Choosing a sports section for a child: martial arts. Martial arts for girls: features, types and reviews

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems

What kind of sport is preferable for a girl?

Sports for girls

It is fashionable to be healthy these days. Therefore, more and more girls and women who have never been involved in physical activity before are striving to join sports as a source of health and longevity. What kinds of sports are the most popular and why?

Swimming: does not require special physical training, gives an even gentle load on all muscle groups, gives emotional pleasure;

Yoga: promotes the return of health to body and soul;

Gymnastics and aerobics: there is an opportunity to join a group of a certain degree of preparation, contribute to the development of flexibility, stretching, strengthening the spine and skeletal muscles;

Dances: available to all ages and any degree of physical fitness, make the girl feminine, help to achieve and maintain excellent physical shape;

Game types - volleyball, basketball, football: help to develop the ability to work in a team, learn to coordinate movements, get emotional recharge from communication with like-minded people.

All of the listed types of sports loads are non-combat.

Combat sports for girls

Combat sports can raise or strengthen a girl's self-esteem. A representative of the fair sex with their help will be able to gain effective self-defense skills, develop fortitude and develop self-awareness.

These types of sports activities include:

Karate: thanks to balanced physical exercises, it helps to make the body flexible, strong, lose weight and tidy up the nervous system in a short time;

Boxing is a kind of combat aerobics: it strengthens all muscle groups, makes movements more coordinated, and makes the spirit stronger;

Tai-bo is a balanced mix of karate, boxing and aerobics: it has the benefits of all these sports, is an excellent antidepressant;

Capoeira is the Brazilian system of self-defense and attack: harmonious movements resemble dance and contribute to good stretching of muscles, the development of coordination of movements, and positive emotional recharge;

Wushu, aikido: these non-contact sports develop concentration and flexibility, forming a harmonious figure.

Martial sports classes are available for girls and women of all ages.

Once you have decided on the type of sport you want to play, be sure to consult with your doctor. Otherwise, instead of a healthy body and spirit, you can get the opposite result.

Martial arts are an up-to-date and fun way to keep fit. Flexibility, good stretching, excellent coordination of movements and load on all muscle groups are far from all the advantages that such a fitness hobby can give you ..

Fitness or Self Defense?

Until now, only in some regions of individual eastern countries both women and men are officially allowed to fight at the same time. According to the general rule, the competitions are held separately. This approach is primarily due to physiological reasons. That is, with the same parameters, it is considered that a trained male fighter is superior in strength to a female rival.

At the same time, most coaches are convinced that martial arts for women can only be a kind of fitness, and not a means of self-defense.

“Martial arts for girls is a myth. Many styles of wushu are suitable for keeping fit, including taijitsuan, possibly capoeira or tai-bo. But, unambiguously, we are not talking about self-defense just to keep oneself in shape, ”says coach Vyacheslav Shunin, who belongs to one of the Moscow martial arts federations.

Women are advised to engage mainly in non-contact martial arts (wushu, aikido) aimed at internal flexibility and concentration. According to 98-year-old Keiko Fukuda, the only woman in the world to win a 10th degree black belt in judo, female martial art is built on cunning, flexibility, precision and speed that can be matched by sheer strength.

Wushu / Kung Fu

Wushu is a Chinese system of psychophysical exercises with a deep philosophical base. Wushu is translated from Chinese as "martial arts". Kung Fu is part of wushu and translated means "hard work."

The entire base of wushu is divided into two parts: a gymnastic complex and a combat one. In the first part, all the exercises are performed slowly and resemble a ritual dance. There are also sets of exercises that are performed in rapid. Here the student gets a good opportunity to demonstrate the potential of his body, its coherence and unity.

Wushu gymnastics gives an even load on all muscle groups, forming a harmonious figure. According to Chinese doctors, wushu burns calories no worse than aerobics, and this is even in the absence of fast movements! And as a bonus, you get the ability to concentrate.

Wushu will appeal to balanced, calm girls who have no need to splash out aggression. It is believed that people of thin physique usually achieve success in it.


Aikido is a special defense system. We can say that the Japanese analogue of wushu is a combination of smooth and fast. The main skill that you get from practicing aikido is the ability to avoid blows. Aikido does not create the illusion of being able to fight. This single combat teaches how to defend.

The technique consists of defense techniques that use the energy of the attacker. In addition, all aikido techniques should be beautiful in appearance, but at the same time guarantee protection.


Jiu-jitsu is one of the oldest Japanese martial arts, later improved by Europeans. This type of martial arts is considered the progenitor of judo, aikido, karate, sambo (the Russian version of karate and judo).

Jiu-jitsu really has a lot in common with judo. Even the dress code for athletes is very similar. However, if a judo fight ends when one of them was able to lay the opponent with his shoulder blades on the tatami, then in jiu-jitsu a final blow is needed, for example, a sharp blow.


Literally translated from Japanese, "karate" means "empty hand". However, despite the "emptiness" in the hands of a fighter, this sport can protect as well as weapons. Hard contact karate is a dangerous wrestling that is still banned in some countries. In non-contact karate, strikes must be calculated exactly down to the millimeter. This type of struggle is well suited for developing attention, the ability to concentrate, and for developing an accurate reaction.

Kickboxing, thai boxing

If in the previous directions of martial arts punches with hands are minimized, then in kickboxing and Thai boxing there are plenty of them. At the same time, the legs are also not idle, so these types of martial arts have a great effect on the gluteal muscles. In addition, the kicks form a good stretch.

Philosophical implications

Any single combat is the interaction of two people, and today, in times of a real cult of personal space and large distances between people, it is quite difficult to immediately start actively participating in a group, and most importantly, to open up. In any case, thanks to the philosophical basis, martial arts sometimes make it possible, better than any psychotherapist, to tune their own "inner strings", to fight reticence and more easily endure the aggression of the outside world.

According to experienced athletes, real results can be achieved in 3-4 months of regular classes, provided that you spend 5-6 per week on them. However, experts say that it sometimes takes a lifetime to get to know the martial arts.

One of the most popular and widespread are various types of martial arts and martial arts. Modern parents strive to send a child to such sections, regardless of gender, because mastering martial techniques is a way, excessive energy, to learn how to control your body and emotions, become more flexible and strong, and gain self-confidence. This is very important for boys - future protectors. But what about girls, how useful are fighting techniques for them?

Benefits of practicing martial arts for girls

It is enough to recall the history of Japan and turn to the time when the art of warfare was just taking shape. Samurai, when teaching their children fighting techniques, did not differentiate between boys and girls. In their opinion, "when a man leaves to fight, a woman remains to protect the house, children and old people."

A girl who is engaged in the combat section becomes more confident, calmer, stronger not only physically, but also mentally. A fit figure, agility, excellent coordination and good health - and these are not all the advantages. With the right training, a girl can achieve success in, which will have a beneficial effect on her life: having matured, she will be able, in particular, to achieve her goals. In addition, a very important skill is the ability to protect oneself in an extreme situation.

Many martial arts (such as wushu, aikido, karate or taekwondo) are based on techniques that are beneficial to health. This is a series of breathing exercises, as well as stretching, that form posture and correct body position in space, relieve muscle clamps, prevent spasms, create a "muscle corset" that helps prevent spinal problems.

Martial arts advocate an integrated approach to training. Here, not only the physical side is important - it is the way of education, the formation of spirituality.

By acquiring the skills of a fighter, the girl remains feminine. She will not have a male figure with pumped muscles, uneven distribution of fat. Martial arts form a beautiful, feminine figure, develop mobility, flexibility, endurance and good coordination.

Martial Arts Suitable for Girls

It is most useful for a girl to practice martial arts aimed at defense, but without unnecessary pressure and aggression. Consider the most popular systems that have a security application part.

Aikido Is a fairly young system that came from Japan. This is a defensive technique based on intercepting the opponent's movements. The actions of the aikidoist himself resemble the description of circles. Students in aikido are not forced to compete, they are not compared with others. In addition to the actual fighting technique, they teach here both the technique of falling and acrobatic techniques. In the course of teaching aikido, the student becomes more flexible, acquires the necessary strength and coordination of movements, begins to understand at what particular moment one or another action should be performed. All skills acquired during training are used by Aikido adherents in real life.

Wushu - the oldest system of martial arts in the world, originated in China and is a kind of effective system of psychophysical training. Slowly performed exercises are reminiscent of health-improving gymnastics, but they also have martial use. This universal wellness system is suitable for people of all ages and various physical fitness.

Taekwondo - Korean martial art. Its characteristic feature is the active use of legs in combat, both for strikes and for blocks. Here, as elsewhere in the East, the main requirement for students is respect for elders and a friendly attitude towards teammates. Children are taught not to be late for training, to be neat and polite. That is, using the example of behavior during training, a young taekwondo fighter learns to live in society as a whole.

Karate came from Japan. This is one of the most popular martial arts. Initially, karate was created as a set of techniques for self-defense. Karate for children is, first of all, a system of general physical and spiritual development, which contains elements of martial art. The basis of karate is the upbringing of a strong and strong spirit, capable of overcoming oneself and one's weaknesses, any obstacles and difficulties encountered in training, and then in life. Regular karate lessons help children overcome their laziness, stress, improve health, get a boost of energy, gain confidence and build up their fortitude.

Negative sides of combat sections

The most important problem that can prevent a girl from studying in the section is. In the course of practicing various skills - falls and hits - sprains, dislocations and even fractures are possible. With the wrong approach or excessive stress, joints can be damaged. Therefore, you need to adequately relate to the capabilities of the child's body, especially the girl - the future mother. If there are problems with the heart, joints and spine, or if the child has poor eyesight, first you need to undergo a thorough examination and, only after receiving the permission of the doctor, enroll the child in the section. Perhaps, given the existing health problems, it is worth completely abandoning the training of the child in martial arts.

When is the best time to start training

The best option for starting classes is considered to be the age of 10 years. Some sections accept children from 5 years old, but here you need to choose a sports school, which has a special combat section adapted for children from 5 to 9 years old. It is better to start before adolescence, when it is easier for the child to adapt to the training conditions and the position of the coach.

You should not send your child to a mixed age group. Firstly, most children will not be interested in this, and secondly, for babies there is a risk of improper learning on the part of an older and "authoritative" child.

Svetlana Sovela

Many copies have been broken on the topic of whether women should practice martial arts. Here is the opinion of an expert, trainer-mentor in Dzissen Kempo Budo CVR "Reason", head of the school of the DCB "Kagami", owner of the first dan in taekwondo WTF V. KROSHCHENKO.

- There are many different styles of martial arts nowadays. How can a beginner navigate them and choose what best suits his physical and psychological characteristics?

The concept of "martial arts" includes a very large layer of all kinds of schools, styles and trends. These are internal and external styles of wushu, karate, wing chun, taekwondo, aikido, ninjutsu, jujitsu and many others. For women, I would recommend studying aikido, because it is a very soft, non-aggressive, plastic style that uses the energy of an attacking opponent. Aikido student does not need much physical strength. If you are interested in dynamics, speed, plastic, then you can do wushu or taekwondo, where there are a lot of formal complexes. Here the emphasis is placed not only on fights, but also on showing the capabilities of your body. I recommend karate or jiu-jitsu for fans of more "hard" styles.

- Do you think that women have nothing to do in sparring?


- Why?

Is it beautiful to watch women's boxing? A woman and a fight are incompatible.

- At what age can you start practicing martial arts?

In any. It's just that the results will be achieved more slowly.

- But in the same taekwondo there are quite complex elements, including high jumps. How will the ladies of Balzac's age master them?

Why should they jump? At any age, you can choose movements that match your own physical fitness. Why torture yourself? Movements should be fun. A person can practice karate, wushu, and taekwondo or aikido at any age, but in accordance with their physiological abilities. If you can lift your leg higher than your head, great! If only to the waist - also good. Raise it as far as you have enough strength, systematically practicing the movements, and you will achieve your goals.

- In Moscow there is a huge number of all kinds of schools, sections and private teachers. How can a beginner make the right choice and not be mistaken with the professionalism of a teacher?

Indeed, the level of teaching is now very different. I advise, first of all, to take a closer look at the training methodology. If the instructor tries to bring everyone present under the common bar, without taking into account physical fitness, age and previous experience, then this is an alarming signal. In addition, it is useful to inquire about the time of the school's existence. If it was organized a few months ago, then you need to be extremely careful, since an unskilled trainer, especially one who teaches the internal styles of Wushu or Qigong, can do much more harm than good. There are schools of traditional karate, the Olympic direction of taekwondo, traditional wushu with a long experience. Until you have learned how to assess the competence of a teacher, it is better to go there.

- How traumatic are single combats?

Unfortunately, martial arts classes are not complete without injuries, among which bruises and sprains predominate, although there are more serious cases. That is why I am against sparring girls.

- Even in contactless fights?

By the way, practice shows that contactless fights are much more traumatic than contact ones. This paradox is explained by the fact that not very qualified athletes often participate in non-contact sparring, who do not always clearly assess the force of the blow and the distance.

- So, what are the advantages of women practicing martial arts?

- I don't see any advantages (laughs). However, if we talk about physical education with elements of struggle, then this is the normalization of all body functions: muscles are in good shape, physiology improves, plasticity and coordination develop, pressure and work of the heart muscle improve, psychological stability develops.

- Minuses?

Injuries, financial and time costs. I don't see any more cons.

As the saying goes, "no comment."

Today, martial arts for girls is not something wrong or forbidden. The weaker sex becomes not so weak, and practicing this kind of sport has many advantages. Let's consider all aspects of female single combats.

Benefits of non-female sports

In fact, martial arts for girls is a great way to tone the muscles of the whole body. Regular exercise can provide you with good stretching, speed, agility, excellent coordination of movements, and a toned dream body. However, these are far from all the benefits of practicing martial arts. You will become self-confident and start achieving your goals. Plus, you will know how to protect yourself in the most extreme situations. Isn't that what you were striving for?

According to psychologists and trainers, this activity not only ensures good physical shape, but also strengthens the strength of the mind, increases endurance, motivates and soothes. Martial arts for girls teach individuals of the weaker sex in any situation to control not only their body, but also their emotional state, which is very useful even in the most extreme cases. And besides, knowing a few self-defense techniques will definitely not be superfluous.

for girls

There is a huge variety of martial arts, so every woman will be able to choose something for herself. The most popular among the fairer sex are the sections of karate, boxing, capoeira, hand-to-hand fighting and other varieties. However, if you have made the decision to engage in this sport, be prepared for the fact that you will have to work hard and sweat. But trust me, the results will be worth it. After a few months of active training, your body will radically change.

Should you give preference to karate?

Karate is a martial art very popular all over the world. And believe me, there are a huge number of girls practicing it all over the world. Oriental martial arts for girls are very popular. Despite the fact that karate is considered one of the toughest of them, you will get a very good fitness load. In a fairly short period of time, you will become very flexible and fast, and your body will change dramatically for the better.

This sport not only harmoniously develops the muscular system, but also improves intelligence. The person becomes very hardy, spiritual and determined. In addition to striking technique, in training you will also be taught to breathe correctly. Therefore, you will receive good physical activity, self-defense skills and good psychological practice.

Boxing for women

What kind of single combat to choose for a girl is a very important question that interests many individuals of the weaker sex. For some reason, many women are afraid to try themselves in boxing, and very much in vain. In such a section, you will be taught to be very sturdy and will develop the clarity of all your movements. And this is very important with a busy life rhythm.

If you want to get rid of negativity, bad mood and irritation, then boxing is the best way to do it. After training, a bad mood will leave you without a trace, just like all the extra pounds.

For active workouts, you will need special gloves and a punching bag. By the way, you can train at home. The main thing is to understand the principle of the exercises.

Thai boxing

If you do not have serious health problems, choose Girls very quickly notice positive results after practicing this sport. Muay Thai is considered to be one of the most effective methods to burn calories. For one workout, they will take about 800, which can be equated to ten kilometers of running. The advantage of such classes is that they are conducted with music. Therefore, you will definitely not be bored.

As a rule, female tai-bo does not imply contact fighting, so you don't have to worry about the risks of injury during a fight. Correctly selected exercises will very quickly tone the whole body and relieve you of extra pounds.

Fighting class

If you can't choose what kind of martial arts to do for a girl, try a fighting class. In such training, several types of martial arts are included at once, and various sports equipment are also used. Relaxation at the end is an obligatory part of the workout, which cannot but please the fair sex. During the fighting class, you will be able to work out all muscle groups, as well as improve your stretching and coordination of movements.

A very large number of calories are burned in one workout.


If you like everything interesting and unusual, be sure to try capoeira. It is a Brazilian martial art that can be equated with dance.

Today this sport is not so much a fight or a dance as a game. It all starts with the fact that all participants sit in a circle. Two people leave it in the center and begin to wage an impromptu fight. All actions are accompanied by unusual oriental music, so you will definitely not get bored.


The main goal of this martial art is to acquire the skill of defense. It all lies in the ability to use the energy of the enemy in order to protect yourself. Of course, everyone can do this martial arts, but small girls who know how to control their bodies well usually achieve great results.

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