slides easier than to get up? (Bay - 2)
6. Please say "His legs feed"? (Wolf-1)
7. Spinning like ... in the wheel. (Squirrel - 0)
8. In the mountains, there is a fur coat for dollars, yes caftan (Baran -0)
9. Who caught a fish in the fairy tale? (Wolf -1)
10. A characteristic feature of this animal is the tail to which it acts as a wheel, making sharp turns during the persecution (Fox - 4)
11. All these animals are valuable fur (wolf and fox, 1 and 4).
Following the round, there are 4 players.

3 round. Plants
On the board (screen) images or words
1. LUK.
2. Radish
3. Blueberry
4. Cranberry
5. Mak.
1. Red mouse with white tail, in mink sits under a green bush. (radishes - 2)
2. No one scares, but all trembling. (Osin - 0)
3. Little kids are sitting under the sheet on each branch. The one who kids will gather, hand wipes and mouth. (Blueberry-3)
4. Head on the leg, and in the head of the earrings. (Mac - 5)
5. Does not hit, does not bite, but they cry from him. (Luk- 1)
6. These berries will find on a large forest swamp - as if red peas (cranberries - 4) were added there.
7. I grew out of the crumb-barrels,
The roots allowed and grew.
I became high and mighty -
I'm not afraid thoring neither clouds.
I feed pigs and protein.
Do not look that the fruit is my chalk. (oak - 0)

Following the tour, 2 players remain, they will draw up words from the letters of a big word. This word for them will be the audience.

Game with spectators.
On the board (screen) cards, on the back of which letters. Opening all the letters, it turns out a word for a super game. Fans guess the riddles, the first letter of the riddle is in the word. Thus, the word is slowly opened, and the audience earn the tokens. For one letter 2, the riddles are complex and easy (not all nature ridings, but mainly on the topic).

Questions for playing with fans:
M.1. What plant in Karelia bloom first? (mother and stepmother)
At least I am with grains,
But strong as a bull,
Without a minute
I'm not used to sit.
Though without broom -
I am a janitor, always watch ready
For cleanliness in the district,
So that our forest is healthy. (ant)
L.1. What is the name of a flying squirrel (flying)
L.2. Who rules the country where Chippolino lived? (Prince Lemon)
E.1. Peace, squirrels, voles (spruce) eat seeds
E.2. Whose desires in the fairy tale performed pike? (Emeteli)
K.1. What insect "hears" legs? (grasshopper)
K.2. What bird does not raise eggs? (cuckoo)
O.1. The main occupation of the inhabitants of the tundra? (reindeer herding)
O.2.Whhere who eight legs? (octopus)
P.1. What bird does not fly? (penguin)
Thin stem from the track
At the end of his earrings.
On Earth are leaflets -
Little raffins.
Us he is like a good friend
Heals wounds of legs and hands. (plantain)
And.1. What letter do you need to put before the name of the river to get a bird? (and - Oriole)
AND 2. Who was the tail on his birthday? (IA)
T.1. My skins striped from the mustache and to the tail,
I am a hunter, on the extraction attack from the ambush.
Quiet, I pour on the jungle, like a shadow.
I love to swim on a hot day (tiger)
T.2. Who are called "sea hare"? (seal)
A.1. Where does Kangaroo live? (Australia)
A.2. The longest snake in the world? (anaconda)
Yu.1. What is the name of the portable dwelling from the felt among the peoples of Asia and Siberia? (yurt)
Yu.2. Guys have fun with me
On the leg, I turn one thing.
While getting back, I'm not a mellow.
Juzhu-buzz, Juzhu-Zhuzhu. (Yula)
Shch.1. Lake Predator (Pike)
Shch.2. Capricious sandals
Once I was told:
"We are afraid of tickle
Shoe strict ... (brushes)
The most active viewer is a prize.

Word is obtained

Super game.
From the letters of the words, players make up their words, they must be nouns the only number. Gives 1 minute to compile words. We consider the stars from players who have more - then he can skip the name. After this, the players are in line call their words, it is impossible to repeat.

This game in the original form was used by me very many times, it passes during the lesson. All participants are busy. Now I looked at it in a new way, you can change a lot. Do not throw in me anything, if something is wrong, change at your discretion!

Scenario of Intellectual Game for Junior Students "Star Hour"

Purpose: The development of cognitive activity of students.
1. To summarize, systematize the knowledge of children around the world, literary reading, Russian language in a game form.
2. Expand the horizon of students, develop memory, thinking, speech.
3. Suppose to cohesion of the team of parents and children.
Equipment: Set of stars and tokens for a qualifying round and playing with spectators, 6 sets of numbers from 0 to 5, cards with letters words mammals for the final game, multimedia installation for viewing slides "Animals", "Plants".
Registration: The hall is conditionally separated into 3 zones - the audience, the zone of the lead (center) and six seats for players, decorated with balls, inscription in the center of Star Hour stars.

Game traffic:

(under the sounds of the song "Miracle" from the TV game "Star hour" entering the hall of the game)
- Hello guys, dear parents and guests!
Today we spend with you the game called "Star Hour". In this game we participate: ... (10 people)
Rules of the game: the game consists of 5 tours.
1 tour - qualifying (from the total number 6 major players are selected)
2 round - from 6 players are removed 2
3 round - from 4 players remain 2 who scored the greatest number of points
4 round - a game with the audience, during which the word for the final game is determined
5 Tour - the final game - drawing up words from the letters, a given word.
- With the right answer, the participant earns 1 star. After each tour, the player who scored the smallest number of stars leaves the game and becomes the viewer. And so everyone is ready, we start the game "Star Hour".
1 tour - Determining. I make riddles, for the correct answer - tokens. Six people who scored more tokens go to the next round. For participants with the same amount of tokens, a mystery is made, who will answer - wins.
Riddles for the first round.
What is higher forest
Beautiful light
Is it burning without fire? (the sun)
On high road
There is a bull
Day he sleeps
And at night I look. (month)
In the evening it takes
Night on earth arrives
In the morning it flies again. (dew)
Walks in the field, yes not a horse,
Flying on the water, yes not a bird. (wind)
No legs, but goes,
There is no eye, but crying. (rain and cloud)
In blue sea
White geese sail. (clouds)
Knocking loudly
Clever shouts.
And what does it say, not to understand anyone
And the sages do not know. (thunder)
She walked
In the cheese, the land was stuck. (rain)
9. Golden Bridge spread
Seven villages, seven miles. (rainbow)
Without hands, without legs,
And it knows how to draw. (frost)
In winter heats
Spring smoke
Summer dies
In the fall comes to life. (snow)
What to do not roll out
In solve not to carry
And in your hands not to hold? (water)
Not a gem
And glows? (ice)
When I'm a black - I bite and donor,
But only blushing and submitted. (cancer)

Who is wearing your home? (snail)
Walled carpenters without an ax,
Cut off the hut without corners. (snail)
I found the ball, broke it -
I saw silver and gold. (egg)
Day silent
I scream at night. (Filin, Owl)
In the middle of the trees of the Blacksmiths Kuyut. (Dyatla)
Among the courtyard is a shock,
Ahead of the pitchfork, behind the broom.
Does not hide, not a clay,
And people dress up. (sheep)
- So, summarize. We consider the stars who have less stars, he drops out of the game and becomes the viewer. (Retired children, get sweet prizes. The game remains 6 players).
2 tour. Animals.
If the players answered the question correctly - the stars are not given.
On the tables in front of the players lie cards with numbers from 0 to 5.
Animals appear on the screen, each under their number. Players, listening to the question, raise the card with the number of the correct answer. If the correct answers are somewhat - several cards are raised. "0" means that there is no such answer.
1. Wolf
2. Zayats
3. Bear
4. Lisa
1. Who are the ancestor of dogs? (Wolf - 1)
2. But in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin lived in a crystal palace? (protein -0)
3. What do you say "in the winter sleeps, in the summer of hives grumbled"? (Bear - 3)
4. What animals go to flocks? (wolves - 1)
5. The one of these animals go down the slides easier than to get up? (Bay - 2)
6. Please say "His legs feed"? (Wolf-1)
7. Spinning like ... in the wheel. (Squirrel - 0)
8. In the mountains, there is a fur coat for dollars, yes caftan (Baran -0)
9. Who caught a fish in the fairy tale? (Wolf -1)
10. A characteristic feature of this animal is the tail to which it acts as a wheel, making sharp turns during the persecution (Fox - 4)
11. All these animals are valuable fur (wolf and fox, 1 and 4).
- summarize. Following the round, there are 4 players.
3 round. Plants.
Images of plants appear on the screen under their numbers.
1. LUK.
2. Radish
3. Blueberry
4. Cranberry
5. Mak.
1. Red mouse with white tail, in mink sits under a green bush. (radishes - 2)
2. No one scares, but all trembling. (Osin - 0)
3. Little kids are sitting under the sheet on each branch. The one who kids will gather, hand wipes and mouth. (Blueberry-3)
4. Head on the leg, and in the head of the earrings. (Mac - 5)
5. Does not hit, does not bite, but they cry from him. (Luk- 1)
6. These berries will find on a large forest swamp - as if red peas (cranberries - 4) were added there.
7. I grew out of the crumb-barrels,
The roots allowed and grew.
I became high and mighty -
I'm not afraid thoring neither clouds.
I feed pigs and protein.
Do not look that the fruit is my chalk. (oak - 0)
- summarize. Following the tour, 2 players remain, they will draw up words from the letters of a big word. This word for them will be the audience. In the meantime, the black box. Now you can still earn extra stars.
"Black box".
Tasks for the "black box".
"I ask questions, and the answers to these questions are in the" black box ", who is faster and correctly answered, he will receive the stars. We listen carefully the first question:
1. What is it? Her tolver in the stage and wear those who do a useless business; She is gained in her mouth, not wanting to talk; Ends are hidden with dishonest people; Sometimes it goes dry. (Water)
2. There is a thing that one fabulous crocodile, "like a daw, swallowed." What is this thing? (Urinary) - The presenter demonstrates the washcloth.
3. The subject is the subject that made the old man and an old woman after practicing a small sulfur mouse. They calmed down only when they received the same subject in return, but other quality and color. What is this? (Egg) - the presenter demonstrates the egg.
4. With the help of the item that is inside the box, you can make it possible to make a variety of things, and you can kill one fabulous character. What lies here? (Needle) - the presenter demonstrates the needle.
5. Using it was poisoned by Tsarevna in the "Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes"? (Apple)
6. What is it? From him, Dad Carlo sewed a hat for Pinocchio? (Sock).
- So, we summarize this tour.
We have 2 players left. Now they can relax a little and prepare for the final 5 round. In the meantime, 4 round is a game with the audience.
4 round - play with spectators, during which the word for the final game is determined.
On the board card, on the back of which letters. Opening all the letters, it turns out a word for a super game. Fans guess the riddles, the first letter of the riddle is in the word. Thus, the word slowly opens, and the audience earn the tokens. For one letter 2 puzzles - complex and easy.
Questions for playing with fans:
M.1. Medicinal plant blooms early spring? (mother and stepmother)
At least I am with grains,
But strong as a bull,
Without a minute
I'm not used to sit.
Though without broom -
I am a janitor, always watch ready
For cleanliness in the district,
So that our forest is healthy. (ant)
L.1. What is the name of a flying squirrel (flying)
L.2. Who rules the country where Chipolino lived? (Prince Lemon)
E.1. Peace, squirrels, voles (spruce) eat seeds
E.2. Whose desires in the fairy tale performed pike? (Emeteli)
K.1. What insect "hears" legs? (grasshopper)
K.2. What bird does not raise eggs? (cuckoo)
O.1. The main occupation of the inhabitants of the tundra? (reindeer herding)
O.2.Whhere who eight legs? (octopus)
P.1. What bird does not fly? (penguin)
Thin stem from the track
At the end of his earrings.
On Earth are leaflets -
Little raffins.
Us he is like a good friend
Heals wounds of legs and hands. (plantain)
And.1. What letter do you need to put before the name of the river to get a bird? (and - Oriole)
AND 2. Who was the tail on his birthday? (donkey IA)
T.1. My skins striped from the mustache and to the tail,
I am a hunter, on the extraction attack from the ambush.
Quiet, I pour on the jungle, like a shadow.
I love to swim on a hot day (tiger)
T.2. Who are called "sea hare"? (seal)
A.1. Where does Kangaroo live? (Australia)
A.2. The longest snake in the world? (anaconda)
Yu.1. What is the name of the portable dwelling from the felt among the peoples of Asia and Siberia? (yurt)
Yu.2. Guys have fun with me
On the leg, I turn one thing.
While getting back, I'm not a mellow.
Juzhu-buzz, Juzhu-Zhuzhu. (Yula)
Shch.1. Lake Predator (Pike)
Shch.2. Capricious sandals
Once I was told:
"We are afraid of tickle
Shoe strict ... (brushes)
The most active viewer is a prize.
And.1. Suspended by the tail of Pavlin,
Walks important lord
On the ground feet - knock,
What is his name - ... (turkey)
AND 2. Single-eyed old woman
Patterns embroiders, the whole world is dressed,
What saves - does not wear. (Needle)
E.1 in needles Budrock
Mice in mink - wilts. (Hedgehog)
E.2. In winter and summer in one color? (spruce)
Word is obtained
5 Tour - final game.
Before you the word mammals. From this word you need to make as much words as possible. You are given 1 minute after, the time will end, you will take your words in turn if the words end - the star can be used instead of words. And so time went.
- Summing up and rewarding (gram in 1 place; gifts players).
At the end of the intellectual game sounds the song "Miracle" from the TV game "Starry Hour".

The game is designed for children of younger school age. The game consists of 6 stages: "Workout", "Magic tool" (call the magic means of a fabulous hero), "confusion" (correct errors in the poem), "Attention! Wanted!" (call the hero in description), etc.



MKOU "Torch Socialism Secondary General Education School"

Intellectual game

"Star Hour".

for students 1 - 4 classes

Prepared: Gribova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, primary school teacher

Goals and objectives of the game:

1. Develop an imbellation, imagination, thinking flexibility;improve the culture of the speech of children; expand the horizons of younger schoolchildren; Develop attention, the ability to self-control.

2. Sell to receive new knowledge, interest in increasing the intellectual level.

3. Develop the skills to work in a team.

Conditions of the game:

1. The game takes part 2 teams.

2. The image is designed for children of younger school age.

Equipment: plates with the name of nominations, points for the question, asterisks corresponding to the participants.

Game traffic:

1. Standing word.


3. "Magic tool"

4. "Confusion"

5. "Attention! Search! "

6. "Everybody"

7. "Smereki"

8. Reflection of the game, the final part.

1. Standing word

Often, in everyday life, we encounter the expression "star hour", especially when it concerns people who have achieved certain success. About writers, scientists, artists, actors say that some kind of life was the "star hour". This is the moment when a person was able to fully realize his capabilities, i.e. Apply your talents, knowledge and skills. "Star Hour" is the moment of the highest recognition in a person's life.

Today I suggest you to take part in the game, during which each of you, if it really tries, can also realize your potential for the benefit of your team, bringing it from the "star hour".

The game consists of 6 stages. For each step, the team gets a star.

A team that will get more stars will be the winner.

And now choose members of the jury (3 people).

Teams participating in their gaming places.

Representation of teams (name and motto).

So, 1 Competition of our game "Workout". (Each team is invited to respond to 20 questions, without time for discussion). A team that answered more questions, wins and gets a star. (for the correct answer 1 point)

"Workout". (1 command).

1. How did a vegetable pull from the earth of Dedka and all his family? (repka).

2. How many days a year? (356).

3. With this clothes hid the selection on the festive table? (Fur coat).

4. What is the great Russian poet Pushkin? (Alexander).

5. I am us "Babia", and in America - "Indian"? (Summer).

6. Is the big ocean planet? (Quiet).

7.Fine the stars and not only it? (autograph).

8. Does it miss it to get mince? (meat grinder).

9.Some favorite time of schoolchildren? (summer).

10. The difference of this metal was made by a chain, which was "Cat Scientist"? (gold).

11. What color was a goat, who lived at her grandmother? (Serious).

12. This fish long mustache? (SOM).

13. Incited the treadmill? (start).

14. Easy unit that mines? (coin).

15. Name the planet with the female name? (Venus).

16. Concise on wheels? (videos).

17. Awarely cooking cook? (cook).

18. Where do not go with your samovar? (Tula).

19. Name the colors of the flag of Russia? (White blue red).

20.Good girlfriend Blasting immortal? (Baba - Yaga).

"Workout" (2 team).

1. Is there a new year tree? (spruce).

2.24 hours? (day).

3.We will not scream it and winter? (snow).

4. Slov, opposite by value? (Antonyms).

5. Is the Cold Ocean on the planet? (Arctic).

6. What measures the speedometer? (speed),

7. Is it completing the summer? (August).

8. He and Tsarevich, he and a fool? (Ivan).

9. What did the table be Bim, who has a black ear? (white).

10. Easy unit of Russia? (ruble).

11. Confident treadmill? (finish).

12. Sushi sushi from all sides, surrounded by water? (Island).

13.Titsa from the coat of arms of Russia? (Eagle).

14. What geometric shape can be drawn with a circulation? (circle).

15. Right on the Fleet? (sailor).

16. Earth satellite? (Moon).

17. The professioner of all lovers? (Valentine).

18. The main law of the state? (Constitution).

19. Assistant Assistant when translating from one language to another? (vocabulary).

20. He saved to Muhu-Cocotuchu? (Komarik).

"Magic tool"

What a magic agent was at ...

10. Cinderella. (Crystal shoe. Sh. Perso. "Cinderella, or a crystal shoe").

20. Buratino. (Golden key. A. N. Tolstoy. "Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino").

30. Girls Zhenya from the fairy tale V. Kataeva. (Flower-semi-deceive. V. Kataev. "Flower-seven-family").

40. Ole Luka. (Umbrella with dreams. G. - H. Andersen. "Ole - Lukee").

50. Soldier from the fairy tale. - H. Andersen. (OGN.and in. G. - H. Andersen "OGNand in ")


Correct the error in the poem.

10. Our Masha crying loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river.

A. Barto. "Ball". Masha - Tanya)

20. There is a bear, swinging

Sighs on the go:

Oh, the board ends.

Now I fall!

(A. Barto. "Bull". Bear - bull

30. Bunny threw Lazyka, -

Under the rain there was a bunny.

I could not get a clutch from the bench

All before turning the wet.

(A. Barto. "Bunny". Lazyka - Mistress).

40. He lived an old man with hiswomen

At the very blue sea.

A. S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Women - old man)

50. Plutovka to the tiptoe tree is suitable,

Turns tail, withfrogs eye does not reduce.

(I. Krylov. "Crow and Fox". Frog - Crow)

"Attention wanted!"

  1. To create, the dad elected a very common natural material, as a result of which the boy turned out to be very curious, very not obedient, constantly falling into various alterations. Special signs: well, a very long nose.(Pyratino).
  1. A man is wanted in the heyday of the forces, having fun walking on the roofs. Special signs: Favorite dish, jam, best friend-baby.(Carlson).
  1. A marriage couple of retirement age, engaged in extortion of savings in honest and gullible citizens, is wanted. Special signs: Black glasses, cane, give themselves to the blind and lame.(Fox Alice and Basilio Cat).
  1. Very wise pet, which has been given to its owner in the section of the inheritance and ensured, thanks to his tricks and cunning, he is happy and a wealthy life. Special Signs: Hat with Feather, Boots.(Puss in Boots).
  1. Not too educated, a seamless Russian man, who managed to charm the princess. Special signs: travels on the stove.(Emel fool).

"All sorts of little"

10. With the letter "P"

I am back shy,

With the letter "M"

I hide in the bow (cancer-poppy)

20. The sage in it saw the wise men, a fool - a fool, a ram - Baran, and a monkey - a monkey. (mirror)

30. Name 4 seas that have color in their name?

(Black, White, Red, Yellow).

40. Why did the hare of the big ears?

A) to better hear

B) not overheat

C) for braking on turns

(A third of the heat formed during the exchange of substances will be removed in the heat of the ears of the ears. Excessive heat is disappeared through thin hot blessing ears with a large number of blood vessels).

50. Read the poem K. Chukovsky. Divide on suggestions, check where the point is needed.

In the river there is a fish on the bug

mice cow in a cone

dog barks on the fence

sings the cinema in the corridor

play children on the wall

hanging painting on the window

patterns Inea in the Steeper

burn firewood in the hands of the girl

elegant doll in a cage

manual silet sings napkins

there on the table lie skates

for winter prepare glasses

lying for grandmother notebooks

always contain in order.


20. What notes can you measure the distance?(Mi-La.)

30. "Acute Eye"

40. "Hope"

50. Sold up rebuses: 70: 7 \u003d

While the jury sums up.

"The fairy tale has become a free"

You must guess what these wonders turned.

  1. Gusli - Samogs (tape recorder)
  2. Stupa (rocket, aircraft)
  3. Miracle - Mirror (TV, Computer)
  4. Fire Feather Birds (Lamp)
  5. Tangle thread, pointing road (compass)
  6. Sanya that drives themselves (car)

According to the results of all competitions, the jury defines the winner of the game. Team - The winner receives a diploma in the form of a big star with the inscription "Your starfish!", The loser team gets the same diploma with the inscription "You still have everything ahead!"

Reflection of the game.

Children share their impressions about the game that they learned new and interesting things that they would like to know. That succeeded, and what was failed in the game process.

Final part.

On this, our game is finished, I thank team for participation. I think that the stars received by you will add you confidence in our own forces and the desire to receive new knowledge.

Friends, thanks for your attention!

The smiles were not reading here.

It is time for parting,

Take good luck to new meetings!

"Star Hour"

Extracurricular event

for students of primary classes

The script has developed:

The teacher of the additional education of the municipal budget organization of additional education Center for Children's Art of the Partisan City District - Grishakova Olga Vasilyevna.

Purpose of the game: organization of an interesting and cognitive children's rest, the development of thinking, outlook and erudition.

To perform the game you will need a video projector, screen, computer.

Asterisks, to give players for the correct answer, signs with numbers 1,2,3,4.5.6, which players raise. When they answer the question. The game is held by the type of television game "Star Hour"

Slide 1.

Sound fanfares 1

Host: Let's greet our participants. Today they play: _________ (participants 6 people).

Sound fanfare 2

1Tur. Slide 2.

1. Before you fragments from fairy tales :


    Digger Ryaba

    Cat, cock and fox



    Fox, hare and rooster.

Attention question

    I argue that all these fairy tales - Russian folk .

Answer: 4. "Tarakanische" wrote Chukovsky's roots.

    What fairy tale this song:

"Cockerel, Cockerel,

Gold scallop, looks in the window

I will give you peas ยป

Answer: 3. "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Sound fanfare 2

    On the scoreboard you see animals:Slide 3.

1. Camel

2. Tiger

3. Giraffe

4. Rhino

5. Lev

6. Elephant.

    Which animals can do without water and food for a long time "?

Answer: 1. Camel.

    What animals ancient Egyptians considered sacred?

Answer: 5. Lion.

    What animals were considered sacred in India?

Answer: 6. Elephant

    These animals are considered shell .

Answer: 4. Rhino.

Summing out:

Who has less stars.

2 participants leave the game.

Everyone is awarded a memorable prize.

Sound fanfare 2

II tour.

Recall who came out in the 2nd round.

Working with letters . Slide 4.

In front of you on the scoreboard. It is necessary to draw up the longest word from these letters. You can not use the same letter twice.

Make up words.

    First, the longest word from the audience. (Award is awarded).

    Now we go to my parents. The longest word.

Parent prize

A participant who has the longest word gets a star and opens the box. (there is a prize)

Host: Well, what should I do with you. Unfortunately, we must part with one member.

1 Member (who has the shortest word leaves the game - the prize for memory).

Sound fanfare 2

III tour.

We will remind you who came out in the 3rd round. It:

On the scoreboard fragments of fairy tales: Slide 5

1. Cinderella (Brothers Grimm).

2. "Nutcracker and Mouse King" (E. Hofmon).

3. "Three pigs" (S. Mikhalkov).

4. "Cat in boots" (sh. Perro).

5. "Inchacher" (X. Andersen).

6. "Peppi is a long stocking" (A.ldgren).

Caution Question:Does it seem to me that all these fairy tales wrote foreign authors?

Answer: 3. Sergey Mikhalkov.

On the scoreboard fragments of fairy tales Slide 6.

1. Sign of fisherman and fish.

2. Suggestion about the Pop and the employee of his Bald.

3. Suggestion about the golden cockerel.

4.Nack about Tsar Saltan

5. Solded frog

6. Sign of dead princess

Caution Question:I argue that all these fairy tales belong to Peru a wonderful poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Answer: 5. Solded Frog - Russian Folk Fairy Tale

Now let's see who has fewer stars, partitioning with one member - a consolation prize is awarded.

And so in the final 2 participants came out. It:

Now you will compete with each other. You will need to be in 5 minutes, from the suggested letters to make as many words as possible. It should be a noun, in the nominative case and in the singular.

Participants are issued sheets and handles.

Sound fanfare 2

On the tabloslide 6.

Time. Now you have to call words in turn. Condition, if this word is named with one member, the second does not call it. The latter who names the word will become the winner. Started.

Sound fanfare 3.

The winner is awarded the diploma and the prize and his starry hour comes, he says a response word.

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