How to repaint interroom doors with your own hands. Painting doors with your own hands - a few simple stages

Reservoirs 04.03.2020

As a rule, the old doors are high-strength cloth and high-quality box, but the appearance over time is spoiled due to thick coating. As one of the budget update methods, the usual paint for wooden doors is used. In this material you will learn how to paint wooden doors, and get acquainted with other modern ways to renovate coverage at home.

Fig. 1. Door before and after staining

Selection of paints and varnishes

Classified LKMs on the following features:

  • In composition (water and organic basis);
  • On the protective effect (against organic and chemicals, mechanical influences, changes in humidity and temperature);
  • Using the use method (internal, external, combined);
  • By type (impregnation, paints, verses, varnishes).

1. Paints. Can be applied to process new and old doors. There are no difficulties with the choice, but due to incompetence, people choose inappropriate material. Paint and varnishes are transparent and opaque. The first compounds include certain pigments that show wood structure. But opaque coatings consisting of organic solvents (oil, alkyd and other types) are often used.

Alkid enamel is considered the most popular, the cost of which is distinguished by affordable. Such a coating has a high strength, a large assortment of shades.. But enamel smells badly, her unpleasant smell remains 2 days, so they work with her on the street, pre-removing the canvas with loops or freeing the room. An alternative solution is acrylic enamel, which also has many colors, but there is no toxic smell. In dried paint there is no special strength, so it is additionally treated with acrylic varnish to protect against mechanical effects.

Fig. 2. Paint on wood

A more resistant coating for wood doors is a nitrocracy that has optimal strength. The composition is toxic, sometimes leads to allergic manifestations, so it is necessary to work with it in protective equipment. If the nitrocracy is treated with the old surface, the preparation and grinding of the panel to a light shade is carried out in advance.

2. Lucky. Belong to traditional coatings that give wood shine and protecting its surface. Usually varnish is used when coating doors in rooms with high humidity (bath and sauna).

There are many different varnishes:

  • Acrylic. The material is resistant to negative impacts, humidity and ultraviolet. Distinguish matte and glossy coating without toxic smell.
  • Nitrocellulose. Varnish can handle wooden doors. The coating is not suitable for bathroom processing and bath, as it has insufficient strength and quickly cracks.
  • Varnish with water base. He does not have an unpleasant smell. Due to different additives, the properties of the material may differ.
  • Polyurethane. The lacquer has high strength and adhesion with wood, it happens to matte, semi-conventional and glossy. In addition to wood, polyurethane varnishes can be applied to parquet, veneer, countertop.
  • Oil varnish. There is no sharp smell. The composition contains a lot of fat resins, so an old coating is removed from the door in advance. Apply a better tassel due to thick consistency.
  • Polyester. The composition has a sharp smell, characterized by high strength, but toxic, therefore suitable for processing street doors.

Interior doors are better in painting acrylic or polyurethane coating, and strong materials are suitable for external work or premises with high humidity..

Fig. 3. Wooden varnish

3. Morlogs. The task of such compositions is tree tinting and temporary protection against negative impacts. But the constant update of the layer is required, which emphasizes the wood structure.

Several options allocate:

  • With lacquer base (azure). The composition reduces the duration of work, but it is difficult to achieve aesthetics, so a monophonic surface can be obtained by spraying with a spraying;
  • With oils. Before use, you need to dilute with solvent;
  • With water. Dries longer, but there is no toxic smell. The composition penetrates deep, giving a more rich shade and a clear drawing, which looks beautiful;
  • On alcohol basis. Dries quickly, but it is more expensive and has a sharp smell.

Fig.4. Wooden door

To protect the tree from fungus, humidity and dirt, oil wax is used, deeply penetrating into the surface. The coating gives strength and shine.

If you choose than making the surface of the door, then you need to consider the duration of drying and the resulting effect.

Cooking the cloth to paint

First, the door is removed from the loops, stacked on a flat surface. Before using alkyd paint, placing the canvas is better to place on the street or in a well-ventilated room. Then the door is blocked to be available all the elements. Accessories is also removed or winded with foil, and the locks are stuck in scotch.

Cleaning doors

Previous cleaning, removal of old enamel or paint. For such purposes, it is better to use a grinding machine, and when it is absent, it is possible to wear a layer with a sandpaper of medium grain. The bubbles that appear are eliminated by a hairdryer that will warm up the paint layer to remove it with a spatula. Conscreasing and simple method of cleaning the surface are cozy formulations.

Fig. 5. Cleaning and surface grinding

The layers of old paint can be removed by an abrasive nozzle on a drill. From the panels, pieces of dust and paint swell, the surface is grinning so that scratches, irregularities or roughness remained. The surface is examined on both sides, the density of the compounds is analyzed, the frame of fasteners and metal corners can be strengthened.

Shpocking and grinding

New putty close existing cracks and recesses. For alkyd paint, the composition of any color is suitable, and before applying oil impregnation, varnish or wax, the tone of the putty must match the cloth. The dried areas of the doors are grinding fine-grained emery. At this stage, any defects are eliminated.

Fig. 6. Putty doors

Antiseptic coating

When using paint, the surface is pre-treated with antipiren and antiseptic impregnation (for example, Biotex) when the door is installed in the steam room. It is advisable to choose the means of one company, which will improve the interaction and quality of the coating.

Fig. 7. Antiseptic for wood

After that, the door must be primed, then apply a layer of putty. You need to handle all the door zones, as well as cracks in decorative details, between the jacket and the proloce. After the putty dries, the surface is repeatedly putty.

Staining technology

If the painting of the new canvase is carried out, then it should be protected from swelling. Pre-lay it on a flat surface, treated with sandpaper or grinding. Then the cloth is ground, recesses and smooth areas are processed. After drying the surface, secondary processing is carried out.

Fig. 8. Painting areas of the canvas

The old door of the house needs to be painted high quality so that there are no stains and implications on its surface. It is unlikely that you need to buy a spray gun for coloring of one or two canvases, so you can use a violent tassel or roller.

After you have chosen than you can paint the wooden door, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances of the work:

  • flush the brush, removing poorly fixed hairs;
  • correctly paint the panel door is needed in 3 stages using a roller, from the upper left corner you need to shift to the right, covering everything canvas. After drying, the door needs to be treated in the longitudinal direction. Then you need to paint the cloth from the upper right corner;
  • when processing the violet cloth, you need to use the brush, process the surface carefully, avoiding excessive coverage.

Fig. 9. Cloth treatment sequence

Painting alkyd enamel

To cover the doors of alkyd enamel, the following steps should be performed:

  • remove the panel with the loops so that paint flux does not appear on the surface. Then the spatula and the skin must be removed and the old layer should be removed, thoroughly rinse the surface and inspect for the presence of defects. Squares and cracks are sweeping, the surface will be dried and grinding with a skin. In the last stage, the priming is carried out;
  • the finished canvas falls on the horizontal surface of the floor, a table or workbench, shining with polyethylene. Available glass is stuck with scotch. The panel door at first stained with a purple brush, and then - the protrusions. In the future, all the cloth is scorched by a roller. With a two-layer applying alkyd enamel, a consumption of 40-80 g / m2 will be obtained;
  • additionally, it is possible to toning the canvas under a wenge, having impregnated with its special composition. The basis of such paint includes natural oils. After the paint layer was applied, it is necessary to carry out a rubber spatula or a sponge about 10 times;
  • you can take a liquid soap with paint. Initially, the cloth is covered with paint and liquid soap. On soap you need to apply another coating layer.

Fig. 10. Alkid enamel for wood surface treatment

Processing Morilka

When choosing a simulator, primer does not apply. The agent penetrates into the deep layers of wood from pine or oak, staining its fibers and increasing protective indicators. There are several ways of applying the composition: rubbing, spraying, simple applying and worshius. Usually use simple applying.

Fig. 11. Processing of the blade of the Morilka

Since the veil will be better to go to the wet cloth, it needs to be slightly moistened. First, the color is carried out along the fibers, and then - across them. The next layer is carried out in the fiber orientation. From the bottom processing a cloth with jambs not to disrupt the design design.

After a veil was applied with a water basis, the surface of the skin with a zero (due to raised fibers), remove dust and apply the following coating layer. If the alcohol veil is used, the fibers do not rise, and the grinding is not required. But the aqueous compositions do not have an unpleasant odor and toxicity.

Oil or wax impregnations

In the treatment of canvas with oil impregnation there are nuances. First, the composition of the pinotex is well stirred. With incorrect application, darkened zones and strips may appear. For work, we use a brush, sprayer, roller or sponge of foam rubber. Depending on the porosity of the material, the number of layers will be calculated.

Fig. 12. Application of wax impregnation

First, a little composition is gaining, distributing it evenly in the width of the panel. Then the impregnation is rolled off with a roller or triturated with a tassel without spangling. Duration of drying is 8-12 hours. No later than a day another layer is applied.

Wood imitation

To paint the interior doors under the tree with their own hands, follow the instructions:

  • we apply to building materials with light paint (beige, white, gray or yellow);
  • dried surface process liquid soap;
  • cover dark paint, clean the liquid soap.

Wood structure can be performed on a veneered material, treating a special fiber brush (the effect of "under the old") is obtained. Then you need to apply one or more paint coatings and pollute it.

How to paint laminated doors

Compared to the doors made of natural wood, the laminated products look aesthetically, easy to use and are available at cost. For the processing of laminated doors, a roller or brush will be required, a spacing wood with a spatula, sandpaper, rags, solvent and special enamel.

The surface is completely grinding, cleaned with a rag from dust and sprinkled with a thin layer. After drying, the putty is carried out with sandpaper, they apply the second time and again after drying it is grinding. Before painting, the composition is diluted with solvent. Paint is causing carefully, paying attention to hard-to-reach zones. After 3 layers, the result is fixed with varnish.

Fig. 13. Wood surface varnishing

In the absence of defects, you can update the laminated coating. It is suitable for a tinted lacquer or a sulfur that is applied after grinding and tinting.

The selection of the color of the panel is carried out on the basis of the wishes. The main recommendations applies:

  • drying of the surface before using alkyd enamel;
  • the combination of the hue of the canvas with furniture;
  • choosing a door from an array coated with oil impregnation, for wooden dwellings;
  • combination of aged door with antique objects;
  • selection of doors with dark tinting for lacquered furniture atmosphere;
  • applying paints with water makeup.

In the process of painting the door you need to comply with equipment and security measures.

In the harmonious interior, every detail is important. This applies not only to furniture and decor, but also elements such as doors. Without these components, there can be no modern dwelling. The door canvas must be not only functional, but also attractive to successfully complement the existing ensemble. Often the hosts want to update the doors, but do not know how to do it right. Today we will talk about how it is better to paint this element of the dwelling so that it becomes more attractive.


It's no secret that over time, all the details in the interior wear out and gradually lose the primordial appearance. More qualitative and reliable materials are growing slightly slower, and inexpensive and unnatural - much earlier. Noticing that the interroom or entrance door in the dwelling lost its external attractiveness, many of the owners know to return to her former attractiveness.

A good solution to this question is the usual painting. Fortunately, modern manufacturers produce coatings that are easy to fall not only on wooden canvases, but also on metal or plastic surfaces, so the optimal paint will be able to choose for any material.

However, often people turn to such an update of the door design not because it was strongly worn out and requires restoration, but in order to revive the interior slightly and bring fresh paints into it.

Do not underestimate the role of the doorway and its colors in the interior, since often such elements are in the root change the tone of the ensemble and give it one or another style.

Paint and varnish coatings are good not only to the fact that they decorate and update the doors, but also by the choice of shades. Today in stores you can find mixtures not only classic and neutral, but also the most unexpected and even acid tones. This suggests that the modern consumer is free to form absolutely any interior, from the classics to the insane avant-garde.

Many users prefer painting doors also due to the fact that everyone can cope with this process. It is not too complicated and does not require special knowledge and skills. It is enough to know only the basic basins of painting door canvases.

Materials of products

For painting, almost all varieties of modern interior doors are suitable. Ideal for high-quality wooden or veneered canvas.

Today, there are many attractive and durable models made of hardwood wood, to which refers:

  • Beech.Otherwise, this breed is called the "Kings Tree" due to its unsurpassed quality and a good appearance.
  • Oak.Oak doors can boast enviable strength, reliability and unique tint. This is especially true of a luxurious moraine oak.
  • Nut.This attractive wood is distinguished by an interesting Moir pattern and a rich dark tint.
  • Ash. For strength, this material is comparable to the oak, but it is much cheaper.
  • Linden. This wood has a bright shade and is inexpensive.

No less popular canvas of coniferous wood species, such as:

  • Spruce. This material is not the biggest strength, but for the interior door is ideally suitable.
  • Pine.Pine canvas have a pleasant and calm color. In addition, such doors are inexpensive and look attractive.
  • Cedar.Cedar doors are highly reliable and resistance to mold formation.
  • Alder.The doors of alder in terms of their characteristics are largely similar to pine models, but are more resistant to temperature differences and water air.

Also, hybrid products are also suitable for painting, which includes a frame made from a veneered or solid pine array or an inexpensive canvas from materials such as MDF, DVP or chipboard. Often such products are covered with veneer.

In addition, attractive veneered instances can be shielded or pailene. Therapy designs are ideal for mounting as a traditional interior object. Ordinary panel options can be used a bit differently.

Because of its smooth surface, they are often used to create hidden interior canvases. Otherwise, such elements are called "invisible" doors.

You can paint not only a wooden, but also a plastic door. But if you want to achieve the most persistent and attractive result, you will have to stock special paint-aerosol in the cylinders. For example, it can be a popular composition of amphibolin 2000.

How to paint in the apartment with your own hands?

The choice of a suitable paint coating mainly depends on what appearance of the door canvases you plan to obtain as a result, from the availability of experience in such matters and, of course, from the conditions in which painting will be made. If you are going to handle the door behind the walls of the dwelling, then you need to choose a decoration that does not have smell so as not to harm the health of others.

There are several species of paints-enamels that can be used to handle the door and its components:

  • Acrylic.Such paint remarkably hides any defects on the stained surface. It also protects the material from dampness and moisture, and the formation of mold. It can be used for glass. Today, many firms produce high-quality acrylic compositions that differ in environmental friendliness.
  • Alkyd. This composition is very similar to the traditional oil paint, but has more significant protective characteristics that can serve up to 4 years.
  • Polyurethane. This paint is characterized by high strength and durability. It perfectly fills the pores of the natural tree than protects it from the penetration of moisture and pollution.

  • Water dispersive and water-emulsion.These paints quick-drying and do not have substances harmful to health. In addition, there is no sharp smell from them and they differ in durability.
  • Powder and hammer.These options appeared on the market relatively recently. They are not designed to decorate wood. As a rule, metal canvases are covered by them.
  • Wax and oils.These specific coatings are more often purchased for wood finish. They allow the material to "breathe" and have a restoration effect on damaged surfaces. However, wax coatings are not quick-drying, so it will be possible to use the processed door only after 3-4 days.

For the fashionable today, the following compositions are used:

  • Acrylic paint represented by a wide range of gamut.
  • Bituminous, giving a dark brown shade.
  • Wax patina, which can also have natural, and green-blue tones.
  • Shellak patina, presented in colors from golden to red.
  • Oil patina applied extremely rare in modern interiors.

Required tools

For staining of the door canvase, you must have the following materials and items:

  • "Goats" or other similar designs for laying the door in a suspended position;
  • brush;
  • dry brush;
  • melkovoy roller;
  • special paint tray;

  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • kraspopult;
  • craquelur for door decor.

What color choose?

Modern manufacturers produce paintwork coatings of various colors. Thanks to this rich assortment, the owners of the home will be able to easily embody even the most nontrivial design ideas.

Nowadays there are several leading tendencies in the color of interroom door structures:

  • soft and tender shades, light notes of blue, peach, grassy, \u200b\u200bpink or lavender color;
  • dark dense shades of brown, cherry, blue and chocolate colors;
  • saturated and juicy shades (red, orange and yellow);
  • noble tones, imitating natural wood type wenge, oak, nut or cedar.

In addition, many designers when choosing a suitable color recommend the owners to adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Deep and dark shades, such as cherry, red walnut or dark chocolate will enter luxury and elegant notes in the interior.
  • As for inconspicuous light tones, they are best suited for cozy bedrooms or children's rooms, as they create a peaceful and calm atmosphere.
  • If the room is a beautiful sleeping set of white tint, then the door is better to choose in a similar color solution. It can also be supplemented with gold-plated panels.

  • In a wooden house, the canvas from an array treated with oil transparent impregnation will be perfect.
  • For a classic ensemble with antique interior items, you can buy an interesting artificially aged model of wood.
  • As for the door frame, it should be a little lighter or darker of the main wall decoration.

New web coloring technology

Unprocessed earlier, the tree strongly absorbs moisture. If, for example, put such a web in a bath without treating it with special impregnations, then it will soon swell and simply stop securely close. This suggests that in front of the immediate installation and painting wooden door it is necessary to competently prepare.

All work should be carried out indoors in a closed room so that dust and dirt did not fall on the processed cloth.

First, the door without any accessories is placed on a flat and stable plane. As a rule, pre-grinding is undergoing pre-grinding during the production of the canvas, however, there are still minor roughness or protrusions on them, therefore it is worth a grinding machine or sandpaper.

Before painting the fabric, it is necessary to handle the primer. First, all the deepening of the canvas is covered, and then smooth surfaces.

Since the designs will be in a horizontal position, the drips and drops will not appear on them, and the primer will be absorbed as uniform as possible. After that, you need to give the product to dry and produce a second processing.

Now you can go directly to the color of the web. Shield models are better covered with roller, and violent - non-trap brush. Make sure that the paint is not too thick. If its consistency is such, it is worth the solvent.

It is not necessary to make a door too thick in paint, since it can only spoil the product from such actions. Depending on the passing characteristics, 2-4 layers of paint may be required. Consider that each of them must dry out before applying the following. While the door leaf itself dries, you need to handle the opening.

If a veil is selected for finishing a new web, then the primer does not need to be applied.

Cardinal color change

Previously primed and painted door can be repainted independently at home. First you need to spend all the necessary training. First of all, the old colorful layer is removed. With full removal of the former layers, repaint the door will turn out in any color, whether it is classic brown, white or black, as well as brighter and colorful tones. However, in the second case, it should be checked how appropriate the paint in the room will look. To do this, you need to apply it for a couple of boards and attach to the door canvase.

After these procedures, the procedures can be processed to the door repainting according to the algorithm:

  • The canvas need to sharpen. You can purchase a special composition for wooden doors.
  • Then the spacure is dry.

  • After that, you need to treat the surface with sandpaper.
  • Now we apply a layer of primer, oil or wax (you can find fireproof materials).
  • You need to paint the doors from the top corner.
  • Small elements are painted with a brush.
  • Paint should be applied solely in the direction of wood fibers.

Now you need to give the canvas to dry. It is desirable that it is in a horizontal position.

How to remove old paint?

For the softening of the former layers of paint, it is possible to apply a coal chemical layer and give it to be soaked into the surface. This work can take about 2 hours. After a while, the old paint will start bubble and move away from the door. It can be highly removed by a spatula to completely purify the canvas.

Also to remove the former paint it can be heated with a construction hairdryer and remove the spatula. While the finish is well heated, it remains as soft as possible and remove it much easier.

You can use both of these methods. Especially often to such a method are treated in order to clean the oil paint applied in many layers.

Degreased the wooden door can be metal brushed and sandpaper shallow or large fraction. In particularly complex cases, plans or aggressive chemical compositions are used. Plastic models are degreased with acetone and White spirit.

How to quickly sharpen?

The putty is the final stage of the preparation of the door to painting and does not take much time. Depending on the condition of the canvas, it can be covered in whole or in part. After that, you need to wait until the composition is completely dry and you should walk along the door sandpaper (over the entire surface or in separate sites). Here you do not need to hurry so as not to harm the canvas.

Coloring in two colors

If you want to paint the door using two different colors, for example, in a contrast black and white, then you must first apply the base layer. In this case, white. After that, it is necessary to wait for it to complete drying and treat those areas that will be painted in another shade. Also, in the course of the work, you can take certain surfaces with adhesive tape so that the paint does not get the paint of another color.

After drying and processing the main layer, you can cross the ribbons on it and engage in coloring previously closed areas in black.

Make the door under the old days

If you like vintage style and antique image, then the door can be decorated with patina.

This procedure occurs in several stages:

  • first, the door surface is treated with an iron brush;
  • then the white primer is applied;
  • after its drying, gray patina is applied;
  • its top layer will need to be removed using a grinding bar;
  • at the end, you need to apply at least two layers of enamel.

Restrapping the old door, this is a quick and inexpensive way to refresh the appearance of your home and add new bright colors to the setting. To make a high-quality, durable coating, you need to go through several stages of work. It does not matter to repaint you interior doors or entrance, the technology is the same. Although it should be borne in mind that adverse effects on exterior doors are much more serious, and choose paint due to external doors.

  • In most cases, the door before painting is removed from the loops and put the goat horizontally. So work is much more convenient and more uniform paint application is achieved. You can of course paint the door and without removing with the loops, only in this case it is necessary to make a scotch hinge and the lock knobs, and the door to paint in the open state.

  • The door removed from the loops put on the goats and remove the loops and locks. Now it is necessary to determine the strength of the old coating, further actions depend on whether it is necessary to remove the old paint completely or limit the cosmetic repair. If the paint is exfoliated and falls off with pieces, then you will have to clean the entire surface. You can do this in two ways: Heat the coating with a construction hairdryer and cut off the spatula, in another embodiment the old layer is unloaded with a special wash and also removed the spatula.
  • Next, you need to close cracks with putty and extract. If the door is in good condition, then just whining the old paint to get a rough surface, otherwise the new paint can be badly lying and quickly gets off. After writing, you carefully sweep the dust, it is better to blow it with the compressor.

  • The first layer is applied to the primer, it can be a special composition, or liquid divorced main paint. The primer must be more liquid to penetrate the door of the door and provide a stronger coating of the main paint. The primer is selected the same type as the paint you have chosen. Paint can be used oil, latex or acrylic. For outer doors, oil paints are often used as more reliable.

  • We start painting with a brush on the deepening of the fillets, the flat doors are best rolling with a roller, so the layer turns out more uniform. Do not forget each layer of primer and paint to dry the time specified on the bank and only after that apply the following layer.

Minimum number of layers: primer + paint, more often used primer + 2 layers of paint, in some cases it will take three layers of paint, this is if the paint is liquid and does not paint the old coating. What else to do with your own hands, see.

  • When the last layer of paint dry can be drunk with a polyurethane colorless varnish. Varnish will give a good glossy shine and additional surface protection. After drying the first layer of varnish, it is necessary to go through the entire surface of the fine micron skurt and then apply the second finishing layer. You can also independently.

Interior doors - an important interior element. They not only distinguish between the space and protect the rooms from noise, foreign smells, drafts and dust, but also emphasize their definite style, giving the completeness and transformation of the atmosphere as a whole. Therefore, if interior doors have lost their original look over time, then they must be put in order. Otherwise, even the most gorgeous repair on their background will look unprepacently. And it will help in this painting of interroom doors.

Compared with the complete replacement of the doorway, this event with which you can easily cope with your own hands, is quite inexpensive. Yes, and the result with it can be achieved no worse if you do everything right and give a little to the will of your fantasy. So, how to paint interroom doors, what do you need and what color to choose them? In all this, you will find it in all.

Select the shade for interior door

The interior is ideal when all its elements, including interior doors, are harmoniously chosen to each other. Moreover, in the design there is an important principle - on the color range all the doors should be preferably identical, thanks to which a single holistic picture is created in the house.

But, since it often different rooms are drawn up in separate stylistic and color directions, then at first glance so immediately find the "golden middle" shade of interior doors is not easy. In these difficult cases, designers are often focused on the color gamut of the main residents of the dwelling:

  • hallways;
  • halls;
  • living rooms.

And when it does not help, the interior doors of all rooms outside (relative to the corridor) can be painted in one color, and from the inside of a separate room - to another. Also, to facilitate the task, designers when choosing the tone of interroom doors, advise paying attention to many parts directly in each room:

  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • floors;
  • plinth;
  • furniture;
  • decor objects, including textiles.

For example, if the floors repeat the color and wood texture, then they can be painted in identical shades. In general, it is believed that natural woody colors are a universal solution for interior doors, as in this case, they fit perfectly in almost any design, perfectly harmony and with floors, and furnished, and with decor objects.

For people who prefer bold solutions and originality, the color of such products can be selected for the design of the walls. In this case, the hue of the doors is better to make a tone above or lower - this will allow you to visually allocate them. As for bright and dark variations, in the first case, interior doors visually expand the premises, creating a laconic lightweight atmosphere in them, and in the second - they will make space more stringent and restrained.

Choosing the type of coloring composition

All colors can be divided into transparent and pigment formulations. The first are varnishes that are more suitable if wooden doors do not have serious defects and they are planned to simply refresh without changing the color. But, since these elements of the interior are functional structures that are in permanent operation, due to this, noticeable chips, cracks and other flares, sprown appearance, often appear on them.

Therefore, often for a high-quality restoration of the door leaf of the elementary coating, lacquer is not enough. To this end, it is advisable to use pigment paints capable of masking and eliminate more serious defects.

In addition to color, paints are different in their composition. The choice of their type according to this parameter will be directly dependent, from which interroom doors are made. By paying attention to the table below, it can be understood in what cases it is better to use one or another type of covering composition.

Material from which the interroom door is made Recommended paint type
Array Fully wooden products can be painted with practically any paints. For example, all products based on oils and alkyd enamel have proven well and alkyd enamel. These materials have a wide range of colors and after drying form a resistant, durable coating. They have practically no shortcomings, except for a strong smell that felt in the room for 3-4 days after painting the canvas. When the restoration of interroom doors is restored with their own hands in the house where there are children, of course, it is better to use acrylic enamel. It does not smell, non-toxic, dries quickly. But its main drawback is a continuing and short-lived surface.
MDF Doors from MDF It is desirable to paint the compositions in which the tone and varnish (colored varnishes). Such paints help on similar canvases to save the material texture and disguise any existing defects.
Veneer For veneered interior doors, it is extremely recommended to use nitrocracies, since this composite material does not tolerate moisture. After applying such compositions, ugly spots may form. The veneer doors are better painted with polyurethane or glyphthalaic compositions. They do not have a strong smell, so it is comfortable to work with them. As for the choice of color, then according to this parameter, they can be chosen for every taste.
According to characteristics Anticorrosive, moisture resistant, thermal protection, antiseptic.
At the place of use Universal or separate for external and internal works.

What kind of paint was not selected, in any case, it should be intended for internal works. Moreover, if in the room where the interroom door is located, there is a strong moisture (kitchen, bathroom), the compositions are certainly selected with moisture-resistant qualities.

Staining technology

In addition to the acquisition of paint, the restoration of interroom doors will need to prepare such a tool and an additional building material as:

  • ans of medium and shallow grain;
  • wood putty;
  • solution for removing an old coating (20% technical carbolic acid, caustic potassium or sodium);
  • sponge;
  • putty knife;
  • cotton swabs;
  • primer;
  • construction Scotch;
  • flat brushes of various widths;
  • roller;
  • paint container;
  • stairs;
  • screwdriver.

After that, you can proceed to the preparatory work so that the door is suitable for paint. This stage consists of the following steps:

After completion of the preparatory work, the door canvas must be completely ready for staining. Directly this process includes the following actions:

Finally, it should be noted that the painting of interior doors should be carried out in rooms with closed windows, where there are no drafts and dust. If everything is done, as described above, the door in the house will look like new ones again. At the same time, their owner will not spend a lot of funds either on masters or paint itself, because the cost of these compositions of any type is now available to everyone.

Decorative coating of the door over time comes in disrepair and loses its attractiveness. If the old paint cracked and placed in places, the old coating is recommended before applying a new layer. But it also happens that the surface only lost the shine, sweating or stains appeared on it, but the layer itself lies exactly and retained the integrity. In such cases, it makes no sense to perform work to remove an old coating. It will not work qualitatively to remove the old layer of paint. He is poorly removed. As a result, you can only spoil the doors or get a surface whose quality is much lower than the original option.

Features of painting on the old layer

At first glance, paint the wooden door on top of the old layer seems to be a trudder business: take and rolling.

But in fact, to paint the wooden door and get the surface, which will not be worse in quality than the factory painting, learn several rules:

  • The surface of the door, regardless of the state, must be carefully prepared. Against the background of the old cracks, the cracks and potholes are invisible, but after applying a new layer, they come and spoil all the efforts.
  • The right choice of material for painting interior door. The point is not only in the competent selection of color, surface textures or strength of the film formed. It is important to take into account the compatibility of materials. Many paints are not combined with each other, and with the wrong choice, the old coating during contact with the new material can curl or take up.
  • Properly decide on paint appliances. For doors with a complex design, it is possible to get a flat and neat surface with a competent selection and combination of painting and painting techniques.

The latter rule, in general for all cases of work with paint, is a clear execution of instructions for applying the selected paintwork.

Which paint choose

First, decide which paints are used to apply to the door:

  • Alkyd enamel. This is the most accessible option. The strength of the film is average. Of the advantages, a large range of colors and compatibility with MDF, DVP and wood. The main disadvantage is a long time of drying and the caustic characteristic smell. Among the materials of this type a large number of glossy coatings.
  • Acrylic enamel. This type of paint is aqueous dispersion of acrylate. The main advantage over other compositions is the lack of smell and rapid drying. In addition, the color palette, represented by hundreds of calves, allows you to create unique shades yourself. To protect the surface, it is additionally covered with parquet transparent varnish.
  • Oil-based tint paints are excellent for the transformation of interroom and entrance doors. Absupping in the wood texture give her a unique hue. The only condition for their use is wood, without any coating.

  • Nitroemali. Dry quickly, but the volatile caustic solvent evaporates, which can cause poor well-being and even poisoning. If you follow the precautionary measures and use the personal protection tools when working, this option deserves attention. After the full calibration of the solvent, the coating becomes safe. It is considered high-quality and fast painting.
  • Colored varnishes, glaze. These materials are used for painting lacquered door canvases. Used in cases where there are no significant cracks or chips on the basis. For the full restoration of the lacquered surface, the old varnish must be removed, or refuse to re-lacquer and after the shtocking to paint the interior doors of the paint.

Color selection

Deciding with the coloring composition, briefly focus on choosing a color. It will facilitate the task of the manufacturer's directory, but when it is absence, you yourself can choose the desired color. Note that when applying a certain number of layers, the color will change.

The color palette is chosen based on personal preferences, but the selection of color is not excluded depending on the style of the house or apartment.

Material compatibility

In a modern variety of materials, it is not so easy to figure out. Chemical compounds for the uninitiated person are mystery behind the seven castles, and when buying a material for applying to the old paint, many rely on luck, hoping that the old layer will not respond to contact with the new chemical. There are some recommendations in accordance with which the material should be selected depending on what the door is painted.

Therefore, before going to the paint, it is necessary to clarify than painted the canvas.

  • Epoxy and polyurethane compositions contain aggressive solvents. Cyclohexanone or xylene is able to destroy materials that are reversible polymers obtained by natural curing (nitrocellulose, vinyl, copolymer-vinyl chloride compounds). Simply put, epoxy or polyurethane paint will destroy the coating performed by nitrobras.
  • Epoxy and polyurethane materials are applied only on top of the same names or primers with the overestimation of the drying intervals of each layer.
  • Silicate compositions are generally not appreciated by any other species of paints.
  • Alkyd paints are not aggressive and safely can be applied on top of any material.
  • Copolymer-vinyl chloride compounds, chlorinet-based compositions are applied only on top of acrylic, epoxy, silicate materials.

Important! To update the door, it is better to take paint of the same type as the previous layer is performed.

Features of working with different surfaces

If the old door looks good, and the coating only faded and slept, it can be quickly updated with such an event as the door painting without removing the previous layer. From the type of coating will depend on the tactics:

Painted doors

This option will give the least trouble with preparation and has every chance of getting a high-quality surface. To paint interior doors with their own hands, it is enough to thoroughly wash the surface of the canvas from dirt and fat spots, all cracks and sherbinki fill with putty. It is better to take automotive epoxy paints with a hardener. Such putty when drying do not give a shrinkage, and it will be possible to close all defects in one approach.

After drying the putty, the surface is grinning shallow (120 number) sandpaper. Better, if on large flat surfaces (racks, panels), use the vibration grinder. The main task when working with a painted door is a qualitative scoke, which is achieved by applying several uniform layers of material. The duration of the work will be directly dependent on time that will be required to ensure that the laid-colored door layer is completely dry.

Old painted door

Patent doors

If it is decided to update the lacquer surface by applying a new layer, it should be borne in mind that all defects will remain visible.

Important! Secondary varnishing rarely gives expected results. As a rule, the surface must be close to ideal. If there is no desire to mess with an old coating, then lacquer interior doors, which have lost sight, is better to paint or tinted with a tinted icing.

The main complexity in this situation is the selection of putty to the tone with the main material. But the wooden surface is not one-standard in nature. Having spent a lot of time and taking advantage of the putty of several shades, the spots will still be on the canvas.

Technology painting doors

The quality of the door coating depends on the tool, the method of applying and professional masters skills.


Staining the doors are performed using such tools:

  • Brushes. It is not recommended to paint everything with a cloth with a brush alone. In the absence of experience, the surface will turn out with divorces. Apply a brush thin uniform layer of paint will not work. But without this tool, it will not be able to cross the hard-to-reach places, corners, drawing of layout or panel field. Therefore, when painting the canvas with a complex configuration, first work with a brush, painting distressed places.
  • Roller Repeated painting of panel interior doors is performed alone only with roller. Bobbin roller must be fur, polyamide or polyacryl. These materials are resistant to the action of most aggressive solvents.

Important! For painting works on the restoration of the door, the foam rollers are not used.

  • Compressor (paintopult). The pulverizer will allow a uniform thin layer. As a result, the perfectly smooth coating. The process of applying paint is much faster than manually.

Related tools, without which you can not do:

  • gloves;
  • paint bath;
  • rags;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty knife;
  • and what is at your disposal: stools for which you put the canvas, or goats.

In addition to paint and varnish, prepare putty, primer and solvent.

Column schemes

To start a little theory. Interior door can be a shield and scribble. Depending on this, the execution scheme and the sequence of staining will depend.

If it is a panel type web, then staining is performed in 3 stages:

  1. staining starts from the top angle in the transverse direction. The movement of the brush goes left to right.
  2. the second layer of paint is applied in the longitudinal direction.
  3. the third layer is similar to the first.

Please note that it is impossible to apply three layers at once, after each coating, the time must pass to the composition of drying.

To work it is better to use the roller, as a divorce can remain from the brush.

If it is a panel type door, then all the recesses are painted first, with the help of a brush, and then the rest of the canvas, but already with a roller.

Stages of work

All work can be painted as an algorithm:

  • The door is better to remove and twist the fittings. If there is no such possibility (or desire), then the handles, loops, locks and glasses are sealed with film and painting tape. Wash paint will be difficult. Remove the tape is necessary before the paint drying.
  • Flushing and drying of the door surface.
  • Removal of peeling sites, shpocking defects, grinding. The sandpaper is processed by each layer after complete drying.
  • Select type paintwork.
  • Applying primer (paint, diluted with the same type solvent). This will improve adhesion and reduce the likelihood of a cold on the surface of spacure sections.
  • Apply the required number of paint or varnish layers.

For the convenience of working and controlling the foaming tool in the paint use a raner tray.

Painting the canvas is more convenient to perform if it is located in a horizontal position. Thus, you will not have ugly drills in an excess of paint in the angular and side parts of the door web. Many for convenience are used specially trained goats, or go easier, and put the door to 4 tabs.

Protection of accessories from extinguishing. This is not a whim, but a reasonable step. It is desirable to twist it and at the time of work to postpone, but the option is suitable and with its protection, for which it is recommended to use greasting tape.

The drums that result in dyeing can be easily removed if you use a sponge, and then hide her traces, go through this place roller.

In the process of drying the painted canvas, take care that random dust does not hit it or it does not fit the randomly flushing midge. To do this, engage in painting better in a special workshop.

Video, how to properly paint the entrance blocks in the house or apartment:

Update interroom or entrance doors can be in different ways. Painting without removal of the old layer is the easiest and most quick way to which homemade craftsmen are most often resorted. Result of work: Beautiful door without much effort!

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Ira 30.01.2020 15:56

it is better not to paint interior doors. paint will then stink


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